From 30837e5b21d5a742983581ab9ee3fac085311d19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Haiying Wang <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 08:52:09 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add README file for MPC8572DS board

Signed-off-by: Haiying Wang <>
Acked-by: Andy Fleming <>
 doc/README.mpc8572ds | 167 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 167 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/README.mpc8572ds

diff --git a/doc/README.mpc8572ds b/doc/README.mpc8572ds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9ffde4457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README.mpc8572ds
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+MPC8572DS is a high-performance computing, evaluation and development platform
+supporting the mpc8572 PowerTM processor.
+Building U-boot
+	make MPC8572DS_config
+	make
+Flash Banks
+MPC8572DS board has two flash banks. They are both present on boot, but their
+locations can be swapped using the dip-switch SW9[1:2].
+Booting is always from the boot bank at 0xec00_0000.
+Memory Map
+0xe800_0000 - 0xebff_ffff	Alernate bank		64MB
+0xec00_0000 - 0xefff_ffff	Boot bank		64MB
+0xebf8_0000 - 0xebff_ffff	Alternate u-boot address	512KB
+0xeff8_0000 - 0xefff_ffff	Boot u-boot address		512KB
+Flashing Images
+To place a new u-boot image in the alternate flash bank and then reset with that
+ new image temporarily, use this:
+	tftp 1000000 u-boot.bin
+	erase ebf80000 ebffffff
+	cp.b 1000000 ebf80000 80000
+	pixis_reset altbank
+To program the image in the boot flash bank:
+	tftp 1000000 u-boot.bin
+	protect off all
+	erase eff80000 ffffffff
+	cp.b 1000000 eff80000 80000
+The pixis_reset command
+The command - "pixis_reset", is introduced to reset mpc8572ds board
+using the FPGA sequencer.  When the board restarts, it has the option
+of using either the current or alternate flash bank as the boot
+image, with or without the watchdog timer enabled, and finally with
+or without frequency changes.
+Usage is;
+	pixis_reset
+	pixis_reset altbank
+	pixis_reset altbank wd
+	pixis_reset altbank cf <SYSCLK freq> <COREPLL ratio> <MPXPLL ratio>
+	pixis_reset cf <SYSCLK freq> <COREPLL ratio> <MPXPLL ratio>
+	/* reset to current bank, like "reset" command */
+	pixis_reset
+	/* reset board but use the to alternate flash bank */
+	pixis_reset altbank
+Using the Device Tree Source File
+To create the DTB (Device Tree Binary) image file,
+use a command similar to this:
+	dtc -b 0 -f -I dts -O dtb mpc8572ds.dts > mpc8572ds.dtb
+Likely, that .dts file will come from here;
+	linux-2.6/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/mpc8572ds.dts
+Booting Linux
+Place a linux uImage in the TFTP disk area.
+	tftp 1000000 uImage.8572
+	tftp c00000 mpc8572ds.dtb
+	bootm 1000000 - c00000
+Implementing AMP(Asymmetric MultiProcessing)
+1. Build kernel image for core0:
+        a. $ make 85xx/mpc8572_ds_defconfig
+        b. $ make menuconfig
+           - un-select "Processor support"->"Symetric multi-processing support"
+        c. $ make uImage
+	d. $ cp arch/powerpc/boot/uImage /tftpboot/uImage.core0
+2. Build kernel image for core1:
+        a. $ make 85xx/mpc8572_ds_defconfig
+        b. $ make menuconfig
+           - Un-select "Processor support"->"Symetric multi-processing support"
+           - Select "Advanced setup" -> " Prompt for advanced kernel
+             configuration options"
+                - Select "Set physical address where the kernel is loaded" and
+                  set it to 0x20000000, asssuming core1 will start from 512MB.
+                - Select "Set custom page offset address"
+                - Select "Set custom kernel base address"
+                - Select "Set maximum low memory"
+           - "Exit" and save the selection.
+        c. $ make uImage
+	d. $ cp arch/powerpc/boot/uImage /tftpboot/uImage.core1
+3. Create dtb for core0:
+        $ dtc -I dts -O dtb -f -b 0 arch/powerpc/boot/dts/mpc8572ds_core0.dts > /tftpboot/mpc8572ds_core0.dtb
+4. Create dtb for core1:
+        $ dtc -I dts -O dtb -f -b 1 arch/powerpc/boot/dts/mpc8572ds_core1.dts > /tftpboot/mpc8572ds_core1.dtb
+5. Bring up two cores separately:
+        a. Power on the board, under u-boot prompt:
+                => setenv <serverip>
+                => setenv <ipaddr>
+                => setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram rw console=ttyS0,115200
+        b. Bring up core1's kernel first:
+                => setenv bootm_low 0x20000000
+                => setenv bootm_size 0x10000000
+                => tftp 21000000 8572/uImage.core1
+                => tftp 22000000 8572/ramdiskfile
+                => tftp 20c00000 8572/mpc8572ds_core1.dtb
+                => interrupts off
+                => bootm start 21000000 22000000 20c00000
+                => bootm loados
+                => bootm ramdisk
+                => bootm fdt
+                => fdt boardsetup
+                => fdt chosen $initrd_start $initrd_end
+                => bootm prep
+                => cpu 1 release $bootm_low - $fdtaddr -
+        c. Bring up core0's kernel(on the same u-boot console):
+                => setenv bootm_low 0
+                => setenv bootm_size 0x20000000
+                => tftp 1000000 8572/uImage.core0
+                => tftp 2000000 8572/ramdiskfile
+                => tftp c00000 8572/mpc8572ds_core0.dtb
+                => bootm 1000000 2000000 c00000
+Please note only core0 will run u-boot, core1 starts kernel directly after
+"cpu release" command is issued.