CFLAGS = -std=gnu89 -g -Iinclude/arch/x86 -ffreestanding -DGIT_COMMIT=\"$(GIT_REV)\"
KERNEL_OBJ = kernel/entry.o kernel/arch/x86/tty/tty.o kernel/drivers/irq/i8259a.o kernel/arch/x86/irq/idt.o kernel/arch/x86/irq/sample_handler.o kernel/kernel.o
+BOOTLOADER_OBJ = boot/x86/mbr boot/x86/vbr-fat32 boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN
default: kernel/kernel.elf bootloader
all: default boot/x86/disk.img
-bootloader: boot/x86/mbr boot/x86/vbr-fat32 boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN
+bootloader: $(BOOTLOADER_OBJ)
run: all
$(QEMU) boot/x86/disk.img
boot/x86/mbr: boot/x86/mbr.s
- $(MAKE) -C boot/x86
boot/x86/vbr-fat32: boot/x86/vbr-fat32.s boot/x86/fat32/*.s
- $(MAKE) -C boot/x86
boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN: boot/x86/stage3/*.s boot/x86/fat32/*.s
$(MAKE) -C boot/x86
-boot/x86/disk.img: boot/x86/mbr boot/x86/vbr-fat32 boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN boot/x86/disk.dump
+boot/x86/disk.img: boot/x86/mbr boot/x86/vbr-fat32 boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN boot/x86/disk.dump kernel/kernel.bin
truncate -s1G boot/x86/disk.img
sfdisk boot/x86/disk.img < boot/x86/disk.dump
mkfs.fat -F 32 --offset 2048 boot/x86/disk.img
mcopy -i boot/x86/disk.img@@1M boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN ::.
mcopy -i boot/x86/disk.img@@1M kernel/kernel.bin ::./KERNEL.BIN
-kernel/kernel.bin: ${KERNEL_OBJ}
+kernel/kernel.bin: ${KERNEL_OBJ} kernel/linker.ld
$(CC) -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ -T kernel/linker.ld ${KERNEL_OBJ}
kernel/entry.o: kernel/entry.s
- $(AS) -f elf kernel/entry.s -o $@
+ $(AS) -f elf $< -o $@
kernel/arch/x86/irq/sample_handler.o: kernel/arch/x86/irq/sample_handler.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mgeneral-regs-only -c kernel/arch/x86/irq/sample_handler.c -o $@
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mgeneral-regs-only -c $< -o $@
kernel/kernel.elf: kernel/kernel.bin
$(CC) -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ -T kernel/linker.ld ${KERNEL_OBJ} -Wl,--oformat=elf32-i386
+ i686-elf-objcopy --only-keep-debug kernel/kernel.elf kernel/kernel.dbg
+ i686-elf-objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=kernel/kernel.dbg kernel/kernel.elf
+ i686-elf-strip --strip-unneeded kernel/kernel.elf
- -rm kernel/kernel.bin kernel/kernel.elf ${KERNEL_OBJ}
+ -rm kernel/kernel.{bin,dbg,elf} ${KERNEL_OBJ}
cd boot/x86 && $(MAKE) clean
.PHONY: default all clean run bootloader
-; when our kernel source has functions before _start and we blindly transfer control to the beginning
-; of the kernel binary, it will wrongly execute the other functions
-; the solution is to link a small assembly routine (this) which executes a known label within the kernel
-; so that this routine comes before the kernel in the resulting binary
-; we cannot link the boot sector code and the kernel because the former needs to be a raw binary, while the
-; kernel is compiled into an ELF object file which contains some metadata on the kernel code
+bits 32
+extern kmain
+extern __STACK_BOTTOM__
- bits 32 ; this is started in protected mode
- extern _start ; the known label in the kernel source we will execute is, well, not in this assembly routine
- call _start ; call the known label
- jmp $ ; it should never return, but hang forever if it does
+global _start
+ mov ebp, __STACK_BOTTOM__
+ mov esp, ebp
+ call kmain
+ hlt
+ jmp $-1
. = 0x100000;
+ __KERNEL_BASE__ = .;
- .text : ALIGN(0x1000) { *(.text) }
- .data : ALIGN(0x1000) { *(.data) }
- .bss : ALIGN(0x1000) { *(.bss) }
+ .text : ALIGN(4K) {
+ kernel/entry.o (.text)
+ *(.text)
+ }
+ .rodata : ALIGN(4K) { *(.rodata) }
+ /* .rodata is put after .text so that the read-only entry in the program
+ * header covers .rodata as well. When .rodata is after .data, that entry
+ * only covers .text, leaving .rodata in the writable program header
+ * entry. The problem with this approach is that the program header
+ * entry where .text and .rodata are is marked as executable, which
+ * would mean that .rodata should be executable too, but that doesn't
+ * matter yet because we (currently) assume that the NX bit is not
+ * supported anyway. */
+ .data : ALIGN(4K) { *(.data) }
+ .bss : ALIGN(4K) {
+ *(.bss)
+ /* Reserving 16KiB for the stack. A __STACK_TOP__ is not really
+ * needed (yet). */
+ . += 16K;
+ __STACK_BOTTOM__ = .;
+ }