--- /dev/null
+ bits 16 ; boot sectors run in real mode
+ org 7c00h ; boot sector is always loaded at 0x7c00
+ mov al, 1 ; update cursor after write
+ mov bh, 0 ; write to page 0
+ mov bl, 00000111b ; attribute: high nibble is foreground (light gray),
+ ; low nibble is background (black)
+ ; NOTE: in the binary, these will be inverted, so low nibble here will become high nibble in binary and vice versa!
+ mov cx, msg1end - msg1 ; size of message
+ mov dl, 0 ; column to write to
+ mov dh, 0 ; row to write to
+ push cs ; push code segment to stack
+ pop es ; pop pushed code segment to extra segment, this serves as the base to the string
+ mov bp, msg1 ; offset where the string is
+ mov ah, 13h ; write string subservice
+ int 10h ; call BIOS interrupt 0x10
+ jmp msg1end ; jmp to endless loop
+ msg1 db "Gotta start somewhere"
+ msg1end: jmp msg1end
+ times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; fill with 0 until 0x1fc is reached
+ dw 0xaa55 ; BIOS MBR signature