From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Sat, 8 May 2021 13:00:06 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: log: Add support for logging a buffer
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~1819^2~14^2~2

log: Add support for logging a buffer

The print_buffer() function is very useful for debugging. Add a version
of this in the log system also.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

diff --git a/common/log.c b/common/log.c
index ea407c6db9..1aaa6c1527 100644
--- a/common/log.c
+++ b/common/log.c
@@ -284,6 +284,36 @@ int _log(enum log_category_t cat, enum log_level_t level, const char *file,
 	return 0;
+int _log_buffer(enum log_category_t cat, enum log_level_t level,
+		const char *file, int line, const char *func, ulong addr,
+		const void *data, uint width, uint count, uint linelen)
+	if (linelen * width > MAX_LINE_LENGTH_BYTES)
+		linelen = MAX_LINE_LENGTH_BYTES / width;
+	if (linelen < 1)
+		linelen = DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH_BYTES / width;
+	while (count) {
+		uint thislinelen;
+		char buf[HEXDUMP_MAX_BUF_LENGTH(width * linelen)];
+		thislinelen = hexdump_line(addr, data, width, count, linelen,
+					   buf, sizeof(buf));
+		assert(thislinelen >= 0);
+		_log(cat, level, file, line, func, "%s\n", buf);
+		/* update references */
+		data += thislinelen * width;
+		addr += thislinelen * width;
+		count -= thislinelen;
+	}
+	return 0;
 int log_add_filter_flags(const char *drv_name, enum log_category_t cat_list[],
 			 enum log_level_t level, const char *file_list,
 			 int flags)
diff --git a/include/log.h b/include/log.h
index add3a1e4a0..feb0204855 100644
--- a/include/log.h
+++ b/include/log.h
@@ -140,6 +140,24 @@ static inline int _log_nop(enum log_category_t cat, enum log_level_t level,
 	return 0;
+ * _log_buffer - Internal function to print data buffer in hex and ascii form
+ *
+ * @cat: Category of log record (indicating which subsystem generated it)
+ * @level: Level of log record (indicating its severity)
+ * @file: File name of file where log record was generated
+ * @line: Line number in file where log record was generated
+ * @func: Function where log record was generated
+ * @addr:	Starting address to display at start of line
+ * @data:	pointer to data buffer
+ * @width:	data value width.  May be 1, 2, or 4.
+ * @count:	number of values to display
+ * @linelen:	Number of values to print per line; specify 0 for default length
+ */
+int _log_buffer(enum log_category_t cat, enum log_level_t level,
+		const char *file, int line, const char *func, ulong addr,
+		const void *data, uint width, uint count, uint linelen);
 /* Define this at the top of a file to add a prefix to debug messages */
 #ifndef pr_fmt
 #define pr_fmt(fmt) fmt
@@ -200,8 +218,25 @@ static inline int _log_nop(enum log_category_t cat, enum log_level_t level,
 		     __LINE__, __func__, \
 		      pr_fmt(_fmt), ##_args); \
+/* Emit a dump if the level is less that the maximum */
+#define log_buffer(_cat, _level, _addr, _data, _width, _count, _linelen)  ({ \
+	int _l = _level; \
+	if (_LOG_DEBUG != 0 || _l <= _LOG_MAX_LEVEL) \
+		_log_buffer((enum log_category_t)(_cat), \
+			    (enum log_level_t)(_l | _LOG_DEBUG), __FILE__, \
+			    __LINE__, __func__, _addr, _data, \
+			    _width, _count, _linelen); \
+	})
 #define log(_cat, _level, _fmt, _args...)
+#define log_buffer(_cat, _level, _addr, _data, _width, _count, _linelen)  ({ \
+	int _l = _level; \
+	if (_LOG_DEBUG != 0 || _l <= LOGL_INFO || \
+	    (_DEBUG && _l == LOGL_DEBUG)) \
+		print_buffer(_addr, _data, _width, _count, _linelen); \
+	})
 #define log_nop(_cat, _level, _fmt, _args...) ({ \
diff --git a/test/log/log_test.c b/test/log/log_test.c
index 4a814ff413..f1e67509c1 100644
--- a/test/log/log_test.c
+++ b/test/log/log_test.c
@@ -429,3 +429,30 @@ int log_test_dropped(struct unit_test_state *uts)
 	return 0;
+/* Check log_buffer() */
+int log_test_buffer(struct unit_test_state *uts)
+	u8 *buf;
+	int i;
+	buf = malloc(0x20);
+	ut_assertnonnull(buf);
+	memset(buf, '\0', 0x20);
+	for (i = 0; i < 0x11; i++)
+		buf[i] = i * 0x11;
+	ut_assertok(console_record_reset_enable());
+	log_buffer(LOGC_BOOT, LOGL_INFO, 0, buf, 1, 0x12, 0);
+	/* This one should product no output due to the debug level */
+	log_buffer(LOGC_BOOT, LOGL_DEBUG, 0, buf, 1, 0x12, 0);
+	ut_assert_nextline("00000000: 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff  ..\"3DUfw........");
+	ut_assert_nextline("00000010: 10 00                                            ..");
+	ut_assert_console_end();
+	free(buf);
+	return 0;