From addb2e1650fdf872334478393f482dfdce965a61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bartlomiej Sieka <>
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:57:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Re-factoring the legacy NAND code (legacy NAND now only in
 board-specific code and in SoC code). Boards using the old way have
 CFG_NAND_LEGACY and BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a added.
 Build breakage for NETTA.ERR and NETTA_ISDN - will go away when the new NAND
 support is implemented for these boards.

 MAKEALL                             |    8 +-
 board/amcc/bamboo/bamboo.c          |    2 +-
 board/amcc/bamboo/         |    4 +
 board/bmw/                 |    1 +
 board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/ |    6 +-
 board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/nand.c    |   36 +-
 board/esd/ash405/ash405.c           |    2 +-
 board/esd/ash405/          |    3 +
 board/esd/cms700/cms700.c           |    2 +-
 board/esd/cms700/          |    3 +
 board/esd/common/auto_update.c      |   28 +-
 board/esd/cpci405/         |    4 +
 board/esd/hh405/           |    4 +
 board/esd/hh405/hh405.c             |    2 +-
 board/esd/hub405/          |    4 +
 board/esd/hub405/hub405.c           |    2 +-
 board/esd/plu405/          |    3 +
 board/esd/plu405/plu405.c           |    2 +-
 board/esd/voh405/          |    3 +
 board/esd/voh405/voh405.c           |    2 +-
 board/esd/wuh405/          |    3 +
 board/esd/wuh405/wuh405.c           |    2 +-
 board/g2000/g2000.c                 |    2 +-
 board/netphone/            |    3 +
 board/netphone/netphone.c           |    2 +-
 board/netstar/             |    2 +-
 board/netstar/setup.S               |    4 +-
 board/netta2/              |    4 +
 board/netta2/netta2.c               |    2 +-
 board/netvia/              |    3 +
 board/netvia/netvia.c               |    2 +-
 board/omap2420h4/omap2420h4.c       |    2 +-
 board/sixnet/              |    3 +
 board/sixnet/sixnet.c               |    2 +-
 board/stxxtc/stxxtc.c               |    2 +-
 common/Makefile                     |    2 +-
 common/cmd_doc.c                    |    3 +-
 common/cmd_jffs2.c                  |   17 +-
 common/cmd_nand.c                   | 1959 ++++++---------------------
 common/cmd_nand_new.c               |  364 -----
 common/env_nand.c                   |   47 +-
 drivers/nand/diskonchip.c           |    7 +-
 drivers/nand/nand.c                 |    7 +-
 drivers/nand/nand_base.c            |   11 +-
 drivers/nand/nand_bbt.c             |    7 +-
 drivers/nand/nand_ecc.c             |    7 +-
 drivers/nand/nand_ids.c             |    7 +-
 drivers/nand_legacy/Makefile        |   16 +
 drivers/nand_legacy/nand_legacy.c   | 1615 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 fs/jffs2/jffs2_1pass.c              |   24 +-
 fs/jffs2/jffs2_nand_1pass.c         |    2 +-
 include/configs/ASH405.h            |    3 +
 include/configs/BMW.h               |    4 +
 include/configs/CMS700.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/CPCI405.h           |    2 +
 include/configs/CPCI4052.h          |    2 +
 include/configs/CPCI405AB.h         |    3 +
 include/configs/CPCI405DT.h         |    2 +
 include/configs/CPU86.h             |    2 +
 include/configs/CPU87.h             |    2 +
 include/configs/GEN860T.h           |    2 +
 include/configs/HH405.h             |    2 +
 include/configs/HUB405.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/MIP405.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/NETPHONE.h          |    1 +
 include/configs/NETTA2.h            |    1 +
 include/configs/NETVIA.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/PCIPPC2.h           |    1 +
 include/configs/PCIPPC6.h           |    1 +
 include/configs/PIP405.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/PLU405.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/PM520.h             |    2 +
 include/configs/PM826.h             |    2 +
 include/configs/PM828.h             |    1 +
 include/configs/PPChameleonEVB.h    |  103 +-
 include/configs/RBC823.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/SXNI855T.h          |    1 +
 include/configs/VOH405.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/WUH405.h            |    2 +
 include/configs/bamboo.h            |    1 +
 include/configs/netstar.h           |    2 +-
 include/configs/svm_sc8xx.h         |    1 +
 include/linux/mtd/nand.h            |  504 +++++--
 include/linux/mtd/nand_ids.h        |    4 +
 include/linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h     |  203 +++
 include/linux/mtd/nand_new.h        |  469 -------
 86 files changed, 2881 insertions(+), 2712 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 common/cmd_nand_new.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/nand_legacy/Makefile
 create mode 100644 drivers/nand_legacy/nand_legacy.c
 create mode 100644 include/linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h
 delete mode 100644 include/linux/mtd/nand_new.h

diff --git a/MAKEALL b/MAKEALL
index fcbab47cab..d563227d89 100755
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ LIST_ARM9="	\
 	ap920t		ap922_XA10	ap926ejs	ap946es		\
 	ap966		cp920t		cp922_XA10	cp926ejs	\
 	cp946es		cp966		lpd7a400	mp2usb		\
-	mx1ads		mx1fs2		omap1510inn	omap1610h2	\
-	omap1610inn	omap730p2	scb9328		smdk2400	\
-	smdk2410	trab		VCMA9		versatile	\
-	versatileab	versatilepb	voiceblue
+	mx1ads		mx1fs2		netstar		omap1510inn	\
+	omap1610h2	omap1610inn	omap730p2	scb9328		\
+	smdk2400	smdk2410	trab		VCMA9		\
+	versatile	versatileab	versatilepb	voiceblue
diff --git a/board/amcc/bamboo/bamboo.c b/board/amcc/bamboo/bamboo.c
index 803995ae5d..7c989200fe 100644
--- a/board/amcc/bamboo/bamboo.c
+++ b/board/amcc/bamboo/bamboo.c
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ int board_early_init_f(void)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
diff --git a/board/amcc/bamboo/ b/board/amcc/bamboo/
index 35cb65584a..b6495de692 100644
--- a/board/amcc/bamboo/
+++ b/board/amcc/bamboo/
@@ -32,3 +32,7 @@ endif
 ifeq ($(dbcr),1)
+# legacy nand support
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/bmw/ b/board/bmw/
index f9915496ad..10b7a9f5ea 100644
--- a/board/bmw/
+++ b/board/bmw/
@@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ TEXT_BASE = 0xFFF00000
diff --git a/board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/ b/board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/
index 6e03b72b66..5d3df0c858 100644
--- a/board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/
+++ b/board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/
@@ -27,5 +27,9 @@
 # Reserve 320 kB for Monitor
-# Compile the new NAND code (needed iff #ifdef CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE)
+# Compile the new NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY mustn't be defined)
 BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand/libnand.a
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+#BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/nand.c b/board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/nand.c
index 16c67cd972..61edc787fa 100644
--- a/board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/nand.c
+++ b/board/dave/PPChameleonEVB/nand.c
@@ -22,9 +22,8 @@
 #include <common.h>
-/* new NAND handling */
 #include <nand.h>
@@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ static int ppchameleonevb_device_ready(struct mtd_info *mtdinfo)
  * Board-specific NAND initialization. The following members of the
- * argument are board-specific (per include/linux/mtd/nand_new.h):
+ * argument are board-specific (per include/linux/mtd/nand.h):
  * - IO_ADDR_R?: address to read the 8 I/O lines of the flash device
  * - IO_ADDR_W?: address to write the 8 I/O lines of the flash device
  * - hwcontrol: hardwarespecific function for accesing control-lines
@@ -115,33 +114,4 @@ void board_nand_init(struct nand_chip *nand)
 	nand->chip_delay = NAND_BIG_DELAY_US;
 	nand->options = NAND_SAMSUNG_LP_OPTIONS;
-/* old NAND handling */
-extern ulong
-nand_probe(ulong physadr);
-	ulong totlen = 0;
-	The HI model is equipped with a large block NAND chip not supported yet
-	by U-Boot
-	debug ("Probing at 0x%.8x\n", CFG_NAND0_BASE);
-	totlen += nand_probe (CFG_NAND0_BASE);
-	debug ("Probing at 0x%.8x\n", CFG_NAND1_BASE);
-	totlen += nand_probe (CFG_NAND1_BASE);
-	printf ("%3lu MB\n", totlen >>20);
diff --git a/board/esd/ash405/ash405.c b/board/esd/ash405/ash405.c
index 03ae7fda4b..84fc3a01dc 100644
--- a/board/esd/ash405/ash405.c
+++ b/board/esd/ash405/ash405.c
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ int testdram (void)
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
 void nand_init(void)
diff --git a/board/esd/ash405/ b/board/esd/ash405/
index 1d743a9f87..3cf5dd85bf 100644
--- a/board/esd/ash405/
+++ b/board/esd/ash405/
@@ -26,3 +26,6 @@
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/esd/cms700/cms700.c b/board/esd/cms700/cms700.c
index e4cfe1466b..e283a92764 100644
--- a/board/esd/cms700/cms700.c
+++ b/board/esd/cms700/cms700.c
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ U_BOOT_CMD(eepwren,	2,	0,	do_eep_wren,
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
 void nand_init(void)
diff --git a/board/esd/cms700/ b/board/esd/cms700/
index 5c3c01cf87..0c56c40b9f 100644
--- a/board/esd/cms700/
+++ b/board/esd/cms700/
@@ -26,3 +26,6 @@
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/esd/common/auto_update.c b/board/esd/common/auto_update.c
index 1decc0ec0c..5a70176fad 100644
--- a/board/esd/common/auto_update.c
+++ b/board/esd/common/auto_update.c
@@ -23,10 +23,15 @@
 #include <common.h>
+#error CFG_NAND_LEGACY not defined in a file using the legacy NAND support!
 #include <command.h>
 #include <image.h>
 #include <asm/byteorder.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 #include <fat.h>
 #include "auto_update.h"
@@ -37,6 +42,9 @@
 #error "must define CFG_CMD_FAT"
 extern au_image_t au_image[];
 extern int N_AU_IMAGES;
@@ -76,9 +84,9 @@ extern block_dev_desc_t *get_dev (char*, int);
 #define NANDRW_JFFS2	0x02
 #define NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP	0x04
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[];
-extern int nand_rw(struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd, size_t start, size_t len,
+extern int nand_legacy_rw(struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd, size_t start, size_t len,
 		   size_t * retlen, u_char * buf);
-extern int nand_erase(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len, int clean);
+extern int nand_legacy_erase(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len, int clean);
 extern block_dev_desc_t ide_dev_desc[CFG_IDE_MAXDEVICE];
@@ -259,9 +267,9 @@ int au_do_update(int i, long sz)
 		} else {
 			printf("Updating NAND FLASH with image %s\n", au_image[i].name);
-			debug ("nand_erase(%lx, %lx);\n", start, end);
-			rc = nand_erase (nand_dev_desc, start, end - start + 1, 0);
-			debug ("nand_erase returned %x\n", rc);
+			debug ("nand_legacy_erase(%lx, %lx);\n", start, end);
+			rc = nand_legacy_erase (nand_dev_desc, start, end - start + 1, 0);
+			debug ("nand_legacy_erase returned %x\n", rc);
@@ -286,10 +294,10 @@ int au_do_update(int i, long sz)
 			rc = flash_write((char *)addr, start, nbytes);
 		} else {
-			debug ("nand_rw(%p, %lx %x)\n", addr, start, nbytes);
-			rc = nand_rw(nand_dev_desc, NANDRW_WRITE | NANDRW_JFFS2,
+			debug ("nand_legacy_rw(%p, %lx %x)\n", addr, start, nbytes);
+			rc = nand_legacy_rw(nand_dev_desc, NANDRW_WRITE | NANDRW_JFFS2,
 				     start, nbytes, (size_t *)&total, (uchar *)addr);
-			debug ("nand_rw: ret=%x total=%d nbytes=%d\n", rc, total, nbytes);
+			debug ("nand_legacy_rw: ret=%x total=%d nbytes=%d\n", rc, total, nbytes);
 		if (rc != 0) {
@@ -304,7 +312,7 @@ int au_do_update(int i, long sz)
 			rc = crc32 (0, (uchar *)(start + off), ntohl(hdr->ih_size));
 		} else {
-			rc = nand_rw(nand_dev_desc, NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2 | NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP,
+			rc = nand_legacy_rw(nand_dev_desc, NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2 | NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP,
 				     start, nbytes, (size_t *)&total, (uchar *)addr);
 			rc = crc32 (0, (uchar *)(addr + off), ntohl(hdr->ih_size));
diff --git a/board/esd/cpci405/ b/board/esd/cpci405/
index 0be45c70d7..320346f089 100644
--- a/board/esd/cpci405/
+++ b/board/esd/cpci405/
@@ -38,3 +38,7 @@ TEXT_BASE = 0xFFFD0000
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/esd/hh405/ b/board/esd/hh405/
index 7129ad568b..ca1f57572b 100644
--- a/board/esd/hh405/
+++ b/board/esd/hh405/
@@ -29,3 +29,7 @@
 TEXT_BASE = 0xFFF80000
 #TEXT_BASE = 0xFFFC0000
 #TEXT_BASE = 0x00FC0000
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/esd/hh405/hh405.c b/board/esd/hh405/hh405.c
index 9c582b121c..a3e935a87a 100644
--- a/board/esd/hh405/hh405.c
+++ b/board/esd/hh405/hh405.c
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ void ide_set_reset(int on)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
 void nand_init(void)
diff --git a/board/esd/hub405/ b/board/esd/hub405/
index a6d31aad2b..22ff1226bc 100644
--- a/board/esd/hub405/
+++ b/board/esd/hub405/
@@ -26,3 +26,7 @@
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/esd/hub405/hub405.c b/board/esd/hub405/hub405.c
index e77dba8a86..0c6771fb12 100644
--- a/board/esd/hub405/hub405.c
+++ b/board/esd/hub405/hub405.c
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ int testdram (void)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
 void nand_init(void)
diff --git a/board/esd/plu405/ b/board/esd/plu405/
index 25b2105799..916b285261 100644
--- a/board/esd/plu405/
+++ b/board/esd/plu405/
@@ -27,3 +27,6 @@
 #TEXT_BASE = 0x00FC0000
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/esd/plu405/plu405.c b/board/esd/plu405/plu405.c
index 5b9d0631f8..37b92fb65a 100644
--- a/board/esd/plu405/plu405.c
+++ b/board/esd/plu405/plu405.c
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ void ide_set_reset(int on)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
 void nand_init(void)
diff --git a/board/esd/voh405/ b/board/esd/voh405/
index 219a4eba15..72e81030ab 100644
--- a/board/esd/voh405/
+++ b/board/esd/voh405/
@@ -26,3 +26,6 @@
 TEXT_BASE = 0xFFF80000
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/esd/voh405/voh405.c b/board/esd/voh405/voh405.c
index eda3fd9d9d..22995b5020 100644
--- a/board/esd/voh405/voh405.c
+++ b/board/esd/voh405/voh405.c
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ void ide_set_reset(int on)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
 void nand_init(void)
diff --git a/board/esd/wuh405/ b/board/esd/wuh405/
index 1d743a9f87..3cf5dd85bf 100644
--- a/board/esd/wuh405/
+++ b/board/esd/wuh405/
@@ -26,3 +26,6 @@
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/esd/wuh405/wuh405.c b/board/esd/wuh405/wuh405.c
index db24122c5e..5a1a3f3e8e 100644
--- a/board/esd/wuh405/wuh405.c
+++ b/board/esd/wuh405/wuh405.c
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ int testdram (void)
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
 void nand_init(void)
diff --git a/board/g2000/g2000.c b/board/g2000/g2000.c
index 3f7875334d..39b5c701e0 100644
--- a/board/g2000/g2000.c
+++ b/board/g2000/g2000.c
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ int testdram (void)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
 void nand_init(void)
diff --git a/board/netphone/ b/board/netphone/
index 8497ebc812..de179c2d65 100644
--- a/board/netphone/
+++ b/board/netphone/
@@ -26,3 +26,6 @@
 TEXT_BASE = 0x40000000
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/netphone/netphone.c b/board/netphone/netphone.c
index dd03e4bd5b..297de97a55 100644
--- a/board/netphone/netphone.c
+++ b/board/netphone/netphone.c
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ int board_early_init_f(void)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern ulong nand_probe(ulong physadr);
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
diff --git a/board/netstar/ b/board/netstar/
index 57a34c4957..2e3921b101 100644
--- a/board/netstar/
+++ b/board/netstar/
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
 # XXX TEXT_BASE = 0x20012000
 TEXT_BASE = 0x13FC0000
-# Compile the new NAND code (needed iff #ifdef CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE)
+# Compile the new NAND code
 BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand/libnand.a
diff --git a/board/netstar/setup.S b/board/netstar/setup.S
index 82c0342357..f67786d182 100644
--- a/board/netstar/setup.S
+++ b/board/netstar/setup.S
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ MUX_CONFIG_OFFSETS:
 	.byte 0x0c		@ COMP_MODE_CTRL_0
 	.byte 0xff
-.globl platformsetup
+.globl lowlevel_init
 	/* Improve performance a bit... */
 	mrc	p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 0		@ read C15 ID register
 	mrc	p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 1		@ read C15 Cache information register
diff --git a/board/netta2/ b/board/netta2/
index 8497ebc812..4b636ed88d 100644
--- a/board/netta2/
+++ b/board/netta2/
@@ -26,3 +26,7 @@
 TEXT_BASE = 0x40000000
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/netta2/netta2.c b/board/netta2/netta2.c
index c9b405145e..3ca7bd3c86 100644
--- a/board/netta2/netta2.c
+++ b/board/netta2/netta2.c
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ int board_early_init_f(void)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern ulong nand_probe(ulong physadr);
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
diff --git a/board/netvia/ b/board/netvia/
index 9dddaad54b..583174a489 100644
--- a/board/netvia/
+++ b/board/netvia/
@@ -26,3 +26,6 @@
 TEXT_BASE = 0x40000000
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/netvia/netvia.c b/board/netvia/netvia.c
index fb7f7700cf..3e6c61663f 100644
--- a/board/netvia/netvia.c
+++ b/board/netvia/netvia.c
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ int board_early_init_f(void)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern ulong nand_probe(ulong physadr);
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
diff --git a/board/omap2420h4/omap2420h4.c b/board/omap2420h4/omap2420h4.c
index 6ae1a490a5..2387176ebc 100644
--- a/board/omap2420h4/omap2420h4.c
+++ b/board/omap2420h4/omap2420h4.c
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #include <i2c.h>
 #include <asm/mach-types.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
diff --git a/board/sixnet/ b/board/sixnet/
index 0cd8f44148..8e73d2f369 100644
--- a/board/sixnet/
+++ b/board/sixnet/
@@ -26,3 +26,6 @@
 TEXT_BASE = 0xF8000000
+# Compile the legacy NAND code (CFG_NAND_LEGACY must be defined)
+BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand_legacy/libnand_legacy.a
diff --git a/board/sixnet/sixnet.c b/board/sixnet/sixnet.c
index 867589f918..a25dffdad5 100644
--- a/board/sixnet/sixnet.c
+++ b/board/sixnet/sixnet.c
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
diff --git a/board/stxxtc/stxxtc.c b/board/stxxtc/stxxtc.c
index aa3d129f9c..7caf06a086 100644
--- a/board/stxxtc/stxxtc.c
+++ b/board/stxxtc/stxxtc.c
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ int board_early_init_f(void)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 extern ulong nand_probe(ulong physadr);
 extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
diff --git a/common/Makefile b/common/Makefile
index 7e45a7c716..7dbf84a555 100644
--- a/common/Makefile
+++ b/common/Makefile
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ COBJS	= main.o ACEX1K.o altera.o bedbug.o circbuf.o \
 	  cmd_i2c.o cmd_ide.o cmd_immap.o cmd_itest.o cmd_jffs2.o \
 	  cmd_load.o cmd_log.o \
 	  cmd_mem.o cmd_mii.o cmd_misc.o cmd_mmc.o \
-	  cmd_nand.o cmd_nand_new.o cmd_net.o cmd_nvedit.o \
+	  cmd_nand.o cmd_net.o cmd_nvedit.o \
 	  cmd_pci.o cmd_pcmcia.o cmd_portio.o \
 	  cmd_reginfo.o cmd_reiser.o cmd_scsi.o cmd_spi.o cmd_universe.o \
 	  cmd_usb.o cmd_vfd.o \
diff --git a/common/cmd_doc.c b/common/cmd_doc.c
index 5e9bea3045..c726957cac 100644
--- a/common/cmd_doc.c
+++ b/common/cmd_doc.c
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@
 #include <linux/mtd/nftl.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
 #include <linux/mtd/nand_ids.h>
 #include <linux/mtd/doc2000.h>
 #include <linux/mtd/nftl.h>
diff --git a/common/cmd_jffs2.c b/common/cmd_jffs2.c
index ecadb79634..201c3c1553 100644
--- a/common/cmd_jffs2.c
+++ b/common/cmd_jffs2.c
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@
 #include <command.h>
 #include <malloc.h>
 #include <jffs2/jffs2.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
 #include <linux/list.h>
 #include <linux/ctype.h>
@@ -99,10 +98,14 @@
 #include <cramfs/cramfs_fs.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
+#else /* !CFG_NAND_LEGACY */
+#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
 #include <nand.h>
+#endif /* !CFG_NAND_LEGACY */
 /* enable/disable debugging messages */
 #define	DEBUG_JFFS
 #undef	DEBUG_JFFS
@@ -467,7 +470,7 @@ static int part_del(struct mtd_device *dev, struct part_info *part)
@@ -496,7 +499,7 @@ static void part_delall(struct list_head *head)
 	list_for_each_safe(entry, n, head) {
 		part_tmp = list_entry(entry, struct part_info, link);
@@ -732,7 +735,7 @@ static int device_validate(u8 type, u8 num, u32 *size)
 	} else if (type == MTD_DEV_TYPE_NAND) {
 		if (num < CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE) {
 			*size = nand_info[num].size;
 			extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
diff --git a/common/cmd_nand.c b/common/cmd_nand.c
index 152873f1ae..e46ed1d3c4 100644
--- a/common/cmd_nand.c
+++ b/common/cmd_nand.c
@@ -9,6 +9,387 @@
 #include <common.h>
+ *
+ * New NAND support
+ *
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <watchdog.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
+# include <status_led.h>
+# define SHOW_BOOT_PROGRESS(arg)	show_boot_progress(arg)
+# define SHOW_BOOT_PROGRESS(arg)
+#include <jffs2/jffs2.h>
+#include <nand.h>
+extern nand_info_t nand_info[];       /* info for NAND chips */
+static int nand_dump_oob(nand_info_t *nand, ulong off)
+	return 0;
+static int nand_dump(nand_info_t *nand, ulong off)
+	int i;
+	u_char *buf, *p;
+	buf = malloc(nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize);
+	if (!buf) {
+		puts("No memory for page buffer\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	off &= ~(nand->oobblock - 1);
+	i = nand_read_raw(nand, buf, off, nand->oobblock, nand->oobsize);
+	if (i < 0) {
+		printf("Error (%d) reading page %08x\n", i, off);
+		free(buf);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	printf("Page %08x dump:\n", off);
+	i = nand->oobblock >> 4; p = buf;
+	while (i--) {
+		printf( "\t%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"
+			"  %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
+			p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7],
+			p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14], p[15]);
+		p += 16;
+	}
+	puts("OOB:\n");
+	i = nand->oobsize >> 3;
+	while (i--) {
+		printf( "\t%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
+			p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]);
+		p += 8;
+	}
+	free(buf);
+	return 0;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void
+arg_off_size(int argc, char *argv[], ulong *off, ulong *size, ulong totsize)
+	*off = 0;
+	*size = 0;
+#if defined(CONFIG_JFFS2_NAND) && defined(CFG_JFFS_CUSTOM_PART)
+	if (argc >= 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "partition") == 0) {
+		int part_num;
+		struct part_info *part;
+		const char *partstr;
+		if (argc >= 2)
+			partstr = argv[1];
+		else
+			partstr = getenv("partition");
+		if (partstr)
+			part_num = (int)simple_strtoul(partstr, NULL, 10);
+		else
+			part_num = 0;
+		part = jffs2_part_info(part_num);
+		if (part == NULL) {
+			printf("\nInvalid partition %d\n", part_num);
+			return;
+		}
+		*size = part->size;
+		*off = (ulong)part->offset;
+	} else
+	{
+		if (argc >= 1)
+			*off = (ulong)simple_strtoul(argv[0], NULL, 16);
+		else
+			*off = 0;
+		if (argc >= 2)
+			*size = (ulong)simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
+		else
+			*size = totsize - *off;
+	}
+int do_nand(cmd_tbl_t * cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+	int i, dev, ret;
+	ulong addr, off, size;
+	char *cmd, *s;
+	nand_info_t *nand;
+	/* at least two arguments please */
+	if (argc < 2)
+		goto usage;
+	cmd = argv[1];
+	if (strcmp(cmd, "info") == 0) {
+		putc('\n');
+		for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE; i++) {
+			if (nand_info[i].name)
+				printf("Device %d: %s, sector size %lu KiB\n",
+					i, nand_info[i].name,
+					nand_info[i].erasesize >> 10);
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(cmd, "device") == 0) {
+		if (argc < 3) {
+			if ((nand_curr_device < 0) ||
+			    (nand_curr_device >= CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE))
+				puts("\nno devices available\n");
+			else
+				printf("\nDevice %d: %s\n", nand_curr_device,
+					nand_info[nand_curr_device].name);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		dev = (int)simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
+		if (dev < 0 || dev >= CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE || !nand_info[dev].name) {
+			puts("No such device\n");
+			return 1;
+		}
+		printf("Device %d: %s", dev, nand_info[dev].name);
+		puts("... is now current device\n");
+		nand_curr_device = dev;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(cmd, "bad") != 0 && strcmp(cmd, "erase") != 0 &&
+	    strncmp(cmd, "dump", 4) != 0 &&
+	    strncmp(cmd, "read", 4) != 0 && strncmp(cmd, "write", 5) != 0)
+		goto usage;
+	/* the following commands operate on the current device */
+	if (nand_curr_device < 0 || nand_curr_device >= CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE ||
+	    !nand_info[nand_curr_device].name) {
+		puts("\nno devices available\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	nand = &nand_info[nand_curr_device];
+	if (strcmp(cmd, "bad") == 0) {
+		printf("\nDevice %d bad blocks:\n", nand_curr_device);
+		for (off = 0; off < nand->size; off += nand->erasesize)
+			if (nand_block_isbad(nand, off))
+				printf("  %08x\n", off);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(cmd, "erase") == 0) {
+		arg_off_size(argc - 2, argv + 2, &off, &size, nand->size);
+		if (off == 0 && size == 0)
+			return 1;
+		printf("\nNAND erase: device %d offset 0x%x, size 0x%x ",
+		       nand_curr_device, off, size);
+		ret = nand_erase(nand, off, size);
+		printf("%s\n", ret ? "ERROR" : "OK");
+		return ret == 0 ? 0 : 1;
+	}
+	if (strncmp(cmd, "dump", 4) == 0) {
+		if (argc < 3)
+			goto usage;
+		s = strchr(cmd, '.');
+		off = (int)simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16);
+		if (s != NULL && strcmp(s, ".oob") == 0)
+			ret = nand_dump_oob(nand, off);
+		else
+			ret = nand_dump(nand, off);
+		return ret == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+	}
+	/* read write */
+	if (strncmp(cmd, "read", 4) == 0 || strncmp(cmd, "write", 5) == 0) {
+		if (argc < 4)
+			goto usage;
+		s = strchr(cmd, '.');
+		clean = CLEAN_NONE;
+		if (s != NULL) {
+			if (strcmp(s, ".jffs2") == 0 || strcmp(s, ".e") == 0
+			    || strcmp(s, ".i"))
+				clean = CLEAN_JFFS2;
+		}
+		addr = (ulong)simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16);
+		arg_off_size(argc - 3, argv + 3, &off, &size, nand->size);
+		if (off == 0 && size == 0)
+			return 1;
+		i = strncmp(cmd, "read", 4) == 0;	/* 1 = read, 0 = write */
+		printf("\nNAND %s: device %d offset %u, size %u ... ",
+		       i ? "read" : "write", nand_curr_device, off, size);
+		if (i)
+			ret = nand_read(nand, off, &size, (u_char *)addr);
+		else
+			ret = nand_write(nand, off, &size, (u_char *)addr);
+		printf(" %d bytes %s: %s\n", size,
+		       i ? "read" : "written", ret ? "ERROR" : "OK");
+		return ret == 0 ? 0 : 1;
+	}
+	printf("Usage:\n%s\n", cmdtp->usage);
+	return 1;
+U_BOOT_CMD(nand, 5, 1, do_nand,
+	"nand    - NAND sub-system\n",
+	"info                  - show available NAND devices\n"
+	"nand device [dev]     - show or set current device\n"
+	"nand read[.jffs2]     - addr off size\n"
+	"nand write[.jffs2]    - addr off size - read/write `size' bytes starting\n"
+	"    at offset `off' to/from memory address `addr'\n"
+	"nand erase [clean] [off size] - erase `size' bytes from\n"
+	"    offset `off' (entire device if not specified)\n"
+	"nand bad - show bad blocks\n"
+	"nand dump[.oob] off - dump page\n"
+	"nand scrub - really clean NAND erasing bad blocks (UNSAFE)\n"
+	"nand markbad off - mark bad block at offset (UNSAFE)\n"
+	"nand biterr off - make a bit error at offset (UNSAFE)\n");
+int do_nandboot(cmd_tbl_t * cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+	char *boot_device = NULL;
+	char *ep;
+	int dev;
+	int r;
+	ulong addr, cnt, offset = 0;
+	image_header_t *hdr;
+	nand_info_t *nand;
+	switch (argc) {
+	case 1:
+		addr = CFG_LOAD_ADDR;
+		boot_device = getenv("bootdevice");
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		addr = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
+		boot_device = getenv("bootdevice");
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		addr = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
+		boot_device = argv[2];
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		addr = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
+		boot_device = argv[2];
+		offset = simple_strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16);
+		break;
+	default:
+		printf("Usage:\n%s\n", cmdtp->usage);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (!boot_device) {
+		puts("\n** No boot device **\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	dev = simple_strtoul(boot_device, &ep, 16);
+	if (dev < 0 || dev >= CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE || !nand_info[dev].name) {
+		printf("\n** Device %d not available\n", dev);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	nand = &nand_info[dev];
+	printf("\nLoading from device %d: %s (offset 0x%lx)\n",
+	       dev, nand->name, offset);
+	cnt = nand->oobblock;
+	r = nand_read(nand, offset, &cnt, (u_char *) addr);
+	if (r) {
+		printf("** Read error on %d\n", dev);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	hdr = (image_header_t *) addr;
+	if (ntohl(hdr->ih_magic) != IH_MAGIC) {
+		printf("\n** Bad Magic Number 0x%x **\n", hdr->ih_magic);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	print_image_hdr(hdr);
+	cnt = (ntohl(hdr->ih_size) + sizeof (image_header_t));
+	r = nand_read(nand, offset, &cnt, (u_char *) addr);
+	if (r) {
+		printf("** Read error on %d\n", dev);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/* Loading ok, update default load address */
+	load_addr = addr;
+	/* Check if we should attempt an auto-start */
+	if (((ep = getenv("autostart")) != NULL) && (strcmp(ep, "yes") == 0)) {
+		char *local_args[2];
+		extern int do_bootm(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char *[]);
+		local_args[0] = argv[0];
+		local_args[1] = NULL;
+		printf("Automatic boot of image at addr 0x%08lx ...\n", addr);
+		do_bootm(cmdtp, 0, 1, local_args);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+U_BOOT_CMD(nboot, 4, 1, do_nandboot,
+	"nboot   - boot from NAND device\n", "loadAddr dev\n");
+#endif				/* (CONFIG_COMMANDS & CFG_CMD_NAND) */
+#else /* CFG_NAND_LEGACY */
+ *
+ * Legacy NAND support - to be phased out
+ *
+ */
 #include <command.h>
 #include <malloc.h>
 #include <asm/io.h>
@@ -21,11 +402,12 @@
 # define SHOW_BOOT_PROGRESS(arg)
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
+#if 0
 #include <linux/mtd/nand_ids.h>
 #include <jffs2/jffs2.h>
 #ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
 void archflashwp(void *archdata, int wp);
@@ -33,15 +415,6 @@ void archflashwp(void *archdata, int wp);
 #define ROUND_DOWN(value,boundary)      ((value) & (~((boundary)-1)))
- * Definition of the out of band configuration structure
- */
-struct nand_oob_config {
-	int ecc_pos[6];		/* position of ECC bytes inside oob */
-	int badblock_pos;	/* position of bad block flag inside oob -1 = inactive */
-	int eccvalid_pos;	/* position of ECC valid flag inside oob -1 = inactive */
-} oob_config = { {0}, 0, 0};
 #undef	NAND_DEBUG
@@ -63,41 +436,30 @@ struct nand_oob_config {
 #define CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC  /* enable ECC */
-/* bits for nand_rw() `cmd'; or together as needed */
+/* bits for nand_legacy_rw() `cmd'; or together as needed */
 #define NANDRW_READ	0x01
 #define NANDRW_WRITE	0x00
 #define NANDRW_JFFS2	0x02
 #define NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP	0x04
- * Function Prototypes
- */
-static void nand_print(struct nand_chip *nand);
-int nand_rw (struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd,
-	    size_t start, size_t len,
-	    size_t * retlen, u_char * buf);
-int nand_erase(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len, int clean);
-static int nand_read_ecc(struct nand_chip *nand, size_t start, size_t len,
-		 size_t * retlen, u_char *buf, u_char *ecc_code);
-static int nand_write_ecc (struct nand_chip* nand, size_t to, size_t len,
-			   size_t * retlen, const u_char * buf, u_char * ecc_code);
-static void nand_print_bad(struct nand_chip *nand);
-static int nand_read_oob(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len,
-		 size_t * retlen, u_char * buf);
-static int nand_write_oob(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len,
-		 size_t * retlen, const u_char * buf);
-static int NanD_WaitReady(struct nand_chip *nand, int ale_wait);
-static int nand_correct_data (u_char *dat, u_char *read_ecc, u_char *calc_ecc);
-static void nand_calculate_ecc (const u_char *dat, u_char *ecc_code);
-struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE] = {{0}};
-/* Current NAND Device	*/
-static int curr_device = -1;
+ * Imports from nand_legacy.c
+ */
+extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
+extern int curr_device;
+extern int nand_legacy_erase(struct nand_chip *nand, size_t ofs,
+			    size_t len, int clean);
+extern int nand_legacy_rw(struct nand_chip *nand, int cmd, size_t start,
+			 size_t len, size_t *retlen, u_char *buf);
+extern void nand_print(struct nand_chip *nand);
+extern void nand_print_bad(struct nand_chip *nand);
+extern int nand_read_oob(struct nand_chip *nand, size_t ofs,
+			       size_t len, size_t *retlen, u_char *buf);
+extern int nand_write_oob(struct nand_chip *nand, size_t ofs,
+				size_t len, size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf);
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 int do_nand (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
@@ -174,7 +536,7 @@ int do_nand (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
 		printf ("\nNAND erase: device %d offset %ld, size %ld ... ",
 			curr_device, off, size);
-		ret = nand_erase (nand, off, size, 1);
+		ret = nand_legacy_erase (nand, off, size, 1);
 		printf("%s\n", ret ? "ERROR" : "OK");
@@ -240,7 +602,7 @@ int do_nand (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
 			(cmd & NANDRW_READ) ? "read" : "write",
 			curr_device, off, size);
-		ret = nand_rw(nand_dev_desc + curr_device, cmd, off, size,
+		ret = nand_legacy_rw(nand_dev_desc + curr_device, cmd, off, size,
 			     (size_t *)&total, (u_char*)addr);
 		printf (" %d bytes %s: %s\n", total,
@@ -258,7 +620,8 @@ int do_nand (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
 		printf ("\nNAND erase: device %d offset %ld, size %ld ... ",
 			curr_device, off, size);
-		ret = nand_erase (nand_dev_desc + curr_device, off, size, clean);
+		ret = nand_legacy_erase (nand_dev_desc + curr_device,
+					off, size, clean);
 		printf("%s\n", ret ? "ERROR" : "OK");
@@ -340,8 +703,8 @@ int do_nandboot (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
 		dev, nand_dev_desc[dev].name, nand_dev_desc[dev].IO_ADDR,
-	if (nand_rw (nand_dev_desc + dev, NANDRW_READ, offset,
-		    SECTORSIZE, NULL, (u_char *)addr)) {
+	if (nand_legacy_rw (nand_dev_desc + dev, NANDRW_READ, offset,
+			SECTORSIZE, NULL, (u_char *)addr)) {
 		printf ("** Read error on %d\n", dev);
 		return 1;
@@ -361,8 +724,9 @@ int do_nandboot (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
 		return 1;
-	if (nand_rw (nand_dev_desc + dev, NANDRW_READ, offset + SECTORSIZE, cnt,
-		    NULL, (u_char *)(addr+SECTORSIZE))) {
+	if (nand_legacy_rw (nand_dev_desc + dev, NANDRW_READ,
+			offset + SECTORSIZE, cnt, NULL,
+			(u_char *)(addr+SECTORSIZE))) {
 		printf ("** Read error on %d\n", dev);
 		return 1;
@@ -394,1505 +758,6 @@ U_BOOT_CMD(
 	"loadAddr dev\n"
-/* returns 0 if block containing pos is OK:
- *		valid erase block and
- *		not marked bad, or no bad mark position is specified
- * returns 1 if marked bad or otherwise invalid
- */
-int check_block (struct nand_chip *nand, unsigned long pos)
-	size_t retlen;
-	uint8_t oob_data;
-	uint16_t oob_data16[6];
-	int page0 = pos & (-nand->erasesize);
-	int page1 = page0 + nand->oobblock;
-	int badpos = oob_config.badblock_pos;
-	if (pos >= nand->totlen)
-		return 1;
-	if (badpos < 0)
-		return 0;	/* no way to check, assume OK */
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		if (nand_read_oob(nand, (page0 + 0), 12, &retlen, (uint8_t *)oob_data16)
-		    || (oob_data16[2] & 0xff00) != 0xff00)
-			return 1;
-		if (nand_read_oob(nand, (page1 + 0), 12, &retlen, (uint8_t *)oob_data16)
-		    || (oob_data16[2] & 0xff00) != 0xff00)
-			return 1;
-	} else {
-		/* Note - bad block marker can be on first or second page */
-		if (nand_read_oob(nand, page0 + badpos, 1, &retlen, (unsigned char *)&oob_data)
-		    || oob_data != 0xff
-		    || nand_read_oob (nand, page1 + badpos, 1, &retlen, (unsigned char *)&oob_data)
-		    || oob_data != 0xff)
-			return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-/* print bad blocks in NAND flash */
-static void nand_print_bad(struct nand_chip* nand)
-	unsigned long pos;
-	for (pos = 0; pos < nand->totlen; pos += nand->erasesize) {
-		if (check_block(nand, pos))
-			printf(" 0x%8.8lx\n", pos);
-	}
-	puts("\n");
-/* cmd: 0: NANDRW_WRITE			write, fail on bad block
- *	1: NANDRW_READ			read, fail on bad block
- *	2: NANDRW_WRITE | NANDRW_JFFS2	write, skip bad blocks
- *	3: NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2	read, data all 0xff for bad blocks
- *      7: NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2 | NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP read, skip bad blocks
- */
-int nand_rw (struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd,
-	    size_t start, size_t len,
-	    size_t * retlen, u_char * buf)
-	int ret = 0, n, total = 0;
-	char eccbuf[6];
-	/* eblk (once set) is the start of the erase block containing the
-	 * data being processed.
-	 */
-	unsigned long eblk = ~0;	/* force mismatch on first pass */
-	unsigned long erasesize = nand->erasesize;
-	while (len) {
-		if ((start & (-erasesize)) != eblk) {
-			/* have crossed into new erase block, deal with
-			 * it if it is sure marked bad.
-			 */
-			eblk = start & (-erasesize); /* start of block */
-			if (check_block(nand, eblk)) {
-				if (cmd == (NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2)) {
-					while (len > 0 &&
-					       start - eblk < erasesize) {
-						*(buf++) = 0xff;
-						++start;
-						++total;
-						--len;
-					}
-					continue;
-				} else if (cmd == (NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2 | NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP)) {
-					start += erasesize;
-					continue;
-				} else if (cmd == (NANDRW_WRITE | NANDRW_JFFS2)) {
-					/* skip bad block */
-					start += erasesize;
-					continue;
-				} else {
-					ret = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/* The ECC will not be calculated correctly if
-		   less than 512 is written or read */
-		/* Is request at least 512 bytes AND it starts on a proper boundry */
-		if((start != ROUND_DOWN(start, 0x200)) || (len < 0x200))
-			printf("Warning block writes should be at least 512 bytes and start on a 512 byte boundry\n");
-		if (cmd & NANDRW_READ) {
-			ret = nand_read_ecc(nand, start,
-					   min(len, eblk + erasesize - start),
-					   (size_t *)&n, (u_char*)buf, (u_char *)eccbuf);
-		} else {
-			ret = nand_write_ecc(nand, start,
-					    min(len, eblk + erasesize - start),
-					    (size_t *)&n, (u_char*)buf, (u_char *)eccbuf);
-		}
-		if (ret)
-			break;
-		start  += n;
-		buf   += n;
-		total += n;
-		len   -= n;
-	}
-	if (retlen)
-		*retlen = total;
-	return ret;
-static void nand_print(struct nand_chip *nand)
-	if (nand->numchips > 1) {
-		printf("%s at 0x%lx,\n"
-		       "\t  %d chips %s, size %d MB, \n"
-		       "\t  total size %ld MB, sector size %ld kB\n",
-		       nand->name, nand->IO_ADDR, nand->numchips,
-		       nand->chips_name, 1 << (nand->chipshift - 20),
-		       nand->totlen >> 20, nand->erasesize >> 10);
-	}
-	else {
-		printf("%s at 0x%lx (", nand->chips_name, nand->IO_ADDR);
-		print_size(nand->totlen, ", ");
-		print_size(nand->erasesize, " sector)\n");
-	}
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static int NanD_WaitReady(struct nand_chip *nand, int ale_wait)
-	/* This is inline, to optimise the common case, where it's ready instantly */
-	int ret = 0;
-#ifdef NAND_NO_RB	/* in config file, shorter delays currently wrap accesses */
-	if(ale_wait)
-		NAND_WAIT_READY(nand);	/* do the worst case 25us wait */
-	else
-		udelay(10);
-#else	/* has functional r/b signal */
-	return ret;
-/* NanD_Command: Send a flash command to the flash chip */
-static inline int NanD_Command(struct nand_chip *nand, unsigned char command)
-	unsigned long nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
-	/* Assert the CLE (Command Latch Enable) line to the flash chip */
-	NAND_CTL_SETCLE(nandptr);
-	/* Send the command */
-	WRITE_NAND_COMMAND(command, nandptr);
-	/* Lower the CLE line */
-	NAND_CTL_CLRCLE(nandptr);
-#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
-	if(command == NAND_CMD_RESET){
-		u_char ret_val;
-		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
-		do {
-			ret_val = READ_NAND(nandptr);/* wait till ready */
-		} while((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
-	}
-	return NanD_WaitReady(nand, 0);
-/* NanD_Address: Set the current address for the flash chip */
-static int NanD_Address(struct nand_chip *nand, int numbytes, unsigned long ofs)
-	unsigned long nandptr;
-	int i;
-	nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
-	/* Assert the ALE (Address Latch Enable) line to the flash chip */
-	NAND_CTL_SETALE(nandptr);
-	/* Send the address */
-	/* Devices with 256-byte page are addressed as:
-	 * Column (bits 0-7), Page (bits 8-15, 16-23, 24-31)
-	 * there is no device on the market with page256
-	 * and more than 24 bits.
-	 * Devices with 512-byte page are addressed as:
-	 * Column (bits 0-7), Page (bits 9-16, 17-24, 25-31)
-	 * 25-31 is sent only if the chip support it.
-	 * bit 8 changes the read command to be sent
-	 */
-	if (numbytes == ADDR_COLUMN || numbytes == ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE)
-		WRITE_NAND_ADDRESS(ofs, nandptr);
-	ofs = ofs >> nand->page_shift;
-	if (numbytes == ADDR_PAGE || numbytes == ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE) {
-		for (i = 0; i < nand->pageadrlen; i++, ofs = ofs >> 8) {
-			WRITE_NAND_ADDRESS(ofs, nandptr);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Lower the ALE line */
-	NAND_CTL_CLRALE(nandptr);
-	/* Wait for the chip to respond */
-	return NanD_WaitReady(nand, 1);
-/* NanD_SelectChip: Select a given flash chip within the current floor */
-static inline int NanD_SelectChip(struct nand_chip *nand, int chip)
-	/* Wait for it to be ready */
-	return NanD_WaitReady(nand, 0);
-/* NanD_IdentChip: Identify a given NAND chip given {floor,chip} */
-static int NanD_IdentChip(struct nand_chip *nand, int floor, int chip)
-	int mfr, id, i;
-	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
-	/* Reset the chip */
-	if (NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_RESET)) {
-#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
-		printf("NanD_Command (reset) for %d,%d returned true\n",
-		       floor, chip);
-		NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Read the NAND chip ID: 1. Send ReadID command */
-	if (NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READID)) {
-#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
-		printf("NanD_Command (ReadID) for %d,%d returned true\n",
-		       floor, chip);
-		NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Read the NAND chip ID: 2. Send address byte zero */
-	NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN, 0);
-	/* Read the manufacturer and device id codes from the device */
-	mfr = READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR);
-	id = READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR);
-	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
-	printf("NanD_Command (ReadID) got %x %x\n", mfr, id);
-	if (mfr == 0xff || mfr == 0) {
-		/* No response - return failure */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Check it's the same as the first chip we identified.
-	 * M-Systems say that any given nand_chip device should only
-	 * contain _one_ type of flash part, although that's not a
-	 * hardware restriction. */
-	if (nand->mfr) {
-		if (nand->mfr == mfr && nand->id == id) {
-			return 1;	/* This is another the same the first */
-		} else {
-			printf("Flash chip at floor %d, chip %d is different:\n",
-			       floor, chip);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Print and store the manufacturer and ID codes. */
-	for (i = 0; nand_flash_ids[i].name != NULL; i++) {
-		if (mfr == nand_flash_ids[i].manufacture_id &&
-		    id == nand_flash_ids[i].model_id) {
-#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
-			printf("Flash chip found:\n\t Manufacturer ID: 0x%2.2X, "
-			       "Chip ID: 0x%2.2X (%s)\n", mfr, id,
-			       nand_flash_ids[i].name);
-			if (!nand->mfr) {
-				nand->mfr = mfr;
-				nand->id = id;
-				nand->chipshift =
-				    nand_flash_ids[i].chipshift;
-				nand->page256 = nand_flash_ids[i].page256;
-				nand->eccsize = 256;
-				if (nand->page256) {
-					nand->oobblock = 256;
-					nand->oobsize = 8;
-					nand->page_shift = 8;
-				} else {
-					nand->oobblock = 512;
-					nand->oobsize = 16;
-					nand->page_shift = 9;
-				}
-				nand->pageadrlen = nand_flash_ids[i].pageadrlen;
-				nand->erasesize  = nand_flash_ids[i].erasesize;
-				nand->chips_name = nand_flash_ids[i].name;
-				nand->bus16	 = nand_flash_ids[i].bus16;
- 				return 1;
-			}
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
-	/* We haven't fully identified the chip. Print as much as we know. */
-	printf("Unknown flash chip found: %2.2X %2.2X\n",
-	       id, mfr);
-	return 0;
-/* NanD_ScanChips: Find all NAND chips present in a nand_chip, and identify them */
-static void NanD_ScanChips(struct nand_chip *nand)
-	int floor, chip;
-	int numchips[NAND_MAX_FLOORS];
-	int maxchips = NAND_MAX_CHIPS;
-	int ret = 1;
-	nand->numchips = 0;
-	nand->mfr = 0;
-	nand->id = 0;
-	/* For each floor, find the number of valid chips it contains */
-	for (floor = 0; floor < NAND_MAX_FLOORS; floor++) {
-		ret = 1;
-		numchips[floor] = 0;
-		for (chip = 0; chip < maxchips && ret != 0; chip++) {
-			ret = NanD_IdentChip(nand, floor, chip);
-			if (ret) {
-				numchips[floor]++;
-				nand->numchips++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* If there are none at all that we recognise, bail */
-	if (!nand->numchips) {
-#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
-		puts ("No NAND flash chips recognised.\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Allocate an array to hold the information for each chip */
-	nand->chips = malloc(sizeof(struct Nand) * nand->numchips);
-	if (!nand->chips) {
-		puts ("No memory for allocating chip info structures\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	ret = 0;
-	/* Fill out the chip array with {floor, chipno} for each
-	 * detected chip in the device. */
-	for (floor = 0; floor < NAND_MAX_FLOORS; floor++) {
-		for (chip = 0; chip < numchips[floor]; chip++) {
-			nand->chips[ret].floor = floor;
-			nand->chips[ret].chip = chip;
-			nand->chips[ret].curadr = 0;
-			nand->chips[ret].curmode = 0x50;
-			ret++;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Calculate and print the total size of the device */
-	nand->totlen = nand->numchips * (1 << nand->chipshift);
-#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
-	printf("%d flash chips found. Total nand_chip size: %ld MB\n",
-	       nand->numchips, nand->totlen >> 20);
-/* we need to be fast here, 1 us per read translates to 1 second per meg */
-static void NanD_ReadBuf (struct nand_chip *nand, u_char * data_buf, int cntr)
-	unsigned long nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
-	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		u16 val;
-		while (cntr >= 16) {
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			cntr -= 16;
-		}
-		while (cntr > 0) {
-			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
-			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
-			cntr -= 2;
-		}
-	} else {
-		while (cntr >= 16) {
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			cntr -= 16;
-		}
-		while (cntr > 0) {
-			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-			cntr--;
-		}
-	}
- * NAND read with ECC
- */
-static int nand_read_ecc(struct nand_chip *nand, size_t start, size_t len,
-		 size_t * retlen, u_char *buf, u_char *ecc_code)
-	int col, page;
-	int ecc_status = 0;
-	int j;
-	int ecc_failed = 0;
-	u_char *data_poi;
-	u_char ecc_calc[6];
-	/* Do not allow reads past end of device */
-	if ((start + len) > nand->totlen) {
-		printf ("%s: Attempt read beyond end of device %x %x %x\n",
-			__FUNCTION__, (uint) start, (uint) len, (uint) nand->totlen);
-		*retlen = 0;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	/* First we calculate the starting page */
-	/*page = shr(start, nand->page_shift);*/
-	page = start >> nand->page_shift;
-	/* Get raw starting column */
-	col = start & (nand->oobblock - 1);
-	/* Initialize return value */
-	*retlen = 0;
-	/* Select the NAND device */
-	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
-	/* Loop until all data read */
-	while (*retlen < len) {
-		/* Do we have this page in cache ? */
-		if (nand->cache_page == page)
-			goto readdata;
-		/* Send the read command */
-		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
-		if (nand->bus16) {
- 			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-				     (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
-		} else {
- 			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-				     (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
-		}
-		/* Read in a page + oob data */
-		NanD_ReadBuf(nand, nand->data_buf, nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize);
-		/* copy data into cache, for read out of cache and if ecc fails */
-		if (nand->data_cache) {
-			memcpy (nand->data_cache, nand->data_buf,
-				nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize);
-		}
-		/* Pick the ECC bytes out of the oob data */
-		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
-			ecc_code[j] = nand->data_buf[(nand->oobblock + oob_config.ecc_pos[j])];
-		}
-		/* Calculate the ECC and verify it */
-		/* If block was not written with ECC, skip ECC */
-		if (oob_config.eccvalid_pos != -1 &&
-		    (nand->data_buf[nand->oobblock + oob_config.eccvalid_pos] & 0x0f) != 0x0f) {
-			nand_calculate_ecc (&nand->data_buf[0], &ecc_calc[0]);
-			switch (nand_correct_data (&nand->data_buf[0], &ecc_code[0], &ecc_calc[0])) {
-			case -1:
-				printf ("%s: Failed ECC read, page 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, page);
-				ecc_failed++;
-				break;
-			case 1:
-			case 2:	/* transfer ECC corrected data to cache */
-				if (nand->data_cache)
-					memcpy (nand->data_cache, nand->data_buf, 256);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (oob_config.eccvalid_pos != -1 &&
-		    nand->oobblock == 512 && (nand->data_buf[nand->oobblock + oob_config.eccvalid_pos] & 0xf0) != 0xf0) {
-			nand_calculate_ecc (&nand->data_buf[256], &ecc_calc[3]);
-			switch (nand_correct_data (&nand->data_buf[256], &ecc_code[3], &ecc_calc[3])) {
-			case -1:
-				printf ("%s: Failed ECC read, page 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, page);
-				ecc_failed++;
-				break;
-			case 1:
-			case 2:	/* transfer ECC corrected data to cache */
-				if (nand->data_cache)
-					memcpy (&nand->data_cache[256], &nand->data_buf[256], 256);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		/* Read the data from ECC data buffer into return buffer */
-		data_poi = (nand->data_cache) ? nand->data_cache : nand->data_buf;
-		data_poi += col;
-		if ((*retlen + (nand->oobblock - col)) >= len) {
-			memcpy (buf + *retlen, data_poi, len - *retlen);
-			*retlen = len;
-		} else {
-			memcpy (buf + *retlen, data_poi,  nand->oobblock - col);
-			*retlen += nand->oobblock - col;
-		}
-		/* Set cache page address, invalidate, if ecc_failed */
-		nand->cache_page = (nand->data_cache && !ecc_failed) ? page : -1;
-		ecc_status += ecc_failed;
-		ecc_failed = 0;
-		/* Send the read command */
-		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
-		if (nand->bus16) {
-			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-				     (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
-		} else {
-			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-				     (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
-		}
-		/* Read the data directly into the return buffer */
-		if ((*retlen + (nand->oobblock - col)) >= len) {
-			NanD_ReadBuf(nand, buf + *retlen, len - *retlen);
-			*retlen = len;
-			/* We're done */
-			continue;
-		} else {
-			NanD_ReadBuf(nand, buf + *retlen, nand->oobblock - col);
-			*retlen += nand->oobblock - col;
-			}
-		/* For subsequent reads align to page boundary. */
-		col = 0;
-		/* Increment page address */
-		page++;
-	}
-	/* De-select the NAND device */
-	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-	/*
-	 * Return success, if no ECC failures, else -EIO
-	 * fs driver will take care of that, because
-	 * retlen == desired len and result == -EIO
-	 */
-	return ecc_status ? -1 : 0;
- *	Nand_page_program function is used for write and writev !
- */
-static int nand_write_page (struct nand_chip *nand,
-			    int page, int col, int last, u_char * ecc_code)
-	int i;
-	unsigned long nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
-	int ecc_bytes = (nand->oobblock == 512) ? 6 : 3;
-	/* pad oob area */
-	for (i = nand->oobblock; i < nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize; i++)
-		nand->data_buf[i] = 0xff;
-	/* Zero out the ECC array */
-	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-		ecc_code[i] = 0x00;
-	/* Read back previous written data, if col > 0 */
-	if (col) {
-		NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
-		if (nand->bus16) {
-			NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-				      (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
-		} else {
-			NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-				      (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
-		}
-		if (nand->bus16) {
-			u16 val;
-			for (i = 0; i < col; i += 2) {
-				val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-				nand->data_buf[i] = val & 0xff;
-				nand->data_buf[i + 1] = val >> 8;
-			}
-		} else {
-			for (i = 0; i < col; i++)
-				nand->data_buf[i] = READ_NAND (nandptr);
-		}
-	}
-	/* Calculate and write the ECC if we have enough data */
-	if ((col < nand->eccsize) && (last >= nand->eccsize)) {
-		nand_calculate_ecc (&nand->data_buf[0], &(ecc_code[0]));
-		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-			nand->data_buf[(nand->oobblock +
-					oob_config.ecc_pos[i])] = ecc_code[i];
-		}
-		if (oob_config.eccvalid_pos != -1) {
-			nand->data_buf[nand->oobblock +
-				       oob_config.eccvalid_pos] = 0xf0;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Calculate and write the second ECC if we have enough data */
-	if ((nand->oobblock == 512) && (last == nand->oobblock)) {
-		nand_calculate_ecc (&nand->data_buf[256], &(ecc_code[3]));
-		for (i = 3; i < 6; i++) {
-			nand->data_buf[(nand->oobblock +
-					oob_config.ecc_pos[i])] = ecc_code[i];
-		}
-		if (oob_config.eccvalid_pos != -1) {
-			nand->data_buf[nand->oobblock +
-				       oob_config.eccvalid_pos] &= 0x0f;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Prepad for partial page programming !!! */
-	for (i = 0; i < col; i++)
-		nand->data_buf[i] = 0xff;
-	/* Postpad for partial page programming !!! oob is already padded */
-	for (i = last; i < nand->oobblock; i++)
-		nand->data_buf[i] = 0xff;
-	/* Send command to begin auto page programming */
-	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
-	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_SEQIN);
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			      (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
-	} else {
-		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			      (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
-	}
-	/* Write out complete page of data */
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		for (i = 0; i < (nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize); i += 2) {
-			WRITE_NAND (nand->data_buf[i] +
-				    (nand->data_buf[i + 1] << 8),
-				    nand->IO_ADDR);
-		}
-	} else {
-		for (i = 0; i < (nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize); i++)
-			WRITE_NAND (nand->data_buf[i], nand->IO_ADDR);
-	}
-	/* Send command to actually program the data */
-	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG);
-	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
-#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
-	{
-		u_char ret_val;
-		do {
-			ret_val = READ_NAND (nandptr);	/* wait till ready */
-		} while ((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
-	}
-	/* See if device thinks it succeeded */
-	if (READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR) & 0x01) {
-		printf ("%s: Failed write, page 0x%08x, ", __FUNCTION__,
-			page);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * The NAND device assumes that it is always writing to
-	 * a cleanly erased page. Hence, it performs its internal
-	 * write verification only on bits that transitioned from
-	 * 1 to 0. The device does NOT verify the whole page on a
-	 * byte by byte basis. It is possible that the page was
-	 * not completely erased or the page is becoming unusable
-	 * due to wear. The read with ECC would catch the error
-	 * later when the ECC page check fails, but we would rather
-	 * catch it early in the page write stage. Better to write
-	 * no data than invalid data.
-	 */
-	/* Send command to read back the page */
-	if (col < nand->eccsize)
-		NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
-	else
-		NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ1);
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			      (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
-	} else {
-		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			      (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
-	}
-	/* Loop through and verify the data */
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		for (i = col; i < last; i = +2) {
-			if ((nand->data_buf[i] +
-			     (nand->data_buf[i + 1] << 8)) != READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR)) {
-				printf ("%s: Failed write verify, page 0x%08x ",
-					__FUNCTION__, page);
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		for (i = col; i < last; i++) {
-			if (nand->data_buf[i] != READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR)) {
-				printf ("%s: Failed write verify, page 0x%08x ",
-					__FUNCTION__, page);
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * We also want to check that the ECC bytes wrote
-	 * correctly for the same reasons stated above.
-	 */
-	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READOOB);
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			      (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
-	} else {
-		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			      (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
-	}
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		for (i = 0; i < nand->oobsize; i += 2) {
-			u16 val;
-			val = READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR);
-			nand->data_buf[i] = val & 0xff;
-			nand->data_buf[i + 1] = val >> 8;
-		}
-	} else {
-		for (i = 0; i < nand->oobsize; i++) {
-			nand->data_buf[i] = READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR);
-		}
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < ecc_bytes; i++) {
-		if ((nand->data_buf[(oob_config.ecc_pos[i])] != ecc_code[i]) && ecc_code[i]) {
-			printf ("%s: Failed ECC write "
-				"verify, page 0x%08x, "
-				"%6i bytes were succesful\n",
-				__FUNCTION__, page, i);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-#endif	/* CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC */
-	return 0;
-static int nand_write_ecc (struct nand_chip* nand, size_t to, size_t len,
-			   size_t * retlen, const u_char * buf, u_char * ecc_code)
-	int i, page, col, cnt, ret = 0;
-	/* Do not allow write past end of device */
-	if ((to + len) > nand->totlen) {
-		printf ("%s: Attempt to write past end of page\n", __FUNCTION__);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	/* Shift to get page */
-	page = ((int) to) >> nand->page_shift;
-	/* Get the starting column */
-	col = to & (nand->oobblock - 1);
-	/* Initialize return length value */
-	*retlen = 0;
-	/* Select the NAND device */
-#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
-	archflashwp(0,0);
-#ifdef CFG_NAND_WP
-    	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
-	/* Check the WP bit */
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
-	if (!(READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR) & 0x80)) {
-		printf ("%s: Device is write protected!!!\n", __FUNCTION__);
-		ret = -1;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Loop until all data is written */
-	while (*retlen < len) {
-		/* Invalidate cache, if we write to this page */
-		if (nand->cache_page == page)
-			nand->cache_page = -1;
-		/* Write data into buffer */
-		if ((col + len) >= nand->oobblock) {
-			for (i = col, cnt = 0; i < nand->oobblock; i++, cnt++) {
-				nand->data_buf[i] = buf[(*retlen + cnt)];
-			}
-		} else {
-			for (i = col, cnt = 0; cnt < (len - *retlen); i++, cnt++) {
-				nand->data_buf[i] = buf[(*retlen + cnt)];
-			}
-		}
-		/* We use the same function for write and writev !) */
-		ret = nand_write_page (nand, page, col, i, ecc_code);
-		if (ret)
-			goto out;
-		/* Next data start at page boundary */
-		col = 0;
-		/* Update written bytes count */
-		*retlen += cnt;
-		/* Increment page address */
-		page++;
-	}
-	/* Return happy */
-	*retlen = len;
-	/* De-select the NAND device */
-	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
-    	archflashwp(0,1);
-#ifdef CFG_NAND_WP
-	return ret;
-/* read from the 16 bytes of oob data that correspond to a 512 byte
- * page or 2 256-byte pages.
- */
-static int nand_read_oob(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len,
-			 size_t * retlen, u_char * buf)
-	int len256 = 0;
-	struct Nand *mychip;
-	int ret = 0;
-	mychip = &nand->chips[ofs >> nand->chipshift];
-	/* update address for 2M x 8bit devices. OOB starts on the second */
-	/* page to maintain compatibility with nand_read_ecc. */
-	if (nand->page256) {
-		if (!(ofs & 0x8))
-			ofs += 0x100;
-		else
-			ofs -= 0x8;
-	}
-	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READOOB);
-	if (nand->bus16) {
- 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			     ((ofs >> nand->page_shift) << nand->page_shift) +
- 				((ofs & (nand->oobblock - 1)) >> 1));
-	} else {
-		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs);
-	}
-	/* treat crossing 8-byte OOB data for 2M x 8bit devices */
-	/* Note: datasheet says it should automaticaly wrap to the */
-	/*       next OOB block, but it didn't work here. mf.      */
-	if (nand->page256 && ofs + len > (ofs | 0x7) + 1) {
-		len256 = (ofs | 0x7) + 1 - ofs;
-		NanD_ReadBuf(nand, buf, len256);
-		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READOOB);
-		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs & (~0x1ff));
-	}
-	NanD_ReadBuf(nand, &buf[len256], len - len256);
-	*retlen = len;
-	/* Reading the full OOB data drops us off of the end of the page,
-	 * causing the flash device to go into busy mode, so we need
-	 * to wait until ready 11.4.1 and Toshiba TC58256FT nands */
-	ret = NanD_WaitReady(nand, 1);
-	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-	return ret;
-/* write to the 16 bytes of oob data that correspond to a 512 byte
- * page or 2 256-byte pages.
- */
-static int nand_write_oob(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len,
-		  size_t * retlen, const u_char * buf)
-	int len256 = 0;
-	int i;
-	unsigned long nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
-	printf("nand_write_oob(%lx, %d): %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X ... %2.2X %2.2X .. %2.2X %2.2X\n",
-	       (long)ofs, len, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3],
-	       buf[8], buf[9], buf[14],buf[15]);
-	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low to enable chip */
-	/* Reset the chip */
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_RESET);
-	/* issue the Read2 command to set the pointer to the Spare Data Area. */
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READOOB);
-	if (nand->bus16) {
- 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			     ((ofs >> nand->page_shift) << nand->page_shift) +
- 				((ofs & (nand->oobblock - 1)) >> 1));
-	} else {
- 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs);
-	}
-	/* update address for 2M x 8bit devices. OOB starts on the second */
-	/* page to maintain compatibility with nand_read_ecc. */
-	if (nand->page256) {
-		if (!(ofs & 0x8))
-			ofs += 0x100;
-		else
-			ofs -= 0x8;
-	}
-	/* issue the Serial Data In command to initial the Page Program process */
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_SEQIN);
-	if (nand->bus16) {
- 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
-			     ((ofs >> nand->page_shift) << nand->page_shift) +
- 				((ofs & (nand->oobblock - 1)) >> 1));
-	} else {
- 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs);
-	}
-	/* treat crossing 8-byte OOB data for 2M x 8bit devices */
-	/* Note: datasheet says it should automaticaly wrap to the */
-	/*       next OOB block, but it didn't work here. mf.      */
-	if (nand->page256 && ofs + len > (ofs | 0x7) + 1) {
-		len256 = (ofs | 0x7) + 1 - ofs;
-		for (i = 0; i < len256; i++)
-			WRITE_NAND(buf[i], nandptr);
-		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG);
-		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
-#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
-   		{ u_char ret_val;
-			do {
-				ret_val = READ_NAND(nandptr); /* wait till ready */
-			} while ((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
-		}
-		if (READ_NAND(nandptr) & 1) {
-			puts ("Error programming oob data\n");
-			/* There was an error */
-			NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-			*retlen = 0;
-			return -1;
-		}
-		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_SEQIN);
-		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs & (~0x1ff));
-	}
-	if (nand->bus16) {
-		for (i = len256; i < len; i += 2) {
-			WRITE_NAND(buf[i] + (buf[i+1] << 8), nandptr);
-		}
-	} else {
-		for (i = len256; i < len; i++)
-			WRITE_NAND(buf[i], nandptr);
-	}
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG);
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
-#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
-	{	u_char ret_val;
-		do {
-			ret_val = READ_NAND(nandptr); /* wait till ready */
-		} while ((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
-	}
-	if (READ_NAND(nandptr) & 1) {
-		puts ("Error programming oob data\n");
-		/* There was an error */
-		NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-		*retlen = 0;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-	*retlen = len;
-	return 0;
-int nand_erase(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len, int clean)
-	/* This is defined as a structure so it will work on any system
-	 * using native endian jffs2 (the default).
-	 */
-	static struct jffs2_unknown_node clean_marker = {
-		8		/* 8 bytes in this node */
-	};
-	unsigned long nandptr;
-	struct Nand *mychip;
-	int ret = 0;
-	if (ofs & (nand->erasesize-1) || len & (nand->erasesize-1)) {
-		printf ("Offset and size must be sector aligned, erasesize = %d\n",
-			(int) nand->erasesize);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
-	/* Select the NAND device */
-#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
-	archflashwp(0,0);
-#ifdef CFG_NAND_WP
-    NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
-	/* Check the WP bit */
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
-	if (!(READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR) & 0x80)) {
-		printf ("nand_write_ecc: Device is write protected!!!\n");
-		ret = -1;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Check the WP bit */
-	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
-	if (!(READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR) & 0x80)) {
-		printf ("%s: Device is write protected!!!\n", __FUNCTION__);
-		ret = -1;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* FIXME: Do nand in the background. Use timers or schedule_task() */
-	while(len) {
-		/*mychip = &nand->chips[shr(ofs, nand->chipshift)];*/
-		mychip = &nand->chips[ofs >> nand->chipshift];
-		/* always check for bad block first, genuine bad blocks
-		 * should _never_  be erased.
-		 */
-		if (ALLOW_ERASE_BAD_DEBUG || !check_block(nand, ofs)) {
-			/* Select the NAND device */
-			NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
-			NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_ERASE1);
-			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_PAGE, ofs);
-			NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_ERASE2);
-			NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
-#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
-			{	u_char ret_val;
-				do {
-					ret_val = READ_NAND(nandptr); /* wait till ready */
-				} while ((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
-			}
-			if (READ_NAND(nandptr) & 1) {
-				printf ("%s: Error erasing at 0x%lx\n",
-					__FUNCTION__, (long)ofs);
-				/* There was an error */
-				ret = -1;
-				goto out;
-			}
-			if (clean) {
-				int n;	/* return value not used */
-				int p, l;
-				/* clean marker position and size depend
-				 * on the page size, since 256 byte pages
-				 * only have 8 bytes of oob data
-				 */
-				if (nand->page256) {
-				} else {
-				}
-				ret = nand_write_oob(nand, ofs + p, l, (size_t *)&n,
-						     (u_char *)&clean_marker);
-				/* quit here if write failed */
-				if (ret)
-					goto out;
-			}
-		}
-		ofs += nand->erasesize;
-		len -= nand->erasesize;
-	}
-	/* De-select the NAND device */
-	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
-#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
-    	archflashwp(0,1);
-#ifdef CFG_NAND_WP
-	return ret;
-static inline int nandcheck(unsigned long potential, unsigned long physadr)
-	return 0;
-unsigned long nand_probe(unsigned long physadr)
-	struct nand_chip *nand = NULL;
-	int i = 0, ChipID = 1;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[0] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS0;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[1] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS1;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[2] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS2;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[3] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS3;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[4] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS4;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[5] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS5;
-	oob_config.eccvalid_pos = 4;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[0] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS0;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[1] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS1;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[2] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS2;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[3] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS3;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[4] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS4;
-	oob_config.ecc_pos[5] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS5;
-	oob_config.eccvalid_pos = NAND_NOOB_ECCVPOS;
-	oob_config.badblock_pos = 5;
-	for (i=0; i<CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE; i++) {
-		if (nand_dev_desc[i].ChipID == NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN) {
-			nand = &nand_dev_desc[i];
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!nand)
-		return (0);
-	memset((char *)nand, 0, sizeof(struct nand_chip));
-	nand->IO_ADDR = physadr;
-	nand->cache_page = -1;  /* init the cache page */
-	NanD_ScanChips(nand);
-	if (nand->totlen == 0) {
-		/* no chips found, clean up and quit */
-		memset((char *)nand, 0, sizeof(struct nand_chip));
-		nand->ChipID = NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN;
-		return (0);
-	}
-	nand->ChipID = ChipID;
-	if (curr_device == -1)
-		curr_device = i;
-	nand->data_buf = malloc (nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize);
-	if (!nand->data_buf) {
-		puts ("Cannot allocate memory for data structures.\n");
-		return (0);
-	}
-	return (nand->totlen);
- * Pre-calculated 256-way 1 byte column parity
- */
-static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table[] = {
-	0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x03, 0x59, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x5a,
-	0x5a, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x03, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00,
-	0x65, 0x30, 0x33, 0x66, 0x3c, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x3f,
-	0x3f, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x3c, 0x66, 0x33, 0x30, 0x65,
-	0x66, 0x33, 0x30, 0x65, 0x3f, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x3c,
-	0x3c, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0x65, 0x30, 0x33, 0x66,
-	0x03, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x59,
-	0x59, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x03,
-	0x69, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x6a, 0x30, 0x65, 0x66, 0x33,
-	0x33, 0x66, 0x65, 0x30, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x69,
-	0x0c, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0f, 0x55, 0x00, 0x03, 0x56,
-	0x56, 0x03, 0x00, 0x55, 0x0f, 0x5a, 0x59, 0x0c,
-	0x0f, 0x5a, 0x59, 0x0c, 0x56, 0x03, 0x00, 0x55,
-	0x55, 0x00, 0x03, 0x56, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0f,
-	0x6a, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x69, 0x33, 0x66, 0x65, 0x30,
-	0x30, 0x65, 0x66, 0x33, 0x69, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x6a,
-	0x6a, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x69, 0x33, 0x66, 0x65, 0x30,
-	0x30, 0x65, 0x66, 0x33, 0x69, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x6a,
-	0x0f, 0x5a, 0x59, 0x0c, 0x56, 0x03, 0x00, 0x55,
-	0x55, 0x00, 0x03, 0x56, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0f,
-	0x0c, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0f, 0x55, 0x00, 0x03, 0x56,
-	0x56, 0x03, 0x00, 0x55, 0x0f, 0x5a, 0x59, 0x0c,
-	0x69, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x6a, 0x30, 0x65, 0x66, 0x33,
-	0x33, 0x66, 0x65, 0x30, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x69,
-	0x03, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x59,
-	0x59, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x03,
-	0x66, 0x33, 0x30, 0x65, 0x3f, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x3c,
-	0x3c, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0x65, 0x30, 0x33, 0x66,
-	0x65, 0x30, 0x33, 0x66, 0x3c, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x3f,
-	0x3f, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x3c, 0x66, 0x33, 0x30, 0x65,
-	0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x03, 0x59, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x5a,
-	0x5a, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x03, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00
- * Creates non-inverted ECC code from line parity
- */
-static void nand_trans_result(u_char reg2, u_char reg3,
-	u_char *ecc_code)
-	u_char a, b, i, tmp1, tmp2;
-	/* Initialize variables */
-	a = b = 0x80;
-	tmp1 = tmp2 = 0;
-	/* Calculate first ECC byte */
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-		if (reg3 & a)		/* LP15,13,11,9 --> ecc_code[0] */
-			tmp1 |= b;
-		b >>= 1;
-		if (reg2 & a)		/* LP14,12,10,8 --> ecc_code[0] */
-			tmp1 |= b;
-		b >>= 1;
-		a >>= 1;
-	}
-	/* Calculate second ECC byte */
-	b = 0x80;
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-		if (reg3 & a)		/* LP7,5,3,1 --> ecc_code[1] */
-			tmp2 |= b;
-		b >>= 1;
-		if (reg2 & a)		/* LP6,4,2,0 --> ecc_code[1] */
-			tmp2 |= b;
-		b >>= 1;
-		a >>= 1;
-	}
-	/* Store two of the ECC bytes */
-	ecc_code[0] = tmp1;
-	ecc_code[1] = tmp2;
- * Calculate 3 byte ECC code for 256 byte block
- */
-static void nand_calculate_ecc (const u_char *dat, u_char *ecc_code)
-	u_char idx, reg1, reg3;
-	int j;
-	/* Initialize variables */
-	reg1 = reg3 = 0;
-	ecc_code[0] = ecc_code[1] = ecc_code[2] = 0;
-	/* Build up column parity */
-	for(j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
-		/* Get CP0 - CP5 from table */
-		idx = nand_ecc_precalc_table[dat[j]];
-		reg1 ^= idx;
-		/* All bit XOR = 1 ? */
-		if (idx & 0x40) {
-			reg3 ^= (u_char) j;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Create non-inverted ECC code from line parity */
-	nand_trans_result((reg1 & 0x40) ? ~reg3 : reg3, reg3, ecc_code);
-	/* Calculate final ECC code */
-	ecc_code[0] = ~ecc_code[0];
-	ecc_code[1] = ~ecc_code[1];
-	ecc_code[2] = ((~reg1) << 2) | 0x03;
- * Detect and correct a 1 bit error for 256 byte block
- */
-static int nand_correct_data (u_char *dat, u_char *read_ecc, u_char *calc_ecc)
-	u_char a, b, c, d1, d2, d3, add, bit, i;
-	/* Do error detection */
-	d1 = calc_ecc[0] ^ read_ecc[0];
-	d2 = calc_ecc[1] ^ read_ecc[1];
-	d3 = calc_ecc[2] ^ read_ecc[2];
-	if ((d1 | d2 | d3) == 0) {
-		/* No errors */
-		return 0;
-	} else {
-		a = (d1 ^ (d1 >> 1)) & 0x55;
-		b = (d2 ^ (d2 >> 1)) & 0x55;
-		c = (d3 ^ (d3 >> 1)) & 0x54;
-		/* Found and will correct single bit error in the data */
-		if ((a == 0x55) && (b == 0x55) && (c == 0x54)) {
-			c = 0x80;
-			add = 0;
-			a = 0x80;
-			for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
-				if (d1 & c)
-					add |= a;
-				c >>= 2;
-				a >>= 1;
-			}
-			c = 0x80;
-			for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
-				if (d2 & c)
-					add |= a;
-				c >>= 2;
-				a >>= 1;
-			}
-			bit = 0;
-			b = 0x04;
-			c = 0x80;
-			for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
-				if (d3 & c)
-					bit |= b;
-				c >>= 2;
-				b >>= 1;
-			}
-			b = 0x01;
-			a = dat[add];
-			a ^= (b << bit);
-			dat[add] = a;
-			return 1;
-		}
-		else {
-			i = 0;
-			while (d1) {
-				if (d1 & 0x01)
-					++i;
-				d1 >>= 1;
-			}
-			while (d2) {
-				if (d2 & 0x01)
-					++i;
-				d2 >>= 1;
-			}
-			while (d3) {
-				if (d3 & 0x01)
-					++i;
-				d3 >>= 1;
-			}
-			if (i == 1) {
-				/* ECC Code Error Correction */
-				read_ecc[0] = calc_ecc[0];
-				read_ecc[1] = calc_ecc[1];
-				read_ecc[2] = calc_ecc[2];
-				return 2;
-			}
-			else {
-				/* Uncorrectable Error */
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* Should never happen */
-	return -1;
-int read_jffs2_nand(size_t start, size_t len,
-		    size_t * retlen, u_char * buf, int nanddev)
-	return nand_rw(nand_dev_desc + nanddev, NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2,
-		       start, len, retlen, buf);
-#endif /* CONFIG_JFFS2_NAND */
+#endif /* CFG_NAND_LEGACY */
diff --git a/common/cmd_nand_new.c b/common/cmd_nand_new.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff2ebaf60..0000000000
--- a/common/cmd_nand_new.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-#include <common.h>
-#include <command.h>
-#include <watchdog.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <asm/byteorder.h>
-# include <status_led.h>
-# define SHOW_BOOT_PROGRESS(arg)	show_boot_progress(arg)
-# define SHOW_BOOT_PROGRESS(arg)
-#include <jffs2/jffs2.h>
-#include <nand.h>
-extern nand_info_t nand_info[];       /* info for NAND chips */
-static int nand_dump_oob(nand_info_t *nand, ulong off)
-	return 0;
-static int nand_dump(nand_info_t *nand, ulong off)
-	int i;
-	u_char *buf, *p;
-	buf = malloc(nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize);
-	if (!buf) {
-		puts("No memory for page buffer\n");
-		return 1;
-	}
-	off &= ~(nand->oobblock - 1);
-	i = nand_read_raw(nand, buf, off, nand->oobblock, nand->oobsize);
-	if (i < 0) {
-		printf("Error (%d) reading page %08x\n", i, off);
-		free(buf);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	printf("Page %08x dump:\n", off);
-	i = nand->oobblock >> 4; p = buf;
-	while (i--) {
-		printf( "\t%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"
-			"  %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
-			p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7],
-			p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14], p[15]);
-		p += 16;
-	}
-	puts("OOB:\n");
-	i = nand->oobsize >> 3;
-	while (i--) {
-		printf( "\t%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
-			p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]);
-		p += 8;
-	}
-	free(buf);
-	return 0;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static void
-arg_off_size(int argc, char *argv[], ulong *off, ulong *size, ulong totsize)
-	*off = 0;
-	*size = 0;
-#if defined(CONFIG_JFFS2_NAND) && defined(CFG_JFFS_CUSTOM_PART)
-	if (argc >= 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "partition") == 0) {
-		int part_num;
-		struct part_info *part;
-		const char *partstr;
-		if (argc >= 2)
-			partstr = argv[1];
-		else
-			partstr = getenv("partition");
-		if (partstr)
-			part_num = (int)simple_strtoul(partstr, NULL, 10);
-		else
-			part_num = 0;
-		part = jffs2_part_info(part_num);
-		if (part == NULL) {
-			printf("\nInvalid partition %d\n", part_num);
-			return;
-		}
-		*size = part->size;
-		*off = (ulong)part->offset;
-	} else
-	{
-		if (argc >= 1)
-			*off = (ulong)simple_strtoul(argv[0], NULL, 16);
-		else
-			*off = 0;
-		if (argc >= 2)
-			*size = (ulong)simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
-		else
-			*size = totsize - *off;
-	}
-int do_nand(cmd_tbl_t * cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
-	int i, dev, ret;
-	ulong addr, off, size;
-	char *cmd, *s;
-	nand_info_t *nand;
-	/* at least two arguments please */
-	if (argc < 2)
-		goto usage;
-	cmd = argv[1];
-	if (strcmp(cmd, "info") == 0) {
-		putc('\n');
-		for (i = 0; i < CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE; i++) {
-			if (nand_info[i].name)
-				printf("Device %d: %s\n", i, nand_info[i].name);
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(cmd, "device") == 0) {
-		if (argc < 3) {
-			if ((nand_curr_device < 0) ||
-			    (nand_curr_device >= CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE))
-				puts("\nno devices available\n");
-			else
-				printf("\nDevice %d: %s\n", nand_curr_device,
-					nand_info[nand_curr_device].name);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		dev = (int)simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
-		if (dev < 0 || dev >= CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE || !nand_info[dev].name) {
-			puts("No such device\n");
-			return 1;
-		}
-		printf("Device %d: %s", dev, nand_info[dev].name);
-		puts("... is now current device\n");
-		nand_curr_device = dev;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(cmd, "bad") != 0 && strcmp(cmd, "erase") != 0 &&
-	    strncmp(cmd, "dump", 4) != 0 &&
-	    strncmp(cmd, "read", 4) != 0 && strncmp(cmd, "write", 5) != 0)
-		goto usage;
-	/* the following commands operate on the current device */
-	if (nand_curr_device < 0 || nand_curr_device >= CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE ||
-	    !nand_info[nand_curr_device].name) {
-		puts("\nno devices available\n");
-		return 1;
-	}
-	nand = &nand_info[nand_curr_device];
-	if (strcmp(cmd, "bad") == 0) {
-		printf("\nDevice %d bad blocks:\n", nand_curr_device);
-		for (off = 0; off < nand->size; off += nand->erasesize)
-			if (nand_block_isbad(nand, off))
-				printf("  %08x\n", off);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (strcmp(cmd, "erase") == 0) {
-		arg_off_size(argc - 2, argv + 2, &off, &size, nand->size);
-		if (off == 0 && size == 0)
-			return 1;
-		printf("\nNAND erase: device %d offset 0x%x, size 0x%x ",
-		       nand_curr_device, off, size);
-		ret = nand_erase(nand, off, size);
-		printf("%s\n", ret ? "ERROR" : "OK");
-		return ret == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-	}
-	if (strncmp(cmd, "dump", 4) == 0) {
-		if (argc < 3)
-			goto usage;
-		s = strchr(cmd, '.');
-		off = (int)simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16);
-		if (s != NULL && strcmp(s, ".oob") == 0)
-			ret = nand_dump_oob(nand, off);
-		else
-			ret = nand_dump(nand, off);
-		return ret == 0 ? 1 : 0;
-	}
-	/* read write */
-	if (strncmp(cmd, "read", 4) == 0 || strncmp(cmd, "write", 5) == 0) {
-		if (argc < 4)
-			goto usage;
-		s = strchr(cmd, '.');
-		clean = CLEAN_NONE;
-		if (s != NULL) {
-			if (strcmp(s, ".jffs2") == 0 || strcmp(s, ".e") == 0
-			    || strcmp(s, ".i"))
-				clean = CLEAN_JFFS2;
-		}
-		addr = (ulong)simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16);
-		arg_off_size(argc - 3, argv + 3, &off, &size, nand->size);
-		if (off == 0 && size == 0)
-			return 1;
-		i = strncmp(cmd, "read", 4) == 0;	/* 1 = read, 0 = write */
-		printf("\nNAND %s: device %d offset %u, size %u ... ",
-		       i ? "read" : "write", nand_curr_device, off, size);
-		if (i)
-			ret = nand_read(nand, off, &size, (u_char *)addr);
-		else
-			ret = nand_write(nand, off, &size, (u_char *)addr);
-		printf(" %d bytes %s: %s\n", size,
-		       i ? "read" : "written", ret ? "ERROR" : "OK");
-		return ret == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-	}
-	printf("Usage:\n%s\n", cmdtp->usage);
-	return 1;
-U_BOOT_CMD(nand, 5, 1, do_nand,
-	"nand    - NAND sub-system\n",
-	"info                  - show available NAND devices\n"
-	"nand device [dev]     - show or set current device\n"
-	"nand read[.jffs2]     - addr off size\n"
-	"nand write[.jffs2]    - addr off size - read/write `size' bytes starting\n"
-	"    at offset `off' to/from memory address `addr'\n"
-	"nand erase [clean] [off size] - erase `size' bytes from\n"
-	"    offset `off' (entire device if not specified)\n"
-	"nand bad - show bad blocks\n"
-	"nand dump[.oob] off - dump page\n"
-	"nand scrub - really clean NAND erasing bad blocks (UNSAFE)\n"
-	"nand markbad off - mark bad block at offset (UNSAFE)\n"
-	"nand biterr off - make a bit error at offset (UNSAFE)\n");
-int do_nandboot(cmd_tbl_t * cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
-	char *boot_device = NULL;
-	char *ep;
-	int dev;
-	int r;
-	ulong addr, cnt, offset = 0;
-	image_header_t *hdr;
-	nand_info_t *nand;
-	switch (argc) {
-	case 1:
-		addr = CFG_LOAD_ADDR;
-		boot_device = getenv("bootdevice");
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		addr = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
-		boot_device = getenv("bootdevice");
-		break;
-	case 3:
-		addr = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
-		boot_device = argv[2];
-		break;
-	case 4:
-		addr = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16);
-		boot_device = argv[2];
-		offset = simple_strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16);
-		break;
-	default:
-		printf("Usage:\n%s\n", cmdtp->usage);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (!boot_device) {
-		puts("\n** No boot device **\n");
-		return 1;
-	}
-	dev = simple_strtoul(boot_device, &ep, 16);
-	if (dev < 0 || dev >= CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE || !nand_info[dev].name) {
-		printf("\n** Device %d not available\n", dev);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	nand = &nand_info[dev];
-	printf("\nLoading from device %d: %s (offset 0x%lx)\n",
-	       dev, nand->name, offset);
-	cnt = nand->oobblock;
-	r = nand_read(nand, offset, &cnt, (u_char *) addr);
-	if (r) {
-		printf("** Read error on %d\n", dev);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	hdr = (image_header_t *) addr;
-	if (ntohl(hdr->ih_magic) != IH_MAGIC) {
-		printf("\n** Bad Magic Number 0x%x **\n", hdr->ih_magic);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	print_image_hdr(hdr);
-	cnt = (ntohl(hdr->ih_size) + sizeof (image_header_t));
-	r = nand_read(nand, offset, &cnt, (u_char *) addr);
-	if (r) {
-		printf("** Read error on %d\n", dev);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	/* Loading ok, update default load address */
-	load_addr = addr;
-	/* Check if we should attempt an auto-start */
-	if (((ep = getenv("autostart")) != NULL) && (strcmp(ep, "yes") == 0)) {
-		char *local_args[2];
-		extern int do_bootm(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char *[]);
-		local_args[0] = argv[0];
-		local_args[1] = NULL;
-		printf("Automatic boot of image at addr 0x%08lx ...\n", addr);
-		do_bootm(cmdtp, 0, 1, local_args);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-U_BOOT_CMD(nboot, 4, 1, do_nandboot,
-	"nboot   - boot from NAND device\n", "loadAddr dev\n");
-#endif				/* (CONFIG_COMMANDS & CFG_CMD_NAND) */
diff --git a/common/env_nand.c b/common/env_nand.c
index 60aba1e7e6..4896853530 100644
--- a/common/env_nand.c
+++ b/common/env_nand.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include <command.h>
 #include <environment.h>
 #include <linux/stddef.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+#include <nand.h>
 #define CMD_SAVEENV
@@ -55,16 +55,12 @@
 #error CONFIG_INFERNO not supported yet
-/* references to names in cmd_nand.c */
-#define NANDRW_READ		0x01
-#define NANDRW_WRITE	0x00
-#define NANDRW_JFFS2	0x02
-extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[];
-int nand_rw (struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd,
+int nand_legacy_rw (struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd,
 	    size_t start, size_t len,
 	    size_t * retlen, u_char * buf);
-int nand_erase(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs,
-				size_t len, int clean);
+/* info for NAND chips, defined in drivers/nand/nand.c */
+extern nand_info_t nand_info[];
 /* references to names in env_common.c */
 extern uchar default_environment[];
@@ -110,34 +106,43 @@ int env_init(void)
+ * The legacy NAND code saved the environment in the first NAND device i.e.,
+ * nand_dev_desc + 0. This is also the behaviour using the new NAND code.
+ */
 int saveenv(void)
 	int	total, ret = 0;
- 	puts ("Erasing Nand...");
- 	if (nand_erase(nand_dev_desc + 0, CFG_ENV_OFFSET, CFG_ENV_SIZE, 0))
- 		return 1;
+	puts ("Erasing Nand...");
+	if (nand_erase(&nand_info[0], CFG_NEW_OFFSET, CFG_ENV_SIZE))
+		return 1;
 	puts ("Writing to Nand... ");
-	ret = nand_rw(nand_dev_desc + 0,
-			      &total, (u_char*)env_ptr);
-  	if (ret || total != CFG_ENV_SIZE)
+	total = CFG_ENV_SIZE;
+	ret = nand_write(&nand_info[0], CFG_ENV_OFFSET, &total,
+			(u_char*) env_ptr);
+	if (ret || total != CFG_ENV_SIZE)
 		return 1;
- 	puts ("done\n");
-  	return ret;
+	puts ("done\n");
+	return ret;
 #endif /* CMD_SAVEENV */
+ * The legacy NAND code saved the environment in the first NAND device i.e.,
+ * nand_dev_desc + 0. This is also the behaviour using the new NAND code.
+ */
 void env_relocate_spec (void)
 #if !defined(ENV_IS_EMBEDDED)
 	int ret, total;
-	ret = nand_rw(nand_dev_desc + 0,
-			      &total, (u_char*)env_ptr);
+	total = CFG_ENV_SIZE;
+	ret = nand_read(&nand_info[0], CFG_ENV_OFFSET, &total,
+			(u_char*) env_ptr);
   	if (ret || total != CFG_ENV_SIZE)
 		return use_default();
diff --git a/drivers/nand/diskonchip.c b/drivers/nand/diskonchip.c
index 07e2549352..afaae834f1 100644
--- a/drivers/nand/diskonchip.c
+++ b/drivers/nand/diskonchip.c
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@
 #include <common.h>
+#error CFG_NAND_LEGACY defined in a file not using the legacy NAND support!
 #include <linux/kernel.h>
 #include <linux/init.h>
 #include <linux/sched.h>
@@ -1782,4 +1786,3 @@ module_exit(cleanup_nanddoc);
 MODULE_AUTHOR("David Woodhouse <>");
 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("M-Systems DiskOnChip 2000, Millennium and Millennium Plus device driver\n");
-#endif /* CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE */
diff --git a/drivers/nand/nand.c b/drivers/nand/nand.c
index bc85005b2a..dd80026fe0 100644
--- a/drivers/nand/nand.c
+++ b/drivers/nand/nand.c
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@
 #include <common.h>
+#error CFG_NAND_LEGACY defined in a file not using the legacy NAND support!
 #include <nand.h>
@@ -72,5 +75,3 @@ void nand_init(void)
-#endif /* CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE */
diff --git a/drivers/nand/nand_base.c b/drivers/nand/nand_base.c
index b039c3cd8c..b2cd62e37e 100644
--- a/drivers/nand/nand_base.c
+++ b/drivers/nand/nand_base.c
@@ -71,7 +71,10 @@
 #include <common.h>
+#error CFG_NAND_LEGACY defined in a file not using the legacy NAND support!
@@ -864,10 +867,10 @@ static int nand_wait(struct mtd_info *mtd, struct nand_chip *this, int state)
-	/* XXX nand device 1 on dave (PPChameleonEVB) needs more time */
 	while (get_timer(0) < 10);
 	return this->read_byte(mtd);
@@ -2660,5 +2663,3 @@ void nand_release (struct mtd_info *mtd)
-#endif /* CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE */
diff --git a/drivers/nand/nand_bbt.c b/drivers/nand/nand_bbt.c
index f4813088b5..ac168723e2 100644
--- a/drivers/nand/nand_bbt.c
+++ b/drivers/nand/nand_bbt.c
@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@
 #include <common.h>
+#error CFG_NAND_LEGACY defined in a file not using the legacy NAND support!
 #include <malloc.h>
@@ -1051,5 +1054,3 @@ int nand_isbad_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t offs, int allowbbt)
-#endif /* CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE */
diff --git a/drivers/nand/nand_ecc.c b/drivers/nand/nand_ecc.c
index 4e610c1123..e0d0e8bcc4 100644
--- a/drivers/nand/nand_ecc.c
+++ b/drivers/nand/nand_ecc.c
@@ -37,7 +37,10 @@
 #include <common.h>
+#error CFG_NAND_LEGACY defined in a file not using the legacy NAND support!
@@ -243,5 +246,3 @@ int nand_correct_data(struct mtd_info *mtd, u_char *dat, u_char *read_ecc, u_cha
-#endif /* CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE */
diff --git a/drivers/nand/nand_ids.c b/drivers/nand/nand_ids.c
index d355326107..3d4d372f17 100644
--- a/drivers/nand/nand_ids.c
+++ b/drivers/nand/nand_ids.c
@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@
 #include <common.h>
+#error CFG_NAND_LEGACY defined in a file not using the legacy NAND support!
 #include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
@@ -127,5 +130,3 @@ struct nand_manufacturers nand_manuf_ids[] = {
 	{0x0, "Unknown"}
-#endif /* CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE */
diff --git a/drivers/nand_legacy/Makefile b/drivers/nand_legacy/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e2cf66730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/nand_legacy/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+LIB := libnand_legacy.a
+OBJS := nand_legacy.o
+all:	$(LIB)
+$(LIB):	$(OBJS)
+	$(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS)
+.depend:	Makefile $(OBJS:.o=.c)
+		$(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS:.o=.c) > $@
+sinclude .depend
diff --git a/drivers/nand_legacy/nand_legacy.c b/drivers/nand_legacy/nand_legacy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3989ca2a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/nand_legacy/nand_legacy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1615 @@
+ * (C) 2006 Denx
+ * Driver for NAND support, Rick Bronson
+ * borrowed heavily from:
+ * (c) 1999 Machine Vision Holdings, Inc.
+ * (c) 1999, 2000 David Woodhouse <>
+ *
+ * Added 16-bit nand support
+ * (C) 2004 Texas Instruments
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#error CFG_NAND_LEGACY not defined in a file using the legacy NAND support!
+#include <command.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <watchdog.h>
+# include <status_led.h>
+# define SHOW_BOOT_PROGRESS(arg)	show_boot_progress(arg)
+# define SHOW_BOOT_PROGRESS(arg)
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand_ids.h>
+#include <jffs2/jffs2.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
+void archflashwp(void *archdata, int wp);
+#define ROUND_DOWN(value,boundary)      ((value) & (~((boundary)-1)))
+#undef	NAND_DEBUG
+/* ****************** WARNING *********************
+ * When ALLOW_ERASE_BAD_DEBUG is non-zero the erase command will
+ * erase (or at least attempt to erase) blocks that are marked
+ * bad. This can be very handy if you are _sure_ that the block
+ * is OK, say because you marked a good block bad to test bad
+ * block handling and you are done testing, or if you have
+ * accidentally marked blocks bad.
+ *
+ * Erasing factory marked bad blocks is a _bad_ idea. If the
+ * erase succeeds there is no reliable way to find them again,
+ * and attempting to program or erase bad blocks can affect
+ * the data in _other_ (good) blocks.
+ */
+#define CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC  /* enable ECC */
+/* bits for nand_legacy_rw() `cmd'; or together as needed */
+#define NANDRW_READ	0x01
+#define NANDRW_WRITE	0x00
+#define NANDRW_JFFS2	0x02
+#define NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP	0x04
+ * Exported variables etc.
+ */
+/* Definition of the out of band configuration structure */
+struct nand_oob_config {
+	/* position of ECC bytes inside oob */
+	int ecc_pos[6];
+	/* position of  bad blk flag inside oob -1 = inactive */
+	int badblock_pos;
+	/* position of ECC valid flag inside oob -1 = inactive */
+	int eccvalid_pos;
+} oob_config = { {0}, 0, 0};
+struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE] = {{0}};
+int curr_device = -1; /* Current NAND Device */
+ * Exported functionss
+ */
+int nand_legacy_erase(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs,
+		     size_t len, int clean);
+int nand_legacy_rw(struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd,
+		  size_t start, size_t len,
+		  size_t * retlen, u_char * buf);
+void nand_print(struct nand_chip *nand);
+void nand_print_bad(struct nand_chip *nand);
+int nand_read_oob(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len,
+		 size_t * retlen, u_char * buf);
+int nand_write_oob(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len,
+		 size_t * retlen, const u_char * buf);
+ * Internals
+ */
+static int NanD_WaitReady(struct nand_chip *nand, int ale_wait);
+static int nand_read_ecc(struct nand_chip *nand, size_t start, size_t len,
+		 size_t * retlen, u_char *buf, u_char *ecc_code);
+static int nand_write_ecc (struct nand_chip* nand, size_t to, size_t len,
+			   size_t * retlen, const u_char * buf,
+			   u_char * ecc_code);
+static int nand_correct_data (u_char *dat, u_char *read_ecc, u_char *calc_ecc);
+static void nand_calculate_ecc (const u_char *dat, u_char *ecc_code);
+ *
+ * Function definitions
+ *
+ */
+/* returns 0 if block containing pos is OK:
+ *		valid erase block and
+ *		not marked bad, or no bad mark position is specified
+ * returns 1 if marked bad or otherwise invalid
+ */
+static int check_block (struct nand_chip *nand, unsigned long pos)
+	size_t retlen;
+	uint8_t oob_data;
+	uint16_t oob_data16[6];
+	int page0 = pos & (-nand->erasesize);
+	int page1 = page0 + nand->oobblock;
+	int badpos = oob_config.badblock_pos;
+	if (pos >= nand->totlen)
+		return 1;
+	if (badpos < 0)
+		return 0;	/* no way to check, assume OK */
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		if (nand_read_oob(nand, (page0 + 0), 12, &retlen, (uint8_t *)oob_data16)
+		    || (oob_data16[2] & 0xff00) != 0xff00)
+			return 1;
+		if (nand_read_oob(nand, (page1 + 0), 12, &retlen, (uint8_t *)oob_data16)
+		    || (oob_data16[2] & 0xff00) != 0xff00)
+			return 1;
+	} else {
+		/* Note - bad block marker can be on first or second page */
+		if (nand_read_oob(nand, page0 + badpos, 1, &retlen, (unsigned char *)&oob_data)
+		    || oob_data != 0xff
+		    || nand_read_oob (nand, page1 + badpos, 1, &retlen, (unsigned char *)&oob_data)
+		    || oob_data != 0xff)
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* print bad blocks in NAND flash */
+void nand_print_bad(struct nand_chip* nand)
+	unsigned long pos;
+	for (pos = 0; pos < nand->totlen; pos += nand->erasesize) {
+		if (check_block(nand, pos))
+			printf(" 0x%8.8lx\n", pos);
+	}
+	puts("\n");
+/* cmd: 0: NANDRW_WRITE			write, fail on bad block
+ *	1: NANDRW_READ			read, fail on bad block
+ *	2: NANDRW_WRITE | NANDRW_JFFS2	write, skip bad blocks
+ *	3: NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2	read, data all 0xff for bad blocks
+ *      7: NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2 | NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP read, skip bad blocks
+ */
+int nand_legacy_rw (struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd,
+		   size_t start, size_t len,
+		   size_t * retlen, u_char * buf)
+	int ret = 0, n, total = 0;
+	char eccbuf[6];
+	/* eblk (once set) is the start of the erase block containing the
+	 * data being processed.
+	 */
+	unsigned long eblk = ~0;	/* force mismatch on first pass */
+	unsigned long erasesize = nand->erasesize;
+	while (len) {
+		if ((start & (-erasesize)) != eblk) {
+			/* have crossed into new erase block, deal with
+			 * it if it is sure marked bad.
+			 */
+			eblk = start & (-erasesize); /* start of block */
+			if (check_block(nand, eblk)) {
+				if (cmd == (NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2)) {
+					while (len > 0 &&
+					       start - eblk < erasesize) {
+						*(buf++) = 0xff;
+						++start;
+						++total;
+						--len;
+					}
+					continue;
+				} else if (cmd == (NANDRW_READ | NANDRW_JFFS2 | NANDRW_JFFS2_SKIP)) {
+					start += erasesize;
+					continue;
+				} else if (cmd == (NANDRW_WRITE | NANDRW_JFFS2)) {
+					/* skip bad block */
+					start += erasesize;
+					continue;
+				} else {
+					ret = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/* The ECC will not be calculated correctly if
+		   less than 512 is written or read */
+		/* Is request at least 512 bytes AND it starts on a proper boundry */
+		if((start != ROUND_DOWN(start, 0x200)) || (len < 0x200))
+			printf("Warning block writes should be at least 512 bytes and start on a 512 byte boundry\n");
+		if (cmd & NANDRW_READ) {
+			ret = nand_read_ecc(nand, start,
+					   min(len, eblk + erasesize - start),
+					   (size_t *)&n, (u_char*)buf, (u_char *)eccbuf);
+		} else {
+			ret = nand_write_ecc(nand, start,
+					    min(len, eblk + erasesize - start),
+					    (size_t *)&n, (u_char*)buf, (u_char *)eccbuf);
+		}
+		if (ret)
+			break;
+		start  += n;
+		buf   += n;
+		total += n;
+		len   -= n;
+	}
+	if (retlen)
+		*retlen = total;
+	return ret;
+void nand_print(struct nand_chip *nand)
+	if (nand->numchips > 1) {
+		printf("%s at 0x%lx,\n"
+		       "\t  %d chips %s, size %d MB, \n"
+		       "\t  total size %ld MB, sector size %ld kB\n",
+		       nand->name, nand->IO_ADDR, nand->numchips,
+		       nand->chips_name, 1 << (nand->chipshift - 20),
+		       nand->totlen >> 20, nand->erasesize >> 10);
+	}
+	else {
+		printf("%s at 0x%lx (", nand->chips_name, nand->IO_ADDR);
+		print_size(nand->totlen, ", ");
+		print_size(nand->erasesize, " sector)\n");
+	}
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static int NanD_WaitReady(struct nand_chip *nand, int ale_wait)
+	/* This is inline, to optimise the common case, where it's ready instantly */
+	int ret = 0;
+#ifdef NAND_NO_RB	/* in config file, shorter delays currently wrap accesses */
+	if(ale_wait)
+		NAND_WAIT_READY(nand);	/* do the worst case 25us wait */
+	else
+		udelay(10);
+#else	/* has functional r/b signal */
+	return ret;
+/* NanD_Command: Send a flash command to the flash chip */
+static inline int NanD_Command(struct nand_chip *nand, unsigned char command)
+	unsigned long nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
+	/* Assert the CLE (Command Latch Enable) line to the flash chip */
+	NAND_CTL_SETCLE(nandptr);
+	/* Send the command */
+	WRITE_NAND_COMMAND(command, nandptr);
+	/* Lower the CLE line */
+	NAND_CTL_CLRCLE(nandptr);
+#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
+	if(command == NAND_CMD_RESET){
+		u_char ret_val;
+		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
+		do {
+			ret_val = READ_NAND(nandptr);/* wait till ready */
+		} while((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
+	}
+	return NanD_WaitReady(nand, 0);
+/* NanD_Address: Set the current address for the flash chip */
+static int NanD_Address(struct nand_chip *nand, int numbytes, unsigned long ofs)
+	unsigned long nandptr;
+	int i;
+	nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
+	/* Assert the ALE (Address Latch Enable) line to the flash chip */
+	NAND_CTL_SETALE(nandptr);
+	/* Send the address */
+	/* Devices with 256-byte page are addressed as:
+	 * Column (bits 0-7), Page (bits 8-15, 16-23, 24-31)
+	 * there is no device on the market with page256
+	 * and more than 24 bits.
+	 * Devices with 512-byte page are addressed as:
+	 * Column (bits 0-7), Page (bits 9-16, 17-24, 25-31)
+	 * 25-31 is sent only if the chip support it.
+	 * bit 8 changes the read command to be sent
+	 */
+	if (numbytes == ADDR_COLUMN || numbytes == ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE)
+		WRITE_NAND_ADDRESS(ofs, nandptr);
+	ofs = ofs >> nand->page_shift;
+	if (numbytes == ADDR_PAGE || numbytes == ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE) {
+		for (i = 0; i < nand->pageadrlen; i++, ofs = ofs >> 8) {
+			WRITE_NAND_ADDRESS(ofs, nandptr);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Lower the ALE line */
+	NAND_CTL_CLRALE(nandptr);
+	/* Wait for the chip to respond */
+	return NanD_WaitReady(nand, 1);
+/* NanD_SelectChip: Select a given flash chip within the current floor */
+static inline int NanD_SelectChip(struct nand_chip *nand, int chip)
+	/* Wait for it to be ready */
+	return NanD_WaitReady(nand, 0);
+/* NanD_IdentChip: Identify a given NAND chip given {floor,chip} */
+static int NanD_IdentChip(struct nand_chip *nand, int floor, int chip)
+	int mfr, id, i;
+	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
+	/* Reset the chip */
+	if (NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_RESET)) {
+#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
+		printf("NanD_Command (reset) for %d,%d returned true\n",
+		       floor, chip);
+		NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* Read the NAND chip ID: 1. Send ReadID command */
+	if (NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READID)) {
+#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
+		printf("NanD_Command (ReadID) for %d,%d returned true\n",
+		       floor, chip);
+		NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* Read the NAND chip ID: 2. Send address byte zero */
+	NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN, 0);
+	/* Read the manufacturer and device id codes from the device */
+	mfr = READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR);
+	id = READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR);
+	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
+	printf("NanD_Command (ReadID) got %x %x\n", mfr, id);
+	if (mfr == 0xff || mfr == 0) {
+		/* No response - return failure */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* Check it's the same as the first chip we identified.
+	 * M-Systems say that any given nand_chip device should only
+	 * contain _one_ type of flash part, although that's not a
+	 * hardware restriction. */
+	if (nand->mfr) {
+		if (nand->mfr == mfr && nand->id == id) {
+			return 1;	/* This is another the same the first */
+		} else {
+			printf("Flash chip at floor %d, chip %d is different:\n",
+			       floor, chip);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Print and store the manufacturer and ID codes. */
+	for (i = 0; nand_flash_ids[i].name != NULL; i++) {
+		if (mfr == nand_flash_ids[i].manufacture_id &&
+		    id == nand_flash_ids[i].model_id) {
+#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
+			printf("Flash chip found:\n\t Manufacturer ID: 0x%2.2X, "
+			       "Chip ID: 0x%2.2X (%s)\n", mfr, id,
+			       nand_flash_ids[i].name);
+			if (!nand->mfr) {
+				nand->mfr = mfr;
+				nand->id = id;
+				nand->chipshift =
+				    nand_flash_ids[i].chipshift;
+				nand->page256 = nand_flash_ids[i].page256;
+				nand->eccsize = 256;
+				if (nand->page256) {
+					nand->oobblock = 256;
+					nand->oobsize = 8;
+					nand->page_shift = 8;
+				} else {
+					nand->oobblock = 512;
+					nand->oobsize = 16;
+					nand->page_shift = 9;
+				}
+				nand->pageadrlen = nand_flash_ids[i].pageadrlen;
+				nand->erasesize  = nand_flash_ids[i].erasesize;
+				nand->chips_name = nand_flash_ids[i].name;
+				nand->bus16	 = nand_flash_ids[i].bus16;
+ 				return 1;
+			}
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
+	/* We haven't fully identified the chip. Print as much as we know. */
+	printf("Unknown flash chip found: %2.2X %2.2X\n",
+	       id, mfr);
+	return 0;
+/* NanD_ScanChips: Find all NAND chips present in a nand_chip, and identify them */
+static void NanD_ScanChips(struct nand_chip *nand)
+	int floor, chip;
+	int numchips[NAND_MAX_FLOORS];
+	int maxchips = NAND_MAX_CHIPS;
+	int ret = 1;
+	nand->numchips = 0;
+	nand->mfr = 0;
+	nand->id = 0;
+	/* For each floor, find the number of valid chips it contains */
+	for (floor = 0; floor < NAND_MAX_FLOORS; floor++) {
+		ret = 1;
+		numchips[floor] = 0;
+		for (chip = 0; chip < maxchips && ret != 0; chip++) {
+			ret = NanD_IdentChip(nand, floor, chip);
+			if (ret) {
+				numchips[floor]++;
+				nand->numchips++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* If there are none at all that we recognise, bail */
+	if (!nand->numchips) {
+#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
+		puts ("No NAND flash chips recognised.\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Allocate an array to hold the information for each chip */
+	nand->chips = malloc(sizeof(struct Nand) * nand->numchips);
+	if (!nand->chips) {
+		puts ("No memory for allocating chip info structures\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	ret = 0;
+	/* Fill out the chip array with {floor, chipno} for each
+	 * detected chip in the device. */
+	for (floor = 0; floor < NAND_MAX_FLOORS; floor++) {
+		for (chip = 0; chip < numchips[floor]; chip++) {
+			nand->chips[ret].floor = floor;
+			nand->chips[ret].chip = chip;
+			nand->chips[ret].curadr = 0;
+			nand->chips[ret].curmode = 0x50;
+			ret++;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Calculate and print the total size of the device */
+	nand->totlen = nand->numchips * (1 << nand->chipshift);
+#ifdef NAND_DEBUG
+	printf("%d flash chips found. Total nand_chip size: %ld MB\n",
+	       nand->numchips, nand->totlen >> 20);
+/* we need to be fast here, 1 us per read translates to 1 second per meg */
+static void NanD_ReadBuf (struct nand_chip *nand, u_char * data_buf, int cntr)
+	unsigned long nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
+	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		u16 val;
+		while (cntr >= 16) {
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			cntr -= 16;
+		}
+		while (cntr > 0) {
+			val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = val & 0xff;
+			*data_buf++ = val >> 8;
+			cntr -= 2;
+		}
+	} else {
+		while (cntr >= 16) {
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			cntr -= 16;
+		}
+		while (cntr > 0) {
+			*data_buf++ = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+			cntr--;
+		}
+	}
+ * NAND read with ECC
+ */
+static int nand_read_ecc(struct nand_chip *nand, size_t start, size_t len,
+		 size_t * retlen, u_char *buf, u_char *ecc_code)
+	int col, page;
+	int ecc_status = 0;
+	int j;
+	int ecc_failed = 0;
+	u_char *data_poi;
+	u_char ecc_calc[6];
+	/* Do not allow reads past end of device */
+	if ((start + len) > nand->totlen) {
+		printf ("%s: Attempt read beyond end of device %x %x %x\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, (uint) start, (uint) len, (uint) nand->totlen);
+		*retlen = 0;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* First we calculate the starting page */
+	/*page = shr(start, nand->page_shift);*/
+	page = start >> nand->page_shift;
+	/* Get raw starting column */
+	col = start & (nand->oobblock - 1);
+	/* Initialize return value */
+	*retlen = 0;
+	/* Select the NAND device */
+	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
+	/* Loop until all data read */
+	while (*retlen < len) {
+		/* Do we have this page in cache ? */
+		if (nand->cache_page == page)
+			goto readdata;
+		/* Send the read command */
+		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
+		if (nand->bus16) {
+ 			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+				     (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
+		} else {
+ 			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+				     (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
+		}
+		/* Read in a page + oob data */
+		NanD_ReadBuf(nand, nand->data_buf, nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize);
+		/* copy data into cache, for read out of cache and if ecc fails */
+		if (nand->data_cache) {
+			memcpy (nand->data_cache, nand->data_buf,
+				nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize);
+		}
+		/* Pick the ECC bytes out of the oob data */
+		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+			ecc_code[j] = nand->data_buf[(nand->oobblock + oob_config.ecc_pos[j])];
+		}
+		/* Calculate the ECC and verify it */
+		/* If block was not written with ECC, skip ECC */
+		if (oob_config.eccvalid_pos != -1 &&
+		    (nand->data_buf[nand->oobblock + oob_config.eccvalid_pos] & 0x0f) != 0x0f) {
+			nand_calculate_ecc (&nand->data_buf[0], &ecc_calc[0]);
+			switch (nand_correct_data (&nand->data_buf[0], &ecc_code[0], &ecc_calc[0])) {
+			case -1:
+				printf ("%s: Failed ECC read, page 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, page);
+				ecc_failed++;
+				break;
+			case 1:
+			case 2:	/* transfer ECC corrected data to cache */
+				if (nand->data_cache)
+					memcpy (nand->data_cache, nand->data_buf, 256);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (oob_config.eccvalid_pos != -1 &&
+		    nand->oobblock == 512 && (nand->data_buf[nand->oobblock + oob_config.eccvalid_pos] & 0xf0) != 0xf0) {
+			nand_calculate_ecc (&nand->data_buf[256], &ecc_calc[3]);
+			switch (nand_correct_data (&nand->data_buf[256], &ecc_code[3], &ecc_calc[3])) {
+			case -1:
+				printf ("%s: Failed ECC read, page 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, page);
+				ecc_failed++;
+				break;
+			case 1:
+			case 2:	/* transfer ECC corrected data to cache */
+				if (nand->data_cache)
+					memcpy (&nand->data_cache[256], &nand->data_buf[256], 256);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		/* Read the data from ECC data buffer into return buffer */
+		data_poi = (nand->data_cache) ? nand->data_cache : nand->data_buf;
+		data_poi += col;
+		if ((*retlen + (nand->oobblock - col)) >= len) {
+			memcpy (buf + *retlen, data_poi, len - *retlen);
+			*retlen = len;
+		} else {
+			memcpy (buf + *retlen, data_poi,  nand->oobblock - col);
+			*retlen += nand->oobblock - col;
+		}
+		/* Set cache page address, invalidate, if ecc_failed */
+		nand->cache_page = (nand->data_cache && !ecc_failed) ? page : -1;
+		ecc_status += ecc_failed;
+		ecc_failed = 0;
+		/* Send the read command */
+		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
+		if (nand->bus16) {
+			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+				     (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
+		} else {
+			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+				     (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
+		}
+		/* Read the data directly into the return buffer */
+		if ((*retlen + (nand->oobblock - col)) >= len) {
+			NanD_ReadBuf(nand, buf + *retlen, len - *retlen);
+			*retlen = len;
+			/* We're done */
+			continue;
+		} else {
+			NanD_ReadBuf(nand, buf + *retlen, nand->oobblock - col);
+			*retlen += nand->oobblock - col;
+			}
+		/* For subsequent reads align to page boundary. */
+		col = 0;
+		/* Increment page address */
+		page++;
+	}
+	/* De-select the NAND device */
+	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+	/*
+	 * Return success, if no ECC failures, else -EIO
+	 * fs driver will take care of that, because
+	 * retlen == desired len and result == -EIO
+	 */
+	return ecc_status ? -1 : 0;
+ *	Nand_page_program function is used for write and writev !
+ */
+static int nand_write_page (struct nand_chip *nand,
+			    int page, int col, int last, u_char * ecc_code)
+	int i;
+	unsigned long nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
+	int ecc_bytes = (nand->oobblock == 512) ? 6 : 3;
+	/* pad oob area */
+	for (i = nand->oobblock; i < nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize; i++)
+		nand->data_buf[i] = 0xff;
+	/* Zero out the ECC array */
+	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+		ecc_code[i] = 0x00;
+	/* Read back previous written data, if col > 0 */
+	if (col) {
+		NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
+		if (nand->bus16) {
+			NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+				      (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
+		} else {
+			NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+				      (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
+		}
+		if (nand->bus16) {
+			u16 val;
+			for (i = 0; i < col; i += 2) {
+				val = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+				nand->data_buf[i] = val & 0xff;
+				nand->data_buf[i + 1] = val >> 8;
+			}
+		} else {
+			for (i = 0; i < col; i++)
+				nand->data_buf[i] = READ_NAND (nandptr);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Calculate and write the ECC if we have enough data */
+	if ((col < nand->eccsize) && (last >= nand->eccsize)) {
+		nand_calculate_ecc (&nand->data_buf[0], &(ecc_code[0]));
+		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+			nand->data_buf[(nand->oobblock +
+					oob_config.ecc_pos[i])] = ecc_code[i];
+		}
+		if (oob_config.eccvalid_pos != -1) {
+			nand->data_buf[nand->oobblock +
+				       oob_config.eccvalid_pos] = 0xf0;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Calculate and write the second ECC if we have enough data */
+	if ((nand->oobblock == 512) && (last == nand->oobblock)) {
+		nand_calculate_ecc (&nand->data_buf[256], &(ecc_code[3]));
+		for (i = 3; i < 6; i++) {
+			nand->data_buf[(nand->oobblock +
+					oob_config.ecc_pos[i])] = ecc_code[i];
+		}
+		if (oob_config.eccvalid_pos != -1) {
+			nand->data_buf[nand->oobblock +
+				       oob_config.eccvalid_pos] &= 0x0f;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Prepad for partial page programming !!! */
+	for (i = 0; i < col; i++)
+		nand->data_buf[i] = 0xff;
+	/* Postpad for partial page programming !!! oob is already padded */
+	for (i = last; i < nand->oobblock; i++)
+		nand->data_buf[i] = 0xff;
+	/* Send command to begin auto page programming */
+	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
+	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_SEQIN);
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			      (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
+	} else {
+		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			      (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
+	}
+	/* Write out complete page of data */
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		for (i = 0; i < (nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize); i += 2) {
+			WRITE_NAND (nand->data_buf[i] +
+				    (nand->data_buf[i + 1] << 8),
+				    nand->IO_ADDR);
+		}
+	} else {
+		for (i = 0; i < (nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize); i++)
+			WRITE_NAND (nand->data_buf[i], nand->IO_ADDR);
+	}
+	/* Send command to actually program the data */
+	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG);
+	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
+#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
+	{
+		u_char ret_val;
+		do {
+			ret_val = READ_NAND (nandptr);	/* wait till ready */
+		} while ((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
+	}
+	/* See if device thinks it succeeded */
+	if (READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR) & 0x01) {
+		printf ("%s: Failed write, page 0x%08x, ", __FUNCTION__,
+			page);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The NAND device assumes that it is always writing to
+	 * a cleanly erased page. Hence, it performs its internal
+	 * write verification only on bits that transitioned from
+	 * 1 to 0. The device does NOT verify the whole page on a
+	 * byte by byte basis. It is possible that the page was
+	 * not completely erased or the page is becoming unusable
+	 * due to wear. The read with ECC would catch the error
+	 * later when the ECC page check fails, but we would rather
+	 * catch it early in the page write stage. Better to write
+	 * no data than invalid data.
+	 */
+	/* Send command to read back the page */
+	if (col < nand->eccsize)
+		NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ0);
+	else
+		NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READ1);
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			      (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
+	} else {
+		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			      (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
+	}
+	/* Loop through and verify the data */
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		for (i = col; i < last; i = +2) {
+			if ((nand->data_buf[i] +
+			     (nand->data_buf[i + 1] << 8)) != READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR)) {
+				printf ("%s: Failed write verify, page 0x%08x ",
+					__FUNCTION__, page);
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		for (i = col; i < last; i++) {
+			if (nand->data_buf[i] != READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR)) {
+				printf ("%s: Failed write verify, page 0x%08x ",
+					__FUNCTION__, page);
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * We also want to check that the ECC bytes wrote
+	 * correctly for the same reasons stated above.
+	 */
+	NanD_Command (nand, NAND_CMD_READOOB);
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			      (page << nand->page_shift) + (col >> 1));
+	} else {
+		NanD_Address (nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			      (page << nand->page_shift) + col);
+	}
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		for (i = 0; i < nand->oobsize; i += 2) {
+			u16 val;
+			val = READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR);
+			nand->data_buf[i] = val & 0xff;
+			nand->data_buf[i + 1] = val >> 8;
+		}
+	} else {
+		for (i = 0; i < nand->oobsize; i++) {
+			nand->data_buf[i] = READ_NAND (nand->IO_ADDR);
+		}
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < ecc_bytes; i++) {
+		if ((nand->data_buf[(oob_config.ecc_pos[i])] != ecc_code[i]) && ecc_code[i]) {
+			printf ("%s: Failed ECC write "
+				"verify, page 0x%08x, "
+				"%6i bytes were succesful\n",
+				__FUNCTION__, page, i);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+#endif	/* CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC */
+	return 0;
+static int nand_write_ecc (struct nand_chip* nand, size_t to, size_t len,
+			   size_t * retlen, const u_char * buf, u_char * ecc_code)
+	int i, page, col, cnt, ret = 0;
+	/* Do not allow write past end of device */
+	if ((to + len) > nand->totlen) {
+		printf ("%s: Attempt to write past end of page\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* Shift to get page */
+	page = ((int) to) >> nand->page_shift;
+	/* Get the starting column */
+	col = to & (nand->oobblock - 1);
+	/* Initialize return length value */
+	*retlen = 0;
+	/* Select the NAND device */
+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
+	archflashwp(0,0);
+#ifdef CFG_NAND_WP
+    	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
+	/* Check the WP bit */
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
+	if (!(READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR) & 0x80)) {
+		printf ("%s: Device is write protected!!!\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		ret = -1;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* Loop until all data is written */
+	while (*retlen < len) {
+		/* Invalidate cache, if we write to this page */
+		if (nand->cache_page == page)
+			nand->cache_page = -1;
+		/* Write data into buffer */
+		if ((col + len) >= nand->oobblock) {
+			for (i = col, cnt = 0; i < nand->oobblock; i++, cnt++) {
+				nand->data_buf[i] = buf[(*retlen + cnt)];
+			}
+		} else {
+			for (i = col, cnt = 0; cnt < (len - *retlen); i++, cnt++) {
+				nand->data_buf[i] = buf[(*retlen + cnt)];
+			}
+		}
+		/* We use the same function for write and writev !) */
+		ret = nand_write_page (nand, page, col, i, ecc_code);
+		if (ret)
+			goto out;
+		/* Next data start at page boundary */
+		col = 0;
+		/* Update written bytes count */
+		*retlen += cnt;
+		/* Increment page address */
+		page++;
+	}
+	/* Return happy */
+	*retlen = len;
+	/* De-select the NAND device */
+	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
+    	archflashwp(0,1);
+#ifdef CFG_NAND_WP
+	return ret;
+/* read from the 16 bytes of oob data that correspond to a 512 byte
+ * page or 2 256-byte pages.
+ */
+int nand_read_oob(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len,
+			 size_t * retlen, u_char * buf)
+	int len256 = 0;
+	struct Nand *mychip;
+	int ret = 0;
+	mychip = &nand->chips[ofs >> nand->chipshift];
+	/* update address for 2M x 8bit devices. OOB starts on the second */
+	/* page to maintain compatibility with nand_read_ecc. */
+	if (nand->page256) {
+		if (!(ofs & 0x8))
+			ofs += 0x100;
+		else
+			ofs -= 0x8;
+	}
+	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READOOB);
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+ 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			     ((ofs >> nand->page_shift) << nand->page_shift) +
+ 				((ofs & (nand->oobblock - 1)) >> 1));
+	} else {
+		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs);
+	}
+	/* treat crossing 8-byte OOB data for 2M x 8bit devices */
+	/* Note: datasheet says it should automaticaly wrap to the */
+	/*       next OOB block, but it didn't work here. mf.      */
+	if (nand->page256 && ofs + len > (ofs | 0x7) + 1) {
+		len256 = (ofs | 0x7) + 1 - ofs;
+		NanD_ReadBuf(nand, buf, len256);
+		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READOOB);
+		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs & (~0x1ff));
+	}
+	NanD_ReadBuf(nand, &buf[len256], len - len256);
+	*retlen = len;
+	/* Reading the full OOB data drops us off of the end of the page,
+	 * causing the flash device to go into busy mode, so we need
+	 * to wait until ready 11.4.1 and Toshiba TC58256FT nands */
+	ret = NanD_WaitReady(nand, 1);
+	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+	return ret;
+/* write to the 16 bytes of oob data that correspond to a 512 byte
+ * page or 2 256-byte pages.
+ */
+int nand_write_oob(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len,
+		  size_t * retlen, const u_char * buf)
+	int len256 = 0;
+	int i;
+	unsigned long nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
+	printf("nand_write_oob(%lx, %d): %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X %2.2X ... %2.2X %2.2X .. %2.2X %2.2X\n",
+	       (long)ofs, len, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3],
+	       buf[8], buf[9], buf[14],buf[15]);
+	NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low to enable chip */
+	/* Reset the chip */
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_RESET);
+	/* issue the Read2 command to set the pointer to the Spare Data Area. */
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_READOOB);
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+ 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			     ((ofs >> nand->page_shift) << nand->page_shift) +
+ 				((ofs & (nand->oobblock - 1)) >> 1));
+	} else {
+ 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs);
+	}
+	/* update address for 2M x 8bit devices. OOB starts on the second */
+	/* page to maintain compatibility with nand_read_ecc. */
+	if (nand->page256) {
+		if (!(ofs & 0x8))
+			ofs += 0x100;
+		else
+			ofs -= 0x8;
+	}
+	/* issue the Serial Data In command to initial the Page Program process */
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_SEQIN);
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+ 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE,
+			     ((ofs >> nand->page_shift) << nand->page_shift) +
+ 				((ofs & (nand->oobblock - 1)) >> 1));
+	} else {
+ 		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs);
+	}
+	/* treat crossing 8-byte OOB data for 2M x 8bit devices */
+	/* Note: datasheet says it should automaticaly wrap to the */
+	/*       next OOB block, but it didn't work here. mf.      */
+	if (nand->page256 && ofs + len > (ofs | 0x7) + 1) {
+		len256 = (ofs | 0x7) + 1 - ofs;
+		for (i = 0; i < len256; i++)
+			WRITE_NAND(buf[i], nandptr);
+		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG);
+		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
+#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
+   		{ u_char ret_val;
+			do {
+				ret_val = READ_NAND(nandptr); /* wait till ready */
+			} while ((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
+		}
+		if (READ_NAND(nandptr) & 1) {
+			puts ("Error programming oob data\n");
+			/* There was an error */
+			NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+			*retlen = 0;
+			return -1;
+		}
+		NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_SEQIN);
+		NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE, ofs & (~0x1ff));
+	}
+	if (nand->bus16) {
+		for (i = len256; i < len; i += 2) {
+			WRITE_NAND(buf[i] + (buf[i+1] << 8), nandptr);
+		}
+	} else {
+		for (i = len256; i < len; i++)
+			WRITE_NAND(buf[i], nandptr);
+	}
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG);
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
+#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
+	{	u_char ret_val;
+		do {
+			ret_val = READ_NAND(nandptr); /* wait till ready */
+		} while ((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
+	}
+	if (READ_NAND(nandptr) & 1) {
+		puts ("Error programming oob data\n");
+		/* There was an error */
+		NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+		*retlen = 0;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+	*retlen = len;
+	return 0;
+int nand_legacy_erase(struct nand_chip* nand, size_t ofs, size_t len, int clean)
+	/* This is defined as a structure so it will work on any system
+	 * using native endian jffs2 (the default).
+	 */
+	static struct jffs2_unknown_node clean_marker = {
+		8		/* 8 bytes in this node */
+	};
+	unsigned long nandptr;
+	struct Nand *mychip;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (ofs & (nand->erasesize-1) || len & (nand->erasesize-1)) {
+		printf ("Offset and size must be sector aligned, erasesize = %d\n",
+			(int) nand->erasesize);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	nandptr = nand->IO_ADDR;
+	/* Select the NAND device */
+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
+	archflashwp(0,0);
+#ifdef CFG_NAND_WP
+    NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
+	/* Check the WP bit */
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
+	if (!(READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR) & 0x80)) {
+		printf ("nand_write_ecc: Device is write protected!!!\n");
+		ret = -1;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* Check the WP bit */
+	NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
+	if (!(READ_NAND(nand->IO_ADDR) & 0x80)) {
+		printf ("%s: Device is write protected!!!\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		ret = -1;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* FIXME: Do nand in the background. Use timers or schedule_task() */
+	while(len) {
+		/*mychip = &nand->chips[shr(ofs, nand->chipshift)];*/
+		mychip = &nand->chips[ofs >> nand->chipshift];
+		/* always check for bad block first, genuine bad blocks
+		 * should _never_  be erased.
+		 */
+		if (ALLOW_ERASE_BAD_DEBUG || !check_block(nand, ofs)) {
+			/* Select the NAND device */
+			NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin low */
+			NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_ERASE1);
+			NanD_Address(nand, ADDR_PAGE, ofs);
+			NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_ERASE2);
+			NanD_Command(nand, NAND_CMD_STATUS);
+#ifdef NAND_NO_RB
+			{	u_char ret_val;
+				do {
+					ret_val = READ_NAND(nandptr); /* wait till ready */
+				} while ((ret_val & 0x40) != 0x40);
+			}
+			if (READ_NAND(nandptr) & 1) {
+				printf ("%s: Error erasing at 0x%lx\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, (long)ofs);
+				/* There was an error */
+				ret = -1;
+				goto out;
+			}
+			if (clean) {
+				int n;	/* return value not used */
+				int p, l;
+				/* clean marker position and size depend
+				 * on the page size, since 256 byte pages
+				 * only have 8 bytes of oob data
+				 */
+				if (nand->page256) {
+				} else {
+				}
+				ret = nand_write_oob(nand, ofs + p, l, (size_t *)&n,
+						     (u_char *)&clean_marker);
+				/* quit here if write failed */
+				if (ret)
+					goto out;
+			}
+		}
+		ofs += nand->erasesize;
+		len -= nand->erasesize;
+	}
+	/* De-select the NAND device */
+	NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand);  /* set pin high */
+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP1510
+    	archflashwp(0,1);
+#ifdef CFG_NAND_WP
+	return ret;
+static inline int nandcheck(unsigned long potential, unsigned long physadr)
+	return 0;
+unsigned long nand_probe(unsigned long physadr)
+	struct nand_chip *nand = NULL;
+	int i = 0, ChipID = 1;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[0] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS0;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[1] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS1;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[2] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS2;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[3] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS3;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[4] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS4;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[5] = NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS5;
+	oob_config.eccvalid_pos = 4;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[0] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS0;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[1] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS1;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[2] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS2;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[3] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS3;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[4] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS4;
+	oob_config.ecc_pos[5] = NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS5;
+	oob_config.eccvalid_pos = NAND_NOOB_ECCVPOS;
+	oob_config.badblock_pos = 5;
+	for (i=0; i<CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE; i++) {
+		if (nand_dev_desc[i].ChipID == NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN) {
+			nand = &nand_dev_desc[i];
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!nand)
+		return (0);
+	memset((char *)nand, 0, sizeof(struct nand_chip));
+	nand->IO_ADDR = physadr;
+	nand->cache_page = -1;  /* init the cache page */
+	NanD_ScanChips(nand);
+	if (nand->totlen == 0) {
+		/* no chips found, clean up and quit */
+		memset((char *)nand, 0, sizeof(struct nand_chip));
+		nand->ChipID = NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN;
+		return (0);
+	}
+	nand->ChipID = ChipID;
+	if (curr_device == -1)
+		curr_device = i;
+	nand->data_buf = malloc (nand->oobblock + nand->oobsize);
+	if (!nand->data_buf) {
+		puts ("Cannot allocate memory for data structures.\n");
+		return (0);
+	}
+	return (nand->totlen);
+ * Pre-calculated 256-way 1 byte column parity
+ */
+static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table[] = {
+	0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x03, 0x59, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x5a,
+	0x5a, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x03, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00,
+	0x65, 0x30, 0x33, 0x66, 0x3c, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x3f,
+	0x3f, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x3c, 0x66, 0x33, 0x30, 0x65,
+	0x66, 0x33, 0x30, 0x65, 0x3f, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x3c,
+	0x3c, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0x65, 0x30, 0x33, 0x66,
+	0x03, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x59,
+	0x59, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x03,
+	0x69, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x6a, 0x30, 0x65, 0x66, 0x33,
+	0x33, 0x66, 0x65, 0x30, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x69,
+	0x0c, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0f, 0x55, 0x00, 0x03, 0x56,
+	0x56, 0x03, 0x00, 0x55, 0x0f, 0x5a, 0x59, 0x0c,
+	0x0f, 0x5a, 0x59, 0x0c, 0x56, 0x03, 0x00, 0x55,
+	0x55, 0x00, 0x03, 0x56, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0f,
+	0x6a, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x69, 0x33, 0x66, 0x65, 0x30,
+	0x30, 0x65, 0x66, 0x33, 0x69, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x6a,
+	0x6a, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x69, 0x33, 0x66, 0x65, 0x30,
+	0x30, 0x65, 0x66, 0x33, 0x69, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x6a,
+	0x0f, 0x5a, 0x59, 0x0c, 0x56, 0x03, 0x00, 0x55,
+	0x55, 0x00, 0x03, 0x56, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0f,
+	0x0c, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x0f, 0x55, 0x00, 0x03, 0x56,
+	0x56, 0x03, 0x00, 0x55, 0x0f, 0x5a, 0x59, 0x0c,
+	0x69, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0x6a, 0x30, 0x65, 0x66, 0x33,
+	0x33, 0x66, 0x65, 0x30, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0x3c, 0x69,
+	0x03, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x59,
+	0x59, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x03,
+	0x66, 0x33, 0x30, 0x65, 0x3f, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x3c,
+	0x3c, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0x65, 0x30, 0x33, 0x66,
+	0x65, 0x30, 0x33, 0x66, 0x3c, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x3f,
+	0x3f, 0x6a, 0x69, 0x3c, 0x66, 0x33, 0x30, 0x65,
+	0x00, 0x55, 0x56, 0x03, 0x59, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x5a,
+	0x5a, 0x0f, 0x0c, 0x59, 0x03, 0x56, 0x55, 0x00
+ * Creates non-inverted ECC code from line parity
+ */
+static void nand_trans_result(u_char reg2, u_char reg3,
+	u_char *ecc_code)
+	u_char a, b, i, tmp1, tmp2;
+	/* Initialize variables */
+	a = b = 0x80;
+	tmp1 = tmp2 = 0;
+	/* Calculate first ECC byte */
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+		if (reg3 & a)		/* LP15,13,11,9 --> ecc_code[0] */
+			tmp1 |= b;
+		b >>= 1;
+		if (reg2 & a)		/* LP14,12,10,8 --> ecc_code[0] */
+			tmp1 |= b;
+		b >>= 1;
+		a >>= 1;
+	}
+	/* Calculate second ECC byte */
+	b = 0x80;
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+		if (reg3 & a)		/* LP7,5,3,1 --> ecc_code[1] */
+			tmp2 |= b;
+		b >>= 1;
+		if (reg2 & a)		/* LP6,4,2,0 --> ecc_code[1] */
+			tmp2 |= b;
+		b >>= 1;
+		a >>= 1;
+	}
+	/* Store two of the ECC bytes */
+	ecc_code[0] = tmp1;
+	ecc_code[1] = tmp2;
+ * Calculate 3 byte ECC code for 256 byte block
+ */
+static void nand_calculate_ecc (const u_char *dat, u_char *ecc_code)
+	u_char idx, reg1, reg3;
+	int j;
+	/* Initialize variables */
+	reg1 = reg3 = 0;
+	ecc_code[0] = ecc_code[1] = ecc_code[2] = 0;
+	/* Build up column parity */
+	for(j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
+		/* Get CP0 - CP5 from table */
+		idx = nand_ecc_precalc_table[dat[j]];
+		reg1 ^= idx;
+		/* All bit XOR = 1 ? */
+		if (idx & 0x40) {
+			reg3 ^= (u_char) j;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Create non-inverted ECC code from line parity */
+	nand_trans_result((reg1 & 0x40) ? ~reg3 : reg3, reg3, ecc_code);
+	/* Calculate final ECC code */
+	ecc_code[0] = ~ecc_code[0];
+	ecc_code[1] = ~ecc_code[1];
+	ecc_code[2] = ((~reg1) << 2) | 0x03;
+ * Detect and correct a 1 bit error for 256 byte block
+ */
+static int nand_correct_data (u_char *dat, u_char *read_ecc, u_char *calc_ecc)
+	u_char a, b, c, d1, d2, d3, add, bit, i;
+	/* Do error detection */
+	d1 = calc_ecc[0] ^ read_ecc[0];
+	d2 = calc_ecc[1] ^ read_ecc[1];
+	d3 = calc_ecc[2] ^ read_ecc[2];
+	if ((d1 | d2 | d3) == 0) {
+		/* No errors */
+		return 0;
+	} else {
+		a = (d1 ^ (d1 >> 1)) & 0x55;
+		b = (d2 ^ (d2 >> 1)) & 0x55;
+		c = (d3 ^ (d3 >> 1)) & 0x54;
+		/* Found and will correct single bit error in the data */
+		if ((a == 0x55) && (b == 0x55) && (c == 0x54)) {
+			c = 0x80;
+			add = 0;
+			a = 0x80;
+			for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+				if (d1 & c)
+					add |= a;
+				c >>= 2;
+				a >>= 1;
+			}
+			c = 0x80;
+			for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+				if (d2 & c)
+					add |= a;
+				c >>= 2;
+				a >>= 1;
+			}
+			bit = 0;
+			b = 0x04;
+			c = 0x80;
+			for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
+				if (d3 & c)
+					bit |= b;
+				c >>= 2;
+				b >>= 1;
+			}
+			b = 0x01;
+			a = dat[add];
+			a ^= (b << bit);
+			dat[add] = a;
+			return 1;
+		}
+		else {
+			i = 0;
+			while (d1) {
+				if (d1 & 0x01)
+					++i;
+				d1 >>= 1;
+			}
+			while (d2) {
+				if (d2 & 0x01)
+					++i;
+				d2 >>= 1;
+			}
+			while (d3) {
+				if (d3 & 0x01)
+					++i;
+				d3 >>= 1;
+			}
+			if (i == 1) {
+				/* ECC Code Error Correction */
+				read_ecc[0] = calc_ecc[0];
+				read_ecc[1] = calc_ecc[1];
+				read_ecc[2] = calc_ecc[2];
+				return 2;
+			}
+			else {
+				/* Uncorrectable Error */
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* Should never happen */
+	return -1;
diff --git a/fs/jffs2/jffs2_1pass.c b/fs/jffs2/jffs2_1pass.c
index f1156481d4..6361d06d20 100644
--- a/fs/jffs2/jffs2_1pass.c
+++ b/fs/jffs2/jffs2_1pass.c
@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@
 /* keeps pointer to currentlu processed partition */
 static struct part_info *current_part;
+#include <nand.h>
  * Support for jffs2 on top of NAND-flash
@@ -154,9 +155,8 @@ static struct part_info *current_part;
-/* this one defined in cmd_nand.c */
-int read_jffs2_nand(size_t start, size_t len,
-		    size_t * retlen, u_char * buf, int nanddev);
+/* info for NAND chips, defined in drivers/nand/nand.c */
+extern nand_info_t nand_info[];
 #define NAND_PAGE_SIZE 512
 #define NAND_PAGE_SHIFT 9
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ int read_jffs2_nand(size_t start, size_t len,
 static u8* nand_cache = NULL;
 static u32 nand_cache_off = (u32)-1;
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ static int read_nand_cached(u32 off, u32 size, u_char *buf)
 	struct mtdids *id = current_part->dev->id;
 	u32 bytes_read = 0;
-	size_t retlen;
+	ulong retlen;
 	int cpy_bytes;
 	while (bytes_read < size) {
@@ -191,8 +192,10 @@ static int read_nand_cached(u32 off, u32 size, u_char *buf)
 					return -1;
-			if (read_jffs2_nand(nand_cache_off, NAND_CACHE_SIZE,
-						&retlen, nand_cache, id->num) < 0 ||
+			retlen = NAND_CACHE_SIZE;
+			if (nand_read(&nand_info[id->num], nand_cache_off,
+					&retlen, nand_cache) != 0 ||
 					retlen != NAND_CACHE_SIZE) {
 				printf("read_nand_cached: error reading nand off %#x size %d bytes\n",
 						nand_cache_off, NAND_CACHE_SIZE);
@@ -248,6 +251,7 @@ static void put_fl_mem_nand(void *buf)
+#endif /* CFG_NAND_LEGACY */
 #endif /* #if defined(CONFIG_JFFS2_NAND) && (CONFIG_COMMANDS & CFG_CMD_NAND) */
@@ -290,7 +294,7 @@ static inline void *get_fl_mem(u32 off, u32 size, void *ext_buf)
 		return get_fl_mem_nor(off);
 	if (id->type == MTD_DEV_TYPE_NAND)
 		return get_fl_mem_nand(off, size, ext_buf);
@@ -308,7 +312,7 @@ static inline void *get_node_mem(u32 off)
 		return get_node_mem_nor(off);
 	if (id->type == MTD_DEV_TYPE_NAND)
 		return get_node_mem_nand(off);
@@ -319,7 +323,7 @@ static inline void *get_node_mem(u32 off)
 static inline void put_fl_mem(void *buf)
 	struct mtdids *id = current_part->dev->id;
 	if (id->type == MTD_DEV_TYPE_NAND)
diff --git a/fs/jffs2/jffs2_nand_1pass.c b/fs/jffs2/jffs2_nand_1pass.c
index e5c2a7dd41..e78af7578b 100644
--- a/fs/jffs2/jffs2_nand_1pass.c
+++ b/fs/jffs2/jffs2_nand_1pass.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include <common.h>
 #include <malloc.h>
 #include <linux/stat.h>
diff --git a/include/configs/ASH405.h b/include/configs/ASH405.h
index 9841893899..d03c05bf34 100644
--- a/include/configs/ASH405.h
+++ b/include/configs/ASH405.h
@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@
  * NAND-FLASH stuff
 #define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of NAND devices		*/
 #define SECTORSIZE 512
diff --git a/include/configs/BMW.h b/include/configs/BMW.h
index 050054d274..3bd43d8369 100644
--- a/include/configs/BMW.h
+++ b/include/configs/BMW.h
@@ -69,6 +69,10 @@
 				CFG_CMD_DOC	| \
 				CFG_CMD_ELF	| \
 				0 )
+/* CFG_CMD_DOC required legacy NAND support */
 #if 0
diff --git a/include/configs/CMS700.h b/include/configs/CMS700.h
index 6025886e3e..1cca2859f4 100644
--- a/include/configs/CMS700.h
+++ b/include/configs/CMS700.h
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
 #undef	CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
 #define CONFIG_SDRAM_BANK0	1	/* init onboard SDRAM bank 0	*/
diff --git a/include/configs/CPCI405.h b/include/configs/CPCI405.h
index efc3adaece..047e2f1eef 100644
--- a/include/configs/CPCI405.h
+++ b/include/configs/CPCI405.h
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
 #undef	CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
 #define CONFIG_SDRAM_BANK0	1	/* init onboard SDRAM bank 0	*/
diff --git a/include/configs/CPCI4052.h b/include/configs/CPCI4052.h
index 1347f2afca..d756f447f7 100644
--- a/include/configs/CPCI4052.h
+++ b/include/configs/CPCI4052.h
@@ -100,6 +100,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
 #undef	CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
 #define CONFIG_SDRAM_BANK0	1	/* init onboard SDRAM bank 0	*/
diff --git a/include/configs/CPCI405AB.h b/include/configs/CPCI405AB.h
index 9d52815092..852d94a410 100644
--- a/include/configs/CPCI405AB.h
+++ b/include/configs/CPCI405AB.h
@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
 #undef	CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
 #define CONFIG_SDRAM_BANK0	1	/* init onboard SDRAM bank 0	*/
diff --git a/include/configs/CPCI405DT.h b/include/configs/CPCI405DT.h
index 946a0fd194..2260327c3f 100644
--- a/include/configs/CPCI405DT.h
+++ b/include/configs/CPCI405DT.h
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
 #undef	CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
 #define CONFIG_SDRAM_BANK0	1	/* init onboard SDRAM bank 0	*/
diff --git a/include/configs/CPU86.h b/include/configs/CPU86.h
index 16a9ea5dd7..1e9a99eed3 100644
--- a/include/configs/CPU86.h
+++ b/include/configs/CPU86.h
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
  * Miscellaneous configurable options
diff --git a/include/configs/CPU87.h b/include/configs/CPU87.h
index a23d7e50b7..9a98e5c191 100644
--- a/include/configs/CPU87.h
+++ b/include/configs/CPU87.h
@@ -189,6 +189,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
  * Miscellaneous configurable options
diff --git a/include/configs/GEN860T.h b/include/configs/GEN860T.h
index de8f7ae711..6613f90a77 100644
--- a/include/configs/GEN860T.h
+++ b/include/configs/GEN860T.h
@@ -284,6 +284,8 @@
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
  * Verbose help from command monitor.
diff --git a/include/configs/HH405.h b/include/configs/HH405.h
index 131c21555d..41a35d2c53 100644
--- a/include/configs/HH405.h
+++ b/include/configs/HH405.h
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
 #undef  CONFIG_BZIP2	 /* include support for bzip2 compressed images */
 #undef  CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
diff --git a/include/configs/HUB405.h b/include/configs/HUB405.h
index eb627e881d..f84e356216 100644
--- a/include/configs/HUB405.h
+++ b/include/configs/HUB405.h
@@ -135,6 +135,8 @@
  * NAND-FLASH stuff
 #define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of NAND devices		*/
 #define SECTORSIZE 512
diff --git a/include/configs/MIP405.h b/include/configs/MIP405.h
index db2147b481..1f01e7be0b 100644
--- a/include/configs/MIP405.h
+++ b/include/configs/MIP405.h
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS  (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
 #define	 CFG_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2 "> "
diff --git a/include/configs/NETPHONE.h b/include/configs/NETPHONE.h
index bf4c899592..444f721cc8 100644
--- a/include/configs/NETPHONE.h
+++ b/include/configs/NETPHONE.h
@@ -491,6 +491,7 @@
 /* NAND */
diff --git a/include/configs/NETTA2.h b/include/configs/NETTA2.h
index 529cb4cbae..e20e72495c 100644
--- a/include/configs/NETTA2.h
+++ b/include/configs/NETTA2.h
@@ -491,6 +491,7 @@
 /* NAND */
diff --git a/include/configs/NETVIA.h b/include/configs/NETVIA.h
index dc6b15fcdc..e30be0987a 100644
--- a/include/configs/NETVIA.h
+++ b/include/configs/NETVIA.h
@@ -387,6 +387,8 @@
 /* NAND */
diff --git a/include/configs/PCIPPC2.h b/include/configs/PCIPPC2.h
index d03706e193..3a97fbcbde 100644
--- a/include/configs/PCIPPC2.h
+++ b/include/configs/PCIPPC2.h
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
  * Miscellaneous configurable options
diff --git a/include/configs/PCIPPC6.h b/include/configs/PCIPPC6.h
index 92b2f7cf83..130beb78e6 100644
--- a/include/configs/PCIPPC6.h
+++ b/include/configs/PCIPPC6.h
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
  * Miscellaneous configurable options
diff --git a/include/configs/PIP405.h b/include/configs/PIP405.h
index 9668fb0ce2..091b768a99 100644
--- a/include/configs/PIP405.h
+++ b/include/configs/PIP405.h
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS  (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
 #define	 CFG_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2 "> "
diff --git a/include/configs/PLU405.h b/include/configs/PLU405.h
index 54ecfa4c5e..dd5d831680 100644
--- a/include/configs/PLU405.h
+++ b/include/configs/PLU405.h
@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@
  * NAND-FLASH stuff
 #define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of NAND devices		*/
 #define SECTORSIZE 512
diff --git a/include/configs/PM520.h b/include/configs/PM520.h
index e73ad5100c..9c241e67e7 100644
--- a/include/configs/PM520.h
+++ b/include/configs/PM520.h
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@
 #define ADD_DOC_CMD             0
 #define ADD_DOC_CMD             CFG_CMD_DOC
+/* DoC requires legacy NAND for now */
diff --git a/include/configs/PM826.h b/include/configs/PM826.h
index 6e5e3bbe18..88fdb51ade 100644
--- a/include/configs/PM826.h
+++ b/include/configs/PM826.h
@@ -180,6 +180,8 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
  * Disk-On-Chip configuration
diff --git a/include/configs/PM828.h b/include/configs/PM828.h
index 982a1f8143..37ee9771b5 100644
--- a/include/configs/PM828.h
+++ b/include/configs/PM828.h
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
  * Disk-On-Chip configuration
 #define CFG_MAX_DOC_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of DOC devices	*/
diff --git a/include/configs/PPChameleonEVB.h b/include/configs/PPChameleonEVB.h
index c406c8f4bc..88e6db491b 100644
--- a/include/configs/PPChameleonEVB.h
+++ b/include/configs/PPChameleonEVB.h
@@ -188,36 +188,31 @@
  * NAND-FLASH stuff
+ * nand device 1 on dave (PPChameleonEVB) needs more time,
+ * so we just introduce additional wait in nand_wait(),
+ * effectively for both devices.
+ */
-/* Use the new NAND code. (BOARDLIBS = drivers/nand/libnand.a required) */
 #define CFG_NAND0_BASE 0xFF400000
 #define CFG_NAND1_BASE 0xFF000000
 #define NAND_BIG_DELAY_US	25
 #define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE	2	/* Max number of NAND devices */
-#define SECTORSIZE 512
-#define NAND_NO_RB
-#define ADDR_COLUMN 1
-#define ADDR_PAGE 2
-#define NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN	0x00
-#define NAND_MAX_FLOORS 1
 #define NAND_MAX_CHIPS 1
 #define CFG_NAND0_CE  (0x80000000 >> 1)	 /* our CE is GPIO1 */
+#define CFG_NAND0_RDY (0x80000000 >> 4)	 /* our RDY is GPIO4 */
 #define CFG_NAND0_CLE (0x80000000 >> 2)	 /* our CLE is GPIO2 */
 #define CFG_NAND0_ALE (0x80000000 >> 3)	 /* our ALE is GPIO3 */
-#define CFG_NAND0_RDY (0x80000000 >> 4)	 /* our RDY is GPIO4 */
 #define CFG_NAND1_CE  (0x80000000 >> 14)  /* our CE is GPIO14 */
+#define CFG_NAND1_RDY (0x80000000 >> 31)  /* our RDY is GPIO31 */
 #define CFG_NAND1_CLE (0x80000000 >> 15)  /* our CLE is GPIO15 */
 #define CFG_NAND1_ALE (0x80000000 >> 16)  /* our ALE is GPIO16 */
-#define CFG_NAND1_RDY (0x80000000 >> 31)  /* our RDY is GPIO31 */
 #define MACRO_NAND_DISABLE_CE(nandptr) do \
 { \
 	switch((unsigned long)nandptr) \
@@ -293,83 +288,19 @@
 		break; \
 	} \
 } while(0)
-#define NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand) do \
-{ \
-	switch((unsigned long)(((struct nand_chip *)nand)->IO_ADDR)) \
-	{ \
-	    case CFG_NAND0_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) | CFG_NAND0_CE); \
-		break; \
-	    case CFG_NAND1_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) | CFG_NAND1_CE); \
-		break; \
-	} \
-} while(0)
-#define NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand) do \
-{ \
-	switch((unsigned long)(((struct nand_chip *)nand)->IO_ADDR)) \
-	{ \
-	    case CFG_NAND0_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) & ~CFG_NAND0_CE); \
-		break; \
-	    case CFG_NAND1_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) & ~CFG_NAND1_CE); \
-		break; \
-	} \
-} while(0)
+#if 0
+#define SECTORSIZE 512
+#define NAND_NO_RB
-#define NAND_CTL_CLRALE(nandptr) do \
-{ \
-	switch((unsigned long)nandptr) \
-	{ \
-	    case CFG_NAND0_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) & ~CFG_NAND0_ALE); \
-		break; \
-	    case CFG_NAND1_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) & ~CFG_NAND1_ALE); \
-		break; \
-	} \
-} while(0)
+#define ADDR_COLUMN 1
+#define ADDR_PAGE 2
-#define NAND_CTL_SETALE(nandptr) do \
-{ \
-	switch((unsigned long)nandptr) \
-	{ \
-	    case CFG_NAND0_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) | CFG_NAND0_ALE); \
-		break; \
-	    case CFG_NAND1_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) | CFG_NAND1_ALE); \
-		break; \
-	} \
-} while(0)
+#define NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN	0x00
+#define NAND_MAX_FLOORS 1
-#define NAND_CTL_CLRCLE(nandptr) do \
-{ \
-	switch((unsigned long)nandptr) \
-	{ \
-	    case CFG_NAND0_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) & ~CFG_NAND0_CLE); \
-		break; \
-	    case CFG_NAND1_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) & ~CFG_NAND1_CLE); \
-		break; \
-	} \
-} while(0)
-#define NAND_CTL_SETCLE(nandptr) do { \
-	switch((unsigned long)nandptr) { \
-	case CFG_NAND0_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) | CFG_NAND0_CLE); \
-		break; \
-	case CFG_NAND1_BASE: \
-		out32(GPIO0_OR, in32(GPIO0_OR) | CFG_NAND1_CLE); \
-		break; \
-	} \
-} while(0)
-#endif /* !CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE */
 #ifdef NAND_NO_RB
 /* constant delay (see also tR in the datasheet) */
@@ -385,7 +316,7 @@
 #define WRITE_NAND_ADDRESS(d, adr) do{ *(volatile __u8 *)((unsigned long)adr) = (__u8)(d); } while(0)
 #define WRITE_NAND(d, adr) do{ *(volatile __u8 *)((unsigned long)adr) = (__u8)d; } while(0)
 #define READ_NAND(adr) ((volatile unsigned char)(*(volatile __u8 *)(unsigned long)adr))
  * PCI stuff
diff --git a/include/configs/RBC823.h b/include/configs/RBC823.h
index 242c837a3b..21945a343c 100644
--- a/include/configs/RBC823.h
+++ b/include/configs/RBC823.h
@@ -326,6 +326,8 @@
  * Disk-On-Chip configuration
 #define CFG_MAX_DOC_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of DOC devices		*/
 #define CFG_DOC_SUPPORT_2000
diff --git a/include/configs/SXNI855T.h b/include/configs/SXNI855T.h
index c1c765f39d..a8454d99fc 100644
--- a/include/configs/SXNI855T.h
+++ b/include/configs/SXNI855T.h
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
 /* NAND flash support */
 #define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of NAND devices	*/
 #define SECTORSIZE 512
diff --git a/include/configs/VOH405.h b/include/configs/VOH405.h
index 3ca137e53a..96f3d26cc5 100644
--- a/include/configs/VOH405.h
+++ b/include/configs/VOH405.h
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@
  * NAND-FLASH stuff
 #define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of NAND devices		*/
 #define SECTORSIZE 512
diff --git a/include/configs/WUH405.h b/include/configs/WUH405.h
index d92f81f78e..faf855d249 100644
--- a/include/configs/WUH405.h
+++ b/include/configs/WUH405.h
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@
  * NAND-FLASH stuff
 #define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE	1	/* Max number of NAND devices		*/
 #define SECTORSIZE 512
diff --git a/include/configs/bamboo.h b/include/configs/bamboo.h
index eacc74446c..6d3282150d 100644
--- a/include/configs/bamboo.h
+++ b/include/configs/bamboo.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
  * 2nd ethernet port you have to "undef" the following define.
 #define CONFIG_BAMBOO_NAND      1       /* enable nand flash support    */
  * Base addresses -- Note these are effective addresses where the
diff --git a/include/configs/netstar.h b/include/configs/netstar.h
index 30d2654732..697796a114 100644
--- a/include/configs/netstar.h
+++ b/include/configs/netstar.h
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
  * NAND flash
+#define NAND_MAX_CHIPS		1
 #define CFG_NAND_BASE	0x04000000 + (2 << 23)
  * JFFS2 partitions (mtdparts command line support)
diff --git a/include/configs/svm_sc8xx.h b/include/configs/svm_sc8xx.h
index 7118f3f74b..92ee8cb333 100644
--- a/include/configs/svm_sc8xx.h
+++ b/include/configs/svm_sc8xx.h
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
 /* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
 #include <cmd_confdefs.h>
  * Miscellaneous configurable options
diff --git a/include/linux/mtd/nand.h b/include/linux/mtd/nand.h
index b0894c5e83..c105ecc3ac 100644
--- a/include/linux/mtd/nand.h
+++ b/include/linux/mtd/nand.h
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
  *  linux/include/linux/mtd/nand.h
  *  Copyright (c) 2000 David Woodhouse <>
- *                     Steven J. Hill <>
- *		       Thomas Gleixner <>
+ *                     Steven J. Hill <>
+ *		       Thomas Gleixner <>
- * $Id: nand.h,v 1.7 2003/07/24 23:30:46 a0384864 Exp $
+ * $Id: nand.h,v 1.68 2004/11/12 10:40:37 gleixner Exp $
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
@@ -32,13 +32,66 @@
  *			command delay times for different chips
  *   04-28-2002 TG	OOB config defines moved from nand.c to avoid duplicate
  *			defines in jffs2/wbuf.c
+ *   08-07-2002 TG	forced bad block location to byte 5 of OOB, even if
+ *			CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC_JFFS2 is not set
+ *   08-10-2002 TG	extensions to nand_chip structure to support HW-ECC
+ *
+ *   08-29-2002 tglx 	nand_chip structure: data_poi for selecting
+ *			internal / fs-driver buffer
+ *			support for 6byte/512byte hardware ECC
+ *			read_ecc, write_ecc extended for different oob-layout
+ *			oob layout selections: NAND_NONE_OOB, NAND_JFFS2_OOB,
+ *  11-25-2002 tglx	Added Manufacturer code FUJITSU, NATIONAL
+ *			Split manufacturer and device ID structures
+ *
+ *  02-08-2004 tglx 	added option field to nand structure for chip anomalities
+ *  05-25-2004 tglx 	added bad block table support, ST-MICRO manufacturer id
+ *			update of nand_chip structure description
 #ifndef __LINUX_MTD_NAND_H
 #define __LINUX_MTD_NAND_H
-#include "nand_new.h"
+#include <linux/mtd/compat.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/mtd.h>
+struct mtd_info;
+/* Scan and identify a NAND device */
+extern int nand_scan (struct mtd_info *mtd, int max_chips);
+/* Free resources held by the NAND device */
+extern void nand_release (struct mtd_info *mtd);
+/* Read raw data from the device without ECC */
+extern int nand_read_raw (struct mtd_info *mtd, uint8_t *buf, loff_t from, size_t len, size_t ooblen);
+/* This constant declares the max. oobsize / page, which
+ * is supported now. If you add a chip with bigger oobsize/page
+ * adjust this accordingly.
+ */
+#define NAND_MAX_OOBSIZE	64
+ * Constants for hardware specific CLE/ALE/NCE function
+/* Select the chip by setting nCE to low */
+#define NAND_CTL_SETNCE 	1
+/* Deselect the chip by setting nCE to high */
+#define NAND_CTL_CLRNCE		2
+/* Select the command latch by setting CLE to high */
+#define NAND_CTL_SETCLE		3
+/* Deselect the command latch by setting CLE to low */
+#define NAND_CTL_CLRCLE		4
+/* Select the address latch by setting ALE to high */
+#define NAND_CTL_SETALE		5
+/* Deselect the address latch by setting ALE to low */
+#define NAND_CTL_CLRALE		6
+/* Set write protection by setting WP to high. Not used! */
+#define NAND_CTL_SETWP		7
+/* Clear write protection by setting WP to low. Not used! */
+#define NAND_CTL_CLRWP		8
  * Standard NAND flash commands
@@ -48,12 +101,104 @@
 #define NAND_CMD_READOOB	0x50
 #define NAND_CMD_ERASE1		0x60
 #define NAND_CMD_STATUS		0x70
 #define NAND_CMD_SEQIN		0x80
 #define NAND_CMD_READID		0x90
 #define NAND_CMD_ERASE2		0xd0
 #define NAND_CMD_RESET		0xff
+/* Extended commands for large page devices */
+#define NAND_CMD_READSTART	0x30
+/* Status bits */
+#define NAND_STATUS_FAIL	0x01
+#define NAND_STATUS_FAIL_N1	0x02
+#define NAND_STATUS_READY	0x40
+#define NAND_STATUS_WP		0x80
+ * Constants for ECC_MODES
+ */
+/* No ECC. Usage is not recommended ! */
+#define NAND_ECC_NONE		0
+/* Software ECC 3 byte ECC per 256 Byte data */
+#define NAND_ECC_SOFT		1
+/* Hardware ECC 3 byte ECC per 256 Byte data */
+#define NAND_ECC_HW3_256	2
+/* Hardware ECC 3 byte ECC per 512 Byte data */
+#define NAND_ECC_HW3_512	3
+/* Hardware ECC 3 byte ECC per 512 Byte data */
+#define NAND_ECC_HW6_512	4
+/* Hardware ECC 8 byte ECC per 512 Byte data */
+#define NAND_ECC_HW8_512	6
+/* Hardware ECC 12 byte ECC per 2048 Byte data */
+#define NAND_ECC_HW12_2048	7
+ * Constants for Hardware ECC
+/* Reset Hardware ECC for read */
+#define NAND_ECC_READ		0
+/* Reset Hardware ECC for write */
+#define NAND_ECC_WRITE		1
+/* Enable Hardware ECC before syndrom is read back from flash */
+/* Option constants for bizarre disfunctionality and real
+*  features
+/* Chip can not auto increment pages */
+#define NAND_NO_AUTOINCR	0x00000001
+/* Buswitdh is 16 bit */
+#define NAND_BUSWIDTH_16	0x00000002
+/* Device supports partial programming without padding */
+#define NAND_NO_PADDING		0x00000004
+/* Chip has cache program function */
+#define NAND_CACHEPRG		0x00000008
+/* Chip has copy back function */
+#define NAND_COPYBACK		0x00000010
+/* AND Chip which has 4 banks and a confusing page / block
+ * assignment. See Renesas datasheet for further information */
+#define NAND_IS_AND		0x00000020
+/* Chip has a array of 4 pages which can be read without
+ * additional ready /busy waits */
+#define NAND_4PAGE_ARRAY	0x00000040
+/* Options valid for Samsung large page devices */
+/* Macros to identify the above */
+#define NAND_CANAUTOINCR(chip) (!(chip->options & NAND_NO_AUTOINCR))
+#define NAND_MUST_PAD(chip) (!(chip->options & NAND_NO_PADDING))
+#define NAND_HAS_CACHEPROG(chip) ((chip->options & NAND_CACHEPRG))
+#define NAND_HAS_COPYBACK(chip) ((chip->options & NAND_COPYBACK))
+/* Mask to zero out the chip options, which come from the id table */
+/* Non chip related options */
+/* Use a flash based bad block table. This option is passed to the
+ * default bad block table function. */
+#define NAND_USE_FLASH_BBT	0x00010000
+/* The hw ecc generator provides a syndrome instead a ecc value on read
+ * This can only work if we have the ecc bytes directly behind the
+ * data bytes. Applies for DOC and AG-AND Renesas HW Reed Solomon generators */
+#define NAND_HWECC_SYNDROME	0x00020000
+/* Options set by nand scan */
+/* Nand scan has allocated oob_buf */
+#define NAND_OOBBUF_ALLOC	0x40000000
+/* Nand scan has allocated data_buf */
+#define NAND_DATABUF_ALLOC	0x80000000
+ * nand_state_t - chip states
  * Enumeration for NAND flash chip state
 typedef enum {
@@ -61,71 +206,138 @@ typedef enum {
 } nand_state_t;
+/* Keep gcc happy */
+struct nand_chip;
- * NAND Private Flash Chip Data
- *
- * Structure overview:
- *
- *  IO_ADDR - address to access the 8 I/O lines of the flash device
- *
- *  hwcontrol - hardwarespecific function for accesing control-lines
- *
- *  dev_ready - hardwarespecific function for accesing device ready/busy line
- *
- *  chip_lock - spinlock used to protect access to this structure
- *
- *  wq - wait queue to sleep on if a NAND operation is in progress
- *
- *  state - give the current state of the NAND device
- *
- *  page_shift - number of address bits in a page (column address bits)
- *
- *  data_buf - data buffer passed to/from MTD user modules
- *
- *  data_cache - data cache for redundant page access and shadow for
- *		 ECC failure
- *
- *  ecc_code_buf - used only for holding calculated or read ECCs for
- *                 a page read or written when ECC is in use
- *
- *  reserved - padding to make structure fall on word boundary if
- *             when ECC is in use
+#if 0
+ * struct nand_hw_control - Control structure for hardware controller (e.g ECC generator) shared among independend devices
+ * @lock:               protection lock
+ * @active:		the mtd device which holds the controller currently
-struct Nand {
-	char floor, chip;
-	unsigned long curadr;
-	unsigned char curmode;
-	/* Also some erase/write/pipeline info when we get that far */
+struct nand_hw_control {
+	spinlock_t	 lock;
+	struct nand_chip *active;
+ * struct nand_chip - NAND Private Flash Chip Data
+ * @IO_ADDR_R:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] address to read the 8 I/O lines of the flash device
+ * @IO_ADDR_W:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] address to write the 8 I/O lines of the flash device
+ * @read_byte:		[REPLACEABLE] read one byte from the chip
+ * @write_byte:		[REPLACEABLE] write one byte to the chip
+ * @read_word:		[REPLACEABLE] read one word from the chip
+ * @write_word:		[REPLACEABLE] write one word to the chip
+ * @write_buf:		[REPLACEABLE] write data from the buffer to the chip
+ * @read_buf:		[REPLACEABLE] read data from the chip into the buffer
+ * @verify_buf:		[REPLACEABLE] verify buffer contents against the chip data
+ * @select_chip:	[REPLACEABLE] select chip nr
+ * @block_bad:		[REPLACEABLE] check, if the block is bad
+ * @block_markbad:	[REPLACEABLE] mark the block bad
+ * @hwcontrol:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] hardwarespecific function for accesing control-lines
+ * @dev_ready:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] hardwarespecific function for accesing device ready/busy line
+ *			If set to NULL no access to ready/busy is available and the ready/busy information
+ *			is read from the chip status register
+ * @cmdfunc:		[REPLACEABLE] hardwarespecific function for writing commands to the chip
+ * @waitfunc:		[REPLACEABLE] hardwarespecific function for wait on ready
+ * @calculate_ecc: 	[REPLACEABLE] function for ecc calculation or readback from ecc hardware
+ * @correct_data:	[REPLACEABLE] function for ecc correction, matching to ecc generator (sw/hw)
+ * @enable_hwecc:	[BOARDSPECIFIC] function to enable (reset) hardware ecc generator. Must only
+ *			be provided if a hardware ECC is available
+ * @erase_cmd:		[INTERN] erase command write function, selectable due to AND support
+ * @scan_bbt:		[REPLACEABLE] function to scan bad block table
+ * @eccmode:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] mode of ecc, see defines
+ * @eccsize: 		[INTERN] databytes used per ecc-calculation
+ * @eccbytes: 		[INTERN] number of ecc bytes per ecc-calculation step
+ * @eccsteps:		[INTERN] number of ecc calculation steps per page
+ * @chip_delay:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] chip dependent delay for transfering data from array to read regs (tR)
+ * @chip_lock:		[INTERN] spinlock used to protect access to this structure and the chip
+ * @wq:			[INTERN] wait queue to sleep on if a NAND operation is in progress
+ * @state: 		[INTERN] the current state of the NAND device
+ * @page_shift:		[INTERN] number of address bits in a page (column address bits)
+ * @phys_erase_shift:	[INTERN] number of address bits in a physical eraseblock
+ * @bbt_erase_shift:	[INTERN] number of address bits in a bbt entry
+ * @chip_shift:		[INTERN] number of address bits in one chip
+ * @data_buf:		[INTERN] internal buffer for one page + oob
+ * @oob_buf:		[INTERN] oob buffer for one eraseblock
+ * @oobdirty:		[INTERN] indicates that oob_buf must be reinitialized
+ * @data_poi:		[INTERN] pointer to a data buffer
+ * @options:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] various chip options. They can partly be set to inform nand_scan about
+ *			special functionality. See the defines for further explanation
+ * @badblockpos:	[INTERN] position of the bad block marker in the oob area
+ * @numchips:		[INTERN] number of physical chips
+ * @chipsize:		[INTERN] the size of one chip for multichip arrays
+ * @pagemask:		[INTERN] page number mask = number of (pages / chip) - 1
+ * @pagebuf:		[INTERN] holds the pagenumber which is currently in data_buf
+ * @autooob:		[REPLACEABLE] the default (auto)placement scheme
+ * @bbt:		[INTERN] bad block table pointer
+ * @bbt_td:		[REPLACEABLE] bad block table descriptor for flash lookup
+ * @bbt_md:		[REPLACEABLE] bad block table mirror descriptor
+ * @badblock_pattern:	[REPLACEABLE] bad block scan pattern used for initial bad block scan
+ * @controller:		[OPTIONAL] a pointer to a hardware controller structure which is shared among multiple independend devices
+ * @priv:		[OPTIONAL] pointer to private chip date
+ */
 struct nand_chip {
+	void  __iomem	*IO_ADDR_R;
+	void  __iomem 	*IO_ADDR_W;
+	u_char		(*read_byte)(struct mtd_info *mtd);
+	void		(*write_byte)(struct mtd_info *mtd, u_char byte);
+	u16		(*read_word)(struct mtd_info *mtd);
+	void		(*write_word)(struct mtd_info *mtd, u16 word);
+	void		(*write_buf)(struct mtd_info *mtd, const u_char *buf, int len);
+	void		(*read_buf)(struct mtd_info *mtd, u_char *buf, int len);
+	int		(*verify_buf)(struct mtd_info *mtd, const u_char *buf, int len);
+	void		(*select_chip)(struct mtd_info *mtd, int chip);
+	int		(*block_bad)(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t ofs, int getchip);
+	int		(*block_markbad)(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t ofs);
+	void 		(*hwcontrol)(struct mtd_info *mtd, int cmd);
+	int  		(*dev_ready)(struct mtd_info *mtd);
+	void 		(*cmdfunc)(struct mtd_info *mtd, unsigned command, int column, int page_addr);
+	int 		(*waitfunc)(struct mtd_info *mtd, struct nand_chip *this, int state);
+	int		(*calculate_ecc)(struct mtd_info *mtd, const u_char *dat, u_char *ecc_code);
+	int 		(*correct_data)(struct mtd_info *mtd, u_char *dat, u_char *read_ecc, u_char *calc_ecc);
+	void		(*enable_hwecc)(struct mtd_info *mtd, int mode);
+	void		(*erase_cmd)(struct mtd_info *mtd, int page);
+	int		(*scan_bbt)(struct mtd_info *mtd);
+	int		eccmode;
+	int		eccsize;
+	int		eccbytes;
+	int		eccsteps;
+	int 		chip_delay;
+#if 0
+	spinlock_t	chip_lock;
+	wait_queue_head_t wq;
+	nand_state_t 	state;
 	int 		page_shift;
+	int		phys_erase_shift;
+	int		bbt_erase_shift;
+	int		chip_shift;
 	u_char 		*data_buf;
-	u_char 		*data_cache;
-	int		cache_page;
-	u_char 		ecc_code_buf[6];
-	u_char 		reserved[2];
-	char ChipID; /* Type of DiskOnChip */
-	struct Nand *chips;
-	int chipshift;
-	char* chips_name;
-	unsigned long erasesize;
-	unsigned long mfr; /* Flash IDs - only one type of flash per device */
-	unsigned long id;
-	char* name;
-	int numchips;
-	char page256;
-	char pageadrlen;
-	unsigned long IO_ADDR;  /* address to access the 8 I/O lines to the flash device */
-	unsigned long totlen;
-	uint oobblock;  /* Size of OOB blocks (e.g. 512) */
-	uint oobsize;   /* Amount of OOB data per block (e.g. 16) */
-	uint eccsize;
-	int bus16;
+	u_char		*oob_buf;
+	int		oobdirty;
+	u_char		*data_poi;
+	unsigned int	options;
+	int		badblockpos;
+	int		numchips;
+	unsigned long	chipsize;
+	int		pagemask;
+	int		pagebuf;
+	struct nand_oobinfo	*autooob;
+	uint8_t		*bbt;
+	struct nand_bbt_descr	*bbt_td;
+	struct nand_bbt_descr	*bbt_md;
+	struct nand_bbt_descr	*badblock_pattern;
+	struct nand_hw_control  *controller;
+	void		*priv;
@@ -133,71 +345,125 @@ struct nand_chip {
 #define NAND_MFR_TOSHIBA	0x98
 #define NAND_MFR_SAMSUNG	0xec
+#define NAND_MFR_FUJITSU	0x04
+#define NAND_MFR_NATIONAL	0x8f
+#define NAND_MFR_RENESAS	0x07
+#define NAND_MFR_STMICRO	0x20
- * NAND Flash Device ID Structure
- *
- * Structure overview:
- *
- *  name - Complete name of device
- *
- *  manufacture_id - manufacturer ID code of device.
- *
- *  model_id - model ID code of device.
- *
- *  chipshift - total number of address bits for the device which
- *              is used to calculate address offsets and the total
- *              number of bytes the device is capable of.
+ * struct nand_flash_dev - NAND Flash Device ID Structure
- *  page256 - denotes if flash device has 256 byte pages or not.
- *
- *  pageadrlen - number of bytes minus one needed to hold the
- *               complete address into the flash array. Keep in
- *               mind that when a read or write is done to a
- *               specific address, the address is input serially
- *               8 bits at a time. This structure member is used
- *               by the read/write routines as a loop index for
- *               shifting the address out 8 bits at a time.
- *
- *  erasesize - size of an erase block in the flash device.
+ * @name:  	Identify the device type
+ * @id:   	device ID code
+ * @pagesize:  	Pagesize in bytes. Either 256 or 512 or 0
+ *		If the pagesize is 0, then the real pagesize
+ *		and the eraseize are determined from the
+ *		extended id bytes in the chip
+ * @erasesize: 	Size of an erase block in the flash device.
+ * @chipsize:  	Total chipsize in Mega Bytes
+ * @options:	Bitfield to store chip relevant options
 struct nand_flash_dev {
-	char * name;
-	int manufacture_id;
-	int model_id;
-	int chipshift;
-	char page256;
-	char pageadrlen;
+	char *name;
+	int id;
+	unsigned long pagesize;
+	unsigned long chipsize;
 	unsigned long erasesize;
-	int bus16;
+	unsigned long options;
+ * struct nand_manufacturers - NAND Flash Manufacturer ID Structure
+ * @name:	Manufacturer name
+ * @id: 	manufacturer ID code of device.
+struct nand_manufacturers {
+	int id;
+	char * name;
+extern struct nand_flash_dev nand_flash_ids[];
+extern struct nand_manufacturers nand_manuf_ids[];
+ * struct nand_bbt_descr - bad block table descriptor
+ * @options:	options for this descriptor
+ * @pages:	the page(s) where we find the bbt, used with option BBT_ABSPAGE
+ *		when bbt is searched, then we store the found bbts pages here.
+ *		Its an array and supports up to 8 chips now
+ * @offs:	offset of the pattern in the oob area of the page
+ * @veroffs:	offset of the bbt version counter in the oob are of the page
+ * @version:	version read from the bbt page during scan
+ * @len:	length of the pattern, if 0 no pattern check is performed
+ * @maxblocks:	maximum number of blocks to search for a bbt. This number of
+ *		blocks is reserved at the end of the device where the tables are
+ *		written.
+ * @reserved_block_code: if non-0, this pattern denotes a reserved (rather than
+ *              bad) block in the stored bbt
+ * @pattern:	pattern to identify bad block table or factory marked good /
+ *		bad blocks, can be NULL, if len = 0
+ *
+ * Descriptor for the bad block table marker and the descriptor for the
+ * pattern which identifies good and bad blocks. The assumption is made
+ * that the pattern and the version count are always located in the oob area
+ * of the first block.
+ */
+struct nand_bbt_descr {
+	int	options;
+	int	pages[NAND_MAX_CHIPS];
+	int	offs;
+	int	veroffs;
+	uint8_t	version[NAND_MAX_CHIPS];
+	int	len;
+	int 	maxblocks;
+	int	reserved_block_code;
+	uint8_t	*pattern;
+/* Options for the bad block table descriptors */
+/* The number of bits used per block in the bbt on the device */
+#define NAND_BBT_NRBITS_MSK	0x0000000F
+#define NAND_BBT_1BIT		0x00000001
+#define NAND_BBT_2BIT		0x00000002
+#define NAND_BBT_4BIT		0x00000004
+#define NAND_BBT_8BIT		0x00000008
+/* The bad block table is in the last good block of the device */
+#define	NAND_BBT_LASTBLOCK	0x00000010
+/* The bbt is at the given page, else we must scan for the bbt */
+#define NAND_BBT_ABSPAGE	0x00000020
+/* The bbt is at the given page, else we must scan for the bbt */
+#define NAND_BBT_SEARCH		0x00000040
+/* bbt is stored per chip on multichip devices */
+#define NAND_BBT_PERCHIP	0x00000080
+/* bbt has a version counter at offset veroffs */
+#define NAND_BBT_VERSION	0x00000100
+/* Create a bbt if none axists */
+#define NAND_BBT_CREATE		0x00000200
+/* Search good / bad pattern through all pages of a block */
+#define NAND_BBT_SCANALLPAGES	0x00000400
+/* Scan block empty during good / bad block scan */
+#define NAND_BBT_SCANEMPTY	0x00000800
+/* Write bbt if neccecary */
+#define NAND_BBT_WRITE		0x00001000
+/* Read and write back block contents when writing bbt */
+#define NAND_BBT_SAVECONTENT	0x00002000
+/* Search good / bad pattern on the first and the second page */
+#define NAND_BBT_SCAN2NDPAGE	0x00004000
+/* The maximum number of blocks to scan for a bbt */
+extern int nand_scan_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd, struct nand_bbt_descr *bd);
+extern int nand_update_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t offs);
+extern int nand_default_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd);
+extern int nand_isbad_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t offs, int allowbbt);
+extern int nand_erase_nand (struct mtd_info *mtd, struct erase_info *instr, int allowbbt);
 * Constants for oob configuration
-#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS0		0
-#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS1		1
-#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS2		2
-#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS3		3
-#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS4		6
-#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS5		7
-#define NAND_NOOB_BADBPOS		-1
-#define NAND_NOOB_ECCVPOS		-1
-#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS0		0
-#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS1		1
-#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS2		2
-#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS3		3
-#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS4		6
-#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS5		7
-unsigned long nand_probe(unsigned long physadr);
-#endif /* !CONFIG_NEW_NAND_CODE */
 #endif /* __LINUX_MTD_NAND_H */
diff --git a/include/linux/mtd/nand_ids.h b/include/linux/mtd/nand_ids.h
index 75c305b569..d9eb911828 100644
--- a/include/linux/mtd/nand_ids.h
+++ b/include/linux/mtd/nand_ids.h
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
+#error This module is for the legacy NAND support
 static struct nand_flash_dev nand_flash_ids[] = {
 	{"Toshiba TC5816BDC",     NAND_MFR_TOSHIBA, 0x64, 21, 1, 2, 0x1000, 0},
 	{"Toshiba TC5832DC",      NAND_MFR_TOSHIBA, 0x6b, 22, 0, 2, 0x2000, 0},
diff --git a/include/linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h b/include/linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8769e72ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/mtd/nand_legacy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ *  linux/include/linux/mtd/nand.h
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2000 David Woodhouse <>
+ *                     Steven J. Hill <>
+ *		       Thomas Gleixner <>
+ *
+ * $Id: nand.h,v 1.7 2003/07/24 23:30:46 a0384864 Exp $
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ *  Info:
+ *   Contains standard defines and IDs for NAND flash devices
+ *
+ *  Changelog:
+ *   01-31-2000 DMW     Created
+ *   09-18-2000 SJH     Moved structure out of the Disk-On-Chip drivers
+ *			so it can be used by other NAND flash device
+ *			drivers. I also changed the copyright since none
+ *			of the original contents of this file are specific
+ *			to DoC devices. David can whack me with a baseball
+ *			bat later if I did something naughty.
+ *   10-11-2000 SJH     Added private NAND flash structure for driver
+ *   10-24-2000 SJH     Added prototype for 'nand_scan' function
+ *   10-29-2001 TG	changed nand_chip structure to support
+ *			hardwarespecific function for accessing control lines
+ *   02-21-2002 TG	added support for different read/write adress and
+ *			ready/busy line access function
+ *   02-26-2002 TG	added chip_delay to nand_chip structure to optimize
+ *			command delay times for different chips
+ *   04-28-2002 TG	OOB config defines moved from nand.c to avoid duplicate
+ *			defines in jffs2/wbuf.c
+ */
+#error This module is for the legacy NAND support
+ * Standard NAND flash commands
+ */
+#define NAND_CMD_READ0		0
+#define NAND_CMD_READ1		1
+#define NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG	0x10
+#define NAND_CMD_READOOB	0x50
+#define NAND_CMD_ERASE1		0x60
+#define NAND_CMD_STATUS		0x70
+#define NAND_CMD_SEQIN		0x80
+#define NAND_CMD_READID		0x90
+#define NAND_CMD_ERASE2		0xd0
+#define NAND_CMD_RESET		0xff
+ * Enumeration for NAND flash chip state
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} nand_state_t;
+ * NAND Private Flash Chip Data
+ *
+ * Structure overview:
+ *
+ *  IO_ADDR - address to access the 8 I/O lines of the flash device
+ *
+ *  hwcontrol - hardwarespecific function for accesing control-lines
+ *
+ *  dev_ready - hardwarespecific function for accesing device ready/busy line
+ *
+ *  chip_lock - spinlock used to protect access to this structure
+ *
+ *  wq - wait queue to sleep on if a NAND operation is in progress
+ *
+ *  state - give the current state of the NAND device
+ *
+ *  page_shift - number of address bits in a page (column address bits)
+ *
+ *  data_buf - data buffer passed to/from MTD user modules
+ *
+ *  data_cache - data cache for redundant page access and shadow for
+ *		 ECC failure
+ *
+ *  ecc_code_buf - used only for holding calculated or read ECCs for
+ *                 a page read or written when ECC is in use
+ *
+ *  reserved - padding to make structure fall on word boundary if
+ *             when ECC is in use
+ */
+struct Nand {
+	char floor, chip;
+	unsigned long curadr;
+	unsigned char curmode;
+	/* Also some erase/write/pipeline info when we get that far */
+struct nand_chip {
+	int 		page_shift;
+	u_char 		*data_buf;
+	u_char 		*data_cache;
+	int		cache_page;
+	u_char 		ecc_code_buf[6];
+	u_char 		reserved[2];
+	char ChipID; /* Type of DiskOnChip */
+	struct Nand *chips;
+	int chipshift;
+	char* chips_name;
+	unsigned long erasesize;
+	unsigned long mfr; /* Flash IDs - only one type of flash per device */
+	unsigned long id;
+	char* name;
+	int numchips;
+	char page256;
+	char pageadrlen;
+	unsigned long IO_ADDR;  /* address to access the 8 I/O lines to the flash device */
+	unsigned long totlen;
+	uint oobblock;  /* Size of OOB blocks (e.g. 512) */
+	uint oobsize;   /* Amount of OOB data per block (e.g. 16) */
+	uint eccsize;
+	int bus16;
+ * NAND Flash Manufacturer ID Codes
+ */
+#define NAND_MFR_TOSHIBA	0x98
+#define NAND_MFR_SAMSUNG	0xec
+ * NAND Flash Device ID Structure
+ *
+ * Structure overview:
+ *
+ *  name - Complete name of device
+ *
+ *  manufacture_id - manufacturer ID code of device.
+ *
+ *  model_id - model ID code of device.
+ *
+ *  chipshift - total number of address bits for the device which
+ *              is used to calculate address offsets and the total
+ *              number of bytes the device is capable of.
+ *
+ *  page256 - denotes if flash device has 256 byte pages or not.
+ *
+ *  pageadrlen - number of bytes minus one needed to hold the
+ *               complete address into the flash array. Keep in
+ *               mind that when a read or write is done to a
+ *               specific address, the address is input serially
+ *               8 bits at a time. This structure member is used
+ *               by the read/write routines as a loop index for
+ *               shifting the address out 8 bits at a time.
+ *
+ *  erasesize - size of an erase block in the flash device.
+ */
+struct nand_flash_dev {
+	char * name;
+	int manufacture_id;
+	int model_id;
+	int chipshift;
+	char page256;
+	char pageadrlen;
+	unsigned long erasesize;
+	int bus16;
+* Constants for oob configuration
+#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS0		0
+#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS1		1
+#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS2		2
+#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS3		3
+#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS4		6
+#define NAND_NOOB_ECCPOS5		7
+#define NAND_NOOB_BADBPOS		-1
+#define NAND_NOOB_ECCVPOS		-1
+#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS0		0
+#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS1		1
+#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS2		2
+#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS3		3
+#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS4		6
+#define NAND_JFFS2_OOB_ECCPOS5		7
+unsigned long nand_probe(unsigned long physadr);
+#endif /* __LINUX_MTD_NAND_LEGACY_H */
diff --git a/include/linux/mtd/nand_new.h b/include/linux/mtd/nand_new.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d4b805b9a..0000000000
--- a/include/linux/mtd/nand_new.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
- *  linux/include/linux/mtd/nand.h
- *
- *  Copyright (c) 2000 David Woodhouse <>
- *                     Steven J. Hill <>
- *		       Thomas Gleixner <>
- *
- * $Id: nand.h,v 1.68 2004/11/12 10:40:37 gleixner Exp $
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- *  Info:
- *   Contains standard defines and IDs for NAND flash devices
- *
- *  Changelog:
- *   01-31-2000 DMW     Created
- *   09-18-2000 SJH     Moved structure out of the Disk-On-Chip drivers
- *			so it can be used by other NAND flash device
- *			drivers. I also changed the copyright since none
- *			of the original contents of this file are specific
- *			to DoC devices. David can whack me with a baseball
- *			bat later if I did something naughty.
- *   10-11-2000 SJH     Added private NAND flash structure for driver
- *   10-24-2000 SJH     Added prototype for 'nand_scan' function
- *   10-29-2001 TG	changed nand_chip structure to support
- *			hardwarespecific function for accessing control lines
- *   02-21-2002 TG	added support for different read/write adress and
- *			ready/busy line access function
- *   02-26-2002 TG	added chip_delay to nand_chip structure to optimize
- *			command delay times for different chips
- *   04-28-2002 TG	OOB config defines moved from nand.c to avoid duplicate
- *			defines in jffs2/wbuf.c
- *   08-07-2002 TG	forced bad block location to byte 5 of OOB, even if
- *			CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC_JFFS2 is not set
- *   08-10-2002 TG	extensions to nand_chip structure to support HW-ECC
- *
- *   08-29-2002 tglx 	nand_chip structure: data_poi for selecting
- *			internal / fs-driver buffer
- *			support for 6byte/512byte hardware ECC
- *			read_ecc, write_ecc extended for different oob-layout
- *			oob layout selections: NAND_NONE_OOB, NAND_JFFS2_OOB,
- *  11-25-2002 tglx	Added Manufacturer code FUJITSU, NATIONAL
- *			Split manufacturer and device ID structures
- *
- *  02-08-2004 tglx 	added option field to nand structure for chip anomalities
- *  05-25-2004 tglx 	added bad block table support, ST-MICRO manufacturer id
- *			update of nand_chip structure description
- */
-#include <linux/mtd/compat.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/mtd.h>
-struct mtd_info;
-/* Scan and identify a NAND device */
-extern int nand_scan (struct mtd_info *mtd, int max_chips);
-/* Free resources held by the NAND device */
-extern void nand_release (struct mtd_info *mtd);
-/* Read raw data from the device without ECC */
-extern int nand_read_raw (struct mtd_info *mtd, uint8_t *buf, loff_t from, size_t len, size_t ooblen);
-/* This constant declares the max. oobsize / page, which
- * is supported now. If you add a chip with bigger oobsize/page
- * adjust this accordingly.
- */
-#define NAND_MAX_OOBSIZE	64
- * Constants for hardware specific CLE/ALE/NCE function
-/* Select the chip by setting nCE to low */
-#define NAND_CTL_SETNCE 	1
-/* Deselect the chip by setting nCE to high */
-#define NAND_CTL_CLRNCE		2
-/* Select the command latch by setting CLE to high */
-#define NAND_CTL_SETCLE		3
-/* Deselect the command latch by setting CLE to low */
-#define NAND_CTL_CLRCLE		4
-/* Select the address latch by setting ALE to high */
-#define NAND_CTL_SETALE		5
-/* Deselect the address latch by setting ALE to low */
-#define NAND_CTL_CLRALE		6
-/* Set write protection by setting WP to high. Not used! */
-#define NAND_CTL_SETWP		7
-/* Clear write protection by setting WP to low. Not used! */
-#define NAND_CTL_CLRWP		8
- * Standard NAND flash commands
- */
-#define NAND_CMD_READ0		0
-#define NAND_CMD_READ1		1
-#define NAND_CMD_PAGEPROG	0x10
-#define NAND_CMD_READOOB	0x50
-#define NAND_CMD_ERASE1		0x60
-#define NAND_CMD_STATUS		0x70
-#define NAND_CMD_SEQIN		0x80
-#define NAND_CMD_READID		0x90
-#define NAND_CMD_ERASE2		0xd0
-#define NAND_CMD_RESET		0xff
-/* Extended commands for large page devices */
-#define NAND_CMD_READSTART	0x30
-/* Status bits */
-#define NAND_STATUS_FAIL	0x01
-#define NAND_STATUS_FAIL_N1	0x02
-#define NAND_STATUS_READY	0x40
-#define NAND_STATUS_WP		0x80
- * Constants for ECC_MODES
- */
-/* No ECC. Usage is not recommended ! */
-#define NAND_ECC_NONE		0
-/* Software ECC 3 byte ECC per 256 Byte data */
-#define NAND_ECC_SOFT		1
-/* Hardware ECC 3 byte ECC per 256 Byte data */
-#define NAND_ECC_HW3_256	2
-/* Hardware ECC 3 byte ECC per 512 Byte data */
-#define NAND_ECC_HW3_512	3
-/* Hardware ECC 3 byte ECC per 512 Byte data */
-#define NAND_ECC_HW6_512	4
-/* Hardware ECC 8 byte ECC per 512 Byte data */
-#define NAND_ECC_HW8_512	6
-/* Hardware ECC 12 byte ECC per 2048 Byte data */
-#define NAND_ECC_HW12_2048	7
- * Constants for Hardware ECC
-/* Reset Hardware ECC for read */
-#define NAND_ECC_READ		0
-/* Reset Hardware ECC for write */
-#define NAND_ECC_WRITE		1
-/* Enable Hardware ECC before syndrom is read back from flash */
-/* Option constants for bizarre disfunctionality and real
-*  features
-/* Chip can not auto increment pages */
-#define NAND_NO_AUTOINCR	0x00000001
-/* Buswitdh is 16 bit */
-#define NAND_BUSWIDTH_16	0x00000002
-/* Device supports partial programming without padding */
-#define NAND_NO_PADDING		0x00000004
-/* Chip has cache program function */
-#define NAND_CACHEPRG		0x00000008
-/* Chip has copy back function */
-#define NAND_COPYBACK		0x00000010
-/* AND Chip which has 4 banks and a confusing page / block
- * assignment. See Renesas datasheet for further information */
-#define NAND_IS_AND		0x00000020
-/* Chip has a array of 4 pages which can be read without
- * additional ready /busy waits */
-#define NAND_4PAGE_ARRAY	0x00000040
-/* Options valid for Samsung large page devices */
-/* Macros to identify the above */
-#define NAND_CANAUTOINCR(chip) (!(chip->options & NAND_NO_AUTOINCR))
-#define NAND_MUST_PAD(chip) (!(chip->options & NAND_NO_PADDING))
-#define NAND_HAS_CACHEPROG(chip) ((chip->options & NAND_CACHEPRG))
-#define NAND_HAS_COPYBACK(chip) ((chip->options & NAND_COPYBACK))
-/* Mask to zero out the chip options, which come from the id table */
-/* Non chip related options */
-/* Use a flash based bad block table. This option is passed to the
- * default bad block table function. */
-#define NAND_USE_FLASH_BBT	0x00010000
-/* The hw ecc generator provides a syndrome instead a ecc value on read
- * This can only work if we have the ecc bytes directly behind the
- * data bytes. Applies for DOC and AG-AND Renesas HW Reed Solomon generators */
-#define NAND_HWECC_SYNDROME	0x00020000
-/* Options set by nand scan */
-/* Nand scan has allocated oob_buf */
-#define NAND_OOBBUF_ALLOC	0x40000000
-/* Nand scan has allocated data_buf */
-#define NAND_DATABUF_ALLOC	0x80000000
- * nand_state_t - chip states
- * Enumeration for NAND flash chip state
- */
-typedef enum {
-} nand_state_t;
-/* Keep gcc happy */
-struct nand_chip;
-#if 0
- * struct nand_hw_control - Control structure for hardware controller (e.g ECC generator) shared among independend devices
- * @lock:               protection lock
- * @active:		the mtd device which holds the controller currently
- */
-struct nand_hw_control {
-	spinlock_t	 lock;
-	struct nand_chip *active;
- * struct nand_chip - NAND Private Flash Chip Data
- * @IO_ADDR_R:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] address to read the 8 I/O lines of the flash device
- * @IO_ADDR_W:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] address to write the 8 I/O lines of the flash device
- * @read_byte:		[REPLACEABLE] read one byte from the chip
- * @write_byte:		[REPLACEABLE] write one byte to the chip
- * @read_word:		[REPLACEABLE] read one word from the chip
- * @write_word:		[REPLACEABLE] write one word to the chip
- * @write_buf:		[REPLACEABLE] write data from the buffer to the chip
- * @read_buf:		[REPLACEABLE] read data from the chip into the buffer
- * @verify_buf:		[REPLACEABLE] verify buffer contents against the chip data
- * @select_chip:	[REPLACEABLE] select chip nr
- * @block_bad:		[REPLACEABLE] check, if the block is bad
- * @block_markbad:	[REPLACEABLE] mark the block bad
- * @hwcontrol:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] hardwarespecific function for accesing control-lines
- * @dev_ready:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] hardwarespecific function for accesing device ready/busy line
- *			If set to NULL no access to ready/busy is available and the ready/busy information
- *			is read from the chip status register
- * @cmdfunc:		[REPLACEABLE] hardwarespecific function for writing commands to the chip
- * @waitfunc:		[REPLACEABLE] hardwarespecific function for wait on ready
- * @calculate_ecc: 	[REPLACEABLE] function for ecc calculation or readback from ecc hardware
- * @correct_data:	[REPLACEABLE] function for ecc correction, matching to ecc generator (sw/hw)
- * @enable_hwecc:	[BOARDSPECIFIC] function to enable (reset) hardware ecc generator. Must only
- *			be provided if a hardware ECC is available
- * @erase_cmd:		[INTERN] erase command write function, selectable due to AND support
- * @scan_bbt:		[REPLACEABLE] function to scan bad block table
- * @eccmode:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] mode of ecc, see defines
- * @eccsize: 		[INTERN] databytes used per ecc-calculation
- * @eccbytes: 		[INTERN] number of ecc bytes per ecc-calculation step
- * @eccsteps:		[INTERN] number of ecc calculation steps per page
- * @chip_delay:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] chip dependent delay for transfering data from array to read regs (tR)
- * @chip_lock:		[INTERN] spinlock used to protect access to this structure and the chip
- * @wq:			[INTERN] wait queue to sleep on if a NAND operation is in progress
- * @state: 		[INTERN] the current state of the NAND device
- * @page_shift:		[INTERN] number of address bits in a page (column address bits)
- * @phys_erase_shift:	[INTERN] number of address bits in a physical eraseblock
- * @bbt_erase_shift:	[INTERN] number of address bits in a bbt entry
- * @chip_shift:		[INTERN] number of address bits in one chip
- * @data_buf:		[INTERN] internal buffer for one page + oob
- * @oob_buf:		[INTERN] oob buffer for one eraseblock
- * @oobdirty:		[INTERN] indicates that oob_buf must be reinitialized
- * @data_poi:		[INTERN] pointer to a data buffer
- * @options:		[BOARDSPECIFIC] various chip options. They can partly be set to inform nand_scan about
- *			special functionality. See the defines for further explanation
- * @badblockpos:	[INTERN] position of the bad block marker in the oob area
- * @numchips:		[INTERN] number of physical chips
- * @chipsize:		[INTERN] the size of one chip for multichip arrays
- * @pagemask:		[INTERN] page number mask = number of (pages / chip) - 1
- * @pagebuf:		[INTERN] holds the pagenumber which is currently in data_buf
- * @autooob:		[REPLACEABLE] the default (auto)placement scheme
- * @bbt:		[INTERN] bad block table pointer
- * @bbt_td:		[REPLACEABLE] bad block table descriptor for flash lookup
- * @bbt_md:		[REPLACEABLE] bad block table mirror descriptor
- * @badblock_pattern:	[REPLACEABLE] bad block scan pattern used for initial bad block scan
- * @controller:		[OPTIONAL] a pointer to a hardware controller structure which is shared among multiple independend devices
- * @priv:		[OPTIONAL] pointer to private chip date
- */
-struct nand_chip {
-	void  __iomem	*IO_ADDR_R;
-	void  __iomem 	*IO_ADDR_W;
-	u_char		(*read_byte)(struct mtd_info *mtd);
-	void		(*write_byte)(struct mtd_info *mtd, u_char byte);
-	u16		(*read_word)(struct mtd_info *mtd);
-	void		(*write_word)(struct mtd_info *mtd, u16 word);
-	void		(*write_buf)(struct mtd_info *mtd, const u_char *buf, int len);
-	void		(*read_buf)(struct mtd_info *mtd, u_char *buf, int len);
-	int		(*verify_buf)(struct mtd_info *mtd, const u_char *buf, int len);
-	void		(*select_chip)(struct mtd_info *mtd, int chip);
-	int		(*block_bad)(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t ofs, int getchip);
-	int		(*block_markbad)(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t ofs);
-	void 		(*hwcontrol)(struct mtd_info *mtd, int cmd);
-	int  		(*dev_ready)(struct mtd_info *mtd);
-	void 		(*cmdfunc)(struct mtd_info *mtd, unsigned command, int column, int page_addr);
-	int 		(*waitfunc)(struct mtd_info *mtd, struct nand_chip *this, int state);
-	int		(*calculate_ecc)(struct mtd_info *mtd, const u_char *dat, u_char *ecc_code);
-	int 		(*correct_data)(struct mtd_info *mtd, u_char *dat, u_char *read_ecc, u_char *calc_ecc);
-	void		(*enable_hwecc)(struct mtd_info *mtd, int mode);
-	void		(*erase_cmd)(struct mtd_info *mtd, int page);
-	int		(*scan_bbt)(struct mtd_info *mtd);
-	int		eccmode;
-	int		eccsize;
-	int		eccbytes;
-	int		eccsteps;
-	int 		chip_delay;
-#if 0
-	spinlock_t	chip_lock;
-	wait_queue_head_t wq;
-	nand_state_t 	state;
-	int 		page_shift;
-	int		phys_erase_shift;
-	int		bbt_erase_shift;
-	int		chip_shift;
-	u_char 		*data_buf;
-	u_char		*oob_buf;
-	int		oobdirty;
-	u_char		*data_poi;
-	unsigned int	options;
-	int		badblockpos;
-	int		numchips;
-	unsigned long	chipsize;
-	int		pagemask;
-	int		pagebuf;
-	struct nand_oobinfo	*autooob;
-	uint8_t		*bbt;
-	struct nand_bbt_descr	*bbt_td;
-	struct nand_bbt_descr	*bbt_md;
-	struct nand_bbt_descr	*badblock_pattern;
-	struct nand_hw_control  *controller;
-	void		*priv;
- * NAND Flash Manufacturer ID Codes
- */
-#define NAND_MFR_TOSHIBA	0x98
-#define NAND_MFR_SAMSUNG	0xec
-#define NAND_MFR_FUJITSU	0x04
-#define NAND_MFR_NATIONAL	0x8f
-#define NAND_MFR_RENESAS	0x07
-#define NAND_MFR_STMICRO	0x20
- * struct nand_flash_dev - NAND Flash Device ID Structure
- *
- * @name:  	Identify the device type
- * @id:   	device ID code
- * @pagesize:  	Pagesize in bytes. Either 256 or 512 or 0
- *		If the pagesize is 0, then the real pagesize
- *		and the eraseize are determined from the
- *		extended id bytes in the chip
- * @erasesize: 	Size of an erase block in the flash device.
- * @chipsize:  	Total chipsize in Mega Bytes
- * @options:	Bitfield to store chip relevant options
- */
-struct nand_flash_dev {
-	char *name;
-	int id;
-	unsigned long pagesize;
-	unsigned long chipsize;
-	unsigned long erasesize;
-	unsigned long options;
- * struct nand_manufacturers - NAND Flash Manufacturer ID Structure
- * @name:	Manufacturer name
- * @id: 	manufacturer ID code of device.
-struct nand_manufacturers {
-	int id;
-	char * name;
-extern struct nand_flash_dev nand_flash_ids[];
-extern struct nand_manufacturers nand_manuf_ids[];
- * struct nand_bbt_descr - bad block table descriptor
- * @options:	options for this descriptor
- * @pages:	the page(s) where we find the bbt, used with option BBT_ABSPAGE
- *		when bbt is searched, then we store the found bbts pages here.
- *		Its an array and supports up to 8 chips now
- * @offs:	offset of the pattern in the oob area of the page
- * @veroffs:	offset of the bbt version counter in the oob are of the page
- * @version:	version read from the bbt page during scan
- * @len:	length of the pattern, if 0 no pattern check is performed
- * @maxblocks:	maximum number of blocks to search for a bbt. This number of
- *		blocks is reserved at the end of the device where the tables are
- *		written.
- * @reserved_block_code: if non-0, this pattern denotes a reserved (rather than
- *              bad) block in the stored bbt
- * @pattern:	pattern to identify bad block table or factory marked good /
- *		bad blocks, can be NULL, if len = 0
- *
- * Descriptor for the bad block table marker and the descriptor for the
- * pattern which identifies good and bad blocks. The assumption is made
- * that the pattern and the version count are always located in the oob area
- * of the first block.
- */
-struct nand_bbt_descr {
-	int	options;
-	int	pages[NAND_MAX_CHIPS];
-	int	offs;
-	int	veroffs;
-	uint8_t	version[NAND_MAX_CHIPS];
-	int	len;
-	int 	maxblocks;
-	int	reserved_block_code;
-	uint8_t	*pattern;
-/* Options for the bad block table descriptors */
-/* The number of bits used per block in the bbt on the device */
-#define NAND_BBT_NRBITS_MSK	0x0000000F
-#define NAND_BBT_1BIT		0x00000001
-#define NAND_BBT_2BIT		0x00000002
-#define NAND_BBT_4BIT		0x00000004
-#define NAND_BBT_8BIT		0x00000008
-/* The bad block table is in the last good block of the device */
-#define	NAND_BBT_LASTBLOCK	0x00000010
-/* The bbt is at the given page, else we must scan for the bbt */
-#define NAND_BBT_ABSPAGE	0x00000020
-/* The bbt is at the given page, else we must scan for the bbt */
-#define NAND_BBT_SEARCH		0x00000040
-/* bbt is stored per chip on multichip devices */
-#define NAND_BBT_PERCHIP	0x00000080
-/* bbt has a version counter at offset veroffs */
-#define NAND_BBT_VERSION	0x00000100
-/* Create a bbt if none axists */
-#define NAND_BBT_CREATE		0x00000200
-/* Search good / bad pattern through all pages of a block */
-#define NAND_BBT_SCANALLPAGES	0x00000400
-/* Scan block empty during good / bad block scan */
-#define NAND_BBT_SCANEMPTY	0x00000800
-/* Write bbt if neccecary */
-#define NAND_BBT_WRITE		0x00001000
-/* Read and write back block contents when writing bbt */
-#define NAND_BBT_SAVECONTENT	0x00002000
-/* Search good / bad pattern on the first and the second page */
-#define NAND_BBT_SCAN2NDPAGE	0x00004000
-/* The maximum number of blocks to scan for a bbt */
-extern int nand_scan_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd, struct nand_bbt_descr *bd);
-extern int nand_update_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t offs);
-extern int nand_default_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd);
-extern int nand_isbad_bbt (struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t offs, int allowbbt);
-extern int nand_erase_nand (struct mtd_info *mtd, struct erase_info *instr, int allowbbt);
-* Constants for oob configuration
-#endif /* __LINUX_MTD_NAND_NEW_H */