From 1898840797c7f50799377bd5b285a8a93a82c419 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shinya Kuribayashi <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 21:30:06 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] [MIPS] Replace memory clearance code with f_fill64

This routine fills memory with zero by 64 bytes, and is 64-bit capable.

Signed-off-by: Shinya Kuribayashi <>
 cpu/mips/cache.S | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cpu/mips/cache.S b/cpu/mips/cache.S
index e2e1da0505..6d39ba9aac 100644
--- a/cpu/mips/cache.S
+++ b/cpu/mips/cache.S
@@ -104,6 +104,27 @@
 #define icacheop(kva, n, cacheSize, cacheLineSize, op) \
    icacheopn(kva, n, cacheSize, cacheLineSize, 1, (op))
+	.macro	f_fill64 dst, offset, val
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  0 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  1 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  2 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  3 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  4 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  5 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  6 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  7 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+#if LONGSIZE == 4
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  8 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset +  9 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset + 10 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset + 11 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset + 12 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset + 13 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset + 14 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	LONG_S	\val, (\offset + 15 * LONGSIZE)(\dst)
+	.endm
 * mips_cache_reset - low level initialisation of the primary caches
@@ -128,22 +149,14 @@ NESTED(mips_cache_reset, 0, ra)
-	/* Now clear that much memory starting from zero.
+	/*
+	 * Now clear that much memory starting from zero.
-	li	a0, KSEG1
-	addu	a1, a0, v0
-	sw	zero, 0(a0)
-	sw	zero, 4(a0)
-	sw	zero, 8(a0)
-	sw	zero, 12(a0)
-	sw	zero, 16(a0)
-	sw	zero, 20(a0)
-	sw	zero, 24(a0)
-	sw	zero, 28(a0)
-	addu	a0, 32
-	bltu	a0, a1, 2b
+	PTR_LI		a0, KSEG1
+	PTR_ADDU	a1, a0, v0
+2:	PTR_ADDIU	a0, 64
+	f_fill64	a0, -64, zero
+	bne		a0, a1, 2b
 	/* Set invalid tag.