From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 03:13:54 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: binman: Add a bintool implementation for futility
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~1562^2~34

binman: Add a bintool implementation for futility

Add a Bintool for this, which is used to sign Chrome OS images and
build the Google Binary Block (GBB). It supports the features needed by
binman as well as fetching a binary from Google Drive. Building it from
source is possible but is left for another time, as it requires at least
one other library.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

diff --git a/tools/binman/btool/ b/tools/binman/btool/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..614daaade4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/binman/btool/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+"""Bintool implementation for futility
+futility (flash utility) is a tool for working with Chromium OS flash images.
+This implements just the features used by Binman.
+Documentation is at:
+Source code:
+Here is the help:
+Usage: futility [options] COMMAND [args...]
+This is the unified firmware utility, which will eventually replace
+most of the distinct verified boot tools formerly produced by the
+vboot_reference package.
+When symlinked under the name of one of those previous tools, it should
+fully implement the original behavior. It can also be invoked directly
+as futility, followed by the original name as the first argument.
+Global options:
+  --vb1        Use only vboot v1.0 binary formats
+  --vb21       Use only vboot v2.1 binary formats
+  --debug      Be noisy about what's going on
+The following commands are built-in:
+  bdb                  Common boot flow utility
+  create               Create a keypair from an RSA .pem file
+  dump_fmap            Display FMAP contents from a firmware image
+  dump_kernel_config   Prints the kernel command line
+  gbb                  Manipulate the Google Binary Block (GBB)
+  gbb_utility          Legacy name for `gbb` command
+  help                 Show a bit of help (you're looking at it)
+  load_fmap            Replace the contents of specified FMAP areas
+  pcr                  Simulate a TPM PCR extension operation
+  show                 Display the content of various binary components
+  sign                 Sign / resign various binary components
+  update               Update system firmware
+  validate_rec_mrc     Validates content of Recovery MRC cache
+  vbutil_firmware      Verified boot firmware utility
+  vbutil_kernel        Creates, signs, and verifies the kernel partition
+  vbutil_key           Wraps RSA keys with vboot headers
+  vbutil_keyblock      Creates, signs, and verifies a keyblock
+  verify               Verify the signatures of various binary components
+  version              Show the futility source revision and build date
+from binman import bintool
+class Bintoolfutility(bintool.Bintool):
+    """Handles the 'futility' tool
+    futility (flash utility) is a tool for working with Chromium OS flash
+    images. This Bintool implements just the features used by Binman, related to
+    GBB creation and firmware signing.
+    A binary version of the tool can be fetched.
+    See `Chromium OS vboot documentation`_ for more information.
+    .. _`Chromium OS vboot documentation`:
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super().__init__(name, 'Chromium OS firmware utility')
+    def gbb_create(self, fname, sizes):
+        """Create a new Google Binary Block
+        Args:
+            fname (str): Filename to write to
+            sizes (list of int): Sizes of each regions:
+               hwid_size, rootkey_size, bmpfv_size, recoverykey_size
+        Returns:
+            str: Tool output
+        """
+        args = [
+            'gbb_utility',
+            '-c',
+            ','.join(['%#x' % size for size in sizes]),
+            fname
+            ]
+        return self.run_cmd(*args)
+    # pylint: disable=R0913
+    def gbb_set(self, fname, hwid, rootkey, recoverykey, flags, bmpfv):
+        """Set the parameters in a Google Binary Block
+        Args:
+            fname (str): Filename to update
+            hwid (str): Hardware ID to use
+            rootkey (str): Filename of root key, e.g. 'root_key.vbpubk'
+            recoverykey (str): Filename of recovery key,
+                e.g. 'recovery_key.vbpubk'
+            flags (int): GBB flags to use
+            bmpfv (str): Filename of firmware bitmaps (bmpblk file)
+        Returns:
+            str: Tool output
+        """
+        args = ['gbb_utility'
+            '-s',
+            f'--hwid={hwid}',
+            f'--rootkey={rootkey}',
+            f'--recoverykey={recoverykey}',
+            f'--flags={flags}',
+            f'--bmpfv={bmpfv}',
+            fname
+            ]
+        return self.run_cmd(*args)
+    def sign_firmware(self, vblock, keyblock, signprivate, version, firmware,
+                      kernelkey, flags):
+        """Sign firmware to create a vblock file
+        Args:
+            vblock (str): Filename to write the vblock too
+            keyblock (str): Filename of keyblock file
+            signprivate (str): Filename of private key
+            version (int): Version number
+            firmware (str): Filename of firmware binary to sign
+            kernelkey (str): Filename of kernel key
+            flags (int): Preamble flags
+        Returns:
+            str: Tool output
+        """
+        args = [
+            'vbutil_firmware',
+            '--vblock', vblock,
+            '--keyblock', keyblock,
+            '--signprivate', signprivate,
+            '--version', version,
+            '--fw', firmware,
+            '--kernelkey', kernelkey,
+            '--flags', flags
+            ]
+        return self.run_cmd(*args)
+    def fetch(self, method):
+        """Fetch handler for futility
+        This installs futility using a binary download.
+        Args:
+            method (FETCH_...): Method to use
+        Returns:
+            True if the file was fetched, None if a method other than FETCH_BIN
+            was requested
+        Raises:
+            Valuerror: Fetching could not be completed
+        """
+        if method != bintool.FETCH_BIN:
+            return None
+        fname, tmpdir = self.fetch_from_drive(
+            '1hdsInzsE4aJbmBeJ663kYgjOQyW1I-E0')
+        return fname, tmpdir
+    def version(self):
+        """Version handler for futility
+        Returns:
+            str: Version string for futility
+        """
+        out = self.run_cmd('version').strip()
+        if not out:
+            return super().version()
+        return out