From f8753f025f833a7d85860d5e0a0de7c7aaa6bf24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 21:31:07 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] pylint: Adjust how the output is produced

The current Makefile rule requires there to be a 'Module' line in the
pylint output, like this:

   ************* Module binman.fip_util

This line only appears if pylint has some comments about the module. We
cannot rely on it for naming.

Update the code to instead use the filename as the identifier for each
score, so rather than:

   multiplexed_log 7.49

we output: 7.20

It is still easy to see which file the score relates to. In fact the new
naming is nicer since the full subdirectories are shown.

The avoids the problem where a module name is not produced, and the output
gets out of sync.

Regenerate pylint.base so we can start from the current baseline.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
 Makefile            |   7 +-
 scripts/pylint.base | 441 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 2 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 212124522e..8f02901448 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2270,9 +2270,10 @@ pylint:
 	$(Q)find tools test -name "*.py" \
 		| xargs -n1 -P$(shell nproc 2>/dev/null || echo 1) \
 			sh -c 'pylint --reports=y --exit-zero -f parseable --ignore-imports=yes $$@ > pylint.out/$$(echo $$@ | tr / _ | sed s/.py//)' _
-	$(Q)sed -n 's/Your code has been rated at \([-0-9.]*\).*/\1/p; s/\*\** Module \(.*\)/\1/p' pylint.out/* \
-		|sed '$!N;s/\n/ /' \
-		|sort > $(PYLINT_CUR)
+	$(Q)rm -f $(PYLINT_CUR)
+	$(Q)( cd pylint.out; for f in *; do \
+		sed -ne "s/Your code has been rated at \([-0-9.]*\).*/$$f \1/p" $$f; \
+	done ) | sort > $(PYLINT_CUR)
 	$(Q)base=$$(mktemp) cur=$$(mktemp); cut -d' ' -f1 $(PYLINT_BASE) >$$base; \
 		cut -d' ' -f1 $(PYLINT_CUR) >$$cur; \
 		comm -3 $$base $$cur > $(PYLINT_DIFF); \
diff --git a/scripts/pylint.base b/scripts/pylint.base
index cefdc23555..8c650f2572 100644
--- a/scripts/pylint.base
+++ b/scripts/pylint.base
@@ -1,215 +1,226 @@
-_testing 0.83
-atf_bl31 -6.00
-atf_fip 0.29
-binman.cbfs_util 8.38
-binman.cbfs_util_test 9.30
-binman.cmdline 9.09
-binman.control 4.92
-binman.elf 6.73
-binman.elf_test 5.41
-binman.entry 3.38
-binman.entry_test 5.34
-binman.fdt_test 3.23
-binman.fip_util 9.86
-binman.fip_util_test 9.75
-binman.fmap_util 6.88
-binman.ftest 7.46
-binman.image 7.05
-binman.image_test 4.48
-binman.main 5.00
-binman.setup 5.00
-binman.state 4.15
-blob -1.58
-blob_dtb -10.00
-blob_ext -19.09
-blob_ext_list -0.32
-blob_named_by_arg -7.78
-blob_phase -5.00
-buildman.board 7.82
-buildman.bsettings 1.71
-buildman.builder 6.91
-buildman.builderthread 7.39
-buildman.cmdline 9.04
-buildman.control 8.10
-buildman.func_test 7.18
-buildman.kconfiglib 7.49
-buildman.main 1.43
-buildman.test 6.17
-buildman.toolchain 6.55
-capsule_defs 5.00
-cbfs -1.44
-collection 2.67
-concurrencytest 7.26
-conftest -3.29
-conftest 1.88
-conftest 5.13
-conftest 6.56
-cros_ec_rw -6.00
-defs 6.67
-dtoc.dtb_platdata 7.90
-dtoc.fdt 4.50
-dtoc.fdt_util 6.70
-dtoc.main 7.78
-dtoc.setup 5.00
-dtoc.src_scan 8.91
-dtoc.test_dtoc 8.56
-dtoc.test_fdt 6.96
-dtoc.test_src_scan 9.43
-efivar 6.71
-endian-swap 9.29
-fdtmap -3.28
-files -7.43
-fill -6.43
-fit 5.32
-fmap -0.29
-fstest_defs 8.33
-fstest_helpers 4.29
-gbb -0.30
-genboardscfg 7.95
-image_header 5.77
-intel_cmc -12.50
-intel_descriptor 4.62
-intel_fit 0.00
-intel_fit_ptr 2.35
-intel_fsp -12.50
-intel_fsp_m -12.50
-intel_fsp_s -12.50
-intel_fsp_t -12.50
-intel_ifwi 2.71
-intel_me -12.50
-intel_mrc -10.00
-intel_refcode -10.00
-intel_vbt -12.50
-intel_vga -12.50
-microcode-tool 7.25
-mkimage 2.57
-moveconfig 8.32
-multiplexed_log 7.49
-opensbi -6.00
-patman 0.00
-patman.checkpatch 8.04
-patman.command 4.74
-patman.commit 3.25
-patman.control 8.14
-patman.cros_subprocess 7.56
-patman.func_test 8.14
-patman.get_maintainer 6.47
-patman.gitutil 5.62
-patman.main 8.23
-patman.patchstream 9.11
-patman.project 6.67
-patman.series 6.16
-patman.settings 5.89
-patman.setup 5.00
-patman.status 8.62
-patman.terminal 7.05
-patman.test_checkpatch 6.81
-patman.test_util 6.89 4.31
-patman.tout 3.12
-powerpc_mpc85xx_bootpg_resetvec -10.00
-rkmux 6.90
-rmboard 7.76
-scp -6.00
-section 4.68
-sqfs_common 8.41
-test 8.18
-test_000_version 7.50
-test_ab 6.50
-test_abootimg 6.09
-test_authvar 8.93
-test_avb 5.52
-test_basic 0.60
-test_bind -2.99
-test_button 3.33
-test_capsule_firmware 3.89
-test_dfu 5.45
-test_dm 9.52
-test_efi_fit 8.16
-test_efi_loader 7.38
-test_efi_selftest 6.36
-test_env 7.15
-test_ext 0.00
-test_extension 2.14
-test_fit 6.83
-test_fit_ecdsa 7.94
-test_fit_hashes 7.70
-test_fpga 1.81
-test_fs_cmd 8.00
-test_gpio 6.09
-test_gpt 7.67
-test_handoff 5.00
-test_help 5.00
-test_hush_if_test 9.27
-test_log 8.64
-test_lsblk 8.00
-test_md 3.64
-test_mkdir 1.96
-test_mmc_rd 6.05
-test_mmc_wr 3.33
-test_net 6.84
-test_ofplatdata 5.71
-test_part 8.00
-test_pinmux 3.27
-test_pstore 2.31
-test_qfw 8.75
-test_sandbox_exit 6.50
-test_scp03 3.33
-test_sf 7.13
-test_shell_basics 9.58
-test_signed 8.38
-test_signed_intca 8.10
-test_sleep 7.78
-test_spl 2.22
-test_sqfs_load 7.46
-test_sqfs_ls 8.00
-test_stackprotector 5.71
-test_symlink 1.22
-test_tpm2 8.51
-test_ums 6.32
-test_unknown_cmd 5.00
-test_unlink 2.78
-test_unsigned 8.00
-test_ut 7.06
-test_vboot 6.00
-text -0.48
-u_boot -15.71
-u_boot_console_base 7.08
-u_boot_console_exec_attach 9.23
-u_boot_console_sandbox 8.06
-u_boot_dtb -12.22
-u_boot_dtb_with_ucode 0.39
-u_boot_elf -8.42
-u_boot_env 0.74
-u_boot_expanded -10.00
-u_boot_img -15.71
-u_boot_nodtb -15.71
-u_boot_spawn 7.65
-u_boot_spl -10.91
-u_boot_spl_bss_pad -9.29
-u_boot_spl_dtb -12.22
-u_boot_spl_elf -15.71
-u_boot_spl_expanded -9.09
-u_boot_spl_nodtb -10.91
-u_boot_spl_with_ucode_ptr -5.00
-u_boot_tpl -10.91
-u_boot_tpl_bss_pad -9.29
-u_boot_tpl_dtb -12.22
-u_boot_tpl_dtb_with_ucode -7.50
-u_boot_tpl_elf -15.71
-u_boot_tpl_expanded -9.09
-u_boot_tpl_nodtb -10.91
-u_boot_tpl_with_ucode_ptr -20.83
-u_boot_ucode 1.52
-u_boot_utils 6.94
-u_boot_with_ucode_ptr -0.71
-vblock -1.61
-vboot_evil 8.95
-vboot_forge 9.22
-x86_reset16 -15.71
-x86_reset16_spl -15.71
-x86_reset16_tpl -15.71
-x86_start16 -15.71
-x86_start16_spl -15.71
-x86_start16_tpl -15.71
-zynqmp_pm_cfg_obj_convert 6.67 6.43 7.20 8.18 7.50 6.50 6.09 5.52 -2.99 3.33 5.45 9.52 5.00 1.25 3.89 7.59 7.38 -3.84 6.67 8.93 8.38 8.10 8.00 6.36 7.08 2.14 6.20 7.50 7.70 1.81 4.62 8.33 4.29 0.40 -0.25 8.00 1.96 8.12 7.12 8.00 0.82 2.22 6.09 7.67 5.00 5.00 9.27 8.64 8.00 3.64 6.05 3.33 6.84 5.71 8.00 3.27 2.31 8.75 6.50 3.33 7.02 9.58 7.78 2.22 5.71 8.51 6.32 5.00 7.06 6.00 8.95 9.22 6.80 8.85 7.22 7.39 6.25
+tools_binman_bintool 8.59
+tools_binman_bintool_test 9.87
+tools_binman_btool__testing 6.09
+tools_binman_btool_cbfstool 7.39
+tools_binman_btool_fiptool 7.62
+tools_binman_btool_futility 6.96
+tools_binman_btool_ifwitool 3.33
+tools_binman_btool_lz4 5.93
+tools_binman_btool_lzma_alone 6.67
+tools_binman_btool_mkimage 6.79
+tools_binman_cbfs_util 7.77
+tools_binman_cbfs_util_test 9.27
+tools_binman_cmdline 9.03
+tools_binman_comp_util 6.25
+tools_binman_control 4.60
+tools_binman_elf 6.42
+tools_binman_elf_test 5.41
+tools_binman_entry 2.48
+tools_binman_entry_test 5.34
+tools_binman_etype__testing 0.83
+tools_binman_etype_atf_bl31 -6.00
+tools_binman_etype_atf_fip 0.29
+tools_binman_etype_blob -1.58
+tools_binman_etype_blob_dtb -10.00
+tools_binman_etype_blob_ext -19.09
+tools_binman_etype_blob_ext_list 0.00
+tools_binman_etype_blob_named_by_arg -7.78
+tools_binman_etype_blob_phase -5.00
+tools_binman_etype_cbfs -1.44
+tools_binman_etype_collection 2.33
+tools_binman_etype_cros_ec_rw -6.00
+tools_binman_etype_fdtmap -3.61
+tools_binman_etype_files -7.43
+tools_binman_etype_fill -6.43
+tools_binman_etype_fit 5.18
+tools_binman_etype_fmap -0.59
+tools_binman_etype_gbb 0.83
+tools_binman_etype_image_header 5.58
+tools_binman_etype_intel_cmc -12.50
+tools_binman_etype_intel_descriptor 4.62
+tools_binman_etype_intel_fit 0.00
+tools_binman_etype_intel_fit_ptr 2.35
+tools_binman_etype_intel_fsp -12.50
+tools_binman_etype_intel_fsp_m -12.50
+tools_binman_etype_intel_fsp_s -12.50
+tools_binman_etype_intel_fsp_t -12.50
+tools_binman_etype_intel_ifwi 2.88
+tools_binman_etype_intel_me -12.50
+tools_binman_etype_intel_mrc -10.00
+tools_binman_etype_intel_refcode -10.00
+tools_binman_etype_intel_vbt -12.50
+tools_binman_etype_intel_vga -12.50
+tools_binman_etype_mkimage 2.31
+tools_binman_etype_opensbi -6.00
+tools_binman_etype_powerpc_mpc85xx_bootpg_resetvec -10.00
+tools_binman_etype_scp -6.00
+tools_binman_etype_section 4.12
+tools_binman_etype_text -0.48
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_dtb -12.22
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_dtb_with_ucode 0.39
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_elf -8.42
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_env 0.74
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_expanded -10.00
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_img -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_nodtb -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_spl -10.91
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_spl_bss_pad -9.29
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_spl_dtb -12.22
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_spl_elf -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_spl_expanded -9.09
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_spl_nodtb -10.91
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_spl_with_ucode_ptr -5.00
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_tpl -10.91
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_tpl_bss_pad -9.29
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_tpl_dtb -12.22
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_tpl_dtb_with_ucode -7.50
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_tpl_elf -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_tpl_expanded -9.09
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_tpl_nodtb -10.91
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_tpl_with_ucode_ptr -20.83
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_ucode 1.52
+tools_binman_etype_u_boot_with_ucode_ptr -0.71
+tools_binman_etype_vblock 0.00
+tools_binman_etype_x86_reset16 -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_x86_reset16_spl -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_x86_reset16_tpl -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_x86_start16 -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_x86_start16_spl -15.71
+tools_binman_etype_x86_start16_tpl -15.71
+tools_binman_fdt_test 3.23
+tools_binman_fip_util 9.85
+tools_binman_fip_util_test 10.00
+tools_binman_fmap_util 6.67
+tools_binman_ftest 7.39
+tools_binman_image 6.48
+tools_binman_image_test 4.48
+tools_binman_main 4.29
+tools_binman_setup 5.00
+tools_binman_state 3.43
+tools_buildman_board 7.11
+tools_buildman_bsettings 0.98
+tools_buildman_builder 6.55
+tools_buildman_builderthread 7.35
+tools_buildman_cmdline 8.85
+tools_buildman_control 7.04
+tools_buildman_func_test 6.38
+tools_buildman_kconfiglib 7.48
+tools_buildman_main 1.43
+tools_buildman_test 6.10
+tools_buildman_toolchain 5.62
+tools_concurrencytest_concurrencytest 6.77
+tools_dtoc_dtb_platdata 7.82
+tools_dtoc_fdt 3.47
+tools_dtoc_fdt_util 5.00
+tools_dtoc_main 7.33
+tools_dtoc_setup 5.00
+tools_dtoc_src_scan 8.75
+tools_dtoc_test_dtoc 8.54
+tools_dtoc_test_fdt 6.92
+tools_dtoc_test_src_scan 9.43
+tools_efivar 6.71
+tools_endian-swap 8.93
+tools_genboardscfg 7.27
+tools_microcode-tool 7.19
+tools_moveconfig 8.11
+tools_patman___init__ 0.00
+tools_patman_checkpatch 7.61
+tools_patman_command 4.23
+tools_patman_commit 2.75
+tools_patman_control 8.14
+tools_patman_cros_subprocess 7.41
+tools_patman_func_test 7.87
+tools_patman_get_maintainer 4.71
+tools_patman_gitutil 4.58
+tools_patman_main 8.23
+tools_patman_patchstream 9.04
+tools_patman_project 3.33
+tools_patman_series 5.95
+tools_patman_settings 5.63
+tools_patman_setup 5.00
+tools_patman_status 8.43
+tools_patman_terminal 6.29
+tools_patman_test_checkpatch 6.81
+tools_patman_test_util 6.51
+tools_patman_tools 3.98
+tools_patman_tout 2.97
+tools_rkmux 6.76
+tools_rmboard 7.76
+tools_zynqmp_pm_cfg_obj_convert 6.67