2023-01-08 Tom RiniMerge tag 'u-boot-nand-20230108' of https://source...
2023-01-08 Roger Quadrosmtd: rawnand: omap_elm: u-boot driver model support
2023-01-08 Roger Quadrosdt-bindings: mtd: Add ti, elm DT binding documentation
2023-01-08 Roger Quadrosmtd: rawnand: omap_gpmc: Enable SYS_NAND_PAGE_COUNT...
2023-01-08 Roger Quadrosmtd: rawnand: omap_gpmc: Add SPL NAND support
2023-01-08 Roger Quadrosmtd: rawnand: omap_gpmc: support u-boot driver model
2023-01-08 Roger Quadrosdt-bindings: mtd: Add ti, gpmc-nand DT binding document...
2023-01-08 Roger Quadrosmtd: rawnand: nand_base: Allow base driver to be used...
2023-01-08 Roger Quadrosmtd: rawnand: omap_gpmc: Fix BCH6/16 HW based correction
2023-01-06 Tom RiniMerge tag 'u-boot-at91-2023.04-a' of https://source...
2023-01-06 Tom RiniMerge tag 'dm-next-5jan23' of https://source.denx.de...
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: add '--get-maintainer-script' argument
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: additionally honor a local .patman config file
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: fail early in Setup when provided config file...
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: set the default config_fname argument value...
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: import gitutil module where it is needed
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: replace deprecated SafeConfigParser with Config...
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: fix pep8 warnings in settings module
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: document default 'send' command
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: document how to run test suite via pytest
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: hide the 'test' command unless test data is...
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: add pytest configuration file
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: rename main script to __main__.py
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: invoke the checkpatch.pl script with '--u-boot...
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: locate test data files via __file__ and pathlib
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: cosmetic: Fix PEP 8 warnings for the gitutil...
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: locate README.rst via importlib
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: fix installation of README.rst data file
2023-01-06 Maxim Cournoyerpatman: remove extraneous imports
2023-01-06 Yuepeng Xingtest:dm:fix typo
2023-01-06 Sean Andersonpatman: Switch to setuptools
2023-01-05 Sergiu Mogareset: at91: Add reset driver for basic assert/deassert...
2023-01-05 Cristian BirsanARM: at91: add sama7 SFR definitions
2023-01-05 Sergiu MogaARM: dts: sama5d27_wlsom1_ek: Add pinctrl nodes for...
2023-01-05 Sergiu MogaARM: dts: sama5d2_icp: Add pinctrl nodes for USB relate...
2023-01-05 Sergiu MogaARM: dts: sama7g5ek: Add pinctrl, gpio and phy properti...
2023-01-05 Sergiu MogaARM: dts: sama7g5: Add USB and UTMI DT nodes
2023-01-05 Sergiu Mogadt-bindings: clk: at91: Define additional UTMI related...
2023-01-05 Sergiu Mogadt-bindings: reset: add sama7g5 definitions
2023-01-05 Sergiu MogaARM: dts: sam9x60ek: Add pinctrl and gpio properties...
2023-01-05 Sergiu MogaARM: dts: sam9x60_curiosity: Add pinctrl and gpio prope...
2023-01-05 Sergiu MogaARM: dts: sam9x60: Add OHCI and EHCI DT nodes
2023-01-04 Mihai Sainconfigs: sam9x60: add mmc config for sdmmc1
2023-01-04 Mihai Sainboard: at91: sam9x60: set blue led on at boot time
2023-01-03 Mihai SainARM: dts: at91: sam9x60: add sdhci1 node and pinctrl
2023-01-02 Tom RiniMerge branch '2023-01-02-platform-updates' into next
2023-01-02 Stefan Boscharm: s5p4418: dm_serial: remove old code / add DEBUG_UART
2023-01-02 Stefan Boscharm: s5p4418: dm_serial: switch to DM_SERIAL
2023-01-02 Stefan Boscharm: s5p4418: dm_serial: add uarts to dts
2023-01-02 Stefan Boscharm: s5p4418: dm_serial: add driver source code
2023-01-02 Holger Brunckboard/pg_wcom: rework defconfig
2023-01-02 Neha Malcom... board: ti: common: board_detect: Fix EEPROM read quirk...
2023-01-02 Lokanathan... Add CONFIG_SYS_NAND_SELF_INIT to Kconfig for NAND DENAL...
2023-01-02 Pali Rohárserial: Use -EAGAIN in getc and putc
2023-01-02 Pali Rohárserial: Do not write additional \r before \n for dm_ser...
2023-01-02 Sergei Antonovrtc: add ht1380 driver
2023-01-02 Dai Okamuraarm: uniphier: use DM_TIMER of arm a9 global timer
2023-01-02 Dai Okamurapinctrl: uniphier: add ethernet TX pin data for PXs3
2023-01-02 Dai Okamurapinctrl: uniphier: add check if pins are valid
2023-01-02 Rob Herringdts: synquacer: Drop unused and undocumented GPIO ...
2023-01-02 Rob Herringdts: synquacer: Drop unused and undocumented SPI properties
2023-01-02 Pali Rohárpowerpc: dts: keymile: Deduplicate binman code
2023-01-02 Rob Herringdts: synquacer: Fix idle-states 'entry-method' value
2023-01-02 Rob Herringdts: synquacer: Fix "arm, armv7-timer-mem" node address...
2023-01-02 Rob Herringdts: synquacer: Use generic node names
2023-01-02 Rob Herringdts: synquacer: Drop CPU 'arm,armv8' compatibles
2023-01-02 Christian Gmeinerarm: dts: ti: k3-am64-mcu: Add pinctrl
2022-12-31 Tom RiniMerge branch '2022-12-31-cmd-source-support-specifying...
2022-12-31 Sean Andersoncmd: source: Support specifying config name
2022-12-31 Sean Andersoncmd: source: Clean up a few lines
2022-12-31 Sean Andersontreewide: Use NULL for script image name
2022-12-31 Sean Andersontest: Add test for source command
2022-12-31 Sean Andersonimage: Add fallback for fit_config_verify
2022-12-24 Tom RiniMerge branch '2022-12-23-complete-phase1-CONFIG-migrati...
2022-12-23 Tom Rinicommon/spl/spl_ram: Remove unused default
2022-12-23 Tom Rinicf_spi.c: Rename CONFIG_SPI_IDLE_VAL to SPI_IDLE_VAL
2022-12-23 Tom Rinipci-rcar-gen3: Rename CONFIG_SEND_ENABLE
2022-12-23 Tom Rinipost: Move CONFIG_SYS_POST to CFG_SYS_POST
2022-12-23 Tom Rinikbuild: Remove checking for adhoc CONFIG symbols
2022-12-23 Tom RiniCI: Replace unmigrated symbol test with non-Kconfig...
2022-12-23 Tom Rinicheckpatch.pl: Update CONFIG logic in U-Boot section
2022-12-23 Tom Rinikbuild: Remove uncmd_spl logic
2022-12-23 Tom Rinibcmcygnus: Convert CONFIG_IPROC to Kconfig
2022-12-23 Tom Riniconfigs: Remove unused or redundant CONFIG symbols
2022-12-23 Tom Rinilibrem5: Rename CONFIG_POWER_BD71837 symbols
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_X86_REFCODE_RUN_ADDR to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_X86_REFCODE_ADDR to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_X86_MRC_ADDR to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_WATCHDOG_PRESC et al to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_VSC7385_IMAGE et al to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_USB_ISP1301_I2C_ADDR to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_USART_ID to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_USART_BASE to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_TSEC_TBICR_SETTINGS to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_TESTPIN_REG to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_TESTPIN_MASK to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_TEGRA_BOARD_STRING to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_SYS_I2C_DIRECT_BUS to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_STD_DEVICES_SETTINGS to CFG
2022-12-23 Tom Riniglobal: Migrate CONFIG_STACKBASE to CFG