From 6c5879f380be38d85fef0d3aba3353358f4b2ff4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marian Balakowicz <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 16:30:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add support for AMCC 440SPe CPU based eval board (Yucca).

 CHANGELOG                         |    2 +
 MAKEALL                           |    2 +-
 Makefile                          |    3 +
 board/amcc/yucca/Makefile         |   47 ++
 board/amcc/yucca/cmd_yucca.c      |  288 +++++++
 board/amcc/yucca/        |   42 +
 board/amcc/yucca/flash.c          | 1054 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/amcc/yucca/init.S           |  105 +++
 board/amcc/yucca/       |  157 ++++
 board/amcc/yucca/ |  146 ++++
 board/amcc/yucca/yucca.c          | 1100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/amcc/yucca/yucca.h          |  382 +++++++++
 common/cmd_bdinfo.c               |    5 +-
 common/serial.c                   |    6 +-
 cpu/ppc4xx/405gp_pci.c            |    9 +-
 cpu/ppc4xx/4xx_enet.c             |   78 +-
 cpu/ppc4xx/cpu.c                  |   18 +-
 cpu/ppc4xx/interrupts.c           |  123 ++-
 cpu/ppc4xx/miiphy.c               |   59 +-
 cpu/ppc4xx/serial.c               |   39 +-
 cpu/ppc4xx/speed.c                |  254 +++++-
 cpu/ppc4xx/start.S                |   70 +-
 cpu/ppc4xx/vecnum.h               |   43 +-
 drivers/pci_indirect.c            |    2 +-
 include/405_mal.h                 |   10 +
 include/asm-ppc/mmu.h             |   41 +
 include/asm-ppc/processor.h       |    2 +
 include/common.h                  |    4 +
 include/configs/yucca.h           |  518 ++++++++++++
 include/ppc440.h                  | 1301 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 include/ppc4xx_enet.h             |   26 +-
 31 files changed, 5847 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/Makefile
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/cmd_yucca.c
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/flash.c
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/init.S
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/yucca.c
 create mode 100644 board/amcc/yucca/yucca.h
 create mode 100644 include/configs/yucca.h

index a326f7ddfa..865648d3ef 100644
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 Changes for U-Boot 1.1.4:
+* Add support for AMCC 440SPe CPU based eval board (Yucca).
 * Call serial_initialize() before first debug() is used.
 * Changes to Yellowstone & Yosemite 440EP/GR eval boards:
diff --git a/MAKEALL b/MAKEALL
index fcbab47cab..937b4db024 100755
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ LIST_4xx="	\
 	PLU405		PMC405	        PPChameleonEVB	sbc405		\
 	VOH405		VOM405          W7OLMC		W7OLMG		\
 	walnut		WUH405		XPEDITE1K	yellowstone	\
-	yosemite							\
+	yosemite	yucca						\
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 9305cab38b..06e2299b2c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -922,6 +922,9 @@ yosemite_config:	unconfig
 yellowstone_config:	unconfig
 	@./mkconfig $(@:_config=) ppc ppc4xx yellowstone amcc
+yucca_config:	unconfig
+	@./mkconfig $(@:_config=) ppc ppc4xx yucca amcc
 ## MPC8220 Systems
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/Makefile b/board/amcc/yucca/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c85fa3107b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2006
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+LIB	= lib$(BOARD).a
+OBJS	= $(BOARD).o flash.o cmd_yucca.o
+SOBJS	= init.o
+$(LIB):	$(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
+	$(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS)
+	rm -f $(SOBJS) $(OBJS)
+distclean:	clean
+	rm -f $(LIB) core *.bak .depend *~
+.depend:	Makefile $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c)
+		$(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c) > $@
+sinclude .depend
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/cmd_yucca.c b/board/amcc/yucca/cmd_yucca.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c7afb263f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/cmd_yucca.c
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Denis Peter, MPL AG Switzerland,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * hacked for evb440spe
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include "yucca.h"
+#include <i2c.h>
+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
+extern void print_evb440spe_info(void);
+static int setBootStrapClock(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int incrflag, 
+		int flag, int argc, char *argv[]);
+extern int cmd_get_data_size(char* arg, int default_size);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int do_evb440spe(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+	return setBootStrapClock (cmdtp, 1, flag, argc, argv);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Modify memory.
+ *
+ * Syntax:
+ *	evb440spe wrclk prom0,prom1
+ */
+static int setBootStrapClock(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int incrflag, int flag,
+		int argc, char *argv[])
+	uchar	chip;
+	ulong	data;
+	int	nbytes;
+	extern char console_buffer[];
+	char sysClock[4];
+	char cpuClock[4];
+	char plbClock[4];
+	char pcixClock[4];
+	if (argc < 3) {
+		printf ("Usage:\n%s\n", cmdtp->usage);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(argv[2], "prom0") == 0)
+	else
+	do {
+		printf("enter sys clock frequency 33 or 66 Mhz or quit to abort\n");
+		nbytes = readline (" ? ");
+		if (strcmp(console_buffer, "quit") == 0)
+			return 0;
+		if ((strcmp(console_buffer, "33") != 0) &
+				(strcmp(console_buffer, "66") != 0))
+			nbytes=0;
+		strcpy(sysClock, console_buffer);
+	} while (nbytes == 0);
+	do {
+		if (strcmp(sysClock, "66") == 0) {
+			printf("enter cpu clock frequency 400, 533 Mhz or quit to abort\n");
+		} else {
+			printf("enter cpu clock frequency 400, 500, 533, 667 Mhz or quit to abort\n");
+			printf("enter cpu clock frequency 400, 500, 533 Mhz or quit to abort\n");
+		}
+		nbytes = readline (" ? ");
+		if (strcmp(console_buffer, "quit") == 0)
+			return 0;
+		if (strcmp(sysClock, "66") == 0) {
+			if ((strcmp(console_buffer, "400") != 0) &
+					(strcmp(console_buffer, "533") != 0)
+					& (strcmp(console_buffer, "667") != 0)
+			   ) {
+				nbytes = 0;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ((strcmp(console_buffer, "400") != 0) &
+					(strcmp(console_buffer, "500") != 0) &
+					(strcmp(console_buffer, "533") != 0)
+					& (strcmp(console_buffer, "667") != 0)
+			   ) {
+				nbytes = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		strcpy(cpuClock, console_buffer);
+	} while (nbytes == 0);
+	if (strcmp(cpuClock, "500") == 0){
+		strcpy(plbClock, "166");
+	} else if (strcmp(cpuClock, "533") == 0){
+		strcpy(plbClock, "133");
+	} else {
+		do {
+			if (strcmp(cpuClock, "400") == 0)
+				printf("enter plb clock frequency 100, 133 Mhz or quit to abort\n");
+			if (strcmp(cpuClock, "667") == 0)
+				printf("enter plb clock frequency 133, 166 Mhz or quit to abort\n");
+			nbytes = readline (" ? ");
+			if (strcmp(console_buffer, "quit") == 0)
+				return 0;
+			if (strcmp(cpuClock, "400") == 0) {
+				if ((strcmp(console_buffer, "100") != 0) &
+						(strcmp(console_buffer, "133") != 0))
+					nbytes = 0;
+			}
+			if (strcmp(cpuClock, "667") == 0) {
+				if ((strcmp(console_buffer, "133") != 0) &
+						(strcmp(console_buffer, "166") != 0))
+					nbytes = 0;
+			}
+			strcpy(plbClock, console_buffer);
+		} while (nbytes == 0);
+	}
+	do {
+		printf("enter Pci-X clock frequency 33, 66, 100 or 133 Mhz or quit to abort\n");
+		nbytes = readline (" ? ");
+		if (strcmp(console_buffer, "quit") == 0)
+			return 0;
+		if ((strcmp(console_buffer, "33") != 0) &
+				(strcmp(console_buffer, "66") != 0) &
+				(strcmp(console_buffer, "100") != 0) &
+				(strcmp(console_buffer, "133") != 0)) {
+			nbytes = 0;
+		}
+		strcpy(pcixClock, console_buffer);
+	} while (nbytes == 0);
+	printf("\nsys clk   = %sMhz\n", sysClock);
+	printf("cpu clk   = %sMhz\n", cpuClock);
+	printf("plb clk   = %sMhz\n", plbClock);
+	printf("Pci-X clk = %sMhz\n", pcixClock);
+	do {
+		printf("\npress [y] to write I2C bootstrap \n");
+		printf("or [n] to abort.  \n");
+		printf("Don't forget to set board switches \n");
+		printf("according to your choice before re-starting \n");
+		printf("(refer to 440spe_uboot_kit_um_1_01.pdf) \n");
+		nbytes = readline (" ? ");
+		if (strcmp(console_buffer, "n") == 0)
+			return 0;
+	} while (nbytes == 0);
+	if (strcmp(sysClock, "33") == 0) {
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "400") == 0) &
+				(strcmp(plbClock, "100") == 0))
+			data = 0x8678c206;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "400") == 0) &
+				(strcmp(plbClock, "133") == 0))
+			data = 0x8678c2c6;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "500") == 0))
+			data = 0x8778f2c6;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "533") == 0))
+			data = 0x87790252;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "667") == 0) &
+				(strcmp(plbClock, "133") == 0))
+			data = 0x87794256;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "667") == 0) &
+				(strcmp(plbClock, "166") == 0))
+			data = 0x87794206;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(sysClock, "66") == 0) {
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "400") == 0) &
+				(strcmp(plbClock, "100") == 0))
+			data = 0x84706206;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "400") == 0) &
+				(strcmp(plbClock, "133") == 0))
+			data = 0x847062c6;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "533") == 0))
+			data = 0x85708206;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "667") == 0) &
+				(strcmp(plbClock, "133") == 0))
+			data = 0x8570a256;
+		if ((strcmp(cpuClock, "667") == 0) &
+				(strcmp(plbClock, "166") == 0))
+			data = 0x8570a206;
+	}
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+	printf(" pin strap0 to write in i2c  = %x\n", data);
+#endif	/* DEBUG */
+	if (i2c_write(chip, 0, 1, (uchar *)&data, 4) != 0)
+		printf("Error writing strap0 in %s\n", argv[2]);
+	if (strcmp(pcixClock, "33") == 0)
+		data = 0x00000701;
+	if (strcmp(pcixClock, "66") == 0)
+		data = 0x00000601;
+	if (strcmp(pcixClock, "100") == 0)
+		data = 0x00000501;
+	if (strcmp(pcixClock, "133") == 0)
+		data = 0x00000401;
+	if (strcmp(plbClock, "166") == 0)
+		data = data | 0x05950000;
+	else
+		data = data | 0x05A50000;
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+	printf(" pin strap1 to write in i2c  = %x\n", data);
+#endif	/* DEBUG */
+	udelay(1000);
+	if (i2c_write(chip, 4, 1, (uchar *)&data, 4) != 0)
+		printf("Error writing strap1 in %s\n", argv[2]);
+	return 0;
+	evb440spe,	3,	1,	do_evb440spe,
+	"evb440spe - program the serial device strap\n",
+	"wrclk [prom0|prom1] - program the serial device strap\n"
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/ b/board/amcc/yucca/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff454ebf10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2006
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# AMCC 440SPe Reference Platform (yucca) board
+ifeq ($(ramsym),1)
+TEXT_BASE = 0x07FD0000
+TEXT_BASE = 0xfffb0000
+ifeq ($(debug),1)
+ifeq ($(dbcr),1)
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/flash.c b/board/amcc/yucca/flash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5a2e31bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/flash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2006
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2002 Jun Gu <>
+ * Add support for Am29F016D and dynamic switch setting.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+ * Modified 4/5/2001
+ * Wait for completion of each sector erase command issued
+ * 4/5/2001
+ * Chris Hallinan - DS4.COM, Inc. -
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <ppc4xx.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <ppc440.h>
+#include "yucca.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define DEBUGF(x...) printf(x)
+#define DEBUGF(x...)
+#endif				/* DEBUG */
+flash_info_t flash_info[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS];	/* info for FLASH chips */
+ * Mark big flash bank (16 bit instead of 8 bit access) in address with bit 0
+ */
+static unsigned long flash_addr_table[][CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS] = {
+	{0xfff00000, 0xfff80000, 0xe7c00001}, /* 0:boot from small flash */
+	{0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, /* 1:boot from pci 66      */
+	{0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, /* 2:boot from nand flash  */
+	{0xe7F00000, 0xe7F80000, 0xFFC00001}, /* 3:boot from big flash 33*/
+	{0xe7F00000, 0xe7F80000, 0xFFC00001}, /* 4:boot from big flash 66*/
+	{0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, /* 5:boot from             */
+	{0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, /* 6:boot from pci 66      */
+	{0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, /* 7:boot from             */
+	{0xfff00000, 0xfff80000, 0xe7c00001}, /* 8:boot from small flash */
+ * include common flash code (for amcc boards)
+ */
+ * Functions
+ */
+static int write_word(flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data);
+static int write_word_1(flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data);
+static int write_word_2(flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data);
+static int flash_erase_1(flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last);
+static int flash_erase_2(flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last);
+static ulong flash_get_size_1(vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info);
+static ulong flash_get_size_2(vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info);
+void flash_print_info(flash_info_t * info)
+	int i;
+	int k;
+	int size;
+	int erased;
+	volatile unsigned long *flash;
+	if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		printf("missing or unknown FLASH type\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) {
+		case FLASH_MAN_AMD:
+			printf("AMD ");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_MAN_STM:
+			printf("STM ");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_MAN_FUJ:
+			printf("FUJITSU ");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_MAN_SST:
+			printf("SST ");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_MAN_MX:
+			printf("MIXC ");
+			break;
+		default:
+			printf("Unknown Vendor ");
+			break;
+	}
+	switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) {
+		case FLASH_AM040:
+			printf("AM29F040 (512 Kbit, uniform sector size)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM400B:
+			printf("AM29LV400B (4 Mbit, bottom boot sect)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM400T:
+			printf("AM29LV400T (4 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM800B:
+			printf("AM29LV800B (8 Mbit, bottom boot sect)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM800T:
+			printf("AM29LV800T (8 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AMD016:
+			printf("AM29F016D (16 Mbit, uniform sector size)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM160B:
+			printf("AM29LV160B (16 Mbit, bottom boot sect)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM160T:
+			printf("AM29LV160T (16 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM320B:
+			printf("AM29LV320B (32 Mbit, bottom boot sect)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM320T:
+			printf("AM29LV320T (32 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_AM033C:
+			printf("AM29LV033C (32 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_SST800A:
+			printf("SST39LF/VF800 (8 Mbit, uniform sector size)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_SST160A:
+			printf("SST39LF/VF160 (16 Mbit, uniform sector size)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_STMW320DT:
+			printf ("M29W320DT (32 M, top sector)\n");
+			break;
+		case FLASH_MXLV320T:
+			printf ("MXLV320T (32 Mbit, top sector)\n");
+			break;
+		default:
+			printf("Unknown Chip Type\n");
+			break;
+	}
+	printf("  Size: %ld KB in %d Sectors\n",
+			info->size >> 10, info->sector_count);
+	printf("  Sector Start Addresses:");
+	for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; ++i) {
+		/*
+		 * Check if whole sector is erased
+		 */
+		if (i != (info->sector_count - 1))
+			size = info->start[i + 1] - info->start[i];
+		else
+			size = info->start[0] + info->size - info->start[i];
+		erased = 1;
+		flash = (volatile unsigned long *)info->start[i];
+		size = size >> 2;	/* divide by 4 for longword access */
+		for (k = 0; k < size; k++) {
+			if (*flash++ != 0xffffffff) {
+				erased = 0;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if ((i % 5) == 0)
+			printf("\n   ");
+		printf(" %08lX%s%s",
+				info->start[i],
+				erased ? " E" : "  ",
+				info->protect[i] ? "RO " : "   ");
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+	return;
+ * The following code cannot be run from FLASH!
+ */
+static ulong flash_get_size(vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info)
+	/* bit 0 used for big flash marking */
+	if ((ulong)addr & 0x1)
+		return flash_get_size_2((vu_long *)((ulong)addr & 0xfffffffe), info);
+	else
+		return flash_get_size_1(addr, info);
+static ulong flash_get_size_1(vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info)
+static ulong flash_get_size(vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info)
+	short i;
+	ulong base = (ulong) addr;
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) addr;
+	DEBUGF("FLASH ADDR: %08x\n", (unsigned)addr);
+	/* Write auto select command: read Manufacturer ID */
+	addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+	addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00900090;
+	udelay(1000);
+	value = addr2[0];
+	DEBUGF("FLASH MANUFACT: %x\n", value);
+	switch (value) {
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_AMD;
+			break;
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_FUJ;
+			break;
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_SST;
+			break;
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_STM;
+			break;
+		default:
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			info->sector_count = 0;
+			info->size = 0;
+			return (0);	/* no or unknown flash  */
+	}
+	value = addr2[1];	/* device ID            */
+	DEBUGF("\nFLASH DEVICEID: %x\n", value);
+	switch (value) {
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM040;
+			info->sector_count = 8;
+			info->size = 0x0080000;	/* => 512 ko */
+			break;
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM040;
+			info->sector_count = 8;
+			info->size = 0x0080000;	/* => 512 ko */
+			break;
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM040;
+			info->sector_count = 8;
+			info->size = 0x0080000;	/* => 512 ko */
+			break;
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AMD016;
+			info->sector_count = 32;
+			info->size = 0x00200000;
+			break;		/* => 2 MB              */
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AMDLV033C;
+			info->sector_count = 64;
+			info->size = 0x00400000;
+			break;		/* => 4 MB              */
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM400T;
+			info->sector_count = 11;
+			info->size = 0x00080000;
+			break;		/* => 0.5 MB            */
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM400B;
+			info->sector_count = 11;
+			info->size = 0x00080000;
+			break;		/* => 0.5 MB            */
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM800T;
+			info->sector_count = 19;
+			info->size = 0x00100000;
+			break;		/* => 1 MB              */
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM800B;
+			info->sector_count = 19;
+			info->size = 0x00100000;
+			break;		/* => 1 MB              */
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM160T;
+			info->sector_count = 35;
+			info->size = 0x00200000;
+			break;		/* => 2 MB              */
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM160B;
+			info->sector_count = 35;
+			info->size = 0x00200000;
+			break;		/* => 2 MB              */
+		default:
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			return (0);	/* => no or unknown flash */
+	}
+	/* set up sector start address table */
+	if (((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_AM040) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_AMD016)) {
+		for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+			info->start[i] = base + (i * 0x00010000);
+	} else {
+		if (info->flash_id & FLASH_BTYPE) {
+			/* set sector offsets for bottom boot block type        */
+			info->start[0] = base + 0x00000000;
+			info->start[1] = base + 0x00004000;
+			info->start[2] = base + 0x00006000;
+			info->start[3] = base + 0x00008000;
+			for (i = 4; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+				info->start[i] =
+					base + (i * 0x00010000) - 0x00030000;
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* set sector offsets for top boot block type           */
+			i = info->sector_count - 1;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00004000;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00006000;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00008000;
+			for (; i >= 0; i--) {
+				info->start[i] = base + i * 0x00010000;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* check for protected sectors */
+	for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+		/* read sector protection at sector address, (A7 .. A0) = 0x02 */
+		/* D0 = 1 if protected */
+		addr2 = (volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *)(info->start[i]);
+		/* For AMD29033C flash we need to resend the command of *
+		 * reading flash protection for upper 8 Mb of flash     */
+		if (i == 32) {
+			addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x55555555;
+			addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x90909090;
+		}
+		if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST)
+			info->protect[i] = 0;
+		else
+			info->protect[i] = addr2[2] & 1;
+	}
+	/* issue bank reset to return to read mode */
+	addr2[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00F000F0;
+	return (info->size);
+static int wait_for_DQ7_1(flash_info_t * info, int sect)
+	ulong start, now, last;
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr =
+		(CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[sect]);
+	start = get_timer(0);
+	last = start;
+	while ((addr[0] & (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) !=
+			(CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) {
+		if ((now = get_timer(start)) > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
+			printf("Timeout\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* show that we're waiting */
+		if ((now - last) > 1000) {	/* every second */
+			putc('.');
+			last = now;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int flash_erase(flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
+	if (((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_AM320B) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_AM320T) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_STMW320DT) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_MXLV320T)) {
+		return flash_erase_2(info, s_first, s_last);
+	} else {
+		return flash_erase_1(info, s_first, s_last);
+	}
+static int flash_erase_1(flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
+int flash_erase(flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[0]);
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2;
+	int flag, prot, sect, l_sect;
+	int i;
+	if ((s_first < 0) || (s_first > s_last)) {
+		if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN)
+			printf("- missing\n");
+		else
+			printf("- no sectors to erase\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		printf("Can't erase unknown flash type - aborted\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	prot = 0;
+	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; ++sect) {
+		if (info->protect[sect])
+			prot++;
+	}
+	if (prot)
+		printf("- Warning: %d protected sectors will not be erased!", prot);
+	printf("\n");
+	l_sect = -1;
+	/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+	flag = disable_interrupts();
+	/* Start erase on unprotected sectors */
+	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; sect++) {
+		if (info->protect[sect] == 0) {	/* not protected */
+			addr2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[sect]);
+			if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST) {
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080;
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr2[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00500050;	/* block erase */
+				for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
+					udelay(1000);	/* wait 1 ms */
+			} else {
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080;
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr2[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00300030;	/* sector erase */
+			}
+			l_sect = sect;
+			/*
+			 * Wait for each sector to complete, it's more
+			 * reliable.  According to AMD Spec, you must
+			 * issue all erase commands within a specified
+			 * timeout.  This has been seen to fail, especially
+			 * if printf()s are included (for debug)!!
+			 */
+			wait_for_DQ7_1(info, sect);
+		}
+	}
+	/* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+	if (flag)
+		enable_interrupts();
+	/* wait at least 80us - let's wait 1 ms */
+	udelay(1000);
+	/* reset to read mode */
+	addr = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) info->start[0];
+	addr[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00F000F0;	/* reset bank */
+	printf(" done\n");
+	return 0;
+ * Copy memory to flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ */
+int write_buff(flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+	ulong cp, wp, data;
+	int i, l, rc;
+	wp = (addr & ~3);	/* get lower word aligned address */
+	/*
+	 * handle unaligned start bytes
+	 */
+	if ((l = addr - wp) != 0) {
+		data = 0;
+		for (i = 0, cp = wp; i < l; ++i, ++cp)
+			data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *) cp);
+		for (; i < 4 && cnt > 0; ++i) {
+			data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+			--cnt;
+			++cp;
+		}
+		for (; cnt == 0 && i < 4; ++i, ++cp)
+			data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *) cp);
+		if ((rc = write_word(info, wp, data)) != 0)
+			return (rc);
+		wp += 4;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * handle word aligned part
+	 */
+	while (cnt >= 4) {
+		data = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+			data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+		if ((rc = write_word(info, wp, data)) != 0)
+			return (rc);
+		wp += 4;
+		cnt -= 4;
+	}
+	if (cnt == 0)
+		return (0);
+	/*
+	 * handle unaligned tail bytes
+	 */
+	data = 0;
+	for (i = 0, cp = wp; i < 4 && cnt > 0; ++i, ++cp) {
+		data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+		--cnt;
+	}
+	for (; i < 4; ++i, ++cp)
+		data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *) cp);
+	return (write_word(info, wp, data));
+ * Copy memory to flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ */
+static int write_word(flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data)
+	if (((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_AM320B) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_AM320T) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_STMW320DT) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_MXLV320T)) {
+		return write_word_2(info, dest, data);
+	} else {
+		return write_word_1(info, dest, data);
+	}
+static int write_word_1(flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data)
+static int write_word(flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data)
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[0]);
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *dest2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) dest;
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *data2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) & data;
+	ulong start;
+	int i, flag;
+	/* Check if Flash is (sufficiently) erased */
+	if ((*((vu_long *)dest) & data) != data)
+		return (2);
+	for (i = 0; i < 4 / sizeof(CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE); i++) {
+		/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+		flag = disable_interrupts();
+		addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+		addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00A000A0;
+		dest2[i] = data2[i];
+		/* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+		if (flag)
+			enable_interrupts();
+		/* data polling for D7 */
+		start = get_timer(0);
+		while ((dest2[i] & (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) !=
+				(data2[i] & (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080)) {
+			if (get_timer(start) > CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT)
+				return (1);
+		}
+	}
+	return (0);
+#define CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE unsigned short
+ * The following code cannot be run from FLASH!
+ */
+static ulong flash_get_size_2(vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info)
+	short i;
+	int n;
+	ulong base = (ulong) addr;
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) addr;
+	DEBUGF("FLASH ADDR: %08x\n", (unsigned)addr);
+	/* issue bank reset to return to read mode */
+	addr2[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00F000F0;
+	/* Write auto select command: read Manufacturer ID */
+	addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+	addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00900090;
+	udelay(1000);
+	value = addr2[0];
+	DEBUGF("FLASH MANUFACT: %x\n", value);
+	switch (value) {
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_AMD;
+			break;
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_FUJ;
+			break;
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_SST;
+			break;
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_STM;
+			break;
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_MX;
+			break;
+		default:
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			info->sector_count = 0;
+			info->size = 0;
+			return (0);	/* no or unknown flash  */
+	}
+	value = addr2[1];	/* device ID            */
+	DEBUGF("\nFLASH DEVICEID: %x\n", value);
+	switch (value) {
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM320T;
+			info->sector_count = 71;
+			info->size = 0x00400000;
+			break;	/* => 4 MB	*/
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_AM320B;
+			info->sector_count = 71;
+			info->size = 0x00400000;
+			break;	/* => 4 MB	*/
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_STMW320DT;
+			info->sector_count = 67;
+			info->size = 0x00400000;
+			break;	/* => 4 MB	*/
+			info->flash_id += FLASH_MXLV320T;
+			info->sector_count = 71;
+			info->size = 0x00400000;
+			break;	/* => 4 MB	*/
+		default:
+			info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+			return (0);	/* => no or unknown flash */
+	}
+	/* set up sector start address table */
+	if (((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_AM040) ||
+			((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_AMD016)) {
+		for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+			info->start[i] = base + (i * 0x00010000);
+	} else if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_STMW320DT) {
+		/* set sector offsets for top boot block type		*/
+		base += info->size;
+		i = info->sector_count;
+		/*  1 x 16k boot sector */
+		base -= 16 << 10;
+		--i;
+		info->start[i] = base;
+		/*  2 x 8k  boot sectors */
+		for (n = 0; n < 2; ++n) {
+			base -= 8 << 10;
+			--i;
+			info->start[i] = base;
+		}
+		/*  1 x 32k boot sector */
+		base -= 32 << 10;
+		--i;
+		info->start[i] = base;
+		while (i > 0) {			/* 64k regular sectors	*/
+			base -= 64 << 10;
+			--i;
+			info->start[i] = base;
+		}
+	} else if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) == FLASH_MXLV320T) {
+		i = info->sector_count - 1;
+		info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00002000;
+		info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00004000;
+		info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00006000;
+		info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00008000;
+		info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x0000a000;
+		info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x0000c000;
+		info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x0000e000;
+		info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00010000;
+		for (; i >= 0; i--)
+			info->start[i] = base + i * 0x00010000;
+	} else {
+		if (info->flash_id & FLASH_BTYPE) {
+			/* set sector offsets for bottom boot block type        */
+			info->start[0] = base + 0x00000000;
+			info->start[1] = base + 0x00004000;
+			info->start[2] = base + 0x00006000;
+			info->start[3] = base + 0x00008000;
+			for (i = 4; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+				info->start[i] = base + (i * 0x00010000) - 0x00030000;
+		} else {
+			/* set sector offsets for top boot block type           */
+			i = info->sector_count - 1;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00004000;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00006000;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00008000;
+			for (; i >= 0; i--)
+				info->start[i] = base + i * 0x00010000;
+		}
+	}
+	/* check for protected sectors */
+	for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+		/* read sector protection at sector address, (A7 .. A0) = 0x02 */
+		/* D0 = 1 if protected */
+		addr2 = (volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *)(info->start[i]);
+		/* For AMD29033C flash we need to resend the command of *
+		 * reading flash protection for upper 8 Mb of flash     */
+		if (i == 32) {
+			addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x55555555;
+			addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x90909090;
+		}
+		if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST)
+			info->protect[i] = 0;
+		else
+			info->protect[i] = addr2[2] & 1;
+	}
+	/* issue bank reset to return to read mode */
+	addr2[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00F000F0;
+	return (info->size);
+static int wait_for_DQ7_2(flash_info_t * info, int sect)
+	ulong start, now, last;
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr =
+		(CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[sect]);
+	start = get_timer(0);
+	last = start;
+	while ((addr[0] & (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) !=
+			(CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) {
+		if ((now = get_timer(start)) > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
+			printf("Timeout\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* show that we're waiting */
+		if ((now - last) > 1000) {	/* every second */
+			putc('.');
+			last = now;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int flash_erase_2(flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[0]);
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2;
+	int flag, prot, sect, l_sect;
+	int i;
+	if ((s_first < 0) || (s_first > s_last)) {
+		if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN)
+			printf("- missing\n");
+		else
+			printf("- no sectors to erase\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		printf("Can't erase unknown flash type - aborted\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	prot = 0;
+	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; ++sect) {
+		if (info->protect[sect])
+			prot++;
+	}
+	if (prot)
+		printf("- Warning: %d protected sectors will not be erased!",	prot);
+	printf("\n");
+	l_sect = -1;
+	/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+	flag = disable_interrupts();
+	/* Start erase on unprotected sectors */
+	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; sect++) {
+		if (info->protect[sect] == 0) {	/* not protected */
+			addr2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[sect]);
+			if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST) {
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080;
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr2[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00500050;	/* block erase */
+				for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
+					udelay(1000);	/* wait 1 ms */
+			} else {
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080;
+				addr[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr2[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00300030;	/* sector erase */
+			}
+			l_sect = sect;
+			/*
+			 * Wait for each sector to complete, it's more
+			 * reliable.  According to AMD Spec, you must
+			 * issue all erase commands within a specified
+			 * timeout.  This has been seen to fail, especially
+			 * if printf()s are included (for debug)!!
+			 */
+			wait_for_DQ7_2(info, sect);
+		}
+	}
+	/* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+	if (flag)
+		enable_interrupts();
+	/* wait at least 80us - let's wait 1 ms */
+	udelay(1000);
+	/* reset to read mode */
+	addr = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) info->start[0];
+	addr[0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00F000F0;	/* reset bank */
+	printf(" done\n");
+	return 0;
+static int write_word_2(flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data)
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[0]);
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *dest2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) dest;
+	volatile CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *data2 = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) & data;
+	ulong start;
+	int i;
+	/* Check if Flash is (sufficiently) erased */
+	if ((*((vu_long *)dest) & data) != data)
+		return (2);
+	for (i = 0; i < 4 / sizeof(CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE); i++) {
+		int flag;
+		/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+		flag = disable_interrupts();
+		addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR1] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+		addr2[CFG_FLASH_ADDR0] = (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00A000A0;
+		dest2[i] = data2[i];
+		/* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+		if (flag)
+			enable_interrupts();
+		/* data polling for D7 */
+		start = get_timer(0);
+		while ((dest2[i] & (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) !=
+				(data2[i] & (CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080)) {
+			if (get_timer(start) > CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT)
+				return (1);
+		}
+	}
+	return (0);
+#endif /* CFG_FLASH_2ND_16BIT_DEV */
+ * Functions
+ */
+static ulong flash_get_size(vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info);
+static int write_word(flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data);
+ */
+unsigned long flash_init(void)
+	unsigned long total_b = 0;
+	unsigned long size_b[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS];
+	unsigned short index = 0;
+	int i;
+	unsigned long val;
+	unsigned long ebc_boot_size;
+	unsigned long boot_selection;
+	mfsdr(sdr_pstrp0, val);
+	index = (val & SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_MASK) >> 28;
+	if ((index == 0xc) || (index == 8)) {
+		/*
+		 * Boot Settings in IIC EEprom address 0xA8 or 0xA0
+		 * Read Serial Device Strap Register1 in PPC440SPe
+		 */
+		mfsdr(sdr_sdstp1, val);
+		boot_selection  = val & SDR0_SDSTP1_BOOT_SEL_MASK;
+		ebc_boot_size   = val & SDR0_SDSTP1_EBC_ROM_BS_MASK;
+		switch(boot_selection) {
+				switch(ebc_boot_size) {
+					case SDR0_SDSTP1_EBC_ROM_BS_16BIT:
+						index = 3;
+						break;
+					case SDR0_SDSTP1_EBC_ROM_BS_8BIT:
+						index = 0;
+						break;
+				}
+				break;
+				index = 1;
+				break;
+		}
+	} /*else if (index == 0) {*/
+/*			index = 8;*//* sram below op code flash -> new index 8*/
+/*	}*/
+	DEBUGF("\n");
+	DEBUGF("FLASH: Index: %d\n", index);
+	/* Init: no FLASHes known */
+	for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS; ++i) {
+		flash_info[i].flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+		flash_info[i].sector_count = -1;
+		flash_info[i].size = 0;
+		/* check whether the address is 0 */
+		if (flash_addr_table[index][i] == 0)
+			continue;
+		/* call flash_get_size() to initialize sector address */
+		size_b[i] = flash_get_size((vu_long *) flash_addr_table[index][i],
+				&flash_info[i]);
+		flash_info[i].size = size_b[i];
+		if (flash_info[i].flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+			printf("## Unknown FLASH on Bank %d - Size = 0x%08lx = %ld MB\n",
+					i, size_b[i], size_b[i] << 20);
+			flash_info[i].sector_count = -1;
+			flash_info[i].size = 0;
+		}
+		/* Monitor protection ON by default */
+		(void)flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET, CFG_MONITOR_BASE,
+				    &flash_info[i]);
+#if defined(CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH)
+		(void)flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET, CFG_ENV_ADDR,
+				    &flash_info[i]);
+#if defined(CFG_ENV_ADDR_REDUND)
+		(void)flash_protect(FLAG_PROTECT_SET, CFG_ENV_ADDR_REDUND,
+				    &flash_info[i]);
+		total_b += flash_info[i].size;
+	}
+	return total_b;
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/init.S b/board/amcc/yucca/init.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cf2636228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/init.S
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ *  Copyright (C) 2002 Scott McNutt <>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/* port to AMCC 440SPE evaluatioon board - SG April 12,2005  */
+#include <ppc_asm.tmpl>
+#include <config.h>
+/* General */
+#define TLB_VALID   0x00000200
+/* Supported page sizes */
+#define SZ_1K	0x00000000
+#define SZ_4K	0x00000010
+#define SZ_16K	0x00000020
+#define SZ_64K	0x00000030
+#define SZ_256K	0x00000040
+#define SZ_1M	0x00000050
+#define SZ_16M	0x00000070
+#define SZ_256M	0x00000090
+/* Storage attributes */
+#define SA_W	0x00000800	/* Write-through */
+#define SA_I	0x00000400	/* Caching inhibited */
+#define SA_M	0x00000200	/* Memory coherence */
+#define SA_G	0x00000100	/* Guarded */
+#define SA_E	0x00000080	/* Endian */
+/* Access control */
+#define AC_X	0x00000024	/* Execute */
+#define AC_W	0x00000012	/* Write */
+#define AC_R	0x00000009	/* Read */
+/* Some handy macros */
+#define EPN(e)		((e) & 0xfffffc00)
+#define TLB0(epn,sz)	((EPN((epn)) | (sz) | TLB_VALID ))
+#define TLB1(rpn,erpn)	(((rpn) & 0xfffffc00) | (erpn))
+#define TLB2(a)		((a) & 0x00000fbf)
+#define tlbtab_start\
+	mflr	r1	;\
+	bl	0f	;
+#define tlbtab_end\
+	.long 0, 0, 0	;\
+0:	mflr	r0	;\
+	mtlr	r1	;\
+	blr		;
+#define tlbentry(epn,sz,rpn,erpn,attr)\
+	.long TLB0(epn,sz),TLB1(rpn,erpn),TLB2(attr)
+ *
+ * This table is used by the cpu boot code to setup the initial tlb
+ * entries. Rather than make broad assumptions in the cpu source tree,
+ * this table lets each board set things up however they like.
+ *
+ *  Pointer to the table is returned in r1
+ *
+ *************************************************************************/
+	.section .bootpg,"ax"
+	.globl tlbtab
+	tlbtab_start
+	tlbentry(0xfff00000, SZ_16M, 0xfff00000, 4, AC_R|AC_W|AC_X|SA_G)
+	tlbentry(CFG_SDRAM_BASE, SZ_256M, 0x00000000, 0, AC_R|AC_W|AC_X|SA_G|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_SDRAM_BASE + 0x10000000, SZ_256M, 0x10000000, 0, AC_R|AC_W|AC_X|SA_G|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_SDRAM_BASE + 0x20000000, SZ_256M, 0x20000000, 0, AC_R|AC_W|AC_X|SA_G|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_SDRAM_BASE + 0x30000000, SZ_256M, 0x30000000, 0, AC_R|AC_W|AC_X|SA_G|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_ISRAM_BASE, SZ_256K, 0x00000000, 4, AC_R|AC_W|AC_X|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_FPGA_BASE,SZ_1K, 0xE2000000, 4,AC_R|AC_W|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_OPER_FLASH,SZ_16M,0xE7000000, 4,AC_R|AC_W|AC_X|SA_G|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_PERIPHERAL_BASE, SZ_4K, 0xF0000000, 4, AC_R|AC_W|SA_G|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_PCI_BASE, SZ_256M, 0x00000000, 0xC, AC_R|AC_W|SA_G|SA_I)
+	tlbentry(CFG_PCI_MEMBASE, SZ_256M, 0x10000000, 0xC, AC_R|AC_W|SA_G|SA_I)
+	tlbtab_end
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/ b/board/amcc/yucca/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9df4f925c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2004
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+SEARCH_DIR(/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/powerpc-any-elf/lib);
+/* Do we need any of these for elf?
+   __DYNAMIC = 0;    */
+  .resetvec 0xFFFFFFFC :
+  {
+    *(.resetvec)
+  } = 0xffff
+  .bootpg 0xFFFFF000 :
+  {
+    cpu/ppc4xx/start.o	(.bootpg)
+  } = 0xffff
+  /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
+  .interp : { *(.interp) }
+  .hash          : { *(.hash)		}
+  .dynsym        : { *(.dynsym)		}
+  .dynstr        : { *(.dynstr)		}
+  .rel.text      : { *(.rel.text)	}
+  .rela.text     : { *(.rela.text)	}
+      : { *(	}
+     : { *(	}
+  .rel.rodata    : { *(.rel.rodata)	}
+  .rela.rodata   : { *(.rela.rodata)	}
+       : { *(	}
+      : { *(	}
+  .rel.ctors     : { *(.rel.ctors)	}
+  .rela.ctors    : { *(.rela.ctors)	}
+  .rel.dtors     : { *(.rel.dtors)	}
+  .rela.dtors    : { *(.rela.dtors)	}
+  .rel.bss       : { *(.rel.bss)	}
+  .rela.bss      : { *(.rela.bss)	}
+  .rel.plt       : { *(.rel.plt)	}
+  .rela.plt      : { *(.rela.plt)	}
+  .init          : { *(.init)		}
+  .plt : { *(.plt) }
+  .text      :
+  {
+    /* WARNING - the following is hand-optimized to fit within	*/
+    /* the sector layout of our flash chips!	XXX FIXME XXX	*/
+    cpu/ppc4xx/start.o		(.text)
+    board/amcc/yucca/init.o	(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/kgdb.o		(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/traps.o		(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/interrupts.o	(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/serial.o		(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/cpu_init.o	(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/speed.o		(.text)
+    common/dlmalloc.o		(.text)
+    lib_generic/crc32.o		(.text)
+    lib_ppc/extable.o		(.text)
+    lib_generic/zlib.o		(.text)
+/*    . = env_offset;*/
+/*    common/environment.o(.text)*/
+    *(.text)
+    *(.fixup)
+    *(.got1)
+  }
+  _etext = .;
+  PROVIDE (etext = .);
+  .rodata    :
+  {
+    *(.rodata)
+    *(.rodata1)
+    *(.rodata.str1.4)
+    *(.eh_frame)
+  }
+  .fini      : { *(.fini)    } =0
+  .ctors     : { *(.ctors)   }
+  .dtors     : { *(.dtors)   }
+  /* Read-write section, merged into data segment: */
+  . = (. + 0x00FF) & 0xFFFFFF00;
+  _erotext = .;
+  PROVIDE (erotext = .);
+  .reloc   :
+  {
+    *(.got)
+    _GOT2_TABLE_ = .;
+    *(.got2)
+    _FIXUP_TABLE_ = .;
+    *(.fixup)
+  }
+  __got2_entries = (_FIXUP_TABLE_ - _GOT2_TABLE_) >>2;
+  __fixup_entries = (. - _FIXUP_TABLE_)>>2;
+  .data    :
+  {
+    *(.data)
+    *(.data1)
+    *(.sdata)
+    *(.sdata2)
+    *(.dynamic)
+  }
+  _edata  =  .;
+  PROVIDE (edata = .);
+  . = .;
+  __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
+  .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
+  __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
+  . = .;
+  __start___ex_table = .;
+  __ex_table : { *(__ex_table) }
+  __stop___ex_table = .;
+  . = ALIGN(256);
+  __init_begin = .;
+  .text.init : { *(.text.init) }
+  .data.init : { *(.data.init) }
+  . = ALIGN(256);
+  __init_end = .;
+  __bss_start = .;
+  .bss       :
+  {
+   *(.sbss) *(.scommon)
+   *(.dynbss)
+   *(.bss)
+   *(COMMON)
+  }
+  _end = . ;
+  PROVIDE (end = .);
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/ b/board/amcc/yucca/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..474f922161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2002-2004
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+SEARCH_DIR(/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/powerpc-any-elf/lib);
+/* Do we need any of these for elf?
+   __DYNAMIC = 0;    */
+  /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
+  .interp : { *(.interp) }
+  .hash          : { *(.hash)		}
+  .dynsym        : { *(.dynsym)		}
+  .dynstr        : { *(.dynstr)		}
+  .rel.text      : { *(.rel.text)	}
+  .rela.text     : { *(.rela.text)	}
+      : { *(	}
+     : { *(	}
+  .rel.rodata    : { *(.rel.rodata)	}
+  .rela.rodata   : { *(.rela.rodata)	}
+       : { *(	}
+      : { *(	}
+  .rel.ctors     : { *(.rel.ctors)	}
+  .rela.ctors    : { *(.rela.ctors)	}
+  .rel.dtors     : { *(.rel.dtors)	}
+  .rela.dtors    : { *(.rela.dtors)	}
+  .rel.bss       : { *(.rel.bss)	}
+  .rela.bss      : { *(.rela.bss)	}
+  .rel.plt       : { *(.rel.plt)	}
+  .rela.plt      : { *(.rela.plt)	}
+  .init          : { *(.init)		}
+  .plt : { *(.plt) }
+  .text      :
+  {
+    /* WARNING - the following is hand-optimized to fit within	*/
+    /* the sector layout of our flash chips!	XXX FIXME XXX	*/
+    cpu/ppc4xx/start.o		(.text)
+    board/amcc/yucca/init.o	(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/kgdb.o		(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/traps.o		(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/interrupts.o	(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/serial.o		(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/cpu_init.o	(.text)
+    cpu/ppc4xx/speed.o		(.text)
+    common/dlmalloc.o		(.text)
+    lib_generic/crc32.o		(.text)
+    lib_ppc/extable.o		(.text)
+    lib_generic/zlib.o		(.text)
+/*    common/environment.o(.text) */
+    *(.text)
+    *(.fixup)
+    *(.got1)
+  }
+  _etext = .;
+  PROVIDE (etext = .);
+  .rodata    :
+  {
+    *(.rodata)
+    *(.rodata1)
+    *(.rodata.str1.4)
+    *(.eh_frame)
+  }
+  .fini      : { *(.fini)    } =0
+  .ctors     : { *(.ctors)   }
+  .dtors     : { *(.dtors)   }
+  /* Read-write section, merged into data segment: */
+  . = (. + 0x0FFF) & 0xFFFFF000;
+  _erotext = .;
+  PROVIDE (erotext = .);
+  .reloc   :
+  {
+    *(.got)
+    _GOT2_TABLE_ = .;
+    *(.got2)
+    _FIXUP_TABLE_ = .;
+    *(.fixup)
+  }
+  __got2_entries = (_FIXUP_TABLE_ - _GOT2_TABLE_) >>2;
+  __fixup_entries = (. - _FIXUP_TABLE_)>>2;
+  .data    :
+  {
+    *(.data)
+    *(.data1)
+    *(.sdata)
+    *(.sdata2)
+    *(.dynamic)
+  }
+  _edata  =  .;
+  PROVIDE (edata = .);
+  . = .;
+  __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
+  .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
+  __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
+  . = .;
+  __start___ex_table = .;
+  __ex_table : { *(__ex_table) }
+  __stop___ex_table = .;
+  . = ALIGN(256);
+  __init_begin = .;
+  .text.init : { *(.text.init) }
+  .data.init : { *(.data.init) }
+  . = ALIGN(256);
+  __init_end = .;
+  __bss_start = .;
+  .bss       :
+  {
+   *(.sbss) *(.scommon)
+   *(.dynbss)
+   *(.bss)
+   *(COMMON)
+  }
+  _end = . ;
+  PROVIDE (end = .);
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/yucca.c b/board/amcc/yucca/yucca.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fb4cfa884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/yucca.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2006
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * Port to AMCC-440SPE Evaluation Board SOP - April 2005
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <ppc4xx.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <i2c.h>
+#include "yucca.h"
+void fpga_init (void);
+void get_sys_info(PPC440_SYS_INFO *board_cfg );
+int compare_to_true(char *str );
+char *remove_l_w_space(char *in_str );
+char *remove_t_w_space(char *in_str );
+int get_console_port(void);
+unsigned long ppcMfcpr(unsigned long cpr_reg);
+unsigned long ppcMfsdr(unsigned long sdr_reg);
+#define DEBUG_ENV
+#ifdef DEBUG_ENV
+#define DEBUGF(fmt,args...) printf(fmt ,##args)
+#define DEBUGF(fmt,args...)
+#define FALSE	0
+#define TRUE	1
+int board_early_init_f (void)
+| Define Boot devices
+#define BOOT_FROM_SMALL_FLASH		0x00
+#define BOOT_FROM_PCI			0x02
+#define BOOT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN		0x03
+| EBC Devices Characteristics
+|   Peripheral Bank Access Parameters       -   EBC_BxAP
+|   Peripheral Bank Configuration Register  -   EBC_BxCR
+ * Small Flash and FRAM
+ * BU Value
+ * BxAP : 0x03800000  - 0 00000111 0 00 00 00 00 00 000 0 0 0 0 00000
+ * B0CR : 0xff098000  - BAS = ff0 - 100 11 00 0000000000000
+ * B2CR : 0xe7098000  - BAS = e70 - 100 11 00 0000000000000
+ */
+					EBC_BXAP_TWT_ENCODE(7)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_CSN_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_OEN_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_WBN_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_WBF_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_TH_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BS_16MB		| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BU_RW			| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BS_16MB		| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BU_RW			| \
+ * Large Flash and SRAM
+ * BU Value
+ * BxAP : 0x048ff240  - 0 00000111 0 00 00 00 00 00 000 0 0 0 0 00000
+ * B0CR : 0xff09a000  - BAS = ff0 - 100 11 01 0000000000000
+ * B2CR : 0xe709a000  - BAS = e70 - 100 11 01 0000000000000
+					EBC_BXAP_TWT_ENCODE(7)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_CSN_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_OEN_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_WBN_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_WBF_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_TH_ENCODE(0)	| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BS_16MB		| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BU_RW			| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BS_16MB		| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BU_RW			| \
+ * FPGA
+ * BU value :
+ * B1AP = 0x05895240  - 0 00001011 0 00 10 01 01 01 001 0 0 1 0 00000
+ * B1CR = 0xe201a000  - BAS = e20 - 000 11 01 00000000000000
+ */
+					EBC_BXAP_TWT_ENCODE(11)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_CSN_ENCODE(10)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_OEN_ENCODE(1)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_WBN_ENCODE(1)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_WBF_ENCODE(1)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_TH_ENCODE(1)	| \
+					EBC_BXAP_BEM_RW		| \
+#define EBC_BXCR_FPGA_CS1		EBC_BXCR_BAS_ENCODE(0xe2000000)	| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BS_1MB			| \
+					EBC_BXCR_BU_RW			| \
+	 unsigned long mfr;
+	/*
+	 * Define Variables for EBC initialization depending on BOOTSTRAP option
+	 */
+	unsigned long sdr0_pinstp, sdr0_sdstp1 ;
+	unsigned long bootstrap_settings, ebc_data_width, boot_selection;
+	int computed_boot_device = BOOT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN;
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 | Initialize EBC CONFIG -
+	 | Keep the Default value, but the bit PDT which has to be set to 1 ?TBC
+	 | default value :
+	 |	0x07C00000 - 0 0 000 1 1 1 1 1 0000 0 00000 000000000000
+	 |
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	mtebc(xbcfg, EBC_CFG_LE_UNLOCK |
+			EBC_CFG_PR_16);
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 |
+	 |  PART 1 : Initialize EBC Bank 1
+	 |  ==============================
+	 | Bank1 is always associated to the EPLD.
+	 | It has to be initialized prior to other banks settings computation
+	 | since some board registers values may be needed to determine the
+	 | boot type
+	 |
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	mtebc(pb1ap, EBC_BXAP_FPGA);
+	mtebc(pb1cr, EBC_BXCR_FPGA_CS1);
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 |
+	 |  PART 2 : Determine which boot device was selected
+	 |  =================================================
+	 |
+	 |  Read Pin Strap Register in PPC440SPe
+	 |  Result can either be :
+	 |   - Boot strap = boot from EBC 8bits     => Small Flash
+	 |   - Boot strap = boot from PCI
+	 |   - Boot strap = IIC
+	 |  In case of boot from IIC, read Serial Device Strap Register1
+	 |
+	 |  Result can either be :
+	 |   - Boot from EBC  - EBC Bus Width = 8bits    => Small Flash
+	 |   - Boot from EBC  - EBC Bus Width = 16bits   => Large Flash or SRAM
+	 |   - Boot from PCI
+	 |
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	/* Read Pin Strap Register in PPC440SP */
+	sdr0_pinstp = ppcMfsdr(SDR0_PINSTP);
+	bootstrap_settings = sdr0_pinstp & SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_MASK;
+	switch (bootstrap_settings) {
+			/*
+			 * Strapping Option A
+			 * Boot from EBC - 8 bits , Small Flash
+			 */
+			computed_boot_device = BOOT_FROM_SMALL_FLASH;
+			break;
+			/*
+			 * Strappping Option B
+			 * Boot from PCI
+			 */
+			computed_boot_device = BOOT_FROM_PCI;
+			break;
+			/*
+			 * Strapping Option C or D
+			 * Boot Settings in IIC EEprom address 0x50 or 0x54
+			 * Read Serial Device Strap Register1 in PPC440SPe
+			 */
+			sdr0_sdstp1 = ppcMfsdr(SDR0_SDSTP1);
+			boot_selection = sdr0_sdstp1 & SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_MASK;
+			ebc_data_width = sdr0_sdstp1 & SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_MASK;
+			switch (boot_selection) {
+				case SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_EBC:
+					switch (ebc_data_width) {
+						case SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_16_BITS:
+							computed_boot_device =
+							break;
+						case SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_8_BITS :
+							computed_boot_device = BOOT_FROM_SMALL_FLASH;
+							break;
+					}
+					break;
+				case SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_PCI:
+					computed_boot_device = BOOT_FROM_PCI;
+					break;
+				default:
+					/* should not occure */
+					computed_boot_device = BOOT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN;
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			/* should not be */
+			computed_boot_device = BOOT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN;
+			break;
+	}
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 |
+	 |  PART 3 : Compute EBC settings depending on selected boot device
+	 |  ======   ======================================================
+	 |
+	 | Resulting EBC init will be among following configurations :
+	 |
+	 |  - Boot from EBC 8bits => boot from Small Flash selected
+	 |            EBC-CS0     = Small Flash
+	 |            EBC-CS2     = Large Flash and SRAM
+	 |
+	 |  - Boot from EBC 16bits => boot from Large Flash or SRAM
+	 |            EBC-CS0     = Large Flash or SRAM
+	 |            EBC-CS2     = Small Flash
+	 |
+	 |  - Boot from PCI
+	 |            EBC-CS0     = not initialized to avoid address contention
+	 |            EBC-CS2     = same as boot from Small Flash selected
+	 |
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	unsigned long ebc0_cs0_bxap_value = 0, ebc0_cs0_bxcr_value = 0;
+	unsigned long ebc0_cs2_bxap_value = 0, ebc0_cs2_bxcr_value = 0;
+	switch (computed_boot_device) {
+		/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+		case BOOT_FROM_PCI:
+		/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+			/*
+			 * By Default CS2 is affected to LARGE Flash
+			 * do not initialize SMALL FLASH to avoid address contention
+			 * Large Flash
+			 */
+			ebc0_cs2_bxap_value = EBC_BXAP_LARGE_FLASH;
+			ebc0_cs2_bxcr_value = EBC_BXCR_LARGE_FLASH_CS2;
+			break;
+		/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+		/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+			ebc0_cs0_bxap_value = EBC_BXAP_SMALL_FLASH;
+			ebc0_cs0_bxcr_value = EBC_BXCR_SMALL_FLASH_CS0;
+			/*
+			 * Large Flash or SRAM
+			 */
+			/* ebc0_cs2_bxap_value = EBC_BXAP_LARGE_FLASH; */
+			ebc0_cs2_bxap_value = 0x048ff240;
+			ebc0_cs2_bxcr_value = EBC_BXCR_LARGE_FLASH_CS2;
+			break;
+		/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+		/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+			ebc0_cs0_bxap_value = EBC_BXAP_LARGE_FLASH;
+			ebc0_cs0_bxcr_value = EBC_BXCR_LARGE_FLASH_CS0;
+			/* Small flash */
+			ebc0_cs2_bxap_value = EBC_BXAP_SMALL_FLASH;
+			ebc0_cs2_bxcr_value = EBC_BXCR_SMALL_FLASH_CS2;
+			break;
+		/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+		default:
+		/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+			break;
+	}
+	mtebc(pb0ap, ebc0_cs0_bxap_value);
+	mtebc(pb0cr, ebc0_cs0_bxcr_value);
+	mtebc(pb2ap, ebc0_cs2_bxap_value);
+	mtebc(pb2cr, ebc0_cs2_bxcr_value);
+	/*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 | Interrupt controller setup for the AMCC 440SPe Evaluation board.
+	 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	|Interrupt| Source                            | Pol.  | Sensi.| Crit. |
+	+---------+-----------------------------------+-------+-------+-------+
+	| IRQ 00  | UART0                             | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 01  | UART1                             | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 02  | IIC0                              | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 03  | IIC1                              | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 04  | PCI0X0 MSG IN                     | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 05  | PCI0X0 CMD Write                  | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 06  | PCI0X0 Power Mgt                  | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 07  | PCI0X0 VPD Access                 | Rising| Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 08  | PCI0X0 MSI level 0                | High  | Lvl/ed| Non   |
+	| IRQ 09  | External IRQ 15 - (PCI-Express)   | pgm H | Pgm   | Non   |
+	| IRQ 10  | UIC2 Non-critical Int.            | NA    | NA    | Non   |
+	| IRQ 11  | UIC2 Critical Interrupt           | NA    | NA    | Crit  |
+	| IRQ 12  | PCI Express MSI Level 0           | Rising| Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 13  | PCI Express MSI Level 1           | Rising| Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 14  | PCI Express MSI Level 2           | Rising| Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 15  | PCI Express MSI Level 3           | Rising| Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 16  | UIC3 Non-critical Int.            | NA    | NA    | Non   |
+	| IRQ 17  | UIC3 Critical Interrupt           | NA    | NA    | Crit  |
+	| IRQ 18  | External IRQ 14 - (PCI-Express)   | Pgm   | Pgm   | Non   |
+	| IRQ 19  | DMA Channel 0 FIFO Full           | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 20  | DMA Channel 0 Stat FIFO           | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 21  | DMA Channel 1 FIFO Full           | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 22  | DMA Channel 1 Stat FIFO           | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 23  | I2O Inbound Doorbell              | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 24  | Inbound Post List FIFO Not Empt   | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 25  | I2O Region 0 LL PLB Write         | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 26  | I2O Region 1 LL PLB Write         | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 27  | I2O Region 0 HB PLB Write         | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 28  | I2O Region 1 HB PLB Write         | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 29  | GPT Down Count Timer              | Rising| Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 30  | UIC1 Non-critical Int.            | NA    | NA    | Non   |
+	| IRQ 31  | UIC1 Critical Interrupt           | NA    | NA    | Crit. |
+	|----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	| IRQ 32  | Ext. IRQ 13 - (PCI-Express)       |pgm (H)|pgm/Lvl| Non   |
+	| IRQ 33  | MAL Serr                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 34  | MAL Txde                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 35  | MAL Rxde                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 36  | DMC CE or DMC UE                  | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 37  | EBC or UART2                      | High  |Lvl Edg| Non   |
+	| IRQ 38  | MAL TX EOB                        | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 39  | MAL RX EOB                        | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 40  | PCIX0 MSI Level 1                 | High  |Lvl Edg| Non   |
+	| IRQ 41  | PCIX0 MSI level 2                 | High  |Lvl Edg| Non   |
+	| IRQ 42  | PCIX0 MSI level 3                 | High  |Lvl Edg| Non   |
+	| IRQ 43  | L2 Cache                          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 44  | GPT Compare Timer 0               | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 45  | GPT Compare Timer 1               | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 46  | GPT Compare Timer 2               | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 47  | GPT Compare Timer 3               | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 48  | GPT Compare Timer 4               | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 49  | Ext. IRQ 12 - PCI-X               |pgm/Fal|pgm/Lvl| Non   |
+	| IRQ 50  | Ext. IRQ 11 -                     |pgm (H)|pgm/Lvl| Non   |
+	| IRQ 51  | Ext. IRQ 10 -                     |pgm (H)|pgm/Lvl| Non   |
+	| IRQ 52  | Ext. IRQ 9                        |pgm (H)|pgm/Lvl| Non   |
+	| IRQ 53  | Ext. IRQ 8                        |pgm (H)|pgm/Lvl| Non   |
+	| IRQ 54  | DMA Error                         | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 55  | DMA I2O Error                     | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 56  | Serial ROM                        | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 57  | PCIX0 Error                       | High  | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 58  | Ext. IRQ 7-                       |pgm (H)|pgm/Lvl| Non   |
+	| IRQ 59  | Ext. IRQ 6-                       |pgm (H)|pgm/Lvl| Non   |
+	| IRQ 60  | EMAC0 Interrupt                   | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 61  | EMAC0 Wake-up                     | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 62  | Reserved                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 63  | XOR                               | High  | Level | Non   |
+	|----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	| IRQ 64  | PE0 AL                            | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 65  | PE0 VPD Access                    | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 66  | PE0 Hot Reset Request             | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 67  | PE0 Hot Reset Request             | Falli | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 68  | PE0 TCR                           | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 69  | PE0 BusMaster VCO                 | Falli | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 70  | PE0 DCR Error                     | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 71  | Reserved                          | N/A   | N/A   | Non   |
+	| IRQ 72  | PE1 AL                            | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 73  | PE1 VPD Access                    | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 74  | PE1 Hot Reset Request             | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 75  | PE1 Hot Reset Request             | Falli | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 76  | PE1 TCR                           | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 77  | PE1 BusMaster VCO                 | Falli | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 78  | PE1 DCR Error                     | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 79  | Reserved                          | N/A   | N/A   | Non   |
+	| IRQ 80  | PE2 AL                            | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 81  | PE2 VPD Access                    | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 82  | PE2 Hot Reset Request             | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 83  | PE2 Hot Reset Request             | Falli | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 84  | PE2 TCR                           | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 85  | PE2 BusMaster VCO                 | Falli | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 86  | PE2 DCR Error                     | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 87  | Reserved                          | N/A   | N/A   | Non   |
+	| IRQ 88  | External IRQ(5)                   | Progr | Progr | Non   |
+	| IRQ 89  | External IRQ 4 - Ethernet         | Progr | Progr | Non   |
+	| IRQ 90  | External IRQ 3 - PCI-X            | Progr | Progr | Non   |
+	| IRQ 91  | External IRQ 2 - PCI-X            | Progr | Progr | Non   |
+	| IRQ 92  | External IRQ 1 - PCI-X            | Progr | Progr | Non   |
+	| IRQ 93  | External IRQ 0 - PCI-X            | Progr | Progr | Non   |
+	| IRQ 94  | Reserved                          | N/A   | N/A   | Non   |
+	| IRQ 95  | Reserved                          | N/A   | N/A   | Non   |
+	|---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	| IRQ 96  | PE0 INTA                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 97  | PE0 INTB                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 98  | PE0 INTC                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 99  | PE0 INTD                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 100 | PE1 INTA                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 101 | PE1 INTB                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 102 | PE1 INTC                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 103 | PE1 INTD                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 104 | PE2 INTA                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 105 | PE2 INTB                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 106 | PE2 INTC                          | High  | Level | Non   |
+	| IRQ 107 | PE2 INTD                          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 108 | PCI Express MSI Level 4           | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 109 | PCI Express MSI Level 5           | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 110 | PCI Express MSI Level 6           | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 111 | PCI Express MSI Level 7           | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 116 | PCI Express MSI Level 12          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 112 | PCI Express MSI Level 8           | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 113 | PCI Express MSI Level 9           | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 114 | PCI Express MSI Level 10          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 115 | PCI Express MSI Level 11          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 117 | PCI Express MSI Level 13          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 118 | PCI Express MSI Level 14          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 119 | PCI Express MSI Level 15          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 120 | PCI Express MSI Level 16          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 121 | PCI Express MSI Level 17          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 122 | PCI Express MSI Level 18          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 123 | PCI Express MSI Level 19          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 124 | PCI Express MSI Level 20          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 125 | PCI Express MSI Level 21          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 126 | PCI Express MSI Level 22          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	| IRQ 127 | PCI Express MSI Level 23          | Risin | Edge  | Non   |
+	+---------+-----------------------------------+-------+-------+------*/
+	/*--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 | Put UICs in PowerPC440SPemode.
+	 | Initialise UIC registers.  Clear all interrupts.  Disable all
+	 | interrupts.
+	 | Set critical interrupt values.  Set interrupt polarities.  Set
+	 | interrupt trigger levels.  Make bit 0 High  priority.  Clear all
+	 | interrupts again.
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	mtdcr (uic3sr, 0xffffffff);	/* Clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic3er, 0x00000000);	/* disable all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic3cr, 0x00000000);	/* Set Critical / Non Critical
+					 * interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic3pr, 0xffffffff);	/* Set Interrupt Polarities */
+	mtdcr (uic3tr, 0x001fffff);	/* Set Interrupt Trigger Levels */
+	mtdcr (uic3vr, 0x00000001);	/* Set Vect base=0,INT31 Highest
+					 * priority */
+	mtdcr (uic3sr, 0x00000000);	/* clear all  interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic3sr, 0xffffffff);	/* clear all  interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic2sr, 0xffffffff);	/* Clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic2er, 0x00000000);	/* disable all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic2cr, 0x00000000);	/* Set Critical / Non Critical
+					 * interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic2pr, 0xebebebff);	/* Set Interrupt Polarities */
+	mtdcr (uic2tr, 0x74747400);	/* Set Interrupt Trigger Levels */
+	mtdcr (uic2vr, 0x00000001);	/* Set Vect base=0,INT31 Highest
+					 * priority */
+	mtdcr (uic2sr, 0x00000000);	/* clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic2sr, 0xffffffff);	/* clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic1sr, 0xffffffff);	/* Clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic1er, 0x00000000);	/* disable all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic1cr, 0x00000000);	/* Set Critical / Non Critical
+					 * interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic1pr, 0xffffffff);	/* Set Interrupt Polarities */
+	mtdcr (uic1tr, 0x001f8040);	/* Set Interrupt Trigger Levels */
+	mtdcr (uic1vr, 0x00000001);	/* Set Vect base=0,INT31 Highest
+					 * priority */
+	mtdcr (uic1sr, 0x00000000);	/* clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic1sr, 0xffffffff);	/* clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic0sr, 0xffffffff);	/* Clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic0er, 0x00000000);	/* disable all interrupts excepted
+					 * cascade to be checked */
+	mtdcr (uic0cr, 0x00104001);	/* Set Critical / Non Critical
+					 * interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic0pr, 0xffffffff);	/* Set Interrupt Polarities */
+	mtdcr (uic0tr, 0x010f0004);	/* Set Interrupt Trigger Levels */
+	mtdcr (uic0vr, 0x00000001);	/* Set Vect base=0,INT31 Highest
+					 * priority */
+	mtdcr (uic0sr, 0x00000000);	/* clear all interrupts */
+	mtdcr (uic0sr, 0xffffffff);	/* clear all interrupts */
+	/* SDR0_MFR should be part of Ethernet init */
+	mfsdr (sdr_mfr, mfr);
+	mfr &= ~SDR0_MFR_ECS_MASK;
+	/*mtsdr(sdr_mfr, mfr);*/
+	fpga_init();
+	return 0;
+int checkboard (void)
+	sys_info_t sysinfo;
+	get_sys_info (&sysinfo);
+	printf ("Board: AMCC 440SPe Evaluation Board\n");
+	printf ("\tVCO: %lu MHz\n", sysinfo.freqVCOMhz / 1000000);
+	printf ("\tCPU: %lu MHz\n", sysinfo.freqProcessor / 1000000);
+	printf ("\tPLB: %lu MHz\n", sysinfo.freqPLB / 1000000);
+	printf ("\tOPB: %lu MHz\n", sysinfo.freqOPB / 1000000);
+	printf ("\tEPB: %lu MHz\n", sysinfo.freqEPB / 1000000);
+	printf ("\tPCI: %lu MHz\n", sysinfo.freqPCI / 1000000);
+	printf ("\tDDR: %lu MHz\n", sysinfo.freqDDR / 1000000);
+	return 0;
+static long int yucca_probe_for_dimms(void)
+	long int 	dimm_installed[MAXDIMMS];
+	long int	dimm_num, probe_result;
+	long int	dimms_found = 0;
+	uchar		dimm_addr = IIC0_DIMM0_ADDR;
+	for (dimm_num = 0; dimm_num < MAXDIMMS; dimm_num++) {
+		/* check if there is a chip at the dimm address	*/
+		switch (dimm_num) {
+			case 0:
+				dimm_addr = IIC0_DIMM0_ADDR;
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				dimm_addr = IIC0_DIMM1_ADDR;
+				break;
+		}
+		probe_result = i2c_probe(dimm_addr);
+		if (probe_result == 0) {
+			dimm_installed[dimm_num] = TRUE;
+			dimms_found++;
+			debug("DIMM slot %d: DDR2 SDRAM detected\n",dimm_num);
+		} else {
+			dimm_installed[dimm_num] = FALSE;
+			debug("DIMM slot %d: Not populated or cannot sucessfully probe the DIMM\n", dimm_num);
+		}
+	}
+	if (dimms_found == 0) {
+		printf("ERROR - No memory installed.  Install a DDR-SDRAM DIMM.\n\n");
+		hang();
+	}
+	if (dimm_installed[0] != TRUE) {
+		printf("\nERROR - DIMM slot 0 must be populated before DIMM slot 1.\n");
+		printf("        Unsupported configuration. Move DIMM module from DIMM slot 1 to slot 0.\n\n");
+		hang();
+	}
+	return dimms_found;
+ * init SDRAM controller with fixed value
+ * the initialization values are for 2x MICRON DDR2
+ * PN: MT18HTF6472DY-53EB2
+ * 512MB, DDR2, 533, CL4, ECC, REG
+ ************************************************************************/
+static long int fixed_sdram(void)
+	long int yucca_dimms = 0;
+	yucca_dimms = yucca_probe_for_dimms();
+	/* SDRAM0_MCOPT2 (0X21) Clear DCEN BIT	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000021 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x84000000 );
+	/* SDRAM0_MCOPT1 (0X20) ECC OFF / 64 bits / 4 banks / DDR2	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000020 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x2D122000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_CODT   Die Termination On	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000026 );
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x2A800021 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x02800021 );
+	/* On-Die Termination for Bank 0	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000022 );
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x18000000 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x06000000 );
+	/*	On-Die Termination for Bank 1	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000023 );
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x18000000 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x01800000 );
+	/*	On-Die Termination for Bank 2	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000024 );
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x01800000 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000000 );
+	/*	On-Die Termination for Bank 3	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000025 );
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x01800000 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000000 );
+	/* Refresh Time register (0x30) Refresh every 7.8125uS	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000030 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x08200000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_MMODE  	 CL 4	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000088 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000642 );
+	/* MCIF0_MEMODE	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000089 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000004 );
+	/*SET MCIF0_MB0CF 	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000040 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000201 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_MB1CF 	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000044 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000201 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_MB2CF 	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000048 );
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000201 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_MB3CF 	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x0000004c );
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000201 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR0  # NOP		*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000050 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0xB5380000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR1  # PRE		*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000051 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x82100400 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR2  # EMR2		*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000052 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80820000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR3  # EMR3		*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000053 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80830000 );
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000054 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80810000 );
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000055 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80800542 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR6  # PRE		*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000056 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x82100400 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR7  # Refresh	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000057 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x8A080000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR8  # Refresh	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000058 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x8A080000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR9  # Refresh	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000059 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x8A080000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR10 # Refresh	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x0000005A );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x8A080000 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR11 # MR		*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x0000005B );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80800442 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR12 # EMR OCD Default*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x0000005C );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80810380 );
+	/* SET MCIF0_INITPLR13 # EMR OCD Exit	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x0000005D );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80810000 );
+	/* 0x80: Adv Addr clock by 180 deg	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000080 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80000000 );
+	/* 0x21: Exit self refresh, set DC_EN	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000021 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x28000000 );
+	/* 0x81: Write DQS Adv 90 + Fractional DQS Delay	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000081 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80000800 );
+	/* MCIF0_SDTR1	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000085 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80201000 );
+	/* MCIF0_SDTR2	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000086 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x42103242 );
+	/* MCIF0_SDTR3	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000087 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x0C100D14 );
+	/* SET MQ0_B0BAS  base addr 00000000 / 256MB	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x40, 0x0000F800 );
+	/* SET MQ0_B1BAS  base addr 10000000 / 256MB	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x41, 0x0400F800 );
+	/* SET MQ0_B2BAS  base addr 20000000 / 256MB	*/
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x42, 0x0800F800 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x42, 0x00000000 );
+	/* SET MQ0_B3BAS  base addr 30000000 / 256MB	*/
+	if (yucca_dimms == 2)
+		mtdcr( 0x43, 0x0C00F800 );
+	else if (yucca_dimms == 1)
+		mtdcr( 0x43, 0x00000000 );
+	/* SDRAM_RQDC	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000070 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x8000003F );
+	/* SDRAM_RDCC	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000078 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x80000000 );
+	/* SDRAM_RFDC	*/
+	mtdcr( 0x10, 0x00000074 );
+	mtdcr( 0x11, 0x00000220 );
+	return (yucca_dimms * 512) << 20;
+long int initdram (int board_type)
+	long dram_size = 0;
+	dram_size = fixed_sdram();
+	return dram_size;
+#if defined(CFG_DRAM_TEST)
+int testdram (void)
+	uint *pstart = (uint *) 0x00000000;
+	uint *pend = (uint *) 0x08000000;
+	uint *p;
+	for (p = pstart; p < pend; p++)
+		*p = 0xaaaaaaaa;
+	for (p = pstart; p < pend; p++) {
+		if (*p != 0xaaaaaaaa) {
+			printf ("SDRAM test fails at: %08x\n", (uint) p);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	for (p = pstart; p < pend; p++)
+		*p = 0x55555555;
+	for (p = pstart; p < pend; p++) {
+		if (*p != 0x55555555) {
+			printf ("SDRAM test fails at: %08x\n", (uint) p);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+ *  pci_pre_init
+ *
+ *  This routine is called just prior to registering the hose and gives
+ *  the board the opportunity to check things. Returning a value of zero
+ *  indicates that things are bad & PCI initialization should be aborted.
+ *
+ *	Different boards may wish to customize the pci controller structure
+ *	(add regions, override default access routines, etc) or perform
+ *	certain pre-initialization actions.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#if defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(CFG_PCI_PRE_INIT)
+int pci_pre_init(struct pci_controller * hose )
+	unsigned long strap;
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 *	The yucca board is always configured as the host & requires the
+	 *	PCI arbiter to be enabled.
+	 *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	mfsdr(sdr_sdstp1, strap);
+	if( (strap & SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_MASK) == 0 ) {
+		printf("PCI: SDR0_STRP1[%08lX] - PCI Arbiter disabled.\n",strap);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+#endif	/* defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(CFG_PCI_PRE_INIT) */
+ *  pci_target_init
+ *
+ *	The bootstrap configuration provides default settings for the pci
+ *	inbound map (PIM). But the bootstrap config choices are limited and
+ *	may not be sufficient for a given board.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#if defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(CFG_PCI_TARGET_INIT)
+void pci_target_init(struct pci_controller * hose )
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 * Disable everything
+	 *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	out32r( PCIX0_PIM0SA, 0 ); /* disable */
+	out32r( PCIX0_PIM1SA, 0 ); /* disable */
+	out32r( PCIX0_PIM2SA, 0 ); /* disable */
+	out32r( PCIX0_EROMBA, 0 ); /* disable expansion rom */
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 * Map all of SDRAM to PCI address 0x0000_0000. Note that the 440
+	 * strapping options to not support sizes such as 128/256 MB.
+	 *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	out32r( PCIX0_PIM0LAH, 0 );
+	out32r( PCIX0_PIM0SA, ~(gd->ram_size - 1) | 1 );
+	out32r( PCIX0_BAR0, 0 );
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 * Program the board's subsystem id/vendor id
+	 *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	out16r( PCIX0_CMD, in16r(PCIX0_CMD) | PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY );
+#endif	/* defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(CFG_PCI_TARGET_INIT) */
+ *  is_pci_host
+ *
+ *	This routine is called to determine if a pci scan should be
+ *	performed. With various hardware environments (especially cPCI and
+ *	PPMC) it's insufficient to depend on the state of the arbiter enable
+ *	bit in the strap register, or generic host/adapter assumptions.
+ *
+ *	Rather than hard-code a bad assumption in the general 440 code, the
+ *	440 pci code requires the board to decide at runtime.
+ *
+ *	Return 0 for adapter mode, non-zero for host (monarch) mode.
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#if defined(CONFIG_PCI)
+int is_pci_host(struct pci_controller *hose)
+	/* The yucca board is always configured as host. */
+	return 1;
+#endif	/* defined(CONFIG_PCI) */
+int misc_init_f (void)
+	uint reg;
+#if defined(CONFIG_STRESS)
+	uint i ;
+	uint disp;
+	out16(FPGA_REG10, (in16(FPGA_REG10) &
+	udelay(10000);	/* wait 10ms */
+	out16(FPGA_REG10, (in16(FPGA_REG10) | FPGA_REG10_RESET_ETH));
+	/* minimal init for PCIe */
+	/* pci express 0 Endpoint Mode */
+	mfsdr(SDR0_PE0DLPSET, reg);
+	reg &= (~0x00400000);
+	mtsdr(SDR0_PE0DLPSET, reg);
+	/* pci express 1 Rootpoint  Mode */
+	mfsdr(SDR0_PE1DLPSET, reg);
+	reg |= 0x00400000;
+	mtsdr(SDR0_PE1DLPSET, reg);
+	/* pci express 2 Rootpoint  Mode */
+	mfsdr(SDR0_PE2DLPSET, reg);
+	reg |= 0x00400000;
+	mtsdr(SDR0_PE2DLPSET, reg);
+	out16(FPGA_REG1C,(in16 (FPGA_REG1C) &
+#if defined(CONFIG_STRESS)
+	/*
+	 * all this setting done by linux only needed by stress an charac. test
+	 * procedure
+	 * PCIe 1 Rootpoint PCIe2 Endpoint
+	 * PCIe 0 FIR Pre-emphasis Filter Coefficients & Transmit Driver
+	 * Power Level
+	 */
+	for (i = 0, disp = 0; i < 8; i++, disp += 3) {
+		mfsdr(SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L0 + disp, reg);
+		reg |= 0x33000000;
+		mtsdr(SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L0 + disp, reg);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * PCIe 1 FIR Pre-emphasis Filter Coefficients & Transmit Driver
+	 * Power Level
+	 */
+	for (i = 0, disp = 0; i < 4; i++, disp += 3) {
+		mfsdr(SDR0_PE1HSSSET1L0 + disp, reg);
+		reg |= 0x33000000;
+		mtsdr(SDR0_PE1HSSSET1L0 + disp, reg);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * PCIE 2 FIR Pre-emphasis Filter Coefficients & Transmit Driver
+	 * Power Level
+	 */
+	for (i = 0, disp = 0; i < 4; i++, disp += 3) {
+		mfsdr(SDR0_PE2HSSSET1L0 + disp, reg);
+		reg |= 0x33000000;
+		mtsdr(SDR0_PE2HSSSET1L0 + disp, reg);
+	}
+	reg = 0x21242222;
+	mtsdr(SDR0_PE2UTLSET1, reg);
+	reg = 0x11000000;
+	mtsdr(SDR0_PE2UTLSET2, reg);
+	/* pci express 1 Endpoint  Mode */
+	reg = 0x00004000;
+	mtsdr(SDR0_PE2DLPSET, reg);
+	mtsdr(SDR0_UART1, 0x2080005a);	/* patch for TG */
+	return 0;
+void fpga_init(void)
+	/*
+	 * by default sdram access is disabled by fpga
+	 */
+	out16(FPGA_REG10, (in16 (FPGA_REG10) |
+	return;
+ * Returns 1 if keys pressed to start the power-on long-running tests
+ * Called from board_init_f().
+ */
+int post_hotkeys_pressed(void)
+	return (ctrlc());
+ | onboard_pci_arbiter_selected => from EPLD
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+int onboard_pci_arbiter_selected(int core_pci)
+#if 0
+	unsigned long onboard_pci_arbiter_sel;
+	onboard_pci_arbiter_sel = in16(FPGA_REG0) & FPGA_REG0_EXT_ARB_SEL_MASK;
+	if (onboard_pci_arbiter_sel == FPGA_REG0_EXT_ARB_SEL_EXTERNAL)
+	else
+ | ppcMfcpr.
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+unsigned long ppcMfcpr(unsigned long cpr_reg)
+	unsigned long msr;
+	unsigned long cpr_cfgaddr_temp;
+	unsigned long cpr_value;
+	msr = (mfmsr () & ~(MSR_EE));
+	cpr_cfgaddr_temp =  mfdcr(CPR0_CFGADDR);
+	mtdcr(CPR0_CFGADDR, cpr_reg);
+	cpr_value =  mfdcr(CPR0_CFGDATA);
+	mtdcr(CPR0_CFGADDR, cpr_cfgaddr_temp);
+	mtmsr(msr);
+	return (cpr_value);
+| Indirect Access of the System DCR's (SDR)
+| ppcMfsdr
+unsigned long ppcMfsdr(unsigned long sdr_reg)
+	unsigned long msr;
+	unsigned long sdr_cfgaddr_temp;
+	unsigned long sdr_value;
+	msr = (mfmsr () & ~(MSR_EE));
+	sdr_cfgaddr_temp =  mfdcr(SDR0_CFGADDR);
+	mtdcr(SDR0_CFGADDR, sdr_reg);
+	sdr_value =  mfdcr(SDR0_CFGDATA);
+	mtdcr(SDR0_CFGADDR, sdr_cfgaddr_temp);
+	mtmsr(msr);
+	return (sdr_value);
diff --git a/board/amcc/yucca/yucca.h b/board/amcc/yucca/yucca.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91caee8a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/amcc/yucca/yucca.h
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2006
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef __YUCCA_H_
+#define __YUCCA_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+| Defines
+#define TMR_FREQ_EXT		25000000
+#define BOARD_UART_CLOCK	11059200
+/* ethernet definition */
+#define ENETMODE_NEG		0
+#define ENETMODE_SPEED		1
+#define ENETMODE_10		2
+#define ENETMODE_100		3
+#define ENETMODE_1000		4
+#define ENETMODE_HALF		5
+#define ENETMODE_FULL		6
+#define NUM_TLB_ENTRIES          64
+| TLB specific defines.
+#define TLB_256MB_ALIGN_MASK	0xF0000000
+#define TLB_16MB_ALIGN_MASK	0xFF000000
+#define TLB_1MB_ALIGN_MASK	0xFFF00000
+#define TLB_256KB_ALIGN_MASK	0xFFFC0000
+#define TLB_64KB_ALIGN_MASK	0xFFFF0000
+#define TLB_16KB_ALIGN_MASK	0xFFFFC000
+#define TLB_4KB_ALIGN_MASK	0xFFFFF000
+#define TLB_256MB_SIZE		0x10000000
+#define TLB_16MB_SIZE		0x01000000
+#define TLB_1MB_SIZE		0x00100000
+#define TLB_256KB_SIZE		0x00040000
+#define TLB_64KB_SIZE		0x00010000
+#define TLB_16KB_SIZE		0x00004000
+#define TLB_4KB_SIZE		0x00001000
+#define TLB_1KB_SIZE		0x00000400
+#define TLB_WORD0_EPN_ENCODE(n) (((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFC00)
+#define TLB_WORD0_EPN_DECODE(n) (((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFC00)
+#define TLB_WORD0_V_MASK	0x00000200
+#define TLB_WORD0_V_ENABLE	0x00000200
+#define TLB_WORD0_V_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD0_TS_MASK	0x00000100
+#define TLB_WORD0_TS_1		0x00000100
+#define TLB_WORD0_TS_0		0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_MASK	0x000000F0
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_1KB	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_4KB	0x00000010
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_16KB	0x00000020
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_64KB	0x00000030
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_256KB	0x00000040
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_1MB	0x00000050
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_16MB	0x00000070
+#define TLB_WORD0_SIZE_256MB	0x00000090
+#define TLB_WORD0_TPAR_MASK	0x0000000F
+#define TLB_WORD0_TPAR_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<0)
+#define TLB_WORD0_TPAR_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x0F)
+#define TLB_WORD1_RPN_ENCODE(n) (((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFC00)
+#define TLB_WORD1_RPN_DECODE(n) (((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFC00)
+#define TLB_WORD1_PAR1_MASK	0x00000300
+#define TLB_WORD1_PAR1_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<8)
+#define TLB_WORD1_PAR1_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x03)
+#define TLB_WORD1_PAR1_0	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD1_PAR1_1	0x00000100
+#define TLB_WORD1_PAR1_2	0x00000200
+#define TLB_WORD1_PAR1_3	0x00000300
+#define TLB_WORD1_ERPN_MASK	0x0000000F
+#define TLB_WORD1_ERPN_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<0)
+#define TLB_WORD1_ERPN_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x0F)
+#define TLB_WORD2_PAR2_MASK	0xC0000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_PAR2_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<30)
+#define TLB_WORD2_PAR2_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x03)
+#define TLB_WORD2_PAR2_0	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_PAR2_1	0x40000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_PAR2_2	0x80000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_PAR2_3	0xC0000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U0_MASK	0x00008000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U0_ENABLE	0x00008000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U0_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U1_MASK	0x00004000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U1_ENABLE	0x00004000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U1_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U2_MASK	0x00002000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U2_ENABLE	0x00002000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U2_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U3_MASK	0x00001000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U3_ENABLE	0x00001000
+#define TLB_WORD2_U3_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_W_MASK	0x00000800
+#define TLB_WORD2_W_ENABLE	0x00000800
+#define TLB_WORD2_W_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_I_MASK	0x00000400
+#define TLB_WORD2_I_ENABLE	0x00000400
+#define TLB_WORD2_I_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_M_MASK	0x00000200
+#define TLB_WORD2_M_ENABLE	0x00000200
+#define TLB_WORD2_M_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_G_MASK	0x00000100
+#define TLB_WORD2_G_ENABLE	0x00000100
+#define TLB_WORD2_G_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_E_MASK	0x00000080
+#define TLB_WORD2_E_ENABLE	0x00000080
+#define TLB_WORD2_E_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_UX_MASK	0x00000020
+#define TLB_WORD2_UX_ENABLE	0x00000020
+#define TLB_WORD2_UX_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_UW_MASK	0x00000010
+#define TLB_WORD2_UW_ENABLE	0x00000010
+#define TLB_WORD2_UW_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_UR_MASK	0x00000008
+#define TLB_WORD2_UR_ENABLE	0x00000008
+#define TLB_WORD2_UR_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_SX_MASK	0x00000004
+#define TLB_WORD2_SX_ENABLE	0x00000004
+#define TLB_WORD2_SX_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_SW_MASK	0x00000002
+#define TLB_WORD2_SW_ENABLE	0x00000002
+#define TLB_WORD2_SW_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define TLB_WORD2_SR_MASK	0x00000001
+#define TLB_WORD2_SR_ENABLE	0x00000001
+#define TLB_WORD2_SR_DISABLE	0x00000000
+| Board specific defines.
+#define NONCACHE_MEMORY_SIZE     (64*1024)
+#define NONCACHE_AREA0_ENDOFFSET (64*1024)
+#define NONCACHE_AREA1_ENDOFFSET (32*1024)
+#define FLASH_SECTORSIZE	0x00010000
+#define SDRAM_MICRON		0x2C
+#define SDRAM_TRUE		1
+#define SDRAM_FALSE		0
+#define SDRAM_DDR1		1
+#define SDRAM_DDR2		2
+#define SDRAM_NONE		0
+#define MAXDIMMS		2		/* Changes le 12/01/05 pour 1.6 */
+#define MAXRANKS		4		/* Changes le 12/01/05 pour 1.6 */
+#define MAXBXCF			4		/* Changes le 12/01/05 pour 1.6 */
+#define ERROR_STR_LENGTH	256
+#define MAX_SPD_BYTES		256		/* Max number of bytes on the DIMM's SPD EEPROM */
+| SDR Configuration registers
+/* Serial Device Strap Reg 0 */
+#define sdr_pstrp0	0x0040
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_EBC_ROM_BS_MASK	0x00000080 /* EBC Boot bus width Mask */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_EBC_ROM_BS_16BIT	0x00000080 /* EBC 16 Bits */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_EBC_ROM_BS_8BIT	0x00000000 /* EBC  8 Bits */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_BOOT_SEL_MASK	0x00080000 /* Boot device Selection Mask */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_BOOT_SEL_EBC	0x00000000 /* EBC */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_BOOT_SEL_PCI	0x00080000 /* PCI */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_EBC_SIZE_MASK	0x00000060 /* Boot rom size Mask */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_BOOT_SIZE_16MB	0x00000060 /* 16 MB */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_BOOT_SIZE_8MB	0x00000040 /*  8 MB */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_BOOT_SIZE_4MB	0x00000020 /*  4 MB */
+#define	SDR0_SDSTP1_BOOT_SIZE_2MB	0x00000000 /*  2 MB */
+/* Serial Device Enabled - Addr = 0xA8 */
+/* Serial Device Enabled - Addr = 0xA4 */
+/* Pin Straps Reg */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0			0x0040
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_MASK	0xE0000000  /* Strap Bits */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS0	0x00000000  /* Default strap settings 0 */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS1	0x20000000  /* Default strap settings 1 */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS2	0x40000000  /* Default strap settings 2 */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS3	0x60000000  /* Default strap settings 3 */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS4	0x80000000  /* Default strap settings 4 */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS5	0xA0000000  /* Default strap settings 5 */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS6	0xC0000000  /* Default strap settings 6 */
+#define SDR0_PSTRP0_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS7	0xE0000000  /* Default strap settings 7 */
+/* fpgareg - defines are in include/config/YUCCA.h */
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ENET3_MASK		0x00000080
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ENET3_COPPER		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ENET3_FIBER		0x00000080
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII3_MASK		0x00000070
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII3_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<4)
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII3_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>4)&0x07)
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII3_DISAB		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII3_RTBI		0x00000040
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII3_RGMII		0x00000050
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII3_TBI		0x00000060
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII3_GMII		0x00000070
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ENET2_MASK		0x00000008
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ENET2_COPPER		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ENET2_FIBER		0x00000008
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII2_MASK		0x00000007
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII2_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<0)
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII2_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x07)
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII2_DISAB		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII2_RTBI		0x00000004
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII2_RGMII		0x00000005
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII2_TBI		0x00000006
+#define SDR0_CUST0_RGMII2_GMII		0x00000007
+#define ONE_MILLION			1000000
+#define ONE_BILLION			1000000000
+|                               X
+|                              XX
+| XX  XX        X    XXX XX    XX
+| XX  XX   XXXXXX    XX        XX
+| XX  XX   X   XX    XX        XX XX
+|  XXX XX  XXXXX X  XXXX        XXX
+| Declare Configuration values
+typedef enum config_selection {
+} config_selection_t;
+typedef enum config_list {
+} config_list_t;
+void force_bup_config_selection(config_selection_t *confgi_select_P);
+void update_config_selection_table(config_selection_t *config_select_P);
+void display_config_selection(config_selection_t *config_select_P);
+|                     XX
+|   XXXX    XX XXX   XXX     XXXX
+|  XX        XX  XX   XX    XX  XX
+|  XX  XXX   XX  XX   XX    XX  XX
+|  XX  XX    XXXXX    XX    XX  XX
+|   XXXX     XX      XXXX    XXXX
+|           XXXX
+| +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+| |  GPIO/Secondary func | Primary Function | I/O | Alternate1 | I/O |
+| +----------------------+------------------+-----+------------+-----+
+| |                      |                  |     |            |     |
+| | GPIO0_0              | PCIX0REQ2_N      | I/O |  TRCCLK    |     |
+| | GPIO0_1              | PCIX0REQ3_N      | I/O |  TRCBS0    |     |
+| | GPIO0_2              | PCIX0GNT2_N      | I/O |  TRCBS1    |     |
+| | GPIO0_3              | PCIX0GNT3_N      | I/O |  TRCBS2    |     |
+| | GPIO0_4              | PCIX1REQ2_N      | I/O |  TRCES0    |     |
+| | GPIO0_5              | PCIX1REQ3_N      | I/O |  TRCES1    |     |
+| | GPIO0_6              | PCIX1GNT2_N      | I/O |  TRCES2    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_7              | PCIX1GNT3_N      | I/O |  TRCES3    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_8              | PERREADY         |  I  |  TRCES4    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_9              | PERCS1_N         |  O  |  TRCTS0    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_10             | PERCS2_N         |  O  |  TRCTS1    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_11             | IRQ0             |  I  |  TRCTS2    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_12             | IRQ1             |  I  |  TRCTS3    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_13             | IRQ2             |  I  |  TRCTS4    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_14             | IRQ3             |  I  |  TRCTS5    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_15             | IRQ4             |  I  |  TRCTS6    | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_16             | IRQ5             |  I  |  UART2RX   |  I  |
+| | GPIO0_17             | PERBE0_N         |  O  |  UART2TX   |  O  |
+| | GPIO0_18             | PCI0GNT0_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_19             | PCI0GNT1_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_20             | PCI0REQ0_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_21             | PCI0REQ1_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_22             | PCI1GNT0_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_23             | PCI1GNT1_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_24             | PCI1REQ0_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_25             | PCI1REQ1_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_26             | PCI2GNT0_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_27             | PCI2GNT1_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_28             | PCI2REQ0_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_29             | PCI2REQ1_N       | I/O |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_30             | UART1RX          |  I  |  NA        | NA  |
+| | GPIO0_31             | UART1TX          |  O  |  NA        | NA  |
+| |                      |                  |     |            |     |
+| +----------------------+------------------+-----+------------+-----+
+#define GPIO_MAX	32
+#define GPIO_ALT1_SEL	0x40000000	/* GPIO_OUT value put in GPIO_TSx for the GPIO nb 0 */
+#define GPIO_ALT2_SEL	0x80000000	/* GPIO_OUT value put in GPIO_TSx for the GPIO nb 1 */
+#define GPIO_ALT3_SEL	0xC0000000	/* GPIO_OUT value put in GPIO_TSx for the GPIO nb 2 */
+#define GPIO_MASK	0xC0000000	/* GPIO_MASK */
+#define GPIO_IN_SEL	0x40000000	/* GPIO_IN value put in GPIO_ISx for the GPIO nb 0 */
+					/* For the other GPIO number, you must shift */
+| Declare GPIO Configuration values
+typedef enum gpio_select { GPIO_SEL, GPIO_ALT1, GPIO_ALT2, GPIO_ALT3 } gpio_select_t;
+typedef enum gpio_driver { GPIO_DIS, GPIO_IN, GPIO_OUT, GPIO_BI } gpio_driver_t;
+typedef struct {
+	unsigned long	add;	/* gpio core base address */
+	gpio_driver_t	in_out;	/* Driver Setting */
+	gpio_select_t	alt_nb;	/* Selected Alternate */
+} gpio_param_s;
+unsigned long auto_calc_speed(void);
+| Prototypes
+void print_evb440spe_info(void);
+int onboard_pci_arbiter_selected(int core_pci);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __YUCCA_H_ */
diff --git a/common/cmd_bdinfo.c b/common/cmd_bdinfo.c
index 40e28dd9d2..90a6ad09bd 100644
--- a/common/cmd_bdinfo.c
+++ b/common/cmd_bdinfo.c
@@ -62,11 +62,12 @@ int do_bdinfo ( cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
 	print_num ("bootflags",	    bd->bi_bootflags	);
 #if defined(CONFIG_405GP) || defined(CONFIG_405CR) || \
     defined(CONFIG_405EP) || defined(CONFIG_XILINX_ML300) || \
-    defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR)
+    defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440SP)
 	print_str ("procfreq",	    strmhz(buf, bd->bi_procfreq));
 	print_str ("plb_busfreq",   strmhz(buf, bd->bi_plb_busfreq));
 #if defined(CONFIG_405GP) || defined(CONFIG_405EP) || defined(CONFIG_XILINX_ML300) || \
-    defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR)
+    defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	print_str ("pci_busfreq",   strmhz(buf, bd->bi_pci_busfreq));
diff --git a/common/serial.c b/common/serial.c
index 22d8fd0584..d725a3cdb1 100644
--- a/common/serial.c
+++ b/common/serial.c
@@ -40,7 +40,11 @@ struct serial_device *default_serial_console (void)
 	return &serial_scc_device;
 #elif defined(CONFIG_405GP) || defined(CONFIG_405CR) || defined(CONFIG_440) \
    || defined(CONFIG_405EP)
-	return &serial0_device;
+#if defined(CONFIG_UART1_CONSOLE)
+		return &serial1_device;
+		return &serial0_device;
 #error No default console
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/405gp_pci.c b/cpu/ppc4xx/405gp_pci.c
index 64431ab13a..2fda60e390 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/405gp_pci.c
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/405gp_pci.c
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ void pci_440_init (struct pci_controller *hose)
 	 * The PCI initialization sequence enable bit must be set ... if not abort
 	 * pci setup since updating the bit requires chip reset.
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	unsigned long strap;
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ void pci_440_init (struct pci_controller *hose)
 	out16r( PCIX0_CLS, 0x00060000 ); /* Bridge, host bridge */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	out32r( PCIX0_BRDGOPT1, 0x04000060 );               /* PLB Rq pri highest   */
 	out32r( PCIX0_BRDGOPT2, in32(PCIX0_BRDGOPT2) | 0x83 ); /* Enable host config, clear Timeout, ensure int src1  */
 #elif defined(PCIX0_BRDGOPT1)
@@ -519,8 +519,13 @@ void pci_440_init (struct pci_controller *hose)
 	out32r( PCIX0_POM0SA, 0 ); /* disable */
 	out32r( PCIX0_POM1SA, 0 ); /* disable */
 	out32r( PCIX0_POM2SA, 0 ); /* disable */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	out32r( PCIX0_POM0LAL, 0x10000000 );
+	out32r( PCIX0_POM0LAH, 0x0000000c );
 	out32r( PCIX0_POM0LAL, 0x00000000 );
 	out32r( PCIX0_POM0LAH, 0x00000003 );
 	out32r( PCIX0_POM0PCIAH, 0x00000000 );
 	out32r( PCIX0_POM0SA, 0xf0000001 ); /* 256MB, enabled */
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/4xx_enet.c b/cpu/ppc4xx/4xx_enet.c
index 86dc2d066e..fab65aff78 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/4xx_enet.c
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/4xx_enet.c
@@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ static void ppc_4xx_eth_halt (struct eth_device *dev)
 	EMAC_4XX_HW_PST hw_p = dev->priv;
 	uint32_t failsafe = 10000;
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	unsigned long mfr;
 	out32 (EMAC_IER + hw_p->hw_addr, 0x00000000);	/* disable emac interrupts */
@@ -202,8 +205,23 @@ static void ppc_4xx_eth_halt (struct eth_device *dev)
 	/* EMAC RESET */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	/* provide clocks for EMAC internal loopback  */
+	mfsdr (sdr_mfr, mfr);
+	mfr |= 0x08000000;
+	mtsdr(sdr_mfr, mfr);
 	out32 (EMAC_M0 + hw_p->hw_addr, EMAC_M0_SRST);
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	/* remove clocks for EMAC internal loopback  */
+	mfsdr (sdr_mfr, mfr);
+	mfr &= ~0x08000000;
+	mtsdr(sdr_mfr, mfr);
 	hw_p->print_speed = 1;	/* print speed message again next time */
@@ -301,7 +319,7 @@ int ppc_4xx_eth_setup_bridge(int devnum, bd_t * bis)
 	return ((int)pfc1);
+#endif	/* CONFIG_440_GX */
 static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
@@ -314,12 +332,16 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 	unsigned mode_reg;
 	unsigned short devnum;
 	unsigned short reg_short;
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	sys_info_t sysinfo;
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	int ethgroup = -1;
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	unsigned long mfr;
 	EMAC_4XX_HW_PST hw_p = dev->priv;
@@ -330,7 +352,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 		return -1;
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	/* Need to get the OPB frequency so we can access the PHY */
 	get_sys_info (&sysinfo);
@@ -360,6 +382,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 	hw_p->stats.pkts_tx = 0;
 	hw_p->stats.pkts_rx = 0;
 	hw_p->stats.pkts_handled = 0;
+	hw_p->print_speed = 1;	/* print speed message again next time */
 	hw_p->tx_err_index = 0; /* Transmit Error Index for tx_err_log */
@@ -373,7 +396,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 	hw_p->tx_i_index = 0;	/* Transmit Interrupt Queue Index */
 	hw_p->tx_u_index = 0;	/* Transmit User Queue Index */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP) && !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	/* set RMII mode */
 	/* NOTE: 440GX spec states that mode is mutually exclusive */
 	/* NOTE: Therefore, disable all other EMACS, since we handle */
@@ -406,6 +429,12 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 	__asm__ volatile ("eieio");
 	/* reset emac so we have access to the phy */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	/* provide clocks for EMAC internal loopback  */
+	mfsdr (sdr_mfr, mfr);
+	mfr |= 0x08000000;
+	mtsdr(sdr_mfr, mfr);
 	out32 (EMAC_M0 + hw_p->hw_addr, EMAC_M0_SRST);
 	__asm__ volatile ("eieio");
@@ -416,7 +445,14 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	/* remove clocks for EMAC internal loopback  */
+	mfsdr (sdr_mfr, mfr);
+	mfr &= ~0x08000000;
+	mtsdr(sdr_mfr, mfr);
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	/* Whack the M1 register */
 	mode_reg = 0x0;
 	mode_reg &= ~0x00000038;
@@ -468,7 +504,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 	if (hw_p->first_init == 0) {
 		miiphy_reset (dev->name, reg);
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #if defined(CONFIG_CIS8201_PHY)
 		 * Cicada 8201 PHY needs to have an extended register whacked
@@ -544,7 +580,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 			(int) speed, (duplex == HALF) ? "HALF" : "FULL");
-#if defined(CONFIG_440) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP) && !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR)
 	mfsdr(sdr_mfr, reg);
 	if (speed == 100) {
@@ -575,7 +611,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_440) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP) */
 	/* set the Mal configuration reg */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	mtdcr (malmcr, MAL_CR_PLBB | MAL_CR_OPBBL | MAL_CR_LEA |
 	       MAL_CR_PLBLT_DEFAULT | MAL_CR_EOPIE | 0x00330000);
@@ -759,8 +795,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 	/* set speed */
 	if (speed == _1000BASET) {
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SP)
-#define SDR0_PFC1_EM_1000	0x00200000
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 		unsigned long pfc1;
 		mfsdr (sdr_pfc1, pfc1);
 		pfc1 |= SDR0_PFC1_EM_1000;
@@ -787,7 +822,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_init (struct eth_device *dev, bd_t * bis)
 	/* set receive	low/high water mark register */
 #if defined(CONFIG_440)
-	/* 440GP has a 64 byte burst length */
+	/* 440s has a 64 byte burst length */
 	out32 (EMAC_RX_HI_LO_WMARK + hw_p->hw_addr, 0x80009000);
 	/* 405s have a 16 byte burst length */
@@ -895,7 +930,7 @@ static int ppc_4xx_eth_send (struct eth_device *dev, volatile void *ptr,
 #if defined (CONFIG_440)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
  * Hack: On 440SP all enet irq sources are located on UIC1
  * Needs some cleanup. --sr
@@ -1367,20 +1402,19 @@ int ppc_4xx_eth_initialize (bd_t * bis)
 	/* set phy num and mode */
 	bis->bi_phynum[0] = CONFIG_PHY_ADDR;
+	bis->bi_phymode[0] = 0;
 #if defined(CONFIG_PHY1_ADDR)
 	bis->bi_phynum[1] = CONFIG_PHY1_ADDR;
+	bis->bi_phymode[1] = 0;
 #if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
 	bis->bi_phynum[2] = CONFIG_PHY2_ADDR;
 	bis->bi_phynum[3] = CONFIG_PHY3_ADDR;
-	bis->bi_phymode[0] = 0;
-	bis->bi_phymode[1] = 0;
 	bis->bi_phymode[2] = 2;
 	bis->bi_phymode[3] = 2;
-#if defined (CONFIG_440GX)
 	ppc_4xx_eth_setup_bridge(0, bis);
 	for (eth_num = 0; eth_num < LAST_EMAC_NUM; eth_num++) {
@@ -1478,9 +1512,15 @@ int ppc_4xx_eth_initialize (bd_t * bis)
 		if (0 == virgin) {
 			/* set the MAL IER ??? names may change with new spec ??? */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+			mal_ier =
 			mal_ier =
 			mtdcr (malesr, 0xffffffff);	/* clear pending interrupts */
 			mtdcr (maltxdeir, 0xffffffff);	/* clear pending interrupts */
 			mtdcr (malrxdeir, 0xffffffff);	/* clear pending interrupts */
@@ -1510,11 +1550,13 @@ int ppc_4xx_eth_initialize (bd_t * bis)
 		emac0_dev = dev;
+#if defined(CONFIG_NET_MULTI)
 		miiphy_register (dev->name,
 				 emac4xx_miiphy_read, emac4xx_miiphy_write);
 	}			/* end for each supported device */
 	return (1);
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/cpu.c b/cpu/ppc4xx/cpu.c
index a26533c59c..3e85a88560 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/cpu.c
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/cpu.c
@@ -78,7 +78,9 @@ int pci_arbiter_enabled(void)
 	return (mfdcr(cpc0_strp1) & CPC0_STRP1_PAE_MASK);
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || \
+     defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || \
+     defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	unsigned long val;
 	mfsdr(sdr_sdstp1, val);
@@ -87,8 +89,8 @@ int pci_arbiter_enabled(void)
-#if defined(CONFIG_405EP)|| defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || \
-	defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_405EP) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) ||  \
+     defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define I2C_BOOTROM
@@ -98,7 +100,9 @@ int i2c_bootrom_enabled(void)
 	return (mfdcr(cpc0_boot) & CPC0_BOOT_SEP);
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || \
+     defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	unsigned long val;
 	mfsdr(sdr_sdcs, val);
@@ -237,6 +241,12 @@ int checkcpu (void)
 		puts("SP Rev. B");
+	case PVR_440SPe_RA:
+		puts("SPe 3GA533C");
+		break;
+	case PVR_440SPe_RB:
+		puts("SPe 3GB533C");
+		break;
 		printf (" UNKNOWN (PVR=%08x)", pvr);
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/interrupts.c b/cpu/ppc4xx/interrupts.c
index 1d8dc7c221..fdae846dcc 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/interrupts.c
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/interrupts.c
@@ -48,18 +48,22 @@ struct	irq_action {
 static struct irq_action irq_vecs[32];
+void uic0_interrupt( void * parms); /* UIC0 handler */
 #if defined(CONFIG_440)
 static struct irq_action irq_vecs1[32]; /* For UIC1 */
 void uic1_interrupt( void * parms); /* UIC1 handler */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 static struct irq_action irq_vecs2[32]; /* For UIC2 */
-void uic0_interrupt( void * parms); /* UIC0 handler */
 void uic2_interrupt( void * parms); /* UIC2 handler */
-#endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
+#endif /* CONFIG_440GX CONFIG_440SPE */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+static struct irq_action irq_vecs3[32]; /* For UIC3 */
+void uic3_interrupt( void * parms); /* UIC3 handler */
+#endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
 #endif /* CONFIG_440 */
@@ -115,11 +119,16 @@ int interrupt_init_cpu (unsigned *decrementer_count)
 		irq_vecs1[vec].handler = NULL;
 		irq_vecs1[vec].arg = NULL;
 		irq_vecs1[vec].count = 0;
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 		irq_vecs2[vec].handler = NULL;
 		irq_vecs2[vec].arg = NULL;
 		irq_vecs2[vec].count = 0;
 #endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+		irq_vecs3[vec].handler = NULL;
+		irq_vecs3[vec].arg = NULL;
+		irq_vecs3[vec].count = 0;
+#endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
@@ -221,6 +230,34 @@ void external_interrupt(struct pt_regs *regs)
 } /* external_interrupt CONFIG_440GX */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+void external_interrupt(struct pt_regs *regs)
+	ulong uic_msr;
+	/*
+	 * Read masked interrupt status register to determine interrupt source
+	 */
+	/* 440 SPe uses base uic register */
+	uic_msr = mfdcr(uic0msr);
+	if ( (UICB0_UIC1CI & uic_msr) || (UICB0_UIC1NCI & uic_msr) )
+		uic1_interrupt(0);
+	if ( (UICB0_UIC2CI & uic_msr) || (UICB0_UIC2NCI & uic_msr) )
+		uic2_interrupt(0);
+	if ( (UICB0_UIC3CI & uic_msr) || (UICB0_UIC3NCI & uic_msr) )
+		uic3_interrupt(0);
+	if (uic_msr & ~(UICB0_ALL))
+		uic0_interrupt(0);
+	mtdcr(uic0sr, uic_msr);
+	return;
+} /* external_interrupt CONFIG_440SPE */
 void external_interrupt(struct pt_regs *regs)
@@ -266,7 +303,7 @@ void external_interrupt(struct pt_regs *regs)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 /* Handler for UIC0 interrupt */
 void uic0_interrupt( void * parms)
@@ -357,8 +394,8 @@ void uic1_interrupt( void * parms)
 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_440) */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
-/* Handler for UIC1 interrupt */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+/* Handler for UIC2 interrupt */
 void uic2_interrupt( void * parms)
 	ulong uic2_msr;
@@ -384,7 +421,7 @@ void uic2_interrupt( void * parms)
 			} else {
 				mtdcr(uic2er, mfdcr(uic2er) & ~(0x80000000 >> vec));
-				printf ("Masking bogus interrupt vector (uic1) 0x%x\n", vec);
+				printf ("Masking bogus interrupt vector (uic2) 0x%x\n", vec);
@@ -402,6 +439,51 @@ void uic2_interrupt( void * parms)
 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_440GX) */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+/* Handler for UIC3 interrupt */
+void uic3_interrupt( void * parms)
+	ulong uic3_msr;
+	ulong msr_shift;
+	int vec;
+	/*
+	 * Read masked interrupt status register to determine interrupt source
+	 */
+	uic3_msr = mfdcr(uic3msr);
+	msr_shift = uic3_msr;
+	vec = 0;
+	while (msr_shift != 0) {
+		if (msr_shift & 0x80000000) {
+			/*
+			 * Increment irq counter (for debug purpose only)
+			 */
+			irq_vecs3[vec].count++;
+			if (irq_vecs3[vec].handler != NULL) {
+				/* call isr */
+				(*irq_vecs3[vec].handler)(irq_vecs3[vec].arg);
+			} else {
+				mtdcr(uic3er, mfdcr(uic3er) & ~(0x80000000 >> vec));
+				printf ("Masking bogus interrupt vector (uic3) 0x%x\n", vec);
+			}
+			/*
+			 * After servicing the interrupt, we have to remove the status indicator.
+			 */
+			mtdcr(uic3sr, (0x80000000 >> vec));
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Shift msr to next position and increment vector
+		 */
+		msr_shift <<= 1;
+		vec++;
+	}
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_440SPE) */
@@ -414,7 +496,7 @@ void irq_install_handler (int vec, interrupt_handler_t * handler, void *arg)
 	int i = vec;
 #if defined(CONFIG_440)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	if ((vec > 31) && (vec < 64)) {
 		i = vec - 32;
 		irqa = irq_vecs1;
@@ -441,7 +523,7 @@ void irq_install_handler (int vec, interrupt_handler_t * handler, void *arg)
 	irqa[i].arg = arg;
 #if defined(CONFIG_440)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	if ((vec > 31) && (vec < 64))
 		mtdcr (uic1er, mfdcr (uic1er) | (0x80000000 >> i));
 	else if (vec > 63)
@@ -464,7 +546,7 @@ void irq_free_handler (int vec)
 	int i = vec;
 #if defined(CONFIG_440)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	if ((vec > 31) && (vec < 64)) {
 		irqa = irq_vecs1;
 		i = vec - 32;
@@ -485,7 +567,7 @@ void irq_free_handler (int vec)
 #if defined(CONFIG_440)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	if ((vec > 31) && (vec < 64))
 		mtdcr (uic1er, mfdcr (uic1er) & ~(0x80000000 >> i));
 	else if (vec > 63)
@@ -553,7 +635,7 @@ do_irqinfo(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	printf ("\nUIC 2\n");
 	printf ("Nr  Routine   Arg       Count\n");
@@ -566,6 +648,19 @@ do_irqinfo(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	printf ("\nUIC 3\n");
+	printf ("Nr  Routine   Arg       Count\n");
+	for (vec=0; vec<32; vec++) {
+		if (irq_vecs3[vec].handler != NULL)
+			printf ("%02d  %08lx  %08lx  %d\n",
+					vec+63, (ulong)irq_vecs3[vec].handler,
+					(ulong)irq_vecs3[vec].arg, irq_vecs3[vec].count);
+	}
+	printf("\n");
 	return 0;
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/miiphy.c b/cpu/ppc4xx/miiphy.c
index f26f2a203a..aa580ed48f 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/miiphy.c
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/miiphy.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 #include <405_mal.h>
 #include <miiphy.h>
+#undef ET_DEBUG
 /* Dump out to the screen PHY regs			   */
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ int phy_setup_aneg (char *devname, unsigned char addr)
 	miiphy_write (devname, addr, PHY_ANAR, adv);
+	miiphy_read (devname, addr, PHY_1000BTCR, &adv);
+	adv |= (0x0300);
+	miiphy_write (devname, addr, PHY_1000BTCR, adv);
 	/* Start/Restart aneg */
 	miiphy_read (devname, addr, PHY_BMCR, &ctl);
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ int phy_setup_aneg (char *devname, unsigned char addr)
 unsigned int miiphy_getemac_offset (void)
-#if (defined(CONFIG_440) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP)) && defined(CONFIG_NET_MULTI)
+#if (defined(CONFIG_440) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP) && !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)) && defined(CONFIG_NET_MULTI)
 	unsigned long zmii;
 	unsigned long eoffset;
@@ -155,10 +159,12 @@ int emac4xx_miiphy_read (char *devname, unsigned char addr,
 	i = 0;
 	/* see if it is ready for  sec */
-	while ((in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg) & EMAC_STACR_OC) == 0) {
+	while ((in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg) & EMAC_STACR_OC) == EMAC_STACR_OC_MASK) {
 		udelay (7);
 		if (i > 5) {
-#if 0
+#ifdef ET_DEBUG
+			sta_reg = in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg);
+			printf ("read : EMAC_STACR=0x%0x\n", sta_reg);	/* test-only */
 			printf ("read err 1\n");
 			return -1;
@@ -167,31 +173,41 @@ int emac4xx_miiphy_read (char *devname, unsigned char addr,
 	sta_reg = reg;		/* reg address */
 	/* set clock (50Mhz) and read flags */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
-	sta_reg |= EMAC_STACR_READ;
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+#if defined(CONFIG_IBM_EMAC4_V4)      /* EMAC4 V4 changed bit setting */
+		sta_reg = (sta_reg & ~EMAC_STACR_OP_MASK) | EMAC_STACR_READ;
+		sta_reg |= EMAC_STACR_READ;
 	sta_reg = (sta_reg | EMAC_STACR_READ) & ~EMAC_STACR_CLK_100MHZ;
-#if defined(CONFIG_PHY_CLK_FREQ) && !defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_PHY_CLK_FREQ) && !defined(CONFIG_440GX) && !defined(CONFIG__440SP) && !defined(CONFIG__440SPE)
 	sta_reg = sta_reg | CONFIG_PHY_CLK_FREQ;
 	sta_reg = sta_reg | (addr << 5);	/* Phy address */
+	sta_reg = sta_reg | EMAC_STACR_OC_MASK;	/* new IBM emac v4 */
 	out32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg, sta_reg);
-#if 0				/* test-only */
+#ifdef ET_DEBUG
 	printf ("a2: write: EMAC_STACR=0x%0x\n", sta_reg);	/* test-only */
 	sta_reg = in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg);
+#ifdef ET_DEBUG
+		printf ("a21: read : EMAC_STACR=0x%0x\n", sta_reg);	/* test-only */
 	i = 0;
-	while ((sta_reg & EMAC_STACR_OC) == 0) {
+	while ((sta_reg & EMAC_STACR_OC) == EMAC_STACR_OC_MASK) {
 		udelay (7);
 		if (i > 5) {
 			return -1;
 		sta_reg = in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg);
+#ifdef ET_DEBUG
+		printf ("a22: read : EMAC_STACR=0x%0x\n", sta_reg);	/* test-only */
 	if ((sta_reg & EMAC_STACR_PHYE) != 0) {
 		return -1;
@@ -219,7 +235,7 @@ int emac4xx_miiphy_write (char *devname, unsigned char addr,
 	/* see if it is ready for 1000 nsec */
 	i = 0;
-	while ((in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg) & EMAC_STACR_OC) == 0) {
+	while ((in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg) & EMAC_STACR_OC) == EMAC_STACR_OC_MASK) {
 		if (i > 5)
 			return -1;
 		udelay (7);
@@ -228,16 +244,21 @@ int emac4xx_miiphy_write (char *devname, unsigned char addr,
 	sta_reg = 0;
 	sta_reg = reg;		/* reg address */
 	/* set clock (50Mhz) and read flags */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
-	sta_reg |= EMAC_STACR_WRITE;
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+#if defined(CONFIG_IBM_EMAC4_V4)      /* EMAC4 V4 changed bit setting */
+		sta_reg = (sta_reg & ~EMAC_STACR_OP_MASK) | EMAC_STACR_WRITE;
+		sta_reg |= EMAC_STACR_WRITE;
 	sta_reg = (sta_reg | EMAC_STACR_WRITE) & ~EMAC_STACR_CLK_100MHZ;
-#if defined(CONFIG_PHY_CLK_FREQ) && !defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if defined(CONFIG_PHY_CLK_FREQ) && !defined(CONFIG_440GX) && !defined(CONFIG__440SP) && !defined(CONFIG__440SPE)
 	sta_reg = sta_reg | CONFIG_PHY_CLK_FREQ;	/* Set clock frequency (PLB freq. dependend) */
-	sta_reg = sta_reg | ((unsigned long) addr << 5);	/* Phy address */
+	sta_reg = sta_reg | ((unsigned long) addr << 5);/* Phy address */
+	sta_reg = sta_reg | EMAC_STACR_OC_MASK;		/* new IBM emac v4 */
 	memcpy (&sta_reg, &value, 2);	/* put in data */
 	out32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg, sta_reg);
@@ -245,12 +266,18 @@ int emac4xx_miiphy_write (char *devname, unsigned char addr,
 	/* wait for completion */
 	i = 0;
 	sta_reg = in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg);
-	while ((sta_reg & EMAC_STACR_OC) == 0) {
+#ifdef ET_DEBUG
+		printf ("a31: read : EMAC_STACR=0x%0x\n", sta_reg);	/* test-only */
+	while ((sta_reg & EMAC_STACR_OC) == EMAC_STACR_OC_MASK) {
 		udelay (7);
 		if (i > 5)
 			return -1;
 		sta_reg = in32 (EMAC_STACR + emac_reg);
+#ifdef ET_DEBUG
+		printf ("a32: read : EMAC_STACR=0x%0x\n", sta_reg);	/* test-only */
 	if ((sta_reg & EMAC_STACR_PHYE) != 0)
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/serial.c b/cpu/ppc4xx/serial.c
index e7f6bcbe1e..2734520987 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/serial.c
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/serial.c
@@ -277,11 +277,11 @@ int serial_tstc ()
 #define UART1_BASE  CFG_PERIPHERAL_BASE + 0x00000300
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define UART2_BASE  CFG_PERIPHERAL_BASE + 0x00000600
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define CR0_MASK        0xdfffffff
 #define CR0_EXTCLK_ENA  0x00800000
 #define CR0_UDIV_POS    0
@@ -311,14 +311,18 @@ int serial_tstc ()
 #if defined(CONFIG_UART1_CONSOLE)
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define UART0_SDR           sdr_uart1
 #define UART1_SDR           sdr_uart0
 #endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define UART0_SDR           sdr_uart0
 #define UART1_SDR           sdr_uart1
 #endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
@@ -441,7 +445,8 @@ int serial_init(void)
 	unsigned long tmp;
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	if (UART0_BASE == dev_base) {
@@ -470,7 +475,9 @@ int serial_init(void)
 	serial_divs (gd->baudrate, &udiv, &bdiv);
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	reg |= udiv << CR0_UDIV_POS;	/* set the UART divisor */
 	if (UART0_BASE == dev_base) {
@@ -615,8 +622,28 @@ void serial_setbrg (void)
 	udiv = ((mfdcr (cntrl0) & 0x3e) >> 1) + 1;
 #endif /* CONFIG_405EP */
+#if !defined(CFG_EXT_SERIAL_CLOCK) && \
+	( defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || \
+	  defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || \
+	  defined(CONFIG_440SPE) )
+	serial_divs (gd->baudrate, &udiv, &bdiv);
+	tmp = udiv << CR0_UDIV_POS;		/* set the UART divisor */
+	if (UART0_BASE == dev_base) {
+		mtsdr (UART0_SDR, tmp);
+	} else {
+		mtsdr (UART1_SDR, tmp);
+	}
+	mtsdr (UART0_SDR, tmp);
 	tmp = gd->baudrate * udiv * 16;
 	bdiv = (clk + tmp / 2) / tmp;
+#endif /* !defined(CFG_EXT_SERIAL_CLOCK) && (...) */ 
 	out8 (dev_base + UART_LCR, 0x80);	/* set DLAB bit */
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/speed.c b/cpu/ppc4xx/speed.c
index 553c491e24..7778271932 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/speed.c
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/speed.c
@@ -29,7 +29,11 @@
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #define ONE_BILLION        1000000000
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define DEBUGF(fmt,args...) printf(fmt ,##args)
+#define DEBUGF(fmt,args...)
 #if defined(CONFIG_405GP) || defined(CONFIG_405CR)
@@ -283,7 +287,7 @@ ulong get_PCI_freq (void)
 	return sys_info.freqPCI;
-#elif !defined(CONFIG_440GX) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#elif !defined(CONFIG_440GX) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP) && !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 void get_sys_info (sys_info_t * sysInfo)
 	unsigned long strp0;
@@ -326,6 +330,26 @@ void get_sys_info (sys_info_t * sysInfo)
 	unsigned long m;
 	unsigned long prbdv0;
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	unsigned long sys_freq;
+	unsigned long sys_per=0;
+	unsigned long msr;
+	unsigned long pci_clock_per;
+	unsigned long sdr_ddrpll;
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 | Get the system clock period.
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	sys_per = determine_sysper();
+	msr = (mfmsr () & ~(MSR_EE));	/* disable interrupts */
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 | Calculate the system clock speed from the period.
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	sys_freq=(ONE_BILLION/sys_per)*1000;
 	/* Extract configured divisors */
 	mfsdr( sdr_sdstp0,strp0 );
 	mfsdr( sdr_sdstp1,strp1 );
@@ -360,12 +384,238 @@ void get_sys_info (sys_info_t * sysInfo)
 		m = sysInfo->pllExtBusDiv * sysInfo->pllOpbDiv * sysInfo->pllFwdDivB;
 	/* Now calculate the individual clocks */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	sysInfo->freqVCOMhz = (m * sys_freq) ;
 	sysInfo->freqVCOMhz = (m * CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ) + (m>>1);
 	sysInfo->freqProcessor = sysInfo->freqVCOMhz/sysInfo->pllFwdDivA;
 	sysInfo->freqPLB = sysInfo->freqVCOMhz/sysInfo->pllFwdDivB/prbdv0;
 	sysInfo->freqOPB = sysInfo->freqPLB/sysInfo->pllOpbDiv;
 	sysInfo->freqEPB = sysInfo->freqOPB/sysInfo->pllExtBusDiv;
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	/* Determine PCI Clock Period */
+	pci_clock_per = determine_pci_clock_per();
+	sysInfo->freqPCI = (ONE_BILLION/pci_clock_per) * 1000;
+	mfsdr(sdr_ddr0, sdr_ddrpll);
+	sysInfo->freqDDR = ((sysInfo->freqPLB) * SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DECODE(sdr_ddrpll));
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+unsigned long determine_sysper(void)
+	unsigned int fpga_clocking_reg;
+	unsigned int master_clock_selection;
+	unsigned long master_clock_per = 0;
+	unsigned long fb_div_selection;
+	unsigned int vco_div_reg_value;
+	unsigned long vco_div_selection;
+	unsigned long sys_per = 0;
+	int extClkVal;
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 | Read FPGA reg 0 and reg 1 to get FPGA reg information
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	fpga_clocking_reg = in16(FPGA_REG16);
+	/* Determine Master Clock Source Selection */
+	master_clock_selection = fpga_clocking_reg & FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_MASK;
+	switch(master_clock_selection) {
+		case FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_66_66:
+			master_clock_per = PERIOD_66_66MHZ;
+			break;
+		case FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_50:
+			master_clock_per = PERIOD_50_00MHZ;
+			break;
+		case FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_33_33:
+			master_clock_per = PERIOD_33_33MHZ;
+			break;
+		case FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_25:
+			master_clock_per = PERIOD_25_00MHZ;
+			break;
+			if ((extClkVal==EXTCLK_33_33)
+					&& (extClkVal==EXTCLK_50)
+					&& (extClkVal==EXTCLK_66_66)
+					&& (extClkVal==EXTCLK_83)) {
+				/* calculate master clock period from external clock value */
+				master_clock_per=(ONE_BILLION/extClkVal) * 1000;
+			} else {
+				/* Unsupported */
+				DEBUGF ("%s[%d] *** master clock selection failed ***\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
+				hang();
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			/* Unsupported */
+			DEBUGF ("%s[%d] *** master clock selection failed ***\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
+			hang();
+			break;
+	}
+	/* Determine FB divisors values */
+	if ((fpga_clocking_reg & FPGA_REG16_FB1_DIV_MASK) == FPGA_REG16_FB1_DIV_LOW) {
+		if ((fpga_clocking_reg & FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_MASK) == FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_LOW)
+			fb_div_selection = FPGA_FB_DIV_6;
+		else
+			fb_div_selection = FPGA_FB_DIV_12;
+	} else {
+		if ((fpga_clocking_reg & FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_MASK) == FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_LOW)
+			fb_div_selection = FPGA_FB_DIV_10;
+		else
+			fb_div_selection = FPGA_FB_DIV_20;
+	}
+	/* Determine VCO divisors values */
+	vco_div_reg_value = fpga_clocking_reg & FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_MASK;
+	switch(vco_div_reg_value) {
+		case FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_4:
+			vco_div_selection = FPGA_VCO_DIV_4;
+			break;
+		case FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_6:
+			vco_div_selection = FPGA_VCO_DIV_6;
+			break;
+		case FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_8:
+			vco_div_selection = FPGA_VCO_DIV_8;
+			break;
+		case FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_10:
+		default:
+			vco_div_selection = FPGA_VCO_DIV_10;
+			break;
+	}
+	if (master_clock_selection == FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_EXT) {
+		switch(master_clock_per) {
+			case PERIOD_25_00MHZ:
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_12) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_4)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_75_00MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_6)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_50_00MHZ;
+				}
+				break;
+			case PERIOD_33_33MHZ:
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_6) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_4)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_50_00MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_6)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_33_33MHZ;
+				}
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_10) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_4)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_83_33MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_10)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_33_33MHZ;
+				}
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_12) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_4)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_100_00MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_6)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_66_66MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_8)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_50_00MHZ;
+				}
+				break;
+			case PERIOD_50_00MHZ:
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_6) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_4)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_75_00MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_6)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_50_00MHZ;
+				}
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_10) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_6)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_83_33MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_10)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_50_00MHZ;
+				}
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_12) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_6)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_100_00MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_8)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_75_00MHZ;
+				}
+				break;
+			case PERIOD_66_66MHZ:
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_6) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_4)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_100_00MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_6)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_66_66MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_8)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_50_00MHZ;
+				}
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_10) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_8)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_83_33MHZ;
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_10)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_66_66MHZ;
+				}
+				if (fb_div_selection == FPGA_FB_DIV_12) {
+					if (vco_div_selection == FPGA_VCO_DIV_8)
+						sys_per = PERIOD_100_00MHZ;
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+		if (sys_per == 0) {
+			/* Other combinations are not supported */
+			DEBUGF ("%s[%d] *** sys period compute failed ***\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
+			hang();
+		}
+	} else {
+		/* calcul system clock without cheking */
+		/* if engineering option clock no check is selected */
+		/* sys_per = master_clock_per * vco_div_selection / fb_div_selection */
+		sys_per = (master_clock_per/fb_div_selection) * vco_div_selection;
+	}
+	return(sys_per);
+| determine_pci_clock_per.
+unsigned long determine_pci_clock_per(void)
+	unsigned long pci_clock_selection,  pci_period;
+	/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	 | Read FPGA reg 6 to get PCI 0 FPGA reg information
+	 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	pci_clock_selection = in16(FPGA_REG16);	/* was reg6 averifier */
+	pci_clock_selection = pci_clock_selection & FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_MASK;
+	switch (pci_clock_selection) {
+		case FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_133_33:
+			pci_period = PERIOD_133_33MHZ;
+			break;
+		case FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_100:
+			pci_period = PERIOD_100_00MHZ;
+			break;
+		case FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_66_66:
+			pci_period = PERIOD_66_66MHZ;
+			break;
+		default:
+			pci_period = PERIOD_33_33MHZ;;
+			break;
+	}
+	return(pci_period);
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/start.S b/cpu/ppc4xx/start.S
index 48b430d14d..c1e787f680 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/start.S
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/start.S
@@ -155,6 +155,11 @@
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------+
+	| Core bug fix.  Clear the esr
+	+-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+        addi	r0,r0,0x0000
+        mtspr	esr,r0
 	/* Clear and set up some registers. */
@@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ _start_440:
 	mtspr	srr1,r0
 	mtspr	csrr0,r0
 	mtspr	csrr1,r0
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) /* NOTE: 440GX adds machine check status regs */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)  /* NOTE: 440GX adds machine check status regs */
 	mtspr	mcsrr0,r0
 	mtspr	mcsrr1,r0
 	mfspr	r1, mcsr
@@ -200,6 +205,33 @@ _start_440:
 	ori	r1,r1,0x6000	/* cache touch */
 	mtspr	ccr0,r1
+#if defined (CONFIG_440SPE)
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------+
+	| Initialize Core Configuration Reg1.
+	| a. ICDPEI: Record even parity. Normal operation.
+	| b. ICTPEI: Record even parity. Normal operation.
+	| c. DCTPEI: Record even parity. Normal operation.
+	| d. DCDPEI: Record even parity. Normal operation.
+	| e. DCUPEI: Record even parity. Normal operation.
+	| f. DCMPEI: Record even parity. Normal operation.
+	| g. FCOM:   Normal operation
+	| h. MMUPEI: Record even parity. Normal operation.
+	| i. FFF:    Flush only as much data as necessary.
+	| j. TCS:    Timebase increments from externally supplied clock
+	+-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	addis	r0, r0, 0x0000
+	ori	r0, r0, 0x0080
+	mtspr	ccr1, r0
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------+
+	| Reset the timebase.
+	| The previous write to CCR1 sets the timebase source.
+	+-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	addi	r0, r0, 0x0000
+	mtspr	tbl, r0
+	mtspr	tbu, r0
 	/* Setup interrupt vectors */
@@ -261,15 +293,26 @@ _start_440:
 	mtspr	ivlim,r1
 	mtspr	dvlim,r1
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------+
+	|Initialize MMUCR[STID] = 0.
+	+-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	mfspr	r0,mmucr
+	addis	r1,0,0xFFFF
+	ori	r1,r1,0xFF00
+	and	r0,r0,r1
+	mtspr	mmucr,r0
 	/* Clear all TLB entries -- TID = 0, TS = 0 */
-	mtspr	mmucr,r0
+	addis	r0,0,0x0000
 	li	r1,0x003f	/* 64 TLB entries */
 	mtctr	r1
-0:	tlbwe	r0,r1,0x0000	/* Invalidate all entries (V=0)*/
+rsttlb:	tlbwe	r0,r1,0x0000	/* Invalidate all entries (V=0)*/
+	tlbwe	r0,r1,0x0001
+	tlbwe	r0,r1,0x0002
 	subi	r1,r1,0x0001
-	bdnz	0b
+	bdnz	rsttlb
 	/* TLB entry setup -- step thru tlbtab */
@@ -340,7 +383,7 @@ _start:
 	mtspr	tcr,r0			/* disable all */
 	mtspr	esr,r0			/* clear exception syndrome register */
 	mtxer	r0			/* clear integer exception register */
-#if !defined(CONFIG_440GX)
+#if !defined(CONFIG_440GX) && !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	lis	r1,0x0002		/* set CE bit (Critical Exceptions) */
 	ori	r1,r1,0x1000		/* set ME bit (Machine Exceptions) */
 	mtmsr	r1			/* change MSR */
@@ -394,7 +437,7 @@ __440gx_msr_continue:
 	addi	r3,r3,32
 	bdnz	..d_ag
-#if defined (CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined (CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	mtdcr	l2_cache_cfg,r0		/* Ensure L2 Cache is off */
 	mtdcr	isram0_sb1cr,r0		/* Disable bank 1 */
@@ -421,6 +464,19 @@ __440gx_msr_continue:
 	lis	r1, 0x8003
 	ori	r1,r1, 0x0980		/* fourth 64k */
 	mtdcr	isram0_sb3cr,r1
+#elif defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	lis	r1,0x0000		/* BAS = 0000_0000 */
+	ori	r1,r1,0x0984		/* first 64k */
+	mtdcr	isram0_sb0cr,r1
+	lis	r1,0x0001
+	ori	r1,r1,0x0984		/* second 64k */
+	mtdcr	isram0_sb1cr,r1
+	lis	r1, 0x0002
+	ori	r1,r1, 0x0984		/* third 64k */
+	mtdcr	isram0_sb2cr,r1
+	lis	r1, 0x0003
+	ori	r1,r1, 0x0984		/* fourth 64k */
+	mtdcr	isram0_sb3cr,r1
 	ori	r1,r1,0x0380		/* 8k rw */
 	mtdcr	isram0_sb0cr,r1
@@ -1220,7 +1276,7 @@ ppcSync:
 	.globl	relocate_code
-#if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 	dccci	0,0			    /* Invalidate data cache, now no longer our stack */
 	addi	r1,r0,0x0000		/* TLB entry #0 */
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/vecnum.h b/cpu/ppc4xx/vecnum.h
index cbfe41db9c..93cef026a3 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/vecnum.h
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/vecnum.h
@@ -31,7 +31,48 @@
 #ifndef _VECNUMS_H_
 #define _VECNUMS_H_
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+/* UIC 0 */
+#define VECNUM_U0           0           /* UART0                        */
+#define VECNUM_U1           1           /* UART1                        */
+#define VECNUM_IIC0         2           /* IIC0                         */
+#define VECNUM_IIC1         3           /* IIC1                         */
+#define VECNUM_PIM          4           /* PCI inbound message          */
+#define VECNUM_PCRW         5           /* PCI command reg write        */
+#define VECNUM_PPM          6           /* PCI power management         */
+#define VECNUM_MSI0         7           /* PCI MSI level 0              */
+#define VECNUM_MSI1         8           /* PCI MSI level 0              */
+#define VECNUM_MSI2         9           /* PCI MSI level 0              */
+#define VECNUM_D0           12          /* DMA channel 0                */
+#define VECNUM_D1           13          /* DMA channel 1                */
+#define VECNUM_D2           14          /* DMA channel 2                */
+#define VECNUM_D3           15          /* DMA channel 3                */
+#define VECNUM_UIC1NC       30          /* UIC1 non-critical interrupt  */
+#define VECNUM_UIC1C        31          /* UIC1 critical interrupt      */
+/* UIC 1 */
+#define VECNUM_MS           (32 + 1 )   /* MAL SERR                     */
+#define VECNUM_TXDE         (32 + 2 )   /* MAL TXDE                     */
+#define VECNUM_RXDE         (32 + 3 )   /* MAL RXDE                     */
+#define VECNUM_MTE          (32 + 6 )   /* MAL Tx EOB                   */
+#define VECNUM_MRE          (32 + 7 )   /* MAL Rx EOB                   */
+#define VECNUM_CT0          (32 + 12 )  /* GPT compare timer 0          */
+#define VECNUM_CT1          (32 + 13 )  /* GPT compare timer 1          */
+#define VECNUM_CT2          (32 + 14 )  /* GPT compare timer 2          */
+#define VECNUM_CT3          (32 + 15 )  /* GPT compare timer 3          */
+#define VECNUM_CT4          (32 + 16 )  /* GPT compare timer 4          */
+#define VECNUM_ETH0         (32 + 28)   /* Ethernet interrupt status    */
+#define VECNUM_EWU0         (32 + 29)   /* Emac  wakeup                 */
+/* UIC 2 */
+#define VECNUM_EIR5         (62 + 24)   /* External interrupt 5         */
+#define VECNUM_EIR4         (62 + 25)   /* External interrupt 4         */
+#define VECNUM_EIR3         (62 + 26)   /* External interrupt 3         */
+#define VECNUM_EIR2         (62 + 27)   /* External interrupt 2         */
+#define VECNUM_EIR1         (62 + 28)   /* External interrupt 1         */
+#define VECNUM_EIR0         (62 + 29)   /* External interrupt 0         */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_440SP)
 /* UIC 0 */
 #define VECNUM_U0           0           /* UART0                        */
diff --git a/drivers/pci_indirect.c b/drivers/pci_indirect.c
index e8f19f5701..0ae4701413 100644
--- a/drivers/pci_indirect.c
+++ b/drivers/pci_indirect.c
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ indirect_##rw##_config_##size(struct pci_controller *hose,               \
 	cfg_##rw(val, hose->cfg_data + (offset & mask), type, op);       \
 	return 0;                                                        \
-#elif defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR)
+#elif defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define INDIRECT_PCI_OP(rw, size, type, op, mask)			 \
 static int								 \
 indirect_##rw##_config_##size(struct pci_controller *hose, 		 \
diff --git a/include/405_mal.h b/include/405_mal.h
index 69d20c98ff..0598586953 100644
--- a/include/405_mal.h
+++ b/include/405_mal.h
@@ -92,11 +92,21 @@
 #define MAL_ESR_PBEI	  0x00000001
       /* ^^			 ^^   */
       /* Mal IER		      */
+#ifdef CONFIG_440SPE
+#define MAL_IER_PT	  0x00000080
+#define MAL_IER_PRE	  0x00000040
+#define MAL_IER_PWE	  0x00000020
+#define MAL_IER_DE	  0x00000010
+#define MAL_IER_OTE	  0x00000004
+#define MAL_IER_OE	  0x00000002
+#define MAL_IER_PE	  0x00000001
 #define MAL_IER_DE	  0x00000010
 #define MAL_IER_NE	  0x00000008
 #define MAL_IER_TE	  0x00000004
 #define MAL_IER_OPBE	  0x00000002
 #define MAL_IER_PLBE	  0x00000001
 /* MAL Channel Active Set and Reset Registers */
 #define MAL_TXRX_CASR	(0x80000000)
diff --git a/include/asm-ppc/mmu.h b/include/asm-ppc/mmu.h
index 2606b79a24..baaf6f7976 100644
--- a/include/asm-ppc/mmu.h
+++ b/include/asm-ppc/mmu.h
@@ -470,4 +470,45 @@ extern int write_bat(ppc_bat_t bat, unsigned long upper, unsigned long lower);
+#ifdef CONFIG_440SPE
+| Following instructions are not available in Book E mode of the GNU assembler.
+#define DCCCI(ra,rb)			.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(ra<<16)|(rb<<11)|(454<<1)
+#define ICCCI(ra,rb)			.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(ra<<16)|(rb<<11)|(966<<1)
+#define DCREAD(rt,ra,rb)		.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(rt<<21)|(ra<<16)|(rb<<11)|(486<<1)
+#define ICREAD(ra,rb)			.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(ra<<16)|(rb<<11)|(998<<1)
+#define TLBSX(rt,ra,rb)			.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(rt<<21)|(ra<<16)|(rb<<11)|(914<<1)
+#define TLBWE(rs,ra,ws)			.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(rs<<21)|(ra<<16)|(ws<<11)|(978<<1)
+#define TLBRE(rt,ra,ws)			.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(rt<<21)|(ra<<16)|(ws<<11)|(946<<1)
+#define TLBSXDOT(rt,ra,rb)		.long 0x7c000001|\
+					(rt<<21)|(ra<<16)|(rb<<11)|(914<<1)
+#define MSYNC				.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(598<<1)
+#define MBAR_INST 				.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(854<<1)
+| Following instruction is not available in PPC405 mode of the GNU assembler.
+#define TLBRE(rt,ra,ws)			.long 0x7c000000|\
+					(rt<<21)|(ra<<16)|(ws<<11)|(946<<1)
 #endif /* _PPC_MMU_H_ */
diff --git a/include/asm-ppc/processor.h b/include/asm-ppc/processor.h
index 811378383d..9a9b8ba716 100644
--- a/include/asm-ppc/processor.h
+++ b/include/asm-ppc/processor.h
@@ -733,6 +733,8 @@
 #define PVR_405EP_RB	0x51210950
 #define PVR_440SP_RA	0x53221850
 #define PVR_440SP_RB	0x53221891
+#define PVR_440SPe_RA	0x53421890
+#define PVR_440SPe_RB	0x53521891
 #define PVR_601		0x00010000
 #define PVR_602		0x00050000
 #define PVR_603		0x00030000
diff --git a/include/common.h b/include/common.h
index d2570a803e..408d1422b6 100644
--- a/include/common.h
+++ b/include/common.h
@@ -457,6 +457,10 @@ void	get_sys_info  ( sys_info_t * );
 #if defined(CONFIG_4xx) || defined(CONFIG_IOP480)
 #  if defined(CONFIG_440)
     typedef PPC440_SYS_INFO sys_info_t;
+#	if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+	 unsigned long determine_sysper(void);
+	 unsigned long determine_pci_clock_per(void);
+#	endif
 #  else
     typedef PPC405_SYS_INFO sys_info_t;
 #  endif
diff --git a/include/configs/yucca.h b/include/configs/yucca.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95de1ea0a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/configs/yucca.h
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2004 Paul Reynolds <>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+ * 1 january 2005	Alain Saurel <>
+ * Adapted to current Das U-Boot source
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ * yucca.h - configuration for AMCC 440SPe Ref (yucca)
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __CONFIG_H
+#define __CONFIG_H
+#define DEBUG
+#undef DEBUG
+#define	 CONFIG_IDENT_STRING "\nU_440SPe_V1R01 level06"
+ * High Level Configuration Options
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define CONFIG_4xx			1	/* ... PPC4xx family	*/
+#define CONFIG_440			1	/* ... PPC440 family	*/
+#define CONFIG_440SPE			1	/* Specifc SPe support	*/
+#define CONFIG_BOARD_EARLY_INIT_F	1	/* Call board_pre_init	*/
+#undef	CFG_DRAM_TEST				/* Disable-takes long time */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ	33333333	/* external freq to pll	*/
+#define EXTCLK_33_33		33333333
+#define EXTCLK_66_66		66666666
+#define EXTCLK_50		50000000
+#define EXTCLK_83		83333333
+#define	CONFIG_IBM_EMAC4_V4		1
+#define	CONFIG_MISC_INIT_F		1	/* Use misc_init_f()	*/
+#undef  ENABLE_ECC
+ * Base addresses -- Note these are effective addresses where the
+ * actual resources get mapped (not physical addresses)
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define CFG_SDRAM_BASE		0x00000000	/* _must_ be 0		*/
+#define CFG_FLASH_BASE		0xfff00000	/* start of FLASH	*/
+#define CFG_MONITOR_BASE	0xfffb0000	/* start of monitor	*/
+#define CFG_PERIPHERAL_BASE	0xa0000000	/* internal peripherals	*/
+#define CFG_ISRAM_BASE		0x90000000	/* internal SRAM	*/
+#define CFG_PCI_MEMBASE		0x80000000	/* mapped pci memory	*/
+#define CFG_PCI_MEMBASE1	0x90000000	/* mapped pci memory	*/
+#define CFG_PCI_MEMBASE2	0xa0000000	/* mapped pci memory	*/
+#define CFG_PCI_MEMBASE3	0xb0000000	/* mapped pci memory	*/
+#define CFG_PCI_BASE		0xd0000000	/* internal PCI regs	*/
+#define CFG_PCI_TARGBASE	0x80000000	/*PCIaddr mapped to CFG_PCI_MEMBASE*/
+/* #define CFG_PCI_BASE_IO	0xB8000000 */	/* internal PCI I-O	*/
+/* #define CFG_PCI_BASE_REGS	0xBEC00000 */	/* internal PCI regs	*/
+/* #define CFG_PCI_BASE_CYCLE	0xBED00000 */	/* internal PCI regs	*/
+#define CFG_FPGA_BASE		0xe2000000	/* epld			*/
+#define CFG_OPER_FLASH		0xe7000000	/* SRAM - OPER Flash	*/
+/* #define CFG_NVRAM_BASE_ADDR 0x08000000 */
+ * Initial RAM & stack pointer (placed in internal SRAM)
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR	CFG_ISRAM_BASE	/* Initial RAM address	*/
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_END	0x2000		/* End of used area in RAM */
+#define CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE	128		/* num bytes initial data */
+#define CFG_MONITOR_LEN		(320 * 1024)	/* Reserve 320 kB for Mon */
+#define CFG_MALLOC_LEN		(512 * 1024)	/* Reserve 512 kB for malloc */
+ * Serial Port
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* #define CFG_EXT_SERIAL_CLOCK	(1843200 * 6) */ /* Ext clk @ 11.059 MHz */
+#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE		115200
+	{300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200}
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#undef CONFIG_SPD_EEPROM		/* Use SPD EEPROM for setup	*/
+#define SPD_EEPROM_ADDRESS {0x53, 0x52}	/* SPD i2c spd addresses	*/
+#define IIC0_DIMM0_ADDR		0x53
+#define IIC0_DIMM1_ADDR		0x52
+ * I2C
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define CONFIG_HARD_I2C		1	/* I2C with hardware support	*/
+#undef	CONFIG_SOFT_I2C			/* I2C bit-banged		*/
+#define CFG_I2C_SPEED		400000	/* I2C speed and slave address	*/
+#define CFG_I2C_SLAVE		0x7F
+#define IIC0_BOOTPROM_ADDR	0x50
+#define IIC0_ALT_BOOTPROM_ADDR	0x54
+/* Don't probe these addrs */
+#define CFG_I2C_NOPROBES	{0x50, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54}
+/* #define CFG_I2C_EEPROM_ADDR	0x50 */	/* I2C boot EEPROM		*/
+#define CFG_I2C_EEPROM_ADDR_LEN	2	/* Bytes of address		*/
+/* #endif */
+ * Environment
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* #define CFG_NVRAM_SIZE	(0x2000 - 8) */	/* NVRAM size(8k)- RTC regs */
+#undef  CFG_ENV_IS_IN_NVRAM		/* ... not in NVRAM		*/
+#define	CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH	1	/* Environment uses flash	*/
+#undef	CFG_ENV_IS_IN_EEPROM		/* ... not in EEPROM		*/
+#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS		"console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/nfs rw"
+#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND	"bootm E7C00000"	/* autoboot command */
+#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY	-1	/* -1 to disable autoboot */
+#define CONFIG_LOADS_ECHO	1	/* echo on for serial download	*/
+#define CFG_LOADS_BAUD_CHANGE	1	/* allow baudrate change	*/
+#define CONFIG_MII		1	/* MII PHY management		*/
+#define CONFIG_PHY_ADDR		1	/* PHY address, See schematics	*/
+#define CONFIG_HAS_ETH0
+#define CONFIG_PHY_RESET        1	/* reset phy upon startup	*/
+#define CONFIG_CIS8201_PHY	1	/* Enable 'special' RGMII mode for Cicada phy */
+#define CONFIG_PHY_GIGE		1	/* Include GbE speed/duplex detection */
+#define CONFIG_ETHADDR		00:04:AC:01:CA:FE
+#define CFG_RX_ETH_BUFFER	32	/* Number of ethernet rx buffers & descriptors */
+ 	"loads_echo=1\0"						\
+	"netdev=eth0\0"							\
+	"hostname=yucca\0"						\
+	"nfsargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw "			\
+		"nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath}\0"			\
+	"ramargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram rw\0"			\
+	"addip=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} "				\
+		"ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:${netmask}"	\
+		":${hostname}:${netdev}:off panic=1\0"			\
+	"addtty=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} console=ttyS0,${baudrate}\0"\
+	"flash_nfs=run nfsargs addip addtty;"				\
+		"bootm ${kernel_addr}\0"				\
+	"flash_self=run ramargs addip addtty;"				\
+		"bootm ${kernel_addr} ${ramdisk_addr}\0"		\
+	"net_nfs=tftp 200000 ${bootfile};run nfsargs addip addtty;"     \
+		"bootm\0"						\
+	"rootpath=/opt/eldk-4.0/ppc_4xx\0"				\
+	"bootfile=yucca/uImage\0"					\
+	"kernel_addr=E7F10000\0"					\
+	"ramdisk_addr=E7F20000\0"					\
+	"load=tftp 100000 yuca/u-boot.bin\0"				\
+	"update=protect off 2:4-7;era 2:4-7;"				\
+		"cp.b ${fileaddr} fffc0000 ${filesize};"		\
+		"setenv filesize;saveenv\0"				\
+	"upd=run load;run update\0"					\
+	""
+				CFG_CMD_PCI	| \
+				CFG_CMD_IRQ	| \
+				CFG_CMD_I2C	| \
+				CFG_CMD_DHCP	| \
+				CFG_CMD_PING	| \
+				CFG_CMD_DIAG	| \
+				CFG_CMD_NET	| \
+				CFG_CMD_MII	| \
+				CFG_CMD_ELF	)
+/* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
+#include <cmd_confdefs.h>
+#undef CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
+ * Miscellaneous configurable options
+ */
+#define CFG_LONGHELP				/* undef to save memory		*/
+#define CFG_PROMPT		"=> "		/* Monitor Command Prompt	*/
+#define CFG_CBSIZE		1024		/* Console I/O Buffer Size	*/
+#define CFG_CBSIZE		256		/* Console I/O Buffer Size	*/
+#define CFG_PBSIZE		(CFG_CBSIZE+sizeof(CFG_PROMPT)+16) /* Print Buffer Size */
+#define CFG_MAXARGS		16		/* max number of command args	*/
+#define CFG_BARGSIZE		CFG_CBSIZE	/* Boot Argument Buffer Size	*/
+#define CFG_MEMTEST_START	0x0400000	/* memtest works on		*/
+#define CFG_MEMTEST_END		0x0C00000	/* 4 ... 12 MB in DRAM		*/
+#define CFG_LOAD_ADDR		0x100000	/* default load address		*/
+#define CFG_EXTBDINFO		1		/* To use extended board_into (bd_t) */
+#define CFG_HZ			1		/* decrementer freq: 1 ms ticks */
+ * FLASH related
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS	3	/* number of banks		*/
+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT	256	/* sectors per device		*/
+#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT	120000	/* Timeout for Flash Erase (in ms) */
+#define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT	500	/* Timeout for Flash Write (in ms) */
+#define CFG_FLASH_ADDR0		0x5555
+#define CFG_FLASH_ADDR1		0x2aaa
+#define CFG_FLASH_WORD_SIZE	unsigned char
+#define CFG_FLASH_2ND_16BIT_DEV	1	/* evb440SPe has 8 and 16bit device */
+#define CFG_FLASH_2ND_ADDR	0xe7c00000 /* evb440SPe has 8 and 16bit device*/
+#define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE	0x10000	/* size of one complete sector	*/
+#define CFG_ENV_ADDR		0xfffa0000
+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE		0x10000	/* Size of Environment vars	*/
+#endif /* CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH */
+ * PCI stuff
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+/* General PCI */
+#define CONFIG_PCI			/* include pci support		*/
+#define CONFIG_PCI_PNP		1	/* do pci plug-and-play		*/
+#define CONFIG_PCI_SCAN_SHOW	i	/* show pci devices on startup	*/
+/* Board-specific PCI */
+#define CFG_PCI_PRE_INIT	1	/* enable board pci_pre_init()	*/
+#define CFG_PCI_TARGET_INIT		/* let board init pci target    */
+#define CFG_PCI_SUBSYS_VENDORID 0x1014	/* IBM				*/
+#define CFG_PCI_SUBSYS_DEVICEID 0xcafe	/* Whatever			*/
+ *  NETWORK Support (PCI):
+ */
+/* Support for Intel 82557/82559/82559ER chips. */
+#define CONFIG_EEPRO100
+ * For booting Linux, the board info and command line data
+ * have to be in the first 8 MB of memory, since this is
+ * the maximum mapped by the Linux kernel during initialization.
+ */
+#define CFG_BOOTMAPSZ		(8 << 20)	/*Initial Memory map for Linux*/
+ * Cache Configuration
+ */
+#define CFG_DCACHE_SIZE		8192	/* For AMCC 405 CPUs		*/
+#define CFG_CACHELINE_SIZE	32	/* ...				*/
+#define CFG_CACHELINE_SHIFT	5	/* log base 2 of the above value */
+ * Internal Definitions
+ *
+ * Boot Flags
+ */
+#define BOOTFLAG_COLD	0x01		/* Normal Power-On: Boot from FLASH */
+#define BOOTFLAG_WARM	0x02		/* Software reboot */
+#define CONFIG_KGDB_BAUDRATE	230400	/* speed to run kgdb serial port */
+#define CONFIG_KGDB_SER_INDEX	2	/* which serial port to use */
+/* FB Divisor selection */
+#define FPGA_FB_DIV_6		6
+#define FPGA_FB_DIV_10		10
+#define FPGA_FB_DIV_12		12
+#define FPGA_FB_DIV_20		20
+/* VCO Divisor selection */
+#define	FPGA_VCO_DIV_4		4
+#define	FPGA_VCO_DIV_6		6
+#define	FPGA_VCO_DIV_8		8
+#define	FPGA_VCO_DIV_10		10
+| FPGA registers and bit definitions
+/* PowerPC 440SPe Board FPGA is reached with physical address 0x1 E2000000. */
+/* TLB initialization makes it correspond to logical address 0xE2000000. */
+/* => Done init_chip.s in bootlib */
+#define FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR	0xE2000000
+#define FPGA_GPIO_BASE_ADDR	0xE2010000
+#define FPGA_INT_BASE_ADDR	0xE2020000
+| Display
+/*#define   IOREG8(addr) *((volatile unsigned char *)(addr))*/
+| ethernet/reset/boot Register 1
+#define FPGA_REG10	(FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x10)
+#define FPGA_REG10_10MHZ_ENABLE		0x8000
+#define FPGA_REG10_100MHZ_ENABLE	0x4000
+#define FPGA_REG10_GIGABIT_ENABLE	0x2000
+#define FPGA_REG10_FULL_DUPLEX		0x1000	/* force Full Duplex*/
+#define FPGA_REG10_RESET_ETH		0x0800
+#define FPGA_REG10_AUTO_NEG_DIS		0x0400
+#define FPGA_REG10_INTP_ETH		0x0200
+#define FPGA_REG10_RESET_HISR		0x0080
+#define FPGA_REG10_ENABLE_DISPLAY	0x0040
+#define FPGA_REG10_RESET_SDRAM		0x0020
+#define FPGA_REG10_OPER_BOOT		0x0010
+#define FPGA_REG10_SRAM_BOOT		0x0008
+#define FPGA_REG10_SMALL_BOOT		0x0004
+#define FPGA_REG10_FORCE_COLA		0x0002
+#define FPGA_REG10_COLA_MANUAL		0x0001
+#define FPGA_REG10_SDRAM_ENABLE		0x0020
+#define FPGA_REG10_ENET_ENCODE2(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<4) /*from ocotea ?*/
+#define FPGA_REG10_ENET_DECODE2(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>4)&0x0F) /*from ocotea ?*/
+| MUX control
+#define FPGA_REG12	(FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x12)
+#define FPGA_REG12_EBC_CTL		0x8000
+#define FPGA_REG12_UART1_CTS_RTS	0x4000
+#define FPGA_REG12_UART0_RX_ENABLE	0x2000
+#define FPGA_REG12_UART1_RX_ENABLE	0x1000
+#define FPGA_REG12_UART2_RX_ENABLE	0x0800
+#define FPGA_REG12_EBC_OUT_ENABLE	0x0400
+#define FPGA_REG12_GPIO0_OUT_ENABLE	0x0200
+#define FPGA_REG12_GPIO1_OUT_ENABLE	0x0100
+#define FPGA_REG12_GPIO_SELECT		0x0010
+#define FPGA_REG12_GPIO_CHREG		0x0008
+#define FPGA_REG12_GPIO_CLK_CHREG	0x0004
+#define FPGA_REG12_GPIO_OETRI		0x0002
+#define FPGA_REG12_EBC_ERROR		0x0001
+| PCI Clock control
+#define FPGA_REG16	(FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x16)
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL0		0x8000
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL1		0x4000
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL2		0x2000
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL3		0x1000
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL4		0x0800
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL5		0x0400
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL6		0x0200
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL7		0x0100
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL8		0x0080
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL9		0x0040
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_EXT_ARB0		0x0020
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_MODE_1		0x0010
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_TARGET_MODE	0x0008
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI_INTP_MODE	0x0004
+/* FB1 Divisor selection */
+#define FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_MASK		0x1000
+#define FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_LOW		0x0000
+#define FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_HIGH		0x1000
+/* FB2 Divisor selection */
+/* S3 switch on Board */
+#define FPGA_REG16_FB1_DIV_MASK		0x2000
+#define FPGA_REG16_FB1_DIV_LOW		0x0000
+#define FPGA_REG16_FB1_DIV_HIGH		0x2000
+/* PCI0 Clock Selection */
+/* S3 switch on Board */
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_MASK	0x0c00
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_33_33	0x0000
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_66_66	0x0800
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_100		0x0400
+#define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_133_33	0x0c00
+/* VCO Divisor selection */
+/* S3 switch on Board */
+#define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_MASK		0xc000
+#define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_4		0x0000
+#define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_8		0x4000
+#define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_6		0x8000
+#define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_10		0xc000
+/* Master Clock Selection */
+/* S3, S4 switches on Board */
+#define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_MASK	0x01c0
+#define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_EXT	0x0000
+#define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_66_66	0x0040
+#define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_50	0x0080
+#define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_33_33	0x00c0
+#define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_25	0x0100
+| PCI Miscellaneous
+#define FPGA_REG18	(FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x18)
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PRSNT1		0x8000
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PRSNT2		0x4000
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_INTA		0x2000
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_SLOT0_INTP	0x1000
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_SLOT1_INTP	0x0800
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_SLOT2_INTP	0x0400
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_SLOT3_INTP	0x0200
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PCI0_VC		0x0100
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PCI0_VTH1	0x0080
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PCI0_VTH2	0x0040
+#define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PCI0_VTH3	0x0020
+| PCIe Miscellaneous
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE0_GLED		0x8000
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE1_GLED		0x4000
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE2_GLED		0x2000
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE0_YLED		0x1000
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE1_YLED		0x0800
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE2_YLED		0x0400
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE0_PWRON		0x0200
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE1_PWRON		0x0100
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE2_PWRON		0x0080
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE0_REFCLK_ENABLE	0x0040
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE1_REFCLK_ENABLE	0x0020
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE2_REFCLK_ENABLE	0x0010
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE_SPREAD0		0x0008
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE_SPREAD1		0x0004
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE_SELSOURCE_0	0x0002
+#define FPGA_REG1A_PE_SELSOURCE_1	0x0001
+| PCIe Miscellaneous
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE0_ROOTPOINT	0x8000
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE1_ENDPOINT		0x4000
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE2_ENDPOINT		0x2000
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE0_PRSNT		0x1000
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE1_PRSNT		0x0800
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE2_PRSNT		0x0400
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE0_WAKE		0x0080
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE1_WAKE		0x0040
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE2_WAKE		0x0020
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE0_PERST		0x0010
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE1_PERST		0x0080
+#define FPGA_REG1C_PE2_PERST		0x0040
+| Defines
+#define PERIOD_133_33MHZ	7500	/* 7,5ns */
+#define PERIOD_100_00MHZ	10000	/* 10ns */
+#define PERIOD_83_33MHZ		12000	/* 12ns */
+#define PERIOD_75_00MHZ		13333	/* 13,333ns */
+#define PERIOD_66_66MHZ		15000	/* 15ns */
+#define PERIOD_50_00MHZ		20000	/* 20ns */
+#define PERIOD_33_33MHZ		30000	/* 30ns */
+#define PERIOD_25_00MHZ		40000	/* 40ns */
+#endif	/* __CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/include/ppc440.h b/include/ppc440.h
index 018f7be8ac..6f73c327ac 100644
--- a/include/ppc440.h
+++ b/include/ppc440.h
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Special Purpose Registers						*/
 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define	 xer_reg 0x001
+#define	 lr_reg	0x008
 #define	 dec	0x016	/* decrementer */
 #define	 srr0	0x01a	/* save/restore register 0 */
 #define	 srr1	0x01b	/* save/restore register 1 */
@@ -37,6 +39,8 @@
 #define	 ivpr	0x03f	/* interrupt prefix register */
 #define	 usprg0 0x100	/* user special purpose register general 0 */
 #define	 usprg1 0x110	/* user special purpose register general 1 */
+#define	 tblr	0x10c	/* time base lower, read only */
+#define	 tbur	0x10d	/* time base upper, read only */
 #define	 sprg1	0x111	/* special purpose register general 1 */
 #define	 sprg2	0x112	/* special purpose register general 2 */
 #define	 sprg3	0x113	/* special purpose register general 3 */
@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@
 #define	 ivor13 0x19d	/* interrupt vector offset register 13 */
 #define	 ivor14 0x19e	/* interrupt vector offset register 14 */
 #define	 ivor15 0x19f	/* interrupt vector offset register 15 */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define	 mcsrr0 0x23a	/* machine check save/restore register 0 */
 #define	 mcsrr1 0x23b	/* mahcine check save/restore register 1 */
 #define	 mcsr	0x23c	/* machine check status register */
@@ -167,12 +171,10 @@
 #define sdr_malrbl	0x02a0
 #define sdr_maltbs	0x02c0
 #define sdr_malrbs	0x02e0
-#define sdr_pci0        0x0300
-#define sdr_usb0        0x0320
+#define sdr_pci0	0x0300
+#define sdr_usb0	0x0320
 #define sdr_cust0	0x4000
-#define sdr_sdstp2	0x4001
 #define sdr_cust1	0x4002
-#define sdr_sdstp3	0x4003
 #define sdr_pfc0	0x4100	/* Pin Function 0 */
 #define sdr_pfc1	0x4101	/* Pin Function 1 */
 #define sdr_plbtr	0x4200
@@ -212,6 +214,554 @@
 #define mem_dlycal	0x0084	/* delay line calibration register	    */
 #define mem_eccesr	0x0098	/* ECC error status			    */
+#ifdef CONFIG_440_GX
+#define sdr_amp		0x0240
+#define sdr_xpllc	0x01c1
+#define sdr_xplld	0x01c2
+#define sdr_xcr		0x01c0
+#define sdr_sdstp2	0x4001
+#define sdr_sdstp3	0x4003
+#endif	/* CONFIG_440_GX */
+#ifdef CONFIG_440SPE
+#undef sdr_sdstp2
+#define sdr_sdstp2	0x0022
+#undef sdr_sdstp3
+#define sdr_sdstp3	0x0023
+#define sdr_ddr0	0x00E1
+#define sdr_uart2	0x0122
+#define sdr_xcr0	0x01c0
+/* #define sdr_xcr1	0x01c3	only one PCIX - SG */
+/* #define sdr_xcr2	0x01c6	only one PCIX - SG */
+#define sdr_xpllc0	0x01c1
+#define sdr_xplld0	0x01c2
+#define sdr_xpllc1	0x01c4	/*notRCW  - SG */
+#define sdr_xplld1	0x01c5	/*notRCW  - SG */
+#define sdr_xpllc2	0x01c7	/*notRCW  - SG */
+#define sdr_xplld2	0x01c8	/*notRCW  - SG */
+#define sdr_amp0	0x0240
+#define sdr_amp1	0x0241
+#define sdr_cust2	0x4004
+#define sdr_cust3	0x4006
+#define sdr_sdstp4	0x4001
+#define sdr_sdstp5	0x4003
+#define sdr_sdstp6	0x4005
+#define sdr_sdstp7	0x4007
+| Core Configuration/MMU configuration for 440 (CCR1 for 440x5 only).
+#define CCR0_PRE		0x40000000
+#define CCR0_CRPE		0x08000000
+#define CCR0_DSTG		0x00200000
+#define CCR0_DAPUIB		0x00100000
+#define CCR0_DTB		0x00008000
+#define CCR0_GICBT		0x00004000
+#define CCR0_GDCBT		0x00002000
+#define CCR0_FLSTA		0x00000100
+#define CCR0_ICSLC_MASK		0x0000000C
+#define CCR0_ICSLT_MASK		0x00000003
+#define CCR1_TCS_MASK		0x00000080
+#define CCR1_TCS_INTCLK		0x00000000
+#define CCR1_TCS_EXTCLK		0x00000080
+#define MMUCR_SEOA		0x01000000
+#define MMUCR_U1TE		0x00400000
+#define MMUCR_U2SWOAE		0x00200000
+#define MMUCR_DULXE		0x00800000
+#define MMUCR_IULXE		0x00400000
+#define MMUCR_STS		0x00100000
+#define MMUCR_STID_MASK		0x000000FF
+#define SDR0_CFGADDR		0x00E
+#define SDR0_CFGDATA		0x00F
+ * PCI express defines
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define SDR0_PE0UTLSET1		0x00000300	/* PE0 Upper transaction layer conf setting */
+#define SDR0_PE0UTLSET2		0x00000301	/* PE0 Upper transaction layer conf setting 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE0DLPSET		0x00000302	/* PE0 Data link & logical physical configuration */
+#define SDR0_PE0LOOP		0x00000303	/* PE0 Loopback interface status */
+#define SDR0_PE0RCSSET		0x00000304	/* PE0 Reset, clock & shutdown setting */
+#define SDR0_PE0RCSSTS		0x00000305	/* PE0 Reset, clock & shutdown status */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L0	0x00000306	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET2L0	0x00000307	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSTSL0	0x00000308	/* PE0 HSS Control Status : Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L1	0x00000309	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET2L1	0x0000030A	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSTSL1	0x0000030B	/* PE0 HSS Control Status : Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L2	0x0000030C	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET2L2	0x0000030D	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSTSL2	0x0000030E	/* PE0 HSS Control Status : Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L3	0x0000030F	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET2L3	0x00000310	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSTSL3	0x00000311	/* PE0 HSS Control Status : Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L4	0x00000312	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 4 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET2L4	0x00000313	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 4 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSTSL4	0x00000314	/* PE0 HSS Control Status : Lane 4 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L5	0x00000315	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 5 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET2L5	0x00000316	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 5 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSTSL5	0x00000317	/* PE0 HSS Control Status : Lane 5 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L6	0x00000318	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 6 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET2L6	0x00000319	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 6 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSTSL6	0x0000031A	/* PE0 HSS Control Status : Lane 6 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET1L7	0x0000031B	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 7 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSET2L7	0x0000031C	/* PE0 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 7 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSTSL7	0x0000031D	/* PE0 HSS Control Status : Lane 7 */
+#define SDR0_PE0HSSSEREN	0x0000031E	/* PE0 Serdes Transmitter Enable */
+#define SDR0_PE0LANEABCD	0x0000031F	/* PE0 Lanes ABCD affectation */
+#define SDR0_PE0LANEEFGH	0x00000320	/* PE0 Lanes EFGH affectation */
+#define SDR0_PE1UTLSET1		0x00000340	/* PE1 Upper transaction layer conf setting */
+#define SDR0_PE1UTLSET2		0x00000341	/* PE1 Upper transaction layer conf setting 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE1DLPSET		0x00000342	/* PE1 Data link & logical physical configuration */
+#define SDR0_PE1LOOP		0x00000343	/* PE1 Loopback interface status */
+#define SDR0_PE1RCSSET		0x00000344	/* PE1 Reset, clock & shutdown setting */
+#define SDR0_PE1RCSSTS		0x00000345	/* PE1 Reset, clock & shutdown status */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSET1L0	0x00000346	/* PE1 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSET2L0	0x00000347	/* PE1 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSTSL0	0x00000348	/* PE1 HSS Control Status : Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSET1L1	0x00000349	/* PE1 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSET2L1	0x0000034A	/* PE1 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSTSL1	0x0000034B	/* PE1 HSS Control Status : Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSET1L2	0x0000034C	/* PE1 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSET2L2	0x0000034D	/* PE1 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSTSL2	0x0000034E	/* PE1 HSS Control Status : Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSET1L3	0x0000034F	/* PE1 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSET2L3	0x00000350	/* PE1 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSTSL3	0x00000351	/* PE1 HSS Control Status : Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE1HSSSEREN	0x00000352	/* PE1 Serdes Transmitter Enable */
+#define SDR0_PE1LANEABCD	0x00000353	/* PE1 Lanes ABCD affectation */
+#define SDR0_PE2UTLSET1		0x00000370	/* PE2 Upper transaction layer conf setting */
+#define SDR0_PE2UTLSET2		0x00000371	/* PE2 Upper transaction layer conf setting 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE2DLPSET		0x00000372	/* PE2 Data link & logical physical configuration */
+#define SDR0_PE2LOOP		0x00000373	/* PE2 Loopback interface status */
+#define SDR0_PE2RCSSET		0x00000374	/* PE2 Reset, clock & shutdown setting */
+#define SDR0_PE2RCSSTS		0x00000375	/* PE2 Reset, clock & shutdown status */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSET1L0	0x00000376	/* PE2 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSET2L0	0x00000377	/* PE2 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSTSL0	0x00000378	/* PE2 HSS Control Status : Lane 0 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSET1L1	0x00000379	/* PE2 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSET2L1	0x0000037A	/* PE2 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSTSL1	0x0000037B	/* PE2 HSS Control Status : Lane 1 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSET1L2	0x0000037C	/* PE2 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSET2L2	0x0000037D	/* PE2 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSTSL2	0x0000037E	/* PE2 HSS Control Status : Lane 2 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSET1L3	0x0000037F	/* PE2 HSS Control Setting 1: Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSET2L3	0x00000380	/* PE2 HSS Control Setting 2: Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSTSL3	0x00000381	/* PE2 HSS Control Status : Lane 3 */
+#define SDR0_PE2HSSSEREN	0x00000382	/* PE2 Serdes Transmitter Enable */
+#define SDR0_PE2LANEABCD	0x00000383	/* PE2 Lanes ABCD affectation */
+#define SDR0_PEGPLLSET1		0x000003A0	/* PE Pll LC Tank Setting1 */
+#define SDR0_PEGPLLSET2		0x000003A1	/* PE Pll LC Tank Setting2 */
+#define SDR0_PEGPLLSTS		0x000003A2	/* PE Pll LC Tank Status */
+| SDRAM Controller
+#define SDRAM_DLYCAL_DLCV_MASK		0x000003FC
+| Memory queue defines
+/* A REVOIR versus RWC  - SG*/
+#define SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE	0x040
+#define SDRAM_R0BAS	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x0)	/* rank 0 base address & size  */
+#define SDRAM_R1BAS	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x1)	/* rank 1 base address & size  */
+#define SDRAM_R2BAS	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x2)	/* rank 2 base address & size  */
+#define SDRAM_R3BAS	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x3)	/* rank 3 base address & size  */
+#define SDRAM_CONF1HB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x5)	/* configuration 1 HB          */
+#define SDRAM_ERRSTATHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x7)	/* error status HB             */
+#define SDRAM_ERRADDUHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x8)	/* error address upper 32 HB   */
+#define SDRAM_ERRADDLHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x9)	/* error address lower 32 HB   */
+#define SDRAM_PLBADDULL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xA)	/* PLB base address upper 32 LL */
+#define SDRAM_CONF1LL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xB)	/* configuration 1 LL          */
+#define SDRAM_ERRSTATLL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xC)	/* error status LL             */
+#define SDRAM_ERRADDULL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xD)	/* error address upper 32 LL   */
+#define SDRAM_ERRADDLLL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xE)	/* error address lower 32 LL   */
+#define SDRAM_CONFPATHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xF)	/* configuration between paths */
+#define SDRAM_PLBADDUHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x10)	/* PLB base address upper 32 LL */
+|  Memory Bank 0-7 configuration
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_MASK		0xFF800000	/* Base address	*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFE00000)>>2)
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFE00000)<<2)
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_MASK		0x0000FFC0	/* Size		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<6)
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>6)&0x3FF)
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_0		0x00000000	/*   0M		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_8		0x0000FFC0	/*   8M		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_16		0x0000FF80	/*  16M		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_32		0x0000FF00	/*  32M		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_64		0x0000FE00	/*  64M		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_128		0x0000FC00	/* 128M		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_256		0x0000F800	/* 256M		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_512		0x0000F000	/* 512M		*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_1024		0x0000E000	/* 1024M	*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_2048		0x0000C000	/* 2048M	*/
+#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_4096		0x00008000	/* 4096M	*/
+| Memory controller defines
+#define SDRAMC_DCR_BASE	0x010
+#define SDRAMC_CFGADDR	(SDRAMC_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* Memory configuration add  */
+#define SDRAMC_CFGDATA	(SDRAMC_DCR_BASE+0x1)   /* Memory configuration data */
+/* A REVOIR versus specs 4 bank  - SG*/
+#define SDRAM_MCSTAT	0x14	/* memory controller status                  */
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1	0x20	/* memory controller options 1               */
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2	0x21	/* memory controller options 2               */
+#define SDRAM_MODT0	0x22	/* on die termination for bank 0             */
+#define SDRAM_MODT1	0x23	/* on die termination for bank 1             */
+#define SDRAM_MODT2	0x24	/* on die termination for bank 2             */
+#define SDRAM_MODT3	0x25	/* on die termination for bank 3             */
+#define SDRAM_CODT	0x26	/* on die termination for controller         */
+#define SDRAM_VVPR	0x27	/* variable VRef programmming                */
+#define SDRAM_OPARS	0x28	/* on chip driver control setup              */
+#define SDRAM_OPART	0x29	/* on chip driver control trigger            */
+#define SDRAM_RTR	0x30	/* refresh timer                             */
+#define SDRAM_PMIT	0x34	/* power management idle timer               */
+#define SDRAM_MB0CF	0x40	/* memory bank 0 configuration               */
+#define SDRAM_MB1CF	0x44	/* memory bank 1 configuration               */
+#define SDRAM_MB2CF	0x48
+#define SDRAM_MB3CF	0x4C
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR0	0x50	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR1	0x51	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR2	0x52	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR3	0x53	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR4	0x54	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR5	0x55	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR6	0x56	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR7	0x57	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR8	0x58	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR9	0x59	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR10	0x5a	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR11	0x5b	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR12	0x5c	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR13	0x5d	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR14	0x5e	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_INITPLR15	0x5f	/* manual initialization control             */
+#define SDRAM_RQDC	0x70	/* read DQS delay control                    */
+#define SDRAM_RFDC	0x74	/* read feedback delay control               */
+#define SDRAM_RDCC	0x78	/* read data capture control                 */
+#define SDRAM_DLCR	0x7A	/* delay line calibration                    */
+#define SDRAM_CLKTR	0x80	/* DDR clock timing                          */
+#define SDRAM_WRDTR	0x81	/* write data, DQS, DM clock, timing         */
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1	0x85	/* DDR SDRAM timing 1                        */
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2	0x86	/* DDR SDRAM timing 2                        */
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3	0x87	/* DDR SDRAM timing 3                        */
+#define SDRAM_MMODE	0x88	/* memory mode                               */
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE	0x89	/* memory extended mode                      */
+#define SDRAM_ECCCR	0x98	/* ECC error status                          */
+#define SDRAM_CID	0xA4	/* core ID                                   */
+#define SDRAM_RID	0xA8	/* revision ID                               */
+|  Memory Controller Status
+#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_MASK		0x80000000	/* Memory init status mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_NOTCOMP	0x00000000	/* Mem init not complete	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_COMP		0x80000000	/* Mem init complete		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_MASK		0x80000000	/* Mem self refresh stat mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_NOT_SF	0x00000000	/* Mem not in self refresh	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_SF		0x80000000	/* Mem in self refresh		*/
+|  Memory Controller Options 1
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_MASK		0x30000000 /* Memory data err check mask*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_NON		0x00000000 /* No ECC generation		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_GEN		0x20000000 /* ECC generation		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK		0x10000000 /* ECC generation and check	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK_REP	0x30000000 /* ECC generation, chk, report*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x3)
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RDEN_MASK		0x08000000 /* Registered DIMM mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RDEN		0x08000000 /* Registered DIMM enable	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_MASK		0x06000000 /* Page management unit mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_CLOSE		0x00000000 /* PMU Close			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_OPEN		0x04000000 /* PMU Open			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_AUTOCLOSE	0x02000000 /* PMU AutoClose		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_MASK		0x01000000 /* DRAM width mask		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_32		0x00000000 /* 32 bits			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_64		0x01000000 /* 64 bits			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_UIOS_MASK		0x00C00000 /* Unused IO State		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_BCNT_MASK		0x00200000 /* Bank count		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_4_BANKS		0x00000000 /* 4 Banks			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_8_BANKS		0x00200000 /* 8 Banks			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR_TYPE_MASK	0x00100000 /* DDR Memory Type mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR1_TYPE		0x00000000 /* DDR1 Memory Type		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR2_TYPE		0x00100000 /* DDR2 Memory Type		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_QDEP		0x00020000 /* 4 commands deep		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_MASK		0x00008000 /* Out of Order Read mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_DISABLED	0x00000000 /* disabled			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_ENABLED	0x00008000 /* enabled			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_MASK		0x00004000 /* Out of Order Write mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_DISABLED	0x00000000 /* disabled			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_ENABLED	0x00004000 /* enabled			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_MASK		0x00002000 /* All Out of Order mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_DISABLED	0x00002000 /* disabled			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_ENABLED	0x00000000 /* enabled			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_MASK		0x00001000 /* Deferred refresh mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_NORMAL	0x00000000 /* normal refresh		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_DEFER_4	0x00001000 /* defer up to 4 refresh cmd	*/
+|  Memory Controller Options 2
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_MASK		0x80000000 /* Self Test mask		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_EXIT		0x00000000 /* Self Test exit		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_ENTER		0x80000000 /* Self Test enter		*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_MASK		0x40000000 /* Power Management mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_DISABLE	0x00000000 /* disable			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_ENABLE	0x40000000 /* enable			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_MASK		0x20000000 /* Init Trigger Reg mask	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_IDLE		0x00000000 /* idle			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_EXECUTE	0x20000000 /* execute preloaded init	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_MASK		0x10000000 /* Exit Self Refresh Prevent	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_ALLOW		0x00000000 /* allow self refresh exit	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_PREVENT	0x10000000 /* prevent self refresh exit	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_MASK		0x08000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_DISABLE	0x00000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_ENABLE	0x08000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable	*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_MASK		0x04000000 /* Init Seq Interruptable mas*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_DISABLE	0x00000000 /* disable			*/
+#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_ENABLE	0x04000000 /* enable			*/
+|  SDRAM Refresh Timer Register
+#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_MASK		0xFFF80000
+#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFF8)<<16)
+#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFFF8)
+|  SDRAM Read DQS Delay Control Register
+#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_MASK		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_ENABLE		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQFD_MASK		0x000001FF
+#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQFD_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1FF)<<0)
+|  SDRAM Read Data Capture Control Register
+#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_MASK		0xC0000000
+#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T1		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T2		0x40000000
+#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T3		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T4		0xC0000000
+#define SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_MASK		0x00000001
+#define SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_DISABLE		0x00000001
+#define SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_ENABLE		0x00000000
+|  SDRAM Read Feedback Delay Control Register
+#define SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_MASK		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_DISABLE		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_ENABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFOS_MASK		0x007F0000
+#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFOS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<16)
+#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFFD_MASK		0x000003FF
+#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFFD_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<0)
+|  SDRAM Delay Line Calibration Register
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_MASK		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_MANUEL		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_AUTO		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_MASK		0x08000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_CALIBRATE	0x08000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_IDLE		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_MASK		0x07000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_NOT_RUN		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_IN_PROGRESS	0x01000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_COMPLETE	0x02000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_CONT_DONE	0x03000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_ERROR		0x04000000
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_MASK		0x000001FF
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1FF)<<0)
+#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1FF)
+|  SDRAM Controller On Die Termination Register
+#define SDRAM_CODT_ODT_ON			0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_CODT_ODT_OFF			0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_VOLTAGE_DDR_MASK		0x00000020
+#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_2_5_V_DDR1		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_1_8_V_DDR2		0x00000020
+#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_MASK			0x00000010
+#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_DIFFERENTIAL		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_SINGLE_END		0x00000010
+#define SDRAM_CODT_CKSE_SINGLE_END		0x00000008
+#define SDRAM_CODT_IO_HIZ  			0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_CODT_IO_NMODE  			0x00000001
+|  SDRAM Mode Register
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_MASK		0x00000E00
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR1		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_3_CYC	0x00000400
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_4_CYC	0x00000600
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_5_CYC	0x00000800
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_6_CYC	0x00000A00
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_MASK		0x00000070
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_2_0_CLK	0x00000020
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_2_5_CLK	0x00000060
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_3_0_CLK	0x00000030
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_2_0_CLK	0x00000020
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_3_0_CLK	0x00000030
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_4_0_CLK	0x00000040
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_5_0_CLK	0x00000050
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_6_0_CLK	0x00000060
+#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_7_0_CLK	0x00000070
+|  SDRAM Extended Mode Register
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_MASK		0x00000002
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_NORMAL		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_WEAK		0x00000002
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_MASK		0x00000001
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_DISABLE	0x00000001
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_ENABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_MASK		0x00000044
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_DISABLED	0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_75OHM		0x00000004
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_150OHM		0x00000040
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_MASK		0x00000400
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_DISABLE	0x00000400
+#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_ENABLE		0x00000000
+|  SDRAM Clock Timing Register
+#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_MASK		0xC0000000
+#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_0_DEG		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_180_DEG_ADV	0x80000000
+|  SDRAM Write Timing Register
+#define SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_MASK		0x10000000
+#define SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_DIS		0x10000000
+#define SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_1_CYC		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_MASK		0x0E000000
+#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_0_DEG		0x06000000
+#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_180_DEG_ADV	0x02000000
+#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_270_DEG_ADV	0x00000000
+|  SDRAM SDTR1 Options
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_MASK		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_1_CLK		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_2_CLK		0x80000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_MASK		0x00F00000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_2_CLK		0x00200000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_3_CLK		0x00300000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_MASK		0x000F0000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_0_CLK		0x00000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_1_CLK		0x00010000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_MASK		0x0000F000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_1_CLK		0x00001000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_2_CLK		0x00002000
+|  SDRAM SDTR2 Options
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_MASK		0xF0000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_1_CLK		0x10000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_2_CLK		0x20000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_3_CLK		0x30000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_4_CLK		0x40000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_5_CLK		0x50000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_MASK		0x0F000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_1_CLK		0x01000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_2_CLK		0x02000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_3_CLK		0x03000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_4_CLK		0x04000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_WTR_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<24)
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_MASK		0x00FF0000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_8_CLK		0x00080000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_16_CLK		0x00100000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_32_CLK		0x00200000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_64_CLK		0x00400000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_MASK		0x0000F000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_2_CLK		0x00002000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_3_CLK		0x00003000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_4_CLK		0x00004000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_5_CLK		0x00005000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_6_CLK		0x00006000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_WPC_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<12)
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_MASK		0x00000F00
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_2_CLK		0x00000200
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_3_CLK		0x00000300
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_4_CLK		0x00000400
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_MASK		0x000000F0
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_3_CLK		0x00000030
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_4_CLK		0x00000040
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_5_CLK		0x00000050
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_6_CLK		0x00000060
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_7_CLK		0x00000070
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_MASK		0x0000000F
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_2_CLK		0x00000002
+#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_3_CLK		0x00000003
+|  SDRAM SDTR3 Options
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RAS_MASK		0x1F000000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RAS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<24)
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RC_MASK		0x001F0000
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RC_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<16)
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_XCS_MASK		0x00001F00
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_XCS			0x00000D00
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RFC_MASK		0x0000003F
+#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RFC_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3F)<<0)
+|  Memory Bank 0-1 configuration
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_MASK		0x00000F00	/* Addressing mode	*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_0		0x00000000	/*   Mode 0		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_1		0x00000100	/*   Mode 1		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_2		0x00000200	/*   Mode 2		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_3		0x00000300	/*   Mode 3		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_4		0x00000400	/*   Mode 4		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_5		0x00000500	/*   Mode 5		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_6		0x00000600	/*   Mode 6		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_7		0x00000700	/*   Mode 7		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_8		0x00000800	/*   Mode 8		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_9		0x00000900	/*   Mode 9		*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_MASK		0x00000001	/* Memory Bank Enable	*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_DISABLE		0x00000000	/* Memory Bank Enable	*/
+#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_ENABLE		0x00000001	/* Memory Bank Enable	*/
+#endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
+#ifndef CONFIG_440_GX
+#endif	/* not CONFIG_440SPE       */
  | External Bus Controller
@@ -503,7 +1053,7 @@
  | L2 Cache
-#if defined (CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined (CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define L2_CACHE_BASE	0x030
 #define l2_cache_cfg	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x00)	/* L2 Cache Config	*/
 #define l2_cache_cmd	(L2_CACHE_BASE+0x01)	/* L2 Cache Command	*/
@@ -526,7 +1076,7 @@
  | Clocking, Power Management and Chip Control
 #define CNTRL_DCR_BASE 0x0b0
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define cpc0_er		(CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x00)	/* CPM enable register		*/
 #define cpc0_fr		(CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x01)	/* CPM force register		*/
 #define cpc0_sr		(CNTRL_DCR_BASE+0x02)	/* CPM status register		*/
@@ -574,6 +1124,30 @@
 #define uic1vr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x7)   /* UIC1 vector			   */
 #define uic1vcr (UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x8)   /* UIC1 vector configuration	   */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+#define UIC2_DCR_BASE 0xe0
+#define uic2sr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* UIC2 status-Read Clear		*/
+#define uic2srs	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x1)   /* UIC2 status-Read Set */
+#define uic2er	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x2)   /* UIC2 enable			*/
+#define uic2cr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x3)   /* UIC2 critical			*/
+#define uic2pr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x4)   /* UIC2 polarity			*/
+#define uic2tr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x5)   /* UIC2 triggering		*/
+#define uic2msr (UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x6)   /* UIC2 masked status		*/
+#define uic2vr	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x7)   /* UIC2 vector			*/
+#define uic2vcr (UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x8)   /* UIC2 vector configuration	*/
+#define UIC3_DCR_BASE 0xf0
+#define uic3sr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* UIC3 status-Read Clear		*/
+#define uic3srs	(UIC0_DCR_BASE+0x1)   /* UIC3 status-Read Set */
+#define uic3er	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x2)   /* UIC3 enable			*/
+#define uic3cr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x3)   /* UIC3 critical			*/
+#define uic3pr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x4)   /* UIC3 polarity			*/
+#define uic3tr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x5)   /* UIC3 triggering		*/
+#define uic3msr (UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x6)   /* UIC3 masked status		*/
+#define uic3vr	(UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x7)   /* UIC3 vector			*/
+#define uic3vcr (UIC1_DCR_BASE+0x8)   /* UIC3 vector configuration	*/
+#endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
 #if defined(CONFIG_440GX)
 #define UIC2_DCR_BASE 0x210
 #define uic2sr	(UIC2_DCR_BASE+0x0)   /* UIC2 status			   */
@@ -607,6 +1181,103 @@
 #define uicvr  uic0vr
 #define uicvcr uic0vcr
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+| Clock / Power-on-reset DCR's.
+#define CPR0_CFGADDR			0x00C
+#define CPR0_CFGDATA			0x00D
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD			0x20
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_BSY_MASK		0x80000000
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_BSY_COMPLETED	0x00000000
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_BSY_BUSY		0x80000000
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_CUI_MASK		0x80000000
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_CUI_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_CUI_ENABLE		0x80000000
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_CUD_MASK		0x40000000
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_CUD_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define CPR0_CLKUPD_CUD_ENABLE		0x40000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC			0x40
+#define CPR0_PLLC_RST_MASK		0x80000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_RST_PLLLOCKED		0x00000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_RST_PLLRESET		0x80000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_ENG_MASK		0x40000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_ENG_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_ENG_ENABLE		0x40000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_ENG_ENCODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
+#define CPR0_PLLC_ENG_DECODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SRC_MASK		0x20000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SRC_PLLOUTA		0x00000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SRC_PLLOUTB		0x20000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SRC_ENCODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<29)
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SRC_DECODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x01)
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SEL_MASK		0x07000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SEL_PLLOUT		0x00000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SEL_CPU		0x01000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SEL_EBC		0x05000000
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SEL_ENCODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<24)
+#define CPR0_PLLC_SEL_DECODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x07)
+#define CPR0_PLLC_TUNE_MASK		0x000003FF
+#define CPR0_PLLC_TUNE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<0)
+#define CPR0_PLLC_TUNE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x3FF)
+#define CPR0_PLLD			0x60
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FBDV_MASK		0x1F000000
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FBDV_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<24)
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FBDV_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)-1)&0x1F)+1)
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FWDVA_MASK		0x000F0000
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FWDVA_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<16)
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FWDVA_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)-1)&0x0F)+1)
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FWDVB_MASK		0x00000700
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FWDVB_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<8)
+#define CPR0_PLLD_FWDVB_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)-1)&0x07)+1)
+#define CPR0_PLLD_LFBDV_MASK		0x0000003F
+#define CPR0_PLLD_LFBDV_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3F)<<0)
+#define CPR0_PLLD_LFBDV_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)-1)&0x3F)+1)
+#define CPR0_PRIMAD			0x80
+#define CPR0_PRIMAD_PRADV0_MASK		0x07000000
+#define CPR0_PRIMAD_PRADV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<24)
+#define CPR0_PRIMAD_PRADV0_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)-1)&0x07)+1)
+#define CPR0_PRIMBD			0xA0
+#define CPR0_PRIMBD_PRBDV0_MASK		0x07000000
+#define CPR0_PRIMBD_PRBDV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<24)
+#define CPR0_PRIMBD_PRBDV0_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)-1)&0x07)+1)
+#define CPR0_OPBD			0xC0
+#define CPR0_OPBD_OPBDV0_MASK		0x03000000
+#define CPR0_OPBD_OPBDV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<24)
+#define CPR0_OPBD_OPBDV0_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)-1)&0x03)+1)
+#define CPR0_PERD			0xE0
+#define CPR0_PERD_PERDV0_MASK		0x03000000
+#define CPR0_PERD_PERDV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<24)
+#define CPR0_PERD_PERDV0_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)-1)&0x03)+1)
+#define CPR0_MALD			0x100
+#define CPR0_MALD_MALDV0_MASK		0x03000000
+#define CPR0_MALD_MALDV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<24)
+#define CPR0_MALD_MALDV0_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)-1)&0x03)+1)
+#define CPR0_ICFG			0x140
+#define CPR0_ICFG_RLI_MASK		0x80000000
+#define CPR0_ICFG_RLI_RESETCPR		0x00000000
+#define CPR0_ICFG_RLI_PRESERVECPR	0x80000000
+#define CPR0_ICFG_ICS_MASK		0x00000007
+#define CPR0_ICFG_ICS_ENCODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3F)<<0)
+#define CPR0_ICFG_ICS_DECODE(n)		((((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)-1)&0x3F)+1)
+/* IIC defines          */
+#define IIC0_MMIO_BASE 0xA0000400
+#define IIC1_MMIO_BASE 0xA0000500
+#endif /* CONFIG_440SP */
  | DMA
@@ -722,7 +1393,7 @@
 #define UIC_GPTCT	0x00000004	/* GPT count timer		    */
 #define UIC_UIC1NC	0x00000002	/* UIC1 non-critical interrupt	    */
 #define UIC_UIC1C	0x00000001	/* UIC1 critical interrupt	    */
-#else  /* CONFIG_440SP */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP)
 #define UIC_U0		0x80000000	/* UART 0			    */
 #define UIC_U1		0x40000000	/* UART 1			    */
 #define UIC_IIC0	0x20000000	/* IIC				    */
@@ -755,7 +1426,40 @@
 #define UIC_EIR6	0x00000004	/* External interrupt 6		    */
 #define UIC_UIC1NC	0x00000002	/* UIC1 non-critical interrupt	    */
 #define UIC_UIC1C	0x00000001	/* UIC1 critical interrupt	    */
-#endif /* CONFIG_440SP */
+#elif !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+#define UIC_U0		0x80000000	/* UART 0			    */
+#define UIC_U1		0x40000000	/* UART 1			    */
+#define UIC_IIC0	0x20000000	/* IIC				    */
+#define UIC_IIC1	0x10000000	/* IIC				    */
+#define UIC_PIM		0x08000000	/* PCI inbound message		    */
+#define UIC_PCRW	0x04000000	/* PCI command register write	    */
+#define UIC_PPM		0x02000000	/* PCI power management		    */
+#define UIC_MSI0	0x01000000	/* PCI MSI level 0		    */
+#define UIC_MSI1	0x00800000	/* PCI MSI level 1		    */
+#define UIC_MSI2	0x00400000	/* PCI MSI level 2		    */
+#define UIC_MTE		0x00200000	/* MAL TXEOB			    */
+#define UIC_MRE		0x00100000	/* MAL RXEOB			    */
+#define UIC_D0		0x00080000	/* DMA channel 0		    */
+#define UIC_D1		0x00040000	/* DMA channel 1		    */
+#define UIC_D2		0x00020000	/* DMA channel 2		    */
+#define UIC_D3		0x00010000	/* DMA channel 3		    */
+#define UIC_RSVD0	0x00008000	/* Reserved			    */
+#define UIC_RSVD1	0x00004000	/* Reserved			    */
+#define UIC_CT0		0x00002000	/* GPT compare timer 0		    */
+#define UIC_CT1		0x00001000	/* GPT compare timer 1		    */
+#define UIC_CT2		0x00000800	/* GPT compare timer 2		    */
+#define UIC_CT3		0x00000400	/* GPT compare timer 3		    */
+#define UIC_CT4		0x00000200	/* GPT compare timer 4		    */
+#define UIC_EIR0	0x00000100	/* External interrupt 0		    */
+#define UIC_EIR1	0x00000080	/* External interrupt 1		    */
+#define UIC_EIR2	0x00000040	/* External interrupt 2		    */
+#define UIC_EIR3	0x00000020	/* External interrupt 3		    */
+#define UIC_EIR4	0x00000010	/* External interrupt 4		    */
+#define UIC_EIR5	0x00000008	/* External interrupt 5		    */
+#define UIC_EIR6	0x00000004	/* External interrupt 6		    */
+#define UIC_UIC1NC	0x00000002	/* UIC1 non-critical interrupt	    */
+#define UIC_UIC1C	0x00000001	/* UIC1 critical interrupt	    */
+#endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
 /* For compatibility with 405 code */
@@ -797,7 +1501,40 @@
 #define UIC_EWU0	0x00000004	/* Ethernet 0 wakeup		    */
 #define UIC_ETH1	0x00000002	/* Reserved			    */
 #define UIC_XOR		0x00000001	/* XOR				    */
-#else /* CONFIG_440SP */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440EP)
+#define UIC_MS		0x80000000	/* MAL SERR			    */
+#define UIC_MTDE	0x40000000	/* MAL TXDE			    */
+#define UIC_MRDE	0x20000000	/* MAL RXDE			    */
+#define UIC_DEUE	0x10000000	/* DDR SDRAM ECC uncorrectible error*/
+#define UIC_DECE	0x08000000	/* DDR SDRAM correctible error	    */
+#define UIC_EBCO	0x04000000	/* EBCO interrupt status	    */
+#define UIC_EBMI	0x02000000	/* EBMI interrupt status	    */
+#define UIC_OPB		0x01000000	/* OPB to PLB bridge interrupt stat */
+#define UIC_MSI3	0x00800000	/* PCI MSI level 3		    */
+#define UIC_MSI4	0x00400000	/* PCI MSI level 4		    */
+#define UIC_MSI5	0x00200000	/* PCI MSI level 5		    */
+#define UIC_MSI6	0x00100000	/* PCI MSI level 6		    */
+#define UIC_MSI7	0x00080000	/* PCI MSI level 7		    */
+#define UIC_MSI8	0x00040000	/* PCI MSI level 8		    */
+#define UIC_MSI9	0x00020000	/* PCI MSI level 9		    */
+#define UIC_MSI10	0x00010000	/* PCI MSI level 10		    */
+#define UIC_MSI11	0x00008000	/* PCI MSI level 11		    */
+#define UIC_PPMI	0x00004000	/* PPM interrupt status		    */
+#define UIC_EIR7	0x00002000	/* External interrupt 7		    */
+#define UIC_EIR8	0x00001000	/* External interrupt 8		    */
+#define UIC_EIR9	0x00000800	/* External interrupt 9		    */
+#define UIC_EIR10	0x00000400	/* External interrupt 10	    */
+#define UIC_EIR11	0x00000200	/* External interrupt 11	    */
+#define UIC_EIR12	0x00000100	/* External interrupt 12	    */
+#define UIC_SRE		0x00000080	/* Serial ROM error		    */
+#define UIC_RSVD2	0x00000040	/* Reserved			    */
+#define UIC_RSVD3	0x00000020	/* Reserved			    */
+#define UIC_PAE		0x00000010	/* PCI asynchronous error	    */
+#define UIC_ETH0	0x00000008	/* Ethernet 0			    */
+#define UIC_EWU0	0x00000004	/* Ethernet 0 wakeup		    */
+#define UIC_ETH1	0x00000002	/* Ethernet 1			    */
+#define UIC_EWU1	0x00000001	/* Ethernet 1 wakeup		    */
+#elif !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define UIC_MS		0x80000000	/* MAL SERR			    */
 #define UIC_MTDE	0x40000000	/* MAL TXDE			    */
 #define UIC_MRDE	0x20000000	/* MAL RXDE			    */
@@ -889,7 +1626,118 @@
-#endif /* CONFIG_440GX */
+#endif /* CONFIG_440_GX */
+|  Universal interrupt controller interrupts
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+/*#define UICB0_UIC0CI	0x80000000*/	/* UIC0 Critical Interrupt	    */
+/*#define UICB0_UIC0NCI	0x40000000*/	/* UIC0 Noncritical Interrupt	    */
+#define UICB0_UIC1CI	0x00000002	/* UIC1 Critical Interrupt	    */
+#define UICB0_UIC1NCI	0x00000001	/* UIC1 Noncritical Interrupt	    */
+#define UICB0_UIC2CI	0x00200000	/* UIC2 Critical Interrupt	    */
+#define UICB0_UIC2NCI	0x00100000	/* UIC2 Noncritical Interrupt	    */
+#define UICB0_UIC3CI	0x00008000	/* UIC3 Critical Interrupt	    */
+#define UICB0_UIC3NCI	0x00004000	/* UIC3 Noncritical Interrupt	    */
+|  Universal interrupt controller 0 interrupts (UIC0)
+#define UIC_U0		0x80000000	/* UART 0			    */
+#define UIC_U1		0x40000000	/* UART 1			    */
+#define UIC_IIC0	0x20000000	/* IIC				    */
+#define UIC_IIC1	0x10000000	/* IIC				    */
+#define UIC_PIM		0x08000000	/* PCI inbound message		    */
+#define UIC_PCRW	0x04000000	/* PCI command register write	    */
+#define UIC_PPM		0x02000000	/* PCI power management		    */
+#define UIC_PVPDA	0x01000000	/* PCIx 0 vpd access		    */
+#define UIC_MSI0	0x00800000	/* PCIx MSI level 0		    */
+#define UIC_EIR15	0x00400000	/* External intp 15		    */
+#define UIC_PEMSI0	0x00080000	/* PCIe MSI level 0		    */
+#define UIC_PEMSI1	0x00040000	/* PCIe MSI level 1		    */
+#define UIC_PEMSI2	0x00020000	/* PCIe MSI level 2		    */
+#define UIC_PEMSI3	0x00010000	/* PCIe MSI level 3		    */
+#define UIC_EIR14	0x00002000	/* External interrupt 14	    */
+#define UIC_D0CPFF	0x00001000	/* DMA0 cp fifo full		    */
+#define UIC_D0CSNS	0x00000800	/* DMA0 cs fifo needs service	    */
+#define UIC_D1CPFF	0x00000400	/* DMA1 cp fifo full		    */
+#define UIC_D1CSNS	0x00000200	/* DMA1 cs fifo needs service	    */
+#define UIC_I2OID	0x00000100	/* I2O inbound door bell	    */
+#define UIC_I2OLNE	0x00000080	/* I2O Inbound Post List FIFO Not Empty */
+#define UIC_I20R0LL	0x00000040	/* I2O Region 0 Low Latency PLB Write */
+#define UIC_I2OR1LL	0x00000020	/* I2O Region 1 Low Latency PLB Write */
+#define UIC_I20R0HB	0x00000010	/* I2O Region 0 High Bandwidth PLB Write */
+#define UIC_I2OR1HB	0x00000008	/* I2O Region 1 High Bandwidth PLB Write */
+#define UIC_CPTCNT	0x00000004	/* GPT Count Timer		    */
+|  Universal interrupt controller 1 interrupts (UIC1)
+#define UIC_EIR13	0x80000000	/* externei intp 13		    */
+#define UIC_MS		0x40000000	/* MAL SERR			    */
+#define UIC_MTDE	0x20000000	/* MAL TXDE			    */
+#define UIC_MRDE	0x10000000	/* MAL RXDE			    */
+#define UIC_DEUE	0x08000000	/* DDR SDRAM ECC correct/uncorrectable error */
+#define UIC_EBCO	0x04000000	/* EBCO interrupt status	    */
+#define UIC_MTE		0x02000000	/* MAL TXEOB			    */
+#define UIC_MRE		0x01000000	/* MAL RXEOB			    */
+#define UIC_MSI1	0x00800000	/* PCI MSI level 1		    */
+#define UIC_MSI2	0x00400000	/* PCI MSI level 2		    */
+#define UIC_MSI3	0x00200000	/* PCI MSI level 3		    */
+#define UIC_L2C		0x00100000	/* L2 cache			    */
+#define UIC_CT0		0x00080000	/* GPT compare timer 0		    */
+#define UIC_CT1		0x00040000	/* GPT compare timer 1		    */
+#define UIC_CT2		0x00020000	/* GPT compare timer 2		    */
+#define UIC_CT3		0x00010000	/* GPT compare timer 3		    */
+#define UIC_CT4		0x00008000	/* GPT compare timer 4		    */
+#define UIC_EIR12	0x00004000	/* External interrupt 12	    */
+#define UIC_EIR11	0x00002000	/* External interrupt 11	    */
+#define UIC_EIR10	0x00001000	/* External interrupt 10	    */
+#define UIC_EIR9	0x00000800	/* External interrupt 9		    */
+#define UIC_EIR8	0x00000400	/* External interrupt 8		    */
+#define UIC_DMAE	0x00000200	/* dma error			    */
+#define UIC_I2OE	0x00000100	/* i2o error			    */
+#define UIC_SRE		0x00000080	/* Serial ROM error		    */
+#define UIC_PCIXAE	0x00000040	/* Pcix0 async error		    */
+#define UIC_EIR7	0x00000020	/* External interrupt 7		    */
+#define UIC_EIR6	0x00000010	/* External interrupt 6		    */
+#define UIC_ETH0	0x00000008	/* Ethernet 0			    */
+#define UIC_EWU0	0x00000004	/* Ethernet 0 wakeup		    */
+#define UIC_ETH1	0x00000002	/* reserved			    */
+#define UIC_XOR		0x00000001	/* xor				    */
+|  Universal interrupt controller 2 interrupts (UIC2)
+#define UIC_PEOAL	0x80000000	/* PE0  AL			    */
+#define UIC_PEOVA	0x40000000	/* PE0  VPD access		    */
+#define UIC_PEOHRR	0x20000000	/* PE0 Host reset request rising    */
+#define UIC_PE0HRF	0x10000000	/* PE0 Host reset request falling   */
+#define UIC_PE0TCR	0x08000000	/* PE0 TCR			    */
+#define UIC_PE0BVCO	0x04000000	/* PE0 Busmaster VCO		    */
+#define UIC_PE0DCRE	0x02000000	/* PE0 DCR error		    */
+#define UIC_PE1AL	0x00800000	/* PE1  AL			    */
+#define UIC_PE1VA	0x00400000	/* PE1  VPD access		    */
+#define UIC_PE1HRR	0x00200000	/* PE1 Host reset request rising    */
+#define UIC_PE1HRF	0x00100000	/* PE1 Host reset request falling   */
+#define UIC_PE1TCR	0x00080000	/* PE1 TCR			    */
+#define UIC_PE1BVCO	0x00040000	/* PE1 Busmaster VCO		    */
+#define UIC_PE1DCRE	0x00020000	/* PE1 DCR error		    */
+#define UIC_PE2AL	0x00008000	/* PE2  AL			    */
+#define UIC_PE2VA	0x00004000	/* PE2  VPD access		    */
+#define UIC_PE2HRR	0x00002000	/* PE2 Host reset request rising    */
+#define UIC_PE2HRF	0x00001000	/* PE2 Host reset request falling   */
+#define UIC_PE2TCR	0x00000800	/* PE2 TCR			    */
+#define UIC_PE2BVCO	0x00000400	/* PE2 Busmaster VCO		    */
+#define UIC_PE2DCRE	0x00000200	/* PE2 DCR error		    */
+#define UIC_EIR5	0x00000080	/* External interrupt 5		    */
+#define UIC_EIR4	0x00000040	/* External interrupt 4		    */
+#define UIC_EIR3	0x00000020	/* External interrupt 3		    */
+#define UIC_EIR2	0x00000010	/* External interrupt 2		    */
+#define UIC_EIR1	0x00000008	/* External interrupt 1		    */
+#define UIC_EIR0	0x00000004	/* External interrupt 0		    */
+#endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
 |  External Bus Controller Bit Settings
@@ -981,6 +1829,432 @@
 |  SDR0 Bit Settings
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+#define SDR0_CP440			0x0180
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK		0x30000000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK_HI		0x3000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK_LO		0x0000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC		0x10000000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC_HI		0x1000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC_LO		0x0000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI		0x20000000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI_HI		0x2000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI_LO		0x0000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<28)
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_MASK		0x00000002
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_NTOP		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_NTO1		0x00000002
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<1)
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>1)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_CFGADDR			0x00E	/*already defined line 277 */
+#define SDR0_CFGDATA			0x00F
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0			0x0020
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_MASK		0x80000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_PLLDIS		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_PLLENAB		0x80000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<31)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_ENG_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>31)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_MASK		0x40000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_PLLOUTA		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_PLLOUTB		0x40000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SRC_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_MASK		0x38000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_PLLOUT		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_CPU		0x08000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_EBC		0x28000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<27)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_SEL_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>27)&0x07)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_MASK		0x07FE0000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<17)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_TUNE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>17)&0x3FF)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_MASK		0x0001F000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<12)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FBDV_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>12)-1)&0x1F)+1)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_MASK		0x00000F00
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<8)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVA_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)-1)&0x0F)+1)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_MASK		0x000000E0
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<5)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_FWDVB_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>5)-1)&0x07)+1)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_MASK		0x0000001C
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x07)<<2)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_PRBDV0_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>2)-1)&0x07)+1)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_MASK		0x00000003
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<0)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP0_OPBDV0_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)-1)&0x03)+1)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1			0x0021
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_MASK		0xFC000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3F)<<26)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_LFBDV_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>26)&0x3F)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PERDV0_MASK		0x03000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PERDV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<24)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PERDV0_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_MASK		0x00C00000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<22)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_MALDV0_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>22)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR_MODE_MASK	0x00300000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR1_MODE		0x00100000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR2_MODE		0x00200000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<20)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DDR_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>20)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_MASK		0x00080000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_EBC		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_ERPN_PCI		0x00080000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_MASK		0x00040000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_ENABLE		0x00040000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<18)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PAE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>18)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_MASK		0x00020000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_ENABLE		0x00020000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<17)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PHCE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>17)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_MASK		0x00010000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_ENABLE		0x00001000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<16)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PISE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_MASK		0x00008000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_ENABLE		0x00008000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<15)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PCWE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>15)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_MASK		0x00007800
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<11)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PPIM_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>11)&0x0F)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_MASK		0x00000400
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_ENABLE	0x00000400
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<10)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PR64E_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>10)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_MASK		0x00000300
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_100_133	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_66_100		0x00000100
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_50_66		0x00000200
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_0_50		0x00000300
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<8)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_PXFS_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_MASK		0x00000080 /* SOP */
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_8_BITS		0x00000000 /* SOP */
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_EBCW_16_BITS	0x00000080 /* SOP */
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_MASK		0x00000030 /* $218C */
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_FUNC		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_TRACE		0x00000010
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<4) /* $218C */
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_DBGEN_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>4)&0x03) /* $218C */
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_MASK		0x00000004
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_10_100		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_GIGA		0x00000004
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<2)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_ETH_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>2)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_MASK		0x00000001
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_ENABLE		0x00000001
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<0)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP1_NTO1_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2			0x0022
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_MASK		0x80000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_ENABLE		0x80000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<31)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1AE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>31)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_MASK		0x40000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_ENABLE	0x40000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1HCE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_MASK		0x20000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_ENABLE	0x20000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<29)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1ISE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_MASK		0x10000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_ENABLE	0x10000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<28)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1CWE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1PIM_MASK		0x0F000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1PIM_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<24)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1PIM_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x0F)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_MASK		0x00800000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_ENABLE	0x00800000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<23)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1R64E_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>23)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_MASK		0x00600000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_100_133	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_66_100	0x00200000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_50_66		0x00400000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_0_50		0x00600000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<21)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P1XFS_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_MASK		0x00040000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_ENABLE		0x00040000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<18)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2AE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>18)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_MASK		0x00020000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_ENABLE	0x00020000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<17)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2HCE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>17)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_MASK		0x00010000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_ENABLE	0x00010000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<16)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2ISE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_MASK		0x00008000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_DISABLE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_ENABLE	0x00008000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<15)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2CWE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>15)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2PIM_MASK		0x00007800
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2PIM_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<11)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2PIM_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>11)&0x0F)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_MASK		0x00000300
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_100_133	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_66_100	0x00000100
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_50_66		0x00000200
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_0_50		0x00000100
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<8)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP2_P2XFS_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_SDSTP3			0x0023
+#define SDR0_PINSTP			0x0040
+#define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_MASK	0xC0000000  /* Strap Bits */
+#define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS0	0x00000000  /* Default strap settings 0 (EBC boot) */
+#define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_SETTINGS1	0x40000000  /* Default strap settings 1 (PCI boot) */
+#define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_IIC_54_EN	0x80000000  /* Serial Device Enabled - Addr = 0x54 */
+#define SDR0_PINSTP_BOOTSTRAP_IIC_50_EN	0xC0000000  /* Serial Device Enabled - Addr = 0x50 */
+#define SDR0_SDCS			0x0060
+#define SDR0_ECID0			0x0080
+#define SDR0_ECID1			0x0081
+#define SDR0_ECID2			0x0082
+#define SDR0_JTAG			0x00C0
+#define SDR0_DDR0			0x00E1
+#define SDR0_DDR0_DPLLRST		0x80000000
+#define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_MASK		0x60000000
+#define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DDR1		0x20000000
+#define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DDR2		0x40000000
+#define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<29)
+#define SDR0_DDR0_DDRM_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_DDR0_TUNE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x2FF)<<0)
+#define SDR0_DDR0_TUNE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x2FF)
+#define SDR0_UART0			0x0120
+#define SDR0_UART1			0x0121
+#define SDR0_UART2			0x0122
+#define SDR0_UARTX_UXICS_MASK		0xF0000000
+#define SDR0_UARTX_UXICS_PLB		0x20000000
+#define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_MASK		0x00800000
+#define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_INT		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_UARTX_UXEC_EXT		0x00800000
+#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_MASK		0x000000FF
+#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<0)
+#define SDR0_UARTX_UXDIV_DECODE(n)	((((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)-1)&0xFF)+1)
+#define SDR0_CP440			0x0180
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK		0x30000000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK_HI		0x3000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_MASK_LO		0x0000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC		0x10000000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC_HI		0x1000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_EBC_LO		0x0000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI		0x20000000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI_HI		0x2000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_PCI_LO		0x0000
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<28)
+#define SDR0_CP440_ERPN_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_MASK		0x00000002
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_NTOP		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_NTO1		0x00000002
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<1)
+#define SDR0_CP440_NTO1_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>1)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_XCR0			0x01C0
+#define SDR0_XCR1			0x01C3
+#define SDR0_XCR2			0x01C6
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PAE_MASK		0x80000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PAE_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PAE_ENABLE		0x80000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PAE_ENCODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<31)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PAE_DECODE(n)		((((unsigned long)(n))>>31)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PHCE_MASK		0x40000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PHCE_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PHCE_ENABLE		0x40000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PHCE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<30)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PHCE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>30)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PISE_MASK		0x20000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PISE_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PISE_ENABLE		0x20000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PISE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<29)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PISE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>29)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PCWE_MASK		0x10000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PCWE_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PCWE_ENABLE		0x10000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PCWE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<28)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PCWE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PPIM_MASK		0x0F000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PPIM_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<24)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PPIM_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x0F)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PR64E_MASK		0x00800000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PR64E_DISABLE		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PR64E_ENABLE		0x00800000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PR64E_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x01)<<23)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PR64E_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>23)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PXFS_MASK		0x00600000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PXFS_100_133		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PXFS_66_100		0x00200000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PXFS_50_66		0x00400000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PXFS_0_33		0x00600000
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PXFS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x03)<<21)
+#define SDR0_XCRn_PXFS_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x03)
+#define SDR0_XPLLC0			0x01C1
+#define SDR0_XPLLD0			0x01C2
+#define SDR0_XPLLC1			0x01C4
+#define SDR0_XPLLD1			0x01C5
+#define SDR0_XPLLC2			0x01C7
+#define SDR0_XPLLD2			0x01C8
+#define SDR0_SRST			0x0200
+#define SDR0_SLPIPE			0x0220
+#define SDR0_AMP0			0x0240
+#define SDR0_AMP0_PRIORITY		0xFFFF0000
+#define SDR0_AMP0_RESERVED_BITS_MASK	0x000000FF
+#define SDR0_AMP1			0x0241
+#define SDR0_AMP1_PRIORITY		0xFC000000
+#define SDR0_AMP1_ALTERNATE_PRIORITY	0x0000E000
+#define SDR0_MIRQ0			0x0260
+#define SDR0_MIRQ1			0x0261
+#define SDR0_MALTBL			0x0280
+#define SDR0_MALRBL			0x02A0
+#define SDR0_MALTBS			0x02C0
+#define SDR0_MALRBS			0x02E0
+/* Reserved for Customer Use */
+#define SDR0_CUST0			0x4000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_AUTONEG_MASK		0x8000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_NO_AUTONEG		0x0000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_AUTONEG		0x8000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FORCE_MASK	0x6000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FORCE_10MHZ	0x0000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FORCE_100MHZ	0x2000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FORCE_1000MHZ	0x4000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_DUPLEX_MASK	0x1000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_HALF_DUPLEX	0x0000000
+#define SDR0_CUST0_ETH_FULL_DUPLEX	0x1000000
+#define SDR0_SDSTP4			0x4001
+#define SDR0_CUST1			0x4002
+#define SDR0_SDSTP5			0x4003
+#define SDR0_CUST2			0x4004
+#define SDR0_SDSTP6			0x4005
+#define SDR0_CUST3			0x4006
+#define SDR0_SDSTP7			0x4007
+#define SDR0_PFC0			0x4100
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_0		0x80000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX0REQ2_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_1		0x40000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX0REQ3_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_2		0x20000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX0GNT2_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_3		0x10000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX0GNT3_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_4		0x08000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX1REQ2_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_5		0x04000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX1REQ3_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_6		0x02000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX1GNT2_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_7		0x01000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCIX1GNT3_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_8		0x00800000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PERREADY		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_9		0x00400000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PERCS1_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_10		0x00200000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PERCS2_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_11		0x00100000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ0			0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_12		0x00080000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ1			0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_13		0x00040000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ2			0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_14		0x00020000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ3			0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_15		0x00010000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ4			0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_16		0x00008000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_IRQ5			0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_17		0x00004000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PERBE0_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_18		0x00002000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI0GNT0_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_19		0x00001000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI0GNT1_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_20		0x00000800
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI0REQ0_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_21		0x00000400
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI0REQ1_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_22		0x00000200
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI1GNT0_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_23		0x00000100
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI1GNT1_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_24		0x00000080
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI1REQ0_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_25		0x00000040
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI1REQ1_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_26		0x00000020
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI2GNT0_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_27		0x00000010
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI2GNT1_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_28		0x00000008
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI2REQ0_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_29		0x00000004
+#define SDR0_PFC0_PCI2REQ1_N		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_30		0x00000002
+#define SDR0_PFC0_UART1RX		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC0_GPIO_31		0x00000001
+#define SDR0_PFC0_UART1TX		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1			0x4101
+#define SDR0_PFC1_UART1_CTS_RTS_MASK	0x02000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_UART1_DSR_DTR		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_UART1_CTS_RTS		0x02000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_UART2_IN_SERVICE_MASK	0x01000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_UART2_NOT_IN_SERVICE	0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_UART2_IN_SERVICE	0x01000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_GIGA_MASK		0x00200000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_10_100		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_GIGA		0x00200000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_GIGA_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<21)
+#define SDR0_PFC1_ETH_GIGA_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>21)&0x01)
+#define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_TRACE_MASK	0x00180000   /* $218C */
+#define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_NO_TRACE		0x00000000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_TRACE		0x00080000
+#define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_TRACE_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<19)     /* $218C */
+#define SDR0_PFC1_CPU_TRACE_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>19)&0x03)    /* $218C */
+#define SDR0_MFR			0x4300
+#endif	/* CONFIG_440SPE	*/
 #define SDR0_SDCS_SDD			(0x80000000 >> 31)
 #if defined(CONFIG_440GP)
@@ -1159,7 +2433,7 @@
 |  Clocking
-#if !defined (CONFIG_440GX) && !defined(CONFIG_440EP) && !defined(CONFIG_440GR) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if !defined (CONFIG_440GX) && !defined(CONFIG_440EP) && !defined(CONFIG_440GR) && !defined(CONFIG_440SP) && !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define PLLSYS0_TUNE_MASK	0xffc00000	/* PLL TUNE bits	    */
 #define PLLSYS0_FB_DIV_MASK	0x003c0000	/* Feedback divisor	    */
 #define PLLSYS0_FWD_DIV_A_MASK	0x00038000	/* Forward divisor A	    */
@@ -1448,6 +2722,9 @@ typedef struct {
 	unsigned long freqOPB;
 	unsigned long freqEPB;
 	unsigned long freqPCI;
+#ifdef CONFIG_440SPE
+	unsigned long freqDDR;
 	unsigned long pciIntArbEn;            /* Internal PCI arbiter is enabled */
 	unsigned long pciClkSync;             /* PCI clock is synchronous        */
diff --git a/include/ppc4xx_enet.h b/include/ppc4xx_enet.h
index d6d33b6957..ec2e3629bb 100644
--- a/include/ppc4xx_enet.h
+++ b/include/ppc4xx_enet.h
@@ -133,12 +133,21 @@ typedef struct emac_4xx_hw_st {
 #define EMAC_NUM_DEV	    4
 #elif (defined(CONFIG_440) || defined(CONFIG_405EP)) &&	\
 	defined(CONFIG_NET_MULTI) &&			\
-	!defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+	!defined(CONFIG_440SP) && !defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 #define EMAC_NUM_DEV	    2
 #define EMAC_NUM_DEV	    1
+#ifdef CONFIG_IBM_EMAC4_V4	/* EMAC4 V4 changed bit setting */
+#define EMAC_STACR_OC_MASK	(0x00008000)
+#define EMAC_STACR_OC_MASK	(0x00000000)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
+#define SDR0_PFC1_EM_1000	(0x00200000)
 /*ZMII Bridge Register addresses */
 #if defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR)
@@ -323,7 +332,7 @@ typedef struct emac_4xx_hw_st {
 #define EMAC_M0_WKE			    (0x04000000)
 /* on 440GX EMAC_MR1 has a different layout! */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP)
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GX) || defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE)
 /* MODE Reg 1 */
 #define EMAC_M1_FDE		(0x80000000)
 #define EMAC_M1_ILE		(0x40000000)
@@ -424,8 +433,21 @@ typedef struct emac_4xx_hw_st {
 #define EMAC_STACR_OC			(0x00008000)
 #define EMAC_STACR_PHYE			(0x00004000)
+#ifdef CONFIG_IBM_EMAC4_V4	/* EMAC4 V4 changed bit setting */
+#define EMAC_STACR_INDIRECT_MODE	(0x00002000)
+#define EMAC_STACR_WRITE		(0x00000800) /* $BUC */
+#define EMAC_STACR_READ			(0x00001000) /* $BUC */
+#define EMAC_STACR_OP_MASK		(0x00001800)
+#define EMAC_STACR_MDIO_ADDR		(0x00000000)
+#define EMAC_STACR_MDIO_WRITE		(0x00000800)
+#define EMAC_STACR_MDIO_READ		(0x00001800)
+#define EMAC_STACR_MDIO_READ_INC	(0x00001000)
 #define EMAC_STACR_WRITE		(0x00002000)
 #define EMAC_STACR_READ			(0x00001000)
 #define EMAC_STACR_CLK_83MHZ	(0x00000800)  /* 0's for 50Mhz */
 #define EMAC_STACR_CLK_66MHZ	(0x00000400)
 #define EMAC_STACR_CLK_100MHZ	(0x00000C00)