From d08db02d2d3d5ccf365e423b0c3dfb6fe311abd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 13:55:41 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] bootstd: Add a test for bootmeth_cros

The ChromiumOS bootmeth has no tests at present. Before adding more
features. add a basic test.

This creates a disk which can be scanned by the bootmeth, so make sure
things work. It is quite rudimentary, since the kernel is faked, the root
disk is missing and there is no cmdline stored.

Enable the bootmeth for snow so it can build the unit test.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
 arch/sandbox/dts/test.dts |   9 +++
 configs/snow_defconfig    |   1 +
 test/boot/bootflow.c      |  33 ++++++++-
 test/py/tests/  | 142 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/sandbox/dts/test.dts b/arch/sandbox/dts/test.dts
index 084cb88a23..b48456aebe 100644
--- a/arch/sandbox/dts/test.dts
+++ b/arch/sandbox/dts/test.dts
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
 		mmc1 = "/mmc1";
 		mmc2 = "/mmc2";
 		mmc3 = "/mmc3";
+		mmc4 = "/mmc4";
+		mmc5 = "/mmc5";
 		pci0 = &pci0;
 		pci1 = &pci1;
 		pci2 = &pci2;
@@ -1055,6 +1057,13 @@
 		filename = "mmc4.img";
+	/* This is used for ChromiumOS tests */
+	mmc5 {
+		status = "disabled";
+		compatible = "sandbox,mmc";
+		filename = "mmc5.img";
+	};
 	pch {
 		compatible = "sandbox,pch";
diff --git a/configs/snow_defconfig b/configs/snow_defconfig
index bb066a6459..22ec8e5141 100644
--- a/configs/snow_defconfig
+++ b/configs/snow_defconfig
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ CONFIG_DEBUG_UART=y
diff --git a/test/boot/bootflow.c b/test/boot/bootflow.c
index 54a878c4bd..ae34370981 100644
--- a/test/boot/bootflow.c
+++ b/test/boot/bootflow.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+extern U_BOOT_DRIVER(bootmeth_cros);
 extern U_BOOT_DRIVER(bootmeth_script);
 static int inject_response(struct unit_test_state *uts)
@@ -514,7 +515,8 @@ BOOTSTD_TEST(bootflow_cmd_boot, UT_TESTF_DM | UT_TESTF_SCAN_FDT);
  * @mmc_dev: MMC device to use, e.g. "mmc4"
  * Returns 0 on success, -ve on failure
-static int prep_mmc_bootdev(struct unit_test_state *uts, const char *mmc_dev)
+static int prep_mmc_bootdev(struct unit_test_state *uts, const char *mmc_dev,
+			    bool bind_cros)
 	const char *order[] = {"mmc2", "mmc1", mmc_dev, NULL};
 	struct udevice *dev, *bootstd;
@@ -533,6 +535,13 @@ static int prep_mmc_bootdev(struct unit_test_state *uts, const char *mmc_dev)
 	ut_assertok(device_bind(bootstd, DM_DRIVER_REF(bootmeth_script),
 				"bootmeth_script", 0, ofnode_null(), &dev));
+	/* Enable the cros bootmeth if needed */
+	if (bind_cros) {
+		ut_assertok(uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_BOOTSTD, &bootstd));
+		ut_assertok(device_bind(bootstd, DM_DRIVER_REF(bootmeth_cros),
+					"cros", 0, ofnode_null(), &dev));
+	}
 	/* Change the order to include the device */
 	std = dev_get_priv(bootstd);
 	old_order = std->bootdev_order;
@@ -556,7 +565,7 @@ static int prep_mmc_bootdev(struct unit_test_state *uts, const char *mmc_dev)
 static int prep_mmc4_bootdev(struct unit_test_state *uts)
-	ut_assertok(prep_mmc_bootdev(uts, "mmc4"));
+	ut_assertok(prep_mmc_bootdev(uts, "mmc4", false));
 	return 0;
@@ -963,3 +972,23 @@ static int bootflow_cmdline(struct unit_test_state *uts)
 	return 0;
 BOOTSTD_TEST(bootflow_cmdline, 0);
+/* Test ChromiumOS bootmeth */
+static int bootflow_cros(struct unit_test_state *uts)
+	ut_assertok(prep_mmc_bootdev(uts, "mmc5", true));
+	ut_assertok(run_command("bootflow list", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("Showing all");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("Seq");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("---");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("  0  extlinux");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("  1  cros         ready   mmc          2  mmc5.bootdev.whole       ");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("---");
+	ut_assert_skip_to_line("(2 bootflows, 2 valid)");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	return 0;
+BOOTSTD_TEST(bootflow_cros, 0);
diff --git a/test/py/tests/ b/test/py/tests/
index 640129018c..82932a662b 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/
+++ b/test/py/tests/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 # Copyright (c) 2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
+import collections
 import getpass
 import gzip
 import os
@@ -282,6 +283,146 @@ label Fedora-Workstation-armhfp-31-1.9 (5.3.7-301.fc31.armv7hl)
         copy_prepared_image(cons, mmc_dev, fname)
+def setup_cros_image(cons):
+    """Create a 20MB disk image with ChromiumOS partitions"""
+    Partition = collections.namedtuple('part', 'start,size,name')
+    parts = {}
+    disk_data = None
+    def pack_kernel(cons, arch, kern, dummy):
+        """Pack a kernel containing some fake data
+        Args:
+            cons (ConsoleBase): Console to use
+            arch (str): Architecture to use ('x86' or 'arm')
+            kern (str): Filename containing kernel
+            dummy (str): Dummy filename to use for config and bootloader
+        Return:
+            bytes: Packed-kernel data
+        """
+        kern_part = os.path.join(cons.config.result_dir, 'kern-part-{arch}.bin')
+        u_boot_utils.run_and_log(
+            cons,
+            f'futility vbutil_kernel --pack {kern_part} '
+            '--keyblock doc/chromium/files/devkeys/kernel.keyblock '
+            '--signprivate doc/chromium/files/devkeys/kernel_data_key.vbprivk '
+            f'--version 1  --config {dummy} --bootloader {dummy} '
+            f'--vmlinuz {kern}')
+        with open(kern_part, 'rb') as inf:
+            kern_part_data =
+        return kern_part_data
+    def set_part_data(partnum, data):
+        """Set the contents of a disk partition
+        This updates disk_data by putting data in the right place
+        Args:
+            partnum (int): Partition number to set
+            data (bytes): Data for that partition
+        """
+        nonlocal disk_data
+        start = parts[partnum].start * sect_size
+        disk_data = disk_data[:start] + data + disk_data[start + len(data):]
+    mmc_dev = 5
+    fname = os.path.join(cons.config.source_dir, f'mmc{mmc_dev}.img')
+    u_boot_utils.run_and_log(cons, 'qemu-img create %s 20M' % fname)
+    #mnt = os.path.join(cons.config.persistent_data_dir, 'mnt')
+    #mkdir_cond(mnt)
+    u_boot_utils.run_and_log(cons, f'cgpt create {fname}')
+    uuid_state = 'ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7'
+    uuid_kern = 'fe3a2a5d-4f32-41a7-b725-accc3285a309'
+    uuid_root = '3cb8e202-3b7e-47dd-8a3c-7ff2a13cfcec'
+    uuid_rwfw = 'cab6e88e-abf3-4102-a07a-d4bb9be3c1d3'
+    uuid_reserved = '2e0a753d-9e48-43b0-8337-b15192cb1b5e'
+    uuid_efi = 'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b'
+    ptr = 40
+    # Number of sectors in 1MB
+    sect_size = 512
+    sect_1mb = (1 << 20) // sect_size
+    required_parts = [
+        {'num': 0xb, 'label':'RWFW', 'type': uuid_rwfw, 'size': '1'},
+        {'num': 6, 'label':'KERN_C', 'type': uuid_kern, 'size': '1'},
+        {'num': 7, 'label':'ROOT_C', 'type': uuid_root, 'size': '1'},
+        {'num': 9, 'label':'reserved', 'type': uuid_reserved, 'size': '1'},
+        {'num': 0xa, 'label':'reserved', 'type': uuid_reserved, 'size': '1'},
+        {'num': 2, 'label':'KERN_A', 'type': uuid_kern, 'size': '1M'},
+        {'num': 4, 'label':'KERN_B', 'type': uuid_kern, 'size': '1M'},
+        {'num': 8, 'label':'OEM', 'type': uuid_state, 'size': '1M'},
+        {'num': 0xc, 'label':'EFI-SYSTEM', 'type': uuid_efi, 'size': '1M'},
+        {'num': 5, 'label':'ROOT_B', 'type': uuid_root, 'size': '1'},
+        {'num': 3, 'label':'ROOT_A', 'type': uuid_root, 'size': '1'},
+        {'num': 1, 'label':'STATE', 'type': uuid_state, 'size': '1M'},
+        ]
+    for part in required_parts:
+        size_str = part['size']
+        if 'M' in size_str:
+            size = int(size_str[:-1]) * sect_1mb
+        else:
+            size = int(size_str)
+        u_boot_utils.run_and_log(
+            cons,
+            f"cgpt add -i {part['num']} -b {ptr} -s {size} -t {part['type']} {fname}")
+        ptr += size
+    u_boot_utils.run_and_log(cons, f'cgpt boot -p {fname}')
+    out = u_boot_utils.run_and_log(cons, f'cgpt show -q {fname}')
+    '''We expect something like this:
+        8239        2048       1  Basic data
+          45        2048       2  ChromeOS kernel
+        8238           1       3  ChromeOS rootfs
+        2093        2048       4  ChromeOS kernel
+        8237           1       5  ChromeOS rootfs
+          41           1       6  ChromeOS kernel
+          42           1       7  ChromeOS rootfs
+        4141        2048       8  Basic data
+          43           1       9  ChromeOS reserved
+          44           1      10  ChromeOS reserved
+          40           1      11  ChromeOS firmware
+        6189        2048      12  EFI System Partition
+    '''
+    # Create a dict (indexed by partition number) containing the above info
+    for line in out.splitlines():
+        start, size, num, name = line.split(maxsplit=3)
+        parts[int(num)] = Partition(int(start), int(size), name)
+    dummy = os.path.join(cons.config.result_dir, 'dummy.txt')
+    with open(dummy, 'wb') as outf:
+        outf.write(b'dummy\n')
+    # For now we just use dummy kernels. This limits testing to just detecting
+    # a signed kernel. We could add support for the x86 data structures so that
+    # testing could cover getting the cmdline, setup.bin and other pieces.
+    kern = os.path.join(cons.config.result_dir, 'kern.bin')
+    with open(kern, 'wb') as outf:
+        outf.write(b'kernel\n')
+    with open(fname, 'rb') as inf:
+        disk_data =
+    # put x86 kernel in partition 2 and arm one in partition 4
+    set_part_data(2, pack_kernel(cons, 'x86', kern, dummy))
+    set_part_data(4, pack_kernel(cons, 'arm', kern, dummy))
+    with open(fname, 'wb') as outf:
+        outf.write(disk_data)
+    return fname
 def setup_cedit_file(cons):
     infname = os.path.join(cons.config.source_dir,
@@ -329,6 +470,7 @@ def test_ut_dm_init_bootstd(u_boot_console):
+    setup_cros_image(u_boot_console)
     # Restart so that the new mmc1.img is picked up