From e28e0f47f3df1264824f1c8bc8c1a5174a9f3cee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Rini <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 20:27:03 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] rtc: Remove unused drivers

These drivers are not enabled anywhere, remove them.

Signed-off-by: Tom Rini <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>
 drivers/rtc/Makefile       |   4 -
 drivers/rtc/m41t11.c       | 168 --------------------------
 drivers/rtc/m41t60.c       | 239 -------------------------------------
 drivers/rtc/m41t94.c       | 123 -------------------
 drivers/rtc/m48t35ax.c     | 135 ---------------------
 include/configs/m53menlo.h |   1 -
 6 files changed, 670 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/rtc/m41t11.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/rtc/m41t60.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/rtc/m41t94.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/rtc/m48t35ax.c

diff --git a/drivers/rtc/Makefile b/drivers/rtc/Makefile
index d621be6228..009dd9d28c 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/rtc/Makefile
@@ -27,11 +27,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_FTRTC010) += ftrtc010.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SANDBOX) += i2c_rtc_emul.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_IMXDI) += imxdi.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_ISL1208) += isl1208.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_M41T11) += m41t11.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_M41T60) += m41t60.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_M41T62) += m41t62.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_M41T94) += m41t94.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_M48T35A) += m48t35ax.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_MAX6900) += max6900.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_MC13XXX) += mc13xxx-rtc.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_MC146818) += mc146818.o
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/m41t11.c b/drivers/rtc/m41t11.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 706b7188cf..0000000000
--- a/drivers/rtc/m41t11.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
- * (C) Copyright 2002
- * Andrew May, Viasat Inc,
- */
- * M41T11 Serial Access Timekeeper(R) SRAM
- * can you believe a trademark on that?
- */
-/* #define DEBUG 1 */
-#include <common.h>
-#include <command.h>
-#include <log.h>
-#include <rtc.h>
-#include <i2c.h>
-	I Don't have an example config file but this
-	is what should be done.
-#define CONFIG_RTC_M41T11 1
-#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR 0x68
-#if 0
-#define CONFIG_SYS_M41T11_BASE_YEAR 2000
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  these are simple defines for the chip local to here so they aren't too
-  verbose
-  DAY/DATE aren't nice but that is how they are on the data sheet
-#define RTC_SEC_ADDR       0x0
-#define RTC_MIN_ADDR       0x1
-#define RTC_HOUR_ADDR      0x2
-#define RTC_DAY_ADDR       0x3
-#define RTC_DATE_ADDR      0x4
-#define RTC_MONTH_ADDR     0x5
-#define RTC_YEARS_ADDR     0x6
-#define RTC_REG_CNT        7
-#define RTC_CONTROL_ADDR   0x7
-#define REG_CNT            (RTC_REG_CNT+1)
-  you only get 00-99 for the year we will asume you
-  want from the year 2000 if you don't set the config
-#define CONFIG_SYS_M41T11_BASE_YEAR 2000
-/* we will store extra year info in byte 9*/
-#define M41T11_YEAR_DATA   0x8
-#define M41T11_YEAR_SIZE   1
-#define REG_CNT            (RTC_REG_CNT+1+M41T11_YEAR_SIZE)
-#define M41T11_STORAGE_SZ  (64-REG_CNT)
-int rtc_get (struct rtc_time *tmp)
-	int rel = 0;
-	uchar data[RTC_REG_CNT];
-	if( data[RTC_SEC_ADDR] & 0x80 ){
-		printf( "m41t11 RTC Clock stopped!!!\n" );
-		rel = -1;
-	}
-	tmp->tm_sec  = bcd2bin (data[RTC_SEC_ADDR]  & 0x7F);
-	tmp->tm_min  = bcd2bin (data[RTC_MIN_ADDR]  & 0x7F);
-	tmp->tm_hour = bcd2bin (data[RTC_HOUR_ADDR] & 0x3F);
-	tmp->tm_mday = bcd2bin (data[RTC_DATE_ADDR] & 0x3F);
-	tmp->tm_mon  = bcd2bin (data[RTC_MONTH_ADDR]& 0x1F);
-	tmp->tm_year = CONFIG_SYS_M41T11_BASE_YEAR
-		+ bcd2bin(data[RTC_YEARS_ADDR])
-		+ ((data[RTC_HOUR_ADDR]&0x40) ? 100 : 0);
-	{
-		unsigned char cent;
-		i2c_read(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, M41T11_YEAR_DATA, 1, &cent, M41T11_YEAR_SIZE);
-		if( !(data[RTC_HOUR_ADDR] & 0x80) ){
-			printf( "m41t11 RTC: cann't keep track of years without CEB set\n" );
-			rel = -1;
-		}
-		if( (cent & 0x1) != ((data[RTC_HOUR_ADDR]&0x40)>>7) ){
-			/*century flip store off new year*/
-			cent += 1;
-			i2c_write(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, M41T11_YEAR_DATA, 1, &cent, M41T11_YEAR_SIZE);
-		}
-		tmp->tm_year =((int)cent*100)+bcd2bin(data[RTC_YEARS_ADDR]);
-	}
-	tmp->tm_wday = bcd2bin (data[RTC_DAY_ADDR]  & 0x07);
-	tmp->tm_yday = 0;
-	tmp->tm_isdst= 0;
-	debug("Get DATE: %4d-%02d-%02d (wday=%d)  TIME: %2d:%02d:%02d\n",
-	      tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday, tmp->tm_wday,
-	      tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec);
-	return rel;
-int rtc_set (struct rtc_time *tmp)
-	uchar data[RTC_REG_CNT];
-	debug("Set DATE: %4d-%02d-%02d (wday=%d)  TIME: %2d:%02d:%02d\n",
-	      tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday, tmp->tm_wday,
-	      tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec);
-	data[RTC_SEC_ADDR]    = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_sec) &  0x7F;/*just in case*/
-	data[RTC_MIN_ADDR]    = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_min);
-	data[RTC_HOUR_ADDR]   = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_hour) & 0x3F;/*handle cent stuff later*/
-	data[RTC_DATE_ADDR]   = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_mday) & 0x3F;
-	data[RTC_MONTH_ADDR]  = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_mon);
-	data[RTC_DAY_ADDR]    = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_wday) & 0x07;
-	data[RTC_HOUR_ADDR]   |= 0x80;/*we will always use CEB*/
-	data[RTC_YEARS_ADDR]  = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_year%100);/*same thing either way*/
-	if( ((tmp->tm_year - CONFIG_SYS_M41T11_BASE_YEAR) > 200) ||
-	    (tmp->tm_year < CONFIG_SYS_M41T11_BASE_YEAR) ){
-		printf( "m41t11 RTC setting year out of range!!need recompile\n" );
-	}
-	data[RTC_HOUR_ADDR] |= (tmp->tm_year - CONFIG_SYS_M41T11_BASE_YEAR) > 100 ? 0x40 : 0;
-	{
-		unsigned char cent;
-		cent = tmp->tm_year ? tmp->tm_year / 100 : 0;
-		data[RTC_HOUR_ADDR] |= (cent & 0x1) ? 0x40 : 0;
-		i2c_write(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, M41T11_YEAR_DATA, 1, &cent, M41T11_YEAR_SIZE);
-	}
-	return 0;
-void rtc_reset (void)
-	unsigned char val;
-	/* clear all control & status registers */
-	i2c_read(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, RTC_SEC_ADDR, 1, &val, 1);
-	val = val & 0x7F;/*make sure we are running*/
-	i2c_read(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, RTC_CONTROL_ADDR, 1, &val, 1);
-	val = val & 0x3F;/*turn off freq test keep calibration*/
-	i2c_write(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, RTC_CONTROL_ADDR, 1, &val, 1);
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/m41t60.c b/drivers/rtc/m41t60.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b8ad33e012..0000000000
--- a/drivers/rtc/m41t60.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
- * (C) Copyright 2007
- * Larry Johnson,
- *
- * based on rtc/m41t11.c which is ...
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2002
- * Andrew May, Viasat Inc,
- */
- * STMicroelectronics M41T60 serial access real-time clock
- */
-/* #define DEBUG 1 */
-#include <common.h>
-#include <command.h>
-#include <env.h>
-#include <log.h>
-#include <rtc.h>
-#include <i2c.h>
- * Convert between century and "century bits" (CB1 and CB0).  These routines
- * assume years are in the range 1900 - 2299.
- */
-static unsigned char year2cb(unsigned const year)
-	if (year < 1900 || year >= 2300)
-		printf("M41T60 RTC: year %d out of range\n", year);
-	return (year / 100) & 0x3;
-static unsigned cb2year(unsigned const cb)
-	return 1900 + 100 * ((cb + 1) & 0x3);
- * These are simple defines for the chip local to here so they aren't too
- * verbose.  DAY/DATE aren't nice but that is how they are on the data sheet.
- */
-#define RTC_SEC		0x0
-#define RTC_MIN		0x1
-#define RTC_HOUR	0x2
-#define RTC_DAY		0x3
-#define RTC_DATE	0x4
-#define RTC_MONTH	0x5
-#define RTC_YEAR	0x6
-#define RTC_REG_CNT	7
-#define RTC_CTRL	0x7
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-static void rtc_dump(char const *const label)
-	uchar data[8];
-	if (i2c_read(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, 0, 1, data, sizeof(data))) {
-		printf("I2C read failed in rtc_dump()\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	printf("RTC dump %s: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n",
-	       label, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3],
-	       data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]);
-#define rtc_dump(label)
-static uchar *rtc_validate(void)
-	/*
-	 * This routine uses the OUT bit and the validity of the time values to
-	 * determine whether there has been an initial power-up since the last
-	 * time the routine was run.  It assumes that the OUT bit is not being
-	 * used for any other purpose.
-	 */
-	static const uchar daysInMonth[0x13] = {
-		0x00, 0x31, 0x29, 0x31, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x31,
-		0x31, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-		0x31, 0x30, 0x31
-	};
-	static uchar data[8];
-	uchar min, date, month, years;
-	rtc_dump("begin validate");
-	if (i2c_read(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, 0, 1, data, sizeof(data))) {
-		printf("I2C read failed in rtc_validate()\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If the OUT bit is "1", there has been a loss of power, so stop the
-	 * oscillator so it can be "kick-started" as per data sheet.
-	 */
-	if (0x00 != (data[RTC_CTRL] & 0x80)) {
-		printf("M41T60 RTC clock lost power.\n");
-		data[RTC_SEC] = 0x80;
-		if (i2c_write(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, RTC_SEC, 1, data, 1)) {
-			printf("I2C write failed in rtc_validate()\n");
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If the oscillator is stopped or the date is invalid, then reset the
-	 * OUT bit to "0", reset the date registers, and start the oscillator.
-	 */
-	min = data[RTC_MIN] & 0x7F;
-	date = data[RTC_DATE];
-	month = data[RTC_MONTH] & 0x3F;
-	years = data[RTC_YEAR];
-	if (0x59 < data[RTC_SEC] || 0x09 < (data[RTC_SEC] & 0x0F) ||
-	    0x59 < min || 0x09 < (min & 0x0F) ||
-	    0x23 < data[RTC_HOUR] || 0x09 < (data[RTC_HOUR] & 0x0F) ||
-	    0x07 < data[RTC_DAY] || 0x00 == data[RTC_DAY] ||
-	    0x12 < month ||
-	    0x99 < years || 0x09 < (years & 0x0F) ||
-	    daysInMonth[month] < date || 0x09 < (date & 0x0F) || 0x00 == date ||
-	    (0x29 == date && 0x02 == month &&
-	     ((0x00 != (years & 0x03)) ||
-	      (0x00 == years && 0x00 != (data[RTC_MONTH] & 0xC0))))) {
-		printf("Resetting M41T60 RTC clock.\n");
-		/*
-		 * Set to 00:00:00 1900-01-01 (Monday)
-		 */
-		data[RTC_SEC] = 0x00;
-		data[RTC_MIN] &= 0x80;	/* preserve OFIE bit */
-		data[RTC_HOUR] = 0x00;
-		data[RTC_DAY] = 0x02;
-		data[RTC_DATE] = 0x01;
-		data[RTC_MONTH] = 0xC1;
-		data[RTC_YEAR] = 0x00;
-		data[RTC_CTRL] &= 0x7F;	/* reset OUT bit */
-		if (i2c_write(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, 0, 1, data, sizeof(data))) {
-			printf("I2C write failed in rtc_validate()\n");
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return data;
-int rtc_get(struct rtc_time *tmp)
-	uchar const *const data = rtc_validate();
-	if (!data)
-		return -1;
-	tmp->tm_sec = bcd2bin(data[RTC_SEC] & 0x7F);
-	tmp->tm_min = bcd2bin(data[RTC_MIN] & 0x7F);
-	tmp->tm_hour = bcd2bin(data[RTC_HOUR] & 0x3F);
-	tmp->tm_mday = bcd2bin(data[RTC_DATE] & 0x3F);
-	tmp->tm_mon = bcd2bin(data[RTC_MONTH] & 0x1F);
-	tmp->tm_year = cb2year(data[RTC_MONTH] >> 6) + bcd2bin(data[RTC_YEAR]);
-	tmp->tm_wday = bcd2bin(data[RTC_DAY] & 0x07) - 1;
-	tmp->tm_yday = 0;
-	tmp->tm_isdst = 0;
-	debug("Get DATE: %4d-%02d-%02d (wday=%d)  TIME: %2d:%02d:%02d\n",
-	      tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday, tmp->tm_wday,
-	      tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec);
-	return 0;
-int rtc_set(struct rtc_time *tmp)
-	uchar *const data = rtc_validate();
-	if (!data)
-		return -1;
-	debug("Set DATE: %4d-%02d-%02d (wday=%d)  TIME: %2d:%02d:%02d\n",
-	      tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday, tmp->tm_wday,
-	      tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec);
-	data[RTC_SEC] = (data[RTC_SEC] & 0x80) | (bin2bcd(tmp->tm_sec) & 0x7F);
-	data[RTC_MIN] = (data[RTC_MIN] & 0X80) | (bin2bcd(tmp->tm_min) & 0X7F);
-	data[RTC_HOUR] = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_hour) & 0x3F;
-	data[RTC_DATE] = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_mday) & 0x3F;
-	data[RTC_MONTH] = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_mon) & 0x1F;
-	data[RTC_YEAR] = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_year % 100);
-	data[RTC_MONTH] |= year2cb(tmp->tm_year) << 6;
-	data[RTC_DAY] = bin2bcd(tmp->tm_wday + 1) & 0x07;
-	if (i2c_write(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, 0, 1, data, RTC_REG_CNT)) {
-		printf("I2C write failed in rtc_set()\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-void rtc_reset(void)
-	uchar *const data = rtc_validate();
-	char const *const s = env_get("rtccal");
-	if (!data)
-		return;
-	rtc_dump("begin reset");
-	/*
-	 * If environmental variable "rtccal" is present, it must be a hex value
-	 * between 0x00 and 0x3F, inclusive.  The five least-significan bits
-	 * represent the calibration magnitude, and the sixth bit the sign bit.
-	 * If these do not match the contents of the hardware register, that
-	 * register is updated.  The value 0x00 imples no correction.  Consult
-	 * the M41T60 documentation for further details.
-	 */
-	if (s) {
-		unsigned long const l = hextoul(s, 0);
-		if (l <= 0x3F) {
-			if ((data[RTC_CTRL] & 0x3F) != l) {
-				printf("Setting RTC calibration to 0x%02lX\n",
-				       l);
-				data[RTC_CTRL] &= 0xC0;
-				data[RTC_CTRL] |= (uchar) l;
-			}
-		} else
-			printf("environment parameter \"rtccal\" not valid: "
-			       "ignoring\n");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Turn off frequency test.
-	 */
-	data[RTC_CTRL] &= 0xBF;
-	if (i2c_write(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR, RTC_CTRL, 1, data + RTC_CTRL, 1)) {
-		printf("I2C write failed in rtc_reset()\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	rtc_dump("end reset");
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/m41t94.c b/drivers/rtc/m41t94.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b665bb013..0000000000
--- a/drivers/rtc/m41t94.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
- * Driver for ST M41T94 SPI RTC
- *
- * Taken from the Linux kernel drivier:
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Kim B. Heino
- *
- * Adaptation for U-Boot:
- * Copyright (C) 2009
- * Albin Tonnerre, Free Electrons <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
-#include <common.h>
-#include <rtc.h>
-#include <spi.h>
-static struct spi_slave *slave;
-#define M41T94_REG_SECONDS	0x01
-#define M41T94_REG_MINUTES	0x02
-#define M41T94_REG_HOURS	0x03
-#define M41T94_REG_WDAY		0x04
-#define M41T94_REG_DAY		0x05
-#define M41T94_REG_MONTH	0x06
-#define M41T94_REG_YEAR		0x07
-#define M41T94_REG_HT		0x0c
-#define M41T94_BIT_HALT		0x40
-#define M41T94_BIT_STOP		0x80
-#define M41T94_BIT_CB		0x40
-#define M41T94_BIT_CEB		0x80
-int rtc_set(struct rtc_time *tm)
-	u8 buf[8]; /* write cmd + 7 registers */
-	int ret;
-	if (!slave) {
-		slave = spi_setup_slave(CONFIG_M41T94_SPI_BUS,
-					CONFIG_M41T94_SPI_CS, 1000000,
-					SPI_MODE_3);
-		if (!slave)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	spi_claim_bus(slave);
-	buf[0] = 0x80 | M41T94_REG_SECONDS; /* write time + date */
-	buf[M41T94_REG_SECONDS] = bin2bcd(tm->tm_sec);
-	buf[M41T94_REG_MINUTES] = bin2bcd(tm->tm_min);
-	buf[M41T94_REG_HOURS]   = bin2bcd(tm->tm_hour);
-	buf[M41T94_REG_WDAY]    = bin2bcd(tm->tm_wday + 1);
-	buf[M41T94_REG_DAY]     = bin2bcd(tm->tm_mday);
-	buf[M41T94_REG_MONTH]   = bin2bcd(tm->tm_mon + 1);
-	buf[M41T94_REG_HOURS] |= M41T94_BIT_CEB;
-	if (tm->tm_year >= 100)
-		buf[M41T94_REG_HOURS] |= M41T94_BIT_CB;
-	buf[M41T94_REG_YEAR] = bin2bcd(tm->tm_year % 100);
-	ret = spi_xfer(slave, 64, buf, NULL, SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
-	spi_release_bus(slave);
-	return ret;
-int rtc_get(struct rtc_time *tm)
-	u8 buf[2];
-	int ret, hour;
-	if (!slave) {
-		slave = spi_setup_slave(CONFIG_M41T94_SPI_BUS,
-					CONFIG_M41T94_SPI_CS, 1000000,
-					SPI_MODE_3);
-		if (!slave)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	spi_claim_bus(slave);
-	/* clear halt update bit */
-	ret = spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_HT);
-	if (ret < 0)
-		return ret;
-	if (ret & M41T94_BIT_HALT) {
-		buf[0] = 0x80 | M41T94_REG_HT;
-		buf[1] = ret & ~M41T94_BIT_HALT;
-		spi_xfer(slave, 16, buf, NULL, SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
-	}
-	/* clear stop bit */
-	ret = spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_SECONDS);
-	if (ret < 0)
-		return ret;
-	if (ret & M41T94_BIT_STOP) {
-		buf[0] = 0x80 | M41T94_REG_SECONDS;
-		buf[1] = ret & ~M41T94_BIT_STOP;
-		spi_xfer(slave, 16, buf, NULL, SPI_XFER_BEGIN | SPI_XFER_END);
-	}
-	tm->tm_sec  = bcd2bin(spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_SECONDS));
-	tm->tm_min  = bcd2bin(spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_MINUTES));
-	hour = spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_HOURS);
-	tm->tm_hour = bcd2bin(hour & 0x3f);
-	tm->tm_wday = bcd2bin(spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_WDAY)) - 1;
-	tm->tm_mday = bcd2bin(spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_DAY));
-	tm->tm_mon  = bcd2bin(spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_MONTH)) - 1;
-	tm->tm_year = bcd2bin(spi_w8r8(slave, M41T94_REG_YEAR));
-	if ((hour & M41T94_BIT_CB) || !(hour & M41T94_BIT_CEB))
-		tm->tm_year += 100;
-	spi_release_bus(slave);
-	return 0;
-void rtc_reset(void)
-	/*
-	 * Could not be tested as the reset pin is not wired on
-	 * the sbc35-ag20 board
-	 */
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/m48t35ax.c b/drivers/rtc/m48t35ax.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cc24cccae..0000000000
--- a/drivers/rtc/m48t35ax.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
- * (C) Copyright 2001
- * Erik Theisen,  Wave 7 Optics,
- */
- * Date & Time support for ST Electronics M48T35Ax RTC
- */
-/*#define       DEBUG */
-#include <common.h>
-#include <command.h>
-#include <rtc.h>
-#include <config.h>
-static uchar rtc_read  (uchar reg);
-static void  rtc_write (uchar reg, uchar val);
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-int rtc_get (struct rtc_time *tmp)
-	uchar sec, min, hour, cent_day, date, month, year;
-	uchar ccr;			/* Clock control register */
-	/* Lock RTC for read using clock control register */
-	ccr = rtc_read(0);
-	ccr = ccr | 0x40;
-	rtc_write(0, ccr);
-	sec	= rtc_read (0x1);
-	min	= rtc_read (0x2);
-	hour	= rtc_read (0x3);
-	cent_day= rtc_read (0x4);
-	date	= rtc_read (0x5);
-	month   = rtc_read (0x6);
-	year	= rtc_read (0x7);
-	/* UNLock RTC */
-	ccr = rtc_read(0);
-	ccr = ccr & 0xBF;
-	rtc_write(0, ccr);
-	debug ( "Get RTC year: %02x month: %02x date: %02x cent_day: %02x "
-		"hr: %02x min: %02x sec: %02x\n",
-		year, month, date, cent_day,
-		hour, min, sec );
-	tmp->tm_sec  = bcd2bin (sec  & 0x7F);
-	tmp->tm_min  = bcd2bin (min  & 0x7F);
-	tmp->tm_hour = bcd2bin (hour & 0x3F);
-	tmp->tm_mday = bcd2bin (date & 0x3F);
-	tmp->tm_mon  = bcd2bin (month & 0x1F);
-	tmp->tm_year = bcd2bin (year) + ((cent_day & 0x10) ? 2000 : 1900);
-	tmp->tm_wday = bcd2bin (cent_day & 0x07);
-	tmp->tm_yday = 0;
-	tmp->tm_isdst= 0;
-	debug ( "Get DATE: %4d-%02d-%02d (wday=%d)  TIME: %2d:%02d:%02d\n",
-		tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday, tmp->tm_wday,
-		tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec);
-	return 0;
-int rtc_set (struct rtc_time *tmp)
-	uchar ccr;			/* Clock control register */
-	uchar century;
-	debug ( "Set DATE: %4d-%02d-%02d (wday=%d)  TIME: %2d:%02d:%02d\n",
-		tmp->tm_year, tmp->tm_mon, tmp->tm_mday, tmp->tm_wday,
-		tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec);
-	/* Lock RTC for write using clock control register */
-	ccr = rtc_read(0);
-	ccr = ccr | 0x80;
-	rtc_write(0, ccr);
-	rtc_write (0x07, bin2bcd(tmp->tm_year % 100));
-	rtc_write (0x06, bin2bcd(tmp->tm_mon));
-	rtc_write (0x05, bin2bcd(tmp->tm_mday));
-	century = ((tmp->tm_year >= 2000) ? 0x10 : 0) | 0x20;
-	rtc_write (0x04, bin2bcd(tmp->tm_wday) | century);
-	rtc_write (0x03, bin2bcd(tmp->tm_hour));
-	rtc_write (0x02, bin2bcd(tmp->tm_min ));
-	rtc_write (0x01, bin2bcd(tmp->tm_sec ));
-	/* UNLock RTC */
-	ccr = rtc_read(0);
-	ccr = ccr & 0x7F;
-	rtc_write(0, ccr);
-	return 0;
-void rtc_reset (void)
-	uchar val;
-	/* Clear all clock control registers */
-	rtc_write (0x0, 0x80);		/* No Read Lock or calibration */
-	/* Clear stop bit */
-	val = rtc_read (0x1);
-	val &= 0x7f;
-	rtc_write(0x1, val);
-	/* Enable century / disable frequency test */
-	val = rtc_read (0x4);
-	val = (val & 0xBF) | 0x20;
-	rtc_write(0x4, val);
-	/* Clear write lock */
-	rtc_write(0x0, 0);
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static uchar rtc_read (uchar reg)
-	return *(unsigned char *)
-static void rtc_write (uchar reg, uchar val)
-	*(unsigned char *)
diff --git a/include/configs/m53menlo.h b/include/configs/m53menlo.h
index 03e1619c86..4bf4496daf 100644
--- a/include/configs/m53menlo.h
+++ b/include/configs/m53menlo.h
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_RTC_ADDR		0x68
-#define CONFIG_SYS_M41T11_BASE_YEAR	2000