From: Park, Aiden <>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2019 08:30:31 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: x86: Add a common HOB library
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~2837^2~6

x86: Add a common HOB library

consume HOB (CONFIG_USE_HOB) data from the each HOB list pointer.
Add a common HOB library in lib/hob.c and include/asm/hob.h.

Signed-off-by: Aiden Park <>
Reviewed-by: Andy Shevchenko <>
Reviewed-by: Bin Meng <>
Tested-by: Bin Meng <>

diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_hob.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_hob.h
index 843d7b513b..3bb79c4b67 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_hob.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_hob.h
@@ -7,125 +7,7 @@
 #ifndef __FSP_HOB_H__
 #define __FSP_HOB_H__
-#include <efi.h>
-#include <efi_loader.h>
-/* Type of HOB Header */
-#define HOB_TYPE_MEM_ALLOC	0x0002
-#define HOB_TYPE_RES_DESC	0x0003
-#define HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT	0x0004
-#define HOB_TYPE_EOH		0xFFFF
- * Describes the format and size of the data inside the HOB.
- * All HOBs must contain this generic HOB header.
- */
-struct hob_header {
-	u16	type;		/* HOB type */
-	u16	len;		/* HOB length */
-	u32	reserved;	/* always zero */
- * Describes all memory ranges used during the HOB producer phase that
- * exist outside the HOB list. This HOB type describes how memory is used,
- * not the physical attributes of memory.
- */
-struct hob_mem_alloc {
-	struct hob_header	hdr;
-	/*
-	 * A GUID that defines the memory allocation region's type and purpose,
-	 * as well as other fields within the memory allocation HOB. This GUID
-	 * is used to define the additional data within the HOB that may be
-	 * present for the memory allocation HOB. Type efi_guid is defined in
-	 * InstallProtocolInterface() in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
-	 */
-	efi_guid_t		name;
-	/*
-	 * The base address of memory allocated by this HOB.
-	 * Type phys_addr_t is defined in AllocatePages() in the UEFI 2.0
-	 * specification.
-	 */
-	phys_addr_t		mem_base;
-	/* The length in bytes of memory allocated by this HOB */
-	phys_size_t		mem_len;
-	/*
-	 * Defines the type of memory allocated by this HOB.
-	 * The memory type definition follows the EFI_MEMORY_TYPE definition.
-	 * Type EFI_MEMORY_TYPE is defined in AllocatePages() in the UEFI 2.0
-	 * specification.
-	 */
-	enum efi_mem_type	mem_type;
-	/* padding */
-	u8			reserved[4];
-/* Value of ResourceType in HOB_RES_DESC */
-#define RES_SYS_MEM		0x00000000
-#define RES_MMAP_IO		0x00000001
-#define RES_IO			0x00000002
-#define RES_FW_DEVICE		0x00000003
-#define RES_MMAP_IO_PORT	0x00000004
-#define RES_MEM_RESERVED	0x00000005
-#define RES_IO_RESERVED		0x00000006
-#define RES_MAX_MEM_TYPE	0x00000007
- * These types can be ORed together as needed.
- *
- * The first three enumerations describe settings
- * The rest of the settings describe capabilities
- */
-#define RES_ATTR_PRESENT			0x00000001
-#define RES_ATTR_INITIALIZED			0x00000002
-#define RES_ATTR_TESTED				0x00000004
-#define RES_ATTR_SINGLE_BIT_ECC			0x00000008
-#define RES_ATTR_MULTIPLE_BIT_ECC		0x00000010
-#define RES_ATTR_ECC_RESERVED_1			0x00000020
-#define RES_ATTR_ECC_RESERVED_2			0x00000040
-#define RES_ATTR_READ_PROTECTED			0x00000080
-#define RES_ATTR_WRITE_PROTECTED		0x00000100
-#define RES_ATTR_UNCACHEABLE			0x00000400
-#define RES_ATTR_WRITE_COMBINEABLE		0x00000800
-#define RES_ATTR_WRITE_BACK_CACHEABLE		0x00002000
-#define RES_ATTR_16_BIT_IO			0x00004000
-#define RES_ATTR_32_BIT_IO			0x00008000
-#define RES_ATTR_64_BIT_IO			0x00010000
-#define RES_ATTR_UNCACHED_EXPORTED		0x00020000
- * Describes the resource properties of all fixed, nonrelocatable resource
- * ranges found on the processor host bus during the HOB producer phase.
- */
-struct hob_res_desc {
-	struct hob_header	hdr;
-	/*
-	 * A GUID representing the owner of the resource. This GUID is
-	 * used by HOB consumer phase components to correlate device
-	 * ownership of a resource.
-	 */
-	efi_guid_t		owner;
-	u32			type;
-	u32			attr;
-	/* The physical start address of the resource region */
-	phys_addr_t		phys_start;
-	/* The number of bytes of the resource region */
-	phys_size_t		len;
- * Allows writers of executable content in the HOB producer phase to
- * maintain and manage HOBs with specific GUID.
- */
-struct hob_guid {
-	struct hob_header	hdr;
-	/* A GUID that defines the contents of this HOB */
-	efi_guid_t		name;
-	/* GUID specific data goes here */
+#include <asm/hob.h>
 enum pixel_format {
 	pixel_rgbx_8bpc,	/* RGB 8 bit per color */
@@ -147,70 +29,6 @@ struct __packed hob_graphics_info {
 	u32 pixels_per_scanline;
- * get_next_hob() - return a pointer to the next HOB in the HOB list
- *
- * This macro returns a pointer to HOB that follows the HOB specified by hob
- * in the HOB List.
- *
- * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
- *
- * @return: A pointer to the next HOB in the HOB list.
- */
-static inline const struct hob_header *get_next_hob(const struct hob_header *hdr)
-	return (const struct hob_header *)((uintptr_t)hdr + hdr->len);
- * end_of_hob() - determine if a HOB is the last HOB in the HOB list
- *
- * This macro determine if the HOB specified by hob is the last HOB in the
- * HOB list.  If hob is last HOB in the HOB list, then true is returned.
- * Otherwise, false is returned.
- *
- * @hdr:          A pointer to a HOB.
- *
- * @retval true:  The HOB specified by hdr is the last HOB in the HOB list.
- * @retval false: The HOB specified by hdr is not the last HOB in the HOB list.
- */
-static inline bool end_of_hob(const struct hob_header *hdr)
-	return hdr->type == HOB_TYPE_EOH;
- * get_guid_hob_data() - return a pointer to data buffer from a HOB of
- *                       type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT
- *
- * This macro returns a pointer to the data buffer in a HOB specified by hob.
- * hob is assumed to be a HOB of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT.
- *
- * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
- *
- * @return: A pointer to the data buffer in a HOB.
- */
-static inline void *get_guid_hob_data(const struct hob_header *hdr)
-	return (void *)((uintptr_t)hdr + sizeof(struct hob_guid));
- * get_guid_hob_data_size() - return the size of the data buffer from a HOB
- *                            of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT
- *
- * This macro returns the size, in bytes, of the data buffer in a HOB
- * specified by hob. hob is assumed to be a HOB of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT.
- *
- * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
- *
- * @return: The size of the data buffer.
- */
-static inline u16 get_guid_hob_data_size(const struct hob_header *hdr)
-	return hdr->len - sizeof(struct hob_guid);
 /* FSP specific GUID HOB definitions */
 #define FSP_GUID_DATA1		0x912740be
 #define FSP_GUID_DATA2		0x2284
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h
index 0cca948184..7b92392a27 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 #define __FSP_SUPPORT_H__
 #include "fsp_types.h"
+#include "fsp_hob.h"
 #include "fsp_fv.h"
 #include "fsp_ffs.h"
 #include "fsp_api.h"
-#include "fsp_hob.h"
 #include "fsp_infoheader.h"
 #include "fsp_bootmode.h"
 #include "fsp_azalia.h"
@@ -131,41 +131,6 @@ u32 fsp_get_fsp_reserved_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
 u32 fsp_get_tseg_reserved_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
- * Returns the next instance of a HOB type from the starting HOB.
- *
- * @type:     HOB type to search
- * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
- *
- * @retval:   A HOB object with matching type; Otherwise NULL.
- */
-const struct hob_header *fsp_get_next_hob(uint type, const void *hob_list);
- * Returns the next instance of the matched GUID HOB from the starting HOB.
- *
- * @guid:     GUID to search
- * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
- *
- * @retval:   A HOB object with matching GUID; Otherwise NULL.
- */
-const struct hob_header *fsp_get_next_guid_hob(const efi_guid_t *guid,
-					       const void *hob_list);
- * This function retrieves a GUID HOB data buffer and size.
- *
- * @hob_list:      A HOB list pointer.
- * @len:           A pointer to the GUID HOB data buffer length.
- *                 If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
- * @guid           A pointer to HOB GUID.
- *
- * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the GUID HOB.
- * @retval others: GUID HOB data buffer pointer.
- */
-void *fsp_get_guid_hob_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len,
-			    const efi_guid_t *guid);
  * This function retrieves FSP Non-volatile Storage HOB buffer and size.
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4239821aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <>
+ */
+#ifndef __HOB_H__
+#define __HOB_H__
+#include <efi.h>
+#include <efi_loader.h>
+/* Type of HOB Header */
+#define HOB_TYPE_MEM_ALLOC	0x0002
+#define HOB_TYPE_RES_DESC	0x0003
+#define HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT	0x0004
+#define HOB_TYPE_EOH		0xFFFF
+/* Value of ResourceType in HOB_RES_DESC */
+#define RES_SYS_MEM		0x00000000
+#define RES_MMAP_IO		0x00000001
+#define RES_IO			0x00000002
+#define RES_FW_DEVICE		0x00000003
+#define RES_MMAP_IO_PORT	0x00000004
+#define RES_MEM_RESERVED	0x00000005
+#define RES_IO_RESERVED		0x00000006
+#define RES_MAX_MEM_TYPE	0x00000007
+ * These types can be ORed together as needed.
+ *
+ * The first three enumerations describe settings
+ * The rest of the settings describe capabilities
+ */
+#define RES_ATTR_PRESENT			0x00000001
+#define RES_ATTR_INITIALIZED			0x00000002
+#define RES_ATTR_TESTED				0x00000004
+#define RES_ATTR_SINGLE_BIT_ECC			0x00000008
+#define RES_ATTR_MULTIPLE_BIT_ECC		0x00000010
+#define RES_ATTR_ECC_RESERVED_1			0x00000020
+#define RES_ATTR_ECC_RESERVED_2			0x00000040
+#define RES_ATTR_READ_PROTECTED			0x00000080
+#define RES_ATTR_WRITE_PROTECTED		0x00000100
+#define RES_ATTR_UNCACHEABLE			0x00000400
+#define RES_ATTR_WRITE_COMBINEABLE		0x00000800
+#define RES_ATTR_WRITE_BACK_CACHEABLE		0x00002000
+#define RES_ATTR_16_BIT_IO			0x00004000
+#define RES_ATTR_32_BIT_IO			0x00008000
+#define RES_ATTR_64_BIT_IO			0x00010000
+#define RES_ATTR_UNCACHED_EXPORTED		0x00020000
+ * Describes the format and size of the data inside the HOB.
+ * All HOBs must contain this generic HOB header.
+ */
+struct hob_header {
+	u16	type;		/* HOB type */
+	u16	len;		/* HOB length */
+	u32	reserved;	/* always zero */
+ * Describes all memory ranges used during the HOB producer phase that
+ * exist outside the HOB list. This HOB type describes how memory is used,
+ * not the physical attributes of memory.
+ */
+struct hob_mem_alloc {
+	struct hob_header	hdr;
+	/*
+	 * A GUID that defines the memory allocation region's type and purpose,
+	 * as well as other fields within the memory allocation HOB. This GUID
+	 * is used to define the additional data within the HOB that may be
+	 * present for the memory allocation HOB. Type efi_guid_t is defined in
+	 * InstallProtocolInterface() in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
+	 */
+	efi_guid_t		name;
+	/*
+	 * The base address of memory allocated by this HOB.
+	 * Type phys_addr_t is defined in AllocatePages() in the UEFI 2.0
+	 * specification.
+	 */
+	phys_addr_t		mem_base;
+	/* The length in bytes of memory allocated by this HOB */
+	phys_size_t		mem_len;
+	/*
+	 * Defines the type of memory allocated by this HOB.
+	 * The memory type definition follows the EFI_MEMORY_TYPE definition.
+	 * Type EFI_MEMORY_TYPE is defined in AllocatePages() in the UEFI 2.0
+	 * specification.
+	 */
+	enum efi_mem_type	mem_type;
+	/* padding */
+	u8			reserved[4];
+ * Describes the resource properties of all fixed, nonrelocatable resource
+ * ranges found on the processor host bus during the HOB producer phase.
+ */
+struct hob_res_desc {
+	struct hob_header	hdr;
+	/*
+	 * A GUID representing the owner of the resource. This GUID is
+	 * used by HOB consumer phase components to correlate device
+	 * ownership of a resource.
+	 */
+	efi_guid_t		owner;
+	u32			type;
+	u32			attr;
+	/* The physical start address of the resource region */
+	phys_addr_t		phys_start;
+	/* The number of bytes of the resource region */
+	phys_size_t		len;
+ * Allows writers of executable content in the HOB producer phase to
+ * maintain and manage HOBs with specific GUID.
+ */
+struct hob_guid {
+	struct hob_header	hdr;
+	/* A GUID that defines the contents of this HOB */
+	efi_guid_t		name;
+	/* GUID specific data goes here */
+ * get_next_hob() - return a pointer to the next HOB in the HOB list
+ *
+ * This macro returns a pointer to HOB that follows the HOB specified by hob
+ * in the HOB List.
+ *
+ * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
+ *
+ * @return: A pointer to the next HOB in the HOB list.
+ */
+static inline const struct hob_header *get_next_hob(const struct hob_header
+						    *hdr)
+	return (const struct hob_header *)((uintptr_t)hdr + hdr->len);
+ * end_of_hob() - determine if a HOB is the last HOB in the HOB list
+ *
+ * This macro determine if the HOB specified by hob is the last HOB in the
+ * HOB list.  If hob is last HOB in the HOB list, then true is returned.
+ * Otherwise, false is returned.
+ *
+ * @hdr:          A pointer to a HOB.
+ *
+ * @retval true:  The HOB specified by hdr is the last HOB in the HOB list.
+ * @retval false: The HOB specified by hdr is not the last HOB in the HOB list.
+ */
+static inline bool end_of_hob(const struct hob_header *hdr)
+	return hdr->type == HOB_TYPE_EOH;
+ * get_guid_hob_data() - return a pointer to data buffer from a HOB of
+ *                       type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT
+ *
+ * This macro returns a pointer to the data buffer in a HOB specified by hob.
+ * hob is assumed to be a HOB of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT.
+ *
+ * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
+ *
+ * @return: A pointer to the data buffer in a HOB.
+ */
+static inline void *get_guid_hob_data(const struct hob_header *hdr)
+	return (void *)((uintptr_t)hdr + sizeof(struct hob_guid));
+ * get_guid_hob_data_size() - return the size of the data buffer from a HOB
+ *                            of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT
+ *
+ * This macro returns the size, in bytes, of the data buffer in a HOB
+ * specified by hob. hob is assumed to be a HOB of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT.
+ *
+ * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
+ *
+ * @return: The size of the data buffer.
+ */
+static inline u16 get_guid_hob_data_size(const struct hob_header *hdr)
+	return hdr->len - sizeof(struct hob_guid);
+ * Returns the next instance of a HOB type from the starting HOB.
+ *
+ * @type:     HOB type to search
+ * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
+ *
+ * @retval:   A HOB object with matching type; Otherwise NULL.
+ */
+const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_hob(uint type, const void *hob_list);
+ * Returns the next instance of the matched GUID HOB from the starting HOB.
+ *
+ * @guid:     GUID to search
+ * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
+ *
+ * @retval:   A HOB object with matching GUID; Otherwise NULL.
+ */
+const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_guid_hob(const efi_guid_t *guid,
+					       const void *hob_list);
+ * This function retrieves a GUID HOB data buffer and size.
+ *
+ * @hob_list:      A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len:           A pointer to the GUID HOB data buffer length.
+ *                 If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ * @guid           A pointer to HOB GUID.
+ *
+ * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the GUID HOB.
+ * @retval others: GUID HOB data buffer pointer.
+ */
+void *hob_get_guid_hob_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len,
+			    const efi_guid_t *guid);
+#endif /* __HOB_H__ */
diff --git a/arch/x86/lib/Makefile b/arch/x86/lib/Makefile
index 436252dd83..906be5eab9 100644
--- a/arch/x86/lib/Makefile
+++ b/arch/x86/lib/Makefile
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ obj-y	+= tables.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_ZBOOT)	+= zimage.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_USE_HOB) += hob.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_HAVE_FSP) += fsp/
diff --git a/arch/x86/lib/fsp/fsp_support.c b/arch/x86/lib/fsp/fsp_support.c
index 353fa82de5..0eaa9b232b 100644
--- a/arch/x86/lib/fsp/fsp_support.c
+++ b/arch/x86/lib/fsp/fsp_support.c
@@ -344,74 +344,23 @@ u32 fsp_get_tseg_reserved_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len)
 	return base;
-const struct hob_header *fsp_get_next_hob(uint type, const void *hob_list)
-	const struct hob_header *hdr;
-	hdr = hob_list;
-	/* Parse the HOB list until end of list or matching type is found */
-	while (!end_of_hob(hdr)) {
-		if (hdr->type == type)
-			return hdr;
-		hdr = get_next_hob(hdr);
-	}
-	return NULL;
-const struct hob_header *fsp_get_next_guid_hob(const efi_guid_t *guid,
-					       const void *hob_list)
-	const struct hob_header *hdr;
-	struct hob_guid *guid_hob;
-	hdr = hob_list;
-	while ((hdr = fsp_get_next_hob(HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT,
-			hdr)) != NULL) {
-		guid_hob = (struct hob_guid *)hdr;
-		if (!guidcmp(guid, &guid_hob->name))
-			break;
-		hdr = get_next_hob(hdr);
-	}
-	return hdr;
-void *fsp_get_guid_hob_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len,
-			    const efi_guid_t *guid)
-	const struct hob_header *guid_hob;
-	guid_hob = fsp_get_next_guid_hob(guid, hob_list);
-	if (guid_hob == NULL) {
-		return NULL;
-	} else {
-		if (len)
-			*len = get_guid_hob_data_size(guid_hob);
-		return get_guid_hob_data(guid_hob);
-	}
 void *fsp_get_nvs_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len)
 	const efi_guid_t guid = FSP_NON_VOLATILE_STORAGE_HOB_GUID;
-	return fsp_get_guid_hob_data(hob_list, len, &guid);
+	return hob_get_guid_hob_data(hob_list, len, &guid);
 void *fsp_get_bootloader_tmp_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len)
 	const efi_guid_t guid = FSP_BOOTLOADER_TEMP_MEM_HOB_GUID;
-	return fsp_get_guid_hob_data(hob_list, len, &guid);
+	return hob_get_guid_hob_data(hob_list, len, &guid);
 void *fsp_get_graphics_info(const void *hob_list, u32 *len)
 	const efi_guid_t guid = FSP_GRAPHICS_INFO_HOB_GUID;
-	return fsp_get_guid_hob_data(hob_list, len, &guid);
+	return hob_get_guid_hob_data(hob_list, len, &guid);
diff --git a/arch/x86/lib/hob.c b/arch/x86/lib/hob.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcee29b04c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/lib/hob.c
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <>
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/hob.h>
+ * Returns the next instance of a HOB type from the starting HOB.
+ *
+ * @type:     HOB type to search
+ * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
+ *
+ * @retval:   A HOB object with matching type; Otherwise NULL.
+ */
+const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_hob(uint type, const void *hob_list)
+	const struct hob_header *hdr;
+	hdr = hob_list;
+	/* Parse the HOB list until end of list or matching type is found */
+	while (!end_of_hob(hdr)) {
+		if (hdr->type == type)
+			return hdr;
+		hdr = get_next_hob(hdr);
+	}
+	return NULL;
+ * Returns the next instance of the matched GUID HOB from the starting HOB.
+ *
+ * @guid:     GUID to search
+ * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
+ *
+ * @retval:   A HOB object with matching GUID; Otherwise NULL.
+ */
+const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_guid_hob(const efi_guid_t *guid,
+					       const void *hob_list)
+	const struct hob_header *hdr;
+	struct hob_guid *guid_hob;
+	hdr = hob_list;
+	while ((hdr = hob_get_next_hob(HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT, hdr))) {
+		guid_hob = (struct hob_guid *)hdr;
+		if (!guidcmp(guid, &guid_hob->name))
+			break;
+		hdr = get_next_hob(hdr);
+	}
+	return hdr;
+ * This function retrieves a GUID HOB data buffer and size.
+ *
+ * @hob_list:      A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len:           A pointer to the GUID HOB data buffer length.
+ *                 If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ * @guid           A pointer to HOB GUID.
+ *
+ * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the GUID HOB.
+ * @retval others: GUID HOB data buffer pointer.
+ */
+void *hob_get_guid_hob_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len,
+			    const efi_guid_t *guid)
+	const struct hob_header *guid_hob;
+	guid_hob = hob_get_next_guid_hob(guid, hob_list);
+	if (!guid_hob)
+		return NULL;
+	if (len)
+		*len = get_guid_hob_data_size(guid_hob);
+	return get_guid_hob_data(guid_hob);
diff --git a/cmd/x86/Makefile b/cmd/x86/Makefile
index 707161440d..144b1cf5ab 100644
--- a/cmd/x86/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/x86/Makefile
@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
 obj-y += mtrr.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_EXCEPTION) += exception.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_USE_HOB) += hob.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_HAVE_FSP) += fsp.o
diff --git a/cmd/x86/fsp.c b/cmd/x86/fsp.c
index 1b4c0207ce..efa183854b 100644
--- a/cmd/x86/fsp.c
+++ b/cmd/x86/fsp.c
@@ -9,21 +9,6 @@
-static char *hob_type[] = {
-	"reserved",
-	"Hand-off",
-	"Mem Alloc",
-	"Res Desc",
-	"GUID Ext",
-	"FV",
-	"CPU",
-	"Mem Pool",
-	"reserved",
-	"FV2",
-	"Load PEIM",
-	"Capsule",
 static int do_hdr(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
 	struct fsp_header *hdr = find_fsp_header();
@@ -72,55 +57,8 @@ static int do_hdr(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
 	return 0;
-static int do_hob(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
-	const struct hob_header *hdr;
-	uint type;
-	char *desc;
-	int i = 0;
-	char uuid[UUID_STR_LEN + 1];
-	hdr = gd->arch.hob_list;
-	printf("HOB list address: 0x%08x\n\n", (unsigned int)hdr);
-	printf("#  | Address  | Type      | Len  | ");
-	printf("%42s\n", "GUID");
-	printf("---|----------|-----------|------|-");
-	printf("------------------------------------------\n");
-	while (!end_of_hob(hdr)) {
-		printf("%02x | %08x | ", i, (unsigned int)hdr);
-		type = hdr->type;
-		if (type == HOB_TYPE_UNUSED)
-			desc = "*Unused*";
-		else if (type == HOB_TYPE_EOH)
-			desc = "*EOH*";
-		else if (type >= 0 && type <= ARRAY_SIZE(hob_type))
-			desc = hob_type[type];
-		else
-			desc = "*Invalid*";
-		printf("%-9s | %04x | ", desc, hdr->len);
-		if (type == HOB_TYPE_MEM_ALLOC || type == HOB_TYPE_RES_DESC ||
-		    type == HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT) {
-			efi_guid_t *guid = (efi_guid_t *)(hdr + 1);
-			uuid_bin_to_str(guid->b, uuid, UUID_STR_FORMAT_GUID);
-			printf("%s", uuid);
-		} else {
-			printf("%42s", "Not Available");
-		}
-		printf("\n");
-		hdr = get_next_hob(hdr);
-		i++;
-	}
-	return 0;
 static cmd_tbl_t fsp_commands[] = {
 	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(hdr, 0, 1, do_hdr, "", ""),
-	U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(hob, 0, 1, do_hob, "", ""),
 static int do_fsp(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
@@ -144,6 +82,5 @@ static int do_fsp(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
 	fsp,	2,	1,	do_fsp,
 	"Show Intel Firmware Support Package (FSP) related information",
-	"hdr - Print FSP header information\n"
-	"fsp hob - Print FSP Hand-Off Block (HOB) information"
+	"hdr - Print FSP header information"
diff --git a/cmd/x86/hob.c b/cmd/x86/hob.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3967a7ca5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/x86/hob.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Copyright (C) 2014-2015, Bin Meng <>
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <efi.h>
+#include <asm/hob.h>
+static char *hob_type[] = {
+	"reserved",
+	"Hand-off",
+	"Mem Alloc",
+	"Res Desc",
+	"GUID Ext",
+	"FV",
+	"CPU",
+	"Mem Pool",
+	"reserved",
+	"FV2",
+	"Load PEIM",
+	"Capsule",
+static int do_hob(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
+	const struct hob_header *hdr;
+	uint type;
+	char *desc;
+	int i = 0;
+	efi_guid_t *guid;
+	char uuid[UUID_STR_LEN + 1];
+	hdr = gd->arch.hob_list;
+	printf("HOB list address: 0x%08x\n\n", (unsigned int)hdr);
+	printf("#  | Address  | Type      | Len  | ");
+	printf("%36s\n", "GUID");
+	printf("---|----------|-----------|------|-");
+	printf("------------------------------------\n");
+	while (!end_of_hob(hdr)) {
+		printf("%02x | %08x | ", i, (unsigned int)hdr);
+		type = hdr->type;
+		if (type == HOB_TYPE_UNUSED)
+			desc = "*Unused*";
+		else if (type == HOB_TYPE_EOH)
+			desc = "*EOH*";
+		else if (type >= 0 && type <= ARRAY_SIZE(hob_type))
+			desc = hob_type[type];
+		else
+			desc = "*Invalid*";
+		printf("%-9s | %04x | ", desc, hdr->len);
+		if (type == HOB_TYPE_MEM_ALLOC || type == HOB_TYPE_RES_DESC ||
+		    type == HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT) {
+			guid = (efi_guid_t *)(hdr + 1);
+			uuid_bin_to_str(guid->b, uuid, UUID_STR_FORMAT_GUID);
+			printf("%s", uuid);
+		} else {
+			printf("%36s", "Not Available");
+		}
+		printf("\n");
+		hdr = get_next_hob(hdr);
+		i++;
+	}
+	return 0;
+U_BOOT_CMD(hob, 1, 1, do_hob,
+	   "Print Hand-Off Block (HOB) information",
+	   ""