From: Sumit Garg <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 14:55:04 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: pcie_imx: Update header to describe it as a legacy driver
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~555^2~15^2~8

pcie_imx: Update header to describe it as a legacy driver

Since now we have the modern pcie_dw_imx.c driver for iMX SoCs,
encourage people to switch to that for any further new iMX SoC support
or even for the older iMX6 SoCs too.

Suggested-by: Peter Robinson <>
Signed-off-by: Sumit Garg <>
Reviewed-by: Marek Vasut <>

diff --git a/drivers/pci/pcie_imx.c b/drivers/pci/pcie_imx.c
index 4a18b0e091..78f2c7d6bc 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/pcie_imx.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/pcie_imx.c
@@ -7,6 +7,14 @@
  * Based on upstream Linux kernel driver:
  * pci-imx6.c:		Sean Cross <>
  * pcie-designware.c:	Jingoo Han <>
+ *
+ * This is a legacy PCIe iMX driver kept to support older iMX6 SoCs. It is
+ * rather tied to quite old port of pcie-designware driver from Linux which
+ * suffices only iMX6 specific needs. But now we have modern PCIe iMX driver
+ * (drivers/pci/pcie_dw_imx.c) utilizing all the common DWC specific bits from
+ * (drivers/pci/pcie_dw_common.*). So you are encouraged to add any further iMX
+ * SoC support there or even better if you posses older iMX6 SoCs then switch
+ * those too in order to have a single modern PCIe iMX driver.
 #include <common.h>