bits 16 ; boot sectors run in real mode
org 7c00h ; boot sector is loaded at 0x7c00
mov di, printing_numbers
call print
+ or bl, 1
mov dx, 0DEADh ; number to print
call print_word
+ mov di, space
+ call print
+ xor bl, bl
mov dx, 0BEEFh
call print_word
- mov di, goodbye
+ mov di, waiting
call print
- jmp $
+ mov di, keystroke
+ mov bl, 1
+ mov ah, 0
+ int 16h
+ cmp ah, 1Ch
+ je .enterpressed
+ jmp .continue
+ cmp ah, 0Eh
+ je .backspace
+ jmp .continue
+ pusha
+ mov ah, 0Eh
+ mov al, 0Dh
+ int 10h
+ mov al, 0Ah
+ int 10h
+ popa
+ jmp .loop
+ pusha
+ mov ah, 03h
+ mov bh, 0
+ int 10h
+ dec dl
+ mov ah, 02h
+ int 10h
+ mov ah, 0Eh
+ mov al, ' '
+ int 10h
+ mov ah, 02h
+ int 10h
+ popa
+ jmp .loop
+ mov [keystroke], al
+ call print
+ jmp .loop
-printing_numbers: db "Printing some random hex numbers", 0
-goodbye: db "Thank you for your attention", 0
+printing_numbers db "Printing some random hex numbers", 0
+waiting db "I await keystrokes", 0
+keystroke db "$", 0
+space db " ", 0
%include "print.s"
; Prints a null terminated string of your choice.
; Arguments:
; CS:DI - pointer to the string you want to print
+; BL - 0 prints newline, otherwise no
mov ah, 0Eh ; teletype print
mov al, [CURRENT_ADDR] ; get current char and put it in al
cmp al, 0 ; check if al is null (string terminator)
- je .done ; if it is, start a new line
+ je .newline ; if it is, start a new line
int 10h ; otherwise write the char
inc di ; increment pointer to string
jmp .write2 ; jump back to this section
+ cmp bl, 1
+ je .done
mov al, 0Dh ; carriage return
int 10h
mov al, 0Ah ; line feed
int 10h
ret ; return
; Prints a word (16-bit value) in hex format.
; Arguments:
; DX - word to print
+; BL - 0 will print a newline, 1 won't
pusha ; push all regs to stack
mov di, HEX_OUT+5 ; set destination index to last char in HEX_OUT
mov ax, dx ; copy argument to accumulator
cmp al, 0 ; compare al with 0
jne .one ; if not equal, compare with 1
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '0' ; set character to ASCII 0
ret ; return
cmp al, 1
jne .two
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '1'
cmp al, 2
jne .three
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '2'
cmp al, 3
jne .four
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '3'
cmp al, 4
jne .five
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '4'
cmp al, 5
jne .six
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '5'
cmp al, 6
jne .seven
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '6'
cmp al, 7
jne .eight
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '7'
cmp al, 8
jne .nine
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '8'
cmp al, 9
jne .ten
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], '9'
cmp al, 0Ah
jne .eleven
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], 'A'
cmp al, 0Bh
jne .twelve
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], 'B'
cmp al, 0Ch
jne .thirteen
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], 'C'
cmp al, 0Dh
jne .fourteen
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], 'D'
cmp al, 0Eh
jne .fifteen
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], 'E'
mov byte [CURRENT_ADDR], 'F'
-HEX_OUT: db "0x0000", 0
+HEX_OUT db "0x0000", 0