From 8270e3c12eefbbb785ae145835cb0349091e257a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 21:52:14 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] buildman: Improve the config comparison feature

At present buildman can compare configurations between commits but the
feature is less useful than it could be. There is no summary by architecture
and changes are not reported on a per-board basis.

Correct these deficiencies so that it is possible to see exactly what is
changing for any number of boards.

Note that 'buildman -b <branch> -C' is recommended for any build where you
will be comparing configuration. Without -C the correct configuration will
not be reported since changes will often not be picked up.

Reviewed-by: Joe Hershberger <>
Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
 tools/buildman/ | 186 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/buildman/ b/tools/buildman/
index c7d3c86968..141bf64691 100644
--- a/tools/buildman/
+++ b/tools/buildman/
@@ -103,6 +103,24 @@ CONFIG_FILENAMES = [
     'u-boot.cfg', 'u-boot-spl.cfg', 'u-boot-tpl.cfg'
+class Config:
+    """Holds information about configuration settings for a board."""
+    def __init__(self, target):
+ = target
+        self.config = {}
+        for fname in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
+            self.config[fname] = {}
+    def Add(self, fname, key, value):
+        self.config[fname][key] = value
+    def __hash__(self):
+        val = 0
+        for fname in self.config:
+            for key, value in self.config[fname].iteritems():
+                print key, value
+                val = val ^ hash(key) & hash(value)
+        return val
 class Builder:
     """Class for building U-Boot for a particular commit.
@@ -659,7 +677,8 @@ class Builder:
                 List containing a summary of warning lines
                 Dict keyed by error line, containing a list of the Board
                     objects with that warning
-                Dictionary keyed by filename - e.g. '.config'. Each
+                Dictionary keyed by Each value is a dictionary:
+                    key: filename - e.g. '.config'
                     value is itself a dictionary:
                         key: config name
                         value: config value
@@ -678,8 +697,6 @@ class Builder:
         warn_lines_summary = []
         warn_lines_boards = {}
         config = {}
-        for fname in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
-            config[fname] = {}
         for board in boards_selected.itervalues():
             outcome = self.GetBuildOutcome(commit_upto,,
@@ -709,11 +726,12 @@ class Builder:
                                     line, board)
                         last_was_warning = is_warning
                         last_func = None
+            tconfig = Config(
             for fname in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
-                config[fname] = {}
                 if outcome.config:
                     for key, value in outcome.config[fname].iteritems():
-                        config[fname][key] = value
+                        tconfig.Add(fname, key, value)
+            config[] = tconfig
         return (board_dict, err_lines_summary, err_lines_boards,
                 warn_lines_summary, warn_lines_boards, config)
@@ -774,9 +792,7 @@ class Builder:
         self._base_warn_lines = []
         self._base_err_line_boards = {}
         self._base_warn_line_boards = {}
-        self._base_config = {}
-        for fname in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
-            self._base_config[fname] = {}
+        self._base_config = None
     def PrintFuncSizeDetail(self, fname, old, new):
         grow, shrink, add, remove, up, down = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
@@ -1051,12 +1067,14 @@ class Builder:
             out = ''
             for key in sorted(config.keys()):
                 out += '%s=%s ' % (key, config[key])
-            return '%5s %s: %s' % (delta, name, out)
+            return '%s %s: %s' % (delta, name, out)
-        def _ShowConfig(name, config_plus, config_minus, config_change):
-            """Show changes in configuration
+        def _AddConfig(lines, name, config_plus, config_minus, config_change):
+            """Add changes in configuration to a list
+                lines: list to add to
+                name: config file name
                 config_plus: configurations added, dictionary
                     key: config name
                     value: config value
@@ -1068,14 +1086,24 @@ class Builder:
                     value: config value
             if config_plus:
-                Print(_CalcConfig('+', name, config_plus),
-                      colour=self.col.GREEN)
+                lines.append(_CalcConfig('+', name, config_plus))
             if config_minus:
-                Print(_CalcConfig('-', name, config_minus),
-                      colour=self.col.RED)
+                lines.append(_CalcConfig('-', name, config_minus))
             if config_change:
-                Print(_CalcConfig('+/-', name, config_change),
-                      colour=self.col.YELLOW)
+                lines.append(_CalcConfig('c', name, config_change))
+        def _OutputConfigInfo(lines):
+            for line in lines:
+                if not line:
+                    continue
+                if line[0] == '+':
+                    col = self.col.GREEN
+                elif line[0] == '-':
+                    col = self.col.RED
+                elif line[0] == 'c':
+                    col = self.col.YELLOW
+                Print('   ' + line, newline=True, colour=col)
         better = []     # List of boards fixed since last commit
         worse = []      # List of new broken boards since last commit
@@ -1137,34 +1165,104 @@ class Builder:
             self.PrintSizeSummary(board_selected, board_dict, show_detail,
-        if show_config:
-            all_config_plus = {}
-            all_config_minus = {}
-            all_config_change = {}
-            for name in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
-                if not config[name]:
+        if show_config and self._base_config:
+            summary = {}
+            arch_config_plus = {}
+            arch_config_minus = {}
+            arch_config_change = {}
+            arch_list = []
+            for target in board_dict:
+                if target not in board_selected:
+                    continue
+                arch = board_selected[target].arch
+                if arch not in arch_list:
+                    arch_list.append(arch)
+            for arch in arch_list:
+                arch_config_plus[arch] = {}
+                arch_config_minus[arch] = {}
+                arch_config_change[arch] = {}
+                for name in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
+                    arch_config_plus[arch][name] = {}
+                    arch_config_minus[arch][name] = {}
+                    arch_config_change[arch][name] = {}
+            for target in board_dict:
+                if target not in board_selected:
-                config_plus = {}
-                config_minus = {}
-                config_change = {}
-                base = self._base_config[name]
-                for key, value in config[name].iteritems():
-                    if key not in base:
-                        config_plus[key] = value
-                        all_config_plus[key] = value
-                for key, value in base.iteritems():
-                    if key not in config[name]:
-                        config_minus[key] = value
-                        all_config_minus[key] = value
-                for key, value in base.iteritems():
-                    new_value = base[key]
-                    if key in config[name] and value != new_value:
-                        desc = '%s -> %s' % (value, new_value)
-                        config_change[key] = desc
-                        all_config_change[key] = desc
-                _ShowConfig(name, config_plus, config_minus, config_change)
-            _ShowConfig('all', all_config_plus, all_config_minus,
-                        all_config_change)
+                arch = board_selected[target].arch
+                all_config_plus = {}
+                all_config_minus = {}
+                all_config_change = {}
+                tbase = self._base_config[target]
+                tconfig = config[target]
+                lines = []
+                for name in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
+                    if not tconfig.config[name]:
+                        continue
+                    config_plus = {}
+                    config_minus = {}
+                    config_change = {}
+                    base = tbase.config[name]
+                    for key, value in tconfig.config[name].iteritems():
+                        if key not in base:
+                            config_plus[key] = value
+                            all_config_plus[key] = value
+                    for key, value in base.iteritems():
+                        if key not in tconfig.config[name]:
+                            config_minus[key] = value
+                            all_config_minus[key] = value
+                    for key, value in base.iteritems():
+                        new_value = tconfig.config.get(key)
+                        if new_value and value != new_value:
+                            desc = '%s -> %s' % (value, new_value)
+                            config_change[key] = desc
+                            all_config_change[key] = desc
+                    arch_config_plus[arch][name].update(config_plus)
+                    arch_config_minus[arch][name].update(config_minus)
+                    arch_config_change[arch][name].update(config_change)
+                    _AddConfig(lines, name, config_plus, config_minus,
+                               config_change)
+                _AddConfig(lines, 'all', all_config_plus, all_config_minus,
+                           all_config_change)
+                summary[target] = '\n'.join(lines)
+            lines_by_target = {}
+            for target, lines in summary.iteritems():
+                if lines in lines_by_target:
+                    lines_by_target[lines].append(target)
+                else:
+                    lines_by_target[lines] = [target]
+            for arch in arch_list:
+                lines = []
+                all_plus = {}
+                all_minus = {}
+                all_change = {}
+                for name in CONFIG_FILENAMES:
+                    all_plus.update(arch_config_plus[arch][name])
+                    all_minus.update(arch_config_minus[arch][name])
+                    all_change.update(arch_config_change[arch][name])
+                    _AddConfig(lines, name, arch_config_plus[arch][name],
+                               arch_config_minus[arch][name],
+                               arch_config_change[arch][name])
+                _AddConfig(lines, 'all', all_plus, all_minus, all_change)
+                #arch_summary[target] = '\n'.join(lines)
+                if lines:
+                    Print('%s:' % arch)
+                    _OutputConfigInfo(lines)
+            for lines, targets in lines_by_target.iteritems():
+                if not lines:
+                    continue
+                Print('%s :' % ' '.join(sorted(targets)))
+                _OutputConfigInfo(lines.split('\n'))
         # Save our updated information for the next call to this function
         self._base_board_dict = board_dict