From: Peter Pearse <>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 10:40:34 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Remove the deleted files for the SMN42 patch
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~22748^2^2~5

Remove the deleted files for the SMN42 patch

diff --git a/board/lpc2292sodimm/eth.c b/board/lpc2292sodimm/eth.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 249ab04393..0000000000
--- a/board/lpc2292sodimm/eth.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,885 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <common.h>
-#include <net.h>
-#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
-#include "spi.h"
- * Control Registers in Bank 0
- */
-#define CTL_REG_ERDPTL	 0x00
-#define CTL_REG_ERDPTH	 0x01
-#define CTL_REG_EWRPTL	 0x02
-#define CTL_REG_EWRPTH	 0x03
-#define CTL_REG_ETXSTL	 0x04
-#define CTL_REG_ETXSTH	 0x05
-#define CTL_REG_ETXNDL	 0x06
-#define CTL_REG_ETXNDH	 0x07
-#define CTL_REG_ERXSTL	 0x08
-#define CTL_REG_ERXSTH	 0x09
-#define CTL_REG_ERXNDL	 0x0A
-#define CTL_REG_ERXNDA	 0x0B
-#define CTL_REG_ERXRDPTL 0x0C
-#define CTL_REG_ERXRDPTH 0x0D
-#define CTL_REG_ERXWRPTL 0x0E
-#define CTL_REG_ERXWRPTH 0x0F
-#define CTL_REG_EDMASTL  0x10
-#define CTL_REG_EDMASTH  0x11
-#define CTL_REG_EDMANDL  0x12
-#define CTL_REG_EDMANDH  0x13
-#define CTL_REG_EDMADSTL 0x14
-#define CTL_REG_EDMADSTH 0x15
-#define CTL_REG_EDMACSL  0x16
-#define CTL_REG_EDMACSH  0x17
-/* these are common in all banks */
-#define CTL_REG_EIE	 0x1B
-#define CTL_REG_EIR	 0x1C
-#define CTL_REG_ESTAT	 0x1D
-#define CTL_REG_ECON2	 0x1E
-#define CTL_REG_ECON1	 0x1F
- * Control Registers in Bank 1
- */
-#define CTL_REG_EHT0	0x00
-#define CTL_REG_EHT1	0x01
-#define CTL_REG_EHT2	0x02
-#define CTL_REG_EHT3	0x03
-#define CTL_REG_EHT4	0x04
-#define CTL_REG_EHT5	0x05
-#define CTL_REG_EHT6	0x06
-#define CTL_REG_EHT7	0x07
-#define CTL_REG_EPMM0	0x08
-#define CTL_REG_EPMM1	0x09
-#define CTL_REG_EPMM2	0x0A
-#define CTL_REG_EPMM3	0x0B
-#define CTL_REG_EPMM4	0x0C
-#define CTL_REG_EPMM5	0x0D
-#define CTL_REG_EPMM6	0x0E
-#define CTL_REG_EPMM7	0x0F
-#define CTL_REG_EPMCSL	0x10
-#define CTL_REG_EPMCSH	0x11
-#define CTL_REG_EPMOL	0x14
-#define CTL_REG_EPMOH	0x15
-#define CTL_REG_EWOLIE	0x16
-#define CTL_REG_EWOLIR	0x17
-#define CTL_REG_ERXFCON 0x18
-#define CTL_REG_EPKTCNT 0x19
- * Control Registers in Bank 2
- */
-#define CTL_REG_MACON1	 0x00
-#define CTL_REG_MACON2	 0x01
-#define CTL_REG_MACON3	 0x02
-#define CTL_REG_MACON4	 0x03
-#define CTL_REG_MABBIPG  0x04
-#define CTL_REG_MAIPGL	 0x06
-#define CTL_REG_MAIPGH	 0x07
-#define CTL_REG_MACLCON1 0x08
-#define CTL_REG_MACLCON2 0x09
-#define CTL_REG_MAMXFLL  0x0A
-#define CTL_REG_MAMXFLH  0x0B
-#define CTL_REG_MAPHSUP  0x0D
-#define CTL_REG_MICON	 0x11
-#define CTL_REG_MICMD	 0x12
-#define CTL_REG_MIREGADR 0x14
-#define CTL_REG_MIWRL	 0x16
-#define CTL_REG_MIWRH	 0x17
-#define CTL_REG_MIRDL	 0x18
-#define CTL_REG_MIRDH	 0x19
- * Control Registers in Bank 3
- */
-#define CTL_REG_MAADR1	0x00
-#define CTL_REG_MAADR0	0x01
-#define CTL_REG_MAADR3	0x02
-#define CTL_REG_MAADR2	0x03
-#define CTL_REG_MAADR5	0x04
-#define CTL_REG_MAADR4	0x05
-#define CTL_REG_EBSTSD	0x06
-#define CTL_REG_EBSTCON 0x07
-#define CTL_REG_EBSTCSL 0x08
-#define CTL_REG_EBSTCSH 0x09
-#define CTL_REG_MISTAT	0x0A
-#define CTL_REG_EREVID	0x12
-#define CTL_REG_ECOCON	0x15
-#define CTL_REG_EFLOCON 0x17
-#define CTL_REG_EPAUSL	0x18
-#define CTL_REG_EPAUSH	0x19
- * PHY Register
- */
-#define PHY_REG_PHID1 0x02
-#define PHY_REG_PHID2 0x03
- * Receive Filter Register (ERXFCON) bits
- */
-#define ENC_RFR_UCEN  0x80
-#define ENC_RFR_ANDOR 0x40
-#define ENC_RFR_CRCEN 0x20
-#define ENC_RFR_PMEN  0x10
-#define ENC_RFR_MPEN  0x08
-#define ENC_RFR_HTEN  0x04
-#define ENC_RFR_MCEN  0x02
-#define ENC_RFR_BCEN  0x01
- * ECON1 Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_ECON1_TXRST  0x80
-#define ENC_ECON1_RXRST  0x40
-#define ENC_ECON1_DMAST  0x20
-#define ENC_ECON1_CSUMEN 0x10
-#define ENC_ECON1_TXRTS  0x08
-#define ENC_ECON1_RXEN	 0x04
-#define ENC_ECON1_BSEL1  0x02
-#define ENC_ECON1_BSEL0  0x01
- * ECON2 Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_ECON2_AUTOINC 0x80
-#define ENC_ECON2_PKTDEC  0x40
-#define ENC_ECON2_PWRSV   0x20
-#define ENC_ECON2_VRPS	  0x08
- * EIR Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_EIR_PKTIF  0x40
-#define ENC_EIR_DMAIF  0x20
-#define ENC_EIR_LINKIF 0x10
-#define ENC_EIR_TXIF   0x08
-#define ENC_EIR_WOLIF  0x04
-#define ENC_EIR_TXERIF 0x02
-#define ENC_EIR_RXERIF 0x01
- * ESTAT Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_ESTAT_INT	  0x80
-#define ENC_ESTAT_LATECOL 0x10
-#define ENC_ESTAT_RXBUSY  0x04
-#define ENC_ESTAT_TXABRT  0x02
-#define ENC_ESTAT_CLKRDY  0x01
- * EIE Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_EIE_INTIE  0x80
-#define ENC_EIE_PKTIE  0x40
-#define ENC_EIE_DMAIE  0x20
-#define ENC_EIE_LINKIE 0x10
-#define ENC_EIE_TXIE   0x08
-#define ENC_EIE_WOLIE  0x04
-#define ENC_EIE_TXERIE 0x02
-#define ENC_EIE_RXERIE 0x01
- * MACON1 Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_MACON1_LOOPBK  0x10
-#define ENC_MACON1_TXPAUS  0x08
-#define ENC_MACON1_RXPAUS  0x04
-#define ENC_MACON1_PASSALL 0x02
-#define ENC_MACON1_MARXEN  0x01
- * MACON2 Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_MACON2_MARST   0x80
-#define ENC_MACON2_RNDRST  0x40
-#define ENC_MACON2_MARXRST 0x08
-#define ENC_MACON2_RFUNRST 0x04
-#define ENC_MACON2_MATXRST 0x02
-#define ENC_MACON2_TFUNRST 0x01
- * MACON3 Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_MACON3_PADCFG2 0x80
-#define ENC_MACON3_PADCFG1 0x40
-#define ENC_MACON3_PADCFG0 0x20
-#define ENC_MACON3_TXCRCEN 0x10
-#define ENC_MACON3_PHDRLEN 0x08
-#define ENC_MACON3_HFRMEN  0x04
-#define ENC_MACON3_FRMLNEN 0x02
-#define ENC_MACON3_FULDPX  0x01
- * MICMD Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_MICMD_MIISCAN 0x02
-#define ENC_MICMD_MIIRD   0x01
- * MISTAT Register Bits
- */
-#define ENC_MISTAT_NVALID 0x04
-#define ENC_MISTAT_SCAN   0x02
-#define ENC_MISTAT_BUSY   0x01
- * PHID1 and PHID2 values
- */
-#define ENC_PHID1_VALUE 0x0083
-#define ENC_PHID2_VALUE 0x1400
-#define ENC_PHID2_MASK	0xFC00
-#define ENC_SPI_SLAVE_CS 0x00010000	/* pin P1.16 */
-#define ENC_RESET	 0x00020000	/* pin P1.17 */
-#define FAILSAFE_VALUE 5000
- * Controller memory layout:
- *
- * 0x0000 - 0x17ff  6k bytes receive buffer
- * 0x1800 - 0x1fff  2k bytes transmit buffer
- */
-/* Use the lower memory for receiver buffer. See errata pt. 5 */
-#define ENC_RX_BUF_START 0x0000
-#define ENC_TX_BUF_START 0x1800
-/* maximum frame length */
-#define ENC_MAX_FRM_LEN 1518
-#define enc_enable() PUT32(IO1CLR, ENC_SPI_SLAVE_CS)
-#define enc_disable() PUT32(IO1SET, ENC_SPI_SLAVE_CS)
-#define enc_cfg_spi() spi_set_cfg(0, 0, 0); spi_set_clock(8);
-static unsigned char encReadReg (unsigned char regNo);
-static void encWriteReg (unsigned char regNo, unsigned char data);
-static void encWriteRegRetry (unsigned char regNo, unsigned char data, int c);
-static void encReadBuff (unsigned short length, unsigned char *pBuff);
-static void encWriteBuff (unsigned short length, unsigned char *pBuff);
-static void encBitSet (unsigned char regNo, unsigned char data);
-static void encBitClr (unsigned char regNo, unsigned char data);
-static void encReset (void);
-static void encInit (unsigned char *pEthAddr);
-static unsigned short phyRead (unsigned char addr);
-static void encPoll (void);
-static void encRx (void);
-#define m_nic_read(reg) encReadReg(reg)
-#define m_nic_write(reg, data) encWriteReg(reg, data)
-#define m_nic_write_retry(reg, data, count) encWriteRegRetry(reg, data, count)
-#define m_nic_read_data(len, buf) encReadBuff((len), (buf))
-#define m_nic_write_data(len, buf) encWriteBuff((len), (buf))
-/* bit field set */
-#define m_nic_bfs(reg, data) encBitSet(reg, data)
-/* bit field clear */
-#define m_nic_bfc(reg, data) encBitClr(reg, data)
-static unsigned char bank = 0;	/* current bank in enc28j60 */
-static unsigned char next_pointer_lsb;
-static unsigned char next_pointer_msb;
-static unsigned char buffer[ENC_MAX_FRM_LEN];
-static int rxResetCounter = 0;
-#define RX_RESET_COUNTER 1000;
- * Returns 0 when failes otherwize 1
- */
-int eth_init (bd_t * bis)
-	/* configure GPIO */
-	(*((volatile unsigned long *) IO1DIR)) |= ENC_SPI_SLAVE_CS;
-	(*((volatile unsigned long *) IO1DIR)) |= ENC_RESET;
-	/* CS and RESET active low */
-	spi_init ();
-	/* initialize controller */
-	encReset ();
-	encInit (bis->bi_enetaddr);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_RXEN);	/* enable receive */
-	return 0;
-int eth_send (volatile void *packet, int length)
-	/* check frame length, etc. */
-	/* TODO: */
-	/* switch to bank 0 */
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, (ENC_ECON1_BSEL1 | ENC_ECON1_BSEL0));
-	/* set EWRPT */
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_EWRPTL, (ENC_TX_BUF_START & 0xff));
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_EWRPTH, (ENC_TX_BUF_START >> 8));
-	/* set ETXST */
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ETXSTL, ENC_TX_BUF_START & 0xFF);
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ETXSTH, ENC_TX_BUF_START >> 8);
-	/* write packet */
-	m_nic_write_data (length, (unsigned char *) packet);
-	/* set ETXND */
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ETXNDL, (length + ENC_TX_BUF_START) & 0xFF);
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ETXNDH, (length + ENC_TX_BUF_START) >> 8);
-	/* set ECON1.TXRTS */
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_TXRTS);
-	return 0;
- * This function resets the receiver only. This function may be called from
- * interrupt-context.
- */
-static void encReceiverReset (void)
-	unsigned char econ1;
-	econ1 = m_nic_read (CTL_REG_ECON1);
-	if ((econ1 & ENC_ECON1_RXRST) == 0) {
-		m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_RXRST);
-		rxResetCounter = RX_RESET_COUNTER;
-	}
- * receiver reset timer
- */
-static void encReceiverResetCallback (void)
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_RXRST);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_RXEN);	/* enable receive */
- * Check for received packets. Call NetReceive for each packet. The return
- * value is ignored by the caller.
- */
-int eth_rx (void)
-	if (rxResetCounter > 0 && --rxResetCounter == 0) {
-		encReceiverResetCallback ();
-	}
-	encPoll ();
-	return 0;
-void eth_halt (void)
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_RXEN);	/* disable receive */
-static void encPoll (void)
-	unsigned char eir_reg;
-	volatile unsigned char estat_reg;
-	unsigned char pkt_cnt;
-	/* clear global interrupt enable bit in enc28j60 */
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_EIE, ENC_EIE_INTIE);
-	estat_reg = m_nic_read (CTL_REG_ESTAT);
-	eir_reg = m_nic_read (CTL_REG_EIR);
-	if (eir_reg & ENC_EIR_TXIF) {
-		/* clear TXIF bit in EIR */
-		m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_EIR, ENC_EIR_TXIF);
-	}
-	/* We have to use pktcnt and not pktif bit, see errata pt. 6 */
-	/* move to bank 1 */
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL1);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL0);
-	/* read pktcnt */
-	pkt_cnt = m_nic_read (CTL_REG_EPKTCNT);
-	if (pkt_cnt > 0) {
-		if ((eir_reg & ENC_EIR_PKTIF) == 0) {
-			/*printf("encPoll: pkt cnt > 0, but pktif not set\n"); */
-		}
-		encRx ();
-		/* clear PKTIF bit in EIR, this should not need to be done but it
-		   seems like we get problems if we do not */
-		m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_EIR, ENC_EIR_PKTIF);
-	}
-	if (eir_reg & ENC_EIR_RXERIF) {
-		printf ("encPoll: rx error\n");
-		m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_EIR, ENC_EIR_RXERIF);
-	}
-	if (eir_reg & ENC_EIR_TXERIF) {
-		printf ("encPoll: tx error\n");
-		m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_EIR, ENC_EIR_TXERIF);
-	}
-	/* set global interrupt enable bit in enc28j60 */
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_EIE, ENC_EIE_INTIE);
-static void encRx (void)
-	unsigned short pkt_len;
-	unsigned short copy_len;
-	unsigned short status;
-	unsigned char eir_reg;
-	unsigned char pkt_cnt = 0;
-	/* switch to bank 0 */
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, (ENC_ECON1_BSEL1 | ENC_ECON1_BSEL0));
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ERDPTL, next_pointer_lsb);
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ERDPTH, next_pointer_msb);
-	do {
-		m_nic_read_data (6, buffer);
-		next_pointer_lsb = buffer[0];
-		next_pointer_msb = buffer[1];
-		pkt_len = buffer[2];
-		pkt_len |= (unsigned short) buffer[3] << 8;
-		status = buffer[4];
-		status |= (unsigned short) buffer[5] << 8;
-		if (pkt_len <= ENC_MAX_FRM_LEN) {
-			copy_len = pkt_len;
-		} else {
-			copy_len = 0;
-			/*      p_priv->stats.rx_dropped++; */
-			/* we will drop this packet */
-		}
-		if ((status & (1L << 7)) == 0) {	/* check Received Ok bit */
-			copy_len = 0;
-			/*      p_priv->stats.rx_errors++; */
-		}
-		if (copy_len > 0) {
-			m_nic_read_data (copy_len, buffer);
-		}
-		/* advance read pointer to next pointer */
-		m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ERDPTL, next_pointer_lsb);
-		m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ERDPTH, next_pointer_msb);
-		/* decrease packet counter */
-		m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON2, ENC_ECON2_PKTDEC);
-		/* move to bank 1 */
-		m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL1);
-		m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL0);
-		/* read pktcnt */
-		pkt_cnt = m_nic_read (CTL_REG_EPKTCNT);
-		/* switch to bank 0 */
-		m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1,
-			   (ENC_ECON1_BSEL1 | ENC_ECON1_BSEL0));
-		if (copy_len == 0) {
-			eir_reg = m_nic_read (CTL_REG_EIR);
-			encReceiverReset ();
-			printf ("eth_rx: copy_len=0\n");
-			continue;
-		}
-		NetReceive ((unsigned char *) buffer, pkt_len);
-		eir_reg = m_nic_read (CTL_REG_EIR);
-	} while (pkt_cnt);	/* Use EPKTCNT not EIR.PKTIF flag, see errata pt. 6 */
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ERXRDPTL, next_pointer_lsb);
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ERXRDPTH, next_pointer_msb);
-static void encWriteReg (unsigned char regNo, unsigned char data)
-	spi_lock ();
-	enc_cfg_spi ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (0x40 | regNo);	/* write in regNo */
-	spi_write (data);
-	enc_disable ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (0x1f);	/* write reg 0x1f */
-	enc_disable ();
-	spi_unlock ();
-static void encWriteRegRetry (unsigned char regNo, unsigned char data, int c)
-	unsigned char readback;
-	int i;
-	spi_lock ();
-	for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
-		enc_cfg_spi ();
-		enc_enable ();
-		spi_write (0x40 | regNo);	/* write in regNo */
-		spi_write (data);
-		enc_disable ();
-		enc_enable ();
-		spi_write (0x1f);	/* write reg 0x1f */
-		enc_disable ();
-		spi_unlock ();	/* we must unlock spi first */
-		readback = encReadReg (regNo);
-		spi_lock ();
-		if (readback == data)
-			break;
-	}
-	spi_unlock ();
-	if (i == c) {
-		printf ("enc28j60: write reg %d failed\n", regNo);
-	}
-static unsigned char encReadReg (unsigned char regNo)
-	unsigned char rxByte;
-	spi_lock ();
-	enc_cfg_spi ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (0x1f);	/* read reg 0x1f */
-	bank = spi_read () & 0x3;
-	enc_disable ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (regNo);
-	rxByte = spi_read ();
-	/* check if MAC or MII register */
-	if (((bank == 2) && (regNo <= 0x1a)) ||
-	    ((bank == 3) && (regNo <= 0x05 || regNo == 0x0a))) {
-		/* ignore first byte and read another byte */
-		rxByte = spi_read ();
-	}
-	enc_disable ();
-	spi_unlock ();
-	return rxByte;
-static void encReadBuff (unsigned short length, unsigned char *pBuff)
-	spi_lock ();
-	enc_cfg_spi ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (0x20 | 0x1a);	/* read buffer memory */
-	while (length--) {
-		if (pBuff != NULL)
-			*pBuff++ = spi_read ();
-		else
-			spi_write (0);
-	}
-	enc_disable ();
-	spi_unlock ();
-static void encWriteBuff (unsigned short length, unsigned char *pBuff)
-	spi_lock ();
-	enc_cfg_spi ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (0x60 | 0x1a);	/* write buffer memory */
-	spi_write (0x00);	/* control byte */
-	while (length--)
-		spi_write (*pBuff++);
-	enc_disable ();
-	spi_unlock ();
-static void encBitSet (unsigned char regNo, unsigned char data)
-	spi_lock ();
-	enc_cfg_spi ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (0x80 | regNo);	/* bit field set */
-	spi_write (data);
-	enc_disable ();
-	spi_unlock ();
-static void encBitClr (unsigned char regNo, unsigned char data)
-	spi_lock ();
-	enc_cfg_spi ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (0xA0 | regNo);	/* bit field clear */
-	spi_write (data);
-	enc_disable ();
-	spi_unlock ();
-static void encReset (void)
-	spi_lock ();
-	enc_cfg_spi ();
-	enc_enable ();
-	spi_write (0xff);	/* soft reset */
-	enc_disable ();
-	spi_unlock ();
-	/* sleep 1 ms. See errata pt. 2 */
-	udelay (1000);
-#if 0
-	(*((volatile unsigned long *) IO1CLR)) &= ENC_RESET;
-	mdelay (5);
-	(*((volatile unsigned long *) IO1SET)) &= ENC_RESET;
-static void encInit (unsigned char *pEthAddr)
-	unsigned short phid1 = 0;
-	unsigned short phid2 = 0;
-	/* switch to bank 0 */
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, (ENC_ECON1_BSEL1 | ENC_ECON1_BSEL0));
-	/*
-	 * Setup the buffer space. The reset values are valid for the
-	 * other pointers.
-	 */
-#if 0
-	/* We shall not write to ERXST, see errata pt. 5. Instead we
-	   have to make sure that ENC_RX_BUS_START is 0. */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_ERXSTL, (ENC_RX_BUF_START & 0xFF), 1);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_ERXSTH, (ENC_RX_BUF_START >> 8), 1);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_ERDPTL, (ENC_RX_BUF_START & 0xFF), 1);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_ERDPTH, (ENC_RX_BUF_START >> 8), 1);
-	next_pointer_lsb = (ENC_RX_BUF_START & 0xFF);
-	next_pointer_msb = (ENC_RX_BUF_START >> 8);
-	/*
-	 * For tracking purposes, the ERXRDPT registers should be programmed with
-	 * the same value. This is the read pointer.
-	 */
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_ERXRDPTL, (ENC_RX_BUF_START & 0xFF));
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_ERXRDPTH, (ENC_RX_BUF_START >> 8), 1);
-	/* Setup receive filters. */
-	/* move to bank 1 */
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL1);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL0);
-	/* OR-filtering, Unicast, CRC-check and broadcast */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_ERXFCON,
-	/* Wait for Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST). */
-	while ((m_nic_read (CTL_REG_ESTAT) & ENC_ESTAT_CLKRDY) == 0) {
-		static int cnt = 0;
-		if (cnt++ >= 1000) {
-			cnt = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	/* verify identification */
-	phid1 = phyRead (PHY_REG_PHID1);
-	phid2 = phyRead (PHY_REG_PHID2);
-	if (phid1 != ENC_PHID1_VALUE
-	    || (phid2 & ENC_PHID2_MASK) != ENC_PHID2_VALUE) {
-		printf ("ERROR: failed to identify controller\n");
-		printf ("phid1 = %x, phid2 = %x\n",
-			phid1, (phid2 & ENC_PHID2_MASK));
-		printf ("should be phid1 = %x, phid2 = %x\n",
-	}
-	/*
-	 * --- MAC Initialization ---
-	 */
-	/* Pull MAC out of Reset */
-	/* switch to bank 2 */
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL0);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL1);
-	/* clear MAC reset bits */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MACON2, 0, 1);
-	/* enable MAC to receive frames */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MACON1, ENC_MACON1_MARXEN, 10);
-	/* configure pad, tx-crc and duplex */
-	/* TODO maybe enable FRMLNEN */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MACON3,
-	/* set maximum frame length */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAMXFLL, (ENC_MAX_FRM_LEN & 0xff), 10);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAMXFLH, (ENC_MAX_FRM_LEN >> 8), 10);
-	/*
-	 * Set MAC back-to-back inter-packet gap. Recommended 0x12 for half duplex
-	 * and 0x15 for full duplex.
-	 */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MABBIPG, 0x12, 10);
-	/* Set (low byte) Non-Back-to_Back Inter-Packet Gap. Recommended 0x12 */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAIPGL, 0x12, 10);
-	/*
-	 * Set (high byte) Non-Back-to_Back Inter-Packet Gap. Recommended
-	 * 0x0c for half-duplex. Nothing for full-duplex
-	 */
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAIPGH, 0x0C, 10);
-	/* set MAC address */
-	/* switch to bank 3 */
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, (ENC_ECON1_BSEL0 | ENC_ECON1_BSEL1));
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAADR0, pEthAddr[5], 1);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAADR1, pEthAddr[4], 1);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAADR2, pEthAddr[3], 1);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAADR3, pEthAddr[2], 1);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAADR4, pEthAddr[1], 1);
-	m_nic_write_retry (CTL_REG_MAADR5, pEthAddr[0], 1);
-	/*
-	 * Receive settings
-	 */
-	/* auto-increment RX-pointer when reading a received packet */
-	/* enable interrupts */
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_EIE, ENC_EIE_PKTIE);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_EIE, ENC_EIE_TXIE);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_EIE, ENC_EIE_RXERIE);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_EIE, ENC_EIE_TXERIE);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_EIE, ENC_EIE_INTIE);
- *
- * Description:
- *    Read PHY registers.
- *
- *    NOTE! This function will change to Bank 2.
- *
- * Params:
- *    [in] addr address of the register to read
- *
- * Returns:
- *    The value in the register
- */
-static unsigned short phyRead (unsigned char addr)
-	unsigned short ret = 0;
-	/* move to bank 2 */
-	m_nic_bfc (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL0);
-	m_nic_bfs (CTL_REG_ECON1, ENC_ECON1_BSEL1);
-	/* write address to MIREGADR */
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_MIREGADR, addr);
-	/* set MICMD.MIIRD */
-	/* poll MISTAT.BUSY bit until operation is complete */
-	while ((m_nic_read (CTL_REG_MISTAT) & ENC_MISTAT_BUSY) != 0) {
-		static int cnt = 0;
-		if (cnt++ >= 1000) {
-			/* GJ - this seems extremely dangerous! */
-			/* printf("#"); */
-			cnt = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	/* clear MICMD.MIIRD */
-	m_nic_write (CTL_REG_MICMD, 0);
-	ret = (m_nic_read (CTL_REG_MIRDH) << 8);
-	ret |= (m_nic_read (CTL_REG_MIRDL) & 0xFF);
-	return ret;
diff --git a/board/lpc2292sodimm/iap_entry.S b/board/lpc2292sodimm/iap_entry.S
deleted file mode 100644
index c31d5190bd..0000000000
--- a/board/lpc2292sodimm/iap_entry.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-.globl iap_entry
-	ldr	r2, IAP_ADDRESS
-	bx	r2
-	mov	pc, lr
diff --git a/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc.c b/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c0922f240..0000000000
--- a/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <common.h>
-#include <mmc.h>
-#include <asm/errno.h>
-#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
-#include <part.h>
-#include <fat.h>
-#include "mmc_hw.h"
-#include "spi.h"
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMC
-#undef MMC_DEBUG
-static block_dev_desc_t mmc_dev;
-/* these are filled out by a call to mmc_hw_get_parameters */
-static int hw_size;		/* in kbytes */
-static int hw_nr_sects;
-static int hw_sect_size;	/* in bytes */
-block_dev_desc_t * mmc_get_dev(int dev)
-	return (block_dev_desc_t *)(&mmc_dev);
-unsigned long mmc_block_read(int dev,
-			     unsigned long start,
-			     lbaint_t blkcnt,
-			     unsigned long *buffer)
-	unsigned long rc = 0;
-	unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)buffer;
-	unsigned long i;
-	unsigned long addr = start;
-#ifdef MMC_DEBUG
-	printf("mmc_block_read: start=%lu, blkcnt=%lu\n", start,
-		 (unsigned long)blkcnt);
-	for(i = 0; i < (unsigned long)blkcnt; i++) {
-#ifdef MMC_DEBUG
-		printf("mmc_read_sector: addr=%lu, buffer=%p\n", addr, p);
-		(void)mmc_read_sector(addr, p);
-		rc++;
-		addr++;
-		p += hw_sect_size;
-	}
-	return rc;
- * Read hardware paramterers (sector size, size, number of sectors)
- */
-static int mmc_hw_get_parameters(void)
-	unsigned char csddata[16];
-	unsigned int sizemult;
-	unsigned int size;
-	mmc_read_csd(csddata);
-	hw_sect_size = 1<<(csddata[5] & 0x0f);
-	size = ((csddata[6]&0x03)<<10)+(csddata[7]<<2)+(csddata[8]&0xc0);
-	sizemult = ((csddata[10] & 0x80)>>7)+((csddata[9] & 0x03)<<1);
-	hw_nr_sects = (size+1)*(1<<(sizemult+2));
-	hw_size = hw_nr_sects*hw_sect_size/1024;
-#ifdef MMC_DEBUG
-	printf("mmc_hw_get_parameters: hw_sect_size=%d, hw_nr_sects=%d, "
-		 "hw_size=%d\n", hw_sect_size, hw_nr_sects, hw_size);
-	return 0;
-int mmc_init(int verbose)
-	int ret = -ENODEV;
-	if (verbose)
-		printf("mmc_init\n");
-	spi_init();
-	mmc_hw_init();
-	mmc_hw_get_parameters();
-	mmc_dev.if_type = IF_TYPE_MMC;
-	mmc_dev.part_type = PART_TYPE_DOS;
- = 0;
-	mmc_dev.lun = 0;
-	mmc_dev.type = 0;
-	mmc_dev.blksz = hw_sect_size;
-	mmc_dev.lba = hw_nr_sects;
-	sprintf((char*)mmc_dev.vendor, "Unknown vendor");
-	sprintf((char*)mmc_dev.product, "Unknown product");
-	sprintf((char*)mmc_dev.revision, "N/A");
-	mmc_dev.removable = 0;	/* should be true??? */
-	mmc_dev.block_read = mmc_block_read;
-	fat_register_device(&mmc_dev, 1);
-	ret = 0;
-	return ret;
-int mmc_write(uchar * src, ulong dst, int size)
-#ifdef MMC_DEBUG
-	printf("mmc_write: src=%p, dst=%lu, size=%u\n", src, dst, size);
-	/* Since mmc2info always returns 0 this function will never be called */
-	return 0;
-int mmc_read(ulong src, uchar * dst, int size)
-#ifdef MMC_DEBUG
-	printf("mmc_read: src=%lu, dst=%p, size=%u\n", src, dst, size);
-	/* Since mmc2info always returns 0 this function will never be called */
-	return 0;
-int mmc2info(ulong addr)
-	/* This function is used by cmd_cp to determine if source or destination
-	 address resides on MMC-card or not. We do not support copy to and from
-	 MMC-card so we always return 0. */
-	return 0;
-#endif /* CONFIG_MMC */
diff --git a/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc_hw.c b/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc_hw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f2a7988d..0000000000
--- a/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc_hw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-    This code was original written by Ulrich Radig and modified by
-    Embedded Artists AB (
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#include <config.h>
-#include <common.h>
-#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
-#include "spi.h"
-#define MMC_Enable() PUT32(IO1CLR, 1l << 22)
-#define MMC_Disable() PUT32(IO1SET, 1l << 22)
-#define mmc_spi_cfg() spi_set_clock(8); spi_set_cfg(0, 1, 0);
-static unsigned char Write_Command_MMC (unsigned char *CMD);
-static void MMC_Read_Block(unsigned char *CMD, unsigned char *Buffer,
-		    unsigned short int Bytes);
-/* initialize the hardware */
-int mmc_hw_init(void)
-	unsigned long a;
-	unsigned short int Timeout = 0;
-	unsigned char b;
-	unsigned char CMD[] = {0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x95};
-	/* set-up GPIO and SPI */
-	(*((volatile unsigned long *)PINSEL2)) &= ~(1l << 3); /* clear bit 3 */
-	(*((volatile unsigned long *)IO1DIR)) |= (1l << 22); /* set bit 22 (output) */
-	MMC_Disable();
-	spi_lock();
-	spi_set_clock(248);
-	spi_set_cfg(0, 1, 0);
-	MMC_Enable();
-	/* waste some time */
-	for(a=0; a < 20000; a++)
-		asm("nop");
-	/* Put the MMC/SD-card into SPI-mode */
-	for (b = 0; b < 10; b++) /* Sends min 74+ clocks to the MMC/SD-card */
-		spi_write(0xff);
-	/* Sends command CMD0 to MMC/SD-card */
-	while (Write_Command_MMC(CMD) != 1) {
-		if (Timeout++ > 200) {
-			MMC_Disable();
-			spi_unlock();
-			return(1); /* Abort with command 1 (return 1) */
-		}
-	}
-	/* Sends Command CMD1 an MMC/SD-card */
-	Timeout = 0;
-	CMD[0] = 0x41;/* Command 1 */
-	CMD[5] = 0xFF;
-	while (Write_Command_MMC(CMD) != 0) {
-		if (Timeout++ > 200) {
-			MMC_Disable();
-			spi_unlock();
-			return (2); /* Abort with command 2 (return 2) */
-		}
-	}
-	MMC_Disable();
-	spi_unlock();
-	return 0;
-/* ############################################################################
-   Sends a command to the MMC/SD-card
-   ######################################################################### */
-static unsigned char Write_Command_MMC (unsigned char *CMD)
-	unsigned char a, tmp = 0xff;
-	unsigned short int Timeout = 0;
-	MMC_Disable();
-	spi_write(0xFF);
-	MMC_Enable();
-	for (a = 0; a < 0x06; a++)
-		spi_write(*CMD++);
-	while (tmp == 0xff) {
-		tmp = spi_read();
-		if (Timeout++ > 5000)
-		  break;
-	}
-	return (tmp);
-/* ############################################################################
-   Routine to read the CID register from the MMC/SD-card (16 bytes)
-   ######################################################################### */
-void MMC_Read_Block(unsigned char *CMD, unsigned char *Buffer, unsigned short
-	int Bytes)
-	unsigned short int a;
-	spi_lock();
-	mmc_spi_cfg();
-	MMC_Enable();
-	if (Write_Command_MMC(CMD) != 0) {
-		MMC_Disable();
-		spi_unlock();
-		return;
-	}
-	while (spi_read() != 0xfe) {};
-	for (a = 0; a < Bytes; a++)
-		*Buffer++ = spi_read();
-	/* Read the CRC-byte */
-	spi_read(); /* CRC - byte is discarded */
-	spi_read(); /* CRC - byte is discarded */
-	/* set MMC_Chip_Select to high (MMC/SD-card Inaktiv) */
-	MMC_Disable();
-	spi_unlock();
-	return;
-/* ############################################################################
-   Routine to read a block (512 bytes) from the MMC/SD-card
-   ######################################################################### */
-unsigned char mmc_read_sector (unsigned long addr,unsigned char *Buffer)
-	/* Command 16 to read aBlocks from the MMC/SD - caed */
-	unsigned char CMD[] = {0x51,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF};
-	/* The addres on the MMC/SD-card is in bytes,
-	addr is transformed from blocks to bytes and the result is
-	placed into the command */
-	addr = addr << 9; /* addr = addr * 512 */
-	CMD[1] = ((addr & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
-	CMD[2] = ((addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
-	CMD[3] = ((addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 );
-	MMC_Read_Block(CMD, Buffer, 512);
-	return (0);
-/* ############################################################################
-   Routine to write a block (512 byte) to the MMC/SD-card
-   ######################################################################### */
-unsigned char mmc_write_sector (unsigned long addr,unsigned char *Buffer)
-	unsigned char tmp, a;
-	unsigned short int b;
-	/* Command 24 to write a block to the MMC/SD - card */
-	unsigned char CMD[] = {0x58, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF};
-	/* The addres on the MMC/SD-card is in bytes,
-	addr is transformed from blocks to bytes and the result is
-	placed into the command */
-	addr = addr << 9; /* addr = addr * 512 */
-	CMD[1] = ((addr & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
-	CMD[2] = ((addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
-	CMD[3] = ((addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 );
-	spi_lock();
-	mmc_spi_cfg();
-	MMC_Enable();
-	/* Send command CMD24 to the MMC/SD-card (Write 1 Block/512 Bytes) */
-	tmp = Write_Command_MMC(CMD);
-	if (tmp != 0) {
-		MMC_Disable();
-		spi_unlock();
-		return(tmp);
-	}
-	/* Do a short delay and send a clock-pulse to the MMC/SD-card */
-	for (a = 0; a < 100; a++)
-		spi_read();
-	/* Send a start byte to the MMC/SD-card */
-	spi_write(0xFE);
-	/* Write the block (512 bytes) to the MMC/SD-card */
-	for (b = 0; b < 512; b++)
-		spi_write(*Buffer++);
-	/* write the CRC-Byte */
-	spi_write(0xFF); /* write a dummy CRC */
-	spi_write(0xFF); /* CRC code is not used */
-	/* Wait for MMC/SD-card busy */
-	while (spi_read() != 0xff) {};
-	/* set MMC_Chip_Select to high (MMC/SD-card inactive) */
-	MMC_Disable();
-	spi_unlock();
-	return (0);
-/* #########################################################################
-   Routine to read the CSD register from the MMC/SD-card (16 bytes)
-   ######################################################################### */
-unsigned char mmc_read_csd (unsigned char *Buffer)
-	/* Command to read the CSD register */
-	unsigned char CMD[] = {0x49, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF};
-	MMC_Read_Block(CMD, Buffer, 16);
-	return (0);
diff --git a/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc_hw.h b/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc_hw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3687dbf696..0000000000
--- a/board/lpc2292sodimm/mmc_hw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-    This module implements a linux character device driver for the 24c256 chip.
-    Copyright (C) 2006  Embedded Artists AB (
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#ifndef _MMC_HW_
-#define _MMC_HW_
-unsigned char mmc_read_csd(unsigned char *Buffer);
-unsigned char mmc_read_sector (unsigned long addr,
-			       unsigned char *Buffer);
-unsigned char mmc_write_sector (unsigned long addr,unsigned char *Buffer);
-int mmc_hw_init(void);
-#endif /* _MMC_HW_ */
diff --git a/board/lpc2292sodimm/spi.c b/board/lpc2292sodimm/spi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ba1468f39..0000000000
--- a/board/lpc2292sodimm/spi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-    This module implements an interface to the SPI on the lpc22xx.
-    Copyright (C) 2006  Embedded Artists AB (
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#include <config.h>
-#include <common.h>
-#include <asm/errno.h>
-#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
-#include "spi.h"
-unsigned long spi_flags;
-unsigned char spi_idle = 0x00;
-int spi_init(void)
-	unsigned long pinsel0_value;
-	/* activate spi pins */
-	pinsel0_value = GET32(PINSEL0);
-	pinsel0_value &= ~(0xFFl << 8);
-	pinsel0_value |= (0x55l << 8);
-	PUT32(PINSEL0, pinsel0_value);
-	return 0;
diff --git a/board/lpc2292sodimm/spi.h b/board/lpc2292sodimm/spi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae66e8ba7..0000000000
--- a/board/lpc2292sodimm/spi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-    This file defines the interface to the lpc22xx SPI module.
-    Copyright (C) 2006  Embedded Artists AB (
-    This file may be included in software not adhering to the GPL.
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#ifndef SPI_H
-#define SPI_H
-#include <config.h>
-#include <common.h>
-#include <asm/errno.h>
-#include <asm/arch/hardware.h>
-#define SPIF 0x80
-#define spi_lock() disable_interrupts();
-#define spi_unlock() enable_interrupts();
-extern unsigned long spi_flags;
-extern unsigned char spi_idle;
-int spi_init(void);
-static inline unsigned char spi_read(void)
-	unsigned char b;
-	PUT8(S0SPDR, spi_idle);
-	while (!(GET8(S0SPSR) & SPIF));
-	b = GET8(S0SPDR);
-	return b;
-static inline void spi_write(unsigned char b)
-	PUT8(S0SPDR, b);
-	while (!(GET8(S0SPSR) & SPIF));
-	GET8(S0SPDR);		/* this will clear the SPIF bit */
-static inline void spi_set_clock(unsigned char clk_value)
-	PUT8(S0SPCCR, clk_value);
-static inline void spi_set_cfg(unsigned char phase,
-			       unsigned char polarity,
-			       unsigned char lsbf)
-	unsigned char v = 0x20;	/* master bit set */
-	if (phase)
-		v |= 0x08;			/* set phase bit */
-	if (polarity) {
-		v |= 0x10;			/* set polarity bit */
-		spi_idle = 0xFF;
-	} else {
-		spi_idle = 0x00;
-	}
-	if (lsbf)
-		v |= 0x40;			/* set lsbf bit */
-	PUT8(S0SPCR, v);
-#endif /* SPI_H */
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-arm720t/lpc2292_registers.h b/include/asm-arm/arch-arm720t/lpc2292_registers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5715f3ef74..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-arm/arch-arm720t/lpc2292_registers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __LPC2292_REGISTERS_H
-#define __LPC2292_REGISTERS_H
-#include <config.h>
-/* Macros for reading/writing registers */
-#define PUT8(reg, value) (*(volatile unsigned char*)(reg) = (value))
-#define PUT16(reg, value) (*(volatile unsigned short*)(reg) = (value))
-#define PUT32(reg, value) (*(volatile unsigned int*)(reg) = (value))
-#define GET8(reg) (*(volatile unsigned char*)(reg))
-#define GET16(reg) (*(volatile unsigned short*)(reg))
-#define GET32(reg) (*(volatile unsigned int*)(reg))
-/* External Memory Controller */
-#define BCFG0 0xFFE00000	/* 32-bits */
-#define BCFG1 0xFFE00004	/* 32-bits */
-#define BCFG2 0xFFE00008	/* 32-bits */
-#define BCFG3 0xFFE0000c	/* 32-bits */
-/* System Control Block */
-#define EXTINT   0xE01FC140
-#define EXTWAKE  0xE01FC144
-#define EXTMODE  0xE01FC148
-#define EXTPOLAR 0xE01FC14C
-#define MEMMAP   0xE01FC040
-#define PLLCON   0xE01FC080
-#define PLLCFG   0xE01FC084
-#define PLLSTAT  0xE01FC088
-#define PLLFEED  0xE01FC08C
-#define PCON     0xE01FC0C0
-#define PCONP    0xE01FC0C4
-#define VPBDIV   0xE01FC100
-/* Memory Acceleration Module */
-#define MAMCR  0xE01FC000
-#define MAMTIM 0xE01FC004
-/* Vectored Interrupt Controller */
-#define VICIRQStatus    0xFFFFF000
-#define VICFIQStatus    0xFFFFF004
-#define VICRawIntr      0xFFFFF008
-#define VICIntSelect    0xFFFFF00C
-#define VICIntEnable    0xFFFFF010
-#define VICIntEnClr     0xFFFFF014
-#define VICSoftInt      0xFFFFF018
-#define VICSoftIntClear 0xFFFFF01C
-#define VICProtection   0xFFFFF020
-#define VICVectAddr     0xFFFFF030
-#define VICDefVectAddr  0xFFFFF034
-#define VICVectAddr0    0xFFFFF100
-#define VICVectAddr1    0xFFFFF104
-#define VICVectAddr2    0xFFFFF108
-#define VICVectAddr3    0xFFFFF10C
-#define VICVectAddr4    0xFFFFF110
-#define VICVectAddr5    0xFFFFF114
-#define VICVectAddr6    0xFFFFF118
-#define VICVectAddr7    0xFFFFF11C
-#define VICVectAddr8    0xFFFFF120
-#define VICVectAddr9    0xFFFFF124
-#define VICVectAddr10   0xFFFFF128
-#define VICVectAddr11   0xFFFFF12C
-#define VICVectAddr12   0xFFFFF130
-#define VICVectAddr13   0xFFFFF134
-#define VICVectAddr14   0xFFFFF138
-#define VICVectAddr15   0xFFFFF13C
-#define VICVectCntl0    0xFFFFF200
-#define VICVectCntl1	0xFFFFF204
-#define VICVectCntl2	0xFFFFF208
-#define VICVectCntl3	0xFFFFF20C
-#define VICVectCntl4	0xFFFFF210
-#define VICVectCntl5	0xFFFFF214
-#define VICVectCntl6	0xFFFFF218
-#define VICVectCntl7	0xFFFFF21C
-#define VICVectCntl8	0xFFFFF220
-#define VICVectCntl9	0xFFFFF224
-#define VICVectCntl10	0xFFFFF228
-#define VICVectCntl11	0xFFFFF22C
-#define VICVectCntl12	0xFFFFF230
-#define VICVectCntl13	0xFFFFF234
-#define VICVectCntl14	0xFFFFF238
-#define VICVectCntl15	0xFFFFF23C
-/* Pin connect block */
-#define PINSEL0 0xE002C000	/* 32 bits */
-#define PINSEL1 0xE002C004	/* 32 bits */
-#define PINSEL2 0xE002C014	/* 32 bits */
-/* GPIO */
-#define IO0PIN 0xE0028000
-#define IO0SET 0xE0028004
-#define IO0DIR 0xE0028008
-#define IO0CLR 0xE002800C
-#define IO1PIN 0xE0028010
-#define IO1SET 0xE0028014
-#define IO1DIR 0xE0028018
-#define IO1CLR 0xE002801C
-#define IO2PIN 0xE0028020
-#define IO2SET 0xE0028024
-#define IO2DIR 0xE0028028
-#define IO2CLR 0xE002802C
-#define IO3PIN 0xE0028030
-#define IO3SET 0xE0028034
-#define IO3DIR 0xE0028038
-#define IO3CLR 0xE002803C
-/* Uarts */
-#define U0RBR 0xE000C000
-#define U0THR 0xE000C000
-#define U0IER 0xE000C004
-#define U0IIR 0xE000C008
-#define U0FCR 0xE000C008
-#define U0LCR 0xE000C00C
-#define U0LSR 0xE000C014
-#define U0SCR 0xE000C01C
-#define U0DLL 0xE000C000
-#define U0DLM 0xE000C004
-#define U1RBR 0xE0010000
-#define U1THR 0xE0010000
-#define U1IER 0xE0010004
-#define U1IIR 0xE0010008
-#define U1FCR 0xE0010008
-#define U1LCR 0xE001000C
-#define U1MCR 0xE0010010
-#define U1LSR 0xE0010014
-#define U1MSR 0xE0010018
-#define U1SCR 0xE001001C
-#define U1DLL 0xE0010000
-#define U1DLM 0xE0010004
-/* I2C */
-#define I2CONSET 0xE001C000
-#define I2STAT   0xE001C004
-#define I2DAT    0xE001C008
-#define I2ADR    0xE001C00C
-#define I2SCLH   0xE001C010
-#define I2SCLL   0xE001C014
-#define I2CONCLR 0xE001C018
-/* SPI */
-#define S0SPCR  0xE0020000
-#define S0SPSR  0xE0020004
-#define S0SPDR  0xE0020008
-#define S0SPCCR 0xE002000C
-#define S0SPINT 0xE002001C
-#define S1SPCR  0xE0030000
-#define S1SPSR  0xE0030004
-#define S1SPDR  0xE0030008
-#define S1SPCCR 0xE003000C
-#define S1SPINT 0xE003001C
-/* CAN controller */
-/* skip for now */
-/* Timers */
-#define T0IR  0xE0004000
-#define T0TCR 0xE0004004
-#define T0TC  0xE0004008
-#define T0PR  0xE000400C
-#define T0PC  0xE0004010
-#define T0MCR 0xE0004014
-#define T0MR0 0xE0004018
-#define T0MR1 0xE000401C
-#define T0MR2 0xE0004020
-#define T0MR3 0xE0004024
-#define T0CCR 0xE0004028
-#define T0CR0 0xE000402C
-#define T0CR1 0xE0004030
-#define T0CR2 0xE0004034
-#define T0CR3 0xE0004038
-#define T0EMR 0xE000403C
-#define T1IR  0xE0008000
-#define T1TCR 0xE0008004
-#define T1TC  0xE0008008
-#define T1PR  0xE000800C
-#define T1PC  0xE0008010
-#define T1MCR 0xE0008014
-#define T1MR0 0xE0008018
-#define T1MR1 0xE000801C
-#define T1MR2 0xE0008020
-#define T1MR3 0xE0008024
-#define T1CCR 0xE0008028
-#define T1CR0 0xE000802C
-#define T1CR1 0xE0008030
-#define T1CR2 0xE0008034
-#define T1CR3 0xE0008038
-#define T1EMR 0xE000803C
-/* PWM */
-/* skip for now */
-/* A/D converter */
-/* skip for now */
-/* Real Time Clock */
-/* skip for now */
-/* Watchdog */
-#define WDMOD  0xE0000000
-#define WDTC   0xE0000004
-#define WDFEED 0xE0000008
-#define WDTV   0xE000000C
-/* EmbeddedICE LOGIC */
-/* skip for now */
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-arm720t/mmc.h b/include/asm-arm/arch-arm720t/mmc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e664a5f678..0000000000
--- a/include/asm-arm/arch-arm720t/mmc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * A dummy header file for use with the LPC2292 port to keep the
- * compiler happy.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#ifndef _MMC_ARM_TDM_H_
-#define _MMC_ARM_TDM_H_
-#endif /* _MMC_ARM_TDM_H_ */