From: Duje Mihanović <>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2022 16:46:48 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: FAT32 bootloader boots the kernel
X-Git-Tag: 0.1.0~8

FAT32 bootloader boots the kernel

Also did a fair share of refactoring in the makefiles.

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index d3f2ee4..738fb0c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 export AS = yasm
-export LD = i686-elf-ld
 export CC = i686-elf-gcc
-QEMU = qemu-system-i386
+QEMU = qemu-system-i386 -monitor stdio
 GIT_REV = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
@@ -9,38 +8,45 @@ CFLAGS = -std=gnu89 -g -Iinclude/arch/x86 -ffreestanding -DGIT_COMMIT=\"$(GIT_RE
 KERNEL_OBJ = kernel/entry.o kernel/arch/x86/tty/tty.o kernel/drivers/irq/i8259a.o kernel/arch/x86/irq/idt.o kernel/arch/x86/irq/sample_handler.o kernel/kernel.o
-default: kernel/kernel.elf
+default: kernel/kernel.elf bootloader
 all: default boot/x86/disk.img
-run: boot/x86/disk.img
+bootloader: boot/x86/mbr boot/x86/vbr-fat32 boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN
+run: all
 	$(QEMU) boot/x86/disk.img
-boot/x86/disk.img: boot/x86/mbr.s boot/x86/vbr-fat32.s boot/x86/loader.s boot/x86/disk.dump boot/x86/fat32.s boot/x86/fat32-structs.s
-	cd boot/x86 && $(MAKE) all
+boot/x86/mbr: boot/x86/mbr.s
+	$(MAKE) -C boot/x86
+boot/x86/vbr-fat32: boot/x86/vbr-fat32.s boot/x86/fat32/*.s 
+	$(MAKE) -C boot/x86
+boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN: boot/x86/stage3/*.s boot/x86/fat32/*.s
+	$(MAKE) -C boot/x86
+boot/x86/disk.img: boot/x86/mbr boot/x86/vbr-fat32 boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN boot/x86/disk.dump 
+	truncate -s1G boot/x86/disk.img
+	sfdisk boot/x86/disk.img < boot/x86/disk.dump
+	mkfs.fat -F 32 --offset 2048 boot/x86/disk.img
+	dd if=boot/x86/mbr of=boot/x86/disk.img bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc
+	dd if=boot/x86/vbr-fat32 of=boot/x86/disk.img bs=1 skip=90 seek=1048666 conv=notrunc
+	mcopy -i boot/x86/disk.img@@1M boot/x86/stage3/LOADER.BIN ::.
+	mcopy -i boot/x86/disk.img@@1M kernel/kernel.bin ::./KERNEL.BIN
 kernel/kernel.bin: ${KERNEL_OBJ}
-	$(LD) -o $@ -T kernel/linker.ld ${KERNEL_OBJ}
+	$(CC) -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ -T kernel/linker.ld ${KERNEL_OBJ}
 kernel/entry.o: kernel/entry.s
 	$(AS) -f elf kernel/entry.s -o $@
-kernel/arch/x86/tty/tty.o: kernel/arch/x86/tty/tty.c
-kernel/drivers/irq/i8259a.o: kernel/drivers/irq/i8259a.c
-kernel/arch/x86/irq/idt.o: kernel/arch/x86/irq/idt.c
 kernel/arch/x86/irq/sample_handler.o: kernel/arch/x86/irq/sample_handler.c
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mgeneral-regs-only -c kernel/arch/x86/irq/sample_handler.c -o $@
-kernel/kernel.o: kernel/kernel.c
 kernel/kernel.elf: kernel/kernel.bin
-	$(LD) -o $@ -T kernel/linker.ld ${KERNEL_OBJ} --oformat=elf32-i386
+	$(CC) -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o $@ -T kernel/linker.ld ${KERNEL_OBJ} -Wl,--oformat=elf32-i386
 	-rm kernel/kernel.bin kernel/kernel.elf ${KERNEL_OBJ}
 	cd boot/x86 && $(MAKE) clean
-.PHONY: default all clean run
+.PHONY: default all clean run bootloader
diff --git a/boot/x86/Makefile b/boot/x86/Makefile
index 0349d2a..0157801 100644
--- a/boot/x86/Makefile
+++ b/boot/x86/Makefile
@@ -1,25 +1,15 @@
-default: mbr vbr-fat32 LOADER.BIN
-all: mbr vbr-fat32 LOADER.BIN disk.img
+default: mbr vbr-fat32 stage3/LOADER.BIN
 mbr: mbr.s
 	$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -w-zeroing -o $@ $<
-vbr-fat32: vbr-fat32.s fat32.s fat32-structs.s
+vbr-fat32: vbr-fat32.s fat32/*.s
 	$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-LOADER.BIN: loader.s
+stage3/LOADER.BIN: stage3/loader.s stage3/*.s
 	$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-disk.img: mbr vbr-fat32 LOADER.BIN disk.dump
-	truncate -s100M disk.img
-	sfdisk disk.img < disk.dump
-	mkfs.fat -F 32 --offset 2048 disk.img
-	dd if=mbr of=disk.img bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc
-	dd if=vbr-fat32 of=disk.img bs=1 skip=90 seek=1048666 conv=notrunc
-	mcopy -i disk.img@@1M LOADER.BIN ::.
-	-rm mbr vbr-fat32 LOADER.BIN disk.img
+	-rm mbr vbr-fat32 stage3/LOADER.BIN disk.img
-.PHONY : default all clean
+.PHONY : default clean
diff --git a/boot/x86/disk.dump b/boot/x86/disk.dump
index 2210fd2..5a0329b 100644
--- a/boot/x86/disk.dump
+++ b/boot/x86/disk.dump
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 label: dos
-label-id: 0xc0c03566
+label-id: 0x8bb0766f
 device: disk.img
 unit: sectors
 sector-size: 512
-disk.img1 : start=        2048, size=      202752, type=b, bootable
+disk.img1 : start=        2048, size=     2095104, type=b, bootable
diff --git a/boot/x86/fat32-structs.s b/boot/x86/fat32/fat32-structs.s
similarity index 100%
rename from boot/x86/fat32-structs.s
rename to boot/x86/fat32/fat32-structs.s
diff --git a/boot/x86/fat32.s b/boot/x86/fat32/fat32.s
similarity index 91%
rename from boot/x86/fat32.s
rename to boot/x86/fat32/fat32.s
index 75e7904..df5dd89 100644
--- a/boot/x86/fat32.s
+++ b/boot/x86/fat32/fat32.s
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 ; eax - start cluster number
 ; es:di - where to load the cluster chain
+; RETURN: CF set = error
 ; NOTE: Cluster chain might be the root directory or a file.
 	push eax
@@ -14,8 +15,10 @@ read_cluster_chain:
 	push di
 		call read_cluster
+		jc .done
 		cmp eax, 0xffffff7
 		jl .loop
 	pop di
 	pop es
 	pop eax
@@ -24,6 +27,7 @@ read_cluster_chain:
 ; eax - cluster number
 ; es:di - where to load the cluster (incremented automatically)
 ; RETURN: eax - next cluster number
+;	  CF set = error
 	push ebx
 	push ecx
@@ -44,6 +48,8 @@ read_cluster:
 	movzx cx, BPB_SecPerClus
 	call read_sectors
 	pop cx
+	cmp dl, 0
+	je .error
 	; increment the load offset (and segment if needed)
 	push eax
@@ -78,16 +84,20 @@ read_cluster:
 	xor ax, ax
 	mov es, ax
 	pop ebx ; pop LBA into EBX
-	mov di, 0x1000
+	mov di, 0x6000
 	mov cx, 1
 	call read_sectors
+	cmp dl, 0
 	; find the cluster we're looking for
 	pop es ; restore STAGE3_SEGMENT
 	pop ebx ; pop FAT offset back into EBX for cmp
 	mov eax, [di+bx]
 	pop di
+	jne .end
 	; cleanup and return
+	stc
 	pop edx
 	pop ecx
 	pop ebx
@@ -96,8 +106,11 @@ read_cluster:
 ; es:di - where to load the sector(s)
 ; ebx - start LBA address
 ; cx - how many sectors to read
+; RETURN: DL=0 means error
-	pusha
+	clc
+	push ax
+	push si
 	mov ah, 0x42
 	push dword 0
 	push dword ebx
@@ -108,15 +121,14 @@ read_sectors:
 	mov si, sp
 	mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE]
 	int 0x13
-	jc .error
+	mov dl, 1
+	jnc .done
+	mov dl, 0
 	add sp, 16
-	popa
+	pop si
+	pop ax
-	.error:
-		mov si, read_error
-		call print
-		hlt
-		jmp $-1
 ; ds:si - pointer to partition table entry
 ; RETURN: ecx - first data sector
diff --git a/boot/x86/loader.s b/boot/x86/loader.s
deleted file mode 100644
index e18b87e..0000000
--- a/boot/x86/loader.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-bits 16
-cpu 686
-org 0x0
-%macro print 1
-	mov si, %1
-	call print_str
-	print string
-	hlt
-	jmp $-1
-	pusha
-	mov ah, 0xe
-	xor bh, bh
-	lodsb
-	cmp al, 0
-	je .done
-	int 0x10
-	jmp .loop
-	popa
-	ret
-string: db "Hello from LOADER.BIN!", 0xd, 0xa, 0
diff --git a/boot/x86/stage3/a20.s b/boot/x86/stage3/a20.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8748dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boot/x86/stage3/a20.s
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+%macro in_wait 0
+	push ax
+	in al, 0x64
+	test al, 2
+	jnz %%loop
+	pop ax
+%macro out_wait 0
+	push ax
+	in al, 0x64
+	test al, 1
+	jz %%loop
+	pop ax
+; CF set = A20 enabled
+	push esi
+	push edi
+	push ax
+	mov esi, 0x500
+	mov edi, 0x100500
+	mov al, [esi]
+	mov ah, [edi]
+	mov [esi], byte 0
+	mov [edi], byte 0xff
+	cmp [esi], byte 0xff
+	mov [esi], al
+	mov [edi], ah
+	pop ax
+	pop edi
+	pop esi
+	ret
+	push ax
+	mov ax, 0x2401
+	int 0x15
+	jc .i8042_method
+	call check_a20
+	jnc .i8042_method
+	pop ax
+	ret
+	.i8042_method:
+		in_wait
+		mov al, 0xad
+		out 0x64, al
+		in_wait
+		mov al, 0xd0
+		out 0x64, al
+		out_wait
+		in al, 0x60
+		or al, 2
+		push ax
+		in_wait
+		mov al, 0xd1
+		out 0x64, al
+		in_wait
+		pop ax
+		out 0x60, al
+		in_wait
+		mov al, 0xae
+		out 0x60, al
+		call check_a20
+		pop ax
+		ret
diff --git a/boot/x86/stage3/gdt.s b/boot/x86/stage3/gdt.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d81bb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boot/x86/stage3/gdt.s
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+; Initial GDT for kernel, which wants a flat code and data descriptor
+	dw .end-.start-1
+	dd .start
+.start: dq 0 ; null descriptor
+	dw 0xffff
+	dw 0
+	db 0
+	db 10011010b
+	db 11001111b
+	db 0
+	dw 0xffff
+	dw 0
+	db 0
+	db 10010010b
+	db 11001111b
+	db 0
diff --git a/boot/x86/stage3/loader.s b/boot/x86/stage3/loader.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd703ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boot/x86/stage3/loader.s
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+bits 16
+cpu 686
+org 0x8000
+%include "../fat32/fat32-structs.s"
+%macro print 1
+	push si
+	mov si, %1
+	call print_str
+	pop si
+	mov [BOOT_DRIVE], dl
+	call enable_unreal
+	print string
+	call check_a20
+	jc .a20_enabled
+	call enable_a20
+	jnc .a20_enable_fail
+	print a20_enabled
+	call get_1st_data_sec
+	mov ax, 0x2000
+	mov es, ax
+	mov eax, BPB_RootClus
+	xor di, di
+	call read_cluster_chain
+	jc critical_error
+	push cx
+	push si
+	mov si, kernel_name
+	cmp byte [es:di], 0 ; end of root directory
+	je .kernel_missing
+	cmp byte [es:di], 0xe5 ; unused entry
+	je .increment
+	mov cx, 11
+	push si
+	push di
+	repe cmpsb
+	pop di
+	pop si
+	je .kernel_found
+	add di, 32
+	jno .find_kernel
+	mov bx, es
+	add bx, 0x1000
+	mov es, bx
+	jmp .find_kernel
+	pop si
+	pop cx
+	print kernel_found
+	mov ax, [es:di+dir_entry.firstclushi]
+	shl eax, 16
+	mov ax, [es:di+(dir_entry.firstcluslo)]
+	call print_dword
+	mov edi, 0x100000
+	call read_clus_chain_unreal ; load kernel
+	cli
+	lgdt [gdt]
+	mov eax, cr0
+	or al, 1
+	mov cr0, eax
+	jmp 0x8:in_protected
+	print missing_kernel
+	jmp .halt
+	print a20_fail
+	hlt
+	jmp $-1
+; eax - start cluster
+; edi - address to load to
+	push eax
+	push edi
+	push di
+	push es
+	push ax
+	xor di, di
+	mov ax, 0x100
+	mov es, ax
+	pop ax
+	call read_cluster
+	pop es
+	pop di
+	jc .done
+	push esi
+	push eax
+	push ebx
+	push ecx
+	mov esi, 0x1000
+	xor ebx, ebx
+	movzx eax, word BPB_BytsPerSec
+	movzx bx, byte BPB_SecPerClus
+	mul ebx
+	mov ecx, eax
+	call memcpy
+	add edi, ecx
+	pop ecx
+	pop ebx
+	pop eax
+	pop esi
+	cmp eax, 0xffffff7
+	jl .loop
+	pop edi
+	pop eax
+	ret
+; esi - copy from
+; edi - copy to
+; ecx - bytes to copy
+	push esi
+	push edi
+	push ecx
+	push dx
+	mov dl, [esi]
+	mov [edi], dl
+	dec ecx
+	cmp ecx, 0
+	je .done
+	inc esi
+	inc edi
+	jmp .loop
+	pop dx
+	pop ecx
+	pop edi
+	pop esi
+	ret
+%include "unreal.s"
+%include "a20.s"
+%include "../fat32/fat32.s"
+%include "gdt.s"
+%include "print.s"
+bits 32
+	mov ax, 0x10
+	mov ds, ax
+	mov es, ax
+	mov ss, ax
+	mov fs, ax
+	mov gs, ax
+	call 0x100000
+	hlt
+	jmp $-1
+kernel_name: db "KERNEL  BIN"
+string: db "Hello from LOADER.BIN!", 0xd, 0xa, 0
+a20_enabled: db "A20 is enabled", 0xd, 0xa, 0
+a20_fail: db "Failed to enable A20, giving up!", 0xd, 0xa, 0
+crit_err: db "A critical error occurred, dumping registers now: ", 0xd, 0xa, 0
+kernel_found: db "Found kernel at cluster ", 0
+missing_kernel: db "Could not find KERNEL.BIN", 0xd, 0xa, 0
+eax_s: db "EAX: ", 0
+ebx_s: db "EBX: ", 0
+ecx_s: db "ECX: ", 0
+edx_s: db "EDX: ", 0
+esi_s: db "ESI: ", 0
+edi_s: db "EDI: ", 0
+cs_s: db "CS: ", 0
+ds_s: db "DS: ", 0
+es_s: db "ES: ", 0
+ss_s: db "SS: ", 0
+space: db " ", 0
+hex_delm: db "0x", 0
+newline: db 0xd, 0xa, 0
diff --git a/boot/x86/stage3/print.s b/boot/x86/stage3/print.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73b34d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boot/x86/stage3/print.s
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+; Routines for printing
+	push ax
+	push bx
+	push si
+	mov ah, 0xe
+	xor bh, bh
+	mov bl, 0xf
+	lodsb
+	cmp al, 0
+	je .done
+	int 0x10
+	jmp .loop
+	pop si
+	pop bx
+	pop ax
+	ret
+; AL - nibble to print
+; CF - clear prints low nibble, set prints high nibble
+	print hex_delm
+	pushf
+	push ax
+	push bx
+	pushf
+	xor bh, bh
+	mov bl, 0xf
+	mov ah, 0xe
+	popf
+	jnc .no_shift
+	shr al, 4
+	and al, 0xf
+	cmp al, 0xa
+	jge .letter
+	.numeric:
+		add al, '0'
+		int 0x10
+		jmp .done
+	.letter:
+		add al, 'a'-10
+		int 0x10
+	pop bx
+	pop ax
+	popf
+	ret
+; AL - byte to print
+	print hex_delm
+	pushf
+	stc
+	call print_nibble.no_delm
+	clc
+	call print_nibble.no_delm
+	popf
+	ret
+	print hex_delm
+	ror ax, 8
+	call print_byte.no_delm
+	ror ax, 8
+	call print_byte.no_delm
+	ret
+	print hex_delm
+	ror eax, 16
+	call print_word.no_delm
+	ror eax, 16
+	call print_word.no_delm
+	ret
+; Do a dump of all general purpose regs
+	print crit_err
+	print eax_s
+	call print_dword
+	print space
+	print ebx_s
+	mov eax, ebx
+	call print_dword
+	print space
+	print ecx_s
+	mov eax, ecx
+	call print_dword
+	print space
+	print edx_s
+	mov eax, edx
+	call print_dword
+	print newline
+	print esi_s
+	mov eax, esi
+	call print_dword
+	print space
+	print edi_s
+	mov eax, edi
+	call print_dword
+	print newline
+	print cs_s
+	mov ax, cs
+	call print_word
+	print space
+	print ds_s
+	mov ax, ds
+	call print_word
+	print space
+	print es_s
+	mov ax, es
+	call print_word
+	print space
+	print ss_s
+	mov ax, ss
+	call print_word
+	hlt
+	jmp $-1
diff --git a/boot/x86/stage3/unreal.s b/boot/x86/stage3/unreal.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdd361b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boot/x86/stage3/unreal.s
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+; Routine for enabling unreal mode, which allows using 32-bit offsets in real mode
+	cli
+	push eax
+	push bx
+	push ds
+	lgdt [gdt_info]
+	mov eax, cr0
+	or al, 1
+	mov cr0, eax
+	jmp $+2
+	mov bx, 0x8
+	mov ds, bx
+	and al, 0xfe
+	mov cr0, eax
+	pop ds
+	pop bx
+	pop eax
+	sti
+	ret
+; GDT with 1 flat data segment descriptor
+	dw gdt_end-gdt_start-1
+	dd gdt_start
+gdt_start: dq 0 ; null entry
+	dw 0xffff
+	dw 0
+	db 0
+	db 10010010b
+	db 11001111b
+	db 0
diff --git a/boot/x86/vbr-fat32.s b/boot/x86/vbr-fat32.s
index b4c7148..7ec3739 100644
--- a/boot/x86/vbr-fat32.s
+++ b/boot/x86/vbr-fat32.s
@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ STAGE3_ADDRESS equ 0x8000
-%include "fat32-structs.s"
+%include "fat32/fat32-structs.s"
+%macro print 1
+	mov si, %1
+	call print_str
 	jmp short real_start
@@ -66,19 +71,21 @@ real_start:
 	mov es, bx
 	mov di, STAGE3_OFFSET
 	call read_cluster_chain ; read stage 3
-	mov ds, bx
-	call STAGE3_SEGMENT:STAGE3_OFFSET ; call stage 3
+	mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE]
+	call STAGE3_ADDRESS ; call stage 3
 	jmp .halt ; halt in case we return, which should never happen
-	mov si, stage3_missing
-	call print
+	print stage3_missing
+	jmp .halt
+	print read_error
 	jmp short $-1
 ; ds:si - string
 	mov ah, 0xe
 	xor bh, bh
@@ -96,7 +103,7 @@ print:
-%include "fat32.s"
+%include "fat32/fat32.s"
 stage3_missing: db "LOADER.BIN is missing", 0
diff --git a/kernel/linker.ld b/kernel/linker.ld
index d68e9f2..90292e6 100644
--- a/kernel/linker.ld
+++ b/kernel/linker.ld
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OUTPUT_FORMAT(binary)
-	. = 0x1000;
+	. = 0x100000;
 	.text : { *(.text) }
 	.data : { *(.data) }