From 3fd673cf363bc86ed42eff713d4e3506720e91a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Gortmaker <>
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 23:53:07 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] sbc8548: relocate 64MB user flash to sane boundary

The current situation has the 64MB user flash at an awkward
alignment; shifted back from 0xfc00_0000 by 8M, to leave an 8MB hole
for the soldered on boot flash @ EOM.  But to switch to optionally
supporting booting off the 64MB flash, the 64MB will then be mapped
at the sane address of 0xfc00_0000.

This leads to awkward things when programming the 64MB flash prior
to transitioning to it -- i.e. even though the chip spans from
0xfb80_0000 to 0xff7f_ffff, you would have to program a u-boot image
into the two sectors from 0xfbf0_0000 --> 0xfbff_ffff so that it was
in the right place when JP12/SW2.8 were switched to make the 64MB on
/CS0. (i.e. the chip is only looking at the bits in mask 0x3ff_ffff)

We also have to have three TLB entries responsible for dealing with
mapping the 64MB flash due to this 8MB of misalignment.

In the end, there is address space from 0xec00_0000 to 0xefff_ffff
where we can map it, and then the transition from booting from one
config to the other will be a simple 0xec --> 0xfc mapping.  Plus we
can toss out a TLB entry.

Note that TLB0 is kept at 64MB and not shrunk down to the 8MB boot
flash; this means we won't have to change it when the alternate
config uses the full 64MB for booting, in TLB0.

Signed-off-by: Paul Gortmaker <>
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
 board/sbc8548/law.c       |  3 ++-
 board/sbc8548/tlb.c       | 23 ++++++++---------------
 doc/README.sbc8548        |  8 +++++++-
 include/configs/sbc8548.h | 10 +++++-----
 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/board/sbc8548/law.c b/board/sbc8548/law.c
index 5fa9db02f5..febb6829c3 100644
--- a/board/sbc8548/law.c
+++ b/board/sbc8548/law.c
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
  * 0xe000_0000	0xe000_ffff	CCSR			1M
  * 0xe200_0000	0xe27f_ffff	PCI1 IO			8M
  * 0xe280_0000	0xe2ff_ffff	PCIe IO			8M
+ * 0xec00_0000	0xefff_ffff	FLASH (2nd bank)	64M
  * 0xf000_0000	0xf7ff_ffff	SDRAM			128M
  * 0xf8b0_0000	0xf80f_ffff	EEPROM			1M
- * 0xfb80_0000	0xff7f_ffff	FLASH (2nd bank)	64M
  * 0xff80_0000	0xffff_ffff	FLASH (boot bank)	8M
  * Notes:
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 struct law_entry law_table[] = {
diff --git a/board/sbc8548/tlb.c b/board/sbc8548/tlb.c
index bb4c05210c..e9cedc7c0d 100644
--- a/board/sbc8548/tlb.c
+++ b/board/sbc8548/tlb.c
@@ -46,12 +46,14 @@ struct fsl_e_tlb_entry tlb_table[] = {
 	 * TLB 0:	64M	Non-cacheable, guarded
-	 * 0xfc000000	56M	8MB -> 64MB of user flash
+	 * 0xfc000000	56M	unused
 	 * 0xff800000	8M	boot FLASH
+	 *	.... or ....
+	 * 0xfc000000	64M	user flash
+	 *
 	 * Out of reset this entry is only 4K.
-		      CONFIG_SYS_ALT_FLASH + 0x800000,
+	SET_TLB_ENTRY(1, 0xfc000000, 0xfc000000,
 		      MAS3_SX|MAS3_SW|MAS3_SR, MAS2_I|MAS2_G,
 		      0, 0, BOOKE_PAGESZ_64M, 1),
@@ -103,21 +105,12 @@ struct fsl_e_tlb_entry tlb_table[] = {
 		      0, 5, BOOKE_PAGESZ_16M, 1),
-	 * TLB 6:	4M	Non-cacheable, guarded
-	 * 0xfb800000	4M	1st 4MB block of 64MB user FLASH
+	 * TLB 6:	64M	Non-cacheable, guarded
+	 * 0xec000000	64M	64MB user FLASH
 		      MAS3_SX|MAS3_SW|MAS3_SR, MAS2_I|MAS2_G,
-		      0, 6, BOOKE_PAGESZ_4M, 1),
-	/*
-	 * TLB 7:	4M	Non-cacheable, guarded
-	 * 0xfbc00000	4M	2nd 4MB block of 64MB user FLASH
-	 */
-		      CONFIG_SYS_ALT_FLASH + 0x400000,
-		      MAS3_SX|MAS3_SW|MAS3_SR, MAS2_I|MAS2_G,
-		      0, 7, BOOKE_PAGESZ_4M, 1),
+		      0, 6, BOOKE_PAGESZ_64M, 1),
diff --git a/doc/README.sbc8548 b/doc/README.sbc8548
index 6cbe12f1f5..5fa9c93685 100644
--- a/doc/README.sbc8548
+++ b/doc/README.sbc8548
@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ Boot flash:
 Sodimm flash:
 	intel V28F128Jx, 16384x8 (4 devices) at 0xfb80_0000
+	Note that this address reflects the default setting for
+	the JTAG debugging tools, but since the alignment is
+	rather inconvenient, u-boot puts it at 0xec00_0000.
@@ -187,9 +190,12 @@ start		end		CS<n>	width	Desc.
 0000_0000	0fff_ffff	MCS0,1	64	DDR2 (256MB)
 f000_0000	f7ff_ffff	CS3,4	32	LB SDRAM (128MB)
 f800_0000	f8b0_1fff	CS5	-	EPLD
-fb80_0000	ff7f_ffff	CS6	32	SODIMM flash (64MB)
+fb80_0000	ff7f_ffff	CS6	32	SODIMM flash (64MB) [*]
 ff80_0000	ffff_ffff	CS0	8	Boot flash (8MB)
+[*] fb80 represents the default programmed by WR JTAG register files,
+    but u-boot places the flash at either ec00 or fc00 based on JP12.
 The EPLD on CS5 demuxes the following devices at the following offsets:
 offset		size	width	device
diff --git a/include/configs/sbc8548.h b/include/configs/sbc8548.h
index 7c26207ab9..cea017900f 100644
--- a/include/configs/sbc8548.h
+++ b/include/configs/sbc8548.h
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
  * FLASH on the Local Bus
  * Two banks, one 8MB the other 64MB, using the CFI driver.
  * Boot from BR0/OR0 bank at 0xff80_0000
- * Alternate BR6/OR6 bank at 0xfb80_0000
+ * Alternate BR6/OR6 bank at 0xec00_0000
  * BR0:
  *    Base address 0 = 0xff80_0000 = BR0[0:16] = 1111 1111 1000 0000 0
@@ -152,13 +152,13 @@
  * 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0001 = ff800801    BR0
  * BR6:
- *    Base address 6 = 0xfb80_0000 = BR6[0:16] = 1111 1011 1000 0000 0
+ *    Base address 6 = 0xec00_0000 = BR6[0:16] = 1110 1100 0000 0000 0
  *    Port Size = 32 bits = BRx[19:20] = 11
  *    Use GPCM = BRx[24:26] = 000
  *    Valid = BRx[31] = 1
  * 0    4    8    12   16   20   24   28
- * 1111 1011 1000 0000 0001 1000 0000 0001 = fb801801    BR6
+ * 1110 1100 0000 0000 0001 1000 0000 0001 = ec001801    BR6
  * OR0:
  *    Addr Mask = 8M = OR1[0:16] = 1111 1111 1000 0000 0
@@ -186,11 +186,11 @@
 #define CONFIG_SYS_BOOT_BLOCK		0xff800000	/* start of 8MB Flash */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_ALT_FLASH		0xfb800000	/* 64MB "user" flash */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_ALT_FLASH		0xec000000	/* 64MB "user" flash */
 #define CONFIG_SYS_BR0_PRELIM		0xff800801
-#define CONFIG_SYS_BR6_PRELIM		0xfb801801
+#define CONFIG_SYS_BR6_PRELIM		0xec001801
 #define	CONFIG_SYS_OR0_PRELIM		0xff806e65
 #define	CONFIG_SYS_OR6_PRELIM		0xfc006e65