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=> fatload mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} ${bootenvfile}
=> env import -t ${loadaddr} ${filesize}
+.. _k3_rst_refer_openocd:
+Common Debugging environment - OpenOCD
+This section will show you how to connect a board to `OpenOCD
+<https://openocd.org/>`_ and load the SPL symbols for debugging with
+a K3 generation device. To follow this guide, you must build custom
+u-boot binaries, start your board from a boot media such as an SD
+card, and use an OpenOCD environment. This section uses generic
+examples, though you can apply these instructions to any supported K3
+generation device.
+The overall structure of this setup is in the following figure.
+.. image:: img/openocd-overview.svg
+.. note::
+ If you find these instructions useful, please consider `donating
+ <https://openocd.org/pages/donations.html>`_ to OpenOCD.
+Step 1: Download and install OpenOCD
+To get started, it is more convenient if the distribution you
+use supports OpenOCD by default. Follow the instructions in the
+`getting OpenOCD <https://openocd.org/pages/getting-openocd.html>`_
+documentation to pick the installation steps appropriate to your
+environment. Some references to OpenOCD documentation:
+* `OpenOCD User Guide <https://openocd.org/doc/html/index.html>`_
+* `OpenOCD Developer's Guide <https://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/html/index.html>`_
+Refer to the release notes corresponding to the `OpenOCD version
+<https://github.com/openocd-org/openocd/releases>`_ to ensure
+* Processor support: In general, processor support shouldn't present
+ any difficulties since OpenOCD provides solid support for both ARMv8
+ and ARMv7.
+* SoC support: When working with System-on-a-Chip (SoC), the support
+ usually comes as a TCL config file. It is vital to ensure the correct
+ version of OpenOCD or to use the TCL files from the latest release or
+ the one mentioned.
+* Board or the JTAG adapter support: In most cases, board support is
+ a relatively easy problem if the board has a JTAG pin header. All
+ you need to do is ensure that the adapter you select is compatible
+ with OpenOCD. Some boards come with an onboard JTAG adapter that
+ requires a USB cable to be plugged into the board, in which case, it
+ is vital to ensure that the JTAG adapter is supported. Fortunately,
+ almost all TI K3 SK/EVMs come with TI's XDS110, which has out of the
+ box support by OpenOCD. The board-specific documentation will
+ cover the details and any adapter/dongle recommendations.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ openocd -v
+.. note::
+ OpenOCD version 0.12.0 is usually required to connect to most K3
+ devices. If your device is only supported by a newer version than the
+ one provided by your distribution, you may need to build it from the source.
+Building OpenOCD from source
+The dependency package installation instructions below are for Debian
+systems, but equivalent instructions should exist for systems with
+other package managers. Please refer to the `OpenOCD Documentation
+<https://openocd.org/>`_ for more recent installation steps.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ # Check the packages to be installed: needs deb-src in sources.list
+ $ sudo apt build-dep openocd
+ $ # The following list is NOT complete - please check the latest
+ $ sudo apt-get install libtool pkg-config texinfo libusb-dev \
+ libusb-1.0.0-dev libftdi-dev libhidapi-dev autoconf automake
+ $ git clone https://github.com/openocd-org/openocd.git openocd
+ $ cd openocd
+ $ git submodule init
+ $ git submodule update
+ $ ./bootstrap
+ $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/
+ $ make -j`nproc`
+ $ sudo make install
+.. note::
+ The example above uses the GitHub mirror site. See
+ `git repo information <https://openocd.org/doc/html/Developers.html#OpenOCD-Git-Repository>`_
+ information to pick the official git repo.
+ If a specific version is desired, select the version using `git checkout tag`.
+Installing OpenOCD udev rules
+The step is not necessary if the distribution supports the OpenOCD, but
+if building from a source, ensure that the udev rules are installed
+correctly to ensure a sane system.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # Go to the OpenOCD source directory
+ $ cd openocd
+ # Copy the udev rules to the correct system location
+ $ sudo cp ./contrib/60-openocd.rules \
+ ./src/JTAG/drivers/libjaylink/contrib/99-libjaylink.rules \
+ /etc/udev/rules.d/
+ # Get Udev to load the new rules up
+ $ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
+ # Use the new rules on existing connected devices
+ $ sudo udevadm trigger
+Step 2: Setup GDB
+Most systems come with gdb-multiarch package.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # Install gdb-multiarch package
+ $ sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarch
+Though using GDB natively is normal, developers with interest in using IDE
+may find a few of these interesting:
+* `gdb-dashboard <https://github.com/cyrus-and/gdb-dashboard>`_
+* `gef <https://github.com/hugsy/gef>`_
+* `peda <https://github.com/longld/peda>`_
+* `pwndbg <https://github.com/pwndbg/pwndbg>`_
+* `voltron <https://github.com/snare/voltron>`_
+* `ddd <https://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/>`_
+* `vscode <https://www.justinmklam.com/posts/2017/10/vscode-debugger-setup/>`_
+* `vim conque-gdb <https://github.com/vim-scripts/Conque-GDB>`_
+* `emacs realgud <https://github.com/realgud/realgud/wiki/gdb-notes>`_
+* `Lauterbach IDE <https://www2.lauterbach.com/pdf/backend_gdb.pdf>`_
+.. warning::
+ LLDB support for OpenOCD is still a work in progress as of this writing.
+ Using GDB is probably the safest option at this point in time.
+Step 3: Connect board to PC
+There are few patterns of boards in the ecosystem
+.. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_connect_XDS110
+**Integrated JTAG adapter/dongle**: The board has a micro-USB connector labelled
+XDS110 USB or JTAG. Connect a USB cable to the board to the mentioned port.
+.. note::
+ There are multiple USB ports on a typical board, So, ensure you have read
+ the user guide for the board and confirmed the silk screen label to ensure
+ connecting to the correct port.
+.. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_connect_XDS110
+.. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_connect_cti20
+**cTI20 connector**: The TI's `cTI20
+<https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/xdsdebugprobes/emu_JTAG_connectors.html#cti-20-pin-header-information>`_ connector
+is probably the most prevelant on TI platforms. Though many
+TI boards have an onboard XDS110, cTI20 connector is usually
+provided as an alternate scheme to connect alternatives such
+as `Lauterbach <https://www.lauterbach.com/>`_ or `XDS560
+To debug on these boards, the following combinations is suggested:
+* `TUMPA <https://www.diygadget.com/JTAG-cables-and-microcontroller-programmers/tiao-usb-multi-protocol-adapter-JTAG-spi-i2c-serial>`_
+ or `equivalent dongles supported by OpenOCD. <https://openocd.org/doc/html/Debug-Adapter-Hardware.html#Debug-Adapter-Hardware>`_
+* Cable such as `Tag-connect ribbon cable <https://www.tag-connect.com/product/20-pin-cortex-ribbon-cable-4-length-with-50-mil-connectors>`_
+* Adapter to convert cTI20 to ARM20 such as those from
+ `Segger <https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/accessories/adapters/ti-cti-20-adapter/>`_
+ or `Lauterbach LA-3780 <https://www.lauterbach.com/ad3780.html>`_
+ Or optionally, if you have manufacturing capability then you could try
+ `BeagleBone JTAG Adapter <https://github.com/mmorawiec/BeagleBone-Black-JTAG-Adapters>`_
+.. warning::
+ XDS560 and Lauterbach are proprietary solutions and is not supported by
+ OpenOCD.
+ When purchasing an off the shelf adapter/dongle, you do want to be careful
+ about the signalling though. Please
+ `read for additional info <https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/xdsdebugprobes/emu_JTAG_connectors.html>`_.
+.. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_connect_cti20
+.. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_connect_tag_connect
+**Tag-Connect**: `Tag-Connect <https://www.tag-connect.com/>`_
+pads on the boards which require special cable. Please check the documentation
+to `identify <https://www.tag-connect.com/info/legs-or-no-legs>`_ if "legged"
+or "no-leg" version of the cable is appropriate for the board.
+To debug on these boards, you will need:
+* `TUMPA <https://www.diygadget.com/JTAG-cables-and-microcontroller-programmers/tiao-usb-multi-protocol-adapter-JTAG-spi-i2c-serial>`_
+ or `equivalent dongles supported by OpenOCD <https://openocd.org/doc/html/Debug-Adapter-Hardware.html#Debug-Adapter-Hardware>`_.
+* Tag-Connect cable appropriate to the board such as
+ `TC2050-IDC-NL <https://www.tag-connect.com/product/TC2050-IDC-NL-10-pin-no-legs-cable-with-ribbon-connector>`_
+* In case of no-leg, version, a
+ `retaining clip <https://www.tag-connect.com/product/tc2050-clip-3pack-retaining-clip>`_
+* Tag-Connect to ARM20
+ `adapter <https://www.tag-connect.com/product/tc2050-arm2010-arm-20-pin-to-tc2050-adapter>`_
+.. note::
+ You can optionally use a 3d printed solution such as
+ `Protective cap <https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3025584>`_ or
+ `clip <https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3035278>`_ to replace
+ the retaining clip.
+.. warning::
+ With the Tag-Connect to ARM20 adapter, Please solder the "Trst" signal for
+ connection to work.
+.. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_connect_tag_connect
+Debugging with OpenOCD
+Debugging U-Boot is different from debugging regular user space
+applications. The bootloader initialization process involves many boot
+media and hardware configuration operations. For K3 devices, there
+are also interactions with security firmware. While reloading the
+"elf" file works through GDB, developers must be mindful of cascading
+initialization's potential consequences.
+Consider the following code change:
+.. code-block:: diff
+ --- a/file.c 2023-07-29 10:55:29.647928811 -0500
+ +++ b/file.c 2023-07-29 10:55:46.091856816 -0500
+ @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+ val = readl(reg);
+ -val |= 0x2;
+ +val |= 0x1;
+ writel(val, reg);
+Re-running the elf file with the above change will result in the
+register setting 0x3 instead of the intended 0x1. There are other
+hardware blocks which may not behave very well with a re-initialization
+without proper shutdown.
+To help narrow the debug down, it is usually simpler to use the
+standard boot media to get to the bootloader and debug only in the area
+of interest.
+In general, to debug u-boot spl/u-boot with OpenOCD there are three steps:
+* Modify the code adding a loop to allow the debugger to attach
+ near the point of interest. Boot up normally to stop at the loop.
+* Connect with OpenOCD and step out of the loop.
+* Step through the code to find the root of issue.
+Typical debugging involves a few iterations of the above sequence.
+Though most bootloader developers like to use printf to debug,
+debug with JTAG tends to be most efficient since it is possible to
+investigate the code flow and inspect hardware registers without
+repeated iterations.
+Code modification
+* **start.S**: Adding an infinite while loop at the very entry of
+ U-Boot. For this, look for the corresponding start.S entry file.
+ This is usually only required when debugging some core SoC or
+ processor related function. For example: arch/arm/cpu/armv8/start.S or
+ arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S
+.. code-block:: diff
+ diff --git a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S
+ index 69e281b086..744929e825 100644
+ --- a/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S
+ +++ b/arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S
+ @@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
+ #endif
+ reset:
+ +dead_loop:
+ + b dead_loop
+ /* Allow the board to save important registers */
+ b save_boot_params
+ save_boot_params_ret:
+* **board_init_f**: Adding an infinite while loop at the board entry
+ function. In many cases, it is important to debug the boot process if
+ any changes are made for board-specific applications. Below is a step
+ by step process for debugging the boot SPL or Armv8 SPL:
+ To debug the boot process in either domain, we will first
+ add a modification to the code we would like to debug.
+ In this example, we will debug ``board_init_f`` inside
+ ``arch/arm/mach-k3/{soc}_init.c``. Since some sections of U-Boot
+ will be executed multiple times during the bootup process of K3
+ devices, we will need to include either ``CONFIG_CPU_ARM64`` or
+ ``CONFIG_CPU_V7R`` to catch the CPU at the desired place during the
+ bootup process (Main or Wakeup domains). For example, modify the
+ file as follows (depending on need):
+.. code-block:: c
+ void board_init_f(ulong dummy)
+ {
+ .
+ .
+ /* Code to run on the R5F (Wakeup/Boot Domain) */
+ volatile int x = 1;
+ while(x) {};
+ }
+ ...
+ /* Code to run on the ARMV8 (Main Domain) */
+ volatile int x = 1;
+ while(x) {};
+ }
+ .
+ .
+ }
+Connecting with OpenOCD for a debug session
+Startup OpenOCD to debug the platform as follows:
+* **Integrated JTAG interface**: If the evm has a debugger such as
+ XDS110 inbuilt, there is typically an evm board support added and a
+ cfg file will be available.
+.. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_cfg_XDS110
+.. code-block:: bash
+ openocd -f board/{board_of_choice}.cfg
+.. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_cfg_XDS110
+.. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_cfg_external_intro
+* **External JTAG adapter/interface**: In other cases, where an
+ adapter/dongle is used, a simple cfg file can be created to integrate the
+ SoC and adapter information. See `supported TI K3 SoCs
+ <https://github.com/openocd-org/openocd/blob/master/tcl/target/ti_k3.cfg#L59>`_
+ to decide if the SoC is supported or not.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ openocd -f openocd_connect.cfg
+.. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_cfg_external_intro
+ For example, with BeaglePlay (AM62X platform), the openocd_connect.cfg:
+.. code-block:: tcl
+ # TUMPA example:
+ # http://www.tiaowiki.com/w/TIAO_USB_Multi_Protocol_Adapter_User's_Manual
+ source [find interface/ftdi/tumpa.cfg]
+ transport select jtag
+ # default JTAG configuration has only SRST and no TRST
+ reset_config srst_only srst_push_pull
+ # delay after SRST goes inactive
+ adapter srst delay 20
+ if { ![info exists SOC] } {
+ # Set the SoC of interest
+ set SOC am625
+ }
+ source [find target/ti_k3.cfg]
+ ftdi tdo_sample_edge falling
+ # Speeds for FT2232H are in multiples of 2, and 32MHz is tops
+ # max speed we seem to achieve is ~20MHz.. so we pick 16MHz
+ adapter speed 16000
+Below is an example of the output of this command:
+.. code-block:: console
+ Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
+ Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
+ Info : XDS110: connected
+ Info : XDS110: vid/pid = 0451/bef3
+ Info : XDS110: firmware version =
+ Info : XDS110: hardware version = 0x002f
+ Info : XDS110: connected to target via JTAG
+ Info : XDS110: TCK set to 2500 kHz
+ Info : clock speed 2500 kHz
+ Info : JTAG tap: am625.cpu tap/device found: 0x0bb7e02f (mfg: 0x017 (Texas Instruments), part: 0xbb7e, ver: 0x0)
+ Info : starting gdb server for am625.cpu.sysctrl on 3333
+ Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
+ Info : starting gdb server for am625.cpu.a53.0 on 3334
+ Info : Listening on port 3334 for gdb connections
+ Info : starting gdb server for am625.cpu.a53.1 on 3335
+ Info : Listening on port 3335 for gdb connections
+ Info : starting gdb server for am625.cpu.a53.2 on 3336
+ Info : Listening on port 3336 for gdb connections
+ Info : starting gdb server for am625.cpu.a53.3 on 3337
+ Info : Listening on port 3337 for gdb connections
+ Info : starting gdb server for am625.cpu.main0_r5.0 on 3338
+ Info : Listening on port 3338 for gdb connections
+ Info : starting gdb server for am625.cpu.gp_mcu on 3339
+ Info : Listening on port 3339 for gdb connections
+.. note::
+ Notice the default configuration is non-SMP configuration allowing
+ for each of the core to be attached and debugged simultaneously.
+ ARMv8 SPL/U-Boot starts up on cpu0 of a53/a72.
+.. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_cfg_external_gdb
+To debug using this server, use GDB directly or your preferred
+GDB-based IDE. To start up GDB in the terminal, run the following
+.. code-block:: bash
+ gdb-multiarch
+To connect to your desired core, run the following command within GDB:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ target extended-remote localhost:{port for desired core}
+To load symbols:
+.. warning::
+ SPL and U-Boot does a re-location of address compared to where it
+ is loaded originally. This step takes place after the DDR size is
+ determined from dt parsing. So, debugging can be split into either
+ "before re-location" or "after re-location". Please refer to the
+ file ''doc/README.arm-relocation'' to see how to grab the relocation
+ address.
+* Prior to relocation:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ symbol-file {path to elf file}
+* After relocation:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # Drop old symbol file
+ symbol-file
+ # Pick up new relocaddr
+ add-symbol-file {path to elf file} {relocaddr}
+.. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_cfg_external_gdb
+In the above example of AM625,
+.. code-block:: bash
+ target extended-remote localhost:3338 <- R5F (Wakeup Domain)
+ target extended-remote localhost:3334 <- A53 (Main Domain)
+The core can now be debugged directly within GDB using GDB commands or
+if using IDE, as appropriate to the IDE.
+Stepping through the code
+`GDB TUI Commands
+<https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/TUI-Commands.html>`_ can
+help set up the display more sensible for debug. Provide the name
+of the layout that can be used to debug. For example, use the GDB
+command ``layout src`` after loading the symbols to see the code and
+breakpoints. To exit the debug loop added above, add any breakpoints
+needed and run the following GDB commands to step out of the debug
+loop set in the ``board_init_f`` function.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ set x = 0
+ continue
+The platform has now been successfully setup to debug with OpenOCD
+using GDB commands or a GDB-based IDE. See `OpenOCD documentation for
+GDB <https://openocd.org/doc/html/GDB-and-OpenOCD.html>`_ for further
+.. warning::
+ On the K3 family of devices, a watchdog timer within the DMSC is
+ enabled by default by the ROM bootcode with a timeout of 3 minutes.
+ The watchdog timer is serviced by System Firmware (SYSFW) or TI
+ Foundational Security (TIFS) during normal operation. If debugging
+ the SPL before the SYSFW is loaded, the watchdog timer will not get
+ serviced automatically and the debug session will reset after 3
+ minutes. It is recommended to start debugging SPL code only after
+ the startup of SYSFW to avoid running into the watchdog timer reset.
+Miscellaneous notes with OpenOCD
+Currently, OpenOCD does not support tracing for K3 platforms. Tracing
+function could be beneficial if the bug in code occurs deep within
+nested function and can optionally save developers major trouble of
+stepping through a large quantity of code.