From 59ca3a2f20f37fd45e4ccf266ae2df9379c7af91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:36:09 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] usb: bootm: Drop old USB-device-removal code

USB is stopped using driver model now, in dm_remove_devices_flags() in
announce_and_cleanup() at the top of this file.

The usb_stop() call actually unbinds devices.

When a USB device is unbound, it causes any bootflows attached to it to
be removed, via a call to bootdev_clear_bootflows() from
bootdev_pre_unbind(). This obviously makes it impossible to boot the

However, when booting a bootflow that relies on USB, usb_stop() is
called, which unbinds the device. At that point any information
attached to the bootflow is dropped.

This is quite risky since the contents of freed memory are not
guaranteed to remain unchanged. Depending on what other options are
done before boot, a hard-to-find bug may crop up.

Drop the call to this old function.

Leave the netconsole call there, since this needs conversion to
driver model.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
Suggested-by: Shantur Rathore <>
Reviewed-by: Mattijs Korpershoek <>
 boot/bootm.c | 12 ------------
 1 file changed, 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/boot/bootm.c b/boot/bootm.c
index 376d63aafc..480f8e6a0e 100644
--- a/boot/bootm.c
+++ b/boot/bootm.c
@@ -740,18 +740,6 @@ ulong bootm_disable_interrupts(void)
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_USB)
-	/*
-	 * turn off USB to prevent the host controller from writing to the
-	 * SDRAM while Linux is booting. This could happen (at least for OHCI
-	 * controller), because the HCCA (Host Controller Communication Area)
-	 * lies within the SDRAM and the host controller writes continously to
-	 * this area (as busmaster!). The HccaFrameNumber is for example
-	 * updated every 1 ms within the HCCA structure in SDRAM! For more
-	 * details see the OpenHCI specification.
-	 */
-	usb_stop();
 	return iflag;