From 6c016485a685b5cdac28edb25147311a3e88d51f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Suriyan Ramasami <>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:39:39 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] sandbox: script for testing sandbox/ext4/fat/fs commands

Test size/read/write commands in a sandbox environment.

Signed-off-by: Suriyan Ramasami <>

Acked-by: Simon Glass <>
 test/fs/ | 561 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 561 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 test/fs/

diff --git a/test/fs/ b/test/fs/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a4fb055962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fs/
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2014 Suriyan Ramasami
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
+# Invoke this test script from U-Boot base directory as ./test/fs/
+# It currently tests the fs/sb and native commands for ext4 and fat partitions
+# Expected results are as follows:
+# EXT4 tests:
+# Summary: PASS: 17 FAIL: 2
+# fs-test.ext4.out: Summary: PASS: 11 FAIL: 8
+# fs-test.fs.ext4.out: Summary: PASS: 11 FAIL: 8
+# FAT tests:
+# Summary: PASS: 17 FAIL: 2
+# fs-test.fat.out: Summary: PASS: 19 FAIL: 0
+# fs-test.fs.fat.out: Summary: PASS: 19 FAIL: 0
+# Total Summary: TOTAL PASS: 94 TOTAL FAIL: 20
+# pre-requisite binaries list.
+PREREQ_BINS="md5sum mkfs mount umount dd fallocate mkdir"
+# All generated output files from this test will be in $OUT_DIR
+# Hence everything is sandboxed.
+# Location of generated sandbox u-boot
+# Our mount directory will be in the sandbox
+# The file system image we create will have the $IMG prefix.
+# $SMALL_FILE is the name of the 1MB file in the file system image
+# $BIG_FILE is the name of the 2.5GB file in the file system image
+# $MD5_FILE will have the expected md5s when we do the test
+# They shall have a suffix which represents their file system (ext4/fat)
+# $OUT shall be the prefix of the test output. Their suffix will be .out
+# Full Path of the 1 MB file that shall be created in the fs image.
+# ************************
+# * Functions start here *
+# ************************
+# Check if the prereq binaries exist, or exit
+function check_prereq() {
+	for prereq in $PREREQ_BINS; do
+		if [ ! -x `which $prereq` ]; then
+			echo "Missing $prereq binary. Exiting!"
+			exit
+		fi
+	done
+	# We use /dev/urandom to create files. Check if it exists.
+	if [ ! -c /dev/urandom ]; then
+		echo "Missing character special /dev/urandom. Exiting!"
+		exit
+	fi
+# If 1st param is "clean", then clean out the generated files and exit
+function check_clean() {
+	if [ "$1" = "clean" ]; then
+		rm -rf "$OUT_DIR"
+		echo "Cleaned up generated files. Exiting"
+		exit
+	fi
+# Generate sandbox U-Boot - gleaned from /test/dm/
+function compile_sandbox() {
+	NUM_CPUS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -c processor)
+	make O=sandbox sandbox_config
+	make O=sandbox -s -j${NUM_CPUS}
+	# Check if U-Boot exists
+	if [ ! -x "$UBOOT" ]; then
+		echo "$UBOOT does not exist or is not executable"
+		echo "Build error?"
+		echo "Please run this script as ./test/fs/`basename $0`"
+		exit
+	fi
+# Clean out all generated files other than the file system images
+# We save time by not deleting and recreating the file system images
+function prepare_env() {
+	rm -f ${MD5_FILE}.* ${OUT}.*
+	mkdir ${OUT_DIR}
+# 1st parameter is the name of the image file to be created
+# 2nd parameter is the filesystem - fat ext4 etc
+# -F cant be used with fat as it means something else.
+function create_image() {
+	# Create image if not already present - saves time, while debugging
+	if [ "$2" = "ext4" ]; then
+	else
+	fi
+	if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+		fallocate -l 3G "$1" &> /dev/null
+		mkfs -t "$2" $MKFS_OPTION "$1" &> /dev/null
+		if [ $? -ne 0 -a "$2" = "fat" ]; then
+			# If we fail and we did fat, try vfat.
+			mkfs -t vfat $MKFS_OPTION "$1" &> /dev/null
+		fi
+	fi
+# 1st parameter is the FS type: fat/ext4
+# 2nd parameter is the name of small file
+# Returns filename which can be used for fat or ext4 for writing
+function fname_for_write() {
+	case $1 in
+		ext4)
+			# ext4 needs absolute path name of file
+			echo /${2}.w
+			;;
+		*)
+			echo ${2}.w
+			;;
+	esac
+# 1st parameter is image file
+# 2nd parameter is file system type - fat/ext4
+# 3rd parameter is name of small file
+# 4th parameter is name of big file
+# 5th parameter is fs/nonfs/sb - to dictate generic fs commands or
+# otherwise or sb hostfs
+# 6th parameter is the directory path for the files. Its "" for generic
+# fs and ext4/fat and full patch for sb hostfs
+# UBOOT is set in env
+function test_image() {
+	addr="0x01000008"
+	length="0x00100000"
+	case "$2" in
+		fat)
+		PREFIX="fat"
+		WRITE="write"
+		;;
+		ext4)
+		PREFIX="ext4"
+		WRITE="write"
+		;;
+		*)
+		echo "Unhandled filesystem $2. Exiting!"
+		exit
+		;;
+	esac
+	case "$5" in
+		fs)
+		PREFIX=""
+		WRITE="save"
+		SUFFIX=" 0:0"
+		;;
+		nonfs)
+		SUFFIX=" 0:0"
+		;;
+		sb)
+		PREFIX="sb "
+		WRITE="save"
+		SUFFIX="fs -"
+		;;
+		*)
+		echo "Unhandled mode $5. Exiting!"
+		exit
+		;;
+	esac
+	if [ -z "$6" ]; then
+		FILE_WRITE=`fname_for_write $2 $3`
+		FILE_BIG=$4
+	else
+		FILE_WRITE=$6/`fname_for_write $2 $3`
+		FILE_SMALL=$6/$3
+		FILE_BIG=$6/$4
+	fi
+	# In u-boot commands, <interface> stands for host or hostfs
+	# hostfs maps to the host fs.
+	# host maps to the "sb bind" that we do
+setenv bind 'if test "\$sb" != sb; then sb bind 0 "$1"; fi'
+run bind
+# Test Case 1 - ls
+${PREFIX}ls host${SUFFIX} $6
+# We want ${PREFIX}size host 0:0 $3 for host commands and
+# sb size hostfs - $3 for hostfs commands.
+# 1MB is 0x0010 0000
+# Test Case 2 - size of small file
+printenv filesize
+setenv filesize
+# 2.5GB (1024*1024*2500) is 0x9C40 0000
+# Test Case 3 - size of big file
+${PREFIX}size host${SUFFIX} $FILE_BIG
+printenv filesize
+setenv filesize
+# Notes about load operation
+# If I use 0x01000000 I get DMA misaligned error message
+# Last two parameters are size and offset.
+# Test Case 4a - Read full 1MB of small file
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_SMALL
+printenv filesize
+# Test Case 4b - Read full 1MB of small file
+md5sum $addr \$filesize
+setenv filesize
+# Test Case 5a - First 1MB of big file
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_BIG $length 0x0
+printenv filesize
+# Test Case 5b - First 1MB of big file
+md5sum $addr \$filesize
+setenv filesize
+# fails for ext as no offset support
+# Test Case 6a - Last 1MB of big file
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_BIG $length 0x9C300000
+printenv filesize
+# Test Case 6b - Last 1MB of big file
+md5sum $addr \$filesize
+setenv filesize
+# fails for ext as no offset support
+# Test Case 7a - One from the last 1MB chunk of 2GB
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_BIG $length 0x7FF00000
+printenv filesize
+# Test Case 7b - One from the last 1MB chunk of 2GB
+md5sum $addr \$filesize
+setenv filesize
+# fails for ext as no offset support
+# Test Case 8a - One from the start 1MB chunk from 2GB
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_BIG $length 0x80000000
+printenv filesize
+# Test Case 8b - One from the start 1MB chunk from 2GB
+md5sum $addr \$filesize
+setenv filesize
+# fails for ext as no offset support
+# Test Case 9a - One 1MB chunk crossing the 2GB boundary
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_BIG $length 0x7FF80000
+printenv filesize
+# Test Case 9b - One 1MB chunk crossing the 2GB boundary
+md5sum $addr \$filesize
+setenv filesize
+# Generic failure case
+# Test Case 10 - 2MB chunk from the last 1MB of big file
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_BIG 0x00200000 0x9C300000
+printenv filesize
+# Read 1MB from small file
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_SMALL
+# Write it back to test the writes
+# Test Case 11a - Check that the write succeeded
+${PREFIX}${WRITE} host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_WRITE \$filesize
+mw.b $addr 00 100
+${PREFIX}load host${SUFFIX} $addr $FILE_WRITE
+# Test Case 11b - Check md5 of written to is same as the one read from
+md5sum $addr \$filesize
+setenv filesize
+# 1st argument is the name of the image file.
+# 2nd argument is the file where we generate the md5s of the files
+# generated with the appropriate start and length that we use to test.
+# It creates the necessary files in the image to test.
+# $GB2p5 is the path of the big file (2.5 GB)
+# $MB1 is the path of the small file (1 MB)
+# $MOUNT_DIR is the path we can use to mount the image file.
+function create_files() {
+	# Mount the image so we can populate it.
+	mkdir -p "$MOUNT_DIR"
+	sudo mount -o loop,rw "$1" "$MOUNT_DIR"
+	# Create big file in this image.
+	# Note that we work only on the start 1MB, couple MBs in the 2GB range
+	# and the last 1 MB of the huge 2.5GB file.
+	# So, just put random values only in those areas.
+	if [ ! -f "${GB2p5}" ]; then
+		sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of="${GB2p5}" bs=1M count=1 \
+			&> /dev/null
+		sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of="${GB2p5}" bs=1M count=2 seek=2047 \
+			&> /dev/null
+		sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of="${GB2p5}" bs=1M count=1 seek=2499 \
+			&> /dev/null
+	fi
+	# Create a small file in this image.
+	if [ ! -f "${MB1}" ]; then
+		sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of="${MB1}" bs=1M count=1 \
+			&> /dev/null
+	fi
+	# Delete the small file which possibly is written as part of a
+	# previous test.
+	sudo rm -f "${MB1}.w"
+	# Generate the md5sums of reads that we will test against small file
+	dd if="${MB1}" bs=1M skip=0 count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum > "$2"
+	# Generate the md5sums of reads that we will test against big file
+	# One from beginning of file.
+	dd if="${GB2p5}" bs=1M skip=0 count=1 \
+		2> /dev/null | md5sum >> "$2"
+	# One from end of file.
+	dd if="${GB2p5}" bs=1M skip=2499 count=1 \
+		2> /dev/null | md5sum >> "$2"
+	# One from the last 1MB chunk of 2GB
+	dd if="${GB2p5}" bs=1M skip=2047 count=1 \
+		2> /dev/null | md5sum >> "$2"
+	# One from the start 1MB chunk from 2GB
+	dd if="${GB2p5}" bs=1M skip=2048 count=1 \
+		2> /dev/null | md5sum >> "$2"
+	# One 1MB chunk crossing the 2GB boundary
+	dd if="${GB2p5}" bs=512K skip=4095 count=2 \
+		2> /dev/null | md5sum >> "$2"
+	sync
+	sudo umount "$MOUNT_DIR"
+	rmdir "$MOUNT_DIR"
+# 1st parameter is the text to print
+# if $? is 0 its a pass, else a fail
+# As a side effect it shall update env variable PASS and FAIL
+function pass_fail() {
+	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+		echo pass - "$1"
+		PASS=$((PASS + 1))
+	else
+		echo FAIL - "$1"
+		FAIL=$((FAIL + 1))
+	fi
+# 1st parameter is the string which leads to an md5 generation
+# 2nd parameter is the file we grep, for that string
+# 3rd parameter is the name of the file which has md5s in it
+# 4th parameter is the line # in the md5 file that we match it against
+# This function checks if the md5 of the file in the sandbox matches
+# that calculated while generating the file
+# 5th parameter is the string to print with the result
+check_md5() {
+	# md5sum in u-boot has output of form:
+	# md5 for 01000008 ... 01100007 ==> <md5>
+	# the 7th field is the actual md5
+	md5_src=`grep -A3 "$1" "$2" | grep "md5 for"`
+	md5_src=($md5_src)
+	md5_src=${md5_src[6]}
+	# The md5 list, each line is of the form:
+	# - <md5>
+	# the 2nd field is the actual md5
+	md5_dst=`sed -n $4p $3`
+	md5_dst=($md5_dst)
+	md5_dst=${md5_dst[0]}
+	# For a pass they should match.
+	[ "$md5_src" = "$md5_dst" ]
+	pass_fail "$5"
+# 1st parameter is the name of the output file to check
+# 2nd parameter is the name of the file containing the md5 expected
+# 3rd parameter is the name of the small file
+# 4th parameter is the name of the big file
+# 5th paramter is the name of the written file
+# This function checks the output file for correct results.
+function check_results() {
+	echo "** Start $1"
+	PASS=0
+	FAIL=0
+	# Check if the ls is showing correct results for 2.5 gb file
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 1 " "$1" | egrep -iq "2621440000 *$4"
+	pass_fail "TC1: ls of $4"
+	# Check if the ls is showing correct results for 1 mb file
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 1 " "$1" | egrep -iq "1048576 *$3"
+	pass_fail "TC1: ls of $3"
+	# Check size command on 1MB.file
+	egrep -A3 "Test Case 2 " "$1" | grep -q "filesize=100000"
+	pass_fail "TC2: size of $3"
+	# Check size command on 2.5GB.file
+	egrep -A3 "Test Case 3 " "$1" | grep -q "filesize=9c400000"
+	pass_fail "TC3: size of $4"
+	# Check read full mb of 1MB.file
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 4a " "$1" | grep -q "filesize=100000"
+	pass_fail "TC4: load of $3 size"
+	check_md5 "Test Case 4b " "$1" "$2" 1 "TC4: load from $3"
+	# Check first mb of 2.5GB.file
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 5a " "$1" | grep -q "filesize=100000"
+	pass_fail "TC5: load of 1st MB from $4 size"
+	check_md5 "Test Case 5b " "$1" "$2" 2 "TC5: load of 1st MB from $4"
+	# Check last mb of 2.5GB.file
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 6a " "$1" | grep -q "filesize=100000"
+	pass_fail "TC6: load of last MB from $4 size"
+	check_md5 "Test Case 6b " "$1" "$2" 3 "TC6: load of last MB from $4"
+	# Check last 1mb chunk of 2gb from 2.5GB file
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 7a " "$1" | grep -q "filesize=100000"
+	pass_fail "TC7: load of last 1mb chunk of 2GB from $4 size"
+	check_md5 "Test Case 7b " "$1" "$2" 4 \
+		"TC7: load of last 1mb chunk of 2GB from $4"
+	# Check first 1mb chunk after 2gb from 2.5GB file
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 8a " "$1" | grep -q "filesize=100000"
+	pass_fail "TC8: load 1st MB chunk after 2GB from $4 size"
+	check_md5 "Test Case 8b " "$1" "$2" 5 \
+		"TC8: load 1st MB chunk after 2GB from $4"
+	# Check 1mb chunk crossing the 2gb boundary from 2.5GB file
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 9a " "$1" | grep -q "filesize=100000"
+	pass_fail "TC9: load 1MB chunk crossing 2GB boundary from $4 size"
+	check_md5 "Test Case 9b " "$1" "$2" 6 \
+		"TC9: load 1MB chunk crossing 2GB boundary from $4"
+	# Check 2mb chunk from the last 1MB of 2.5GB file - generic failure case
+	grep -A6 "Test Case 10 " "$1" | grep -q 'Error: "filesize" not defined'
+	pass_fail "TC10: load 2MB from the last 1MB of $4 - generic fail case"
+	# Check 1mb chunk write
+	grep -A3 "Test Case 11a " "$1" | \
+		egrep -q '1048576 bytes written|update journal'
+	pass_fail "TC11: 1MB write to $5 - write succeeded"
+	check_md5 "Test Case 11b " "$1" "$2" 1 \
+		"TC11: 1MB write to $5 - content verified"
+	echo "** End $1"
+# Takes in one parameter which is "fs" or "nonfs", which then dictates
+# if a fs test (size/load/save) or a nonfs test (fatread/extread) needs to
+# be performed.
+function test_fs_nonfs() {
+	echo "Creating files in $fs image if not already present."
+	create_files $IMAGE $MD5_FILE_FS
+	OUT_FILE="${OUT}.fs.${fs}.out"
+	test_image $IMAGE $fs $SMALL_FILE $BIG_FILE $1 "" \
+		> ${OUT_FILE}
+	check_results $OUT_FILE $MD5_FILE_FS $SMALL_FILE $BIG_FILE \
+	echo "Summary: PASS: $PASS FAIL: $FAIL"
+	echo "--------------------------------------------"
+# ********************
+# * End of functions *
+# ********************
+check_clean "$1"
+# In each loop, for a given file system image, we test both the
+# fs command, like load/size/write, the file system specific command
+# like: ext4load/ext4size/ext4write and the sb load/ls/save commands.
+for fs in ext4 fat; do
+	echo "Creating $fs image if not already present."
+	IMAGE=${IMG}.${fs}.img
+	MD5_FILE_FS="${MD5_FILE}.${fs}"
+	create_image $IMAGE $fs
+	# sb commands test
+	echo "Creating files in $fs image if not already present."
+	create_files $IMAGE $MD5_FILE_FS
+	# Lets mount the image and test sb hostfs commands
+	mkdir -p "$MOUNT_DIR"
+	if [ "$fs" = "fat" ]; then
+		uid="uid=`id -u`"
+	else
+		uid=""
+	fi
+	sudo mount -o loop,rw,$uid "$IMAGE" "$MOUNT_DIR"
+	sudo chmod 777 "$MOUNT_DIR"
+	OUT_FILE="${OUT}.sb.${fs}.out"
+	test_image $IMAGE $fs $SMALL_FILE $BIG_FILE sb `pwd`/$MOUNT_DIR \
+		> ${OUT_FILE}
+	sudo umount "$MOUNT_DIR"
+	rmdir "$MOUNT_DIR"
+	check_results $OUT_FILE $MD5_FILE_FS $SMALL_FILE $BIG_FILE \
+	echo "Summary: PASS: $PASS FAIL: $FAIL"
+	echo "--------------------------------------------"
+	test_fs_nonfs nonfs
+	test_fs_nonfs fs
+echo "--------------------------------------------"
+if [ $TOTAL_FAIL -eq 0 ]; then
+	echo "PASSED"
+	exit 0
+	echo "FAILED"
+	exit 1