From 499503e1578fe385e820170af78525ea2f799a4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2022 19:47:19 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] dm: Add tests for the sandbox host driver

Add some unit tests for this.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
 test/dm/Makefile           |   1 +
 test/dm/host.c             | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/py/tests/ |   6 +-
 test/py/tests/   |   6 ++
 4 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/dm/host.c

diff --git a/test/dm/Makefile b/test/dm/Makefile
index 1901f22a0c..7a79b6e1a2 100644
--- a/test/dm/Makefile
+++ b/test/dm/Makefile
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ endif
 obj-$(CONFIG_FIRMWARE) += firmware.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_FPGA) += fpga.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_FWU_MDATA_GPT_BLK) += fwu_mdata.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_SANDBOX) += host.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_HWSPINLOCK) += hwspinlock.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_I2C) += i2c.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SOUND) += i2s.o
diff --git a/test/dm/host.c b/test/dm/host.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dafc24abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dm/host.c
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+ * Written by Simon Glass <>
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <blk.h>
+#include <dm.h>
+#include <fs.h>
+#include <sandbox_host.h>
+#include <asm/test.h>
+#include <dm/device-internal.h>
+#include <dm/test.h>
+#include <test/test.h>
+#include <test/ut.h>
+static const char filename[] = "2MB.ext2.img";
+static const char filename2[] = "1MB.fat32.img";
+/* Basic test of host interface */
+static int dm_test_host(struct unit_test_state *uts)
+	static char label[] = "test";
+	struct udevice *dev, *part, *chk, *blk;
+	struct host_sb_plat *plat;
+	struct blk_desc *desc;
+	ulong mem_start;
+	loff_t actwrite;
+	ut_asserteq(-ENODEV, uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_HOST, &dev));
+	ut_asserteq(-ENODEV, uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_PARTITION, &part));
+	mem_start = ut_check_delta(0);
+	ut_assertok(host_create_device(label, true, &dev));
+	/* Check that the plat data has been allocated */
+	plat = dev_get_plat(dev);
+	ut_asserteq_str("test", plat->label);
+	ut_assert(label != plat->label);
+	ut_asserteq(0, plat->fd);
+	/* Attach a file created in */
+	ut_assertok(host_attach_file(dev, filename));
+	ut_assertok(uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_HOST, &chk));
+	ut_asserteq_ptr(chk, dev);
+	ut_asserteq_str(filename, plat->filename);
+	ut_assert(filename != plat->filename);
+	ut_assert(plat->fd != 0);
+	/* Get the block device */
+	ut_assertok(blk_get_from_parent(dev, &blk));
+	ut_assertok(device_probe(blk));
+	/* There should be no partition table in this device */
+	ut_asserteq(-ENODEV, uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_PARTITION, &part));
+	/* Write to a file on the ext4 filesystem */
+	desc = dev_get_uclass_plat(blk);
+	ut_asserteq(true, desc->removable);
+	ut_assertok(fs_set_blk_dev_with_part(desc, 0));
+	ut_assertok(fs_write("/testing", 0, 0, 0x1000, &actwrite));
+	ut_assertok(host_detach_file(dev));
+	ut_asserteq(0, plat->fd);
+	ut_asserteq(-ENODEV, blk_get_from_parent(dev, &blk));
+	ut_assertok(device_unbind(dev));
+	/* check there were no memory leaks */
+	ut_asserteq(0, ut_check_delta(mem_start));
+	return 0;
+DM_TEST(dm_test_host, UT_TESTF_SCAN_FDT);
+/* reusing the same label should work */
+static int dm_test_host_dup(struct unit_test_state *uts)
+	static char label[] = "test";
+	struct udevice *dev, *chk;
+	ut_asserteq(0, uclass_id_count(UCLASS_HOST));
+	ut_assertok(host_create_device(label, true, &dev));
+	/* Attach a file created in */
+	ut_assertok(host_attach_file(dev, filename));
+	ut_assertok(uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_HOST, &chk));
+	ut_asserteq_ptr(chk, dev);
+	ut_asserteq(1, uclass_id_count(UCLASS_HOST));
+	/* Create another device with the same label (should remove old one) */
+	ut_assertok(host_create_device(label, true, &dev));
+	/* Attach a different file created in */
+	ut_assertok(host_attach_file(dev, filename2));
+	ut_assertok(uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_HOST, &chk));
+	ut_asserteq_ptr(chk, dev);
+	/* Make sure there is still only one device */
+	ut_asserteq(1, uclass_id_count(UCLASS_HOST));
+	return 0;
+DM_TEST(dm_test_host_dup, UT_TESTF_SCAN_FDT);
+/* Basic test of 'host' command */
+static int dm_test_cmd_host(struct unit_test_state *uts)
+	struct udevice *dev, *blk;
+	struct blk_desc *desc;
+	console_record_reset();
+	/* first check 'host info' with binding */
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host info", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("dev       blocks label           path");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_assertok(run_commandf("host bind -r test2 %s", filename));
+	/* Check the -r flag worked */
+	ut_assertok(uclass_first_device_err(UCLASS_HOST, &dev));
+	ut_assertok(blk_get_from_parent(dev, &blk));
+	desc = dev_get_uclass_plat(blk);
+	ut_asserteq(true, desc->removable);
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host info", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("dev       blocks label           path");
+	ut_assert_nextline("  0         4096 test2           2MB.ext2.img");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_assertok(run_commandf("host bind fat %s", filename2));
+	/* Check it is not removeable (no '-r') */
+	ut_assertok(uclass_next_device_err(&dev));
+	ut_assertok(blk_get_from_parent(dev, &blk));
+	desc = dev_get_uclass_plat(blk);
+	ut_asserteq(false, desc->removable);
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host info", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("dev       blocks label           path");
+	ut_assert_nextline("  0         4096 test2           2MB.ext2.img");
+	ut_assert_nextline("  1         2048 fat             1MB.fat32.img");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_asserteq(1, run_command("host info test", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("No such device 'test'");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host info fat", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("dev       blocks label           path");
+	ut_assert_nextline("  1         2048 fat             1MB.fat32.img");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	/* check 'host dev' */
+	ut_asserteq(1, run_command("host dev", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("No current host device");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_asserteq(1, run_command("host dev missing", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("No such device 'missing'");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host dev fat", 0));
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host dev", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("Current host device: 1: fat");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	/* Try a numerical label */
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host dev 0", 0));
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host dev", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("Current host device: 0: test2");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	/* Remove one of the bindings */
+	ut_assertok(run_commandf("host unbind test2"));
+	/* There should now be no current device */
+	ut_asserteq(1, run_command("host dev", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("No current host device");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	ut_assertok(run_command("host info", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("dev       blocks label           path");
+	ut_assert_nextline("  1         2048 fat             1MB.fat32.img");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	return 0;
+DM_TEST(dm_test_cmd_host, UT_TESTF_SCAN_FDT);
diff --git a/test/py/tests/ b/test/py/tests/
index 9882ddb1da..17151bcd08 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/
+++ b/test/py/tests/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import re
 import os
 from subprocess import call, check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError
-def mk_fs(config, fs_type, size, prefix):
+def mk_fs(config, fs_type, size, prefix, use_src_dir=False):
     """Create a file system volume
@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ def mk_fs(config, fs_type, size, prefix):
         fs_type (str): File system type, e.g. 'ext4'
         size (int): Size of file system in bytes
         prefix (str): Prefix string of volume's file name
+        use_src_dir (bool): true to put the file in the source directory
         CalledProcessError: if any error occurs when creating the filesystem
     fs_img = f'{prefix}.{fs_type}.img'
-    fs_img = os.path.join(config.persistent_data_dir, fs_img)
+    fs_img = os.path.join(config.source_dir if use_src_dir
+                          else config.persistent_data_dir, fs_img)
     if fs_type == 'fat16':
         mkfs_opt = '-F 16'
diff --git a/test/py/tests/ b/test/py/tests/
index 9d42390373..bab8b97672 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/
+++ b/test/py/tests/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import os.path
 import pytest
 import u_boot_utils
+from tests import fs_helper
 def mkdir_cond(dirname):
     """Create a directory if it doesn't already exist
@@ -123,6 +124,11 @@ def test_ut_dm_init(u_boot_console):
             u_boot_console, f'sfdisk {fn}', stdin=b'type=83')
+    fs_helper.mk_fs(u_boot_console.config, 'ext2', 0x200000, '2MB',
+                    use_src_dir=True)
+    fs_helper.mk_fs(u_boot_console.config, 'fat32', 0x100000, '1MB',
+                    use_src_dir=True)
 def test_ut_dm_init_bootstd(u_boot_console):
     """Initialise data for bootflow tests"""