Obtaining the QEMU devicetree
-Where QEMU generates its own devicetree to pass to U-Boot tou can use
+Where QEMU generates its own devicetree to pass to U-Boot you can use
`-dtb u-boot.dtb` to force QEMU to use U-Boot's in-tree version.
To obtain the devicetree that qemu generates, add `-machine dumpdtb=qemu.dtb`,
joins them up and runs them through dtc to compile the output::
qemu-system-arm -machine virt -machine dumpdtb=qemu.dtb
- cat <(dtc -I dtb qemu.dtb) <(dtc -I dtb u-boot.dtb |grep -v /dts-v1/) |dtc - -o merged.dtb
+ cat <(dtc -I dtb qemu.dtb) <(dtc -I dtb u-boot.dtb | grep -v /dts-v1/) | dtc - -o merged.dtb
You can then run qemu with the merged devicetree, e.g.::