From 8391f955494efc0dbe136e1557e9606bbf55d046 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cristian Ciocaltea <>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2019 03:34:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] test/py: Create a test for launching UEFI binaries from FIT

This test verifies the implementation of the 'bootm' extension that
handles UEFI binaries inside FIT images (enabled via CONFIG_BOOTM_EFI).

Signed-off-by: Cristian Ciocaltea <>
Reviewed-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <>
 test/py/tests/ | 458 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 458 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/py/tests/

diff --git a/test/py/tests/ b/test/py/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6986b2d35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/tests/
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+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Cristian Ciocaltea <>
+# Work based on:
+# -
+# Copyright (c) 2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
+# -
+# Copyright (c) 2013, Google Inc.
+# Test launching UEFI binaries from FIT images.
+import os.path
+import pytest
+import u_boot_utils as util
+Note: This test relies on boardenv_* containing configuration values to define
+which network environment is available for testing. Without this, the parts
+that rely on network will be automatically skipped.
+For example:
+# Boolean indicating whether the Ethernet device is attached to USB, and hence
+# USB enumeration needs to be performed prior to network tests.
+# This variable may be omitted if its value is False.
+env__net_uses_usb = False
+# Boolean indicating whether the Ethernet device is attached to PCI, and hence
+# PCI enumeration needs to be performed prior to network tests.
+# This variable may be omitted if its value is False.
+env__net_uses_pci = True
+# True if a DHCP server is attached to the network, and should be tested.
+# If DHCP testing is not possible or desired, this variable may be omitted or
+# set to False.
+env__net_dhcp_server = True
+# A list of environment variables that should be set in order to configure a
+# static IP. If solely relying on DHCP, this variable may be omitted or set to
+# an empty list.
+env__net_static_env_vars = [
+    ('ipaddr', ''),
+    ('netmask', ''),
+    ('serverip', ''),
+# Details regarding a file that may be read from a TFTP server. This variable
+# may be omitted or set to None if TFTP testing is not possible or desired.
+# Additionally, when the 'size' is not available, the file will be generated
+# automatically in the TFTP root directory, as specified by the 'dn' field.
+env__efi_fit_tftp_file = {
+    'fn': 'test-efi-fit.img',   # File path relative to TFTP root
+    'size': 3831,               # File size
+    'crc32': '9fa3f79c',        # Checksum using CRC-32 algorithm, optional
+    'addr': 0x40400000,         # Loading address, integer, optional
+    'dn': 'tftp/root/dir',      # TFTP root directory path, optional
+# Define the parametrized ITS data to be used for FIT images generation.
+its_data = '''
+/ {
+    description = "EFI image with FDT blob";
+    #address-cells = <1>;
+    images {
+        efi {
+            description = "Test EFI";
+            data = /incbin/("%(efi-bin)s");
+            type = "%(kernel-type)s";
+            arch = "%(sys-arch)s";
+            os = "efi";
+            compression = "%(efi-comp)s";
+            load = <0x0>;
+            entry = <0x0>;
+        };
+        fdt {
+            description = "Test FDT";
+            data = /incbin/("%(fdt-bin)s");
+            type = "flat_dt";
+            arch = "%(sys-arch)s";
+            compression = "%(fdt-comp)s";
+        };
+    };
+    configurations {
+        default = "config-efi-fdt";
+        config-efi-fdt {
+            description = "EFI FIT w/ FDT";
+            kernel = "efi";
+            fdt = "fdt";
+        };
+        config-efi-nofdt {
+            description = "EFI FIT w/o FDT";
+            kernel = "efi";
+        };
+    };
+# Define the parametrized FDT data to be used for DTB images generation.
+fdt_data = '''
+/ {
+    #address-cells = <1>;
+    #size-cells = <0>;
+    model = "%(sys-arch)s %(fdt_type)s EFI FIT Boot Test";
+    compatible = "%(sys-arch)s";
+    reset@0 {
+        compatible = "%(sys-arch)s,reset";
+        reg = <0>;
+    };
+def test_efi_fit_launch(u_boot_console):
+    """Test handling of UEFI binaries inside FIT images.
+    The tests are trying to launch U-Boot's helloworld.efi embedded into
+    FIT images, in uncompressed or gzip compressed format.
+    Additionally, a sample FDT blob is created and embedded into the above
+    mentioned FIT images, in uncompressed or gzip compressed format.
+    For more details, see launch_efi().
+    The following test cases are currently defined and enabled:
+     - Launch uncompressed FIT EFI & internal FDT
+     - Launch uncompressed FIT EFI & FIT FDT
+     - Launch compressed FIT EFI & internal FDT
+     - Launch compressed FIT EFI & FIT FDT
+    """
+    def net_pre_commands():
+        """Execute any commands required to enable network hardware.
+        These commands are provided by the boardenv_* file; see the comment
+        at the beginning of this file.
+        """
+        init_usb = cons.config.env.get('env__net_uses_usb', False)
+        if init_usb:
+            cons.run_command('usb start')
+        init_pci = cons.config.env.get('env__net_uses_pci', False)
+        if init_pci:
+            cons.run_command('pci enum')
+    def net_dhcp():
+        """Execute the dhcp command.
+        The boardenv_* file may be used to enable/disable DHCP; see the
+        comment at the beginning of this file.
+        """
+        has_dhcp = cons.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_dhcp', 'n') == 'y'
+        if not has_dhcp:
+            cons.log.warning('CONFIG_CMD_DHCP != y: Skipping DHCP network setup')
+            return False
+        test_dhcp = cons.config.env.get('env__net_dhcp_server', False)
+        if not test_dhcp:
+  'No DHCP server available')
+            return False
+        cons.run_command('setenv autoload no')
+        output = cons.run_command('dhcp')
+        assert 'DHCP client bound to address ' in output
+        return True
+    def net_setup_static():
+        """Set up a static IP configuration.
+        The configuration is provided by the boardenv_* file; see the comment at
+        the beginning of this file.
+        """
+        has_dhcp = cons.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_dhcp', 'n') == 'y'
+        if not has_dhcp:
+            cons.log.warning('CONFIG_NET != y: Skipping static network setup')
+            return False
+        env_vars = cons.config.env.get('env__net_static_env_vars', None)
+        if not env_vars:
+  'No static network configuration is defined')
+            return False
+        for (var, val) in env_vars:
+            cons.run_command('setenv %s %s' % (var, val))
+        return True
+    def make_fpath(fname):
+        """Compute the path of a given (temporary) file.
+        Args:
+            fname: The name of a file within U-Boot build dir.
+        Return:
+            The computed file path.
+        """
+        return os.path.join(cons.config.build_dir, fname)
+    def make_efi(fname, comp):
+        """Create an UEFI binary.
+        This simply copies lib/efi_loader/helloworld.efi into U-Boot
+        build dir and, optionally, compresses the file using gzip.
+        Args:
+            fname: The target file name within U-Boot build dir.
+            comp: Flag to enable gzip compression.
+        Return:
+            The path of the created file.
+        """
+        bin_path = make_fpath(fname)
+        util.run_and_log(cons,
+                ['cp', make_fpath('lib/efi_loader/helloworld.efi'), bin_path])
+        if comp:
+            util.run_and_log(cons, ['gzip', '-f', bin_path])
+            bin_path += '.gz'
+        return bin_path
+    def make_dtb(fdt_type, comp):
+        """Create a sample DTB file.
+        Creates a DTS file and compiles it to a DTB.
+        Args:
+            fdt_type: The type of the FDT, i.e. internal, user.
+            comp: Flag to enable gzip compression.
+        Return:
+            The path of the created file.
+        """
+        # Generate resources referenced by FDT.
+        fdt_params = {
+            'sys-arch': sys_arch,
+            'fdt_type': fdt_type,
+        }
+        # Generate a test FDT file.
+        dts = make_fpath('test-efi-fit-%s.dts' % fdt_type)
+        with open(dts, 'w') as fd:
+            fd.write(fdt_data % fdt_params)
+        # Build the test FDT.
+        dtb = make_fpath('test-efi-fit-%s.dtb' % fdt_type)
+        util.run_and_log(cons, ['dtc', '-I', 'dts', '-O', 'dtb', '-o', dtb, dts])
+        if comp:
+            util.run_and_log(cons, ['gzip', '-f', dtb])
+            dtb += '.gz'
+        return dtb
+    def make_fit(comp):
+        """Create a sample FIT image.
+        Runs 'mkimage' to create a FIT image within U-Boot build dir.
+        Args:
+            comp: Enable gzip compression for the EFI binary and FDT blob.
+        Return:
+            The path of the created file.
+        """
+        # Generate resources referenced by ITS.
+        its_params = {
+            'sys-arch': sys_arch,
+            'efi-bin': os.path.basename(make_efi('test-efi-fit-helloworld.efi', comp)),
+            'kernel-type': 'kernel' if comp else 'kernel_noload',
+            'efi-comp': 'gzip' if comp else 'none',
+            'fdt-bin': os.path.basename(make_dtb('user', comp)),
+            'fdt-comp': 'gzip' if comp else 'none',
+        }
+        # Generate a test ITS file.
+        its_path = make_fpath('test-efi-fit-helloworld.its')
+        with open(its_path, 'w') as fd:
+            fd.write(its_data % its_params)
+        # Build the test ITS.
+        fit_path = make_fpath('')
+        util.run_and_log(
+                cons, [make_fpath('tools/mkimage'), '-f', its_path, fit_path])
+        return fit_path
+    def load_fit_from_host(f):
+        """Load the FIT image using the 'host load' command and return its address.
+        Args:
+            f: Dictionary describing the FIT image to load, see env__efi_fit_test_file
+                in the comment at the beginning of this file.
+        Return:
+            The address where the file has been loaded.
+        """
+        addr = f.get('addr', None)
+        if not addr:
+            addr = util.find_ram_base(cons)
+        output = cons.run_command(
+                    'host load hostfs - %x %s/%s' % (addr, f['dn'], f['fn']))
+        expected_text = ' bytes read'
+        sz = f.get('size', None)
+        if sz:
+            expected_text = '%d' % sz + expected_text
+        assert(expected_text in output)
+        return addr
+    def load_fit_from_tftp(f):
+        """Load the FIT image using the tftpboot command and return its address.
+        The file is downloaded from the TFTP server, its size and optionally its
+        CRC32 are validated.
+        Args:
+            f: Dictionary describing the FIT image to load, see env__efi_fit_tftp_file
+                in the comment at the beginning of this file.
+        Return:
+            The address where the file has been loaded.
+        """
+        addr = f.get('addr', None)
+        if not addr:
+            addr = util.find_ram_base(cons)
+        fn = f['fn']
+        output = cons.run_command('tftpboot %x %s' % (addr, fn))
+        expected_text = 'Bytes transferred = '
+        sz = f.get('size', None)
+        if sz:
+            expected_text += '%d' % sz
+        assert expected_text in output
+        expected_crc = f.get('crc32', None)
+        if not expected_crc:
+            return addr
+        if cons.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_crc32', 'n') != 'y':
+            return addr
+        output = cons.run_command('crc32 $fileaddr $filesize')
+        assert expected_crc in output
+        return addr
+    def launch_efi(enable_fdt, enable_comp):
+        """Launch U-Boot's helloworld.efi binary from a FIT image.
+        An external image file can be downloaded from TFTP, when related
+        details are provided by the boardenv_* file; see the comment at the
+        beginning of this file.
+        If the size of the TFTP file is not provided within env__efi_fit_tftp_file,
+        the test image is generated automatically and placed in the TFTP root
+        directory specified via the 'dn' field.
+        When running the tests on Sandbox, the image file is loaded directly
+        from the host filesystem.
+        Once the load address is available on U-Boot console, the 'bootm'
+        command is executed for either 'config-efi-fdt' or 'config-efi-nofdt'
+        FIT configuration, depending on the value of the 'enable_fdt' function
+        argument.
+        Eventually the 'Hello, world' message is expected in the U-Boot console.
+        Args:
+            enable_fdt: Flag to enable using the FDT blob inside FIT image.
+            enable_comp: Flag to enable GZIP compression on EFI and FDT
+                generated content.
+        """
+        with cons.log.section('FDT=%s;COMP=%s' % (enable_fdt, enable_comp)):
+            if is_sandbox:
+                fit = {
+                    'dn': cons.config.build_dir,
+                }
+            else:
+                # Init networking.
+                net_pre_commands()
+                net_set_up = net_dhcp()
+                net_set_up = net_setup_static() or net_set_up
+                if not net_set_up:
+                    pytest.skip('Network not initialized')
+                fit = cons.config.env.get('env__efi_fit_tftp_file', None)
+                if not fit:
+                    pytest.skip('No env__efi_fit_tftp_file binary specified in environment')
+            sz = fit.get('size', None)
+            if not sz:
+                if not fit.get('dn', None):
+                    pytest.skip('Neither "size", nor "dn" info provided in env__efi_fit_tftp_file')
+                # Create test FIT image.
+                fit_path = make_fit(enable_comp)
+                fit['fn'] = os.path.basename(fit_path)
+                fit['size'] = os.path.getsize(fit_path)
+                # Copy image to TFTP root directory.
+                if fit['dn'] != cons.config.build_dir:
+                    util.run_and_log(cons, ['mv', '-f', fit_path, '%s/' % fit['dn']])
+            # Load FIT image.
+            addr = load_fit_from_host(fit) if is_sandbox else load_fit_from_tftp(fit)
+            # Select boot configuration.
+            fit_config = 'config-efi-fdt' if enable_fdt else 'config-efi-nofdt'
+            # Try booting.
+            cons.run_command(
+                    'bootm %x#%s' % (addr, fit_config), wait_for_prompt=False)
+            if enable_fdt:
+                cons.wait_for('Booting using the fdt blob')
+            cons.wait_for('Hello, world')
+            cons.wait_for('## Application terminated, r = 0')
+            cons.restart_uboot();
+    cons = u_boot_console
+    # Array slice removes leading/trailing quotes.
+    sys_arch = cons.config.buildconfig.get('config_sys_arch', '"sandbox"')[1:-1]
+    is_sandbox = sys_arch == 'sandbox'
+    try:
+        if is_sandbox:
+            # Use our own device tree file, will be restored afterwards.
+            control_dtb = make_dtb('internal', False)
+            old_dtb = cons.config.dtb
+            cons.config.dtb = control_dtb
+        # Run tests
+        # - fdt OFF, gzip OFF
+        launch_efi(False, False)
+        # - fdt ON, gzip OFF
+        launch_efi(True, False)
+        if is_sandbox:
+            # - fdt OFF, gzip ON
+            launch_efi(False, True)
+            # - fdt ON, gzip ON
+            launch_efi(True, True)
+    finally:
+        if is_sandbox:
+            # Go back to the original U-Boot with the correct dtb.
+            cons.config.dtb = old_dtb
+            cons.restart_uboot()