From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 08:19:30 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: cmd: Update the meminfo command to show the memory map
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~203^2~2

cmd: Update the meminfo command to show the memory map

U-Boot has a fairly rigid memory map which is normally not visible
unless debugging is enabled in board_f.c

Update the 'meminfo' command to show it. This command does not cover
arch-specific pieces but gives a good overview of where things are.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

diff --git a/cmd/Kconfig b/cmd/Kconfig
index ec2fe7ad35..f79fda64a9 100644
--- a/cmd/Kconfig
+++ b/cmd/Kconfig
@@ -889,6 +889,17 @@ config CMD_MEMINFO
 	  Display memory information.
+	bool "- with memory map"
+	depends on CMD_MEMINFO
+	default y if SANDBOX
+	help
+	  Shows a memory map, in addition to just the DRAM size. This allows
+	  seeing where U-Boot's memory area is, at the top of DRAM, as well as
+	  detail about each piece of it.
+	  See doc/usage/cmd/meminfo.rst for more information.
 config CMD_MEMORY
 	bool "md, mm, nm, mw, cp, cmp, base, loop"
 	default y
diff --git a/cmd/meminfo.c b/cmd/meminfo.c
index bb9bcec2e3..0e6d2f9cc2 100644
--- a/cmd/meminfo.c
+++ b/cmd/meminfo.c
@@ -4,18 +4,67 @@
  * Written by Simon Glass <>
+#include <bloblist.h>
+#include <bootstage.h>
 #include <command.h>
 #include <display_options.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <mapmem.h>
 #include <asm/global_data.h>
+static void print_region(const char *name, ulong base, ulong size, ulong *uptop)
+	ulong end = base + size;
+	printf("%-12s %8lx %8lx %8lx", name, base, size, end);
+	if (*uptop)
+		printf(" %8lx", *uptop - end);
+	putc('\n');
+	*uptop = base;
 static int do_meminfo(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
-		       char *const argv[])
+		      char *const argv[])
+	ulong upto, stk_bot;
 	puts("DRAM:  ");
 	print_size(gd->ram_size, "\n");
+		return 0;
+	printf("\n%-12s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n", "Region", "Base", "Size", "End",
+	       "Gap");
+	printf("------------------------------------------------\n");
+	upto = 0;
+		print_region("video", gd_video_bottom(),
+			     gd_video_size(), &upto);
+		print_region("trace", map_to_sysmem(gd_trace_buff()),
+			     gd_trace_size(), &upto);
+	print_region("code", gd->relocaddr, gd->mon_len, &upto);
+	print_region("malloc", map_to_sysmem((void *)mem_malloc_start),
+		     mem_malloc_end - mem_malloc_start, &upto);
+	print_region("board_info", map_to_sysmem(gd->bd),
+		     sizeof(struct bd_info), &upto);
+	print_region("global_data", map_to_sysmem((void *)gd),
+		     sizeof(struct global_data), &upto);
+	print_region("devicetree", map_to_sysmem(gd->fdt_blob),
+		     fdt_totalsize(gd->fdt_blob), &upto);
+		print_region("bootstage", map_to_sysmem(gd_bootstage()),
+			     bootstage_get_size(false), &upto);
+		print_region("bloblist", map_to_sysmem(gd_bloblist()),
+			     bloblist_get_total_size(), &upto);
+	stk_bot = gd->start_addr_sp - CONFIG_STACK_SIZE;
+	print_region("stack", stk_bot, CONFIG_STACK_SIZE, &upto);
+	print_region("free", gd->ram_base, stk_bot, &upto);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/doc/usage/cmd/meminfo.rst b/doc/usage/cmd/meminfo.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c94493ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/usage/cmd/meminfo.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+:
+.. index::
+   single: meminfo (command)
+meminfo command
+    meminfo
+The meminfo command shows the amount of memory. If ``CONFIG_CMD_MEMINFO_MAP`` is
+enabled, then it also shows the layout of memory used by U-Boot and the region
+which is free for use by images.
+The layout of memory is set up before relocation, within the init sequence in
+``board_init_f()``, specifically the various ``reserve_...()`` functions. This
+'reservation' of memory starts from the top of RAM and proceeds downwards,
+ending with the stack. This results in the maximum possible amount of memory
+being left free for image-loading.
+The meminfo command writes the DRAM size, then the rest of its outputs in 5
+   Name of the region
+    Base address of the region, i.e. where it starts in memory
+    Size of the region, which may be a little smaller than the actual size
+    reserved, e.g. due to alignment
+    End of the region. The last byte of the region is one lower than the address
+    shown here
+    Gap between the end of this region and the base of the one above
+Regions shown are:
+    Memory reserved for video framebuffers. This reservation happens in the
+    bind() methods of all video drivers which are present before relocation,
+    so the size depends on that maximum amount of memory which all such drivers
+    want to reserve. This may be significantly greater than the amount actually
+    needed, if the display is ultimately set to a smaller resolution or colour
+    depth than the maximum supported.
+    U-Boot's code and Block-Starting Symbol (BSS) region. Before relocation,
+    U-Boot copies its code to a high region and sets up a BSS immediately after
+    that. The size of this region is generally therefore ``__bss_end`` -
+    ``__image_copy_start``
+    Contains the malloc() heap. The size of this is set by
+    Contains the ``bd_info`` structure, with some information about the current
+    board.
+    Contains the global-data structure, pointed to by ``gd``. This includes
+    various pointers, values and flags which control U-Boot.
+    Contains the flatted devicetree blob (FDT) being used by U-Boot to configure
+    itself and its devices.
+    Contains the bootstage records, which keep track of boot time as U-Boot
+    executes. The size of this is determined by
+    ``CONFIG_BOOTSTAGE_RECORD_COUNT``, with each record taking approximately
+    32 bytes.
+    Contains the bloblist, which is a list of tables and other data created by
+    U-Boot while executed. The size of this is determined by
+    Contains U-Boot's stack, growing downwards from the top. The nominal size of
+    this region is set by ``CONFIG_STACK_SIZE`` but there is no actual limit
+    enforced, so the stack can grow behind that. Images should be loaded lower
+    in memory to avoid any conflict.
+    Free memory, which is available for loading images. The base address of
+    this is ``gd->ram_base`` which is generally set by ``CFG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE``.
+This example shows output with both ``CONFIG_CMD_MEMINFO`` and
+    => meminfo
+    DRAM:  256 MiB
+    Region           Base     Size      End      Gap
+    ------------------------------------------------
+    video         f000000  1000000 10000000
+    code          ec3a000   3c5d28  efffd28      2d8
+    malloc        8c38000  6002000  ec3a000        0
+    board_info    8c37f90       68  8c37ff8        8
+    global_data   8c37d80      208  8c37f88        8
+    devicetree    8c33000     4d7d  8c37d7d        3
+    bootstage     8c32c20      3c8  8c32fe8       18
+    bloblist      8c32000      400  8c32400      820
+    stack         7c31ff0  1000000  8c31ff0       10
+    free                0  7c31ff0  7c31ff0        0
+Return value
+The return value $? is always 0 (true).
diff --git a/doc/usage/index.rst b/doc/usage/index.rst
index b84d8ee909..db71711c39 100644
--- a/doc/usage/index.rst
+++ b/doc/usage/index.rst
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ Shell commands
+   cmd/meminfo
diff --git a/test/cmd/Makefile b/test/cmd/Makefile
index 4080835096..4b487c1d2c 100644
--- a/test/cmd/Makefile
+++ b/test/cmd/Makefile
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_FDT) += fdt.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_HISTORY) += history.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_LOADM) += loadm.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_MEM_SEARCH) += mem_search.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_MEMINFO) += meminfo.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_MEMORY) += mem_copy.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_MEM_SEARCH) += mem_search.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_PCI_MPS) += pci_mps.o
diff --git a/test/cmd/meminfo.c b/test/cmd/meminfo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84981305bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cmd/meminfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Test for 'meminfo' command
+ *
+ * Copyright 2024 Google LLC
+ * Written by Simon Glass <>
+ */
+#include <dm/test.h>
+#include <test/cmd.h>
+#include <test/ut.h>
+/* Test 'meminfo' command */
+static int cmd_test_meminfo(struct unit_test_state *uts)
+	ut_assertok(run_command("meminfo", 0));
+	ut_assert_nextline("DRAM:  256 MiB");
+	ut_assert_nextline_empty();
+	ut_assert_nextline("Region           Base     Size      End      Gap");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("-");
+	/* For now we don't worry about checking the values */
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("video");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("code");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("malloc");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("board_info");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("global_data");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("devicetree");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("bootstage");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("bloblist");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("stack");
+	ut_assert_nextlinen("free");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	return 0;
+CMD_TEST(cmd_test_meminfo, UTF_CONSOLE);