From fd70986a62afc291d3fbc172dc0c7219dc84d4b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2020 21:41:50 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] patman: Add a test that uses gitpython

It is convenient to use gitpython to create a real git repo for testing
patman's operation. Add a test for this. So far it just checks that patman
produces the right number of patches for a branch.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
 tools/patman/ | 151 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tools/patman/     |   4 +-
 2 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/patman/ b/tools/patman/
index dc30078cce..211952154a 100644
--- a/tools/patman/
+++ b/tools/patman/
@@ -14,15 +14,23 @@ import unittest
 from io import StringIO
+from patman import control
 from patman import gitutil
 from patman import patchstream
 from patman import settings
+from patman import terminal
 from patman import tools
+from patman.test_util import capture_sys_output
+    import pygit2
+    HAVE_PYGIT2= True
+except ModuleNotFoundError:
+    HAVE_PYGIT2 = False
 def capture():
-    import sys
     oldout,olderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
         out=[StringIO(), StringIO()]
@@ -37,6 +45,8 @@ def capture():
 class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='patman.')
+        self.gitdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'git')
+        self.repo = None
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -286,3 +296,142 @@ Changes in v2:
             if expected:
                 expected = expected.splitlines()
                 self.assertEqual(expected, lines[start:(start+len(expected))])
+    def make_commit_with_file(self, subject, body, fname, text):
+        """Create a file and add it to the git repo with a new commit
+        Args:
+            subject (str): Subject for the commit
+            body (str): Body text of the commit
+            fname (str): Filename of file to create
+            text (str): Text to put into the file
+        """
+        path = os.path.join(self.gitdir, fname)
+        tools.WriteFile(path, text, binary=False)
+        index = self.repo.index
+        index.add(fname)
+        author =  pygit2.Signature('Test user', '')
+        committer = author
+        tree = index.write_tree()
+        message = subject + '\n' + body
+        self.repo.create_commit('HEAD', author, committer, message, tree,
+                                [])
+    def make_git_tree(self):
+        """Make a simple git tree suitable for testing
+        It has three branches:
+            'base' has two commits: PCI, main
+            'first' has base as upstream and two more commits: I2C, SPI
+            'second' has base as upstream and three more: video, serial, bootm
+        Returns:
+            pygit2 repository
+        """
+        repo = pygit2.init_repository(self.gitdir)
+        self.repo = repo
+        new_tree = repo.TreeBuilder().write()
+        author = pygit2.Signature('Test user', '')
+        committer = author
+        commit = repo.create_commit('HEAD', author, committer,
+                                         'Created master', new_tree, [])
+        self.make_commit_with_file('Initial commit', '''
+''', 'README', '''This is the README file
+describing this project
+in very little detail''')
+        self.make_commit_with_file('pci: PCI implementation', '''
+Here is a basic PCI implementation
+''', 'pci.c', '''This is a file
+it has some contents
+and some more things''')
+        self.make_commit_with_file('main: Main program', '''
+Hello here is the second commit.
+''', 'main.c', '''This is the main file
+there is very little here
+but we can always add more later
+if we want to
+Series-to: u-boot
+Series-cc: Barry Crump <>
+        base_target = repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
+        self.make_commit_with_file('i2c: I2C things', '''
+This has some stuff to do with I2C
+''', 'i2c.c', '''And this is the file contents
+with some I2C-related things in it''')
+        self.make_commit_with_file('spi: SPI fixes', '''
+SPI needs some fixes
+and here they are
+''', 'spi.c', '''Some fixes for SPI in this
+file to make SPI work
+better than before''')
+        first_target = repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
+        target = repo.revparse_single('HEAD~2')
+        repo.reset(target.oid, pygit2.GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE)
+        self.make_commit_with_file('video: Some video improvements', '''
+Fix up the video so that
+it looks more purple. Purple is
+a very nice colour.
+''', 'video.c', '''More purple here
+Purple and purple
+Even more purple
+Could not be any more purple''')
+        self.make_commit_with_file('serial: Add a serial driver', '''
+Here is the serial driver
+for my chip.
+Series for my board
+This series implements support
+for my glorious board.
+''', 'serial.c', '''The code for the
+serial driver is here''')
+        self.make_commit_with_file('bootm: Make it boot', '''
+This makes my board boot
+with a fix to the bootm
+''', 'bootm.c', '''Fix up the bootm
+command to make the code as
+complicated as possible''')
+        second_target = repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
+        repo.branches.local.create('first', first_target)
+        repo.config.set_multivar('branch.first.remote', '', '.')
+        repo.config.set_multivar('branch.first.merge', '', 'refs/heads/base')
+        repo.branches.local.create('second', second_target)
+        repo.config.set_multivar('branch.second.remote', '', '.')
+        repo.config.set_multivar('branch.second.merge', '', 'refs/heads/base')
+        repo.branches.local.create('base', base_target)
+        return repo
+    @unittest.skipIf(not HAVE_PYGIT2, 'Missing python3-pygit2')
+    def testBranch(self):
+        """Test creating patches from a branch"""
+        repo = self.make_git_tree()
+        target = repo.lookup_reference('refs/heads/first')
+        self.repo.checkout(target, strategy=pygit2.GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE)
+        control.setup()
+        try:
+            orig_dir = os.getcwd()
+            os.chdir(self.gitdir)
+            # Check that it can detect the current branch
+            self.assertEqual(2, gitutil.CountCommitsToBranch())
+            col = terminal.Color()
+            with capture_sys_output() as _:
+                _, cover_fname, patch_files = control.prepare_patches(
+                    col, count=-1, start=0, ignore_binary=False)
+            self.assertIsNone(cover_fname)
+            self.assertEqual(2, len(patch_files))
+        finally:
+            os.chdir(orig_dir)
diff --git a/tools/patman/ b/tools/patman/
index b50370dfe8..f402b9aab8 100644
--- a/tools/patman/
+++ b/tools/patman/
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ def ReadFile(fname, binary=True):
                    #(fname, len(data), len(data)))
     return data
-def WriteFile(fname, data):
+def WriteFile(fname, data, binary=True):
     """Write data into a file.
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ def WriteFile(fname, data):
     #self._out.Info("Write file '%s' size %d (%#0x)" %
                    #(fname, len(data), len(data)))
-    with open(Filename(fname), 'wb') as fd:
+    with open(Filename(fname), binary and 'wb' or 'w') as fd:
 def GetBytes(byte, size):