From bf90ecd3c366177c55012e68d15b8aeb2c41e907 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stefano Babic <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 12:14:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add linux framebuffer header include/linux/fb.h

[port of linux 2.6.34 commit 6a9ee8af344e3bd7dbd61e67037096cdf7f83289]

Signed-off-by: Stefano Babic <>
 include/linux/fb.h | 616 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 616 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 include/linux/fb.h

diff --git a/include/linux/fb.h b/include/linux/fb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4ac4bf90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/fb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+#ifndef _LINUX_FB_H
+#define _LINUX_FB_H
+#include <linux/types.h>
+/* Definitions of frame buffers						*/
+#define FB_MAX			32	/* sufficient for now */
+#define FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS		0	/* Packed Pixels	*/
+#define FB_VISUAL_MONO01		0	/* Monochr. 1=Black 0=White */
+#define FB_VISUAL_MONO10		1	/* Monochr. 1=White 0=Black */
+#define FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR		2	/* True color	*/
+#define FB_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR		3	/* Pseudo color (like atari) */
+#define FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR		4	/* Direct color */
+#define FB_VISUAL_STATIC_PSEUDOCOLOR	5	/* Pseudo color readonly */
+#define FB_ACCEL_NONE		0	/* no hardware accelerator	*/
+struct fb_fix_screeninfo {
+	char id[16];			/* identification string eg "TT Builtin" */
+	unsigned long smem_start;	/* Start of frame buffer mem */
+					/* (physical address) */
+	__u32 smem_len;			/* Length of frame buffer mem */
+	__u32 type;			/* see FB_TYPE_*		*/
+	__u32 type_aux;			/* Interleave for interleaved Planes */
+	__u32 visual;			/* see FB_VISUAL_*		*/
+	__u16 xpanstep;			/* zero if no hardware panning  */
+	__u16 ypanstep;			/* zero if no hardware panning  */
+	__u16 ywrapstep;		/* zero if no hardware ywrap    */
+	__u32 line_length;		/* length of a line in bytes    */
+	unsigned long mmio_start;	/* Start of Memory Mapped I/O   */
+					/* (physical address) */
+	__u32 mmio_len;			/* Length of Memory Mapped I/O  */
+	__u32 accel;			/* Indicate to driver which	*/
+					/*  specific chip/card we have	*/
+	__u16 reserved[3];		/* Reserved for future compatibility */
+ * Interpretation of offset for color fields: All offsets are from the right,
+ * inside a "pixel" value, which is exactly 'bits_per_pixel' wide (means: you
+ * can use the offset as right argument to <<). A pixel afterwards is a bit
+ * stream and is written to video memory as that unmodified.
+ *
+ * For pseudocolor: offset and length should be the same for all color
+ * components. Offset specifies the position of the least significant bit
+ * of the pallette index in a pixel value. Length indicates the number
+ * of available palette entries (i.e. # of entries = 1 << length).
+ */
+struct fb_bitfield {
+	__u32 offset;			/* beginning of bitfield	*/
+	__u32 length;			/* length of bitfield		*/
+	__u32 msb_right;
+#define FB_NONSTD_HAM		1	/* Hold-And-Modify (HAM)        */
+#define FB_NONSTD_REV_PIX_IN_B	2	/* order of pixels in each byte is reversed */
+#define FB_ACTIVATE_NOW		0	/* set values immediately (or vbl)*/
+#define FB_ACTIVATE_NXTOPEN	1	/* activate on next open	*/
+#define FB_ACTIVATE_TEST	2	/* don't set, round up impossible */
+#define FB_ACTIVATE_MASK       15
+					/* values			*/
+#define FB_ACTIVATE_VBL	       16	/* activate values on next vbl  */
+#define FB_CHANGE_CMAP_VBL     32	/* change colormap on vbl	*/
+#define FB_ACTIVATE_ALL	       64	/* change all VCs on this fb	*/
+#define FB_ACTIVATE_FORCE     128	/* force apply even when no change*/
+#define FB_ACTIVATE_INV_MODE  256       /* invalidate videomode */
+#define FB_SYNC_HOR_HIGH_ACT	1	/* horizontal sync high active	*/
+#define FB_SYNC_VERT_HIGH_ACT	2	/* vertical sync high active	*/
+#define FB_SYNC_EXT		4	/* external sync		*/
+#define FB_SYNC_COMP_HIGH_ACT	8	/* composite sync high active   */
+#define FB_SYNC_BROADCAST	16	/* broadcast video timings      */
+					/* vtotal = 144d/288n/576i => PAL  */
+					/* vtotal = 121d/242n/484i => NTSC */
+#define FB_SYNC_ON_GREEN	32	/* sync on green */
+#define FB_VMODE_NONINTERLACED  0	/* non interlaced */
+#define FB_VMODE_INTERLACED	1	/* interlaced	*/
+#define FB_VMODE_DOUBLE		2	/* double scan */
+#define FB_VMODE_ODD_FLD_FIRST	4	/* interlaced: top line first */
+#define FB_VMODE_MASK		255
+#define FB_VMODE_YWRAP		256	/* ywrap instead of panning     */
+#define FB_VMODE_SMOOTH_XPAN	512	/* smooth xpan possible (internally used) */
+#define FB_VMODE_CONUPDATE	512	/* don't update x/yoffset	*/
+ * Display rotation support
+ */
+#define FB_ROTATE_UR      0
+#define FB_ROTATE_CW      1
+#define FB_ROTATE_UD      2
+#define FB_ROTATE_CCW     3
+#define PICOS2KHZ(a) (1000000000UL/(a))
+#define KHZ2PICOS(a) (1000000000UL/(a))
+struct fb_var_screeninfo {
+	__u32 xres;			/* visible resolution		*/
+	__u32 yres;
+	__u32 xres_virtual;		/* virtual resolution		*/
+	__u32 yres_virtual;
+	__u32 xoffset;			/* offset from virtual to visible */
+	__u32 yoffset;			/* resolution			*/
+	__u32 bits_per_pixel;		/* guess what			*/
+	__u32 grayscale;		/* != 0 Graylevels instead of colors */
+	struct fb_bitfield red;		/* bitfield in fb mem if true color, */
+	struct fb_bitfield green;	/* else only length is significant */
+	struct fb_bitfield blue;
+	struct fb_bitfield transp;	/* transparency			*/
+	__u32 nonstd;			/* != 0 Non standard pixel format */
+	__u32 activate;			/* see FB_ACTIVATE_*		*/
+	__u32 height;			/* height of picture in mm    */
+	__u32 width;			/* width of picture in mm     */
+	__u32 accel_flags;		/* (OBSOLETE) see fb_info.flags */
+	/* Timing: All values in pixclocks, except pixclock (of course) */
+	__u32 pixclock;			/* pixel clock in ps (pico seconds) */
+	__u32 left_margin;		/* time from sync to picture	*/
+	__u32 right_margin;		/* time from picture to sync	*/
+	__u32 upper_margin;		/* time from sync to picture	*/
+	__u32 lower_margin;
+	__u32 hsync_len;		/* length of horizontal sync	*/
+	__u32 vsync_len;		/* length of vertical sync	*/
+	__u32 sync;			/* see FB_SYNC_*		*/
+	__u32 vmode;			/* see FB_VMODE_*		*/
+	__u32 rotate;			/* angle we rotate counter clockwise */
+	__u32 reserved[5];		/* Reserved for future compatibility */
+struct fb_cmap {
+	__u32 start;			/* First entry	*/
+	__u32 len;			/* Number of entries */
+	__u16 *red;			/* Red values	*/
+	__u16 *green;
+	__u16 *blue;
+	__u16 *transp;			/* transparency, can be NULL */
+struct fb_con2fbmap {
+	__u32 console;
+	__u32 framebuffer;
+/* VESA Blanking Levels */
+#define VESA_NO_BLANKING        0
+#define VESA_VSYNC_SUSPEND      1
+#define VESA_HSYNC_SUSPEND      2
+#define VESA_POWERDOWN          3
+enum {
+	/* screen: unblanked, hsync: on,  vsync: on */
+	/* screen: blanked,   hsync: on,  vsync: on */
+	/* screen: blanked,   hsync: on,  vsync: off */
+	/* screen: blanked,   hsync: off, vsync: on */
+	/* screen: blanked,   hsync: off, vsync: off */
+#define FB_VBLANK_VBLANKING	0x001	/* currently in a vertical blank */
+#define FB_VBLANK_HBLANKING	0x002	/* currently in a horizontal blank */
+#define FB_VBLANK_HAVE_VBLANK	0x004	/* vertical blanks can be detected */
+#define FB_VBLANK_HAVE_HBLANK	0x008	/* horizontal blanks can be detected */
+#define FB_VBLANK_HAVE_COUNT	0x010	/* global retrace counter is available */
+#define FB_VBLANK_HAVE_VCOUNT	0x020	/* the vcount field is valid */
+#define FB_VBLANK_HAVE_HCOUNT	0x040	/* the hcount field is valid */
+#define FB_VBLANK_VSYNCING	0x080	/* currently in a vsync */
+#define FB_VBLANK_HAVE_VSYNC	0x100	/* verical syncs can be detected */
+struct fb_vblank {
+	__u32 flags;			/* FB_VBLANK flags */
+	__u32 count;			/* counter of retraces since boot */
+	__u32 vcount;			/* current scanline position */
+	__u32 hcount;			/* current scandot position */
+	__u32 reserved[4];		/* reserved for future compatibility */
+/* Internal HW accel */
+#define ROP_COPY 0
+#define ROP_XOR  1
+struct fb_copyarea {
+	__u32 dx;
+	__u32 dy;
+	__u32 width;
+	__u32 height;
+	__u32 sx;
+	__u32 sy;
+struct fb_fillrect {
+	__u32 dx;	/* screen-relative */
+	__u32 dy;
+	__u32 width;
+	__u32 height;
+	__u32 color;
+	__u32 rop;
+struct fb_image {
+	__u32 dx;		/* Where to place image */
+	__u32 dy;
+	__u32 width;		/* Size of image */
+	__u32 height;
+	__u32 fg_color;		/* Only used when a mono bitmap */
+	__u32 bg_color;
+	__u8  depth;		/* Depth of the image */
+	const char *data;	/* Pointer to image data */
+	struct fb_cmap cmap;	/* color map info */
+ * hardware cursor control
+ */
+#define FB_CUR_SETIMAGE 0x01
+#define FB_CUR_SETPOS   0x02
+#define FB_CUR_SETHOT   0x04
+#define FB_CUR_SETCMAP  0x08
+#define FB_CUR_SETSHAPE 0x10
+#define FB_CUR_SETSIZE	0x20
+#define FB_CUR_SETALL   0xFF
+struct fbcurpos {
+	__u16 x, y;
+struct fb_cursor {
+	__u16 set;		/* what to set */
+	__u16 enable;		/* cursor on/off */
+	__u16 rop;		/* bitop operation */
+	const char *mask;	/* cursor mask bits */
+	struct fbcurpos hot;	/* cursor hot spot */
+	struct fb_image	image;	/* Cursor image */
+/* Settings for the generic backlight code */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+struct vm_area_struct;
+struct fb_info;
+struct device;
+struct file;
+/* Definitions below are used in the parsed monitor specs */
+#define FB_DPMS_SUSPEND		2
+#define FB_DPMS_STANDBY		4
+#define FB_DISP_DDI		1
+#define FB_DISP_ANA_700_300	2
+#define FB_DISP_ANA_714_286	4
+#define FB_DISP_ANA_1000_400	8
+#define FB_DISP_ANA_700_000	16
+#define FB_DISP_MONO		32
+#define FB_DISP_RGB		64
+#define FB_DISP_MULTI		128
+#define FB_DISP_UNKNOWN		256
+#define FB_SIGNAL_NONE		0
+#define FB_MISC_1ST_DETAIL	2	/* First Detailed Timing is preferred */
+struct fb_chroma {
+	__u32 redx;	/* in fraction of 1024 */
+	__u32 greenx;
+	__u32 bluex;
+	__u32 whitex;
+	__u32 redy;
+	__u32 greeny;
+	__u32 bluey;
+	__u32 whitey;
+struct fb_monspecs {
+	struct fb_chroma chroma;
+	struct fb_videomode *modedb;	/* mode database */
+	__u8  manufacturer[4];		/* Manufacturer */
+	__u8  monitor[14];		/* Monitor String */
+	__u8  serial_no[14];		/* Serial Number */
+	__u8  ascii[14];		/* ? */
+	__u32 modedb_len;		/* mode database length */
+	__u32 model;			/* Monitor Model */
+	__u32 serial;			/* Serial Number - Integer */
+	__u32 year;			/* Year manufactured */
+	__u32 week;			/* Week Manufactured */
+	__u32 hfmin;			/* hfreq lower limit (Hz) */
+	__u32 hfmax;			/* hfreq upper limit (Hz) */
+	__u32 dclkmin;			/* pixelclock lower limit (Hz) */
+	__u32 dclkmax;			/* pixelclock upper limit (Hz) */
+	__u16 input;			/* display type - see FB_DISP_* */
+	__u16 dpms;			/* DPMS support - see FB_DPMS_ */
+	__u16 signal;			/* Signal Type - see FB_SIGNAL_* */
+	__u16 vfmin;			/* vfreq lower limit (Hz) */
+	__u16 vfmax;			/* vfreq upper limit (Hz) */
+	__u16 gamma;			/* Gamma - in fractions of 100 */
+	__u16 gtf	: 1;		/* supports GTF */
+	__u16 misc;			/* Misc flags - see FB_MISC_* */
+	__u8  version;			/* EDID version... */
+	__u8  revision;			/* ...and revision */
+	__u8  max_x;			/* Maximum horizontal size (cm) */
+	__u8  max_y;			/* Maximum vertical size (cm) */
+struct fb_cmap_user {
+	__u32 start;			/* First entry	*/
+	__u32 len;			/* Number of entries */
+	__u16 *red;		/* Red values	*/
+	__u16 *green;
+	__u16 *blue;
+	__u16 *transp;		/* transparency, can be NULL */
+struct fb_image_user {
+	__u32 dx;			/* Where to place image */
+	__u32 dy;
+	__u32 width;			/* Size of image */
+	__u32 height;
+	__u32 fg_color;			/* Only used when a mono bitmap */
+	__u32 bg_color;
+	__u8  depth;			/* Depth of the image */
+	const char *data;	/* Pointer to image data */
+	struct fb_cmap_user cmap;	/* color map info */
+struct fb_cursor_user {
+	__u16 set;			/* what to set */
+	__u16 enable;			/* cursor on/off */
+	__u16 rop;			/* bitop operation */
+	const char *mask;	/* cursor mask bits */
+	struct fbcurpos hot;		/* cursor hot spot */
+	struct fb_image_user image;	/* Cursor image */
+ * Register/unregister for framebuffer events
+ */
+/*	The resolution of the passed in fb_info about to change */
+#define FB_EVENT_MODE_CHANGE		0x01
+/*	The display on this fb_info is beeing suspended, no access to the
+ *	framebuffer is allowed any more after that call returns
+ */
+#define FB_EVENT_SUSPEND		0x02
+/*	The display on this fb_info was resumed, you can restore the display
+ *	if you own it
+ */
+#define FB_EVENT_RESUME			0x03
+/*      An entry from the modelist was removed */
+#define FB_EVENT_MODE_DELETE            0x04
+/*      A driver registered itself */
+#define FB_EVENT_FB_REGISTERED          0x05
+/*      A driver unregistered itself */
+#define FB_EVENT_FB_UNREGISTERED        0x06
+/*      CONSOLE-SPECIFIC: get console to framebuffer mapping */
+#define FB_EVENT_GET_CONSOLE_MAP        0x07
+/*      CONSOLE-SPECIFIC: set console to framebuffer mapping */
+#define FB_EVENT_SET_CONSOLE_MAP        0x08
+/*      A hardware display blank change occured */
+#define FB_EVENT_BLANK                  0x09
+/*      Private modelist is to be replaced */
+#define FB_EVENT_NEW_MODELIST           0x0A
+/*	The resolution of the passed in fb_info about to change and
+        all vc's should be changed         */
+/*	A software display blank change occured */
+#define FB_EVENT_CONBLANK               0x0C
+/*      Get drawing requirements        */
+#define FB_EVENT_GET_REQ                0x0D
+/*      Unbind from the console if possible */
+#define FB_EVENT_FB_UNBIND              0x0E
+struct fb_event {
+	struct fb_info *info;
+	void *data;
+struct fb_blit_caps {
+	u32 x;
+	u32 y;
+	u32 len;
+	u32 flags;
+ * Pixmap structure definition
+ *
+ * The purpose of this structure is to translate data
+ * from the hardware independent format of fbdev to what
+ * format the hardware needs.
+ */
+#define FB_PIXMAP_DEFAULT 1     /* used internally by fbcon */
+#define FB_PIXMAP_SYSTEM  2     /* memory is in system RAM  */
+#define FB_PIXMAP_IO      4     /* memory is iomapped       */
+#define FB_PIXMAP_SYNC    256   /* set if GPU can DMA       */
+struct fb_pixmap {
+	u8  *addr;		/* pointer to memory			*/
+	u32 size;		/* size of buffer in bytes		*/
+	u32 offset;		/* current offset to buffer		*/
+	u32 buf_align;		/* byte alignment of each bitmap	*/
+	u32 scan_align;		/* alignment per scanline		*/
+	u32 access_align;	/* alignment per read/write (bits)	*/
+	u32 flags;		/* see FB_PIXMAP_*			*/
+	u32 blit_x;             /* supported bit block dimensions (1-32)*/
+	u32 blit_y;             /* Format: blit_x = 1 << (width - 1)    */
+	                        /*         blit_y = 1 << (height - 1)   */
+	                        /* if 0, will be set to 0xffffffff (all)*/
+	/* access methods */
+	void (*writeio)(struct fb_info *info, void *dst, void *src, unsigned int size);
+	void (*readio) (struct fb_info *info, void *dst, void *src, unsigned int size);
+struct fb_deferred_io {
+	/* delay between mkwrite and deferred handler */
+	unsigned long delay;
+	struct mutex lock; /* mutex that protects the page list */
+	struct list_head pagelist; /* list of touched pages */
+	/* callback */
+	void (*deferred_io)(struct fb_info *info, struct list_head *pagelist);
+/* FBINFO_* = fb_info.flags bit flags */
+#define FBINFO_MODULE		0x0001	/* Low-level driver is a module */
+	 *  Hardware acceleration is turned off.  Software implementations
+	 *  of required functions (copyarea(), fillrect(), and imageblit())
+	 *  takes over; acceleration engine should be in a quiescent state */
+/* hints */
+#define FBINFO_PARTIAL_PAN_OK	0x0040 /* otw use pan only for double-buffering */
+#define FBINFO_READS_FAST	0x0080 /* soft-copy faster than rendering */
+ * A driver may set this flag to indicate that it does want a set_par to be
+ * called every time when fbcon_switch is executed. The advantage is that with
+ * this flag set you can really be sure that set_par is always called before
+ * any of the functions dependant on the correct hardware state or altering
+ * that state, even if you are using some broken X releases. The disadvantage
+ * is that it introduces unwanted delays to every console switch if set_par
+ * is slow. It is a good idea to try this flag in the drivers initialization
+ * code whenever there is a bug report related to switching between X and the
+ * framebuffer console.
+ */
+#define FBINFO_MISC_ALWAYS_SETPAR   0x40000
+ * Host and GPU endianness differ.
+ */
+#define FBINFO_FOREIGN_ENDIAN	0x100000
+ * Big endian math. This is the same flags as above, but with different
+ * meaning, it is set by the fb subsystem depending FOREIGN_ENDIAN flag
+ * and host endianness. Drivers should not use this flag.
+ */
+#define FBINFO_BE_MATH  0x100000
+struct fb_info {
+	int node;
+	int flags;
+	struct fb_var_screeninfo var;	/* Current var */
+	struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;	/* Current fix */
+	struct fb_monspecs monspecs;	/* Current Monitor specs */
+	struct fb_pixmap pixmap;	/* Image hardware mapper */
+	struct fb_pixmap sprite;	/* Cursor hardware mapper */
+	struct fb_cmap cmap;		/* Current cmap */
+	struct list_head modelist;      /* mode list */
+	struct fb_videomode *mode;	/* current mode */
+	char *screen_base;	/* Virtual address */
+	unsigned long screen_size;	/* Amount of ioremapped VRAM or 0 */
+	void *pseudo_palette;		/* Fake palette of 16 colors */
+	u32 state;			/* Hardware state i.e suspend */
+	void *fbcon_par;                /* fbcon use-only private area */
+	/* From here on everything is device dependent */
+	void *par;
+// This will go away
+#if defined(__sparc__)
+/* We map all of our framebuffers such that big-endian accesses
+ * are what we want, so the following is sufficient.
+ */
+// This will go away
+#define fb_readb sbus_readb
+#define fb_readw sbus_readw
+#define fb_readl sbus_readl
+#define fb_readq sbus_readq
+#define fb_writeb sbus_writeb
+#define fb_writew sbus_writew
+#define fb_writel sbus_writel
+#define fb_writeq sbus_writeq
+#define fb_memset sbus_memset_io
+#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__alpha__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__hppa__) || defined(__sh__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__avr32__) || defined(__bfin__)
+#define fb_readb __raw_readb
+#define fb_readw __raw_readw
+#define fb_readl __raw_readl
+#define fb_readq __raw_readq
+#define fb_writeb __raw_writeb
+#define fb_writew __raw_writew
+#define fb_writel __raw_writel
+#define fb_writeq __raw_writeq
+#define fb_memset memset_io
+#define fb_readb(addr) (*(volatile u8 *) (addr))
+#define fb_readw(addr) (*(volatile u16 *) (addr))
+#define fb_readl(addr) (*(volatile u32 *) (addr))
+#define fb_readq(addr) (*(volatile u64 *) (addr))
+#define fb_writeb(b,addr) (*(volatile u8 *) (addr) = (b))
+#define fb_writew(b,addr) (*(volatile u16 *) (addr) = (b))
+#define fb_writel(b,addr) (*(volatile u32 *) (addr) = (b))
+#define fb_writeq(b,addr) (*(volatile u64 *) (addr) = (b))
+#define fb_memset memset
+#define FB_LEFT_POS(p, bpp)          (fb_be_math(p) ? (32 - (bpp)) : 0)
+#define FB_SHIFT_HIGH(p, val, bits)  (fb_be_math(p) ? (val) >> (bits) : \
+						      (val) << (bits))
+#define FB_SHIFT_LOW(p, val, bits)   (fb_be_math(p) ? (val) << (bits) : \
+						      (val) >> (bits))
+/* drivers/video/fbmon.c */
+#define FB_MAXTIMINGS		0
+#define FB_DCLKTIMINGS		3
+#define FB_IGNOREMON		0x100
+#define FB_MODE_IS_VESA		4
+#define FB_MODE_IS_FIRST	16
+#define FB_MODE_IS_FROM_VAR     32
+/* drivers/video/fbcmap.c */
+extern int fb_alloc_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int len, int transp);
+extern void fb_dealloc_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap);
+extern int fb_copy_cmap(const struct fb_cmap *from, struct fb_cmap *to);
+extern int fb_cmap_to_user(const struct fb_cmap *from, struct fb_cmap_user *to);
+extern int fb_set_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, struct fb_info *fb_info);
+extern int fb_set_user_cmap(struct fb_cmap_user *cmap, struct fb_info *fb_info);
+extern const struct fb_cmap *fb_default_cmap(int len);
+extern void fb_invert_cmaps(void);
+struct fb_videomode {
+	const char *name;	/* optional */
+	u32 refresh;		/* optional */
+	u32 xres;
+	u32 yres;
+	u32 pixclock;
+	u32 left_margin;
+	u32 right_margin;
+	u32 upper_margin;
+	u32 lower_margin;
+	u32 hsync_len;
+	u32 vsync_len;
+	u32 sync;
+	u32 vmode;
+	u32 flag;
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif /* _LINUX_FB_H */