From: wdenk <wdenk>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 23:19:37 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Initial revision
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~24115

Initial revision

diff --git a/net/bootp.c b/net/bootp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbce061722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/bootp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+ *	Based on LiMon - BOOTP.
+ *
+ *	Copyright 1994, 1995, 2000 Neil Russell.
+ *	(See License)
+ *	Copyright 2000 Roland Borde
+ *	Copyright 2000 Paolo Scaffardi
+ *	Copyright 2000-2002 Wolfgang Denk,
+ */
+#if 0
+#define	DEBUG		1	/* general debug */
+#define DEBUG_BOOTP_EXT	1	/* Debug received vendor fields	*/
+#define debug_ext(fmt,args...)	printf (fmt ,##args)
+#define debug_ext(fmt,args...)
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <net.h>
+#include "bootp.h"
+#include "tftp.h"
+#include "arp.h"
+#include <status_led.h>
+#define	BOOTP_VENDOR_MAGIC	0x63825363 	/* RFC1048 Magic Cookie 	*/
+#define TIMEOUT		5		/* Seconds before trying BOOTP again	*/
+# define TIMEOUT_COUNT	5		/* # of timeouts before giving up  */
+#define PORT_BOOTPS	67		/* BOOTP server UDP port		*/
+#define PORT_BOOTPC	68		/* BOOTP client UDP port		*/
+#ifndef CONFIG_DHCP_MIN_EXT_LEN		/* minimal length of extension list	*/
+ulong		BootpID;
+int		BootpTry;
+ulong		seed1, seed2;
+dhcp_state_t dhcp_state = INIT;
+unsigned int dhcp_leasetime = 0;
+static void DhcpHandler(uchar * pkt, unsigned dest, unsigned src, unsigned len);
+/* For Debug */
+char *dhcpmsg2str(int type)
+	switch (type) {
+	case 1:  return "DHCPDISCOVER";	break;
+	case 2:  return "DHCPOFFER";	break;
+	case 3:  return "DHCPREQUEST";	break;
+	case 4:  return "DHCPDECLINE";	break;
+	case 5:  return "DHCPACK";	break;
+	case 6:  return "DHCPNACK";	break;
+	case 7:  return "DHCPRELEASE";	break;
+	default: return "UNKNOWN/INVALID MSG TYPE"; break;
+	}
+extern u8 *dhcp_vendorex_prep (u8 *e); /*rtn new e after add own opts. */
+extern u8 *dhcp_vendorex_proc (u8 *e); /*rtn next e if mine,else NULL  */
+#endif	/* CFG_CMD_DHCP */
+static int BootpCheckPkt(uchar *pkt, unsigned dest, unsigned src, unsigned len)
+	Bootp_t *bp = (Bootp_t *) pkt;
+	int retval = 0;
+	if (dest != PORT_BOOTPC || src != PORT_BOOTPS)
+		retval = -1;
+	else if (len < sizeof (Bootp_t) - OPT_SIZE)
+		retval = -2;
+	else if (bp->bp_op != OP_BOOTREQUEST &&
+	    bp->bp_op != OP_BOOTREPLY &&
+	    bp->bp_op != DHCP_OFFER &&
+	    bp->bp_op != DHCP_ACK &&
+	    bp->bp_op != DHCP_NAK ) {
+		retval = -3;
+	}
+	else if (bp->bp_htype != HWT_ETHER)
+		retval = -4;
+	else if (bp->bp_hlen != HWL_ETHER)
+		retval = -5;
+	else if (NetReadLong((ulong*)&bp->bp_id) != BootpID) {
+		retval = -6;
+	}
+	debug ("Filtering pkt = %d\n", retval);
+	return retval;
+ * Copy parameters of interest from BOOTP_REPLY/DHCP_OFFER packet
+ */
+void BootpCopyNetParams(Bootp_t *bp)
+	NetCopyIP(&NetOurIP, &bp->bp_yiaddr);
+	NetCopyIP(&NetServerIP, &bp->bp_siaddr);
+	memcpy (NetServerEther, ((Ethernet_t *)NetRxPkt)->et_src, 6);
+	copy_filename (BootFile, bp->bp_file, sizeof(BootFile));
+	debug ("Bootfile: %s\n", BootFile);
+	/* Propagate to environment:
+         * don't delete exising entry when BOOTP / DHCP reply does
+	 * not contain a new value
+	 */
+	if (*BootFile) {
+		setenv ("bootfile", BootFile);
+	}
+static int truncate_sz (const char *name, int maxlen, int curlen)
+	if (curlen >= maxlen) {
+		printf("*** WARNING: %s is too long (%d - max: %d) - truncated\n",
+			name, curlen, maxlen);
+		curlen = maxlen - 1;
+	}
+	return (curlen);
+static void BootpVendorFieldProcess(u8 *ext)
+    int size = *(ext+1) ;
+    debug_ext ("[BOOTP] Processing extension %d... (%d bytes)\n", *ext, *(ext+1));
+    NetBootFileSize = 0;
+    switch (*ext) {
+    /* Fixed length fields */
+	case 1:		/* Subnet mask					*/
+		if (NetOurSubnetMask == 0)
+			NetCopyIP(&NetOurSubnetMask, (IPaddr_t*)(ext+2));
+		break;
+	case 2:		/* Time offset - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+    /* Variable length fields */
+	case 3:		/* Gateways list				*/
+		if (NetOurGatewayIP == 0) {
+			NetCopyIP(&NetOurGatewayIP, (IPaddr_t*)(ext+2));
+		}
+		break;
+	case 4:		/* Time server - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+	case 5:		/* IEN-116 name server - Not yet supported	*/
+		break;
+	case 6:
+		if (NetOurDNSIP == 0) {
+			NetCopyIP(&NetOurDNSIP, (IPaddr_t*)(ext+2));
+		}
+		break;
+	case 7:		/* Log server - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+	case 8:		/* Cookie/Quote server - Not yet supported	*/
+		break;
+	case 9:		/* LPR server - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+	case 10:	/* Impress server - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+	case 11:	/* RPL server - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+	case 12:	/* Host name					*/
+		if (NetOurHostName[0] == 0) {
+		    size = truncate_sz("Host Name", sizeof(NetOurHostName), size);
+		    memcpy(&NetOurHostName, ext+2, size);
+		    NetOurHostName[size] = 0 ;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 13:	/* Boot file size				*/
+		if (size == 2)
+			NetBootFileSize = ntohs(*(ushort*)(ext+2));
+		else if (size == 4)
+			NetBootFileSize = ntohl(*(ulong*)(ext+2));
+		break;
+	case 14:	/* Merit dump file - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+	case 15:	/* Domain name - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+	case 16:	/* Swap server - Not yet supported		*/
+		break;
+	case 17:	/* Root path					*/
+		if (NetOurRootPath[0] == 0) {
+		    size = truncate_sz("Root Path", sizeof(NetOurRootPath), size);
+		    memcpy(&NetOurRootPath, ext+2, size);
+		    NetOurRootPath[size] = 0 ;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 18:	/* Extension path - Not yet supported		*/
+		/*
+                 * This can be used to send the informations of the
+                 * vendor area in another file that the client can
+                 * access via TFTP.
+		 */
+		break;
+    /* IP host layer fields */
+	case 40:	/* NIS Domain name				*/
+		if (NetOurNISDomain[0] == 0) {
+		    size = truncate_sz ("NIS Domain Name",
+		    			sizeof(NetOurNISDomain),
+					size);
+		    memcpy(&NetOurNISDomain, ext+2, size);
+		    NetOurNISDomain[size] = 0 ;
+		}
+		break;
+    /* Application layer fields */
+	case 43:	/* Vendor specific info - Not yet supported	*/
+		/*
+                 * Binary informations to exchange specific
+                 * product information.
+		 */
+		break;
+    /* Reserved (custom) fields (128..254) */
+    }
+static void BootpVendorProcess(u8 *ext, int size)
+    u8 *end = ext + size ;
+    debug_ext ("[BOOTP] Checking extension (%d bytes)...\n", size);
+    while ((ext < end) && (*ext != 0xff)) {
+	if (*ext == 0) {
+	    ext ++ ;
+	} else {
+		u8 *opt = ext ;
+		ext += ext[1] + 2 ;
+		if (ext <= end)
+		    BootpVendorFieldProcess (opt) ;
+	}
+    }
+    printf("[BOOTP] Received fields: \n");
+    if (NetOurSubnetMask) {
+	puts ("NetOurSubnetMask	: ");
+	print_IPaddr (NetOurSubnetMask);
+	putc('\n');
+    }
+    if (NetOurGatewayIP) {
+	puts ("NetOurGatewayIP	: ");
+	print_IPaddr (NetOurGatewayIP);
+	putc('\n');
+    }
+    if (NetBootFileSize) {
+	printf("NetBootFileSize : %d\n", NetBootFileSize);
+    }
+    if (NetOurHostName[0]) {
+	printf("NetOurHostName  : %s\n", NetOurHostName);
+    }
+    if (NetOurRootPath[0]) {
+	printf("NetOurRootPath  : %s\n", NetOurRootPath);
+    }
+    if (NetOurNISDomain[0]) {
+        printf("NetOurNISDomain : %s\n", NetOurNISDomain);
+    }
+    if (NetBootFileSize) {
+	printf("NetBootFileSize: %d\n", NetBootFileSize);
+    }
+#endif	/* DEBUG_BOOTP_EXT */
+ *	Handle a BOOTP received packet.
+ */
+static void
+BootpHandler(uchar * pkt, unsigned dest, unsigned src, unsigned len)
+	Bootp_t *bp;
+	char	*s;
+	debug ("got BOOTP packet (src=%d, dst=%d, len=%d want_len=%d)\n",
+		src, dest, len, sizeof (Bootp_t));
+	bp = (Bootp_t *)pkt;
+	if (BootpCheckPkt(pkt, dest, src, len))	/* Filter out pkts we don't want */
+		return;
+	/*
+	 *	Got a good BOOTP reply.  Copy the data into our variables.
+	 */
+	status_led_set (STATUS_LED_BOOT, STATUS_LED_OFF);
+	BootpCopyNetParams(bp);		/* Store net parameters from reply */
+	/* Retrieve extended information (we must parse the vendor area) */
+	if (NetReadLong((ulong*)&bp->bp_vend[0]) == htonl(BOOTP_VENDOR_MAGIC))
+		BootpVendorProcess(&bp->bp_vend[4], len);
+	NetSetTimeout(0, (thand_f *)0);
+	debug ("Got good BOOTP\n");
+	if (((s = getenv("autoload")) != NULL) && (*s == 'n')) {
+		/*
+		 * Just use BOOTP to configure system;
+		 * Do not use TFTP to load the bootfile.
+		 */
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Send ARP request to get TFTP server ethernet address.
+	 * This automagically starts TFTP, too.
+	 */
+	ArpRequest();
+#endif	/* !CFG_CMD_DHCP */
+ *	Timeout on BOOTP/DHCP request.
+ */
+static void
+	if (BootpTry >= TIMEOUT_COUNT) {
+		puts ("\nRetry count exceeded; starting again\n");
+		NetStartAgain ();
+	} else {
+		NetSetTimeout (TIMEOUT * CFG_HZ, BootpTimeout);
+		BootpRequest ();
+	}
+ *	Initialize BOOTP extension fields in the request.
+ */
+static int DhcpExtended(u8 *e, int message_type, IPaddr_t ServerID, IPaddr_t RequestedIP)
+    u8 *start = e ;
+    u8 *cnt;
+    u8 *x;
+    *e++ =  99;		/* RFC1048 Magic Cookie */
+    *e++ = 130;
+    *e++ =  83;
+    *e++ =  99;
+    *e++ = 53;		/* DHCP Message Type */
+    *e++ = 1;
+    *e++ = message_type;
+    *e++ = 57;		/* Maximum DHCP Message Size */
+    *e++ = 2;
+    *e++ = (576-312+OPT_SIZE) >> 8;
+    *e++ = (576-312+OPT_SIZE) & 0xff;
+    if ( ServerID ) {
+    	    int tmp = ntohl(ServerID);
+	    *e++ = 54;	/* ServerID */
+	    *e++ = 4;
+	    *e++ = tmp >> 24;
+	    *e++ = tmp >> 16;
+	    *e++ = tmp >> 8;
+	    *e++ = tmp & 0xff;
+    }
+    if ( RequestedIP ) {
+    	    int tmp = ntohl(RequestedIP);
+	    *e++ = 50;	/* Requested IP */
+	    *e++ = 4;
+	    *e++ = tmp >> 24;
+	    *e++ = tmp >> 16;
+	    *e++ = tmp >> 8;
+	    *e++ = tmp & 0xff;
+    }
+    if ((x = dhcp_vendorex_prep (e)))
+    	return x - start ;
+    *e++ = 55;		/* Parameter Request List */
+    cnt  = e++;		/* Pointer to count of requested items */
+    *cnt = 0;
+    *e++ = 1;		/* Subnet Mask */
+    *cnt += 1;
+    *e++ = 3;		/* Router Option */
+    *cnt += 1;
+    *e++ = 6;		/* DNS Server(s) */
+    *cnt += 1;
+    *e++ = 12;		/* Hostname */
+    *cnt += 1;
+    *e++ = 13;		/* Boot File Size */
+    *cnt += 1;
+    *e++ = 17;		/* Boot path */
+    *cnt += 1;
+    *e++ = 40;		/* NIS Domain name request */
+    *cnt += 1;
+    *e++ = 255;		/* End of the list */
+    /* Pad to minimal length */
+    while ((e - start) <= CONFIG_DHCP_MIN_EXT_LEN)
+	*e++ = 0;
+    return e - start ;
+#else	/* CFG_CMD_DHCP */
+ *	Warning: no field size check - change CONFIG_BOOTP_MASK at your own risk!
+ */
+static int BootpExtended (u8 *e)
+    u8 *start = e ;
+    *e++ =  99;		/* RFC1048 Magic Cookie */
+    *e++ = 130;
+    *e++ =  83;
+    *e++ =  99;
+    *e++ = 53;		/* DHCP Message Type */
+    *e++ = 1;
+    *e++ = DHCP_DISCOVER;
+    *e++ = 57;		/* Maximum DHCP Message Size */
+    *e++ = 2;
+    *e++ = (576-312+OPT_SIZE) >> 16;
+    *e++ = (576-312+OPT_SIZE) & 0xff;
+#endif	/* CFG_CMD_DHCP */
+    *e++ =  1;		/* Subnet mask request */
+    *e++ =  4;
+     e  +=  4;
+    *e++ =  3;		/* Default gateway request */
+    *e++ =  4;
+     e  +=  4;
+    *e++ =  6;		/* Domain Name Server */
+    *e++ =  4;
+     e  +=  4;
+    *e++ = 12;		/* Host name request */
+    *e++ = 32;
+     e  += 32;
+    *e++ = 13;		/* Boot file size */
+    *e++ =  2;
+     e  +=  2;
+    *e++ = 17;		/* Boot path */
+    *e++ = 32;
+     e  += 32;
+    *e++ = 40;		/* NIS Domain name request */
+    *e++ = 32;
+     e  += 32;
+    *e++ = 255;		/* End of the list */
+    return e - start ;
+#endif	/* CFG_CMD_DHCP */
+BootpRequest (void)
+	volatile uchar *pkt, *iphdr;
+	Bootp_t *bp;
+	int ext_len, pktlen, iplen;
+	dhcp_state = INIT;
+#ifdef CONFIG_BOOTP_RANDOM_DELAY		/* Random BOOTP delay */
+	unsigned char bi_enetaddr[6];
+	int   reg;
+	char  *e,*s;
+	uchar tmp[64];
+	ulong tst1, tst2, sum, m_mask, m_value = 0;
+	if (BootpTry ==0) {
+		/* get our mac */
+		reg = getenv_r ("ethaddr", tmp, sizeof(tmp));
+		s = (reg > 0) ? tmp : NULL;
+		for (reg=0; reg<6; ++reg) {
+			bi_enetaddr[reg] = s ? simple_strtoul(s, &e, 16) : 0;
+			if (s) {
+				s = (*e) ? e+1 : e;
+			}
+		}
+#ifdef DEBUG
+		printf("BootpRequest => Our Mac: ");
+		for (reg=0; reg<6; reg++) {
+			printf ("%x%c",
+				bi_enetaddr[reg],
+				reg==5 ? '\n' : ':');
+		}
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+		/* Mac-Manipulation 2 get seed1 */
+		tst1=0;
+		tst2=0;
+		for (reg=2; reg<6; reg++) {
+			tst1 = tst1 << 8;
+			tst1 = tst1 | bi_enetaddr[reg];
+		}
+		for (reg=0; reg<2; reg++) {
+			tst2 = tst2 | bi_enetaddr[reg];
+			tst2 = tst2 << 8;
+		}
+		seed1 = tst1^tst2;
+		/* Mirror seed1*/
+		m_mask=0x1;
+		for (reg=1;reg<=32;reg++) {
+			m_value |= (m_mask & seed1);
+			seed1 = seed1 >> 1;
+			m_value = m_value << 1;
+		}
+		seed1 = m_value;
+		seed2 = 0xB78D0945;
+	}
+	/* Random Number Generator */
+	for (reg=0;reg<=0;reg++) {
+		sum = seed1 + seed2;
+		if (sum < seed1 || sum < seed2)
+			sum++;
+	        seed2 = seed1;
+		seed1 = sum;
+		if (BootpTry<=2) {	/* Start with max 1024 * 1ms */
+			sum = sum >> (22-BootpTry);
+		} else {		/*After 3rd BOOTP request max 8192 * 1ms */
+			sum = sum >> 19;
+		}
+	}
+	printf ("Random delay: %ld ms...\n", sum);
+	for (reg=0; reg <sum; reg++) {
+		udelay(1000); /*Wait 1ms*/
+	}
+	printf("BOOTP broadcast %d\n", ++BootpTry);
+	pkt = NetTxPacket;
+	memset ((void*)pkt, 0, PKTSIZE);
+	NetSetEther(pkt, NetBcastAddr, PROT_IP);
+	pkt += ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
+	/*
+	 * Next line results in incorrect packet size being transmitted, resulting
+	 * in errors in some DHCP servers, reporting missing bytes.  Size must be
+	 * set in packet header after extension length has been determined.
+	 * C. Hallinan, DS4.COM, Inc.
+	 */
+	/* NetSetIP(pkt, 0xFFFFFFFFL, PORT_BOOTPS, PORT_BOOTPC, sizeof (Bootp_t)); */
+	iphdr = pkt;	/* We need this later for NetSetIP() */
+	pkt += IP_HDR_SIZE;
+	bp = (Bootp_t *)pkt;
+	bp->bp_op = OP_BOOTREQUEST;
+	bp->bp_htype = HWT_ETHER;
+	bp->bp_hlen = HWL_ETHER;
+	bp->bp_hops = 0;
+	bp->bp_secs = htons(get_timer(0) / CFG_HZ);
+	NetWriteIP(&bp->bp_ciaddr, 0);
+	NetWriteIP(&bp->bp_yiaddr, 0);
+	NetWriteIP(&bp->bp_siaddr, 0);
+	NetWriteIP(&bp->bp_giaddr, 0);
+	memcpy (bp->bp_chaddr, NetOurEther, 6);
+	copy_filename (bp->bp_file, BootFile, sizeof(bp->bp_file));
+	/* Request additional information from the BOOTP/DHCP server */
+	ext_len = DhcpExtended(bp->bp_vend, DHCP_DISCOVER, 0, 0);
+	ext_len = BootpExtended(bp->bp_vend);
+#endif	/* CFG_CMD_DHCP */
+	/*
+	 *	Bootp ID is the lower 4 bytes of our ethernet address
+	 *	plus the current time in HZ.
+	 */
+	BootpID = ((ulong)NetOurEther[2] << 24)
+		| ((ulong)NetOurEther[3] << 16)
+		| ((ulong)NetOurEther[4] << 8)
+		| (ulong)NetOurEther[5];
+	BootpID += get_timer(0);
+	BootpID  = htonl(BootpID);
+	NetCopyLong(&bp->bp_id, &BootpID);
+	/*
+	 * Calculate proper packet lengths taking into account the
+	 * variable size of the options field
+	 */
+	pktlen = BOOTP_SIZE - sizeof(bp->bp_vend) + ext_len;
+	iplen = BOOTP_HDR_SIZE - sizeof(bp->bp_vend) + ext_len;
+	NetSetTimeout(SELECT_TIMEOUT * CFG_HZ, BootpTimeout);
+	dhcp_state = SELECTING;
+	NetSetHandler(DhcpHandler);
+	NetSetHandler(BootpHandler);
+#endif	/* CFG_CMD_DHCP */
+	NetSendPacket(NetTxPacket, pktlen);
+void DhcpOptionsProcess(char *popt)
+	char *end = popt + BOOTP_HDR_SIZE;
+	int oplen, size;
+	while ( popt < end && *popt != 0xff ) {
+		oplen = *(popt + 1);
+		switch(*popt) {
+			case  1:
+				NetCopyIP(&NetOurSubnetMask, (popt+2));
+				break;
+			case  3:
+				NetCopyIP(&NetOurGatewayIP, (popt+2));
+				break;
+			case  6:
+				NetCopyIP(&NetOurDNSIP, (popt+2));
+				break;
+			case 12:
+				size = truncate_sz ("Host Name",
+						    sizeof(NetOurHostName),
+						    oplen);
+				memcpy(&NetOurHostName, popt+2, size);
+				NetOurHostName[size] = 0 ;
+				break;
+			case 15:		/* Ignore Domain Name Option */
+				break;
+			case 17:
+				size = truncate_sz ("Root Path",
+						    sizeof(NetOurRootPath),
+						    oplen);
+				memcpy(&NetOurRootPath, popt+2, size);
+				NetOurRootPath[size] = 0 ;
+				break;
+			case 51:
+				dhcp_leasetime = *(unsigned int *)(popt + 2);
+				break;
+			case 53:		/* Ignore Message Type Option */
+				break;
+			case 54:
+				NetCopyIP(&NetServerIP, (popt+2));
+				break;
+			case 58:		/* Ignore Renewal Time Option */
+				break;
+			case 59:		/* Ignore Rebinding Time Option */
+				break;
+			default:
+			    if (dhcp_vendorex_proc(popt))
+        			break;
+				printf("*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: %d\n",
+					*popt);
+				break;
+		}
+		popt += oplen + 2;	/* Process next option */
+	}
+static int DhcpMessageType(unsigned char *popt)
+	if (NetReadLong((ulong*)popt) != htonl(BOOTP_VENDOR_MAGIC))
+		return -1;
+	popt += 4;
+	while ( *popt != 0xff ) {
+		if ( *popt == 53 )	/* DHCP Message Type */
+			return *(popt + 2);
+		popt += *(popt + 1) + 2;	/* Scan through all options */
+	}
+	return -1;
+void DhcpSendRequestPkt(Bootp_t *bp_offer)
+	volatile uchar *pkt, *iphdr;
+	Bootp_t *bp;
+	int pktlen, iplen, extlen;
+	debug ("DhcpSendRequestPkt: Sending DHCPREQUEST\n");
+	pkt = NetTxPacket;
+	memset ((void*)pkt, 0, PKTSIZE);
+	NetSetEther(pkt, NetBcastAddr, PROT_IP);
+	pkt += ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
+	iphdr = pkt;		/* We'll need this later to set proper pkt size */
+	pkt += IP_HDR_SIZE;
+	bp = (Bootp_t *)pkt;
+	bp->bp_op = OP_BOOTREQUEST;
+	bp->bp_htype = HWT_ETHER;
+	bp->bp_hlen = HWL_ETHER;
+	bp->bp_hops = 0;
+	bp->bp_secs = htons(get_timer(0) / CFG_HZ);
+	NetCopyIP(&bp->bp_ciaddr, &bp_offer->bp_ciaddr); /* both in network byte order */
+	NetCopyIP(&bp->bp_yiaddr, &bp_offer->bp_yiaddr);
+	NetCopyIP(&bp->bp_siaddr, &bp_offer->bp_siaddr);
+	NetCopyIP(&bp->bp_giaddr, &bp_offer->bp_giaddr);
+	memcpy (bp->bp_chaddr, NetOurEther, 6);
+	/*
+	 * ID is the id of the OFFER packet
+	 */
+	NetCopyLong(&bp->bp_id, &bp_offer->bp_id);
+	/*
+	 * Copy options from OFFER packet if present
+	 */
+	extlen = DhcpExtended(bp->bp_vend, DHCP_REQUEST, NetServerIP, bp->bp_yiaddr);
+	pktlen = BOOTP_SIZE - sizeof(bp->bp_vend) + extlen;
+	iplen = BOOTP_HDR_SIZE - sizeof(bp->bp_vend) + extlen;
+	debug ("Transmitting DHCPREQUEST packet: len = %d\n", pktlen);
+	NetSendPacket(NetTxPacket, pktlen);
+ *	Handle DHCP received packets.
+ */
+static void
+DhcpHandler(uchar * pkt, unsigned dest, unsigned src, unsigned len)
+	Bootp_t *bp = (Bootp_t *)pkt;
+	debug ("DHCPHandler: got packet: (src=%d, dst=%d, len=%d) state: %d\n",
+		src, dest, len, dhcp_state);
+	if (BootpCheckPkt(pkt, dest, src, len))	/* Filter out pkts we don't want */
+		return;
+	debug ("DHCPHandler: got DHCP packet: (src=%d, dst=%d, len=%d) state: %d\n",
+		src, dest, len, dhcp_state);
+	switch (dhcp_state) {
+		/*
+		 * Wait an appropriate time for any potential DHCPOFFER packets
+		 * to arrive.  Then select one, and generate DHCPREQUEST response.
+		 * If filename is in format we recognize, assume it is a valid
+		 * OFFER from a server we want.
+		 */
+		debug ("DHCP: state=SELECTING bp_file: \"%s\"\n", bp->bp_file);
+		if (strncmp(bp->bp_file,
+			    strlen(CFG_BOOTFILE_PREFIX)) == 0 ) {
+			dhcp_state = REQUESTING;
+#if 0
+			if (NetReadLong((ulong*)&bp->bp_vend[0]) == htonl(BOOTP_VENDOR_MAGIC))
+				DhcpOptionsProcess(&bp->bp_vend[4]);
+			BootpCopyNetParams(bp);	/* Store net params from reply */
+			NetSetTimeout(TIMEOUT * CFG_HZ, BootpTimeout);
+			DhcpSendRequestPkt(bp);
+		}
+		return;
+		break;
+		debug ("DHCP State: REQUESTING\n");
+		if ( DhcpMessageType(bp->bp_vend) == DHCP_ACK ) {
+			char *s;
+			if (NetReadLong((ulong*)&bp->bp_vend[0]) == htonl(BOOTP_VENDOR_MAGIC))
+				DhcpOptionsProcess(&bp->bp_vend[4]);
+			BootpCopyNetParams(bp);	/* Store net params from reply */
+			dhcp_state = BOUND;
+			printf("DHCP client bound to address ");
+			print_IPaddr(NetOurIP);
+			printf("\n");
+			/* Obey the 'autoload' setting */
+			if (((s = getenv("autoload")) != NULL) && (*s == 'n')) {
+				NetState = NETLOOP_SUCCESS;
+				return;
+			}
+			/* Send ARP request to get TFTP server ethernet address.
+			 * This automagically starts TFTP, too.
+			 */
+			ArpRequest();
+			return;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		printf("DHCP: INVALID STATE\n");
+		break;
+	}
+void DhcpRequest(void)
+	BootpRequest();
+#endif	/* CFG_CMD_DHCP */
+#endif /* CFG_CMD_NET */