From bead86a83610bf2ac63a82f83f48ddc041aac725 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 11:00:01 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] sh: Add support Renesas SH7724

Signed-off-by: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>
Signed-off-by: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>
 arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh4.h    |   2 +
 arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7724.h | 234 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 236 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7724.h

diff --git a/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh4.h b/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh4.h
index 9b29d3ae7c..4351e8edff 100644
--- a/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh4.h
+++ b/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh4.h
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
 # include <asm/cpu_sh7722.h>
 #elif defined (CONFIG_CPU_SH7723)
 # include <asm/cpu_sh7723.h>
+#elif defined (CONFIG_CPU_SH7724)
+# include <asm/cpu_sh7724.h>
 #elif defined (CONFIG_CPU_SH7757)
 # include <asm/cpu_sh7757.h>
 #elif defined (CONFIG_CPU_SH7763)
diff --git a/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7724.h b/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7724.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bb51d3f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7724.h
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2008, 2011 Renesas Solutions Corp.
+ *
+ * SH7724 Internal I/O register
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_CPU_SH7724_H_
+#define _ASM_CPU_SH7724_H_
+#define CACHE_OC_NUM_WAYS	4
+#define CCR_CACHE_INIT	0x0000090d
+/* EXP */
+#define TRA		0xFF000020
+#define EXPEVT	0xFF000024
+#define INTEVT	0xFF000028
+/* MMU */
+#define PTEH	0xFF000000
+#define PTEL	0xFF000004
+#define TTB		0xFF000008
+#define TEA		0xFF00000C
+#define MMUCR	0xFF000010
+#define PASCR	0xFF000070
+#define IRMCR	0xFF000078
+/* CACHE */
+#define CCR		0xFF00001C
+#define RAMCR	0xFF000074
+/* INTC */
+/* BSC */
+#define MMSELR		0xFF800020
+#define CMNCR		0xFEC10000
+#define	CS0BCR		0xFEC10004
+#define CS2BCR		0xFEC10008
+#define CS4BCR		0xFEC10010
+#define CS5ABCR		0xFEC10014
+#define CS5BBCR		0xFEC10018
+#define CS6ABCR		0xFEC1001C
+#define CS6BBCR		0xFEC10020
+#define CS0WCR		0xFEC10024
+#define CS2WCR		0xFEC10028
+#define CS4WCR		0xFEC10030
+#define CS5AWCR		0xFEC10034
+#define CS5BWCR		0xFEC10038
+#define CS6AWCR		0xFEC1003C
+#define CS6BWCR		0xFEC10040
+#define RBWTCNT		0xFEC10054
+/* SBSC */
+#define SBSC_SDCR	0xFE400008
+#define SBSC_SDWCR	0xFE40000C
+#define SBSC_SDPCR	0xFE400010
+#define SBSC_RTCSR	0xFE400014
+#define SBSC_RTCNT	0xFE400018
+#define SBSC_RTCOR	0xFE40001C
+#define SBSC_RFCR	0xFE400020
+/* DSBC */
+#define DBKIND		0xFD000008
+#define DBSTATE		0xFD00000C
+#define DBEN		0xFD000010
+#define DBCMDCNT	0xFD000014
+#define DBCKECNT	0xFD000018
+#define DBCONF		0xFD000020
+#define DBTR0		0xFD000030
+#define DBTR1		0xFD000034
+#define DBTR2		0xFD000038
+#define DBTR3		0xFD00003C
+#define DBRFPDN0	0xFD000040
+#define DBRFPDN1	0xFD000044
+#define DBRFPDN2	0xFD000048
+#define DBRFSTS		0xFD00004C
+#define DBMRCNT		0xFD000060
+#define DBPDCNT0	0xFD000108
+/* DMAC */
+/* CPG */
+#define FRQCRA		0xA4150000
+#define FRQCRB		0xA4150004
+#define FRQCR		FRQCRA
+#define VCLKCR      0xA4150004
+#define SCLKACR     0xA4150008
+#define SCLKBCR     0xA415000C
+#define IRDACLKCR   0xA4150018
+#define PLLCR       0xA4150024
+#define DLLFRQ      0xA4150050
+#define STBCR       0xA4150020
+#define MSTPCR0     0xA4150030
+#define MSTPCR1     0xA4150034
+#define MSTPCR2     0xA4150038
+/* RWDT */
+#define RWTCNT      0xA4520000
+#define RWTCSR      0xA4520004
+#define WTCNT		RWTCNT
+/* TMU */
+#define TSTR        0xFFD80004
+#define TCOR0       0xFFD80008
+#define TCNT0       0xFFD8000C
+#define TCR0        0xFFD80010
+#define TCOR1       0xFFD80014
+#define TCNT1       0xFFD80018
+#define TCR1        0xFFD8001C
+#define TCOR2       0xFFD80020
+#define TCNT2       0xFFD80024
+#define TCR2        0xFFD80028
+/* TPU */
+/* CMT */
+#define CMSTR       0xA44A0000
+#define CMCSR       0xA44A0060
+#define CMCNT       0xA44A0064
+#define CMCOR       0xA44A0068
+/* MSIOF */
+/* SCIF */
+#define SCIF0_BASE  0xFFE00000
+#define SCIF1_BASE  0xFFE10000
+#define SCIF2_BASE  0xFFE20000
+#define SCIF3_BASE  0xa4e30000
+#define SCIF4_BASE  0xa4e40000
+#define SCIF5_BASE  0xa4e50000
+/* RTC */
+/* IrDA */
+/* KEYSC */
+/* USB */
+/* IIC */
+/* FLCTL */
+/* VPU */
+/* VIO(CEU) */
+/* VIO(VEU) */
+/* VIO(BEU) */
+/* 2DG */
+/* LCDC */
+/* VOU */
+/* TSIF */
+/* SIU */
+/* ATAPI */
+/* PFC */
+#define PACR        0xA4050100
+#define PBCR        0xA4050102
+#define PCCR        0xA4050104
+#define PDCR        0xA4050106
+#define PECR        0xA4050108
+#define PFCR        0xA405010A
+#define PGCR        0xA405010C
+#define PHCR        0xA405010E
+#define PJCR        0xA4050110
+#define PKCR        0xA4050112
+#define PLCR        0xA4050114
+#define PMCR        0xA4050116
+#define PNCR        0xA4050118
+#define PQCR        0xA405011A
+#define PRCR        0xA405011C
+#define PSCR        0xA405011E
+#define PTCR        0xA4050140
+#define PUCR        0xA4050142
+#define PVCR        0xA4050144
+#define PWCR        0xA4050146
+#define PXCR        0xA4050148
+#define PYCR        0xA405014A
+#define PZCR        0xA405014C
+#define PSELA       0xA405014E
+#define PSELB       0xA4050150
+#define PSELC       0xA4050152
+#define PSELD       0xA4050154
+#define PSELE       0xA4050156
+#define HIZCRA      0xA4050158
+#define HIZCRB      0xA405015A
+#define HIZCRC      0xA405015C
+#define HIZCRD      0xA405015E
+#define MSELCRA     0xA4050180
+#define MSELCRB     0xA4050182
+#define PULCR       0xA4050184
+#define DRVCRA      0xA405018A
+#define DRVCRB      0xA405018C
+/* I/O Port */
+#define PADR        0xA4050120
+#define PBDR        0xA4050122
+#define PCDR        0xA4050124
+#define PDDR        0xA4050126
+#define PEDR        0xA4050128
+#define PFDR        0xA405012A
+#define PGDR        0xA405012C
+#define PHDR        0xA405012E
+#define PJDR        0xA4050130
+#define PKDR        0xA4050132
+#define PLDR        0xA4050134
+#define PMDR        0xA4050136
+#define PNDR        0xA4050138
+#define PQDR        0xA405013A
+#define PRDR        0xA405013C
+#define PSDR        0xA405013E
+#define PTDR        0xA4050160
+#define PUDR        0xA4050162
+#define PVDR        0xA4050164
+#define PWDR        0xA4050166
+#define PYDR        0xA4050168
+#define PZDR        0xA405016A
+/* Ether */
+#define EDMR		0xA4600000
+/* UBC */
+/* H-UDI */
+#endif /* _ASM_CPU_SH7724_H_ */