2024-05-20 Tom RiniMerge patch series "arm: dts: am62-beagleplay: Fix...
2024-05-20 Roger Quadrosarm: dts: k3-am625-beagleplay: Fix Ethernet PHY reset...
2024-05-20 Roger Quadrosarm: dts: k3-am625-beagleplay: get CPSW Ethernet to...
2024-05-20 Roger Quadrosarm: dts: k3-am62*: sync with Linux v6.9
2024-05-17 Jim Liuphy: Use dt-bindig definations for npcm usb phy
2024-05-17 Jonas Karlmanpinctrl: Fix pinctrl_gpio_get_pinctrl_and_offset()
2024-05-16 Tom RiniMerge patch series "Enable OF_UPSTREAM for J721s2 and...
2024-05-16 Manorit Chawdhryarm: dts: k3-j721s2|am68: Migrate to OF_UPSTREAM
2024-05-16 Manorit Chawdhryconfigs: am68_sk: Move to separate defconfig for AM68...
2024-05-16 Manorit Chawdhryarch: arm: dts: k3-j721s2-r5: Introduce k3-j721s2-r5...
2024-05-16 Manorit Chawdhryarch: arm: dts: k3-am68-sk-r5: Sync with J721s2 R5...
2024-05-16 Neha Malcom... configs: j721s2_evm_a72_defconfig: Switch to bootstd
2024-05-16 Neha Malcom... board: ti: j721s2: j721s2.env: Add explicit boot_targets
2024-05-15 Matthias Schifferdma: ti: k3-udma: invalidate prepared buffers before...
2024-05-15 Matthias Schifferdma: ti: k3-udma: add missing <net.h> include
2024-05-15 Matthias Schiffernet: ti: am65-cpsw-nuss: fix error handling for "RX...
2024-05-15 Matthias Schiffernet: ti: am65-cpsw-nuss: avoid errors due to imbalanced...
2024-05-15 Matthias Schiffernet: eth-uclass: guard against reentrant eth_init(...
2024-05-15 Tom RiniMerge patch series "Add remoteproc driver for AM62a...
2024-05-15 Hari Nagallaboard: ti: am62ax: Add support for remote proc load
2024-05-15 Hari Nagallaconfigs: am62ax: enable remote proc drivers
2024-05-15 Hari Nagallaremoteproc: k3-r5: Add support for R5F core on AM62A...
2024-05-15 Hari Nagallaremoteproc: k3-dsp: Enable C71x support for AM62A
2024-05-15 Tom RiniMerge patch series "Add DFU and usb boot for TI am62x...
2024-05-15 Sjoerd Simonsdoc: board: Add document for DFU boot on am62x SoCs
2024-05-15 Sjoerd Simonsbeagleplay: Add DFU support
2024-05-15 Sjoerd Simonsconfigs: am62x_evm_*: Enable USB and DFU support
2024-05-15 Sjoerd Simonsarm: dts: k3-am625-sk: Enable usb port in u-boot
2024-05-15 Sjoerd Simonsboard: ti: am62x: am62x: include env for DFU
2024-05-15 Sjoerd Simonsusb: dwc3: Add dwc3 glue driver for am62
2024-05-14 Tom RiniMerge branch '2024-05-13-assorted-updates' into next
2024-05-13 Andrew Davisarm: mach-k3: Move code specific to a SoC into that...
2024-05-13 Caleb Connollyscripts: gen_compile_commands: fix invalid escape seque...
2024-05-13 Fiona KluteInit virtio before loading ENV from EXT4 or FAT
2024-05-13 Peter Hoyesarmv8: generic_timer: Use event stream for udelay
2024-05-13 Peter Hoyesarm: Move sev() and wfe() definitions to common Arm...
2024-05-13 WHRsandbox: make function 'do_undefined' properly compiles...
2024-05-13 WHRzfs: fix function 'zlib_decompress' pointlessly calling...
2024-05-13 WHRzfs: recognize zpools formatted with features support
2024-05-13 Jim Liucrypto: nuvoton: npcm_sha: Support SHA 384/512
2024-05-10 Tom RiniMerge patch series "Add AM64x Support to PRUSS and...
2024-05-10 Tom RiniMerge patch series "Generate all SR boot binaries"
2024-05-10 Tom RiniMerge patch series "*** Commonize board code for K3...
2024-05-10 Wadim Egorovarm: mach-k3: am642: Provide a way to obtain boot devic...
2024-05-10 MD Danish Anwarsoc: ti: pruss: Add support for AM64x
2024-05-10 MD Danish Anwarremoteproc: pru: Add support for AM64x PRU / RTU cores
2024-05-10 Neha Malcom... arm: dts: k3-j7200-binman: Add support for HSSE1.0...
2024-05-10 Neha Malcom... arm: dts: k3-j721e-binman: Add support for HSFS1.1
2024-05-10 Wadim Egorovphycore_am64x_a53_defconfig: Enable CONFIG_BOARD_LATE_INIT
2024-05-10 Wadim Egorovboard: phytec: Commonize board code for K3 based SoMs
2024-05-08 Tom Rinitest/py: Make the number of SPL banners seen a variable
2024-05-08 Boon Khai Ngnet: Add drivers for Sysnopsys Ethernet 10G device
2024-05-08 Tom RiniMerge patch series "arm: Add Analog Devices SC5xx Machi...
2024-05-08 Greg Malysadrivers: timer: Add in driver support for ADI SC5XX...
2024-05-08 Nathan Barrett... drivers: serial: Add in UART for ADI SC5XX-family proce...
2024-05-08 Nathan Barrett... drivers: clk: adi: Add in SC5XX-family clock driver
2024-05-08 Nathan Barrett... arch: arm: Add Analog Devices SC5xx machine type
2024-05-07 Tom RiniMerge branch '2024-05-06-remove-include-common_h' into...
2024-05-07 Tom Rinicommon.h: Remove this file and all references
2024-05-07 Tom Riniapi: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinixen: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniwatchdog: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniw1-eeprom: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniw1: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinivirtio: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinivideo: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinireboot-mode: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniusb: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniram: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniufs: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinipwm: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinitpm: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinipower: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinitimer: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinipinctrl: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinithermal: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniphy: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinisysreset: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinipci_endpoint: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinisysinfo: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinispmi: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinispi: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinisound: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinisoc: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinismem: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinism: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniserial: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniscsi: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinirtc: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinireset: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Riniremoteproc: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinipci: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinipch: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rininvme: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rininet: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinimux: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinimtd: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinimmc: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinimisc: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes
2024-05-07 Tom Rinimemory: Remove <common.h> and add needed includes