From 5ed3e8659e5373f6a229877ac506c0b00a054fb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dirk Behme <>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 09:47:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] OMAP3: Add common clock, memory and low level code

Add common clock, memory and low level code

Signed-off-by: Dirk Behme <>
 cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/clock.c         | 381 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S | 361 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/mem.c           | 284 ++++++++++++++++++
 cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/syslib.c        |  72 +++++
 4 files changed, 1098 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/clock.c
 create mode 100644 cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S
 create mode 100644 cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/mem.c
 create mode 100644 cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/syslib.c

diff --git a/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/clock.c b/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/clock.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ac31bec2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/clock.c
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2008
+ * Texas Instruments, <>
+ *
+ * Author :
+ *      Manikandan Pillai <>
+ *
+ * Derived from Beagle Board and OMAP3 SDP code by
+ *      Richard Woodruff <>
+ *      Syed Mohammed Khasim <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clocks.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clocks_omap3.h>
+#include <asm/arch/mem.h>
+#include <asm/arch/sys_proto.h>
+#include <environment.h>
+#include <command.h>
+ * get_sys_clk_speed() - determine reference oscillator speed
+ *                       based on known 32kHz clock and gptimer.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+u32 get_osc_clk_speed(void)
+	u32 start, cstart, cend, cdiff, val;
+	prcm_t *prcm_base = (prcm_t *)PRCM_BASE;
+	prm_t *prm_base = (prm_t *)PRM_BASE;
+	gptimer_t *gpt1_base = (gptimer_t *)OMAP34XX_GPT1;
+	s32ktimer_t *s32k_base = (s32ktimer_t *)SYNC_32KTIMER_BASE;
+	val = readl(&prm_base->clksrc_ctrl);
+	/* If SYS_CLK is being divided by 2, remove for now */
+	val = (val & (~SYSCLKDIV_2)) | SYSCLKDIV_1;
+	writel(val, &prm_base->clksrc_ctrl);
+	/* enable timer2 */
+	val = readl(&prcm_base->clksel_wkup) | CLKSEL_GPT1;
+	/* select sys_clk for GPT1 */
+	writel(val, &prcm_base->clksel_wkup);
+	/* Enable I and F Clocks for GPT1 */
+	val = readl(&prcm_base->iclken_wkup) | EN_GPT1 | EN_32KSYNC;
+	writel(val, &prcm_base->iclken_wkup);
+	val = readl(&prcm_base->fclken_wkup) | EN_GPT1;
+	writel(val, &prcm_base->fclken_wkup);
+	writel(0, &gpt1_base->tldr);		/* start counting at 0 */
+	writel(GPT_EN, &gpt1_base->tclr);	/* enable clock */
+	/* enable 32kHz source, determine sys_clk via gauging */
+	/* start time in 20 cycles */
+	start = 20 + readl(&s32k_base->s32k_cr);
+	/* dead loop till start time */
+	while (readl(&s32k_base->s32k_cr) < start);
+	/* get start sys_clk count */
+	cstart = readl(&gpt1_base->tcrr);
+	/* wait for 40 cycles */
+	while (readl(&s32k_base->s32k_cr) < (start + 20)) ;
+	cend = readl(&gpt1_base->tcrr);		/* get end sys_clk count */
+	cdiff = cend - cstart;			/* get elapsed ticks */
+	/* based on number of ticks assign speed */
+	if (cdiff > 19000)
+		return S38_4M;
+	else if (cdiff > 15200)
+		return S26M;
+	else if (cdiff > 13000)
+		return S24M;
+	else if (cdiff > 9000)
+		return S19_2M;
+	else if (cdiff > 7600)
+		return S13M;
+	else
+		return S12M;
+ * get_sys_clkin_sel() - returns the sys_clkin_sel field value based on
+ *                       input oscillator clock frequency.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+void get_sys_clkin_sel(u32 osc_clk, u32 *sys_clkin_sel)
+	switch(osc_clk) {
+	case S38_4M:
+		*sys_clkin_sel = 4;
+		break;
+	case S26M:
+		*sys_clkin_sel = 3;
+		break;
+	case S19_2M:
+		*sys_clkin_sel = 2;
+		break;
+	case S13M:
+		*sys_clkin_sel = 1;
+		break;
+	case S12M:
+	default:
+		*sys_clkin_sel = 0;
+	}
+ * prcm_init() - inits clocks for PRCM as defined in clocks.h
+ *               called from SRAM, or Flash (using temp SRAM stack).
+ *****************************************************************************/
+void prcm_init(void)
+	void (*f_lock_pll) (u32, u32, u32, u32);
+	int xip_safe, p0, p1, p2, p3;
+	u32 osc_clk = 0, sys_clkin_sel;
+	u32 clk_index, sil_index;
+	prm_t *prm_base = (prm_t *)PRM_BASE;
+	prcm_t *prcm_base = (prcm_t *)PRCM_BASE;
+	dpll_param *dpll_param_p;
+	f_lock_pll = (void *) ((u32) &_end_vect - (u32) &_start +
+	xip_safe = is_running_in_sram();
+	/*
+	 * Gauge the input clock speed and find out the sys_clkin_sel
+	 * value corresponding to the input clock.
+	 */
+	osc_clk = get_osc_clk_speed();
+	get_sys_clkin_sel(osc_clk, &sys_clkin_sel);
+	/* set input crystal speed */
+	sr32(&prm_base->clksel, 0, 3, sys_clkin_sel);
+	/* If the input clock is greater than 19.2M always divide/2 */
+	if (sys_clkin_sel > 2) {
+		/* input clock divider */
+		sr32(&prm_base->clksrc_ctrl, 6, 2, 2);
+		clk_index = sys_clkin_sel / 2;
+	} else {
+		/* input clock divider */
+		sr32(&prm_base->clksrc_ctrl, 6, 2, 1);
+		clk_index = sys_clkin_sel;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The DPLL tables are defined according to sysclk value and
+	 * silicon revision. The clk_index value will be used to get
+	 * the values for that input sysclk from the DPLL param table
+	 * and sil_index will get the values for that SysClk for the
+	 * appropriate silicon rev.
+	 */
+	sil_index = get_cpu_rev() - 1;
+	/* Unlock MPU DPLL (slows things down, and needed later) */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll_mpu, 0, 3, PLL_LOW_POWER_BYPASS);
+	wait_on_value(ST_MPU_CLK, 0, &prcm_base->idlest_pll_mpu, LDELAY);
+	/* Getting the base address of Core DPLL param table */
+	dpll_param_p = (dpll_param *) get_core_dpll_param();
+	/* Moving it to the right sysclk and ES rev base */
+	dpll_param_p = dpll_param_p + 3 * clk_index + sil_index;
+	if (xip_safe) {
+		/*
+		 * sr32(CM_CLKSEL2_EMU) set override to work when asleep
+		 */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll, 0, 3, PLL_FAST_RELOCK_BYPASS);
+		wait_on_value(ST_CORE_CLK, 0, &prcm_base->idlest_ckgen,
+				LDELAY);
+		/*
+		 * For OMAP3 ES1.0 Errata 1.50, default value directly doesn't
+		 * work. write another value and then default value.
+		 */
+		/* m3x2 */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_emu, 16, 5, CORE_M3X2 + 1);
+		/* m3x2 */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_emu, 16, 5, CORE_M3X2);
+		/* Set M2 */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll, 27, 2, dpll_param_p->m2);
+		/* Set M */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll, 16, 11, dpll_param_p->m);
+		/* Set N */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll, 8, 7, dpll_param_p->n);
+		/* 96M Src */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll, 6, 1, 0);
+		/* ssi */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_core, 8, 4, CORE_SSI_DIV);
+		/* fsusb */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_core, 4, 2, CORE_FUSB_DIV);
+		/* l4 */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_core, 2, 2, CORE_L4_DIV);
+		/* l3 */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_core, 0, 2, CORE_L3_DIV);
+		/* gfx */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_gfx, 0, 3, GFX_DIV);
+		/* reset mgr */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_wkup, 1, 2, WKUP_RSM);
+		/* FREQSEL */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll, 4, 4, dpll_param_p->fsel);
+		/* lock mode */
+		sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll, 0, 3, PLL_LOCK);
+		wait_on_value(ST_CORE_CLK, 1, &prcm_base->idlest_ckgen,
+				LDELAY);
+	} else if (is_running_in_flash()) {
+		/*
+		 * if running from flash, jump to small relocated code
+		 * area in SRAM.
+		 */
+		p0 = readl(&prcm_base->clken_pll);
+		sr32(&p0, 0, 3, PLL_FAST_RELOCK_BYPASS);
+		sr32(&p0, 4, 4, dpll_param_p->fsel);	/* FREQSEL */
+		p1 = readl(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll);
+		sr32(&p1, 27, 2, dpll_param_p->m2);	/* Set M2 */
+		sr32(&p1, 16, 11, dpll_param_p->m);	/* Set M */
+		sr32(&p1, 8, 7, dpll_param_p->n);		/* Set N */
+		sr32(&p1, 6, 1, 0);	/* set source for 96M */
+		p2 = readl(&prcm_base->clksel_core);
+		sr32(&p2, 8, 4, CORE_SSI_DIV);	/* ssi */
+		sr32(&p2, 4, 2, CORE_FUSB_DIV);	/* fsusb */
+		sr32(&p2, 2, 2, CORE_L4_DIV);	/* l4 */
+		sr32(&p2, 0, 2, CORE_L3_DIV);	/* l3 */
+		p3 = (u32)&prcm_base->idlest_ckgen;
+		(*f_lock_pll) (p0, p1, p2, p3);
+	}
+	/* PER DPLL */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll, 16, 3, PLL_STOP);
+	wait_on_value(ST_PERIPH_CLK, 0, &prcm_base->idlest_ckgen, LDELAY);
+	/* Getting the base address to PER DPLL param table */
+	/* Set N */
+	dpll_param_p = (dpll_param *) get_per_dpll_param();
+	/* Moving it to the right sysclk base */
+	dpll_param_p = dpll_param_p + clk_index;
+	/*
+	 * Errata 1.50 Workaround for OMAP3 ES1.0 only
+	 * If using default divisors, write default divisor + 1
+	 * and then the actual divisor value
+	 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_emu, 24, 5, PER_M6X2 + 1);	/* set M6 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_emu, 24, 5, PER_M6X2);		/* set M6 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_cam, 0, 5, PER_M5X2 + 1);	/* set M5 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_cam, 0, 5, PER_M5X2);		/* set M5 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_dss, 0, 5, PER_M4X2 + 1);	/* set M4 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_dss, 0, 5, PER_M4X2);		/* set M4 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_dss, 8, 5, PER_M3X2 + 1);	/* set M3 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_dss, 8, 5, PER_M3X2);		/* set M3 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel3_pll, 0, 5, dpll_param_p->m2 + 1); /* set M2 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel3_pll, 0, 5, dpll_param_p->m2);	/* set M2 */
+	/* Workaround end */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel2_pll, 8, 11, dpll_param_p->m);	/* set m */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel2_pll, 0, 7, dpll_param_p->n);	/* set n */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll, 20, 4, dpll_param_p->fsel);	/* FREQSEL */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll, 16, 3, PLL_LOCK);		/* lock mode */
+	wait_on_value(ST_PERIPH_CLK, 2, &prcm_base->idlest_ckgen, LDELAY);
+	/* Getting the base address to MPU DPLL param table */
+	dpll_param_p = (dpll_param *) get_mpu_dpll_param();
+	/* Moving it to the right sysclk and ES rev base */
+	dpll_param_p = dpll_param_p + 3 * clk_index + sil_index;
+	/* MPU DPLL (unlocked already) */
+	/* Set M2 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel2_pll_mpu, 0, 5, dpll_param_p->m2);
+	/* Set M */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll_mpu, 8, 11, dpll_param_p->m);
+	/* Set N */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll_mpu, 0, 7, dpll_param_p->n);
+	/* FREQSEL */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll_mpu, 4, 4, dpll_param_p->fsel);
+	/* lock mode */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll_mpu, 0, 3, PLL_LOCK);
+	wait_on_value(ST_MPU_CLK, 1, &prcm_base->idlest_pll_mpu, LDELAY);
+	/* Getting the base address to IVA DPLL param table */
+	dpll_param_p = (dpll_param *) get_iva_dpll_param();
+	/* Moving it to the right sysclk and ES rev base */
+	dpll_param_p = dpll_param_p + 3 * clk_index + sil_index;
+	/* IVA DPLL (set to 12*20=240MHz) */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll_iva2, 0, 3, PLL_STOP);
+	wait_on_value(ST_IVA2_CLK, 0, &prcm_base->idlest_pll_iva2, LDELAY);
+	/* set M2 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel2_pll_iva2, 0, 5, dpll_param_p->m2);
+	/* set M */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll_iva2, 8, 11, dpll_param_p->m);
+	/* set N */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel1_pll_iva2, 0, 7, dpll_param_p->n);
+	/* FREQSEL */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll_iva2, 4, 4, dpll_param_p->fsel);
+	/* lock mode */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clken_pll_iva2, 0, 3, PLL_LOCK);
+	wait_on_value(ST_IVA2_CLK, 1, &prcm_base->idlest_pll_iva2, LDELAY);
+	/* Set up GPTimers to sys_clk source only */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_per, 0, 8, 0xff);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_wkup, 0, 1, 1);
+	sdelay(5000);
+ * peripheral_enable() - Enable the clks & power for perifs (GPT2, UART1,...)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+void per_clocks_enable(void)
+	prcm_t *prcm_base = (prcm_t *)PRCM_BASE;
+	/* Enable GP2 timer. */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->clksel_per, 0, 1, 0x1);	/* GPT2 = sys clk */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken_per, 3, 1, 0x1);	/* ICKen GPT2 */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken_per, 3, 1, 0x1);	/* FCKen GPT2 */
+#ifdef CONFIG_SYS_NS16550
+	/* Enable UART1 clocks */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken1_core, 13, 1, 0x1);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken1_core, 13, 1, 0x1);
+	/* UART 3 Clocks */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken_per, 11, 1, 0x1);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken_per, 11, 1, 0x1);
+	/* Turn on all 3 I2C clocks */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken1_core, 15, 3, 0x7);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken1_core, 15, 3, 0x7);	/* I2C1,2,3 = on */
+	/* Enable the ICLK for 32K Sync Timer as its used in udelay */
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken_wkup, 2, 1, 0x1);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken_iva2, 0, 32, FCK_IVA2_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken1_core, 0, 32, FCK_CORE1_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken1_core, 0, 32, ICK_CORE1_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken2_core, 0, 32, ICK_CORE2_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken_wkup, 0, 32, FCK_WKUP_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken_wkup, 0, 32, ICK_WKUP_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken_dss, 0, 32, FCK_DSS_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken_dss, 0, 32, ICK_DSS_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken_cam, 0, 32, FCK_CAM_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken_cam, 0, 32, ICK_CAM_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->fclken_per, 0, 32, FCK_PER_ON);
+	sr32(&prcm_base->iclken_per, 0, 32, ICK_PER_ON);
+	sdelay(1000);
diff --git a/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S b/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf1f927cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ * Board specific setup info
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2008
+ * Texas Instruments, <>
+ *
+ * Initial Code by:
+ * Richard Woodruff <>
+ * Syed Mohammed Khasim <>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <version.h>
+#include <asm/arch/mem.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clocks_omap3.h>
+	.word	TEXT_BASE	/* sdram load addr from */
+#if !defined(CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BOOT) && !defined(CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BOOT)
+ * cpy_clk_code: relocates clock code into SRAM where its safer to execute
+ * R1 = SRAM destination address.
+ *************************************************************************/ cpy_clk_code
+ cpy_clk_code:
+	/* Copy DPLL code into SRAM */
+	adr	r0, go_to_speed		/* get addr of clock setting code */
+	mov	r2, #384		/* r2 size to copy (div by 32 bytes) */
+	mov	r1, r1			/* r1 <- dest address (passed in) */
+	add	r2, r2, r0		/* r2 <- source end address */
+	ldmia	r0!, {r3 - r10}		/* copy from source address [r0] */
+	stmia	r1!, {r3 - r10}		/* copy to   target address [r1] */
+	cmp	r0, r2			/* until source end address [r2] */
+	bne	next2
+	mov	pc, lr			/* back to caller */
+/* ***************************************************************************
+ *  go_to_speed: -Moves to bypass, -Commits clock dividers, -puts dpll at speed
+ *               -executed from SRAM.
+ *  R0 = CM_CLKEN_PLL-bypass value
+ *  R1 = CM_CLKSEL1_PLL-m, n, and divider values
+ *  R2 = CM_CLKSEL_CORE-divider values
+ *  R3 = CM_IDLEST_CKGEN - addr dpll lock wait
+ *
+ *  Note: If core unlocks/relocks and SDRAM is running fast already it gets
+ *        confused.  A reset of the controller gets it back.  Taking away its
+ *        L3 when its not in self refresh seems bad for it.  Normally, this
+ *	  code runs from flash before SDR is init so that should be ok.
+ ****************************************************************************/ go_to_speed
+ go_to_speed:
+	stmfd sp!, {r4 - r6}
+	/* move into fast relock bypass */
+	ldr	r4, pll_ctl_add
+	str	r0, [r4]
+	ldr	r5, [r3]		/* get status */
+	and	r5, r5, #0x1		/* isolate core status */
+	cmp	r5, #0x1		/* still locked? */
+	beq	wait1			/* if lock, loop */
+	/* set new dpll dividers _after_ in bypass */
+	ldr	r5, pll_div_add1
+	str	r1, [r5]		/* set m, n, m2 */
+	ldr	r5, pll_div_add2
+	str	r2, [r5]		/* set l3/l4/.. dividers*/
+	ldr	r5, pll_div_add3	/* wkup */
+	ldr	r2, pll_div_val3	/* rsm val */
+	str	r2, [r5]
+	ldr	r5, pll_div_add4	/* gfx */
+	ldr	r2, pll_div_val4
+	str	r2, [r5]
+	ldr	r5, pll_div_add5	/* emu */
+	ldr	r2, pll_div_val5
+	str	r2, [r5]
+	/* now prepare GPMC (flash) for new dpll speed */
+	/* flash needs to be stable when we jump back to it */
+	ldr	r5, flash_cfg3_addr
+	ldr	r2, flash_cfg3_val
+	str	r2, [r5]
+	ldr	r5, flash_cfg4_addr
+	ldr	r2, flash_cfg4_val
+	str	r2, [r5]
+	ldr	r5, flash_cfg5_addr
+	ldr	r2, flash_cfg5_val
+	str	r2, [r5]
+	ldr	r5, flash_cfg1_addr
+	ldr	r2, [r5]
+	orr	r2, r2, #0x3		/* up gpmc divider */
+	str	r2, [r5]
+	/* lock DPLL3 and wait a bit */
+	orr	r0, r0, #0x7	/* set up for lock mode */
+	str	r0, [r4]	/* lock */
+	nop			/* ARM slow at this point working at sys_clk */
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	ldr	r5, [r3]	/* get status */
+	and	r5, r5, #0x1	/* isolate core status */
+	cmp	r5, #0x1	/* still locked? */
+	bne	wait2		/* if lock, loop */
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	ldmfd	sp!, {r4 - r6}
+	mov	pc, lr		/* back to caller, locked */
+_go_to_speed: .word go_to_speed
+/* these constants need to be close for PIC code */
+/* The Nor has to be in the Flash Base CS0 for this condition to happen */
+	.word CM_CLKEN_PLL
+	.word CM_CLKSEL1_PLL
+	.word (WKUP_RSM << 1)
+	.word (GFX_DIV << 0)
+	.word CM_CLKSEL1_EMU
+	.word CLSEL1_EMU_VAL
+.globl lowlevel_init
+	ldr	sp, SRAM_STACK
+	str	ip, [sp]	/* stash old link register */
+	mov	ip, lr		/* save link reg across call */
+	bl	s_init		/* go setup pll, mux, memory */
+	ldr	ip, [sp]	/* restore save ip */
+	mov	lr, ip		/* restore link reg */
+	/* back to arch calling code */
+	mov	pc, lr
+	/* the literal pools origin */
+	.ltorg
+ * Each of the tables has M, N, FREQSEL, M2 values defined for nominal
+ * OPP (1.2V). The fields are defined according to dpll_param struct (clock.c).
+ * The values are defined for all possible sysclk and for ES1 and ES2.
+ */
+/* 12MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word MPU_M_12_ES1, MPU_N_12_ES1, MPU_FSEL_12_ES1, MPU_M2_12_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word MPU_M_12_ES2, MPU_N_12_ES2, MPU_FSEL_12_ES2, MPU_M2_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word MPU_M_12, MPU_N_12, MPU_FSEL_12, MPU_M2_12
+/* 13MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word MPU_M_13_ES1, MPU_N_13_ES1, MPU_FSEL_13_ES1, MPU_M2_13_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word MPU_M_13_ES2, MPU_N_13_ES2, MPU_FSEL_13_ES2, MPU_M2_13_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word MPU_M_13, MPU_N_13, MPU_FSEL_13, MPU_M2_13
+/* 19.2MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word MPU_M_19P2_ES1, MPU_N_19P2_ES1, MPU_FSEL_19P2_ES1, MPU_M2_19P2_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word MPU_M_19P2_ES2, MPU_N_19P2_ES2, MPU_FSEL_19P2_ES2, MPU_M2_19P2_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word MPU_M_19P2, MPU_N_19P2, MPU_FSEL_19P2, MPU_M2_19P2
+/* 26MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word MPU_M_26_ES1, MPU_N_26_ES1, MPU_FSEL_26_ES1, MPU_M2_26_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word MPU_M_26_ES2, MPU_N_26_ES2, MPU_FSEL_26_ES2, MPU_M2_26_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word MPU_M_26, MPU_N_26, MPU_FSEL_26, MPU_M2_26
+/* 38.4MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word MPU_M_38P4_ES1, MPU_N_38P4_ES1, MPU_FSEL_38P4_ES1, MPU_M2_38P4_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word MPU_M_38P4_ES2, MPU_N_38P4_ES2, MPU_FSEL_38P4_ES2, MPU_M2_38P4_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word MPU_M_38P4, MPU_N_38P4, MPU_FSEL_38P4, MPU_M2_38P4
+.globl get_mpu_dpll_param
+	adr	r0, mpu_dpll_param
+	mov	pc, lr
+/* 12MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word IVA_M_12_ES1, IVA_N_12_ES1, IVA_FSEL_12_ES1, IVA_M2_12_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word IVA_M_12_ES2, IVA_N_12_ES2, IVA_FSEL_12_ES2, IVA_M2_12_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word IVA_M_12, IVA_N_12, IVA_FSEL_12, IVA_M2_12
+/* 13MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word IVA_M_13_ES1, IVA_N_13_ES1, IVA_FSEL_13_ES1, IVA_M2_13_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word IVA_M_13_ES2, IVA_N_13_ES2,  IVA_FSEL_13_ES2, IVA_M2_13_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word IVA_M_13, IVA_N_13, IVA_FSEL_13, IVA_M2_13
+/* 19.2MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word IVA_M_19P2_ES1, IVA_N_19P2_ES1, IVA_FSEL_19P2_ES1, IVA_M2_19P2_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word IVA_M_19P2_ES2, IVA_N_19P2_ES2, IVA_FSEL_19P2_ES2, IVA_M2_19P2_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word IVA_M_19P2, IVA_N_19P2, IVA_FSEL_19P2, IVA_M2_19P2
+/* 26MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word IVA_M_26_ES1, IVA_N_26_ES1, IVA_FSEL_26_ES1, IVA_M2_26_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word IVA_M_26_ES2, IVA_N_26_ES2, IVA_FSEL_26_ES2, IVA_M2_26_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word IVA_M_26, IVA_N_26, IVA_FSEL_26, IVA_M2_26
+/* 38.4MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word IVA_M_38P4_ES1, IVA_N_38P4_ES1, IVA_FSEL_38P4_ES1, IVA_M2_38P4_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word IVA_M_38P4_ES2, IVA_N_38P4_ES2, IVA_FSEL_38P4_ES2, IVA_M2_38P4_ES2
+/* 3410 */
+.word IVA_M_38P4, IVA_N_38P4, IVA_FSEL_38P4, IVA_M2_38P4
+.globl get_iva_dpll_param
+	adr	r0, iva_dpll_param
+	mov	pc, lr
+/* Core DPLL targets for L3 at 166 & L133 */
+/* 12MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word CORE_M_12_ES1, CORE_N_12_ES1, CORE_FSL_12_ES1, CORE_M2_12_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word CORE_M_12, CORE_N_12, CORE_FSEL_12, CORE_M2_12
+/* 3410 */
+.word CORE_M_12, CORE_N_12, CORE_FSEL_12, CORE_M2_12
+/* 13MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word CORE_M_13_ES1, CORE_N_13_ES1, CORE_FSL_13_ES1, CORE_M2_13_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word CORE_M_13, CORE_N_13, CORE_FSEL_13, CORE_M2_13
+/* 3410 */
+.word CORE_M_13, CORE_N_13, CORE_FSEL_13, CORE_M2_13
+/* 19.2MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word CORE_M_19P2_ES1, CORE_N_19P2_ES1, CORE_FSL_19P2_ES1, CORE_M2_19P2_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word CORE_M_19P2, CORE_N_19P2, CORE_FSEL_19P2, CORE_M2_19P2
+/* 3410 */
+.word CORE_M_19P2, CORE_N_19P2, CORE_FSEL_19P2, CORE_M2_19P2
+/* 26MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word CORE_M_26_ES1, CORE_N_26_ES1, CORE_FSL_26_ES1, CORE_M2_26_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word CORE_M_26, CORE_N_26, CORE_FSEL_26, CORE_M2_26
+/* 3410 */
+.word CORE_M_26, CORE_N_26, CORE_FSEL_26, CORE_M2_26
+/* 38.4MHz */
+/* ES1 */
+.word CORE_M_38P4_ES1, CORE_N_38P4_ES1, CORE_FSL_38P4_ES1, CORE_M2_38P4_ES1
+/* ES2 */
+.word CORE_M_38P4, CORE_N_38P4, CORE_FSEL_38P4, CORE_M2_38P4
+/* 3410 */
+.word CORE_M_38P4, CORE_N_38P4, CORE_FSEL_38P4, CORE_M2_38P4
+.globl get_core_dpll_param
+	adr	r0, core_dpll_param
+	mov	pc, lr
+/* PER DPLL values are same for both ES1 and ES2 */
+/* 12MHz */
+.word PER_M_12, PER_N_12, PER_FSEL_12, PER_M2_12
+/* 13MHz */
+.word PER_M_13, PER_N_13, PER_FSEL_13, PER_M2_13
+/* 19.2MHz */
+.word PER_M_19P2, PER_N_19P2, PER_FSEL_19P2, PER_M2_19P2
+/* 26MHz */
+.word PER_M_26, PER_N_26, PER_FSEL_26, PER_M2_26
+/* 38.4MHz */
+.word PER_M_38P4, PER_N_38P4, PER_FSEL_38P4, PER_M2_38P4
+.globl get_per_dpll_param
+	adr	r0, per_dpll_param
+	mov	pc, lr
diff --git a/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/mem.c b/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/mem.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cc22c4988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/mem.c
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2008
+ * Texas Instruments, <>
+ *
+ * Author :
+ *     Manikandan Pillai <>
+ *
+ * Initial Code from:
+ *     Richard Woodruff <>
+ *     Syed Mohammed Khasim <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/arch/mem.h>
+#include <asm/arch/sys_proto.h>
+#include <command.h>
+ * Only One NAND allowed on board at a time.
+ * The GPMC CS Base for the same
+ */
+unsigned int boot_flash_base;
+unsigned int boot_flash_off;
+unsigned int boot_flash_sec;
+unsigned int boot_flash_type;
+volatile unsigned int boot_flash_env_addr;
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND)
+static u32 gpmc_m_nand[GPMC_MAX_REG] = {
+gpmc_csx_t *nand_cs_base;
+gpmc_t *gpmc_cfg_base;
+#if defined(CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_NAND)
+#define GPMC_CS 0
+#define GPMC_CS 1
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_ONENAND)
+static u32 gpmc_onenand[GPMC_MAX_REG] = {
+gpmc_csx_t *onenand_cs_base;
+#define GPMC_CS 0
+#define GPMC_CS 1
+static sdrc_t *sdrc_base = (sdrc_t *)OMAP34XX_SDRC_BASE;
+ * make_cs1_contiguous() - for es2 and above remap cs1 behind cs0 to allow
+ *  command line mem=xyz use all memory with out discontinuous support
+ *  compiled in.  Could do it at the ATAG, but there really is two banks...
+ * Called as part of 2nd phase DDR init.
+ **************************************************************************/
+void make_cs1_contiguous(void)
+	u32 size, a_add_low, a_add_high;
+	size = get_sdr_cs_size(CS0);
+	size /= SZ_32M;			/* find size to offset CS1 */
+	a_add_high = (size & 3) << 8;	/* set up low field */
+	a_add_low = (size & 0x3C) >> 2;	/* set up high field */
+	writel((a_add_high | a_add_low), &sdrc_base->cs_cfg);
+ *  mem_ok() - test used to see if timings are correct
+ *             for a part. Helps in guessing which part
+ *             we are currently using.
+ *******************************************************/
+u32 mem_ok(u32 cs)
+	u32 val1, val2, addr;
+	u32 pattern = 0x12345678;
+	addr = OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS0 + get_sdr_cs_offset(cs);
+	writel(0x0, addr + 0x400);	/* clear pos A */
+	writel(pattern, addr);		/* pattern to pos B */
+	writel(0x0, addr + 4);		/* remove pattern off the bus */
+	val1 = readl(addr + 0x400);	/* get pos A value */
+	val2 = readl(addr);		/* get val2 */
+	if ((val1 != 0) || (val2 != pattern))	/* see if pos A val changed */
+		return 0;
+	else
+		return 1;
+ *  sdrc_init() - init the sdrc chip selects CS0 and CS1
+ *  - early init routines, called from flash or
+ *  SRAM.
+ *******************************************************/
+void sdrc_init(void)
+	/* only init up first bank here */
+	do_sdrc_init(CS0, EARLY_INIT);
+ * do_sdrc_init(): initialize the SDRAM for use.
+ *  -code sets up SDRAM basic SDRC timings for CS0
+ *  -optimal settings can be placed here, or redone after i2c
+ *      inspection of board info
+ *
+ *  - code called once in C-Stack only context for CS0 and a possible 2nd
+ *      time depending on memory configuration from stack+global context
+ **************************************************************************/
+void do_sdrc_init(u32 cs, u32 early)
+	sdrc_actim_t *sdrc_actim_base;
+	if(cs)
+		sdrc_actim_base = (sdrc_actim_t *)SDRC_ACTIM_CTRL1_BASE;
+	else
+		sdrc_actim_base = (sdrc_actim_t *)SDRC_ACTIM_CTRL0_BASE;
+	if (early) {
+		/* reset sdrc controller */
+		writel(SOFTRESET, &sdrc_base->sysconfig);
+		wait_on_value(RESETDONE, RESETDONE, &sdrc_base->status,
+			      12000000);
+		writel(0, &sdrc_base->sysconfig);
+		/* setup sdrc to ball mux */
+		writel(SDP_SDRC_SHARING, &sdrc_base->sharing);
+		/* Disable Power Down of CKE cuz of 1 CKE on combo part */
+		writel(SRFRONRESET | PAGEPOLICY_HIGH, &sdrc_base->power);
+		writel(ENADLL | DLLPHASE_90, &sdrc_base->dlla_ctrl);
+		sdelay(0x20000);
+	}
+		DEEPPD | DDR_SDRAM, &sdrc_base->cs[cs].mcfg);
+	writel(ARCV | ARE_ARCV_1, &sdrc_base->cs[cs].rfr_ctrl);
+	writel(V_ACTIMA_165, &sdrc_actim_base->ctrla);
+	writel(V_ACTIMB_165, &sdrc_actim_base->ctrlb);
+	writel(CMD_NOP, &sdrc_base ->cs[cs].manual);
+	writel(CMD_PRECHARGE, &sdrc_base->cs[cs].manual);
+	writel(CMD_AUTOREFRESH, &sdrc_base->cs[cs].manual);
+	writel(CMD_AUTOREFRESH, &sdrc_base->cs[cs].manual);
+	/*
+	 * CAS latency 3, Write Burst = Read Burst, Serial Mode,
+	 * Burst length = 4
+	 */
+	writel(CASL3 | BURSTLENGTH4, &sdrc_base->cs[cs].mr);
+	if (!mem_ok(cs))
+		writel(0, &sdrc_base->cs[cs].mcfg);
+void enable_gpmc_config(u32 *gpmc_config, gpmc_csx_t *gpmc_cs_base, u32 base,
+			u32 size)
+	writel(0, &gpmc_cs_base->config7);
+	sdelay(1000);
+	/* Delay for settling */
+	writel(gpmc_config[0], &gpmc_cs_base->config1);
+	writel(gpmc_config[1], &gpmc_cs_base->config2);
+	writel(gpmc_config[2], &gpmc_cs_base->config3);
+	writel(gpmc_config[3], &gpmc_cs_base->config4);
+	writel(gpmc_config[4], &gpmc_cs_base->config5);
+	writel(gpmc_config[5], &gpmc_cs_base->config6);
+	/* Enable the config */
+	writel((((size & 0xF) << 8) | ((base >> 24) & 0x3F) |
+		(1 << 6)), &gpmc_cs_base->config7);
+	sdelay(2000);
+ * gpmc_init(): init gpmc bus
+ * Init GPMC for x16, MuxMode (SDRAM in x32).
+ * This code can only be executed from SRAM or SDRAM.
+ *****************************************************/
+void gpmc_init(void)
+	/* putting a blanket check on GPMC based on ZeBu for now */
+	u32 *gpmc_config = NULL;
+	gpmc_t *gpmc_base = (gpmc_t *)GPMC_BASE;
+	gpmc_csx_t *gpmc_cs_base = (gpmc_csx_t *)GPMC_CONFIG_CS0_BASE;
+	u32 base = 0;
+	u32 size = 0;
+	u32 f_sec = 0;
+	u32 config = 0;
+	/* global settings */
+	writel(0, &gpmc_base->irqenable); /* isr's sources masked */
+	writel(0, &gpmc_base->timeout_control);/* timeout disable */
+	config = readl(&gpmc_base->config);
+	config &= (~0xf00);
+	writel(config, &gpmc_base->config);
+	/*
+	 * Disable the GPMC0 config set by ROM code
+	 * It conflicts with our MPDB (both at 0x08000000)
+	 */
+	writel(0, &gpmc_cs_base->config7);
+	sdelay(1000);
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND)	/* CS 0 */
+	gpmc_config = gpmc_m_nand;
+	gpmc_cfg_base = gpmc_base;
+	nand_cs_base = (gpmc_csx_t *)(GPMC_CONFIG_CS0_BASE +
+	base = PISMO1_NAND_BASE;
+	size = PISMO1_NAND_SIZE;
+	enable_gpmc_config(gpmc_config, nand_cs_base, base, size);
+#if defined(CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_NAND)
+	f_sec = SZ_128K;
+	/* env setup */
+	boot_flash_base = base;
+	boot_flash_off = f_off;
+	boot_flash_sec = f_sec;
+	boot_flash_env_addr = f_off;
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_ONENAND)
+	gpmc_config = gpmc_onenand;
+	onenand_cs_base = (gpmc_csx_t *)(GPMC_CONFIG_CS0_BASE +
+	base = PISMO1_ONEN_BASE;
+	size = PISMO1_ONEN_SIZE;
+	enable_gpmc_config(gpmc_config, onenand_cs_base, base, size);
+	f_sec = SZ_128K;
+	/* env setup */
+	boot_flash_base = base;
+	boot_flash_off = f_off;
+	boot_flash_sec = f_sec;
+	boot_flash_env_addr = f_off;
diff --git a/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/syslib.c b/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/syslib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ced495c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/syslib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2008
+ * Texas Instruments, <>
+ *
+ * Richard Woodruff <>
+ * Syed Mohammed Khasim <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/arch/mem.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clocks.h>
+#include <asm/arch/sys_proto.h>
+ * sdelay() - simple spin loop.  Will be constant time as
+ *  its generally used in bypass conditions only.  This
+ *  is necessary until timers are accessible.
+ *
+ *  not inline to increase chances its in cache when called
+ *************************************************************/
+void sdelay(unsigned long loops)
+	__asm__ volatile ("1:\n" "subs %0, %1, #1\n"
+			  "bne 1b":"=r" (loops):"0"(loops));
+ * sr32 - clear & set a value in a bit range for a 32 bit address
+ *****************************************************************/
+void sr32(void *addr, u32 start_bit, u32 num_bits, u32 value)
+	u32 tmp, msk = 0;
+	msk = 1 << num_bits;
+	--msk;
+	tmp = readl((u32)addr) & ~(msk << start_bit);
+	tmp |= value << start_bit;
+	writel(tmp, (u32)addr);
+ * wait_on_value() - common routine to allow waiting for changes in
+ *   volatile regs.
+ *********************************************************************/
+u32 wait_on_value(u32 read_bit_mask, u32 match_value, void *read_addr,
+		  u32 bound)
+	u32 i = 0, val;
+	do {
+		++i;
+		val = readl((u32)read_addr) & read_bit_mask;
+		if (val == match_value)
+			return 1;
+		if (i == bound)
+			return 0;
+	} while (1);