From: Lukasz Majewski <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 13:51:28 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: arm: xea: Move XEA's environment variables from xea.h to xea.env
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~710^2~2

arm: xea: Move XEA's environment variables from xea.h to xea.env

The default set of environment variables from CFG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS
has been moved to a separate file - board/liebherr/xea/xea.env

Adjustments done:
- fitImage support
- SPI-NOR layout re-organization

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Majewski <>

diff --git a/board/liebherr/xea/xea.env b/board/liebherr/xea/xea.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b87b7e5801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/liebherr/xea/xea.env
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+	if dhcp ${loadaddr} ${hostname}/${lwe_uenv} ; then
+	source ${loadaddr};
+	fi
+	if mmc rescan ; then
+	mmc dev 0 ${update_mmc_part} ;
+	if dhcp ${hostname}/${update_filename} ; then
+	setexpr fw_sz ${filesize} / 0x200 ;
+	setexpr fw_sz ${fw_sz} + 1 ;
+	mmc write ${loadaddr} ${update_offset} ${fw_sz} ;
+	fi ;
+	fi
+	if sf probe ; then
+	if dhcp ${hostname}/${update_filename} ; then
+	sf erase ${update_offset} +${filesize} ;
+	sf write ${loadaddr} ${update_offset} ${filesize} ;
+	fi ;
+	fi
+	if sf probe ; then
+	run update_swu ;
+	setenv bootmode update ;
+	saveenv ;
+	fi
+	setenv update_filename ${update_spl_filename} ;
+	setenv update_offset 0 ;
+	run do_update_sf
+	setenv update_filename ${update_uboot_filename} ;
+	setenv update_offset 0x10000 ;
+	run do_update_sf ;
+	setenv update_mmc_part 1 ;
+	setenv update_offset 0 ;
+	run do_update_mmc ;
+	setenv update_mmc_part 2 ;
+	run do_update_mmc
+	setenv update_mmc_part 1 ;
+	setenv update_filename ${update_kernel_filename} ;
+	setenv update_offset 0x800 ;
+	run do_update_mmc ;
+	setenv update_filename ${dtbfile} ;
+	setenv update_offset 0x400 ;
+	run do_update_mmc
+	setenv update_filename ${swufile} ;
+	setenv update_offset ${sf_kernel_offset} ;
+	run do_update_sf
+	setenv bootargs ${bootargs}
+	console=${consdev},${baudrate}
+	setenv bootargs ${bootargs}
+	ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:
+		${netmask}:${hostname}:${netdev}:off
+	setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${miscargs}
+addargs=run addcons addmisc
+	mmc rescan ;
+	mmc dev 0 1 ;
+	mmc read ${loadaddr} 0x800 0x2000 ;
+	mmc read ${dtbaddr} 0x400 0x80
+	dhcp ${loadaddr} ${hostname}/${bootfile} ;
+	tftp ${dtbaddr} ${hostname}/${dtbfile}
+	usb start ;
+	load usb 0:1 ${loadaddr} ${bootfile}
+mmcargs=setenv bootargs root=${rootdev} rw rootwait
+	setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw
+		nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath},v3,tcp
+	if run mmcload mmcargs addargs ; then
+	bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ;
+	fi
+	if run mmcload nfsargs addip addargs ; then
+	bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ;
+	fi
+	if run sfload mmcargs addargs ; then
+	bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ;
+	fi
+	if sf probe ; then
+	sf read ${loadaddr} ${sf_kernel_offset} ${sf_swu_size} ;
+	setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 rw ;
+	run addargs ;
+	bootm ${loadaddr} ;
+	fi
+	if run netload mmcargs addargs ; then
+	bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ;
+	fi
+	if run netload nfsargs addip addargs ; then
+	bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ;
+	fi
+	if test ${envsaved} != y ; then ;
+	setenv envsaved y ;
+	saveenv ;
+	fi ;
+	if test ${bootmode} = normal ; then
+	setenv bootdelay 0 ;
+	setenv bootpri mmc_mmc ;
+	elif test ${bootmode} = devel ; then
+	setenv bootdelay 3 ;
+	setenv bootpri net_mmc ;
+	else
+	if test ${bootmode} != update ; then
+	echo Warning: unknown bootmode ${bootmode} ;
+	fi ;
+	setenv bootdelay 1 ;
+	setenv bootpri sf_swu ;
+	fi
diff --git a/include/configs/xea.h b/include/configs/xea.h
index 04ca5aa12a..00d6274873 100644
--- a/include/configs/xea.h
+++ b/include/configs/xea.h
@@ -25,146 +25,6 @@
 #define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE		0x10000000	/* Max 256 MB RAM */
-/* Extra Environment */
-	"bootmode=update\0"						\
-	"bootpri=mmc_mmc\0"						\
-	"bootsec=sf_swu\0"						\
-	"consdev=ttyAMA0\0"						\
-	"baudrate=115200\0"						\
-	"dtbaddr=0x44000000\0"						\
-	"dtbfile=imx28-xea.dtb\0"					\
-	"rootdev=/dev/mmcblk0p2\0"					\
-	"netdev=eth0\0"							\
-	"rdaddr=0x43000000\0"						\
-	"swufile=swupdate.img\0"					\
-	"sf_kernel_offset=0x100000\0"					\
-	"sf_kernel_size=0x400000\0"					\
-	"sf_swu_offset=0x500000\0"					\
-	"sf_swu_size=0x800000\0"					\
-	"rootpath=/opt/eldk-5.5/armv5te/rootfs-qte-sdk\0"		\
-	"do_update_mmc="						\
-		"if mmc rescan ; then "					\
-		"mmc dev 0 ${update_mmc_part} ; "			\
-		"if dhcp ${hostname}/${update_filename} ; then "	\
-		"setexpr fw_sz ${filesize} / 0x200 ; "	/* SD block size */ \
-		"setexpr fw_sz ${fw_sz} + 1 ; "				\
-		"mmc write ${loadaddr} ${update_offset} ${fw_sz} ; "	\
-		"fi ; "							\
-		"fi\0"							\
-	"do_update_sf="							\
-		"if sf probe ; then "					\
-		"if dhcp ${hostname}/${update_filename} ; then "	\
-		"sf erase ${update_offset} +${filesize} ; "		\
-		"sf write ${loadaddr} ${update_offset} ${filesize} ; "	\
-		"fi ; "							\
-		"fi\0"							\
-	"\0"				\
-	"update_spl="							\
-		"setenv update_filename ${update_spl_filename} ; "	\
-		"setenv update_offset 0 ; "				\
-		"run do_update_sf\0"					\
-	"update_uboot_filename=u-boot.img\0"				\
-	"update_uboot="							\
-		"setenv update_filename ${update_uboot_filename} ; "	\
-		"setenv update_offset 0x10000 ; "			\
-		"run do_update_sf ; "					\
-		"setenv update_mmc_part 1 ; "				\
-		"setenv update_offset 0 ; "				\
-		"run do_update_mmc\0"					\
-	"update_kernel_filename=uImage\0"				\
-	"update_kernel="						\
-		"setenv update_mmc_part 1 ; "				\
-		"setenv update_filename ${update_kernel_filename} ; "	\
-		"setenv update_offset 0x800 ; "				\
-		"run do_update_mmc ; "					\
-		"setenv update_filename ${dtbfile} ; "			\
-		"setenv update_offset 0x400 ; "				\
-		"run do_update_mmc\0"					\
-	"update_sfkernel="						\
-		"setenv update_filename fitImage ; "			\
-		"setenv update_offset ${sf_kernel_offset} ; "		\
-		"run do_update_sf\0"					\
-	"update_swu="							\
-		"setenv update_filename ${swufile} ; "			\
-		"setenv update_offset ${sf_swu_offset} ; "		\
-		"run do_update_sf\0"					\
-	"addcons="							\
-		"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} "				\
-		"console=${consdev},${baudrate}\0"			\
-	"addip="							\
-		"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} "				\
-		"ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:"		\
-			"${netmask}:${hostname}:${netdev}:off\0"	\
-	"addmisc="							\
-		"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${miscargs}\0"		\
-	"addargs=run addcons addmisc\0"					\
-	"mmcload="							\
-		"mmc rescan ; "						\
-		"mmc dev 0 1 ; "					\
-		"mmc read ${loadaddr} 0x800 0x2000 ; "			\
-		"mmc read ${dtbaddr} 0x400 0x80\0"			\
-	"netload="							\
-		"dhcp ${loadaddr} ${hostname}/${bootfile} ; "		\
-		"tftp ${dtbaddr} ${hostname}/${dtbfile}\0"		\
-	"sfload="							\
-		"sf probe ; "						\
-		"sf read ${loadaddr} ${sf_kernel_offset} ${sf_kernel_size}\0" \
-	"usbload="							\
-		"usb start ; "						\
-		"load usb 0:1 ${loadaddr} ${bootfile}\0"		\
-	"miscargs=panic=1\0"						\
-	"mmcargs=setenv bootargs root=${rootdev} rw rootwait\0"		\
-	"nfsargs="							\
-		"setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw "			\
-			"nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath},v3,tcp\0"	\
-	"mmc_mmc="							\
-		"if run mmcload mmcargs addargs ; then "		\
-		"bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ; "			\
-		"fi\0"							\
-	"mmc_nfs="							\
-		"if run mmcload nfsargs addip addargs ; then "		\
-		"bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ; "			\
-		"fi\0"							\
-	"sf_mmc="							\
-		"if run sfload mmcargs addargs ; then "			\
-		"bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ; "			\
-		"fi\0"							\
-	"sf_swu="							\
-		"if run sfload ; then "					\
-		"sf read ${rdaddr} ${sf_swu_offset} ${sf_swu_size} ; "	\
-		"setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 rw ; "			\
-		"run addargs ; "					\
-		"bootm ${loadaddr} ${rdaddr} ; "		\
-		"fi\0"							\
-	"net_mmc="							\
-		"if run netload mmcargs addargs ; then "		\
-		"bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ; "			\
-		"fi\0"							\
-	"net_nfs="							\
-		"if run netload nfsargs addip addargs ; then "		\
-		"bootm ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr} ; "			\
-		"fi\0"							\
-	"prebootcmd="							\
-		"if test \"${envsaved}\" != y ; then ; "		\
-		"setenv envsaved y ; "					\
-		"saveenv ; "						\
-		"fi ; "							\
-		"if test \"${bootmode}\" = normal ; then "		\
-		"setenv bootdelay 0 ; "					\
-		"setenv bootpri mmc_mmc ; "				\
-		"elif test \"${bootmode}\" = devel ; then "		\
-		"setenv bootdelay 3 ; "					\
-		"setenv bootpri net_mmc ; "				\
-		"else "							\
-		"if test \"${bootmode}\" != update ; then "		\
-		"echo Warning: unknown bootmode \"${bootmode}\" ; "	\
-		"fi ; "							\
-		"setenv bootdelay 1 ; "					\
-		"setenv bootpri sf_swu ; "				\
-		"fi\0"
 /* The rest of the configuration is shared */
 #include <configs/mxs.h>