From 3d96c3f5ecfed90544038c8feefabe4d48fe5263 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frank Wunderlich <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2023 21:04:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] board: rockchip: Add Bananapi R2Pro Board

Add Bananapi R2 Pro board.

- sdcard
- both front usb-ports
- sata
- wan-port

lan-ports are connected to mt7531 switch where driver needs to be
separated from mtk ethernet-driver.

Signed-off-by: Frank Wunderlich <>
Reviewed-by: Kever Yang <>
Reviewed-by: Jonas Karlman <>
 arch/arm/dts/Makefile                      |   1 +
 arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro-u-boot.dtsi |  19 +
 arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro.dts         | 852 +++++++++++++++++++++
 board/rockchip/evb_rk3568/MAINTAINERS      |   7 +
 configs/bpi-r2-pro-rk3568_defconfig        |  93 +++
 doc/board/rockchip/rockchip.rst            |   1 +
 6 files changed, 973 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro-u-boot.dtsi
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro.dts
 create mode 100644 configs/bpi-r2-pro-rk3568_defconfig

diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/Makefile b/arch/arm/dts/Makefile
index bde2176ec7..fba7dfed26 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/Makefile
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_ROCKCHIP_RK3568) += \
 	rk3566-soquartz-blade.dtb \
 	rk3566-soquartz-cm4.dtb \
 	rk3566-soquartz-model-a.dtb \
+	rk3568-bpi-r2-pro.dtb \
 	rk3568-evb.dtb \
 	rk3568-lubancat-2.dtb \
 	rk3568-nanopi-r5c.dtb \
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro-u-boot.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro-u-boot.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60a3b21f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro-u-boot.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * (C) Copyright 2021 Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd
+ */
+#include "rk356x-u-boot.dtsi"
+/ {
+	chosen {
+		stdout-path = &uart2;
+	};
+&uart2 {
+	clock-frequency = <24000000>;
+	bootph-pre-ram;
+	status = "okay";
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro.dts b/arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9127ddfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
+ * Author: Frank Wunderlich <>
+ *
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/leds/common.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/rockchip.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/soc/rockchip,vop2.h>
+#include "rk3568.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "Bananapi-R2 Pro (RK3568) DDR4 Board";
+	compatible = "rockchip,rk3568-bpi-r2pro", "rockchip,rk3568";
+	aliases {
+		ethernet0 = &gmac0;
+		ethernet1 = &gmac1;
+		mmc0 = &sdmmc0;
+		mmc1 = &sdhci;
+	};
+	chosen: chosen {
+		stdout-path = "serial2:1500000n8";
+	};
+	leds {
+		compatible = "gpio-leds";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&blue_led_pin &green_led_pin>;
+		blue_led: led-0 {
+			color = <LED_COLOR_ID_BLUE>;
+			default-state = "off";
+			function = LED_FUNCTION_STATUS;
+			gpios = <&gpio0 RK_PD6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		};
+		green_led: led-1 {
+			color = <LED_COLOR_ID_GREEN>;
+			default-state = "on";
+			function = LED_FUNCTION_POWER;
+			gpios = <&gpio0 RK_PD5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		};
+	};
+	dc_12v: dc-12v-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "dc_12v";
+		regulator-always-on;
+		regulator-boot-on;
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <12000000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <12000000>;
+	};
+	hdmi-con {
+		compatible = "hdmi-connector";
+		type = "a";
+		port {
+			hdmi_con_in: endpoint {
+				remote-endpoint = <&hdmi_out_con>;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	ir-receiver {
+		compatible = "gpio-ir-receiver";
+		gpios = <&gpio0 RK_PC2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&ir_receiver_pin>;
+	};
+	vcc3v3_sys: vcc3v3-sys-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "vcc3v3_sys";
+		regulator-always-on;
+		regulator-boot-on;
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		vin-supply = <&dc_12v>;
+	};
+	vcc5v0_sys: vcc5v0-sys-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "vcc5v0_sys";
+		regulator-always-on;
+		regulator-boot-on;
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		vin-supply = <&dc_12v>;
+	};
+	pcie30_avdd0v9: pcie30-avdd0v9-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "pcie30_avdd0v9";
+		regulator-always-on;
+		regulator-boot-on;
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <900000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <900000>;
+		vin-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+	};
+	pcie30_avdd1v8: pcie30-avdd1v8-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "pcie30_avdd1v8";
+		regulator-always-on;
+		regulator-boot-on;
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+		vin-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+	};
+	/* pi6c pcie clock generator feeds both ports */
+	vcc3v3_pi6c_05: vcc3v3-pi6c-05-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "vcc3v3_pcie";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		enable-active-high;
+		gpios = <&gpio0 RK_PD4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		startup-delay-us = <200000>;
+		vin-supply = <&vcc5v0_sys>;
+	};
+	/* actually fed by vcc3v3_sys, dependent on pi6c clock generator */
+	vcc3v3_minipcie: vcc3v3-minipcie-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "vcc3v3_minipcie";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		enable-active-high;
+		gpio = <&gpio0 RK_PC6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&minipcie_enable_h>;
+		startup-delay-us = <50000>;
+		vin-supply = <&vcc3v3_pi6c_05>;
+	};
+	/* actually fed by vcc3v3_sys, dependent on pi6c clock generator */
+	vcc3v3_ngff: vcc3v3-ngff-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "vcc3v3_ngff";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+		enable-active-high;
+		gpio = <&gpio0 RK_PB7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&ngffpcie_enable_h>;
+		startup-delay-us = <50000>;
+		vin-supply = <&vcc3v3_pi6c_05>;
+	};
+	vcc5v0_usb: vcc5v0-usb-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "vcc5v0_usb";
+		regulator-always-on;
+		regulator-boot-on;
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		vin-supply = <&dc_12v>;
+	};
+	vcc5v0_usb_host: vcc5v0-usb-host-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		enable-active-high;
+		gpio = <&gpio0 RK_PA6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&vcc5v0_usb_host_en>;
+		regulator-name = "vcc5v0_usb_host";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		vin-supply = <&vcc5v0_usb>;
+	};
+	vcc5v0_usb_otg: vcc5v0-usb-otg-regulator {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		enable-active-high;
+		gpio = <&gpio0 RK_PA5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&vcc5v0_usb_otg_en>;
+		regulator-name = "vcc5v0_usb_otg";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		vin-supply = <&vcc5v0_usb>;
+	};
+&combphy0 {
+	/* used for USB3 */
+	status = "okay";
+&combphy1 {
+	/* used for USB3 */
+	status = "okay";
+&combphy2 {
+	/* used for SATA */
+	status = "okay";
+&gmac0 {
+	assigned-clocks = <&cru SCLK_GMAC0_RX_TX>, <&cru SCLK_GMAC0>;
+	assigned-clock-parents = <&cru SCLK_GMAC0_RGMII_SPEED>, <&cru CLK_MAC0_2TOP>;
+	clock_in_out = "input";
+	phy-mode = "rgmii";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&gmac0_miim
+		     &gmac0_tx_bus2
+		     &gmac0_rx_bus2
+		     &gmac0_rgmii_clk
+		     &gmac0_rgmii_bus>;
+	snps,reset-gpio = <&gpio3 RK_PB7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+	snps,reset-active-low;
+	/* Reset time is 20ms, 100ms for rtl8211f */
+	snps,reset-delays-us = <0 20000 100000>;
+	tx_delay = <0x4f>;
+	rx_delay = <0x0f>;
+	status = "okay";
+	fixed-link {
+		speed = <1000>;
+		full-duplex;
+		pause;
+	};
+&gmac1 {
+	assigned-clocks = <&cru SCLK_GMAC1_RX_TX>, <&cru SCLK_GMAC1>;
+	assigned-clock-parents = <&cru SCLK_GMAC1_RGMII_SPEED>, <&cru CLK_MAC1_2TOP>;
+	clock_in_out = "output";
+	phy-handle = <&rgmii_phy1>;
+	phy-mode = "rgmii";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&gmac1m1_miim
+		     &gmac1m1_tx_bus2
+		     &gmac1m1_rx_bus2
+		     &gmac1m1_rgmii_clk
+		     &gmac1m1_rgmii_bus>;
+	snps,reset-gpio = <&gpio3 RK_PB0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+	snps,reset-active-low;
+	/* Reset time is 20ms, 100ms for rtl8211f */
+	snps,reset-delays-us = <0 20000 100000>;
+	tx_delay = <0x3c>;
+	rx_delay = <0x2f>;
+	status = "okay";
+&gpu {
+	mali-supply = <&vdd_gpu>;
+	status = "okay";
+&hdmi {
+	avdd-0v9-supply = <&vdda0v9_image>;
+	avdd-1v8-supply = <&vcca1v8_image>;
+	status = "okay";
+&hdmi_in {
+	hdmi_in_vp0: endpoint {
+		remote-endpoint = <&vp0_out_hdmi>;
+	};
+&hdmi_out {
+	hdmi_out_con: endpoint {
+		remote-endpoint = <&hdmi_con_in>;
+	};
+&hdmi_sound {
+	status = "okay";
+&i2c0 {
+	status = "okay";
+	rk809: pmic@20 {
+		compatible = "rockchip,rk809";
+		reg = <0x20>;
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
+		interrupts = <RK_PA3 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+		#clock-cells = <1>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&pmic_int>;
+		rockchip,system-power-controller;
+		vcc1-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		vcc2-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		vcc3-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		vcc4-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		vcc5-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		vcc6-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		vcc7-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		vcc8-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		vcc9-supply = <&vcc3v3_sys>;
+		wakeup-source;
+		regulators {
+			vdd_logic: DCDC_REG1 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_logic";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-initial-mode = <0x2>;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1350000>;
+				regulator-ramp-delay = <6001>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vdd_gpu: DCDC_REG2 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_gpu";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-initial-mode = <0x2>;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1350000>;
+				regulator-ramp-delay = <6001>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vcc_ddr: DCDC_REG3 {
+				regulator-name = "vcc_ddr";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-initial-mode = <0x2>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-on-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vdd_npu: DCDC_REG4 {
+				regulator-name = "vdd_npu";
+				regulator-initial-mode = <0x2>;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1350000>;
+				regulator-ramp-delay = <6001>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vcc_1v8: DCDC_REG5 {
+				regulator-name = "vcc_1v8";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vdda0v9_image: LDO_REG1 {
+				regulator-name = "vdda0v9_image";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <900000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <900000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vdda_0v9: LDO_REG2 {
+				regulator-name = "vdda_0v9";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <900000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <900000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vdda0v9_pmu: LDO_REG3 {
+				regulator-name = "vdda0v9_pmu";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <900000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <900000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-on-in-suspend;
+					regulator-suspend-microvolt = <900000>;
+				};
+			};
+			vccio_acodec: LDO_REG4 {
+				regulator-name = "vccio_acodec";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vccio_sd: LDO_REG5 {
+				regulator-name = "vccio_sd";
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vcc3v3_pmu: LDO_REG6 {
+				regulator-name = "vcc3v3_pmu";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-on-in-suspend;
+					regulator-suspend-microvolt = <3300000>;
+				};
+			};
+			vcca_1v8: LDO_REG7 {
+				regulator-name = "vcca_1v8";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vcca1v8_pmu: LDO_REG8 {
+				regulator-name = "vcca1v8_pmu";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-on-in-suspend;
+					regulator-suspend-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				};
+			};
+			vcca1v8_image: LDO_REG9 {
+				regulator-name = "vcca1v8_image";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vcc_3v3: SWITCH_REG1 {
+				regulator-name = "vcc_3v3";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-boot-on;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+			vcc3v3_sd: SWITCH_REG2 {
+				regulator-name = "vcc3v3_sd";
+				regulator-always-on;
+				regulator-state-mem {
+					regulator-off-in-suspend;
+				};
+			};
+		};
+	};
+&i2c3 {
+	status = "okay";
+	hym8563: rtc@51 {
+		compatible = "haoyu,hym8563";
+		reg = <0x51>;
+		interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
+		interrupts = <RK_PD3 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
+		#clock-cells = <0>;
+		clock-output-names = "rtcic_32kout";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&hym8563_int>;
+		wakeup-source;
+	};
+&i2c5 {
+	/* pin 3 (SDA) + 4 (SCL) of header con2 */
+	status = "disabled";
+&i2s0_8ch {
+	/* hdmi sound */
+	status = "okay";
+&mdio0 {
+	#address-cells = <1>;
+	#size-cells = <0>;
+	switch@0 {
+		compatible = "mediatek,mt7531";
+		reg = <0>;
+		ports {
+			#address-cells = <1>;
+			#size-cells = <0>;
+			port@1 {
+				reg = <1>;
+				label = "lan0";
+			};
+			port@2 {
+				reg = <2>;
+				label = "lan1";
+			};
+			port@3 {
+				reg = <3>;
+				label = "lan2";
+			};
+			port@4 {
+				reg = <4>;
+				label = "lan3";
+			};
+			port@5 {
+				reg = <5>;
+				label = "cpu";
+				ethernet = <&gmac0>;
+				phy-mode = "rgmii";
+				fixed-link {
+					speed = <1000>;
+					full-duplex;
+					pause;
+				};
+			};
+		};
+	};
+&mdio1 {
+	rgmii_phy1: ethernet-phy@0 {
+		compatible = "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c22";
+		reg = <0x0>;
+	};
+&pcie30phy {
+	data-lanes = <1 2>;
+	phy-supply = <&vcc3v3_pi6c_05>;
+	status = "okay";
+&pcie3x1 {
+	/* M.2 slot */
+	num-lanes = <1>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&ngffpcie_reset_h>;
+	reset-gpios = <&gpio3 RK_PA1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+	vpcie3v3-supply = <&vcc3v3_ngff>;
+	status = "okay";
+&pcie3x2 {
+	/* mPCIe slot */
+	num-lanes = <1>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&minipcie_reset_h>;
+	reset-gpios = <&gpio2 RK_PD6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+	vpcie3v3-supply = <&vcc3v3_minipcie>;
+	status = "okay";
+&pinctrl {
+	leds {
+		blue_led_pin: blue-led-pin {
+			rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PD6 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
+		};
+		green_led_pin: green-led-pin {
+			rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PD5 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
+		};
+	};
+	hym8563 {
+		hym8563_int: hym8563-int {
+			rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PD3 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
+		};
+	};
+	ir-receiver {
+		ir_receiver_pin: ir-receiver-pin {
+			rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PC2 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
+		};
+	};
+	pcie {
+		minipcie_enable_h: minipcie-enable-h {
+			rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PC6 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none_drv_level_5>;
+		};
+		ngffpcie_enable_h: ngffpcie-enable-h {
+			rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PB7 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none_drv_level_5>;
+		};
+		minipcie_reset_h: minipcie-reset-h {
+			rockchip,pins = <2 RK_PD6 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none_drv_level_5>;
+		};
+		ngffpcie_reset_h: ngffpcie-reset-h {
+			rockchip,pins = <3 RK_PA1 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none_drv_level_5>;
+		};
+	};
+	pmic {
+		pmic_int: pmic_int {
+			rockchip,pins =
+				<0 RK_PA3 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_up>;
+		};
+	};
+	usb {
+		vcc5v0_usb_host_en: vcc5v0_usb_host_en {
+			rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PA6 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
+		};
+		vcc5v0_usb_otg_en: vcc5v0_usb_otg_en {
+			rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PA5 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
+		};
+	};
+&pmu_io_domains {
+	pmuio1-supply = <&vcc3v3_pmu>;
+	pmuio2-supply = <&vcc3v3_pmu>;
+	vccio1-supply = <&vccio_acodec>;
+	vccio3-supply = <&vccio_sd>;
+	vccio4-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
+	vccio5-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
+	vccio6-supply = <&vcc_1v8>;
+	vccio7-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
+	status = "okay";
+&pwm8 {
+	/* fan 5v - gnd - pwm */
+	status = "okay";
+&pwm10 {
+	/* pin 7 of header con2 */
+	status = "disabled";
+&pwm11 {
+	/* pin 15 of header con2 */
+	status = "disabled";
+&pwm12 {
+	/* pin 21 of header con2 */
+	/* shared with uart9 + spi3 */
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pwm12m1_pins>;
+	status = "disabled";
+&pwm13 {
+	/* pin 24 of header con2 */
+	/* shared with uart9 */
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pwm13m1_pins>;
+	status = "disabled";
+&pwm14 {
+	/* pin 23 of header con2 */
+	/* shared with spi3 */
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pwm14m1_pins>;
+	status = "disabled";
+&pwm15 {
+	/* pin 19 of header con2 */
+	/* shared with spi3 */
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pwm15m1_pins>;
+	status = "disabled";
+&saradc {
+	vref-supply = <&vcca_1v8>;
+	status = "okay";
+&sata2 {
+	status = "okay";
+&sdhci {
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	max-frequency = <200000000>;
+	non-removable;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&emmc_bus8 &emmc_clk &emmc_cmd &emmc_datastrobe>;
+	status = "okay";
+&sdmmc0 {
+	bus-width = <4>;
+	cap-sd-highspeed;
+	cd-gpios = <&gpio0 RK_PA4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+	disable-wp;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&sdmmc0_bus4 &sdmmc0_clk &sdmmc0_cmd &sdmmc0_det>;
+	sd-uhs-sdr104;
+	vmmc-supply = <&vcc3v3_sd>;
+	vqmmc-supply = <&vccio_sd>;
+	status = "okay";
+&spi3 {
+	/* pin 19 (MO) + 21 (MI) + 23 (CK) of header con2 */
+	/* shared with pwm12/14/15 and uart9 */
+	pinctrl-0 = <&spi3m1_pins>;
+	status = "disabled";
+&tsadc {
+	rockchip,hw-tshut-mode = <1>;
+	rockchip,hw-tshut-polarity = <0>;
+	status = "okay";
+&uart0 {
+	/* pin 8 (TX) + 10 (RX) (RTS:16, CTS:18) of header con2 */
+	status = "disabled";
+&uart2 {
+	/* debug-uart */
+	status = "okay";
+&uart7 {
+	/* pin 11 (TX) + 13 (RX) of header con2 */
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart7m1_xfer>;
+	status = "disabled";
+&uart9 {
+	/* pin 21 (TX) + 24 (RX) of header con2 */
+	/* shared with pwm13 and pwm12/spi3 */
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart9m1_xfer>;
+	status = "disabled";
+&usb_host0_ehci {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb_host0_ohci {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb_host0_xhci {
+	dr_mode = "host";
+	status = "okay";
+&usb_host1_ehci {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb_host1_ohci {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb_host1_xhci {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb2phy0 {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb2phy0_host {
+	phy-supply = <&vcc5v0_usb_host>;
+	status = "okay";
+&usb2phy0_otg {
+	phy-supply = <&vcc5v0_usb_otg>;
+	status = "okay";
+&usb2phy1 {
+	/* USB for PCIe/M2 */
+	status = "okay";
+&usb2phy1_host {
+	status = "okay";
+&usb2phy1_otg {
+	status = "okay";
+&vop {
+	assigned-clocks = <&cru DCLK_VOP0>, <&cru DCLK_VOP1>;
+	assigned-clock-parents = <&pmucru PLL_HPLL>, <&cru PLL_VPLL>;
+	status = "okay";
+&vop_mmu {
+	status = "okay";
+&vp0 {
+	vp0_out_hdmi: endpoint@ROCKCHIP_VOP2_EP_HDMI0 {
+		reg = <ROCKCHIP_VOP2_EP_HDMI0>;
+		remote-endpoint = <&hdmi_in_vp0>;
+	};
diff --git a/board/rockchip/evb_rk3568/MAINTAINERS b/board/rockchip/evb_rk3568/MAINTAINERS
index fa8d119093..e5b0986ead 100644
--- a/board/rockchip/evb_rk3568/MAINTAINERS
+++ b/board/rockchip/evb_rk3568/MAINTAINERS
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+M:	Frank Wunderlich <>
+S:	Maintained
+F:	configs/bpi-r2-pro-rk3568_defconfig
+F:	arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro.dts
+F:	arch/arm/dts/rk3568-bpi-r2-pro-u-boot.dtsi
 M:	Joseph Chen <>
 S:	Maintained
diff --git a/configs/bpi-r2-pro-rk3568_defconfig b/configs/bpi-r2-pro-rk3568_defconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22c3fad355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/bpi-r2-pro-rk3568_defconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+CONFIG_OF_SPL_REMOVE_PROPS="clock-names interrupt-parent assigned-clocks assigned-clock-rates assigned-clock-parents"
diff --git a/doc/board/rockchip/rockchip.rst b/doc/board/rockchip/rockchip.rst
index 4ca59fd1a4..8262fc0d32 100644
--- a/doc/board/rockchip/rockchip.rst
+++ b/doc/board/rockchip/rockchip.rst
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ List of mainline supported Rockchip boards:
 * rk3568
      - Rockchip Evb-RK3568 (evb-rk3568)
+     - Banana Pi BPI-R2 Pro (bpi-r2-pro-rk3568)
      - EmbedFire LubanCat 2 (lubancat-2-rk3568)
      - FriendlyElec NanoPi R5C (nanopi-r5c-rk3568)
      - FriendlyElec NanoPi R5S (nanopi-r5s-rk3568)