From b60b8573875e650e4c69be667bfc88d3ed474a7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Rigby <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:44:09 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] ADS5121 cleanup compile warnings

    Replace bit fields in struct iopin_t with a single
    field and intialize it via plain old macros.
    This fixes the type pun warnings and makes the code
    more readable.

    Add include iopin.h to ads5121.c for the iopin_initialize

    Add an extern void ads5121_diu_init(void)

Signed-off-by: John Rigby <>
 board/ads5121/ads5121.c |   3 ++
 board/ads5121/iopin.c   | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/board/ads5121/ads5121.c b/board/ads5121/ads5121.c
index d5cee64bde..2332912c98 100644
--- a/board/ads5121/ads5121.c
+++ b/board/ads5121/ads5121.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include <common.h>
 #include <mpc512x.h>
+#include "iopin.h"
 #include <asm/bitops.h>
 #include <command.h>
 #include <fdt_support.h>
@@ -49,6 +50,8 @@
 #define CSAW_START(start)	((start) & 0xFFFF0000)
 #define CSAW_STOP(start, size)	(((start) + (size) - 1) >> 16)
+extern void ads5121_diu_init(void);
 long int fixed_sdram(void);
 int board_early_init_f (void)
diff --git a/board/ads5121/iopin.c b/board/ads5121/iopin.c
index 6a35c8154d..a6792a0e27 100644
--- a/board/ads5121/iopin.c
+++ b/board/ads5121/iopin.c
@@ -25,71 +25,90 @@
 #include <linux/types.h>
 #include "iopin.h"
- *	for all types   fmux is used to select the funtion
- *			ds sets the slew rate
- *	STD pins  nothing extra (can set ds & fmux only)
- *	STD_PU	  pue=1 to enable pull & pud sets whether up or down resistors
- *	STD_ST	  st sets the Schmitt trigger
- *	STD_PU_ST pue & pud sets pull-up/down resistors as in STD_PU
- *		  st sets the Schmitt trigger
- *	PCI	  hold sets output delay
- *	PCI_ST	  hold sets output delay and st sets the Schmitt trigger
- */
+/* IO pin fields */
+#define IO_PIN_FMUX(v)	((v) << 7)	/* pin function */
+#define IO_PIN_HOLD(v)	((v) << 5)	/* hold time, pci only */
+#define IO_PIN_PUD(v)	((v) << 4)	/* if PUE, 0=pull-down, 1=pull-up */
+#define IO_PIN_PUE(v)	((v) << 3)	/* pull up/down enable */
+#define IO_PIN_ST(v)	((v) << 2)	/* schmitt trigger */
+#define IO_PIN_DS(v)	((v))		/* slew rate */
 static struct iopin_t {
-	u_short p_offset; /* offset from IOCTL_MEM_OFFSET 		*/
-	u_short p_no;	  /* number of pins to set this way		*/
-	u_short bit_or:7; /* Do bitwise OR instead of setting		*/
-	u_short fmux:2;	  /* pad function select 0-3			*/
-	u_short hold:2;   /* PCI pad types only; 			*/
-	u_short pud:1; 	  /* pull resistor; PU types only;		*/
-			  /* if pue=1 then 0=pull-down, 1=pull-up	*/
-	u_short	pue:1;	  /* Pull resistor enable; _PU types only	*/
-	u_short st:1;	  /* Schmitt trigger enable; _ST types only	*/
-	u_short	ds:2;	  /* Slew rate class, 0=class1, ..., 3=class4	*/
+	int p_offset;		/* offset from IOCTL_MEM_OFFSET */
+	int nr_pins;		/* number of pins to set this way */
+	int bit_or;		/* or in the value instead of overwrite */
+	u_long val;		/* value to write or or */
 } ioregs_init[] = {
-/* FUNC1=FEC_RX_DV Sets Next 3 to FEC pads 	*/
-	{IOCTL_SPDIF_TXCLK, 	3,  0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3},
-/* Set highest Slew on 9 PATA pins		*/
-	{IOCTL_PATA_CE1, 	9,  1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3},
-/* FUNC1=FEC_COL Sets Next 15 to FEC pads 	*/
-	{IOCTL_PSC0_0, 		15, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3},
-	{IOCTL_LPC_CS1, 	1,  0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3},
-/* FUNC2=SPDIF_TX and sets Next pin to SPDIF_RX	*/
-	{IOCTL_I2C1_SCL, 	2,  0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3},
-/* FUNC2=DIU CLK				*/
-	{IOCTL_PSC6_0, 		1,  0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3},
-/* FUNC2=DIU_HSYNC 				*/
-	{IOCTL_PSC6_1, 		1,  0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3},
-/* FUNC2=DIUVSYNC Sets Next 26 to DIU Pads	*/
-	{IOCTL_PSC6_4, 		26, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3}
+	/* FUNC1=FEC_RX_DV Sets Next 3 to FEC pads */
+	{
+		IO_PIN_FMUX(1) | IO_PIN_HOLD(0) | IO_PIN_PUD(0) |
+		IO_PIN_PUE(0) | IO_PIN_ST(0) | IO_PIN_DS(3)
+	},
+	/* Set highest Slew on 9 PATA pins */
+	{
+		IOCTL_PATA_CE1, 9, 1,
+		IO_PIN_FMUX(0) | IO_PIN_HOLD(0) | IO_PIN_PUD(0) |
+		IO_PIN_PUE(0) | IO_PIN_ST(0) | IO_PIN_DS(3)
+	},
+	/* FUNC1=FEC_COL Sets Next 15 to FEC pads */
+	{
+		IOCTL_PSC0_0, 15, 0,
+		IO_PIN_FMUX(1) | IO_PIN_HOLD(0) | IO_PIN_PUD(0) |
+		IO_PIN_PUE(0) | IO_PIN_ST(0) | IO_PIN_DS(3)
+	},
+	{
+		IOCTL_LPC_CS1, 1, 0,
+		IO_PIN_FMUX(1) | IO_PIN_HOLD(0) | IO_PIN_PUD(0) |
+		IO_PIN_PUE(0) | IO_PIN_ST(1) | IO_PIN_DS(3)
+	},
+	/* FUNC2=SPDIF_TX and sets Next pin to SPDIF_RX */
+	{
+		IOCTL_I2C1_SCL, 2, 0,
+		IO_PIN_FMUX(2) | IO_PIN_HOLD(0) | IO_PIN_PUD(0) |
+		IO_PIN_PUE(0) | IO_PIN_ST(1) | IO_PIN_DS(3)
+	},
+	/* FUNC2=DIU CLK */
+	{
+		IOCTL_PSC6_0, 1, 0,
+		IO_PIN_FMUX(2) | IO_PIN_HOLD(0) | IO_PIN_PUD(0) |
+		IO_PIN_PUE(0) | IO_PIN_ST(1) | IO_PIN_DS(3)
+	},
+	{
+		IOCTL_PSC6_1, 1, 0,
+		IO_PIN_FMUX(2) | IO_PIN_HOLD(0) | IO_PIN_PUD(0) |
+		IO_PIN_PUE(0) | IO_PIN_ST(0) | IO_PIN_DS(3)
+	},
+	/* FUNC2=DIUVSYNC Sets Next 26 to DIU Pads */
+	{
+		IOCTL_PSC6_4, 26, 0,
+		IO_PIN_FMUX(2) | IO_PIN_HOLD(0) | IO_PIN_PUD(0) |
+		IO_PIN_PUE(0) | IO_PIN_ST(0) | IO_PIN_DS(3)
+	}
 void iopin_initialize(void)
 	short i, j, n, p;
 	u_long *reg;
+	immap_t *im = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+	reg = (u_long *)&(im->io_ctrl.regs[0]);
 	if (sizeof(ioregs_init) == 0)
-	immap_t *im = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
-	reg = (u_long *)&(im->io_ctrl.regs[0]);
 	n = sizeof(ioregs_init) / sizeof(ioregs_init[0]);
 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 		for (p = 0, j = ioregs_init[i].p_offset / sizeof(u_long);
-			p < ioregs_init[i].p_no; p++, j++) {
-		/* lowest 9 bits sets the register */
+			p < ioregs_init[i].nr_pins; p++, j++) {
 			if (ioregs_init[i].bit_or)
-				reg[j] |= *((u_long *) &ioregs_init[i].p_no)
-						& 0x000001ff;
+				reg[j] |= ioregs_init[i].val;
-				reg[j] = *((u_long *) &ioregs_init[i].p_no)
-						& 0x000001ff;
+				reg[j] = ioregs_init[i].val;