--- /dev/null
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause
+.. sectionauthor:: Nishanth Menon <nm@ti.com>
+AM62x Beagleboard.org Beagleplay
+BeagleBoard.org BeaglePlay is an easy to use, affordable open source
+hardware single board computer based on the Texas Instruments AM625
+SoC that allows you to create connected devices that work even at long
+distances using IEEE 802.15.4g LR-WPAN and IEEE 802.3cg 10Base-T1L.
+Expansion is provided over open standards based mikroBUS, Grove and
+QWIIC headers among other interfaces.
+Further information can be found at:
+* Product Page: https://beagleplay.org/
+* Hardware documentation: https://git.beagleboard.org/beagleplay/beagleplay
+Boot Flow:
+Below is the pictorial representation of boot flow:
+.. image:: img/boot_diagram_k3_current.svg
+ :alt: Boot flow diagram
+- On this platform, 'TI Foundational Security' (TIFS) functions as the
+ security enclave master while 'Device Manager' (DM), also known as the
+ 'TISCI server' in "TI terminology", offers all the essential services.
+ The A53 or M4F (Aux core) sends requests to TIFS/DM to accomplish these
+ services, as illustrated in the diagram above.
+.. include:: k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_boot_sources
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_boot_sources
+Build procedure:
+0. Setup the environment variables:
+.. include:: k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_common_env_vars_desc
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_common_env_vars_desc
+.. include:: k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_board_env_vars_desc
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_board_env_vars_desc
+Set the variables corresponding to this platform:
+.. include:: k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_common_env_vars_defn
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_common_env_vars_defn
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ export UBOOT_CFG_CORTEXR="am62x_evm_r5_defconfig beagleplay_r5.config"
+ $ export UBOOT_CFG_CORTEXA="am62x_evm_a53_defconfig beagleplay_a53.config"
+ $ export TFA_BOARD=lite
+ $ # we dont use any extra TFA parameters
+ $ unset TFA_EXTRA_ARGS
+ $ export OPTEE_PLATFORM=k3-am62x
+.. include:: am62x_sk.rst
+ :start-after: .. am62x_evm_rst_include_start_build_steps
+ :end-before: .. am62x_evm_rst_include_end_build_steps
+Target Images
+Copy the below images to an SD card and boot:
+* tiboot3-am62x-gp-evm.bin from R5 build as tiboot3.bin
+* tispl.bin_unsigned from Cortex-A build as tispl.bin
+* u-boot.img_unsigned from Cortex-A build as u-boot.img
+Image formats
+- tiboot3.bin
+.. image:: img/multi_cert_tiboot3.bin.svg
+ :alt: tiboot3.bin image format
+- tispl.bin
+.. image:: img/dm_tispl.bin.svg
+ :alt: tispl.bin image format
+Additional hardware for U-Boot development
+* Serial Console is critical for U-Boot development on BeaglePlay. See
+ `BeaglePlay serial console documentation
+ <https://docs.beagleboard.org/latest/boards/beagleplay/demos-and-tutorials/using-serial-console.html>`_.
+* uSD is preferred option over eMMC, and a SD/MMC reader will be needed.
+* (optionally) JTAG is useful when working with very early stages of boot.
+Default storage options
+There are multiple storage media options on BeaglePlay, but primarily:
+* Onboard eMMC (default) - reliable, fast and meant for deployment use.
+* SD/MMC card interface (hold 'USR' switch and power on) - Entirely
+ depends on the SD card quality.
+Flash to uSD card or how to deal with "bricked" Board
+When deploying or working on Linux, it's common to use the onboard
+eMMC. However, avoiding the eMMC and using the uSD card is safer when
+working with U-Boot.
+If you choose to hand format your own bootable uSD card, be
+aware that it can be difficult. The following information
+may be helpful, but remember that it is only sometimes
+reliable, and partition options can cause issues. These
+can potentially help:
+* https://git.ti.com/cgit/arago-project/tisdk-setup-scripts/tree/create-sdcard.sh
+* https://elinux.org/Beagleboard:Expanding_File_System_Partition_On_A_microSD
+The simplest option is to start with a standard distribution
+image like those in `BeagleBoard.org Distros Page
+<https://www.beagleboard.org/distros>`_ and download a disk image for
+BeaglePlay. Pick a 16GB+ uSD card to be on the safer side.
+With an SD/MMC Card reader and `Balena Etcher
+<https://etcher.balena.io/>`_, having a functional setup in minutes is
+a trivial matter, and it works on almost all Host Operating Systems.
+Yes Windows users, Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) based development
+with U-Boot and update uSD card is practical.
+Updating U-Boot is a matter of copying the tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin and
+u-boot.img to the "BOOT" partition of the uSD card. Remember to sync
+and unmount (or Eject - depending on the Operating System) the uSD
+card prior to physically removing from SD card reader.
+Also see following section on switch setting used for booting using
+uSD card.
+.. note::
+ Great news! If the board has not been damaged physically, there's no
+ need to worry about it being "bricked" on this platform. You only have
+ to flash an uSD card, plug it in, and reinstall the image on eMMC. This
+ means that even if you make a mistake, you can quickly fix it and rest
+ easy.
+ If you are frequently working with uSD cards, you might find the
+ following useful:
+ * `USB-SD-Mux <https://www.linux-automation.com/en/products/usb-sd-mux.html>`_
+ * `SD-Wire <https://wiki.tizen.org/SDWire>`_
+Flash to eMMC
+The eMMC layout selected is user-friendly for developers. The
+boot hardware partition of the eMMC only contains the fixed-size
+tiboot3.bin image. This is because the contents of the boot partitions
+need to run from the SoC's internal SRAM, which remains a fixed size
+constant. The other components of the boot sequence, such as tispl.bin
+and u-boot.img, are located in the /BOOT partition in the User Defined
+Area (UDA) hardware partition of the eMMC. These components can vary
+significantly in size. The choice of keeping tiboot3.bin in boot0 or
+boot1 partition depends on A/B update requirements.
+.. image:: img/beagleplay_emmc.svg
+ :alt: eMMC partitions and boot file organization for BeaglePlay
+The following are the steps from Linux shell to program eMMC:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # # Enable Boot0 boot
+ # mmc bootpart enable 1 2 /dev/mmcblk0
+ # mmc bootbus set single_backward x1 x8 /dev/mmcblk0
+ # mmc hwreset enable /dev/mmcblk0
+ # # Clear eMMC boot0
+ # echo '0' >> /sys/class/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro
+ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0boot0 count=32 bs=128k
+ # # Write tiboot3.bin
+ # dd if=tiboot3.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0boot0 bs=128k
+ # # Copy the rest of the boot binaries
+ # mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot/firmware
+ # cp tispl.bin /boot/firmware
+ # cp u-boot.img /boot/firmware
+ # sync
+.. warning ::
+ U-Boot is configured to prioritize booting from an SD card if it
+ detects a valid boot partition and boot files on it, even if the
+ system initially booted from eMMC. The boot order is set as follows:
+ * SD/MMC
+ * eMMC
+ * USB
+ * PXE
+LED patterns during boot
+.. list-table:: USR LED status indication
+ :widths: 16 16
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - USR LEDs (012345)
+ - Indicates
+ * - 00000
+ - Boot failure or R5 image not started up
+ * - 11111
+ - A53 SPL/U-boot has started up
+ * - 10101
+ - OS boot process has been initiated
+ * - 01010
+ - OS boot process failed and drops to U-Boot shell
+.. note ::
+ In the table above, 0 indicates LED switched off and 1 indicates LED
+ switched ON.
+.. warning ::
+ If the "red" power LED is not glowing, the system power supply is not
+ functional. Please refer to `BeaglePlay documentation
+ <https://beagleplay.org/>`_ for further information.
+A53 SPL DDR Memory Layout
+.. include:: am62x_sk.rst
+ :start-after: .. am62x_evm_rst_include_start_ddr_mem_layout
+ :end-before: .. am62x_evm_rst_include_end_ddr_mem_layout
+Switch Setting for Boot Mode
+The boot time option is configured via "USR" button on the board.
+See `Beagleplay Schematics <https://git.beagleboard.org/beagleplay/beagleplay/-/blob/main/BeaglePlay_sch.pdf>`_
+for details.
+.. list-table:: Boot Modes
+ :widths: 16 16 16
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - USR Switch Position
+ - Primary Boot
+ - Secondary Boot
+ * - Not Pressed
+ - eMMC
+ - UART
+ * - Pressed
+ - SD/MMC File System (FS) mode
+ - USB Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) mode
+To switch to SD card boot mode, hold the USR button while powering on
+with Type-C power supply, then release when power LED lights up.
+Debugging U-Boot
+See :ref:`Common Debugging environment - OpenOCD<k3_rst_refer_openocd>`: for
+detailed setup and debugging information.
+.. warning::
+ **OpenOCD support since**: v0.12.0
+ If the default package version of OpenOCD in your development
+ environment's distribution needs to be updated, it might be necessary to
+ build OpenOCD from the source.
+.. include:: k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_connect_tag_connect
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_connect_tag_connect
+.. include:: k3.rst
+ :start-after: .. k3_rst_include_start_openocd_cfg_external_intro
+ :end-before: .. k3_rst_include_end_openocd_cfg_external_intro
+For example, with BeaglePlay (AM62X platform), the openocd_connect.cfg:
+.. code-block:: tcl
+ # TUMPA example:
+ # http://www.tiaowiki.com/w/TIAO_USB_Multi_Protocol_Adapter_User's_Manual
+ source [find interface/ftdi/tumpa.cfg]
+ transport select jtag
+ # default JTAG configuration has only SRST and no TRST
+ reset_config srst_only srst_push_pull
+ # delay after SRST goes inactive
+ adapter srst delay 20
+ if { ![info exists SOC] } {
+ # Set the SoC of interest
+ set SOC am625
+ }
+ source [find target/ti_k3.cfg]
+ ftdi tdo_sample_edge falling
+ # Speeds for FT2232H are in multiples of 2, and 32MHz is tops
+ # max speed we seem to achieve is ~20MHz.. so we pick 16MHz
+ adapter speed 16000
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+hardware partitions</xhtml:div>
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