jc reset_error ; halt if controller reset fails
mov ah, 2 ; instruct BIOS's interrupt 13h to read sectors
- mov al, 10 ; load 10 sectors, might be excessive (for now) but it's still good to do so
+ mov al, 30 ; load 30 sectors, might be excessive (for now) but it's still good to do so
xor ch, ch ; read from 1st cylinder
mov cl, 2 ; start reading from 2nd sector, right after the boot sector
xor dh, dh ; read from 1st head
#include <tty.h>
#include <irq/i8259a.h>
+#include <io.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t uword_t;
kprint("Got a keyboard interrupt!\n", 0);
+ inb(0x60);
*(volatile char *) (0xb8000) = ":";
*(volatile char *) (0xb8002) = "(";
asm volatile ("cli; hlt");
+ while(1);