From: Svyatoslav Ryhel <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 08:26:15 +0000 (+0300)
Subject: power: regulator: tps65911: add regulator support
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~784^2~6

power: regulator: tps65911: add regulator support

The driver provides regulator set/get voltage enable/disable
functions for TI TPS5911 PMIC.

Signed-off-by: Svyatoslav Ryhel <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>

diff --git a/drivers/power/regulator/Kconfig b/drivers/power/regulator/Kconfig
index 6454c54855..102ec7bc5f 100644
--- a/drivers/power/regulator/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/power/regulator/Kconfig
@@ -346,6 +346,17 @@ config DM_REGULATOR_TPS65910
 	regulator types of the TPS65910 (BUCK, BOOST and LDO). It implements
 	the get/set api for value and enable.
+config DM_REGULATOR_TPS65911
+	bool "Enable driver for TPS65911 PMIC regulators"
+	depends on DM_PMIC_TPS65910
+	---help---
+	This config enables implementation of driver-model regulator
+	uclass features for the TPS65911 PMIC. The driver supports Step-Down
+	DC-DC Converters for Processor Cores (VDD1 and VDD2), Step-Down DC-DC
+	Converter for I/O Power (VIO), Controller for External FETs (VDDCtrl)
+	and LDO Voltage Regulators found in TPS65911 PMIC and implements
+	get/set api for value and enable.
 config DM_REGULATOR_TPS62360
 	bool "Enable driver for TPS6236x Power Regulator"
 	depends on DM_REGULATOR
diff --git a/drivers/power/regulator/Makefile b/drivers/power/regulator/Makefile
index 3ef55dc534..f79932d833 100644
--- a/drivers/power/regulator/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/power/regulator/Makefile
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)DM_REGULATOR_LP873X) += lp873x_regulator.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)DM_REGULATOR_LP87565) += lp87565_regulator.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)DM_REGULATOR_STM32_VREFBUF) += stm32-vrefbuf.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_TPS65910) += tps65910_regulator.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)DM_REGULATOR_TPS65911) += tps65911_regulator.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_TPS62360) += tps62360_regulator.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)DM_REGULATOR_TPS80031) += tps80031_regulator.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)DM_REGULATOR_STPMIC1) += stpmic1.o
diff --git a/drivers/power/regulator/tps65911_regulator.c b/drivers/power/regulator/tps65911_regulator.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b5acdfcbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/power/regulator/tps65911_regulator.c
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ *  Copyright(C) 2023 Svyatoslav Ryhel <>
+ */
+#include <dm.h>
+#include <power/pmic.h>
+#include <power/regulator.h>
+#include <power/tps65910_pmic.h>
+/* fist row is control registers, second is voltage registers */
+static const char tps65911_vdd_reg[][TPS65911_VDD_NUM] = {
+	{ TPS65911_REG_VDD1, TPS65911_REG_VDD2,
+	  TPS65911_REG_VDDCTRL, TPS65911_REG_VIO },
+	{ TPS65911_REG_VDD1_OP, TPS65911_REG_VDD2_OP,
+	  TPS65911_REG_VDDCTRL_OP, 0x00 },
+static const char tps65911_ldo_reg[TPS65911_LDO_NUM] = {
+	TPS65911_REG_LDO1, TPS65911_REG_LDO2, TPS65911_REG_LDO3,
+	TPS65911_REG_LDO4, TPS65911_REG_LDO5, TPS65911_REG_LDO6,
+	TPS65911_REG_LDO7, TPS65911_REG_LDO8
+static int tps65911_regulator_enable(struct udevice *dev, int op, bool *enable)
+	struct dm_regulator_uclass_plat *uc_pdata =
+					dev_get_uclass_plat(dev);
+	u32 adr = uc_pdata->ctrl_reg;
+	int val, ret;
+	val = pmic_reg_read(dev->parent, adr);
+	if (val < 0)
+		return val;
+	if (op == PMIC_OP_GET) {
+		if (val & TPS65910_SUPPLY_STATE_ON)
+			*enable = true;
+		else
+			*enable = false;
+		return 0;
+	} else if (op == PMIC_OP_SET) {
+		val &= ~TPS65910_SUPPLY_STATE_MASK;
+		if (*enable)
+			val |= TPS65910_SUPPLY_STATE_ON;
+		ret = pmic_reg_write(dev->parent, adr, val);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int tps65911_get_enable(struct udevice *dev)
+	bool enable = false;
+	int ret;
+	ret = tps65911_regulator_enable(dev, PMIC_OP_GET, &enable);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return enable;
+static int tps65911_set_enable(struct udevice *dev, bool enable)
+	return tps65911_regulator_enable(dev, PMIC_OP_SET, &enable);
+ * tps65911_vdd_volt2hex() - convert voltage in uV into
+ *			     applicable to register hex value
+ *
+ * @uV:		voltage in uV
+ *
+ * Return: voltage in hex on success, -ve on failure
+ */
+static int tps65911_vdd_volt2hex(int uV)
+	if (uV > TPS65911_VDD_VOLT_MAX)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (uV < TPS65911_VDD_VOLT_MIN)
+		uV = TPS65911_VDD_VOLT_MIN;
+	return (uV - TPS65911_VDD_VOLT_BASE) / 12500;
+ * tps65911_vdd_hex2volt() - convert register hex value into
+ *			     actual voltage in uV
+ *
+ * @hex:	hex value of register
+ *
+ * Return: voltage in uV on success, -ve on failure
+ */
+static int tps65911_vdd_hex2volt(int hex)
+	if (hex > TPS65910_VDD_SEL_MAX)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (hex < TPS65910_VDD_SEL_MIN)
+		hex = TPS65910_VDD_SEL_MIN;
+	return TPS65911_VDD_VOLT_BASE + hex * 12500;
+static int tps65911_vio_range[4] = {
+	1500000, 1800000, 2500000, 3300000
+static int tps65911_vio_val(struct udevice *dev, int op, int *uV)
+	struct dm_regulator_uclass_plat *uc_pdata =
+					dev_get_uclass_plat(dev);
+	u32 adr = uc_pdata->volt_reg;
+	int i, val;
+	val = pmic_reg_read(dev->parent, adr);
+	if (val < 0)
+		return val;
+	if (op == PMIC_OP_GET) {
+		*uV = 0;
+		val &= TPS65910_SEL_MASK;
+		*uV = tps65911_vio_range[val >> 2];
+		return 0;
+	}
+	val &= ~TPS65910_SEL_MASK;
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(tps65911_vio_range); i++)
+		if (*uV <= tps65911_vio_range[i])
+			break;
+	return pmic_reg_write(dev->parent, adr, val | i << 2);
+static int tps65911_vdd_val(struct udevice *dev, int op, int *uV)
+	struct dm_regulator_uclass_plat *uc_pdata =
+					dev_get_uclass_plat(dev);
+	u32 adr = uc_pdata->volt_reg;
+	int val, ret;
+	/* in case vdd is vio */
+	if (!adr)
+		return tps65911_vio_val(dev, op, uV);
+	val = pmic_reg_read(dev->parent, adr);
+	if (val < 0)
+		return val;
+	if (op == PMIC_OP_GET) {
+		*uV = 0;
+		ret = tps65911_vdd_hex2volt(val);
+		if (ret < 0)
+			return ret;
+		*uV = ret;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	val = tps65911_vdd_volt2hex(*uV);
+	if (val < 0)
+		return val;
+	return pmic_reg_write(dev->parent, adr, val);
+static int tps65911_vdd_probe(struct udevice *dev)
+	struct dm_regulator_uclass_plat *uc_pdata =
+					dev_get_uclass_plat(dev);
+	uc_pdata->type = REGULATOR_TYPE_BUCK;
+	/* check for vddctrl and vddio cases */
+	if (!strcmp("vddctrl", dev->name)) {
+		uc_pdata->ctrl_reg = tps65911_vdd_reg[0][2];
+		uc_pdata->volt_reg = tps65911_vdd_reg[1][2];
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (!strcmp("vddio", dev->name)) {
+		uc_pdata->ctrl_reg = tps65911_vdd_reg[0][3];
+		uc_pdata->volt_reg = tps65911_vdd_reg[1][3];
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (dev->driver_data > 0) {
+		u8 idx = dev->driver_data - 1;
+		uc_pdata->ctrl_reg = tps65911_vdd_reg[0][idx];
+		uc_pdata->volt_reg = tps65911_vdd_reg[1][idx];
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int vdd_get_value(struct udevice *dev)
+	int uV;
+	int ret;
+	ret = tps65911_vdd_val(dev, PMIC_OP_GET, &uV);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return uV;
+static int vdd_set_value(struct udevice *dev, int uV)
+	return tps65911_vdd_val(dev, PMIC_OP_SET, &uV);
+static const struct dm_regulator_ops tps65911_vdd_ops = {
+	.get_value  = vdd_get_value,
+	.set_value  = vdd_set_value,
+	.get_enable = tps65911_get_enable,
+	.set_enable = tps65911_set_enable,
+U_BOOT_DRIVER(tps65911_vdd) = {
+	.name = TPS65911_VDD_DRIVER,
+	.ops = &tps65911_vdd_ops,
+	.probe = tps65911_vdd_probe,
+ * tps65911_ldo_volt2hex() - convert voltage in uV into
+ *			     applicable to register hex value
+ *
+ * @idx:	regulator index
+ * @uV:		voltage in uV
+ *
+ * Return: voltage in hex on success, -ve on failure
+ */
+static int tps65911_ldo_volt2hex(int idx, int uV)
+	int step;
+	if (uV > TPS65911_LDO_VOLT_MAX)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (uV < TPS65911_LDO_VOLT_BASE)
+		uV = TPS65911_LDO_VOLT_BASE;
+	switch (idx) {
+	case 1:
+	case 2:
+	case 4:
+		step = TPS65911_LDO124_VOLT_STEP;
+		break;
+	case 3:
+	case 5:
+	case 6:
+	case 7:
+	case 8:
+		step = TPS65911_LDO358_VOLT_STEP;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	return ((uV - TPS65911_LDO_VOLT_BASE) / step) << 2;
+ * tps65911_ldo_hex2volt() - convert register hex value into
+ *			     actual voltage in uV
+ *
+ * @idx:	regulator index
+ * @hex:	hex value of register
+ *
+ * Return: voltage in uV on success, -ve on failure
+ */
+static int tps65911_ldo_hex2volt(int idx, int hex)
+	int step;
+	switch (idx) {
+	case 1:
+	case 2:
+	case 4:
+		if (hex > TPS65911_LDO124_VOLT_MAX_HEX)
+			return -EINVAL;
+		step = TPS65911_LDO124_VOLT_STEP;
+		break;
+	case 3:
+	case 5:
+	case 6:
+	case 7:
+	case 8:
+		if (hex > TPS65911_LDO358_VOLT_MAX_HEX)
+			return -EINVAL;
+		if (hex < TPS65911_LDO358_VOLT_MIN_HEX)
+			hex = TPS65911_LDO358_VOLT_MIN_HEX;
+		step = TPS65911_LDO358_VOLT_STEP;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	return TPS65911_LDO_VOLT_BASE + hex * step;
+static int tps65911_ldo_val(struct udevice *dev, int op, int *uV)
+	struct dm_regulator_uclass_plat *uc_pdata =
+					dev_get_uclass_plat(dev);
+	u32 adr = uc_pdata->ctrl_reg;
+	int idx = dev->driver_data;
+	int val, hex, ret;
+	val = pmic_reg_read(dev->parent, adr);
+	if (val < 0)
+		return val;
+	if (op == PMIC_OP_GET) {
+		*uV = 0;
+		val &= TPS65911_LDO_SEL_MASK;
+		ret = tps65911_ldo_hex2volt(idx, val >> 2);
+		if (ret < 0)
+			return ret;
+		*uV = ret;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	hex = tps65911_ldo_volt2hex(idx, *uV);
+	if (hex < 0)
+		return hex;
+	val &= ~TPS65911_LDO_SEL_MASK;
+	return pmic_reg_write(dev->parent, adr, val | hex);
+static int tps65911_ldo_probe(struct udevice *dev)
+	struct dm_regulator_uclass_plat *uc_pdata =
+					dev_get_uclass_plat(dev);
+	u8 idx = dev->driver_data - 1;
+	uc_pdata->type = REGULATOR_TYPE_LDO;
+	uc_pdata->ctrl_reg = tps65911_ldo_reg[idx];
+	return 0;
+static int ldo_get_value(struct udevice *dev)
+	int uV;
+	int ret;
+	ret = tps65911_ldo_val(dev, PMIC_OP_GET, &uV);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return uV;
+static int ldo_set_value(struct udevice *dev, int uV)
+	return tps65911_ldo_val(dev, PMIC_OP_SET, &uV);
+static const struct dm_regulator_ops tps65911_ldo_ops = {
+	.get_value  = ldo_get_value,
+	.set_value  = ldo_set_value,
+	.get_enable = tps65911_get_enable,
+	.set_enable = tps65911_set_enable,
+U_BOOT_DRIVER(tps65911_ldo) = {
+	.name = TPS65911_LDO_DRIVER,
+	.ops = &tps65911_ldo_ops,
+	.probe = tps65911_ldo_probe,