treewide: remove Qualcomm dt-binding headers that are available upstream
authorCaleb Connolly <>
Wed, 13 Nov 2024 04:33:32 +0000 (05:33 +0100)
committerCaleb Connolly <>
Wed, 20 Nov 2024 16:57:58 +0000 (17:57 +0100)
Some dt-binding headers mask the upstream ones which can lead to build
failures, or worse: super weird bugs, if they get out of sync.

Remove these headers so our devicetree and binding headers will both be
in sync with upstream.

Reviewed-by: Sumit Garg <>
Signed-off-by: Caleb Connolly <>
36 files changed:
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,camcc-sdm845.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,dispcc-sdm845.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-msm8916.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-msm8996.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-qcs404.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-sdm845.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gpucc-sdm845.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,lpass-sdm845.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,mmcc-msm8996.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,rpmcc.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,rpmh.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,turingcc-qcs404.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,videocc-sdm845.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/dma/qcom-gpi.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/firmware/qcom,scm.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/iio/qcom,spmi-vadc.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8916.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8996-cbf.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8996.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,osm-l3.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,sdm845.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/phy/phy-qcom-qusb2.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/pinctrl/qcom,pmic-gpio.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/pinctrl/qcom,pmic-mpp.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/power/qcom-rpmpd.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,gcc-msm8916.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,sdm845-aoss.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,sdm845-pdc.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/soc/qcom,apr.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/soc/qcom,rpmh-rsc.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,lpass.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6afe.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6asm.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6dsp-lpass-ports.h [deleted file]
include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,wcd9335.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,camcc-sdm845.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,camcc-sdm845.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4f7a2d2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
- * Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-/* CAM_CC clock registers */
-#define CAM_CC_BPS_AHB_CLK                             0
-#define CAM_CC_BPS_AREG_CLK                            1
-#define CAM_CC_BPS_AXI_CLK                             2
-#define CAM_CC_BPS_CLK                                 3
-#define CAM_CC_BPS_CLK_SRC                             4
-#define CAM_CC_CAMNOC_ATB_CLK                          5
-#define CAM_CC_CAMNOC_AXI_CLK                          6
-#define CAM_CC_CCI_CLK                                 7
-#define CAM_CC_CCI_CLK_SRC                             8
-#define CAM_CC_CPAS_AHB_CLK                            9
-#define CAM_CC_CPHY_RX_CLK_SRC                         10
-#define CAM_CC_CSI0PHYTIMER_CLK                                11
-#define CAM_CC_CSI0PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                    12
-#define CAM_CC_CSI1PHYTIMER_CLK                                13
-#define CAM_CC_CSI1PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                    14
-#define CAM_CC_CSI2PHYTIMER_CLK                                15
-#define CAM_CC_CSI2PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                    16
-#define CAM_CC_CSI3PHYTIMER_CLK                                17
-#define CAM_CC_CSI3PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                    18
-#define CAM_CC_CSIPHY0_CLK                             19
-#define CAM_CC_CSIPHY1_CLK                             20
-#define CAM_CC_CSIPHY2_CLK                             21
-#define CAM_CC_CSIPHY3_CLK                             22
-#define CAM_CC_FAST_AHB_CLK_SRC                                23
-#define CAM_CC_FD_CORE_CLK                             24
-#define CAM_CC_FD_CORE_CLK_SRC                         25
-#define CAM_CC_FD_CORE_UAR_CLK                         26
-#define CAM_CC_ICP_APB_CLK                             27
-#define CAM_CC_ICP_ATB_CLK                             28
-#define CAM_CC_ICP_CLK                                 29
-#define CAM_CC_ICP_CLK_SRC                             30
-#define CAM_CC_ICP_CTI_CLK                             31
-#define CAM_CC_ICP_TS_CLK                              32
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_0_AXI_CLK                           33
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_0_CLK                               34
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_0_CLK_SRC                           35
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_0_CPHY_RX_CLK                       36
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_0_CSID_CLK                          37
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_0_CSID_CLK_SRC                      38
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_0_DSP_CLK                           39
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_1_AXI_CLK                           40
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_1_CLK                               41
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_1_CLK_SRC                           42
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_1_CPHY_RX_CLK                       43
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_1_CSID_CLK                          44
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_1_CSID_CLK_SRC                      45
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_1_DSP_CLK                           46
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_CLK                            47
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_CLK_SRC                                48
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_CPHY_RX_CLK                    49
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_CSID_CLK                       50
-#define CAM_CC_IFE_LITE_CSID_CLK_SRC                   51
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_0_AHB_CLK                           52
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_0_AREG_CLK                          53
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_0_AXI_CLK                           54
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_0_CLK                               55
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_0_CLK_SRC                           56
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_1_AHB_CLK                           57
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_1_AREG_CLK                          58
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_1_AXI_CLK                           59
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_1_CLK                               60
-#define CAM_CC_IPE_1_CLK_SRC                           61
-#define CAM_CC_JPEG_CLK                                        62
-#define CAM_CC_JPEG_CLK_SRC                            63
-#define CAM_CC_LRME_CLK                                        64
-#define CAM_CC_LRME_CLK_SRC                            65
-#define CAM_CC_MCLK0_CLK                               66
-#define CAM_CC_MCLK0_CLK_SRC                           67
-#define CAM_CC_MCLK1_CLK                               68
-#define CAM_CC_MCLK1_CLK_SRC                           69
-#define CAM_CC_MCLK2_CLK                               70
-#define CAM_CC_MCLK2_CLK_SRC                           71
-#define CAM_CC_MCLK3_CLK                               72
-#define CAM_CC_MCLK3_CLK_SRC                           73
-#define CAM_CC_PLL0                                    74
-#define CAM_CC_PLL0_OUT_EVEN                           75
-#define CAM_CC_PLL1                                    76
-#define CAM_CC_PLL1_OUT_EVEN                           77
-#define CAM_CC_PLL2                                    78
-#define CAM_CC_PLL2_OUT_EVEN                           79
-#define CAM_CC_PLL3                                    80
-#define CAM_CC_PLL3_OUT_EVEN                           81
-#define CAM_CC_SLOW_AHB_CLK_SRC                                82
-#define CAM_CC_SOC_AHB_CLK                             83
-#define CAM_CC_SYS_TMR_CLK                             84
-/* CAM_CC Resets */
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_CCI_BCR                           0
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_CPAS_BCR                          1
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_CSI0PHY_BCR                       2
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_CSI1PHY_BCR                       3
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_CSI2PHY_BCR                       4
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_MCLK0_BCR                         5
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_MCLK1_BCR                         6
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_MCLK2_BCR                         7
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_MCLK3_BCR                         8
-#define TITAN_CAM_CC_TITAN_TOP_BCR                     9
-/* CAM_CC GDSCRs */
-#define BPS_GDSC                                       0
-#define IPE_0_GDSC                                     1
-#define IPE_1_GDSC                                     2
-#define IFE_0_GDSC                                     3
-#define IFE_1_GDSC                                     4
-#define TITAN_TOP_GDSC                                 5
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,dispcc-sdm845.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,dispcc-sdm845.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4016fd1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2018-2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-/* DISP_CC clock registers */
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK                                   0
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_AXI_CLK                                   1
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_CLK                                 2
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_CLK_SRC                             3
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_INTF_CLK                            4
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE1_CLK                                 5
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE1_CLK_SRC                             6
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE1_INTF_CLK                            7
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_ESC0_CLK                                  8
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_ESC0_CLK_SRC                              9
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_ESC1_CLK                                  10
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_ESC1_CLK_SRC                              11
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_MDP_CLK                                   12
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_MDP_CLK_SRC                               13
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_MDP_LUT_CLK                               14
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK0_CLK                                 15
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK0_CLK_SRC                             16
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK1_CLK                                 17
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK1_CLK_SRC                             18
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_ROT_CLK                                   19
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_ROT_CLK_SRC                               20
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_RSCC_AHB_CLK                              21
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_RSCC_VSYNC_CLK                            22
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK                                 23
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK_SRC                             24
-#define DISP_CC_PLL0                                           25
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_DIV_CLK_SRC                         26
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE1_DIV_CLK_SRC                         27
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_AUX_CLK                                        28
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_AUX_CLK_SRC                            29
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_CRYPTO_CLK                             30
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_CRYPTO_CLK_SRC                         31
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_LINK_CLK                               32
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_LINK_CLK_SRC                           33
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_LINK_INTF_CLK                          34
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_PIXEL1_CLK                             35
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_PIXEL1_CLK_SRC                         36
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_PIXEL_CLK                              37
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_DP_PIXEL_CLK_SRC                          38
-/* DISP_CC Reset */
-#define DISP_CC_MDSS_RSCC_BCR                                  0
-#define MDSS_GDSC                                              0
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-msm8916.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-msm8916.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5630344..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
- * Copyright 2015 Linaro Limited
- */
-#ifndef _DT_BINDINGS_CLK_MSM_GCC_8916_H
-#define _DT_BINDINGS_CLK_MSM_GCC_8916_H
-#define GPLL0                                  0
-#define GPLL0_VOTE                             1
-#define BIMC_PLL                               2
-#define BIMC_PLL_VOTE                          3
-#define GPLL1                                  4
-#define GPLL1_VOTE                             5
-#define GPLL2                                  6
-#define GPLL2_VOTE                             7
-#define PCNOC_BFDCD_CLK_SRC                    8
-#define SYSTEM_NOC_BFDCD_CLK_SRC               9
-#define CAMSS_AHB_CLK_SRC                      10
-#define APSS_AHB_CLK_SRC                       11
-#define CSI0_CLK_SRC                           12
-#define CSI1_CLK_SRC                           13
-#define GFX3D_CLK_SRC                          14
-#define VFE0_CLK_SRC                           15
-#define BLSP1_QUP1_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC            16
-#define BLSP1_QUP1_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC            17
-#define BLSP1_QUP2_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC            18
-#define BLSP1_QUP2_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC            19
-#define BLSP1_QUP3_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC            20
-#define BLSP1_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC            21
-#define BLSP1_QUP4_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC            22
-#define BLSP1_QUP4_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC            23
-#define BLSP1_QUP5_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC            24
-#define BLSP1_QUP5_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC            25
-#define BLSP1_QUP6_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC            26
-#define BLSP1_QUP6_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC            27
-#define BLSP1_UART1_APPS_CLK_SRC               28
-#define BLSP1_UART2_APPS_CLK_SRC               29
-#define CCI_CLK_SRC                            30
-#define CAMSS_GP0_CLK_SRC                      31
-#define CAMSS_GP1_CLK_SRC                      32
-#define JPEG0_CLK_SRC                          33
-#define MCLK0_CLK_SRC                          34
-#define MCLK1_CLK_SRC                          35
-#define CSI0PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                   36
-#define CSI1PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                   37
-#define CPP_CLK_SRC                            38
-#define CRYPTO_CLK_SRC                         39
-#define GP1_CLK_SRC                            40
-#define GP2_CLK_SRC                            41
-#define GP3_CLK_SRC                            42
-#define BYTE0_CLK_SRC                          43
-#define ESC0_CLK_SRC                           44
-#define MDP_CLK_SRC                            45
-#define PCLK0_CLK_SRC                          46
-#define VSYNC_CLK_SRC                          47
-#define PDM2_CLK_SRC                           48
-#define SDCC1_APPS_CLK_SRC                     49
-#define SDCC2_APPS_CLK_SRC                     50
-#define APSS_TCU_CLK_SRC                       51
-#define USB_HS_SYSTEM_CLK_SRC                  52
-#define VCODEC0_CLK_SRC                                53
-#define GCC_BLSP1_AHB_CLK                      54
-#define GCC_BLSP1_SLEEP_CLK                    55
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_I2C_APPS_CLK            56
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_SPI_APPS_CLK            57
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_I2C_APPS_CLK            58
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_SPI_APPS_CLK            59
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_I2C_APPS_CLK            60
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK            61
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_I2C_APPS_CLK            62
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_SPI_APPS_CLK            63
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP5_I2C_APPS_CLK            64
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP5_SPI_APPS_CLK            65
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP6_I2C_APPS_CLK            66
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP6_SPI_APPS_CLK            67
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART1_APPS_CLK               68
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART2_APPS_CLK               69
-#define GCC_BOOT_ROM_AHB_CLK                   70
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CCI_AHB_CLK                  71
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CCI_CLK                      72
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0_AHB_CLK                 73
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0_CLK                     74
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0PHY_CLK                  75
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0PIX_CLK                  76
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0RDI_CLK                  77
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1_AHB_CLK                 78
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1_CLK                     79
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1PHY_CLK                  80
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1PIX_CLK                  81
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1RDI_CLK                  82
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI_VFE0_CLK                 83
-#define GCC_CAMSS_GP0_CLK                      84
-#define GCC_CAMSS_GP1_CLK                      85
-#define GCC_CAMSS_ISPIF_AHB_CLK                        86
-#define GCC_CAMSS_JPEG0_CLK                    87
-#define GCC_CAMSS_JPEG_AHB_CLK                 88
-#define GCC_CAMSS_JPEG_AXI_CLK                 89
-#define GCC_CAMSS_MCLK0_CLK                    90
-#define GCC_CAMSS_MCLK1_CLK                    91
-#define GCC_CAMSS_MICRO_AHB_CLK                        92
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0PHYTIMER_CLK             93
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1PHYTIMER_CLK             94
-#define GCC_CAMSS_AHB_CLK                      95
-#define GCC_CAMSS_TOP_AHB_CLK                  96
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CPP_AHB_CLK                  97
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CPP_CLK                      98
-#define GCC_CAMSS_VFE0_CLK                     99
-#define GCC_CAMSS_VFE_AHB_CLK                  100
-#define GCC_CAMSS_VFE_AXI_CLK                  101
-#define GCC_CRYPTO_AHB_CLK                     102
-#define GCC_CRYPTO_AXI_CLK                     103
-#define GCC_CRYPTO_CLK                         104
-#define GCC_OXILI_GMEM_CLK                     105
-#define GCC_GP1_CLK                            106
-#define GCC_GP2_CLK                            107
-#define GCC_GP3_CLK                            108
-#define GCC_MDSS_AHB_CLK                       109
-#define GCC_MDSS_AXI_CLK                       110
-#define GCC_MDSS_BYTE0_CLK                     111
-#define GCC_MDSS_ESC0_CLK                      112
-#define GCC_MDSS_MDP_CLK                       113
-#define GCC_MDSS_PCLK0_CLK                     114
-#define GCC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK                     115
-#define GCC_MSS_CFG_AHB_CLK                    116
-#define GCC_OXILI_AHB_CLK                      117
-#define GCC_OXILI_GFX3D_CLK                    118
-#define GCC_PDM2_CLK                           119
-#define GCC_PDM_AHB_CLK                                120
-#define GCC_PRNG_AHB_CLK                       121
-#define GCC_SDCC1_AHB_CLK                      122
-#define GCC_SDCC1_APPS_CLK                     123
-#define GCC_SDCC2_AHB_CLK                      124
-#define GCC_SDCC2_APPS_CLK                     125
-#define GCC_GTCU_AHB_CLK                       126
-#define GCC_JPEG_TBU_CLK                       127
-#define GCC_MDP_TBU_CLK                                128
-#define GCC_SMMU_CFG_CLK                       129
-#define GCC_VENUS_TBU_CLK                      130
-#define GCC_VFE_TBU_CLK                                131
-#define GCC_USB2A_PHY_SLEEP_CLK                        132
-#define GCC_USB_HS_AHB_CLK                     133
-#define GCC_USB_HS_SYSTEM_CLK                  134
-#define GCC_VENUS0_AHB_CLK                     135
-#define GCC_VENUS0_AXI_CLK                     136
-#define GCC_VENUS0_VCODEC0_CLK                 137
-#define BIMC_DDR_CLK_SRC                       138
-#define GCC_APSS_TCU_CLK                       139
-#define GCC_GFX_TCU_CLK                                140
-#define BIMC_GPU_CLK_SRC                       141
-#define GCC_BIMC_GFX_CLK                       142
-#define GCC_BIMC_GPU_CLK                       143
-#define ULTAUDIO_LPAIF_PRI_I2S_CLK_SRC         144
-#define ULTAUDIO_LPAIF_SEC_I2S_CLK_SRC         145
-#define ULTAUDIO_LPAIF_AUX_I2S_CLK_SRC         146
-#define ULTAUDIO_XO_CLK_SRC                    147
-#define ULTAUDIO_AHBFABRIC_CLK_SRC             148
-#define CODEC_DIGCODEC_CLK_SRC                 149
-#define GCC_ULTAUDIO_PCNOC_MPORT_CLK           150
-#define GCC_ULTAUDIO_PCNOC_SWAY_CLK            151
-#define GCC_ULTAUDIO_AVSYNC_XO_CLK             152
-#define GCC_ULTAUDIO_STC_XO_CLK                        153
-#define GCC_ULTAUDIO_LPAIF_PRI_I2S_CLK         156
-#define GCC_ULTAUDIO_LPAIF_SEC_I2S_CLK         157
-#define GCC_ULTAUDIO_LPAIF_AUX_I2S_CLK         158
-#define GCC_CODEC_DIGCODEC_CLK                 159
-#define GCC_MSS_Q6_BIMC_AXI_CLK                        160
-/* Indexes for GDSCs */
-#define BIMC_GDSC                              0
-#define VENUS_GDSC                             1
-#define MDSS_GDSC                              2
-#define JPEG_GDSC                              3
-#define VFE_GDSC                               4
-#define OXILI_GDSC                             5
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-msm8996.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-msm8996.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index de5c36c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
- * Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef _DT_BINDINGS_CLK_MSM_GCC_8996_H
-#define _DT_BINDINGS_CLK_MSM_GCC_8996_H
-#define GPLL0_EARLY                                            0
-#define GPLL0                                                  1
-#define GPLL1_EARLY                                            2
-#define GPLL1                                                  3
-#define GPLL2_EARLY                                            4
-#define GPLL2                                                  5
-#define GPLL3_EARLY                                            6
-#define GPLL3                                                  7
-#define GPLL4_EARLY                                            8
-#define GPLL4                                                  9
-#define SYSTEM_NOC_CLK_SRC                                     10
-/* U-Boot: KConfig check in CI erroneously picks this up, it's unused
- * anyway so comment it out for now
- */
-//#define CONFIG _NOC_CLK_SRC                                  11
-#define PERIPH_NOC_CLK_SRC                                     12
-#define MMSS_BIMC_GFX_CLK_SRC                                  13
-#define USB30_MASTER_CLK_SRC                                   14
-#define USB30_MOCK_UTMI_CLK_SRC                                        15
-#define USB3_PHY_AUX_CLK_SRC                                   16
-#define USB20_MASTER_CLK_SRC                                   17
-#define USB20_MOCK_UTMI_CLK_SRC                                        18
-#define SDCC1_APPS_CLK_SRC                                     19
-#define SDCC1_ICE_CORE_CLK_SRC                                 20
-#define SDCC2_APPS_CLK_SRC                                     21
-#define SDCC3_APPS_CLK_SRC                                     22
-#define SDCC4_APPS_CLK_SRC                                     23
-#define BLSP1_QUP1_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            24
-#define BLSP1_QUP1_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            25
-#define BLSP1_UART1_APPS_CLK_SRC                               26
-#define BLSP1_QUP2_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            27
-#define BLSP1_QUP2_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            28
-#define BLSP1_UART2_APPS_CLK_SRC                               29
-#define BLSP1_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            30
-#define BLSP1_QUP3_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            31
-#define BLSP1_UART3_APPS_CLK_SRC                               32
-#define BLSP1_QUP4_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            33
-#define BLSP1_QUP4_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            34
-#define BLSP1_UART4_APPS_CLK_SRC                               35
-#define BLSP1_QUP5_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            36
-#define BLSP1_QUP5_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            37
-#define BLSP1_UART5_APPS_CLK_SRC                               38
-#define BLSP1_QUP6_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            39
-#define BLSP1_QUP6_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            40
-#define BLSP1_UART6_APPS_CLK_SRC                               41
-#define BLSP2_QUP1_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            42
-#define BLSP2_QUP1_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            43
-#define BLSP2_UART1_APPS_CLK_SRC                               44
-#define BLSP2_QUP2_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            45
-#define BLSP2_QUP2_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            46
-#define BLSP2_UART2_APPS_CLK_SRC                               47
-#define BLSP2_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            48
-#define BLSP2_QUP3_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            49
-#define BLSP2_UART3_APPS_CLK_SRC                               50
-#define BLSP2_QUP4_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            51
-#define BLSP2_QUP4_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            52
-#define BLSP2_UART4_APPS_CLK_SRC                               53
-#define BLSP2_QUP5_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            54
-#define BLSP2_QUP5_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            55
-#define BLSP2_UART5_APPS_CLK_SRC                               56
-#define BLSP2_QUP6_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                            57
-#define BLSP2_QUP6_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                            58
-#define BLSP2_UART6_APPS_CLK_SRC                               59
-#define PDM2_CLK_SRC                                           60
-#define TSIF_REF_CLK_SRC                                       61
-#define CE1_CLK_SRC                                            62
-#define GCC_SLEEP_CLK_SRC                                      63
-#define BIMC_CLK_SRC                                           64
-#define HMSS_AHB_CLK_SRC                                       65
-#define BIMC_HMSS_AXI_CLK_SRC                                  66
-#define HMSS_RBCPR_CLK_SRC                                     67
-#define HMSS_GPLL0_CLK_SRC                                     68
-#define GP1_CLK_SRC                                            69
-#define GP2_CLK_SRC                                            70
-#define GP3_CLK_SRC                                            71
-#define PCIE_AUX_CLK_SRC                                       72
-#define UFS_AXI_CLK_SRC                                                73
-#define UFS_ICE_CORE_CLK_SRC                                   74
-#define QSPI_SER_CLK_SRC                                       75
-#define GCC_SYS_NOC_AXI_CLK                                    76
-#define GCC_SYS_NOC_HMSS_AHB_CLK                               77
-#define GCC_SNOC_CNOC_AHB_CLK                                  78
-#define GCC_SNOC_PNOC_AHB_CLK                                  79
-#define GCC_SYS_NOC_AT_CLK                                     80
-#define GCC_SYS_NOC_USB3_AXI_CLK                               81
-#define GCC_SYS_NOC_UFS_AXI_CLK                                        82
-#define GCC_CFG_NOC_AHB_CLK                                    83
-#define GCC_PERIPH_NOC_AHB_CLK                                 84
-#define GCC_PERIPH_NOC_USB20_AHB_CLK                           85
-#define GCC_TIC_CLK                                            86
-#define GCC_IMEM_AXI_CLK                                       87
-#define GCC_MMSS_SYS_NOC_AXI_CLK                               88
-#define GCC_MMSS_NOC_CFG_AHB_CLK                               89
-#define GCC_MMSS_BIMC_GFX_CLK                                  90
-#define GCC_USB30_MASTER_CLK                                   91
-#define GCC_USB30_SLEEP_CLK                                    92
-#define GCC_USB30_MOCK_UTMI_CLK                                        93
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_AUX_CLK                                   94
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_PIPE_CLK                                  95
-#define GCC_USB20_MASTER_CLK                                   96
-#define GCC_USB20_SLEEP_CLK                                    97
-#define GCC_USB20_MOCK_UTMI_CLK                                        98
-#define GCC_USB_PHY_CFG_AHB2PHY_CLK                            99
-#define GCC_SDCC1_APPS_CLK                                     100
-#define GCC_SDCC1_AHB_CLK                                      101
-#define GCC_SDCC1_ICE_CORE_CLK                                 102
-#define GCC_SDCC2_APPS_CLK                                     103
-#define GCC_SDCC2_AHB_CLK                                      104
-#define GCC_SDCC3_APPS_CLK                                     105
-#define GCC_SDCC3_AHB_CLK                                      106
-#define GCC_SDCC4_APPS_CLK                                     107
-#define GCC_SDCC4_AHB_CLK                                      108
-#define GCC_BLSP1_AHB_CLK                                      109
-#define GCC_BLSP1_SLEEP_CLK                                    110
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_SPI_APPS_CLK                            111
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_I2C_APPS_CLK                            112
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART1_APPS_CLK                               113
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_SPI_APPS_CLK                            114
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_I2C_APPS_CLK                            115
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART2_APPS_CLK                               116
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK                            117
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_I2C_APPS_CLK                            118
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART3_APPS_CLK                               119
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_SPI_APPS_CLK                            120
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_I2C_APPS_CLK                            121
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART4_APPS_CLK                               122
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP5_SPI_APPS_CLK                            123
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP5_I2C_APPS_CLK                            124
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART5_APPS_CLK                               125
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP6_SPI_APPS_CLK                            126
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP6_I2C_APPS_CLK                            127
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART6_APPS_CLK                               128
-#define GCC_BLSP2_AHB_CLK                                      129
-#define GCC_BLSP2_SLEEP_CLK                                    130
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP1_SPI_APPS_CLK                            131
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP1_I2C_APPS_CLK                            132
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART1_APPS_CLK                               133
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP2_SPI_APPS_CLK                            134
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP2_I2C_APPS_CLK                            135
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART2_APPS_CLK                               136
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK                            137
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP3_I2C_APPS_CLK                            138
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART3_APPS_CLK                               139
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP4_SPI_APPS_CLK                            140
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP4_I2C_APPS_CLK                            141
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART4_APPS_CLK                               142
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP5_SPI_APPS_CLK                            143
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP5_I2C_APPS_CLK                            144
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART5_APPS_CLK                               145
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP6_SPI_APPS_CLK                            146
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP6_I2C_APPS_CLK                            147
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART6_APPS_CLK                               148
-#define GCC_PDM_AHB_CLK                                                149
-#define GCC_PDM_XO4_CLK                                                150
-#define GCC_PDM2_CLK                                           151
-#define GCC_PRNG_AHB_CLK                                       152
-#define GCC_TSIF_AHB_CLK                                       153
-#define GCC_TSIF_REF_CLK                                       154
-#define GCC_TSIF_INACTIVITY_TIMERS_CLK                         155
-#define GCC_TCSR_AHB_CLK                                       156
-#define GCC_BOOT_ROM_AHB_CLK                                   157
-#define GCC_MSG_RAM_AHB_CLK                                    158
-#define GCC_TLMM_AHB_CLK                                       159
-#define GCC_TLMM_CLK                                           160
-#define GCC_MPM_AHB_CLK                                                161
-#define GCC_SPMI_SER_CLK                                       162
-#define GCC_SPMI_CNOC_AHB_CLK                                  163
-#define GCC_CE1_CLK                                            164
-#define GCC_CE1_AXI_CLK                                                165
-#define GCC_CE1_AHB_CLK                                                166
-#define GCC_BIMC_HMSS_AXI_CLK                                  167
-#define GCC_BIMC_GFX_CLK                                       168
-#define GCC_HMSS_AHB_CLK                                       169
-#define GCC_HMSS_SLV_AXI_CLK                                   170
-#define GCC_HMSS_MSTR_AXI_CLK                                  171
-#define GCC_HMSS_RBCPR_CLK                                     172
-#define GCC_GP1_CLK                                            173
-#define GCC_GP2_CLK                                            174
-#define GCC_GP3_CLK                                            175
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_SLV_AXI_CLK                                 176
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_MSTR_AXI_CLK                                        177
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_CFG_AHB_CLK                                 178
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AUX_CLK                                     179
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_PIPE_CLK                                    180
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_SLV_AXI_CLK                                 181
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_MSTR_AXI_CLK                                        182
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_CFG_AHB_CLK                                 183
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_AUX_CLK                                     184
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_PIPE_CLK                                    185
-#define GCC_PCIE_2_SLV_AXI_CLK                                 186
-#define GCC_PCIE_2_MSTR_AXI_CLK                                        187
-#define GCC_PCIE_2_CFG_AHB_CLK                                 188
-#define GCC_PCIE_2_AUX_CLK                                     189
-#define GCC_PCIE_2_PIPE_CLK                                    190
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_CFG_AHB_CLK                               191
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_AUX_CLK                                   192
-#define GCC_UFS_AXI_CLK                                                193
-#define GCC_UFS_AHB_CLK                                                194
-#define GCC_UFS_TX_CFG_CLK                                     195
-#define GCC_UFS_RX_CFG_CLK                                     196
-#define GCC_UFS_TX_SYMBOL_0_CLK                                        197
-#define GCC_UFS_RX_SYMBOL_0_CLK                                        198
-#define GCC_UFS_RX_SYMBOL_1_CLK                                        199
-#define GCC_UFS_UNIPRO_CORE_CLK                                        200
-#define GCC_UFS_ICE_CORE_CLK                                   201
-#define GCC_UFS_SYS_CLK_CORE_CLK                               202
-#define GCC_UFS_TX_SYMBOL_CLK_CORE_CLK                         203
-#define GCC_AGGRE0_SNOC_AXI_CLK                                        204
-#define GCC_AGGRE0_CNOC_AHB_CLK                                        205
-#define GCC_SMMU_AGGRE0_AXI_CLK                                        206
-#define GCC_SMMU_AGGRE0_AHB_CLK                                        207
-#define GCC_AGGRE1_PNOC_AHB_CLK                                        208
-#define GCC_AGGRE2_UFS_AXI_CLK                                 209
-#define GCC_AGGRE2_USB3_AXI_CLK                                        210
-#define GCC_QSPI_AHB_CLK                                       211
-#define GCC_QSPI_SER_CLK                                       212
-#define GCC_USB3_CLKREF_CLK                                    213
-#define GCC_HDMI_CLKREF_CLK                                    214
-#define GCC_UFS_CLKREF_CLK                                     215
-#define GCC_PCIE_CLKREF_CLK                                    216
-#define GCC_RX2_USB2_CLKREF_CLK                                        217
-#define GCC_RX1_USB2_CLKREF_CLK                                        218
-#define GCC_HLOS1_VOTE_LPASS_CORE_SMMU_CLK                     219
-#define GCC_HLOS1_VOTE_LPASS_ADSP_SMMU_CLK                     220
-#define GCC_EDP_CLKREF_CLK                                     221
-#define GCC_MSS_CFG_AHB_CLK                                    222
-#define GCC_MSS_Q6_BIMC_AXI_CLK                                        223
-#define GCC_MSS_SNOC_AXI_CLK                                   224
-#define GCC_MSS_MNOC_BIMC_AXI_CLK                              225
-#define GCC_DCC_AHB_CLK                                                226
-#define GCC_AGGRE0_NOC_MPU_CFG_AHB_CLK                         227
-#define GCC_MMSS_GPLL0_DIV_CLK                                 228
-#define GCC_MSS_GPLL0_DIV_CLK                                  229
-#define GCC_SYSTEM_NOC_BCR                                     0
-#define GCC_CONFIG_NOC_BCR                                     1
-#define GCC_PERIPH_NOC_BCR                                     2
-#define GCC_IMEM_BCR                                           3
-#define GCC_MMSS_BCR                                           4
-#define GCC_PIMEM_BCR                                          5
-#define GCC_QDSS_BCR                                           6
-#define GCC_USB_30_BCR                                         7
-#define GCC_USB_20_BCR                                         8
-#define GCC_QUSB2PHY_PRIM_BCR                                  9
-#define GCC_QUSB2PHY_SEC_BCR                                   10
-#define GCC_USB_PHY_CFG_AHB2PHY_BCR                            11
-#define GCC_SDCC1_BCR                                          12
-#define GCC_SDCC2_BCR                                          13
-#define GCC_SDCC3_BCR                                          14
-#define GCC_SDCC4_BCR                                          15
-#define GCC_BLSP1_BCR                                          16
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_BCR                                     17
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART1_BCR                                    18
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_BCR                                     19
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART2_BCR                                    20
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_BCR                                     21
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART3_BCR                                    22
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_BCR                                     23
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART4_BCR                                    24
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP5_BCR                                     25
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART5_BCR                                    26
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP6_BCR                                     27
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART6_BCR                                    28
-#define GCC_BLSP2_BCR                                          29
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP1_BCR                                     30
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART1_BCR                                    31
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP2_BCR                                     32
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART2_BCR                                    33
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP3_BCR                                     34
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART3_BCR                                    35
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP4_BCR                                     36
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART4_BCR                                    37
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP5_BCR                                     38
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART5_BCR                                    39
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP6_BCR                                     40
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART6_BCR                                    41
-#define GCC_PDM_BCR                                            42
-#define GCC_PRNG_BCR                                           43
-#define GCC_TSIF_BCR                                           44
-#define GCC_TCSR_BCR                                           45
-#define GCC_BOOT_ROM_BCR                                       46
-#define GCC_MSG_RAM_BCR                                                47
-#define GCC_TLMM_BCR                                           48
-#define GCC_MPM_BCR                                            49
-#define GCC_SEC_CTRL_BCR                                       50
-#define GCC_SPMI_BCR                                           51
-#define GCC_SPDM_BCR                                           52
-#define GCC_CE1_BCR                                            53
-#define GCC_BIMC_BCR                                           54
-#define GCC_SNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT0_BCR                              55
-#define GCC_SNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT2_BCR                              56
-#define GCC_SNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT1_BCR                              57
-#define GCC_SNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT3_BCR                              58
-#define GCC_SNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT_EXTREF_BCR                                59
-#define GCC_PNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT0_BCR                              60
-#define GCC_PNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT1_BCR                              61
-#define GCC_PNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT2_BCR                              62
-#define GCC_PNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT3_BCR                              63
-#define GCC_PNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT4_BCR                              64
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT0_BCR                              65
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT1_BCR                              66
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT2_BCR                              67
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT3_BCR                              68
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT4_BCR                              69
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT5_BCR                              70
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT6_BCR                              71
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT7_BCR                              72
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT8_BCR                              73
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT9_BCR                              74
-#define GCC_CNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT_EXTREF_BCR                                75
-#define GCC_APB2JTAG_BCR                                       76
-#define GCC_RBCPR_CX_BCR                                       77
-#define GCC_RBCPR_MX_BCR                                       78
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_BCR                                         79
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_PHY_BCR                                     80
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_BCR                                         81
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_PHY_BCR                                     82
-#define GCC_PCIE_2_BCR                                         83
-#define GCC_PCIE_2_PHY_BCR                                     84
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_BCR                                       85
-#define GCC_DCD_BCR                                            86
-#define GCC_OBT_ODT_BCR                                                87
-#define GCC_UFS_BCR                                            88
-#define GCC_SSC_BCR                                            89
-#define GCC_VS_BCR                                             90
-#define GCC_AGGRE0_NOC_BCR                                     91
-#define GCC_AGGRE1_NOC_BCR                                     92
-#define GCC_AGGRE2_NOC_BCR                                     93
-#define GCC_DCC_BCR                                            94
-#define GCC_IPA_BCR                                            95
-#define GCC_QSPI_BCR                                           96
-#define GCC_SKL_BCR                                            97
-#define GCC_MSMPU_BCR                                          98
-#define GCC_MSS_Q6_BCR                                         99
-#define GCC_QREFS_VBG_CAL_BCR                                  100
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_COM_BCR                                   101
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_COM_NOCSR_BCR                             102
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_BCR                                       103
-#define GCC_USB3PHY_PHY_BCR                                    104
-#define GCC_MSS_RESTART                                                105
-/* Indexes for GDSCs */
-#define AGGRE0_NOC_GDSC                        0
-#define HLOS1_VOTE_AGGRE0_NOC_GDSC     1
-#define USB30_GDSC                     4
-#define PCIE0_GDSC                     5
-#define PCIE1_GDSC                     6
-#define PCIE2_GDSC                     7
-#define UFS_GDSC                       8
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-qcs404.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-qcs404.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bc30515..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-#define GCC_APSS_AHB_CLK_SRC                           0
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP0_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                        1
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP0_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                        2
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                        3
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                        4
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                        5
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                        6
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                        7
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                        8
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                        9
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                        10
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART0_APPS_CLK_SRC                   11
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART1_APPS_CLK_SRC                   12
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART2_APPS_CLK_SRC                   13
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART3_APPS_CLK_SRC                   14
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP0_I2C_APPS_CLK_SRC                        15
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP0_SPI_APPS_CLK_SRC                        16
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART0_APPS_CLK_SRC                   17
-#define GCC_BYTE0_CLK_SRC                              18
-#define GCC_EMAC_CLK_SRC                               19
-#define GCC_EMAC_PTP_CLK_SRC                           20
-#define GCC_ESC0_CLK_SRC                               21
-#define GCC_APSS_AHB_CLK                               22
-#define GCC_APSS_AXI_CLK                               23
-#define GCC_BIMC_APSS_AXI_CLK                          24
-#define GCC_BIMC_GFX_CLK                               25
-#define GCC_BIMC_MDSS_CLK                              26
-#define GCC_BLSP1_AHB_CLK                              27
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP0_I2C_APPS_CLK                    28
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP0_SPI_APPS_CLK                    29
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_I2C_APPS_CLK                    30
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_SPI_APPS_CLK                    31
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_I2C_APPS_CLK                    32
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_SPI_APPS_CLK                    33
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_I2C_APPS_CLK                    34
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_SPI_APPS_CLK                    35
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_I2C_APPS_CLK                    36
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_SPI_APPS_CLK                    37
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART0_APPS_CLK                       38
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART1_APPS_CLK                       39
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART2_APPS_CLK                       40
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART3_APPS_CLK                       41
-#define GCC_BLSP2_AHB_CLK                              42
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP0_I2C_APPS_CLK                    43
-#define GCC_BLSP2_QUP0_SPI_APPS_CLK                    44
-#define GCC_BLSP2_UART0_APPS_CLK                       45
-#define GCC_BOOT_ROM_AHB_CLK                           46
-#define GCC_DCC_CLK                                    47
-#define GCC_GENI_IR_H_CLK                              48
-#define GCC_ETH_AXI_CLK                                        49
-#define GCC_ETH_PTP_CLK                                        50
-#define GCC_ETH_RGMII_CLK                              51
-#define GCC_ETH_SLAVE_AHB_CLK                          52
-#define GCC_GENI_IR_S_CLK                              53
-#define GCC_GP1_CLK                                    54
-#define GCC_GP2_CLK                                    55
-#define GCC_GP3_CLK                                    56
-#define GCC_MDSS_AHB_CLK                               57
-#define GCC_MDSS_AXI_CLK                               58
-#define GCC_MDSS_BYTE0_CLK                             59
-#define GCC_MDSS_ESC0_CLK                              60
-#define GCC_MDSS_HDMI_APP_CLK                          61
-#define GCC_MDSS_HDMI_PCLK_CLK                         62
-#define GCC_MDSS_MDP_CLK                               63
-#define GCC_MDSS_PCLK0_CLK                             64
-#define GCC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK                             65
-#define GCC_OXILI_AHB_CLK                              66
-#define GCC_OXILI_GFX3D_CLK                            67
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AUX_CLK                             68
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_CFG_AHB_CLK                         69
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_MSTR_AXI_CLK                                70
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_PIPE_CLK                            71
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_SLV_AXI_CLK                         72
-#define GCC_PCNOC_USB2_CLK                             73
-#define GCC_PCNOC_USB3_CLK                             74
-#define GCC_PDM2_CLK                                   75
-#define GCC_PDM_AHB_CLK                                        76
-#define GCC_VSYNC_CLK_SRC                              77
-#define GCC_PRNG_AHB_CLK                               78
-#define GCC_PWM0_XO512_CLK                             79
-#define GCC_PWM1_XO512_CLK                             80
-#define GCC_PWM2_XO512_CLK                             81
-#define GCC_SDCC1_AHB_CLK                              82
-#define GCC_SDCC1_APPS_CLK                             83
-#define GCC_SDCC1_ICE_CORE_CLK                         84
-#define GCC_SDCC2_AHB_CLK                              85
-#define GCC_SDCC2_APPS_CLK                             86
-#define GCC_SYS_NOC_USB3_CLK                           87
-#define GCC_USB20_MOCK_UTMI_CLK                                88
-#define GCC_USB2A_PHY_SLEEP_CLK                                89
-#define GCC_USB30_MASTER_CLK                           90
-#define GCC_USB30_MOCK_UTMI_CLK                                91
-#define GCC_USB30_SLEEP_CLK                            92
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_AUX_CLK                           93
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_PIPE_CLK                          94
-#define GCC_USB_HS_PHY_CFG_AHB_CLK                     95
-#define GCC_USB_HS_SYSTEM_CLK                          96
-#define GCC_GFX3D_CLK_SRC                              97
-#define GCC_GP1_CLK_SRC                                        98
-#define GCC_GP2_CLK_SRC                                        99
-#define GCC_GP3_CLK_SRC                                        100
-#define GCC_GPLL0_OUT_MAIN                             101
-#define GCC_GPLL1_OUT_MAIN                             102
-#define GCC_GPLL3_OUT_MAIN                             103
-#define GCC_GPLL4_OUT_MAIN                             104
-#define GCC_HDMI_APP_CLK_SRC                           105
-#define GCC_HDMI_PCLK_CLK_SRC                          106
-#define GCC_MDP_CLK_SRC                                        107
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AUX_CLK_SRC                         108
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_PIPE_CLK_SRC                                109
-#define GCC_PCLK0_CLK_SRC                              110
-#define GCC_PDM2_CLK_SRC                               111
-#define GCC_SDCC1_APPS_CLK_SRC                         112
-#define GCC_SDCC1_ICE_CORE_CLK_SRC                     113
-#define GCC_SDCC2_APPS_CLK_SRC                         114
-#define GCC_USB20_MOCK_UTMI_CLK_SRC                    115
-#define GCC_USB30_MASTER_CLK_SRC                       116
-#define GCC_USB30_MOCK_UTMI_CLK_SRC                    117
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_AUX_CLK_SRC                       118
-#define GCC_USB_HS_SYSTEM_CLK_SRC                      119
-#define GCC_GPLL0_AO_CLK_SRC                           120
-#define GCC_USB_HS_INACTIVITY_TIMERS_CLK               122
-#define GCC_GPLL0_AO_OUT_MAIN                          123
-#define GCC_GPLL0_SLEEP_CLK_SRC                                124
-#define GCC_GPLL6                                      125
-#define GCC_GPLL6_OUT_AUX                              126
-#define GCC_MDSS_MDP_VOTE_CLK                          127
-#define GCC_MDSS_ROTATOR_VOTE_CLK                      128
-#define GCC_BIMC_GPU_CLK                               129
-#define GCC_GTCU_AHB_CLK                               130
-#define GCC_GFX_TCU_CLK                                        131
-#define GCC_GFX_TBU_CLK                                        132
-#define GCC_SMMU_CFG_CLK                               133
-#define GCC_APSS_TCU_CLK                               134
-#define GCC_CRYPTO_AHB_CLK                             135
-#define GCC_CRYPTO_AXI_CLK                             136
-#define GCC_CRYPTO_CLK                                 137
-#define GCC_MDP_TBU_CLK                                        138
-#define GCC_QDSS_DAP_CLK                               139
-#define GCC_DCC_XO_CLK                                 140
-#define GCC_WCSS_Q6_AHB_CLK                            141
-#define GCC_WCSS_Q6_AXIM_CLK                           142
-#define GCC_CDSP_CFG_AHB_CLK                           143
-#define GCC_BIMC_CDSP_CLK                              144
-#define GCC_CDSP_TBU_CLK                               145
-#define GCC_CDSP_BIMC_CLK_SRC                          146
-#define GCC_GENI_IR_BCR                                        0
-#define GCC_USB_HS_BCR                                 1
-#define GCC_USB2_HS_PHY_ONLY_BCR                       2
-#define GCC_QUSB2_PHY_BCR                              3
-#define GCC_USB_HS_PHY_CFG_AHB_BCR                     4
-#define GCC_USB2A_PHY_BCR                              5
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_BCR                               6
-#define GCC_USB_30_BCR                                 7
-#define GCC_USB3PHY_PHY_BCR                            8
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_BCR                                 9
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_PHY_BCR                             10
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_LINK_DOWN_BCR                       11
-#define GCC_PCIEPHY_0_PHY_BCR                          12
-#define GCC_EMAC_BCR                                   13
-#define GCC_CDSP_RESTART                               14
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AXI_MASTER_STICKY_ARES              15
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AHB_ARES                            16
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AXI_SLAVE_ARES                      17
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AXI_MASTER_ARES                     18
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_CORE_STICKY_ARES                    19
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_SLEEP_ARES                          20
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_PIPE_ARES                           21
-#define GCC_WDSP_RESTART                               22
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-sdm845.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gcc-sdm845.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 968fa65..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-/* GCC clock registers */
-#define GCC_AGGRE_NOC_PCIE_TBU_CLK                             0
-#define GCC_AGGRE_UFS_CARD_AXI_CLK                             1
-#define GCC_AGGRE_UFS_PHY_AXI_CLK                              2
-#define GCC_AGGRE_USB3_PRIM_AXI_CLK                            3
-#define GCC_AGGRE_USB3_SEC_AXI_CLK                             4
-#define GCC_BOOT_ROM_AHB_CLK                                   5
-#define GCC_CAMERA_AHB_CLK                                     6
-#define GCC_CAMERA_AXI_CLK                                     7
-#define GCC_CAMERA_XO_CLK                                      8
-#define GCC_CE1_AHB_CLK                                                9
-#define GCC_CE1_AXI_CLK                                                10
-#define GCC_CE1_CLK                                            11
-#define GCC_CFG_NOC_USB3_PRIM_AXI_CLK                          12
-#define GCC_CFG_NOC_USB3_SEC_AXI_CLK                           13
-#define GCC_CPUSS_AHB_CLK                                      14
-#define GCC_CPUSS_AHB_CLK_SRC                                  15
-#define GCC_CPUSS_RBCPR_CLK                                    16
-#define GCC_CPUSS_RBCPR_CLK_SRC                                        17
-#define GCC_DDRSS_GPU_AXI_CLK                                  18
-#define GCC_DISP_AHB_CLK                                       19
-#define GCC_DISP_AXI_CLK                                       20
-#define GCC_DISP_GPLL0_CLK_SRC                                 21
-#define GCC_DISP_GPLL0_DIV_CLK_SRC                             22
-#define GCC_DISP_XO_CLK                                                23
-#define GCC_GP1_CLK                                            24
-#define GCC_GP1_CLK_SRC                                                25
-#define GCC_GP2_CLK                                            26
-#define GCC_GP2_CLK_SRC                                                27
-#define GCC_GP3_CLK                                            28
-#define GCC_GP3_CLK_SRC                                                29
-#define GCC_GPU_CFG_AHB_CLK                                    30
-#define GCC_GPU_GPLL0_CLK_SRC                                  31
-#define GCC_GPU_GPLL0_DIV_CLK_SRC                              32
-#define GCC_GPU_MEMNOC_GFX_CLK                                 33
-#define GCC_GPU_SNOC_DVM_GFX_CLK                               34
-#define GCC_MSS_AXIS2_CLK                                      35
-#define GCC_MSS_CFG_AHB_CLK                                    36
-#define GCC_MSS_GPLL0_DIV_CLK_SRC                              37
-#define GCC_MSS_MFAB_AXIS_CLK                                  38
-#define GCC_MSS_Q6_MEMNOC_AXI_CLK                              39
-#define GCC_MSS_SNOC_AXI_CLK                                   40
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AUX_CLK                                     41
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_AUX_CLK_SRC                                 42
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_CFG_AHB_CLK                                 43
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_CLKREF_CLK                                  44
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_MSTR_AXI_CLK                                        45
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_PIPE_CLK                                    46
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_SLV_AXI_CLK                                 47
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_SLV_Q2A_AXI_CLK                             48
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_AUX_CLK                                     49
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_AUX_CLK_SRC                                 50
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_CFG_AHB_CLK                                 51
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_CLKREF_CLK                                  52
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_MSTR_AXI_CLK                                        53
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_PIPE_CLK                                    54
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_SLV_AXI_CLK                                 55
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_SLV_Q2A_AXI_CLK                             56
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_AUX_CLK                                   57
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_REFGEN_CLK                                        58
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_REFGEN_CLK_SRC                            59
-#define GCC_PDM2_CLK                                           60
-#define GCC_PDM2_CLK_SRC                                       61
-#define GCC_PDM_AHB_CLK                                                62
-#define GCC_PDM_XO4_CLK                                                63
-#define GCC_PRNG_AHB_CLK                                       64
-#define GCC_QMIP_CAMERA_AHB_CLK                                        65
-#define GCC_QMIP_DISP_AHB_CLK                                  66
-#define GCC_QMIP_VIDEO_AHB_CLK                                 67
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S0_CLK                                 68
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S0_CLK_SRC                             69
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S1_CLK                                 70
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S1_CLK_SRC                             71
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S2_CLK                                 72
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S2_CLK_SRC                             73
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S3_CLK                                 74
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S3_CLK_SRC                             75
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S4_CLK                                 76
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S4_CLK_SRC                             77
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S5_CLK                                 78
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S5_CLK_SRC                             79
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S6_CLK                                 80
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S6_CLK_SRC                             81
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S7_CLK                                 82
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP0_S7_CLK_SRC                             83
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S0_CLK                                 84
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S0_CLK_SRC                             85
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S1_CLK                                 86
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S1_CLK_SRC                             87
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S2_CLK                                 88
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S2_CLK_SRC                             89
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S3_CLK                                 90
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S3_CLK_SRC                             91
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S4_CLK                                 92
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S4_CLK_SRC                             93
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S5_CLK                                 94
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S5_CLK_SRC                             95
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S6_CLK                                 96
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S6_CLK_SRC                             97
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S7_CLK                                 98
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP1_S7_CLK_SRC                             99
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP_0_M_AHB_CLK                             100
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP_0_S_AHB_CLK                             101
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP_1_M_AHB_CLK                             102
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAP_1_S_AHB_CLK                             103
-#define GCC_SDCC2_AHB_CLK                                      104
-#define GCC_SDCC2_APPS_CLK                                     105
-#define GCC_SDCC2_APPS_CLK_SRC                                 106
-#define GCC_SDCC4_AHB_CLK                                      107
-#define GCC_SDCC4_APPS_CLK                                     108
-#define GCC_SDCC4_APPS_CLK_SRC                                 109
-#define GCC_SYS_NOC_CPUSS_AHB_CLK                              110
-#define GCC_TSIF_AHB_CLK                                       111
-#define GCC_TSIF_INACTIVITY_TIMERS_CLK                         112
-#define GCC_TSIF_REF_CLK                                       113
-#define GCC_TSIF_REF_CLK_SRC                                   114
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_AHB_CLK                                   115
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_AXI_CLK                                   116
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_AXI_CLK_SRC                               117
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_CLKREF_CLK                                        118
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_ICE_CORE_CLK                              119
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_ICE_CORE_CLK_SRC                          120
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_PHY_AUX_CLK                               121
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_PHY_AUX_CLK_SRC                           122
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_RX_SYMBOL_0_CLK                           123
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_RX_SYMBOL_1_CLK                           124
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_TX_SYMBOL_0_CLK                           125
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_UNIPRO_CORE_CLK                           126
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_UNIPRO_CORE_CLK_SRC                       127
-#define GCC_UFS_MEM_CLKREF_CLK                                 128
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_AHB_CLK                                    129
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_AXI_CLK                                    130
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_AXI_CLK_SRC                                        131
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_ICE_CORE_CLK                               132
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_ICE_CORE_CLK_SRC                           133
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_PHY_AUX_CLK                                        134
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_PHY_AUX_CLK_SRC                            135
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_RX_SYMBOL_0_CLK                            136
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_RX_SYMBOL_1_CLK                            137
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_TX_SYMBOL_0_CLK                            138
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_UNIPRO_CORE_CLK                            139
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_UNIPRO_CORE_CLK_SRC                                140
-#define GCC_USB30_PRIM_MASTER_CLK                              141
-#define GCC_USB30_PRIM_MASTER_CLK_SRC                          142
-#define GCC_USB30_PRIM_MOCK_UTMI_CLK                           143
-#define GCC_USB30_PRIM_MOCK_UTMI_CLK_SRC                       144
-#define GCC_USB30_PRIM_SLEEP_CLK                               145
-#define GCC_USB30_SEC_MASTER_CLK                               146
-#define GCC_USB30_SEC_MASTER_CLK_SRC                           147
-#define GCC_USB30_SEC_MOCK_UTMI_CLK                            148
-#define GCC_USB30_SEC_MOCK_UTMI_CLK_SRC                                149
-#define GCC_USB30_SEC_SLEEP_CLK                                        150
-#define GCC_USB3_PRIM_CLKREF_CLK                               151
-#define GCC_USB3_PRIM_PHY_AUX_CLK                              152
-#define GCC_USB3_PRIM_PHY_AUX_CLK_SRC                          153
-#define GCC_USB3_PRIM_PHY_COM_AUX_CLK                          154
-#define GCC_USB3_PRIM_PHY_PIPE_CLK                             155
-#define GCC_USB3_SEC_CLKREF_CLK                                        156
-#define GCC_USB3_SEC_PHY_AUX_CLK                               157
-#define GCC_USB3_SEC_PHY_AUX_CLK_SRC                           158
-#define GCC_USB3_SEC_PHY_PIPE_CLK                              159
-#define GCC_USB3_SEC_PHY_COM_AUX_CLK                           160
-#define GCC_USB_PHY_CFG_AHB2PHY_CLK                            161
-#define GCC_VIDEO_AHB_CLK                                      162
-#define GCC_VIDEO_AXI_CLK                                      163
-#define GCC_VIDEO_XO_CLK                                       164
-#define GPLL0                                                  165
-#define GPLL0_OUT_EVEN                                         166
-#define GPLL0_OUT_MAIN                                         167
-#define GCC_GPU_IREF_CLK                                       168
-#define GCC_SDCC1_AHB_CLK                                      169
-#define GCC_SDCC1_APPS_CLK                                     170
-#define GCC_SDCC1_ICE_CORE_CLK                                 171
-#define GCC_SDCC1_APPS_CLK_SRC                                 172
-#define GCC_SDCC1_ICE_CORE_CLK_SRC                             173
-#define GCC_APC_VS_CLK                                         174
-#define GCC_GPU_VS_CLK                                         175
-#define GCC_MSS_VS_CLK                                         176
-#define GCC_VDDA_VS_CLK                                                177
-#define GCC_VDDCX_VS_CLK                                       178
-#define GCC_VDDMX_VS_CLK                                       179
-#define GCC_VS_CTRL_AHB_CLK                                    180
-#define GCC_VS_CTRL_CLK                                                181
-#define GCC_VS_CTRL_CLK_SRC                                    182
-#define GCC_VSENSOR_CLK_SRC                                    183
-#define GPLL4                                                  184
-#define GCC_CPUSS_DVM_BUS_CLK                                  185
-#define GCC_CPUSS_GNOC_CLK                                     186
-#define GCC_QSPI_CORE_CLK_SRC                                  187
-#define GCC_QSPI_CORE_CLK                                      188
-#define GCC_QSPI_CNOC_PERIPH_AHB_CLK                           189
-#define GCC_LPASS_Q6_AXI_CLK                                   190
-#define GCC_LPASS_SWAY_CLK                                     191
-/* GCC Resets */
-#define GCC_MMSS_BCR                                           0
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_BCR                                         1
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_BCR                                         2
-#define GCC_PCIE_PHY_BCR                                       3
-#define GCC_PDM_BCR                                            4
-#define GCC_PRNG_BCR                                           5
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAPPER_0_BCR                                        6
-#define GCC_QUPV3_WRAPPER_1_BCR                                        7
-#define GCC_QUSB2PHY_PRIM_BCR                                  8
-#define GCC_QUSB2PHY_SEC_BCR                                   9
-#define GCC_SDCC2_BCR                                          10
-#define GCC_SDCC4_BCR                                          11
-#define GCC_TSIF_BCR                                           12
-#define GCC_UFS_CARD_BCR                                       13
-#define GCC_UFS_PHY_BCR                                                14
-#define GCC_USB30_PRIM_BCR                                     15
-#define GCC_USB30_SEC_BCR                                      16
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_PRIM_BCR                                  17
-#define GCC_USB3PHY_PHY_PRIM_BCR                               18
-#define GCC_USB3_DP_PHY_PRIM_BCR                               19
-#define GCC_USB3_PHY_SEC_BCR                                   20
-#define GCC_USB3PHY_PHY_SEC_BCR                                        21
-#define GCC_USB3_DP_PHY_SEC_BCR                                        22
-#define GCC_USB_PHY_CFG_AHB2PHY_BCR                            23
-#define GCC_PCIE_0_PHY_BCR                                     24
-#define GCC_PCIE_1_PHY_BCR                                     25
-/* GCC GDSCRs */
-#define PCIE_0_GDSC                                            0
-#define PCIE_1_GDSC                                            1
-#define UFS_CARD_GDSC                                          2
-#define UFS_PHY_GDSC                                           3
-#define USB30_PRIM_GDSC                                                4
-#define USB30_SEC_GDSC                                         5
-#define HLOS1_VOTE_AGGRE_NOC_MMU_AUDIO_TBU_GDSC                        6
-#define HLOS1_VOTE_AGGRE_NOC_MMU_PCIE_TBU_GDSC                 7
-#define HLOS1_VOTE_AGGRE_NOC_MMU_TBU1_GDSC                     8
-#define HLOS1_VOTE_AGGRE_NOC_MMU_TBU2_GDSC                     9
-#define HLOS1_VOTE_MMNOC_MMU_TBU_HF0_GDSC                      10
-#define HLOS1_VOTE_MMNOC_MMU_TBU_HF1_GDSC                      11
-#define HLOS1_VOTE_MMNOC_MMU_TBU_SF_GDSC                       12
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gpucc-sdm845.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,gpucc-sdm845.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9690d90..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-/* GPU_CC clock registers */
-#define GPU_CC_CX_GMU_CLK                      0
-#define GPU_CC_CXO_CLK                         1
-#define GPU_CC_GMU_CLK_SRC                     2
-#define GPU_CC_PLL1                            3
-/* GPU_CC Resets */
-#define GPUCC_GPU_CC_CX_BCR                    0
-#define GPUCC_GPU_CC_GMU_BCR                   1
-#define GPUCC_GPU_CC_XO_BCR                    2
-/* GPU_CC GDSCRs */
-#define GPU_CX_GDSC                            0
-#define GPU_GX_GDSC                            1
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,lpass-sdm845.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,lpass-sdm845.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6590508..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-#define LPASS_Q6SS_AHBM_AON_CLK                                0
-#define LPASS_Q6SS_AHBS_AON_CLK                                1
-#define LPASS_QDSP6SS_XO_CLK                           2
-#define LPASS_QDSP6SS_SLEEP_CLK                                3
-#define LPASS_QDSP6SS_CORE_CLK                         4
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,mmcc-msm8996.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,mmcc-msm8996.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d51f9ac..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
- * Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-#define MMPLL0_EARLY                                   0
-#define MMPLL0_PLL                                     1
-#define MMPLL1_EARLY                                   2
-#define MMPLL1_PLL                                     3
-#define MMPLL2_EARLY                                   4
-#define MMPLL2_PLL                                     5
-#define MMPLL3_EARLY                                   6
-#define MMPLL3_PLL                                     7
-#define MMPLL4_EARLY                                   8
-#define MMPLL4_PLL                                     9
-#define MMPLL5_EARLY                                   10
-#define MMPLL5_PLL                                     11
-#define MMPLL8_EARLY                                   12
-#define MMPLL8_PLL                                     13
-#define MMPLL9_EARLY                                   14
-#define MMPLL9_PLL                                     15
-#define AHB_CLK_SRC                                    16
-#define AXI_CLK_SRC                                    17
-#define MAXI_CLK_SRC                                   18
-#define DSA_CORE_CLK_SRC                               19
-#define GFX3D_CLK_SRC                                  20
-#define RBBMTIMER_CLK_SRC                              21
-#define ISENSE_CLK_SRC                                 22
-#define RBCPR_CLK_SRC                                  23
-#define VIDEO_CORE_CLK_SRC                             24
-#define VIDEO_SUBCORE0_CLK_SRC                         25
-#define VIDEO_SUBCORE1_CLK_SRC                         26
-#define PCLK0_CLK_SRC                                  27
-#define PCLK1_CLK_SRC                                  28
-#define MDP_CLK_SRC                                    29
-#define EXTPCLK_CLK_SRC                                        30
-#define VSYNC_CLK_SRC                                  31
-#define HDMI_CLK_SRC                                   32
-#define BYTE0_CLK_SRC                                  33
-#define BYTE1_CLK_SRC                                  34
-#define ESC0_CLK_SRC                                   35
-#define ESC1_CLK_SRC                                   36
-#define CAMSS_GP0_CLK_SRC                              37
-#define CAMSS_GP1_CLK_SRC                              38
-#define MCLK0_CLK_SRC                                  39
-#define MCLK1_CLK_SRC                                  40
-#define MCLK2_CLK_SRC                                  41
-#define MCLK3_CLK_SRC                                  42
-#define CCI_CLK_SRC                                    43
-#define CSI0PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                           44
-#define CSI1PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                           45
-#define CSI2PHYTIMER_CLK_SRC                           46
-#define CSIPHY0_3P_CLK_SRC                             47
-#define CSIPHY1_3P_CLK_SRC                             48
-#define CSIPHY2_3P_CLK_SRC                             49
-#define JPEG0_CLK_SRC                                  50
-#define JPEG2_CLK_SRC                                  51
-#define JPEG_DMA_CLK_SRC                               52
-#define VFE0_CLK_SRC                                   53
-#define VFE1_CLK_SRC                                   54
-#define CPP_CLK_SRC                                    55
-#define CSI0_CLK_SRC                                   56
-#define CSI1_CLK_SRC                                   57
-#define CSI2_CLK_SRC                                   58
-#define CSI3_CLK_SRC                                   59
-#define FD_CORE_CLK_SRC                                        60
-#define MMSS_CXO_CLK                                   61
-#define MMSS_SLEEPCLK_CLK                              62
-#define MMSS_MMAGIC_AHB_CLK                            63
-#define MMSS_MMAGIC_CFG_AHB_CLK                                64
-#define MMSS_MISC_AHB_CLK                              65
-#define MMSS_MISC_CXO_CLK                              66
-#define MMSS_BTO_AHB_CLK                               67
-#define MMSS_MMAGIC_AXI_CLK                            68
-#define MMSS_S0_AXI_CLK                                        69
-#define MMSS_MMAGIC_MAXI_CLK                           70
-#define DSA_CORE_CLK                                   71
-#define DSA_NOC_CFG_AHB_CLK                            72
-#define MMAGIC_CAMSS_AXI_CLK                           73
-#define MMAGIC_CAMSS_NOC_CFG_AHB_CLK                   74
-#define THROTTLE_CAMSS_CXO_CLK                         75
-#define THROTTLE_CAMSS_AHB_CLK                         76
-#define THROTTLE_CAMSS_AXI_CLK                         77
-#define SMMU_VFE_AHB_CLK                               78
-#define SMMU_VFE_AXI_CLK                               79
-#define SMMU_CPP_AHB_CLK                               80
-#define SMMU_CPP_AXI_CLK                               81
-#define SMMU_JPEG_AHB_CLK                              82
-#define SMMU_JPEG_AXI_CLK                              83
-#define MMAGIC_MDSS_AXI_CLK                            84
-#define MMAGIC_MDSS_NOC_CFG_AHB_CLK                    85
-#define THROTTLE_MDSS_CXO_CLK                          86
-#define THROTTLE_MDSS_AHB_CLK                          87
-#define THROTTLE_MDSS_AXI_CLK                          88
-#define SMMU_ROT_AHB_CLK                               89
-#define SMMU_ROT_AXI_CLK                               90
-#define SMMU_MDP_AHB_CLK                               91
-#define SMMU_MDP_AXI_CLK                               92
-#define MMAGIC_VIDEO_AXI_CLK                           93
-#define MMAGIC_VIDEO_NOC_CFG_AHB_CLK                   94
-#define THROTTLE_VIDEO_CXO_CLK                         95
-#define THROTTLE_VIDEO_AHB_CLK                         96
-#define THROTTLE_VIDEO_AXI_CLK                         97
-#define SMMU_VIDEO_AHB_CLK                             98
-#define SMMU_VIDEO_AXI_CLK                             99
-#define MMAGIC_BIMC_AXI_CLK                            100
-#define MMAGIC_BIMC_NOC_CFG_AHB_CLK                    101
-#define GPU_GX_GFX3D_CLK                               102
-#define GPU_GX_RBBMTIMER_CLK                           103
-#define GPU_AHB_CLK                                    104
-#define GPU_AON_ISENSE_CLK                             105
-#define VMEM_MAXI_CLK                                  106
-#define VMEM_AHB_CLK                                   107
-#define MMSS_RBCPR_CLK                                 108
-#define MMSS_RBCPR_AHB_CLK                             109
-#define VIDEO_CORE_CLK                                 110
-#define VIDEO_AXI_CLK                                  111
-#define VIDEO_MAXI_CLK                                 112
-#define VIDEO_AHB_CLK                                  113
-#define VIDEO_SUBCORE0_CLK                             114
-#define VIDEO_SUBCORE1_CLK                             115
-#define MDSS_AHB_CLK                                   116
-#define MDSS_HDMI_AHB_CLK                              117
-#define MDSS_AXI_CLK                                   118
-#define MDSS_PCLK0_CLK                                 119
-#define MDSS_PCLK1_CLK                                 120
-#define MDSS_MDP_CLK                                   121
-#define MDSS_EXTPCLK_CLK                               122
-#define MDSS_VSYNC_CLK                                 123
-#define MDSS_HDMI_CLK                                  124
-#define MDSS_BYTE0_CLK                                 125
-#define MDSS_BYTE1_CLK                                 126
-#define MDSS_ESC0_CLK                                  127
-#define MDSS_ESC1_CLK                                  128
-#define CAMSS_TOP_AHB_CLK                              129
-#define CAMSS_AHB_CLK                                  130
-#define CAMSS_MICRO_AHB_CLK                            131
-#define CAMSS_GP0_CLK                                  132
-#define CAMSS_GP1_CLK                                  133
-#define CAMSS_MCLK0_CLK                                        134
-#define CAMSS_MCLK1_CLK                                        135
-#define CAMSS_MCLK2_CLK                                        136
-#define CAMSS_MCLK3_CLK                                        137
-#define CAMSS_CCI_CLK                                  138
-#define CAMSS_CCI_AHB_CLK                              139
-#define CAMSS_CSI0PHYTIMER_CLK                         140
-#define CAMSS_CSI1PHYTIMER_CLK                         141
-#define CAMSS_CSI2PHYTIMER_CLK                         142
-#define CAMSS_CSIPHY0_3P_CLK                           143
-#define CAMSS_CSIPHY1_3P_CLK                           144
-#define CAMSS_CSIPHY2_3P_CLK                           145
-#define CAMSS_JPEG0_CLK                                        146
-#define CAMSS_JPEG2_CLK                                        147
-#define CAMSS_JPEG_DMA_CLK                             148
-#define CAMSS_JPEG_AHB_CLK                             149
-#define CAMSS_JPEG_AXI_CLK                             150
-#define CAMSS_VFE_AHB_CLK                              151
-#define CAMSS_VFE_AXI_CLK                              152
-#define CAMSS_VFE0_CLK                                 153
-#define CAMSS_VFE0_STREAM_CLK                          154
-#define CAMSS_VFE0_AHB_CLK                             155
-#define CAMSS_VFE1_CLK                                 156
-#define CAMSS_VFE1_STREAM_CLK                          157
-#define CAMSS_VFE1_AHB_CLK                             158
-#define CAMSS_CSI_VFE0_CLK                             159
-#define CAMSS_CSI_VFE1_CLK                             160
-#define CAMSS_CPP_VBIF_AHB_CLK                         161
-#define CAMSS_CPP_AXI_CLK                              162
-#define CAMSS_CPP_CLK                                  163
-#define CAMSS_CPP_AHB_CLK                              164
-#define CAMSS_CSI0_CLK                                 165
-#define CAMSS_CSI0_AHB_CLK                             166
-#define CAMSS_CSI0PHY_CLK                              167
-#define CAMSS_CSI0RDI_CLK                              168
-#define CAMSS_CSI0PIX_CLK                              169
-#define CAMSS_CSI1_CLK                                 170
-#define CAMSS_CSI1_AHB_CLK                             171
-#define CAMSS_CSI1PHY_CLK                              172
-#define CAMSS_CSI1RDI_CLK                              173
-#define CAMSS_CSI1PIX_CLK                              174
-#define CAMSS_CSI2_CLK                                 175
-#define CAMSS_CSI2_AHB_CLK                             176
-#define CAMSS_CSI2PHY_CLK                              177
-#define CAMSS_CSI2RDI_CLK                              178
-#define CAMSS_CSI2PIX_CLK                              179
-#define CAMSS_CSI3_CLK                                 180
-#define CAMSS_CSI3_AHB_CLK                             181
-#define CAMSS_CSI3PHY_CLK                              182
-#define CAMSS_CSI3RDI_CLK                              183
-#define CAMSS_CSI3PIX_CLK                              184
-#define CAMSS_ISPIF_AHB_CLK                            185
-#define FD_CORE_CLK                                    186
-#define FD_CORE_UAR_CLK                                        187
-#define FD_AHB_CLK                                     188
-#define MMSS_SPDM_CSI0_CLK                             189
-#define MMSS_SPDM_JPEG_DMA_CLK                         190
-#define MMSS_SPDM_CPP_CLK                              191
-#define MMSS_SPDM_PCLK0_CLK                            192
-#define MMSS_SPDM_AHB_CLK                              193
-#define MMSS_SPDM_GFX3D_CLK                            194
-#define MMSS_SPDM_PCLK1_CLK                            195
-#define MMSS_SPDM_JPEG2_CLK                            196
-#define MMSS_SPDM_DEBUG_CLK                            197
-#define MMSS_SPDM_VFE1_CLK                             198
-#define MMSS_SPDM_VFE0_CLK                             199
-#define MMSS_SPDM_VIDEO_CORE_CLK                       200
-#define MMSS_SPDM_AXI_CLK                              201
-#define MMSS_SPDM_MDP_CLK                              202
-#define MMSS_SPDM_JPEG0_CLK                            203
-#define MMSS_SPDM_RM_AXI_CLK                           204
-#define MMSS_SPDM_RM_MAXI_CLK                          205
-#define MMAGICAHB_BCR                                  0
-#define MMAGIC_CFG_BCR                                 1
-#define MISC_BCR                                       2
-#define BTO_BCR                                                3
-#define MMAGICAXI_BCR                                  4
-#define MMAGICMAXI_BCR                                 5
-#define DSA_BCR                                                6
-#define MMAGIC_CAMSS_BCR                               7
-#define THROTTLE_CAMSS_BCR                             8
-#define SMMU_VFE_BCR                                   9
-#define SMMU_CPP_BCR                                   10
-#define SMMU_JPEG_BCR                                  11
-#define MMAGIC_MDSS_BCR                                        12
-#define THROTTLE_MDSS_BCR                              13
-#define SMMU_ROT_BCR                                   14
-#define SMMU_MDP_BCR                                   15
-#define MMAGIC_VIDEO_BCR                               16
-#define THROTTLE_VIDEO_BCR                             17
-#define SMMU_VIDEO_BCR                                 18
-#define MMAGIC_BIMC_BCR                                        19
-#define GPU_GX_BCR                                     20
-#define GPU_BCR                                                21
-#define GPU_AON_BCR                                    22
-#define VMEM_BCR                                       23
-#define MMSS_RBCPR_BCR                                 24
-#define VIDEO_BCR                                      25
-#define MDSS_BCR                                       26
-#define CAMSS_TOP_BCR                                  27
-#define CAMSS_AHB_BCR                                  28
-#define CAMSS_MICRO_BCR                                        29
-#define CAMSS_CCI_BCR                                  30
-#define CAMSS_PHY0_BCR                                 31
-#define CAMSS_PHY1_BCR                                 32
-#define CAMSS_PHY2_BCR                                 33
-#define CAMSS_CSIPHY0_3P_BCR                           34
-#define CAMSS_CSIPHY1_3P_BCR                           35
-#define CAMSS_CSIPHY2_3P_BCR                           36
-#define CAMSS_JPEG_BCR                                 37
-#define CAMSS_VFE_BCR                                  38
-#define CAMSS_VFE0_BCR                                 39
-#define CAMSS_VFE1_BCR                                 40
-#define CAMSS_CSI_VFE0_BCR                             41
-#define CAMSS_CSI_VFE1_BCR                             42
-#define CAMSS_CPP_TOP_BCR                              43
-#define CAMSS_CPP_BCR                                  44
-#define CAMSS_CSI0_BCR                                 45
-#define CAMSS_CSI0RDI_BCR                              46
-#define CAMSS_CSI0PIX_BCR                              47
-#define CAMSS_CSI1_BCR                                 48
-#define CAMSS_CSI1RDI_BCR                              49
-#define CAMSS_CSI1PIX_BCR                              50
-#define CAMSS_CSI2_BCR                                 51
-#define CAMSS_CSI2RDI_BCR                              52
-#define CAMSS_CSI2PIX_BCR                              53
-#define CAMSS_CSI3_BCR                                 54
-#define CAMSS_CSI3RDI_BCR                              55
-#define CAMSS_CSI3PIX_BCR                              56
-#define CAMSS_ISPIF_BCR                                        57
-#define FD_BCR                                         58
-#define MMSS_SPDM_RM_BCR                               59
-/* Indexes for GDSCs */
-#define MMAGIC_VIDEO_GDSC      0
-#define MMAGIC_MDSS_GDSC       1
-#define MMAGIC_CAMSS_GDSC      2
-#define GPU_GDSC               3
-#define VENUS_GDSC             4
-#define VENUS_CORE0_GDSC       5
-#define VENUS_CORE1_GDSC       6
-#define CAMSS_GDSC             7
-#define VFE0_GDSC              8
-#define VFE1_GDSC              9
-#define JPEG_GDSC              10
-#define CPP_GDSC               11
-#define FD_GDSC                        12
-#define MDSS_GDSC              13
-#define GPU_GX_GDSC            14
-#define MMAGIC_BIMC_GDSC       15
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,rpmcc.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,rpmcc.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 46309c9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
- * Copyright 2015 Linaro Limited
- */
-/* RPM clocks */
-#define RPM_PXO_CLK                            0
-#define RPM_PXO_A_CLK                          1
-#define RPM_CXO_CLK                            2
-#define RPM_CXO_A_CLK                          3
-#define RPM_APPS_FABRIC_CLK                    4
-#define RPM_APPS_FABRIC_A_CLK                  5
-#define RPM_CFPB_CLK                           6
-#define RPM_CFPB_A_CLK                         7
-#define RPM_QDSS_CLK                           8
-#define RPM_QDSS_A_CLK                         9
-#define RPM_DAYTONA_FABRIC_CLK                 10
-#define RPM_DAYTONA_FABRIC_A_CLK               11
-#define RPM_EBI1_CLK                           12
-#define RPM_EBI1_A_CLK                         13
-#define RPM_MM_FABRIC_CLK                      14
-#define RPM_MM_FABRIC_A_CLK                    15
-#define RPM_MMFPB_CLK                          16
-#define RPM_MMFPB_A_CLK                                17
-#define RPM_SYS_FABRIC_CLK                     18
-#define RPM_SYS_FABRIC_A_CLK                   19
-#define RPM_SFPB_CLK                           20
-#define RPM_SFPB_A_CLK                         21
-#define RPM_SMI_CLK                            22
-#define RPM_SMI_A_CLK                          23
-#define RPM_PLL4_CLK                           24
-#define RPM_XO_D0                              25
-#define RPM_XO_D1                              26
-#define RPM_XO_A0                              27
-#define RPM_XO_A1                              28
-#define RPM_XO_A2                              29
-#define RPM_NSS_FABRIC_0_CLK                   30
-#define RPM_NSS_FABRIC_0_A_CLK                 31
-#define RPM_NSS_FABRIC_1_CLK                   32
-#define RPM_NSS_FABRIC_1_A_CLK                 33
-/* SMD RPM clocks */
-#define RPM_SMD_XO_CLK_SRC                             0
-#define RPM_SMD_XO_A_CLK_SRC                   1
-#define RPM_SMD_PCNOC_CLK                              2
-#define RPM_SMD_PCNOC_A_CLK                            3
-#define RPM_SMD_SNOC_CLK                               4
-#define RPM_SMD_SNOC_A_CLK                             5
-#define RPM_SMD_BIMC_CLK                               6
-#define RPM_SMD_BIMC_A_CLK                             7
-#define RPM_SMD_QDSS_CLK                               8
-#define RPM_SMD_QDSS_A_CLK                             9
-#define RPM_SMD_BB_CLK1                                10
-#define RPM_SMD_BB_CLK1_A                              11
-#define RPM_SMD_BB_CLK2                                12
-#define RPM_SMD_BB_CLK2_A                              13
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK1                                14
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK1_A                              15
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK2                                16
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK2_A                              17
-#define RPM_SMD_BB_CLK1_PIN                            18
-#define RPM_SMD_BB_CLK1_A_PIN                  19
-#define RPM_SMD_BB_CLK2_PIN                            20
-#define RPM_SMD_BB_CLK2_A_PIN                  21
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK1_PIN                            22
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK1_A_PIN                  23
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK2_PIN                            24
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK2_A_PIN                  25
-#define RPM_SMD_PNOC_CLK                       26
-#define RPM_SMD_PNOC_A_CLK                     27
-#define RPM_SMD_CNOC_CLK                       28
-#define RPM_SMD_CNOC_A_CLK                     29
-#define RPM_SMD_MMSSNOC_AHB_CLK                        30
-#define RPM_SMD_MMSSNOC_AHB_A_CLK              31
-#define RPM_SMD_GFX3D_CLK_SRC                  32
-#define RPM_SMD_GFX3D_A_CLK_SRC                        33
-#define RPM_SMD_OCMEMGX_CLK                    34
-#define RPM_SMD_OCMEMGX_A_CLK                  35
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_D0                         36
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_D0_A                       37
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_D1                         38
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_D1_A                       39
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A0                         40
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A0_A                       41
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A1                         42
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A1_A                       43
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A2                         44
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A2_A                       45
-#define RPM_SMD_DIV_CLK1                       46
-#define RPM_SMD_DIV_A_CLK1                     47
-#define RPM_SMD_DIV_CLK2                       48
-#define RPM_SMD_DIV_A_CLK2                     49
-#define RPM_SMD_DIFF_CLK                       50
-#define RPM_SMD_DIFF_A_CLK                     51
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_D0_PIN                     52
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_D0_A_PIN                   53
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_D1_PIN                     54
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_D1_A_PIN                   55
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A0_PIN                     56
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A0_A_PIN                   57
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A1_PIN                     58
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A1_A_PIN                   59
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A2_PIN                     60
-#define RPM_SMD_CXO_A2_A_PIN                   61
-#define RPM_SMD_AGGR1_NOC_CLK                  62
-#define RPM_SMD_AGGR1_NOC_A_CLK                        63
-#define RPM_SMD_AGGR2_NOC_CLK                  64
-#define RPM_SMD_AGGR2_NOC_A_CLK                        65
-#define RPM_SMD_MMAXI_CLK                      66
-#define RPM_SMD_MMAXI_A_CLK                    67
-#define RPM_SMD_IPA_CLK                                68
-#define RPM_SMD_IPA_A_CLK                      69
-#define RPM_SMD_CE1_CLK                                70
-#define RPM_SMD_CE1_A_CLK                      71
-#define RPM_SMD_DIV_CLK3                       72
-#define RPM_SMD_DIV_A_CLK3                     73
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK                      74
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_A_CLK                    75
-#define RPM_SMD_BIMC_GPU_CLK                   76
-#define RPM_SMD_BIMC_GPU_A_CLK                 77
-#define RPM_SMD_QPIC_CLK                       78
-#define RPM_SMD_QPIC_CLK_A                     79
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK1                     80
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK1_A                   81
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK2                     82
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK2_A                   83
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK3_PIN                 84
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK3_A_PIN               85
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK3                                86
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK3_A                      87
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK3_PIN                    88
-#define RPM_SMD_RF_CLK3_A_PIN                  89
-#define RPM_SMD_MMSSNOC_AXI_CLK                        90
-#define RPM_SMD_MMSSNOC_AXI_CLK_A              91
-#define RPM_SMD_CNOC_PERIPH_CLK                        92
-#define RPM_SMD_CNOC_PERIPH_A_CLK              93
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK3                     94
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK3_A                   95
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK1_PIN                 96
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK1_A_PIN               97
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK2_PIN                 98
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK2_A_PIN               99
-#define RPM_SMD_SYSMMNOC_CLK                   100
-#define RPM_SMD_SYSMMNOC_A_CLK                 101
-#define RPM_SMD_CE2_CLK                                102
-#define RPM_SMD_CE2_A_CLK                      103
-#define RPM_SMD_CE3_CLK                                104
-#define RPM_SMD_CE3_A_CLK                      105
-#define RPM_SMD_QUP_CLK                                106
-#define RPM_SMD_QUP_A_CLK                      107
-#define RPM_SMD_MMRT_CLK                       108
-#define RPM_SMD_MMRT_A_CLK                     109
-#define RPM_SMD_MMNRT_CLK                      110
-#define RPM_SMD_MMNRT_A_CLK                    111
-#define RPM_SMD_SNOC_PERIPH_CLK                        112
-#define RPM_SMD_SNOC_PERIPH_A_CLK              113
-#define RPM_SMD_SNOC_LPASS_CLK                 114
-#define RPM_SMD_SNOC_LPASS_A_CLK               115
-#define RPM_SMD_HWKM_CLK                       116
-#define RPM_SMD_HWKM_A_CLK                     117
-#define RPM_SMD_PKA_CLK                                118
-#define RPM_SMD_PKA_A_CLK                      119
-#define RPM_SMD_CPUSS_GNOC_CLK                 120
-#define RPM_SMD_CPUSS_GNOC_A_CLK               121
-#define RPM_SMD_MSS_CFG_AHB_CLK                122
-#define RPM_SMD_MSS_CFG_AHB_A_CLK              123
-#define RPM_SMD_BIMC_FREQ_LOG                  124
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_CLK_PIN                  125
-#define RPM_SMD_LN_BB_A_CLK_PIN                        126
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,rpmh.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,rpmh.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bf5b59b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-/* Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. */
-/* RPMh controlled clocks */
-#define RPMH_CXO_CLK                           0
-#define RPMH_CXO_CLK_A                         1
-#define RPMH_LN_BB_CLK2                                2
-#define RPMH_LN_BB_CLK2_A                      3
-#define RPMH_LN_BB_CLK3                                4
-#define RPMH_LN_BB_CLK3_A                      5
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK1                           6
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK1_A                         7
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK2                           8
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK2_A                         9
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK3                           10
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK3_A                         11
-#define RPMH_IPA_CLK                           12
-#define RPMH_LN_BB_CLK1                                13
-#define RPMH_LN_BB_CLK1_A                      14
-#define RPMH_CE_CLK                            15
-#define RPMH_QPIC_CLK                          16
-#define RPMH_DIV_CLK1                          17
-#define RPMH_DIV_CLK1_A                                18
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK4                           19
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK4_A                         20
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK5                           21
-#define RPMH_RF_CLK5_A                         22
-#define RPMH_PKA_CLK                           23
-#define RPMH_HWKM_CLK                          24
-#define RPMH_QLINK_CLK                         25
-#define RPMH_QLINK_CLK_A                       26
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,turingcc-qcs404.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,turingcc-qcs404.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 838faef..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd
- */
-#define TURING_Q6SS_Q6_AXIM_CLK                0
-#define TURING_Q6SS_AHBM_AON_CLK       1
-#define TURING_WRAPPER_AON_CLK         2
-#define TURING_Q6SS_AHBS_AON_CLK       3
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,videocc-sdm845.h b/include/dt-bindings/clock/qcom,videocc-sdm845.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1b86816..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-/* VIDEO_CC clock registers */
-#define VIDEO_CC_APB_CLK               0
-#define VIDEO_CC_AT_CLK                        1
-#define VIDEO_CC_QDSS_TRIG_CLK         2
-#define VIDEO_CC_VCODEC0_AXI_CLK       4
-#define VIDEO_CC_VCODEC0_CORE_CLK      5
-#define VIDEO_CC_VCODEC1_AXI_CLK       6
-#define VIDEO_CC_VCODEC1_CORE_CLK      7
-#define VIDEO_CC_VENUS_AHB_CLK         8
-#define VIDEO_CC_VENUS_CLK_SRC         9
-#define VIDEO_CC_VENUS_CTL_AXI_CLK     10
-#define VIDEO_PLL0                     12
-/* VIDEO_CC Resets */
-#define VIDEO_CC_VENUS_BCR             0
-#define VIDEO_CC_VCODEC0_BCR           1
-#define VIDEO_CC_VCODEC1_BCR           2
-#define VIDEO_CC_INTERFACE_BCR         3
-#define VENUS_GDSC                     0
-#define VCODEC0_GDSC                   1
-#define VCODEC1_GDSC                   2
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/dma/qcom-gpi.h b/include/dt-bindings/dma/qcom-gpi.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ebda2a3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause */
-/* Copyright (c) 2020, Linaro Ltd.  */
-#define QCOM_GPI_SPI           1
-#define QCOM_GPI_UART          2
-#define QCOM_GPI_I2C           3
-#endif /* __DT_BINDINGS_DMA_QCOM_GPI_H__ */
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/firmware/qcom,scm.h b/include/dt-bindings/firmware/qcom,scm.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6de8b08..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause */
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2015, 2018-2019 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Linaro Ltd.
- * Copyright (c) 2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
- */
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_TZ               0x1
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_HLOS             0x3
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_SSC_Q6           0x5
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_ADSP_Q6          0x6
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_CP_TOUCH         0x8
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_CP_PIXEL         0xA
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_CP_CAMERA                0xD
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_HLOS_FREE                0xE
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_MSS_MSA          0xF
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_MSS_NONMSA       0x10
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_CP_APP           0x12
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_LPASS            0x16
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_WLAN             0x18
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_WLAN_CE          0x19
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_CP_SPSS_SP       0x1A
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_CDSP             0x1E
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_ADSP_HEAP                0x25
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_CP_CDSP          0x2A
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_NAV              0x2B
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_TVM              0x2D
-#define QCOM_SCM_VMID_OEMVM            0x31
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/iio/qcom,spmi-vadc.h b/include/dt-bindings/iio/qcom,spmi-vadc.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 08adfe2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2012-2014,2018,2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-/* Voltage ADC channels */
-#define VADC_USBIN                             0x00
-#define VADC_DCIN                              0x01
-#define VADC_VCHG_SNS                          0x02
-#define VADC_SPARE1_03                         0x03
-#define VADC_USB_ID_MV                         0x04
-#define VADC_VCOIN                             0x05
-#define VADC_VBAT_SNS                          0x06
-#define VADC_VSYS                              0x07
-#define VADC_DIE_TEMP                          0x08
-#define VADC_REF_625MV                         0x09
-#define VADC_REF_1250MV                                0x0a
-#define VADC_CHG_TEMP                          0x0b
-#define VADC_SPARE1                            0x0c
-#define VADC_SPARE2                            0x0d
-#define VADC_GND_REF                           0x0e
-#define VADC_VDD_VADC                          0x0f
-#define VADC_P_MUX1_1_1                                0x10
-#define VADC_P_MUX2_1_1                                0x11
-#define VADC_P_MUX3_1_1                                0x12
-#define VADC_P_MUX4_1_1                                0x13
-#define VADC_P_MUX5_1_1                                0x14
-#define VADC_P_MUX6_1_1                                0x15
-#define VADC_P_MUX7_1_1                                0x16
-#define VADC_P_MUX8_1_1                                0x17
-#define VADC_P_MUX9_1_1                                0x18
-#define VADC_P_MUX10_1_1                       0x19
-#define VADC_P_MUX11_1_1                       0x1a
-#define VADC_P_MUX12_1_1                       0x1b
-#define VADC_P_MUX13_1_1                       0x1c
-#define VADC_P_MUX14_1_1                       0x1d
-#define VADC_P_MUX15_1_1                       0x1e
-#define VADC_P_MUX16_1_1                       0x1f
-#define VADC_P_MUX1_1_3                                0x20
-#define VADC_P_MUX2_1_3                                0x21
-#define VADC_P_MUX3_1_3                                0x22
-#define VADC_P_MUX4_1_3                                0x23
-#define VADC_P_MUX5_1_3                                0x24
-#define VADC_P_MUX6_1_3                                0x25
-#define VADC_P_MUX7_1_3                                0x26
-#define VADC_P_MUX8_1_3                                0x27
-#define VADC_P_MUX9_1_3                                0x28
-#define VADC_P_MUX10_1_3                       0x29
-#define VADC_P_MUX11_1_3                       0x2a
-#define VADC_P_MUX12_1_3                       0x2b
-#define VADC_P_MUX13_1_3                       0x2c
-#define VADC_P_MUX14_1_3                       0x2d
-#define VADC_P_MUX15_1_3                       0x2e
-#define VADC_P_MUX16_1_3                       0x2f
-#define VADC_LR_MUX1_BAT_THERM                 0x30
-#define VADC_LR_MUX2_BAT_ID                    0x31
-#define VADC_LR_MUX3_XO_THERM                  0x32
-#define VADC_LR_MUX4_AMUX_THM1                 0x33
-#define VADC_LR_MUX5_AMUX_THM2                 0x34
-#define VADC_LR_MUX6_AMUX_THM3                 0x35
-#define VADC_LR_MUX7_HW_ID                     0x36
-#define VADC_LR_MUX8_AMUX_THM4                 0x37
-#define VADC_LR_MUX9_AMUX_THM5                 0x38
-#define VADC_LR_MUX10_USB_ID                   0x39
-#define VADC_AMUX_PU1                          0x3a
-#define VADC_AMUX_PU2                          0x3b
-#define VADC_LR_MUX3_BUF_XO_THERM              0x3c
-#define VADC_LR_MUX1_PU1_BAT_THERM             0x70
-#define VADC_LR_MUX2_PU1_BAT_ID                        0x71
-#define VADC_LR_MUX3_PU1_XO_THERM              0x72
-#define VADC_LR_MUX4_PU1_AMUX_THM1             0x73
-#define VADC_LR_MUX5_PU1_AMUX_THM2             0x74
-#define VADC_LR_MUX6_PU1_AMUX_THM3             0x75
-#define VADC_LR_MUX7_PU1_AMUX_HW_ID            0x76
-#define VADC_LR_MUX8_PU1_AMUX_THM4             0x77
-#define VADC_LR_MUX9_PU1_AMUX_THM5             0x78
-#define VADC_LR_MUX10_PU1_AMUX_USB_ID          0x79
-#define VADC_LR_MUX3_BUF_PU1_XO_THERM          0x7c
-#define VADC_LR_MUX1_PU2_BAT_THERM             0xb0
-#define VADC_LR_MUX2_PU2_BAT_ID                        0xb1
-#define VADC_LR_MUX3_PU2_XO_THERM              0xb2
-#define VADC_LR_MUX4_PU2_AMUX_THM1             0xb3
-#define VADC_LR_MUX5_PU2_AMUX_THM2             0xb4
-#define VADC_LR_MUX6_PU2_AMUX_THM3             0xb5
-#define VADC_LR_MUX7_PU2_AMUX_HW_ID            0xb6
-#define VADC_LR_MUX8_PU2_AMUX_THM4             0xb7
-#define VADC_LR_MUX9_PU2_AMUX_THM5             0xb8
-#define VADC_LR_MUX10_PU2_AMUX_USB_ID          0xb9
-#define VADC_LR_MUX3_BUF_PU2_XO_THERM          0xbc
-#define VADC_LR_MUX1_PU1_PU2_BAT_THERM         0xf0
-#define VADC_LR_MUX2_PU1_PU2_BAT_ID            0xf1
-#define VADC_LR_MUX3_PU1_PU2_XO_THERM          0xf2
-#define VADC_LR_MUX4_PU1_PU2_AMUX_THM1         0xf3
-#define VADC_LR_MUX5_PU1_PU2_AMUX_THM2         0xf4
-#define VADC_LR_MUX6_PU1_PU2_AMUX_THM3         0xf5
-#define VADC_LR_MUX7_PU1_PU2_AMUX_HW_ID                0xf6
-#define VADC_LR_MUX8_PU1_PU2_AMUX_THM4         0xf7
-#define VADC_LR_MUX9_PU1_PU2_AMUX_THM5         0xf8
-#define VADC_LR_MUX10_PU1_PU2_AMUX_USB_ID      0xf9
-#define VADC_LR_MUX3_BUF_PU1_PU2_XO_THERM      0xfc
-/* ADC channels for SPMI PMIC5 */
-#define ADC5_REF_GND                           0x00
-#define ADC5_1P25VREF                          0x01
-#define ADC5_VREF_VADC                         0x02
-#define ADC5_VREF_VADC5_DIV_3                  0x82
-#define ADC5_VPH_PWR                           0x83
-#define ADC5_VBAT_SNS                          0x84
-#define ADC5_VCOIN                             0x85
-#define ADC5_DIE_TEMP                          0x06
-#define ADC5_USB_IN_I                          0x07
-#define ADC5_USB_IN_V_16                       0x08
-#define ADC5_CHG_TEMP                          0x09
-#define ADC5_BAT_THERM                         0x0a
-#define ADC5_BAT_ID                            0x0b
-#define ADC5_XO_THERM                          0x0c
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM1                         0x0d
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM2                         0x0e
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM3                         0x0f
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM4                         0x10
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM5                         0x11
-#define ADC5_GPIO1                             0x12
-#define ADC5_GPIO2                             0x13
-#define ADC5_GPIO3                             0x14
-#define ADC5_GPIO4                             0x15
-#define ADC5_GPIO5                             0x16
-#define ADC5_GPIO6                             0x17
-#define ADC5_GPIO7                             0x18
-#define ADC5_SBUx                              0x99
-#define ADC5_MID_CHG_DIV6                      0x1e
-#define ADC5_OFF                               0xff
-/* 30k pull-up1 */
-#define ADC5_BAT_THERM_30K_PU                  0x2a
-#define ADC5_BAT_ID_30K_PU                     0x2b
-#define ADC5_XO_THERM_30K_PU                   0x2c
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM1_30K_PU                  0x2d
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM2_30K_PU                  0x2e
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM3_30K_PU                  0x2f
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM4_30K_PU                  0x30
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM5_30K_PU                  0x31
-#define ADC5_GPIO1_30K_PU                      0x32
-#define ADC5_GPIO2_30K_PU                      0x33
-#define ADC5_GPIO3_30K_PU                      0x34
-#define ADC5_GPIO4_30K_PU                      0x35
-#define ADC5_GPIO5_30K_PU                      0x36
-#define ADC5_GPIO6_30K_PU                      0x37
-#define ADC5_GPIO7_30K_PU                      0x38
-#define ADC5_SBUx_30K_PU                       0x39
-/* 100k pull-up2 */
-#define ADC5_BAT_THERM_100K_PU                 0x4a
-#define ADC5_BAT_ID_100K_PU                    0x4b
-#define ADC5_XO_THERM_100K_PU                  0x4c
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM1_100K_PU                 0x4d
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM2_100K_PU                 0x4e
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM3_100K_PU                 0x4f
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM4_100K_PU                 0x50
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM5_100K_PU                 0x51
-#define ADC5_GPIO1_100K_PU                     0x52
-#define ADC5_GPIO2_100K_PU                     0x53
-#define ADC5_GPIO3_100K_PU                     0x54
-#define ADC5_GPIO4_100K_PU                     0x55
-#define ADC5_GPIO5_100K_PU                     0x56
-#define ADC5_GPIO6_100K_PU                     0x57
-#define ADC5_GPIO7_100K_PU                     0x58
-#define ADC5_SBUx_100K_PU                      0x59
-/* 400k pull-up3 */
-#define ADC5_BAT_THERM_400K_PU                 0x6a
-#define ADC5_BAT_ID_400K_PU                    0x6b
-#define ADC5_XO_THERM_400K_PU                  0x6c
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM1_400K_PU                 0x6d
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM2_400K_PU                 0x6e
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM3_400K_PU                 0x6f
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM4_400K_PU                 0x70
-#define ADC5_AMUX_THM5_400K_PU                 0x71
-#define ADC5_GPIO1_400K_PU                     0x72
-#define ADC5_GPIO2_400K_PU                     0x73
-#define ADC5_GPIO3_400K_PU                     0x74
-#define ADC5_GPIO4_400K_PU                     0x75
-#define ADC5_GPIO5_400K_PU                     0x76
-#define ADC5_GPIO6_400K_PU                     0x77
-#define ADC5_GPIO7_400K_PU                     0x78
-#define ADC5_SBUx_400K_PU                      0x79
-/* 1/3 Divider */
-#define ADC5_GPIO1_DIV3                                0x92
-#define ADC5_GPIO2_DIV3                                0x93
-#define ADC5_GPIO3_DIV3                                0x94
-#define ADC5_GPIO4_DIV3                                0x95
-#define ADC5_GPIO5_DIV3                                0x96
-#define ADC5_GPIO6_DIV3                                0x97
-#define ADC5_GPIO7_DIV3                                0x98
-#define ADC5_SBUx_DIV3                         0x99
-/* Current and combined current/voltage channels */
-#define ADC5_INT_EXT_ISENSE                    0xa1
-#define ADC5_PARALLEL_ISENSE                   0xa5
-#define ADC5_CUR_REPLICA_VDS                   0xa7
-#define ADC5_CUR_SENS_BATFET_VDS_OFFSET                0xa9
-#define ADC5_CUR_SENS_REPLICA_VDS_OFFSET       0xab
-#define ADC5_EXT_SENS_OFFSET                   0xad
-#define ADC5_INT_EXT_ISENSE_VBAT_VDATA         0xb0
-#define ADC5_INT_EXT_ISENSE_VBAT_IDATA         0xb1
-#define ADC5_EXT_ISENSE_VBAT_VDATA             0xb2
-#define ADC5_EXT_ISENSE_VBAT_IDATA             0xb3
-#define ADC5_PARALLEL_ISENSE_VBAT_VDATA                0xb4
-#define ADC5_PARALLEL_ISENSE_VBAT_IDATA                0xb5
-#define ADC5_MAX_CHANNEL                       0xc0
-/* ADC channels for ADC for PMIC7 */
-#define ADC7_REF_GND                           0x00
-#define ADC7_1P25VREF                          0x01
-#define ADC7_VREF_VADC                         0x02
-#define ADC7_DIE_TEMP                          0x03
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM1                         0x04
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM2                         0x05
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM3                         0x06
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM4                         0x07
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM5                         0x08
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM6                         0x09
-#define ADC7_GPIO1                             0x0a
-#define ADC7_GPIO2                             0x0b
-#define ADC7_GPIO3                             0x0c
-#define ADC7_GPIO4                             0x0d
-#define ADC7_CHG_TEMP                          0x10
-#define ADC7_USB_IN_V_16                       0x11
-#define ADC7_VDC_16                            0x12
-#define ADC7_CC1_ID                            0x13
-#define ADC7_VREF_BAT_THERM                    0x15
-#define ADC7_IIN_FB                            0x17
-/* 30k pull-up1 */
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM1_30K_PU                  0x24
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM2_30K_PU                  0x25
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM3_30K_PU                  0x26
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM4_30K_PU                  0x27
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM5_30K_PU                  0x28
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM6_30K_PU                  0x29
-#define ADC7_GPIO1_30K_PU                      0x2a
-#define ADC7_GPIO2_30K_PU                      0x2b
-#define ADC7_GPIO3_30K_PU                      0x2c
-#define ADC7_GPIO4_30K_PU                      0x2d
-#define ADC7_CC1_ID_30K_PU                     0x33
-/* 100k pull-up2 */
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM1_100K_PU                 0x44
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM2_100K_PU                 0x45
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM3_100K_PU                 0x46
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM4_100K_PU                 0x47
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM5_100K_PU                 0x48
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM6_100K_PU                 0x49
-#define ADC7_GPIO1_100K_PU                     0x4a
-#define ADC7_GPIO2_100K_PU                     0x4b
-#define ADC7_GPIO3_100K_PU                     0x4c
-#define ADC7_GPIO4_100K_PU                     0x4d
-#define ADC7_CC1_ID_100K_PU                    0x53
-/* 400k pull-up3 */
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM1_400K_PU                 0x64
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM2_400K_PU                 0x65
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM3_400K_PU                 0x66
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM4_400K_PU                 0x67
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM5_400K_PU                 0x68
-#define ADC7_AMUX_THM6_400K_PU                 0x69
-#define ADC7_GPIO1_400K_PU                     0x6a
-#define ADC7_GPIO2_400K_PU                     0x6b
-#define ADC7_GPIO3_400K_PU                     0x6c
-#define ADC7_GPIO4_400K_PU                     0x6d
-#define ADC7_CC1_ID_400K_PU                    0x73
-/* 1/3 Divider */
-#define ADC7_GPIO1_DIV3                                0x8a
-#define ADC7_GPIO2_DIV3                                0x8b
-#define ADC7_GPIO3_DIV3                                0x8c
-#define ADC7_GPIO4_DIV3                                0x8d
-#define ADC7_VPH_PWR                           0x8e
-#define ADC7_VBAT_SNS                          0x8f
-#define ADC7_SBUx                              0x94
-#define ADC7_VBAT_2S_MID                       0x96
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8916.h b/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8916.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 359a75f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Qualcomm interconnect IDs
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Ltd.
- * Author: Georgi Djakov <>
- */
-#define BIMC_SNOC_SLV                  0
-#define MASTER_JPEG                    1
-#define MASTER_MDP_PORT0               2
-#define MASTER_QDSS_BAM                        3
-#define MASTER_QDSS_ETR                        4
-#define MASTER_SNOC_CFG                        5
-#define MASTER_VFE                     6
-#define MASTER_VIDEO_P0                        7
-#define SNOC_MM_INT_0                  8
-#define SNOC_MM_INT_1                  9
-#define SNOC_MM_INT_2                  10
-#define SNOC_MM_INT_BIMC               11
-#define PCNOC_SNOC_SLV                 12
-#define SLAVE_APSS                     13
-#define SLAVE_CATS_128                 14
-#define SLAVE_OCMEM_64                 15
-#define SLAVE_IMEM                     16
-#define SLAVE_QDSS_STM                 17
-#define SLAVE_SRVC_SNOC                        18
-#define SNOC_BIMC_0_MAS                        19
-#define SNOC_BIMC_1_MAS                        20
-#define SNOC_INT_0                     21
-#define SNOC_INT_1                     22
-#define SNOC_INT_BIMC                  23
-#define SNOC_PCNOC_MAS                 24
-#define SNOC_QDSS_INT                  25
-#define BIMC_SNOC_MAS                  0
-#define MASTER_AMPSS_M0                        1
-#define MASTER_GRAPHICS_3D             2
-#define MASTER_TCU0                    3
-#define MASTER_TCU1                    4
-#define SLAVE_AMPSS_L2                 5
-#define SLAVE_EBI_CH0                  6
-#define SNOC_BIMC_0_SLV                        7
-#define SNOC_BIMC_1_SLV                        8
-#define MASTER_BLSP_1                  0
-#define MASTER_DEHR                    1
-#define MASTER_LPASS                   2
-#define MASTER_CRYPTO_CORE0            3
-#define MASTER_SDCC_1                  4
-#define MASTER_SDCC_2                  5
-#define MASTER_SPDM                    6
-#define MASTER_USB_HS                  7
-#define PCNOC_INT_0                    8
-#define PCNOC_INT_1                    9
-#define PCNOC_MAS_0                    10
-#define PCNOC_MAS_1                    11
-#define PCNOC_SLV_0                    12
-#define PCNOC_SLV_1                    13
-#define PCNOC_SLV_2                    14
-#define PCNOC_SLV_3                    15
-#define PCNOC_SLV_4                    16
-#define PCNOC_SLV_8                    17
-#define PCNOC_SLV_9                    18
-#define PCNOC_SNOC_MAS                 19
-#define SLAVE_BIMC_CFG                 20
-#define SLAVE_BLSP_1                   21
-#define SLAVE_BOOT_ROM                 22
-#define SLAVE_CAMERA_CFG               23
-#define SLAVE_CLK_CTL                  24
-#define SLAVE_CRYPTO_0_CFG             25
-#define SLAVE_DEHR_CFG                 26
-#define SLAVE_DISPLAY_CFG              27
-#define SLAVE_GRAPHICS_3D_CFG          28
-#define SLAVE_IMEM_CFG                 29
-#define SLAVE_LPASS                    30
-#define SLAVE_MPM                      31
-#define SLAVE_MSG_RAM                  32
-#define SLAVE_MSS                      33
-#define SLAVE_PDM                      34
-#define SLAVE_PMIC_ARB                 35
-#define SLAVE_PCNOC_CFG                        36
-#define SLAVE_PRNG                     37
-#define SLAVE_QDSS_CFG                 38
-#define SLAVE_RBCPR_CFG                        39
-#define SLAVE_SDCC_1                   40
-#define SLAVE_SDCC_2                   41
-#define SLAVE_SECURITY                 42
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_CFG                 43
-#define SLAVE_SPDM                     44
-#define SLAVE_TCSR                     45
-#define SLAVE_TLMM                     46
-#define SLAVE_USB_HS                   47
-#define SLAVE_VENUS_CFG                        48
-#define SNOC_PCNOC_SLV                 49
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8996-cbf.h b/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8996-cbf.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aac5e69..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause) */
- * Copyright (C) 2023 Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved.
- */
-#define MASTER_CBF_M4M         0
-#define SLAVE_CBF_M4M          1
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8996.h b/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,msm8996.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a0b7c0e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-3-Clause) */
- * Qualcomm MSM8996 interconnect IDs
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2021 Yassine Oudjana <>
- */
-/* A0NOC */
-#define MASTER_PCIE_0                  0
-#define MASTER_PCIE_1                  1
-#define MASTER_PCIE_2                  2
-/* A1NOC */
-#define MASTER_CNOC_A1NOC              0
-#define MASTER_CRYPTO_CORE0            1
-#define MASTER_PNOC_A1NOC              2
-/* A2NOC */
-#define MASTER_USB3                    0
-#define MASTER_IPA                     1
-#define MASTER_UFS                     2
-/* BIMC */
-#define MASTER_AMPSS_M0                        0
-#define MASTER_GRAPHICS_3D             1
-#define MASTER_MNOC_BIMC               2
-#define MASTER_SNOC_BIMC               3
-#define SLAVE_EBI_CH0                  4
-#define SLAVE_HMSS_L3                  5
-#define SLAVE_BIMC_SNOC_0              6
-#define SLAVE_BIMC_SNOC_1              7
-/* CNOC */
-#define MASTER_SNOC_CNOC               0
-#define MASTER_QDSS_DAP                        1
-#define SLAVE_CNOC_A1NOC               2
-#define SLAVE_CLK_CTL                  3
-#define SLAVE_TCSR                     4
-#define SLAVE_TLMM                     5
-#define SLAVE_CRYPTO_0_CFG             6
-#define SLAVE_MPM                      7
-#define SLAVE_PIMEM_CFG                        8
-#define SLAVE_IMEM_CFG                 9
-#define SLAVE_MESSAGE_RAM              10
-#define SLAVE_BIMC_CFG                 11
-#define SLAVE_PMIC_ARB                 12
-#define SLAVE_PRNG                     13
-#define SLAVE_DCC_CFG                  14
-#define SLAVE_RBCPR_MX                 15
-#define SLAVE_QDSS_CFG                 16
-#define SLAVE_RBCPR_CX                 17
-#define SLAVE_QDSS_RBCPR_APU           18
-#define SLAVE_CNOC_MNOC_CFG            19
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_CFG                 20
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_MPU_CFG             21
-#define SLAVE_EBI1_PHY_CFG             22
-#define SLAVE_A0NOC_CFG                        23
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_1_CFG               24
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_2_CFG               25
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_0_CFG               26
-#define SLAVE_PCIE20_AHB2PHY           27
-#define SLAVE_A0NOC_MPU_CFG            28
-#define SLAVE_UFS_CFG                  29
-#define SLAVE_A1NOC_CFG                        30
-#define SLAVE_A1NOC_MPU_CFG            31
-#define SLAVE_A2NOC_CFG                        32
-#define SLAVE_A2NOC_MPU_CFG            33
-#define SLAVE_SSC_CFG                  34
-#define SLAVE_A0NOC_SMMU_CFG           35
-#define SLAVE_A1NOC_SMMU_CFG           36
-#define SLAVE_A2NOC_SMMU_CFG           37
-#define SLAVE_LPASS_SMMU_CFG           38
-#define SLAVE_CNOC_MNOC_MMSS_CFG       39
-/* MNOC */
-#define MASTER_CNOC_MNOC_CFG           0
-#define MASTER_CPP                     1
-#define MASTER_JPEG                    2
-#define MASTER_MDP_PORT0               3
-#define MASTER_MDP_PORT1               4
-#define MASTER_ROTATOR                 5
-#define MASTER_VIDEO_P0                        6
-#define MASTER_VFE                     7
-#define MASTER_SNOC_VMEM               8
-#define MASTER_VIDEO_P0_OCMEM          9
-#define MASTER_CNOC_MNOC_MMSS_CFG      10
-#define SLAVE_MNOC_BIMC                        11
-#define SLAVE_VMEM                     12
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_MNOC             13
-#define SLAVE_MMAGIC_CFG               14
-#define SLAVE_CPR_CFG                  15
-#define SLAVE_MISC_CFG                 16
-#define SLAVE_VENUS_THROTTLE_CFG       17
-#define SLAVE_VENUS_CFG                        18
-#define SLAVE_VMEM_CFG                 19
-#define SLAVE_DSA_CFG                  20
-#define SLAVE_MMSS_CLK_CFG             21
-#define SLAVE_DSA_MPU_CFG              22
-#define SLAVE_MNOC_MPU_CFG             23
-#define SLAVE_DISPLAY_CFG              24
-#define SLAVE_CAMERA_CFG               26
-#define SLAVE_GRAPHICS_3D_CFG          28
-#define SLAVE_SMMU_MDP_CFG             29
-#define SLAVE_SMMU_ROT_CFG             30
-#define SLAVE_SMMU_VENUS_CFG           31
-#define SLAVE_SMMU_CPP_CFG             32
-#define SLAVE_SMMU_JPEG_CFG            33
-#define SLAVE_SMMU_VFE_CFG             34
-/* PNOC */
-#define MASTER_SNOC_PNOC               0
-#define MASTER_SDCC_1                  1
-#define MASTER_SDCC_2                  2
-#define MASTER_SDCC_4                  3
-#define MASTER_USB_HS                  4
-#define MASTER_BLSP_1                  5
-#define MASTER_BLSP_2                  6
-#define MASTER_TSIF                    7
-#define SLAVE_PNOC_A1NOC               8
-#define SLAVE_USB_HS                   9
-#define SLAVE_SDCC_2                   10
-#define SLAVE_SDCC_4                   11
-#define SLAVE_TSIF                     12
-#define SLAVE_BLSP_2                   13
-#define SLAVE_SDCC_1                   14
-#define SLAVE_BLSP_1                   15
-#define SLAVE_PDM                      16
-#define SLAVE_AHB2PHY                  17
-/* SNOC */
-#define MASTER_HMSS                    0
-#define MASTER_QDSS_BAM                        1
-#define MASTER_SNOC_CFG                        2
-#define MASTER_BIMC_SNOC_0             3
-#define MASTER_BIMC_SNOC_1             4
-#define MASTER_A0NOC_SNOC              5
-#define MASTER_A1NOC_SNOC              6
-#define MASTER_A2NOC_SNOC              7
-#define MASTER_QDSS_ETR                        8
-#define SLAVE_A0NOC_SNOC               9
-#define SLAVE_A1NOC_SNOC               10
-#define SLAVE_A2NOC_SNOC               11
-#define SLAVE_HMSS                     12
-#define SLAVE_LPASS                    13
-#define SLAVE_USB3                     14
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_BIMC                        15
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_CNOC                        16
-#define SLAVE_IMEM                     17
-#define SLAVE_PIMEM                    18
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_VMEM                        19
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_PNOC                        20
-#define SLAVE_QDSS_STM                 21
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_0                   22
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_1                   23
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_2                   24
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_SNOC             25
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,osm-l3.h b/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,osm-l3.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 61ef649..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (C) 2019 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-#define MASTER_OSM_L3_APPS     0
-#define SLAVE_OSM_L3           1
-#define MASTER_EPSS_L3_APPS    0
-#define SLAVE_EPSS_L3_SHARED   1
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,sdm845.h b/include/dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,sdm845.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 67b500e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Qualcomm SDM845 interconnect IDs
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2018, Linaro Ltd.
- * Author: Georgi Djakov <>
- */
-#define MASTER_A1NOC_CFG               0
-#define MASTER_TSIF                    1
-#define MASTER_SDCC_2                  2
-#define MASTER_SDCC_4                  3
-#define MASTER_UFS_CARD                        4
-#define MASTER_UFS_MEM                 5
-#define MASTER_PCIE_0                  6
-#define SLAVE_A1NOC_SNOC               7
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_A1NOC            8
-#define MASTER_QUP_1                   10
-#define MASTER_A2NOC_CFG               0
-#define MASTER_QDSS_BAM                        1
-#define MASTER_CNOC_A2NOC              2
-#define MASTER_CRYPTO                  3
-#define MASTER_IPA                     4
-#define MASTER_PCIE_1                  5
-#define MASTER_QDSS_ETR                        6
-#define MASTER_USB3_0                  7
-#define MASTER_USB3_1                  8
-#define SLAVE_A2NOC_SNOC               9
-#define SLAVE_ANOC_PCIE_SNOC           10
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_A2NOC            11
-#define MASTER_QUP_2                   12
-#define MASTER_SPDM                    0
-#define MASTER_TIC                     1
-#define MASTER_SNOC_CNOC               2
-#define MASTER_QDSS_DAP                        3
-#define SLAVE_A1NOC_CFG                        4
-#define SLAVE_A2NOC_CFG                        5
-#define SLAVE_AOP                      6
-#define SLAVE_AOSS                     7
-#define SLAVE_CAMERA_CFG               8
-#define SLAVE_CLK_CTL                  9
-#define SLAVE_CDSP_CFG                 10
-#define SLAVE_RBCPR_CX_CFG             11
-#define SLAVE_CRYPTO_0_CFG             12
-#define SLAVE_DCC_CFG                  13
-#define SLAVE_CNOC_DDRSS               14
-#define SLAVE_DISPLAY_CFG              15
-#define SLAVE_GLM                      16
-#define SLAVE_GFX3D_CFG                        17
-#define SLAVE_IMEM_CFG                 18
-#define SLAVE_IPA_CFG                  19
-#define SLAVE_CNOC_MNOC_CFG            20
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_0_CFG               21
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_1_CFG               22
-#define SLAVE_PDM                      23
-#define SLAVE_SOUTH_PHY_CFG            24
-#define SLAVE_PIMEM_CFG                        25
-#define SLAVE_PRNG                     26
-#define SLAVE_QDSS_CFG                 27
-#define SLAVE_BLSP_2                   28
-#define SLAVE_BLSP_1                   29
-#define SLAVE_SDCC_2                   30
-#define SLAVE_SDCC_4                   31
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_CFG                 32
-#define SLAVE_SPDM_WRAPPER             33
-#define SLAVE_SPSS_CFG                 34
-#define SLAVE_TCSR                     35
-#define SLAVE_TLMM_NORTH               36
-#define SLAVE_TLMM_SOUTH               37
-#define SLAVE_TSIF                     38
-#define SLAVE_UFS_CARD_CFG             39
-#define SLAVE_UFS_MEM_CFG              40
-#define SLAVE_USB3_0                   41
-#define SLAVE_USB3_1                   42
-#define SLAVE_VENUS_CFG                        43
-#define SLAVE_VSENSE_CTRL_CFG          44
-#define SLAVE_CNOC_A2NOC               45
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_CNOC             46
-#define MASTER_CNOC_DC_NOC             0
-#define SLAVE_LLCC_CFG                 1
-#define SLAVE_MEM_NOC_CFG              2
-#define MASTER_APPSS_PROC              0
-#define MASTER_GNOC_CFG                        1
-#define SLAVE_GNOC_SNOC                        2
-#define SLAVE_GNOC_MEM_NOC             3
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_GNOC             4
-#define MASTER_TCU_0                   0
-#define MASTER_MEM_NOC_CFG             1
-#define MASTER_GNOC_MEM_NOC            2
-#define MASTER_MNOC_HF_MEM_NOC         3
-#define MASTER_MNOC_SF_MEM_NOC         4
-#define MASTER_SNOC_GC_MEM_NOC         5
-#define MASTER_SNOC_SF_MEM_NOC         6
-#define MASTER_GFX3D                   7
-#define SLAVE_MSS_PROC_MS_MPU_CFG      8
-#define SLAVE_MEM_NOC_GNOC             9
-#define SLAVE_LLCC                     10
-#define SLAVE_MEM_NOC_SNOC             11
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_MEM_NOC          12
-#define MASTER_LLCC                    13
-#define SLAVE_EBI1                     14
-#define MASTER_CNOC_MNOC_CFG           0
-#define MASTER_CAMNOC_HF0              1
-#define MASTER_CAMNOC_HF1              2
-#define MASTER_CAMNOC_SF               3
-#define MASTER_MDP0                    4
-#define MASTER_MDP1                    5
-#define MASTER_ROTATOR                 6
-#define MASTER_VIDEO_P0                        7
-#define MASTER_VIDEO_P1                        8
-#define MASTER_VIDEO_PROC              9
-#define SLAVE_MNOC_SF_MEM_NOC          10
-#define SLAVE_MNOC_HF_MEM_NOC          11
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_MNOC             12
-#define MASTER_CAMNOC_HF0_UNCOMP       13
-#define MASTER_CAMNOC_HF1_UNCOMP       14
-#define MASTER_CAMNOC_SF_UNCOMP                15
-#define SLAVE_CAMNOC_UNCOMP            16
-#define MASTER_SNOC_CFG                        0
-#define MASTER_A1NOC_SNOC              1
-#define MASTER_A2NOC_SNOC              2
-#define MASTER_GNOC_SNOC               3
-#define MASTER_MEM_NOC_SNOC            4
-#define MASTER_ANOC_PCIE_SNOC          5
-#define MASTER_PIMEM                   6
-#define MASTER_GIC                     7
-#define SLAVE_APPSS                    8
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_CNOC                        9
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_MEM_NOC_GC          10
-#define SLAVE_SNOC_MEM_NOC_SF          11
-#define SLAVE_IMEM                     12
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_0                   13
-#define SLAVE_PCIE_1                   14
-#define SLAVE_PIMEM                    15
-#define SLAVE_SERVICE_SNOC             16
-#define SLAVE_QDSS_STM                 17
-#define SLAVE_TCU                      18
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/phy/phy-qcom-qusb2.h b/include/dt-bindings/phy/phy-qcom-qusb2.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5c5e4d8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-/* PHY HSTX TRIM bit values (24mA to 15mA) */
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_24_0_MA             0x0
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_23_4_MA             0x1
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_22_8_MA             0x2
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_22_2_MA             0x3
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_21_6_MA             0x4
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_21_0_MA             0x5
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_20_4_MA             0x6
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_19_8_MA             0x7
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_19_2_MA             0x8
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_18_6_MA             0x9
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_18_0_MA             0xa
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_17_4_MA             0xb
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_16_8_MA             0xc
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_16_2_MA             0xd
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_15_6_MA             0xe
-#define QUSB2_V2_HSTX_TRIM_15_0_MA             0xf
-/* PHY PREEMPHASIS bit values */
-#define QUSB2_V2_PREEMPHASIS_NONE              0
-#define QUSB2_V2_PREEMPHASIS_5_PERCENT         1
-#define QUSB2_V2_PREEMPHASIS_10_PERCENT                2
-#define QUSB2_V2_PREEMPHASIS_15_PERCENT                3
-/* PHY PREEMPHASIS-WIDTH bit values */
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/pinctrl/qcom,pmic-gpio.h b/include/dt-bindings/pinctrl/qcom,pmic-gpio.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e5df5ce..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * This header provides constants for the Qualcomm PMIC GPIO binding.
- */
-#define PMIC_GPIO_PULL_UP_30           0
-#define PMIC_GPIO_PULL_UP_1P5          1
-#define PMIC_GPIO_PULL_UP_31P5         2
-#define PMIC_GPIO_PULL_UP_1P5_30       3
-#define PMIC_GPIO_STRENGTH_NO          0
-#define PMIC_GPIO_STRENGTH_HIGH                1
-#define PMIC_GPIO_STRENGTH_MED         2
-#define PMIC_GPIO_STRENGTH_LOW         3
- * Note: PM8018 GPIO3 and GPIO4 are supporting
- * only S3 and L2 options (1.8V)
- */
-#define PM8018_GPIO_L6                 0
-#define PM8018_GPIO_L5                 1
-#define PM8018_GPIO_S3                 2
-#define PM8018_GPIO_L14                        3
-#define PM8018_GPIO_L2                 4
-#define PM8018_GPIO_L4                 5
-#define PM8018_GPIO_VDD                        6
- * Note: PM8038 GPIO7 and GPIO8 are supporting
- * only L11 and L4 options (1.8V)
- */
-#define PM8038_GPIO_VPH                        0
-#define PM8038_GPIO_BB                 1
-#define PM8038_GPIO_L11                        2
-#define PM8038_GPIO_L15                        3
-#define PM8038_GPIO_L4                 4
-#define PM8038_GPIO_L3                 5
-#define PM8038_GPIO_L17                        6
-#define PM8058_GPIO_VPH                        0
-#define PM8058_GPIO_BB                 1
-#define PM8058_GPIO_S3                 2
-#define PM8058_GPIO_L3                 3
-#define PM8058_GPIO_L7                 4
-#define PM8058_GPIO_L6                 5
-#define PM8058_GPIO_L5                 6
-#define PM8058_GPIO_L2                 7
- * Note: PM8916 GPIO1 and GPIO2 are supporting
- * only L2(1.15V) and L5(1.8V) options
- */
-#define PM8916_GPIO_VPH                        0
-#define PM8916_GPIO_L2                 2
-#define PM8916_GPIO_L5                 3
-#define PM8917_GPIO_VPH                        0
-#define PM8917_GPIO_S4                 2
-#define PM8917_GPIO_L15                        3
-#define PM8917_GPIO_L4                 4
-#define PM8917_GPIO_L3                 5
-#define PM8917_GPIO_L17                        6
-#define PM8921_GPIO_VPH                        0
-#define PM8921_GPIO_BB                 1
-#define PM8921_GPIO_S4                 2
-#define PM8921_GPIO_L15                        3
-#define PM8921_GPIO_L4                 4
-#define PM8921_GPIO_L3                 5
-#define PM8921_GPIO_L17                        6
- * Note: PM8941 gpios from 15 to 18 are supporting
- * only S3 and L6 options (1.8V)
- */
-#define PM8941_GPIO_VPH                        0
-#define PM8941_GPIO_L1                 1
-#define PM8941_GPIO_S3                 2
-#define PM8941_GPIO_L6                 3
- * Note: PMA8084 gpios from 15 to 18 are supporting
- * only S4 and L6 options (1.8V)
- */
-#define PMA8084_GPIO_VPH               0
-#define PMA8084_GPIO_L1                        1
-#define PMA8084_GPIO_S4                        2
-#define PMA8084_GPIO_L6                        3
-#define PM8994_GPIO_VPH                        0
-#define PM8994_GPIO_S4                 2
-#define PM8994_GPIO_L12                        3
-/* To be used with "function" */
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_NORMAL          "normal"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_PAIRED          "paired"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1           "func1"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2           "func2"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC3           "func3"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC4           "func4"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_DTEST1          "dtest1"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_DTEST2          "dtest2"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_DTEST3          "dtest3"
-#define PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_DTEST4          "dtest4"
-#define PM8038_GPIO1_2_LPG_DRV         PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8038_GPIO3_5V_BOOST_EN       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8038_GPIO5_6_EXT_REG_EN      PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8038_GPIO10_11_EXT_REG_EN    PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8038_GPIO6_7_CLK             PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8038_GPIO6_12_KYPD_DRV       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8058_GPIO7_8_MP3_CLK         PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8058_GPIO7_8_BCLK_19P2MHZ    PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8058_GPIO9_26_KYPD_DRV       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8058_GPIO21_23_UART_TX       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8058_GPIO24_26_LPG_DRV       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8058_GPIO33_BCLK_19P2MHZ     PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8058_GPIO34_35_MP3_CLK       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8058_GPIO36_BCLK_19P2MHZ     PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8058_GPIO37_UPL_OUT          PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8058_GPIO37_UART_M_RX                PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8058_GPIO38_39_CLK_32KHZ     PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8058_GPIO39_MP3_CLK          PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8058_GPIO40_EXT_BB_EN                PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8916_GPIO1_KEYP_DRV          PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8916_GPIO2_DIV_CLK           PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8916_GPIO2_SLEEP_CLK         PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8916_GPIO3_KEYP_DRV          PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8916_GPIO4_KEYP_DRV          PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8917_GPIO9_18_KEYP_DRV       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8917_GPIO21_23_UART_TX       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8917_GPIO25_26_EXT_REG_EN    PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8917_GPIO37_38_MP3_CLK       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8941_GPIO9_14_KYPD_DRV       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8941_GPIO15_18_DIV_CLK       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8941_GPIO15_18_SLEEP_CLK     PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8941_GPIO23_26_KYPD_DRV      PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8941_GPIO23_26_LPG_DRV_HI    PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PM8941_GPIO33_36_LPG_DRV_3D    PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PM8941_GPIO33_36_LPG_DRV_HI    PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PMA8084_GPIO4_5_LPG_DRV                PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PMA8084_GPIO7_10_LPG_DRV       PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
-#define PMA8084_GPIO5_14_KEYP_DRV      PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PMA8084_GPIO19_21_KEYP_DRV     PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC2
-#define PMA8084_GPIO15_18_DIV_CLK      PMIC_GPIO_FUNC_FUNC1
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/pinctrl/qcom,pmic-mpp.h b/include/dt-bindings/pinctrl/qcom,pmic-mpp.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 32e66ee..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * This header provides constants for the Qualcomm PMIC's
- * Multi-Purpose Pin binding.
- */
-/* power-source */
-/* Digital Input/Output: level [PM8058] */
-#define PM8058_MPP_VPH                 0
-#define PM8058_MPP_S3                  1
-#define PM8058_MPP_L2                  2
-#define PM8058_MPP_L3                  3
-/* Digital Input/Output: level [PM8901] */
-#define PM8901_MPP_MSMIO               0
-#define PM8901_MPP_DIG                 1
-#define PM8901_MPP_L5                  2
-#define PM8901_MPP_S4                  3
-#define PM8901_MPP_VPH                 4
-/* Digital Input/Output: level [PM8921] */
-#define PM8921_MPP_S4                  1
-#define PM8921_MPP_L15                 3
-#define PM8921_MPP_L17                 4
-#define PM8921_MPP_VPH                 7
-/* Digital Input/Output: level [PM8821] */
-#define PM8821_MPP_1P8                 0
-#define PM8821_MPP_VPH                 7
-/* Digital Input/Output: level [PM8018] */
-#define PM8018_MPP_L4                  0
-#define PM8018_MPP_L14                 1
-#define PM8018_MPP_S3                  2
-#define PM8018_MPP_L6                  3
-#define PM8018_MPP_L2                  4
-#define PM8018_MPP_L5                  5
-#define PM8018_MPP_VPH                 7
-/* Digital Input/Output: level [PM8038] */
-#define PM8038_MPP_L20                 0
-#define PM8038_MPP_L11                 1
-#define PM8038_MPP_L5                  2
-#define PM8038_MPP_L15                 3
-#define PM8038_MPP_L17                 4
-#define PM8038_MPP_VPH                 7
-#define PM8841_MPP_VPH                 0
-#define PM8841_MPP_S3                  2
-#define PM8916_MPP_VPH                 0
-#define PM8916_MPP_L2                  2
-#define PM8916_MPP_L5                  3
-#define PM8941_MPP_VPH                 0
-#define PM8941_MPP_L1                  1
-#define PM8941_MPP_S3                  2
-#define PM8941_MPP_L6                  3
-#define PMA8084_MPP_VPH                        0
-#define PMA8084_MPP_L1                 1
-#define PMA8084_MPP_S4                 2
-#define PMA8084_MPP_L6                 3
-#define PM8994_MPP_VPH                 0
-/* Only supported for MPP_05-MPP_08 */
-#define PM8994_MPP_L19                 1
-#define PM8994_MPP_S4                  2
-#define PM8994_MPP_L12                 3
- * Analog Input - Set the source for analog input.
- * To be used with "qcom,amux-route" property
- */
-#define PMIC_MPP_AMUX_ROUTE_CH5                0
-#define PMIC_MPP_AMUX_ROUTE_CH6                1
-#define PMIC_MPP_AMUX_ROUTE_CH7                2
-#define PMIC_MPP_AMUX_ROUTE_CH8                3
-#define PMIC_MPP_AMUX_ROUTE_ABUS1      4
-#define PMIC_MPP_AMUX_ROUTE_ABUS2      5
-#define PMIC_MPP_AMUX_ROUTE_ABUS3      6
-#define PMIC_MPP_AMUX_ROUTE_ABUS4      7
-/* Analog Output: level */
-#define PMIC_MPP_AOUT_LVL_1V25         0
-#define PMIC_MPP_AOUT_LVL_1V25_2       1
-#define PMIC_MPP_AOUT_LVL_0V625                2
-#define PMIC_MPP_AOUT_LVL_0V3125       3
-#define PMIC_MPP_AOUT_LVL_MPP          4
-#define PMIC_MPP_AOUT_LVL_ABUS1                5
-#define PMIC_MPP_AOUT_LVL_ABUS2                6
-#define PMIC_MPP_AOUT_LVL_ABUS3                7
-/* To be used with "function" */
-#define PMIC_MPP_FUNC_NORMAL           "normal"
-#define PMIC_MPP_FUNC_PAIRED           "paired"
-#define PMIC_MPP_FUNC_DTEST1           "dtest1"
-#define PMIC_MPP_FUNC_DTEST2           "dtest2"
-#define PMIC_MPP_FUNC_DTEST3           "dtest3"
-#define PMIC_MPP_FUNC_DTEST4           "dtest4"
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/power/qcom-rpmpd.h b/include/dt-bindings/power/qcom-rpmpd.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f4e298..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-/* Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. */
-/* SA8775P Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SA8775P_CX     0
-#define SA8775P_CX_AO  1
-#define SA8775P_DDR    2
-#define SA8775P_EBI    3
-#define SA8775P_GFX    4
-#define SA8775P_LCX    5
-#define SA8775P_LMX    6
-#define SA8775P_MMCX   7
-#define SA8775P_MMCX_AO        8
-#define SA8775P_MSS    9
-#define SA8775P_MX     10
-#define SA8775P_MX_AO  11
-#define SA8775P_MXC    12
-#define SA8775P_MXC_AO 13
-#define SA8775P_NSP0   14
-#define SA8775P_NSP1   15
-#define SA8775P_XO     16
-/* SDM670 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SDM670_MX      0
-#define SDM670_MX_AO   1
-#define SDM670_CX      2
-#define SDM670_CX_AO   3
-#define SDM670_LMX     4
-#define SDM670_LCX     5
-#define SDM670_GFX     6
-#define SDM670_MSS     7
-/* SDM845 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SDM845_EBI     0
-#define SDM845_MX      1
-#define SDM845_MX_AO   2
-#define SDM845_CX      3
-#define SDM845_CX_AO   4
-#define SDM845_LMX     5
-#define SDM845_LCX     6
-#define SDM845_GFX     7
-#define SDM845_MSS     8
-/* SDX55 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SDX55_MSS      0
-#define SDX55_MX       1
-#define SDX55_CX       2
-/* SDX65 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SDX65_MSS      0
-#define SDX65_MX       1
-#define SDX65_MX_AO    2
-#define SDX65_CX       3
-#define SDX65_CX_AO    4
-#define SDX65_MXC      5
-/* SM6350 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SM6350_CX      0
-#define SM6350_GFX     1
-#define SM6350_LCX     2
-#define SM6350_LMX     3
-#define SM6350_MSS     4
-#define SM6350_MX      5
-/* SM6350 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SM6375_VDDCX           0
-#define SM6375_VDDCX_AO        1
-#define SM6375_VDDCX_VFL       2
-#define SM6375_VDDMX           3
-#define SM6375_VDDMX_AO        4
-#define SM6375_VDDMX_VFL       5
-#define SM6375_VDDGX           6
-#define SM6375_VDDGX_AO        7
-#define SM6375_VDD_LPI_CX      8
-#define SM6375_VDD_LPI_MX      9
-/* SM8150 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SM8150_MSS     0
-#define SM8150_EBI     1
-#define SM8150_LMX     2
-#define SM8150_LCX     3
-#define SM8150_GFX     4
-#define SM8150_MX      5
-#define SM8150_MX_AO   6
-#define SM8150_CX      7
-#define SM8150_CX_AO   8
-#define SM8150_MMCX    9
-#define SM8150_MMCX_AO 10
-/* SA8155P is a special case, kept for backwards compatibility */
-#define SA8155P_CX     SM8150_CX
-#define SA8155P_CX_AO  SM8150_CX_AO
-#define SA8155P_EBI    SM8150_EBI
-#define SA8155P_GFX    SM8150_GFX
-#define SA8155P_MSS    SM8150_MSS
-#define SA8155P_MX     SM8150_MX
-#define SA8155P_MX_AO  SM8150_MX_AO
-/* SM8250 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SM8250_CX      0
-#define SM8250_CX_AO   1
-#define SM8250_EBI     2
-#define SM8250_GFX     3
-#define SM8250_LCX     4
-#define SM8250_LMX     5
-#define SM8250_MMCX    6
-#define SM8250_MMCX_AO 7
-#define SM8250_MX      8
-#define SM8250_MX_AO   9
-/* SM8350 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SM8350_CX      0
-#define SM8350_CX_AO   1
-#define SM8350_EBI     2
-#define SM8350_GFX     3
-#define SM8350_LCX     4
-#define SM8350_LMX     5
-#define SM8350_MMCX    6
-#define SM8350_MMCX_AO 7
-#define SM8350_MX      8
-#define SM8350_MX_AO   9
-#define SM8350_MXC     10
-#define SM8350_MXC_AO  11
-#define SM8350_MSS     12
-/* SM8450 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SM8450_CX      0
-#define SM8450_CX_AO   1
-#define SM8450_EBI     2
-#define SM8450_GFX     3
-#define SM8450_LCX     4
-#define SM8450_LMX     5
-#define SM8450_MMCX    6
-#define SM8450_MMCX_AO 7
-#define SM8450_MX      8
-#define SM8450_MX_AO   9
-#define SM8450_MXC     10
-#define SM8450_MXC_AO  11
-#define SM8450_MSS     12
-/* SM8550 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SM8550_CX      0
-#define SM8550_CX_AO   1
-#define SM8550_EBI     2
-#define SM8550_GFX     3
-#define SM8550_LCX     4
-#define SM8550_LMX     5
-#define SM8550_MMCX    6
-#define SM8550_MMCX_AO 7
-#define SM8550_MX      8
-#define SM8550_MX_AO   9
-#define SM8550_MXC     10
-#define SM8550_MXC_AO  11
-#define SM8550_MSS     12
-#define SM8550_NSP     13
-/* QDU1000/QRU1000 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define QDU1000_EBI    0
-#define QDU1000_MSS    1
-#define QDU1000_CX     2
-#define QDU1000_MX     3
-/* SC7180 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SC7180_CX      0
-#define SC7180_CX_AO   1
-#define SC7180_GFX     2
-#define SC7180_MX      3
-#define SC7180_MX_AO   4
-#define SC7180_LMX     5
-#define SC7180_LCX     6
-#define SC7180_MSS     7
-/* SC7280 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SC7280_CX      0
-#define SC7280_CX_AO   1
-#define SC7280_EBI     2
-#define SC7280_GFX     3
-#define SC7280_MX      4
-#define SC7280_MX_AO   5
-#define SC7280_LMX     6
-#define SC7280_LCX     7
-#define SC7280_MSS     8
-/* SC8180X Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SC8180X_CX     0
-#define SC8180X_CX_AO  1
-#define SC8180X_EBI    2
-#define SC8180X_GFX    3
-#define SC8180X_LCX    4
-#define SC8180X_LMX    5
-#define SC8180X_MMCX   6
-#define SC8180X_MMCX_AO        7
-#define SC8180X_MSS    8
-#define SC8180X_MX     9
-#define SC8180X_MX_AO  10
-/* SC8280XP Power Domain Indexes */
-#define SC8280XP_CX            0
-#define SC8280XP_CX_AO         1
-#define SC8280XP_DDR           2
-#define SC8280XP_EBI           3
-#define SC8280XP_GFX           4
-#define SC8280XP_LCX           5
-#define SC8280XP_LMX           6
-#define SC8280XP_MMCX          7
-#define SC8280XP_MMCX_AO       8
-#define SC8280XP_MSS           9
-#define SC8280XP_MX            10
-#define SC8280XP_MXC           12
-#define SC8280XP_MX_AO         11
-#define SC8280XP_NSP           13
-#define SC8280XP_QPHY          14
-#define SC8280XP_XO            15
-/* SDM845 Power Domain performance levels */
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_MIN_SVS           48
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_LOW_SVS_D2                52
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_LOW_SVS_D1                56
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_LOW_SVS_D0                60
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_LOW_SVS           64
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_LOW_SVS_P1                72
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_LOW_SVS_L1                80
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_LOW_SVS_L2                96
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_SVS               128
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_SVS_L0            144
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_SVS_L1            192
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_SVS_L2            224
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_NOM               256
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_NOM_L0            288
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_NOM_L1            320
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_NOM_L2            336
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO             384
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO_L0          400
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO_L1          416
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO_L2          432
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_LEVEL_TURBO_L3          448
-/* MDM9607 Power Domains */
-#define MDM9607_VDDCX          0
-#define MDM9607_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define MDM9607_VDDCX_VFL      2
-#define MDM9607_VDDMX          3
-#define MDM9607_VDDMX_AO       4
-#define MDM9607_VDDMX_VFL      5
-/* MSM8226 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8226_VDDCX          0
-#define MSM8226_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define MSM8226_VDDCX_VFC      2
-/* MSM8939 Power Domains */
-#define MSM8939_VDDMDCX                0
-#define MSM8939_VDDMDCX_AO     1
-#define MSM8939_VDDMDCX_VFC    2
-#define MSM8939_VDDCX          3
-#define MSM8939_VDDCX_AO       4
-#define MSM8939_VDDCX_VFC      5
-#define MSM8939_VDDMX          6
-#define MSM8939_VDDMX_AO       7
-/* MSM8916 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8916_VDDCX          0
-#define MSM8916_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define MSM8916_VDDCX_VFC      2
-#define MSM8916_VDDMX          3
-#define MSM8916_VDDMX_AO       4
-/* MSM8909 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8909_VDDCX          MSM8916_VDDCX
-#define MSM8909_VDDCX_AO       MSM8916_VDDCX_AO
-#define MSM8909_VDDCX_VFC      MSM8916_VDDCX_VFC
-#define MSM8909_VDDMX          MSM8916_VDDMX
-#define MSM8909_VDDMX_AO       MSM8916_VDDMX_AO
-/* MSM8917 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8917_VDDCX          0
-#define MSM8917_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define MSM8917_VDDCX_VFL      2
-#define MSM8917_VDDMX          3
-#define MSM8917_VDDMX_AO       4
-/* MSM8937 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8937_VDDCX          MSM8917_VDDCX
-#define MSM8937_VDDCX_AO       MSM8917_VDDCX_AO
-#define MSM8937_VDDCX_VFL      MSM8917_VDDCX_VFL
-#define MSM8937_VDDMX          MSM8917_VDDMX
-#define MSM8937_VDDMX_AO       MSM8917_VDDMX_AO
-/* QM215 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define QM215_VDDCX            MSM8917_VDDCX
-#define QM215_VDDCX_AO         MSM8917_VDDCX_AO
-#define QM215_VDDCX_VFL                MSM8917_VDDCX_VFL
-#define QM215_VDDMX            MSM8917_VDDMX
-#define QM215_VDDMX_AO         MSM8917_VDDMX_AO
-/* MSM8953 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8953_VDDMD          0
-#define MSM8953_VDDMD_AO       1
-#define MSM8953_VDDCX          2
-#define MSM8953_VDDCX_AO       3
-#define MSM8953_VDDCX_VFL      4
-#define MSM8953_VDDMX          5
-#define MSM8953_VDDMX_AO       6
-/* MSM8976 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8976_VDDCX          0
-#define MSM8976_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define MSM8976_VDDCX_VFL      2
-#define MSM8976_VDDMX          3
-#define MSM8976_VDDMX_AO       4
-#define MSM8976_VDDMX_VFL      5
-/* MSM8994 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8994_VDDCX          0
-#define MSM8994_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define MSM8994_VDDCX_VFC      2
-#define MSM8994_VDDMX          3
-#define MSM8994_VDDMX_AO       4
-#define MSM8994_VDDGFX         5
-#define MSM8994_VDDGFX_VFC     6
-/* MSM8996 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8996_VDDCX          0
-#define MSM8996_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define MSM8996_VDDCX_VFC      2
-#define MSM8996_VDDMX          3
-#define MSM8996_VDDMX_AO       4
-#define MSM8996_VDDSSCX                5
-#define MSM8996_VDDSSCX_VFC    6
-/* MSM8998 Power Domain Indexes */
-#define MSM8998_VDDCX          0
-#define MSM8998_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define MSM8998_VDDCX_VFL      2
-#define MSM8998_VDDMX          3
-#define MSM8998_VDDMX_AO       4
-#define MSM8998_VDDMX_VFL      5
-#define MSM8998_SSCCX          6
-#define MSM8998_SSCCX_VFL      7
-#define MSM8998_SSCMX          8
-#define MSM8998_SSCMX_VFL      9
-/* QCS404 Power Domains */
-#define QCS404_VDDMX           0
-#define QCS404_VDDMX_AO                1
-#define QCS404_VDDMX_VFL       2
-#define QCS404_LPICX           3
-#define QCS404_LPICX_VFL       4
-#define QCS404_LPIMX           5
-#define QCS404_LPIMX_VFL       6
-/* SDM660 Power Domains */
-#define SDM660_VDDCX           0
-#define SDM660_VDDCX_AO                1
-#define SDM660_VDDCX_VFL       2
-#define SDM660_VDDMX           3
-#define SDM660_VDDMX_AO                4
-#define SDM660_VDDMX_VFL       5
-#define SDM660_SSCCX           6
-#define SDM660_SSCCX_VFL       7
-#define SDM660_SSCMX           8
-#define SDM660_SSCMX_VFL       9
-/* SM6115 Power Domains */
-#define SM6115_VDDCX           0
-#define SM6115_VDDCX_AO                1
-#define SM6115_VDDCX_VFL       2
-#define SM6115_VDDMX           3
-#define SM6115_VDDMX_AO                4
-#define SM6115_VDDMX_VFL       5
-#define SM6115_VDD_LPI_CX      6
-#define SM6115_VDD_LPI_MX      7
-/* SM6125 Power Domains */
-#define SM6125_VDDCX           0
-#define SM6125_VDDCX_AO                1
-#define SM6125_VDDCX_VFL       2
-#define SM6125_VDDMX           3
-#define SM6125_VDDMX_AO                4
-#define SM6125_VDDMX_VFL       5
-/* QCM2290 Power Domains */
-#define QCM2290_VDDCX          0
-#define QCM2290_VDDCX_AO       1
-#define QCM2290_VDDCX_VFL      2
-#define QCM2290_VDDMX          3
-#define QCM2290_VDDMX_AO       4
-#define QCM2290_VDDMX_VFL      5
-#define QCM2290_VDD_LPI_CX     6
-#define QCM2290_VDD_LPI_MX     7
-/* RPM SMD Power Domain performance levels */
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_RETENTION       16
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_MIN_SVS         48
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_LOW_SVS         64
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_SVS             128
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_SVS_PLUS        192
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_NOM             256
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_NOM_PLUS        320
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_TURBO           384
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_TURBO_NO_CPR    416
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_TURBO_HIGH      448
-#define RPM_SMD_LEVEL_BINNING         512
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.h b/include/dt-bindings/regulator/qcom,rpmh-regulator.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 86713dc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-/* Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. */
- * These mode constants may be used to specify modes for various RPMh regulator
- * device tree properties (e.g. regulator-initial-mode).  Each type of regulator
- * supports a subset of the possible modes.
- *
- * %RPMH_REGULATOR_MODE_RET:   Retention mode in which only an extremely small
- *                             load current is allowed.  This mode is supported
- *                             by LDO and SMPS type regulators.
- * %RPMH_REGULATOR_MODE_LPM:   Low power mode in which a small load current is
- *                             allowed.  This mode corresponds to PFM for SMPS
- *                             and BOB type regulators.  This mode is supported
- *                             by LDO, HFSMPS, BOB, and PMIC4 FTSMPS type
- *                             regulators.
- * %RPMH_REGULATOR_MODE_AUTO:  Auto mode in which the regulator hardware
- *                             automatically switches between LPM and HPM based
- *                             upon the real-time load current.  This mode is
- *                             supported by HFSMPS, BOB, and PMIC4 FTSMPS type
- *                             regulators.
- * %RPMH_REGULATOR_MODE_HPM:   High power mode in which the full rated current
- *                             of the regulator is allowed.  This mode
- *                             corresponds to PWM for SMPS and BOB type
- *                             regulators.  This mode is supported by all types
- *                             of regulators.
- */
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_MODE_RET                0
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_MODE_LPM                1
-#define RPMH_REGULATOR_MODE_HPM                3
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,gcc-msm8916.h b/include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,gcc-msm8916.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1f9be10..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
- * Copyright 2015 Linaro Limited
- */
-#define GCC_BLSP1_BCR                  0
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP1_BCR             1
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART1_BCR            2
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP2_BCR             3
-#define GCC_BLSP1_UART2_BCR            4
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP3_BCR             5
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP4_BCR             6
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP5_BCR             7
-#define GCC_BLSP1_QUP6_BCR             8
-#define GCC_IMEM_BCR                   9
-#define GCC_SMMU_BCR                   10
-#define GCC_APSS_TCU_BCR               11
-#define GCC_SMMU_XPU_BCR               12
-#define GCC_PCNOC_TBU_BCR              13
-#define GCC_PRNG_BCR                   14
-#define GCC_BOOT_ROM_BCR               15
-#define GCC_CRYPTO_BCR                 16
-#define GCC_SEC_CTRL_BCR               17
-#define GCC_AUDIO_CORE_BCR             18
-#define GCC_ULT_AUDIO_BCR              19
-#define GCC_DEHR_BCR                   20
-#define GCC_SYSTEM_NOC_BCR             21
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BCR                  22
-#define GCC_TCSR_BCR                   23
-#define GCC_QDSS_BCR                   24
-#define GCC_DCD_BCR                    25
-#define GCC_MSG_RAM_BCR                        26
-#define GCC_MPM_BCR                    27
-#define GCC_SPMI_BCR                   28
-#define GCC_SPDM_BCR                   29
-#define GCC_MM_SPDM_BCR                        30
-#define GCC_BIMC_BCR                   31
-#define GCC_RBCPR_BCR                  32
-#define GCC_TLMM_BCR                   33
-#define GCC_USB_HS_BCR                 34
-#define GCC_USB2A_PHY_BCR              35
-#define GCC_SDCC1_BCR                  36
-#define GCC_SDCC2_BCR                  37
-#define GCC_PDM_BCR                    38
-#define GCC_SNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT0_BCR      39
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT0_BCR     40
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT1_BCR     41
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT2_BCR     42
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT3_BCR     43
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT4_BCR     44
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT5_BCR     45
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT6_BCR     46
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT7_BCR     47
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT8_BCR     48
-#define GCC_PCNOC_BUS_TIMEOUT9_BCR     49
-#define GCC_MMSS_BCR                   50
-#define GCC_VENUS0_BCR                 51
-#define GCC_MDSS_BCR                   52
-#define GCC_CAMSS_PHY0_BCR             53
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0_BCR             54
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0PHY_BCR          55
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0RDI_BCR          56
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI0PIX_BCR          57
-#define GCC_CAMSS_PHY1_BCR             58
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1_BCR             59
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1PHY_BCR          60
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1RDI_BCR          61
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI1PIX_BCR          62
-#define GCC_CAMSS_ISPIF_BCR            63
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CCI_BCR              64
-#define GCC_CAMSS_MCLK0_BCR            65
-#define GCC_CAMSS_MCLK1_BCR            66
-#define GCC_CAMSS_GP0_BCR              67
-#define GCC_CAMSS_GP1_BCR              68
-#define GCC_CAMSS_TOP_BCR              69
-#define GCC_CAMSS_MICRO_BCR            70
-#define GCC_CAMSS_JPEG_BCR             71
-#define GCC_CAMSS_VFE_BCR              72
-#define GCC_CAMSS_CSI_VFE0_BCR         73
-#define GCC_OXILI_BCR                  74
-#define GCC_GMEM_BCR                   75
-#define GCC_CAMSS_AHB_BCR              76
-#define GCC_MDP_TBU_BCR                        77
-#define GCC_GFX_TBU_BCR                        78
-#define GCC_GFX_TCU_BCR                        79
-#define GCC_MSS_TBU_AXI_BCR            80
-#define GCC_MSS_TBU_GSS_AXI_BCR                81
-#define GCC_MSS_TBU_Q6_AXI_BCR         82
-#define GCC_GTCU_AHB_BCR               83
-#define GCC_SMMU_CFG_BCR               84
-#define GCC_VFE_TBU_BCR                        85
-#define GCC_VENUS_TBU_BCR              86
-#define GCC_JPEG_TBU_BCR               87
-#define GCC_PRONTO_TBU_BCR             88
-#define GCC_SMMU_CATS_BCR              89
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,sdm845-aoss.h b/include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,sdm845-aoss.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 476c5fc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (C) 2018 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-#define AOSS_CC_MSS_RESTART    0
-#define AOSS_CC_GPU_RESTART    3
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,sdm845-pdc.h b/include/dt-bindings/reset/qcom,sdm845-pdc.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 03a0c0e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (C) 2018 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-#define PDC_APPS_SYNC_RESET    0
-#define PDC_SP_SYNC_RESET      1
-#define PDC_AOP_SYNC_RESET     4
-#define PDC_GPU_SYNC_RESET     6
-#define PDC_WPSS_SYNC_RESET    11
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/soc/qcom,apr.h b/include/dt-bindings/soc/qcom,apr.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0063624..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-/* Domain IDs */
-#define APR_DOMAIN_SIM         0x1
-#define APR_DOMAIN_PC          0x2
-#define APR_DOMAIN_MODEM       0x3
-#define APR_DOMAIN_ADSP                0x4
-#define APR_DOMAIN_APPS                0x5
-#define APR_DOMAIN_MAX         0x6
-/* ADSP service IDs */
-#define APR_SVC_ADSP_CORE      0x3
-#define APR_SVC_AFE            0x4
-#define APR_SVC_VSM            0x5
-#define APR_SVC_VPM            0x6
-#define APR_SVC_ASM            0x7
-#define APR_SVC_ADM            0x8
-#define APR_SVC_ADSP_MVM       0x09
-#define APR_SVC_ADSP_CVS       0x0A
-#define APR_SVC_ADSP_CVP       0x0B
-#define APR_SVC_USM            0x0C
-#define APR_SVC_LSM            0x0D
-#define APR_SVC_VIDC           0x16
-#define APR_SVC_MAX            0x17
-#endif /* __DT_BINDINGS_QCOM_APR_H */
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/soc/qcom,rpmh-rsc.h b/include/dt-bindings/soc/qcom,rpmh-rsc.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 868f998..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
- * Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef __DT_QCOM_RPMH_RSC_H__
-#define __DT_QCOM_RPMH_RSC_H__
-#define SLEEP_TCS      0
-#define WAKE_TCS       1
-#define ACTIVE_TCS     2
-#define CONTROL_TCS    3
-#endif /* __DT_QCOM_RPMH_RSC_H__ */
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,lpass.h b/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,lpass.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a9404c3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#ifndef __DT_QCOM_LPASS_H
-#define __DT_QCOM_LPASS_H
-#define MI2S_PRIMARY   0
-#define MI2S_SECONDARY 1
-#define MI2S_TERTIARY  2
-#define MI2S_QUATERNARY        3
-#define MI2S_QUINARY   4
-#define LPASS_DP_RX    5
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX0 6
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX1 7
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX2 8
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX3 9
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX4 10
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX5 11
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX6 12
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX7 13
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX8 14
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_RX9 15
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX0 16
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX1 17
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX2 18
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX3 19
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX4 20
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX5 21
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX6 22
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX7 23
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_TX8 24
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX0 25
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX1 26
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX2 27
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX3 28
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX4 29
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX5 30
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX6 31
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX7 32
-#define LPASS_CDC_DMA_VA_TX8 33
-#define LPASS_MCLK0    0
-#endif /* __DT_QCOM_LPASS_H */
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6afe.h b/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6afe.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9d5d89c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#ifndef __DT_BINDINGS_Q6_AFE_H__
-#define __DT_BINDINGS_Q6_AFE_H__
-/* This file exists due to backward compatibility reasons, Please do not DELETE! */
-#include <dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6dsp-lpass-ports.h>
-#endif /* __DT_BINDINGS_Q6_AFE_H__ */
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6asm.h b/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6asm.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f59d74f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-#ifndef __DT_BINDINGS_Q6_ASM_H__
-#define __DT_BINDINGS_Q6_ASM_H__
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA1    0
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA2    1
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA3    2
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA4    3
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA5    4
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA6    5
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA7    6
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA8    7
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA9    8
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA10   9
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA11   10
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA12   11
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA13   12
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA14   13
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA15   14
-#define        MSM_FRONTEND_DAI_MULTIMEDIA16   15
-#define Q6ASM_DAI_TX_RX        0
-#define Q6ASM_DAI_TX   1
-#define Q6ASM_DAI_RX   2
-#endif /* __DT_BINDINGS_Q6_ASM_H__ */
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6dsp-lpass-ports.h b/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,q6dsp-lpass-ports.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 39f2032..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-/* LPASS Audio virtual ports IDs */
-#define HDMI_RX                1
-#define SLIMBUS_0_RX    2
-#define SLIMBUS_0_TX    3
-#define SLIMBUS_1_RX    4
-#define SLIMBUS_1_TX    5
-#define SLIMBUS_2_RX    6
-#define SLIMBUS_2_TX    7
-#define SLIMBUS_3_RX    8
-#define SLIMBUS_3_TX    9
-#define SLIMBUS_4_RX    10
-#define SLIMBUS_4_TX    11
-#define SLIMBUS_5_RX    12
-#define SLIMBUS_5_TX    13
-#define SLIMBUS_6_RX    14
-#define SLIMBUS_6_TX    15
-#define PRIMARY_MI2S_RX                16
-#define PRIMARY_MI2S_TX                17
-#define SECONDARY_MI2S_RX      18
-#define SECONDARY_MI2S_TX      19
-#define TERTIARY_MI2S_RX       20
-#define TERTIARY_MI2S_TX       21
-#define QUATERNARY_MI2S_RX     22
-#define QUATERNARY_MI2S_TX     23
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_RX_0       24
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_TX_0       25
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_RX_1       26
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_TX_1       27
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_RX_2       28
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_TX_2       29
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_RX_3       30
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_TX_3       31
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_RX_4       32
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_TX_4       33
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_RX_5       34
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_TX_5       35
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_RX_6       36
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_TX_6       37
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_RX_7       38
-#define PRIMARY_TDM_TX_7       39
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_RX_0     40
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_TX_0     41
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_RX_1     42
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_TX_1     43
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_RX_2     44
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_TX_2     45
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_RX_3     46
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_TX_3     47
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_RX_4     48
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_TX_4     49
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_RX_5     50
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_TX_5     51
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_RX_6     52
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_TX_6     53
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_RX_7     54
-#define SECONDARY_TDM_TX_7     55
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_RX_0      56
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_TX_0      57
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_RX_1      58
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_TX_1      59
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_RX_2      60
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_TX_2      61
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_RX_3      62
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_TX_3      63
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_RX_4      64
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_TX_4      65
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_RX_5      66
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_TX_5      67
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_RX_6      68
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_TX_6      69
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_RX_7      70
-#define TERTIARY_TDM_TX_7      71
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_RX_0    72
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_TX_0    73
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_RX_1    74
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_TX_1    75
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_RX_2    76
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_TX_2    77
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_RX_3    78
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_TX_3    79
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_RX_4    80
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_TX_4    81
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_RX_5    82
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_TX_5    83
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_RX_6    84
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_TX_6    85
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_RX_7    86
-#define QUATERNARY_TDM_TX_7    87
-#define QUINARY_TDM_RX_0       88
-#define QUINARY_TDM_TX_0       89
-#define QUINARY_TDM_RX_1       90
-#define QUINARY_TDM_TX_1       91
-#define QUINARY_TDM_RX_2       92
-#define QUINARY_TDM_TX_2       93
-#define QUINARY_TDM_RX_3       94
-#define QUINARY_TDM_TX_3       95
-#define QUINARY_TDM_RX_4       96
-#define QUINARY_TDM_TX_4       97
-#define QUINARY_TDM_RX_5       98
-#define QUINARY_TDM_TX_5       99
-#define QUINARY_TDM_RX_6       100
-#define QUINARY_TDM_TX_6       101
-#define QUINARY_TDM_RX_7       102
-#define QUINARY_TDM_TX_7       103
-#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX                104
-#define WSA_CODEC_DMA_RX_0     105
-#define WSA_CODEC_DMA_TX_0     106
-#define WSA_CODEC_DMA_RX_1     107
-#define WSA_CODEC_DMA_TX_1     108
-#define WSA_CODEC_DMA_TX_2     109
-#define VA_CODEC_DMA_TX_0      110
-#define VA_CODEC_DMA_TX_1      111
-#define VA_CODEC_DMA_TX_2      112
-#define RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_0      113
-#define TX_CODEC_DMA_TX_0      114
-#define RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_1      115
-#define TX_CODEC_DMA_TX_1      116
-#define RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_2      117
-#define TX_CODEC_DMA_TX_2      118
-#define RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_3      119
-#define TX_CODEC_DMA_TX_3      120
-#define RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_4      121
-#define TX_CODEC_DMA_TX_4      122
-#define RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_5      123
-#define TX_CODEC_DMA_TX_5      124
-#define RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_6      125
-#define RX_CODEC_DMA_RX_7      126
-#define QUINARY_MI2S_RX                127
-#define QUINARY_MI2S_TX                128
-#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX_1      129
-#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX_2      130
-#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX_3      131
-#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX_4      132
-#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX_5      133
-#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX_6      134
-#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX_7      135
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_MI2S_IBIT     1
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_MI2S_EBIT     2
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_MI2S_IBIT     3
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_MI2S_EBIT     4
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_MI2S_IBIT     5
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_MI2S_EBIT     6
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUI_MI2S_IBIT     12
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUI_MI2S_EBIT     13
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_SEN_MI2S_IBIT     14
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_SEN_MI2S_EBIT     15
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT0_MI2S_IBIT    16
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT1_MI2S_IBIT    17
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT2_MI2S_IBIT    18
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT3_MI2S_IBIT    19
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT4_MI2S_IBIT    20
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT5_MI2S_IBIT    21
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT6_MI2S_IBIT    22
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUI_MI2S_OSR      23
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_PCM_IBIT      24
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_PCM_EBIT      25
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_PCM_IBIT      26
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_PCM_EBIT      27
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_PCM_IBIT      28
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_PCM_EBIT      29
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_PCM_IBIT     30
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_PCM_EBIT     31
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUIN_PCM_IBIT     32
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUIN_PCM_EBIT     33
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUI_PCM_OSR       34
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_TDM_IBIT      35
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_TDM_EBIT      36
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_TDM_IBIT      37
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_TDM_EBIT      38
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_TDM_IBIT      39
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_TDM_EBIT      40
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_TDM_IBIT     41
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_TDM_EBIT     42
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUIN_TDM_IBIT     43
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUIN_TDM_EBIT     44
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_QUIN_TDM_OSR      45
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_1            46
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_2            47
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_3            48
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_4            49
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT_MCLK_0                51
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_INT_MCLK_1                52
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_5            53
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_WSA_CORE_MCLK     54
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_VA_CORE_MCLK      56
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_TX_CORE_MCLK      57
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_RX_CORE_MCLK      59
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_VA_CORE_2X_MCLK   61
-/* Clock ID for MCLK for WSA2 core */
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_WSA2_CORE_MCLK    62
-/* Clock ID for NPL MCLK for WSA2 core */
-/* Clock ID for RX Core TX MCLK */
-/* Clock ID for RX CORE TX 2X MCLK */
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_RX_CORE_TX_2X_MCLK        65
-/* Clock ID for WSA core TX MCLK */
-/* Clock ID for WSA core TX 2X MCLK */
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_WSA_CORE_TX_2X_MCLK       67
-/* Clock ID for WSA2 core TX MCLK */
-/* Clock ID for WSA2 core TX 2X MCLK */
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_WSA2_CORE_TX_2X_MCLK      69
-/* Clock ID for RX CORE MCLK2 2X  MCLK */
-#define LPASS_CLK_ID_RX_CORE_MCLK2_2X_MCLK     70
-#define LPASS_HW_AVTIMER_VOTE          101
-#define LPASS_HW_MACRO_VOTE            102
-#define LPASS_HW_DCODEC_VOTE           103
-#define Q6AFE_MAX_CLK_ID                       104
-#define LPASS_CLK_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID            0x0
-#define LPASS_CLK_ATTRIBUTE_COUPLE_NO          0x1
-#endif /* __DT_BINDINGS_Q6_AUDIO_PORTS_H__ */
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,wcd9335.h b/include/dt-bindings/sound/qcom,wcd9335.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f5e9f1d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause) */
-#ifndef __DT_SOUND_QCOM_WCD9335_H
-#define __DT_SOUND_QCOM_WCD9335_H
-#define AIF1_PB                 0
-#define AIF1_CAP                1
-#define AIF2_PB                 2
-#define AIF2_CAP                3
-#define AIF3_PB                 4
-#define AIF3_CAP                5
-#define AIF4_PB                 6
-#define NUM_CODEC_DAIS          7