From: Eugeniy Paltsev <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 12:20:48 +0000 (+0300)
Subject: ARC: AXS10x: add tool and make target to generate bsp
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~3829^2~3

ARC: AXS10x: add tool and make target to generate bsp

AXS10x boards have preloader that reads SPI flash pages and searches
special image header to fetch and load binary.

Add tool, make target (bsp-generate) to generate
update script and u-boot binary image with header for preloader.

Also add script to default environment to apply updates.

Signed-off-by: Eugeniy Paltsev <>
Signed-off-by: Alexey Brodkin <>

diff --git a/board/synopsys/axs10x/ b/board/synopsys/axs10x/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db04b986d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/synopsys/axs10x/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
+bsp-generate: u-boot u-boot.bin
+	$(Q)python3 $(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/ \
+		--header-type v2 \
+		--arc-id 0x53 \
+		--spi-flash-offset 0x200000 \
+		--image $(srctree)/u-boot.bin \
+		--elf $(srctree)/u-boot
+	$(Q)python3 $(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/ \
+		--header-type v1 \
+		--arc-id 0x434 \
+		--spi-flash-offset 0x0 \
+		--image $(srctree)/u-boot.bin \
+		--elf $(srctree)/u-boot
+	$(Q)mkimage -T script -C none -n 'uboot update script' \
+		-d $(srctree)/u-boot-update.txt \
+		$(srctree)/u-boot-update.img &> /dev/null
diff --git a/board/synopsys/axs10x/ b/board/synopsys/axs10x/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa6aaf350c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/synopsys/axs10x/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+#we can use binascii instead of zlib
+import os, getopt, sys, zlib
+from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
+def usage(exit_code):
+    print("typical usage:")
+    print("AXS101:")
+    print(sys.argv[0] + \
+        " --header-type v1 --arc-id 0x434 --spi-flash-offset 0x0 --image u-boot.bin --elf u-boot")
+    print("AXS103:")
+    print(sys.argv[0] + \
+        " --header-type v2 --arc-id 0x53 --spi-flash-offset 0x200000 --image u-boot.bin --elf u-boot")
+    sys.exit(exit_code)
+def elf_get_entry(filename):
+    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+        elffile = ELFFile(f)
+        return elffile.header['e_entry']
+def calc_check_sum(filename):
+    # Calculate u-boot image check_sum: it is sum of all u-boot binary bytes
+    with open(filename, "rb") as file:
+        ba = bytearray(
+    return sum(ba) & 0xFF
+def arg_verify(uboot_bin_filename, uboot_elf_filename, header_type):
+    if not os.path.isfile(uboot_bin_filename):
+        print("uboot bin file not exists: " + uboot_bin_filename)
+        sys.exit(2)
+    if not os.path.isfile(uboot_elf_filename):
+        print("uboot elf file not exists: " + uboot_elf_filename)
+        sys.exit(2)
+    if header_type not in ("v1", "v2"):
+        print("unknown header type: " + header_type)
+        print("choose between 'v1' (most likely AXS101) and 'v2' (most likely AXS103)")
+        sys.exit(2)
+def main():
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
+            "ht:a:s:i:l:e:",
+            ["help", "header-type=", "arc-id=", "spi-flash-offset=", "image=", "elf="])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+        print(err)
+        usage(2)
+    # default filenames
+    uboot_elf_filename  = "u-boot"
+    uboot_bin_filename  = "u-boot.bin"
+    headerised_filename = "u-boot.head"
+    uboot_scrypt_file   = "u-boot-update.txt"
+    # default values
+    spi_flash_offset    = 0x200000
+    header_type         = "v2"
+    arc_id              = 0x53
+    # initial header values: place where preloader will store u-boot binary,
+    # should be equal to CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE
+    image_copy_adr  = 0x81000000
+    # initial constant header values, do not change these values
+    magic1          = 0xdeadbeafaf # big endian byte order
+    magic2          = [            # big endian byte order
+    0x20202a2020202020202020202a20202020207c5c2e20202020202e2f7c20202020207c2d,
+    0x2e5c2020202f2e2d7c20202020205c2020602d2d2d6020202f20202020202f205f202020,
+    0x205f20205c20202020207c205f60712070205f207c2020202020272e5f3d2f205c3d5f2e,
+    0x272020202020202020605c202f60202020202020202020202020206f2020202020202020]
+    for opt, arg in opts:
+        if opt in ('-h', "--help"):        usage(0)
+        if opt in ('-t', "--header-type"): header_type           = arg
+        if opt in ('-a', "--arc-id"):      arc_id                = int(arg, 16)
+        if opt in ('-s', "--spi-flash-offset"): spi_flash_offset = int(arg, 16)
+        if opt in ('-i', "--image"):       uboot_bin_filename    = arg
+        if opt in ('-e', "--elf"):         uboot_elf_filename    = arg
+    arg_verify(uboot_bin_filename, uboot_elf_filename, header_type)
+    uboot_img_size = os.path.getsize(uboot_bin_filename)
+    jump_address = elf_get_entry(uboot_elf_filename)
+    check_sum = calc_check_sum(uboot_bin_filename)
+    # Calculate header adresses depend on header type
+    if header_type == "v2":
+        image_copy_adr -= 0x4
+        uboot_img_size += 0x4
+        # we append image so we need to append checksum
+        jmpchk_sum = sum(jump_address.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big'))
+        check_sum = (check_sum + jmpchk_sum) & 0xFF
+        imade_jump_append = True
+    else:
+        imade_jump_append = False
+    # write header to file
+    with open(headerised_filename, "wb") as file:
+        file.write(arc_id.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little'))
+        file.write(uboot_img_size.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
+        file.write(check_sum.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little'))
+        file.write(image_copy_adr.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
+        file.write(magic1.to_bytes(5, byteorder='big'))
+        for i in range(16): file.write(0x00.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little'))
+        for byte in magic2: file.write(byte.to_bytes(36, byteorder='big'))
+        for i in range(224 - len(magic2) * 36):
+            file.write(0x00.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little'))
+        if imade_jump_append:
+            file.write(jump_address.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
+    # append u-boot image to header
+    with open(headerised_filename, "ab") as fo:
+        with open(uboot_bin_filename,'rb') as fi:
+            fo.write(
+    # calc u-boot headerised image CRC32 (will be used by uboot update
+    # command for check)
+    headerised_image_crc = ""
+    with open(headerised_filename, "rb") as fi:
+        headerised_image_crc = hex(zlib.crc32( & 0xffffffff)
+    load_addr = 0x81000000
+    crc_store_adr = load_addr - 0x8
+    crc_calc_adr = crc_store_adr - 0x4
+    load_size = os.path.getsize(headerised_filename)
+    crc_calc_cmd = \
+        "crc32 " + hex(load_addr) + " " + hex(load_size) + " " + hex(crc_calc_adr)
+    crc_check_cmd = \
+        "mw.l " + hex(crc_store_adr) + " " + headerised_image_crc + " && " + \
+        crc_calc_cmd + " && " + \
+        "cmp.l " + hex(crc_store_adr) + " " + hex(crc_calc_adr) + " 1"
+    # make errase size to be allighned by 64K
+    if load_size & 0xFFFF == 0:
+        errase_size = load_size
+    else:
+        errase_size = load_size - (load_size & 0xFFFF) + 0x10000
+    # Hack to handle n25*** flash protect ops weirdness:
+    # protect unlock return fail status is region is already unlock (entire or
+    # partially). Same for lock ops.
+    # As there is no possibility to check current flash status pretend
+    # unlock & lock always success.
+    sf_unlock_cmd = \
+        "if sf protect unlock 0x0 0x4000000 ; then true ; else true ; fi"
+    sf_lock_cmd = \
+        "if sf protect lock 0x0 0x4000000 ; then true ; else true ; fi"
+    # u-bood CMD to load u-bood with header to SPI flash
+    sf_load_image_cmd = \
+        "fatload mmc 0:1 " + hex(load_addr) + " " + headerised_filename + " && " + \
+        "sf probe 0:0 && " + \
+        sf_unlock_cmd + " && " + \
+        "sf erase " + hex(spi_flash_offset) + " " + hex(errase_size) + " && " + \
+        "sf write " + hex(load_addr) + " " + hex(spi_flash_offset) + " " + hex(load_size) + " && " + \
+        sf_lock_cmd
+    update_uboot_cmd = sf_load_image_cmd + " && echo \"u-boot update: OK\""
+    with open(uboot_scrypt_file, "wb") as fo:
+        fo.write(update_uboot_cmd.encode('ascii'))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        main()
+    except Exception as err:
+        print(err)
+        sys.exit(2)
diff --git a/include/configs/axs10x.h b/include/configs/axs10x.h
index f044158265..f78e1573b6 100644
--- a/include/configs/axs10x.h
+++ b/include/configs/axs10x.h
@@ -65,6 +65,13 @@
  * Environment settings
 #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE			SZ_16K
+	"upgrade=if mmc rescan && " \
+		"fatload mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} u-boot-update.img && " \
+		"iminfo ${loadaddr} && source ${loadaddr}; then; else echo " \
+		"\"Fail to upgrade.\n" \
+		"Do you have u-boot-update.img and u-boot.head on first (FAT) SD card partition?\"" \
+		"; fi\0"
  * Environment configuration