From d45a6ae2419412098007798eb148c3fbf4cc530a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kim Phillips <>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 12:53:52 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] tools: update checkpatch to latest upstream version

i.e., from the linux kernel's commit

Signed-off-by: Kim Phillips <>
 tools/ | 748 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 556 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index c7475f9e33..051ba0de37 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ my %ignore_type = ();
 my @ignore = ();
 my $help = 0;
 my $configuration_file = ".checkpatch.conf";
+my $max_line_length = 80;
 sub help {
 	my ($exitcode) = @_;
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ Options:
   -f, --file                 treat FILE as regular source file
   --subjective, --strict     enable more subjective tests
   --ignore TYPE(,TYPE2...)   ignore various comma separated message types
+  --max-line-length=n        set the maximum line length, if exceeded, warn
   --show-types               show the message "types" in the output
   --root=PATH                PATH to the kernel tree root
   --no-summary               suppress the per-file summary
@@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ GetOptions(
 	'strict!'	=> \$check,
 	'ignore=s'	=> \@ignore,
 	'show-types!'	=> \$show_types,
+	'max-line-length=i' => \$max_line_length,
 	'root=s'	=> \$root,
 	'summary!'	=> \$summary,
 	'mailback!'	=> \$mailback,
@@ -227,8 +230,12 @@ our $Inline	= qr{inline|__always_inline|noinline};
 our $Member	= qr{->$Ident|\.$Ident|\[[^]]*\]};
 our $Lval	= qr{$Ident(?:$Member)*};
-our $Constant	= qr{(?:[0-9]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)[UL]*};
-our $Assignment	= qr{(?:\*\=|/=|%=|\+=|-=|<<=|>>=|&=|\^=|\|=|=)};
+our $Float_hex	= qr{(?i)0x[0-9a-f]+p-?[0-9]+[fl]?};
+our $Float_dec	= qr{(?i)(?:[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(?:e-?[0-9]+)?[fl]?};
+our $Float_int	= qr{(?i)[0-9]+e-?[0-9]+[fl]?};
+our $Float	= qr{$Float_hex|$Float_dec|$Float_int};
+our $Constant	= qr{$Float|(?i)(?:0x[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+)[ul]*};
+our $Assignment	= qr{\*\=|/=|%=|\+=|-=|<<=|>>=|&=|\^=|\|=|=};
 our $Compare    = qr{<=|>=|==|!=|<|>};
 our $Operators	= qr{
@@ -240,9 +247,8 @@ our $NonptrType;
 our $Type;
 our $Declare;
-our $UTF8	= qr {
-	[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]              # ASCII
-	| [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]             # non-overlong 2-byte
+our $NON_ASCII_UTF8	= qr{
+	[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]               # non-overlong 2-byte
 	|  \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]        # excluding overlongs
 	| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}  # straight 3-byte
 	|  \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]        # excluding surrogates
@@ -251,6 +257,11 @@ our $UTF8	= qr {
 	|  \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}     # plane 16
+our $UTF8	= qr{
+	[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]              # ASCII
 our $typeTypedefs = qr{(?x:
@@ -311,7 +322,7 @@ sub build_types {
 	$NonptrType	= qr{
-				(?:typeof|__typeof__)\s*\(\s*\**\s*$Ident\s*\)|
+				(?:typeof|__typeof__)\s*\([^\)]*\)|
@@ -319,17 +330,23 @@ sub build_types {
 	$Type	= qr{
-			(?:[\s\*]+\s*const|[\s\*]+|(?:\s*\[\s*\])+)?
+			(?:(?:\s|\*|\[\])+\s*const|(?:\s|\*|\[\])+|(?:\s*\[\s*\])+)?
 	$Declare	= qr{(?:$Storage\s+)?$Type};
-our $match_balanced_parentheses = qr/(\((?:[^\(\)]+|(-1))*\))/;
 our $Typecast	= qr{\s*(\(\s*$NonptrType\s*\)){0,1}\s*};
-our $LvalOrFunc	= qr{($Lval)\s*($match_balanced_parentheses{0,1})\s*};
+# Using $balanced_parens, $LvalOrFunc, or $FuncArg
+# requires at least perl version v5.10.0
+# Any use must be runtime checked with $^V
+our $balanced_parens = qr/(\((?:[^\(\)]++|(?-1))*\))/;
+our $LvalOrFunc	= qr{($Lval)\s*($balanced_parens{0,1})\s*};
+our $FuncArg = qr{$Typecast{0,1}($LvalOrFunc|$Constant)};
 sub deparenthesize {
 	my ($string) = @_;
@@ -342,27 +359,6 @@ sub deparenthesize {
 $chk_signoff = 0 if ($file);
-my @dep_includes = ();
-my @dep_functions = ();
-my $removal = "Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt";
-if ($tree && -f "$root/$removal") {
-	open(my $REMOVE, '<', "$root/$removal") ||
-				die "$P: $removal: open failed - $!\n";
-	while (<$REMOVE>) {
-		if (/^Check:\s+(.*\S)/) {
-			for my $entry (split(/[, ]+/, $1)) {
-				if ($entry =~ m@include/(.*)@) {
-					push(@dep_includes, $1);
-				} elsif ($entry !~ m@/@) {
-					push(@dep_functions, $entry);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	close($REMOVE);
 my @rawlines = ();
 my @lines = ();
 my $vname;
@@ -411,7 +407,7 @@ sub top_of_kernel_tree {
 	return 1;
-    }
 sub parse_email {
 	my ($formatted_email) = @_;
@@ -672,6 +668,10 @@ sub ctx_statement_block {
 			if ($off >= $len) {
+			if ($level == 0 && substr($blk, $off) =~ /^.\s*#\s*define/) {
+				$level++;
+				$type = '#';
+			}
 		$p = $c;
 		$c = substr($blk, $off, 1);
@@ -734,6 +734,13 @@ sub ctx_statement_block {
+		# Preprocessor commands end at the newline unless escaped.
+		if ($type eq '#' && $c eq "\n" && $p ne "\\") {
+			$level--;
+			$type = '';
+			$off++;
+			last;
+		}
 	# We are truly at the end, so shuffle to the next line.
@@ -1016,7 +1023,7 @@ sub annotate_values {
 		} elsif ($cur =~ /^(\(\s*$Type\s*)\)/ && $av_pending eq '_') {
 			print "CAST($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1);
 			push(@av_paren_type, $type);
-			$type = 'C';
+			$type = 'c';
 		} elsif ($cur =~ /^($Type)\s*(?:$Ident|,|\)|\(|\s*$)/) {
 			print "DECLARE($1)\n" if ($dbg_values > 1);
@@ -1208,7 +1215,9 @@ sub possible {
-			do
+			do|
+			\#|
+			\#\#|
@@ -1312,6 +1321,36 @@ sub check_absolute_file {
+sub pos_last_openparen {
+	my ($line) = @_;
+	my $pos = 0;
+	my $opens = $line =~ tr/\(/\(/;
+	my $closes = $line =~ tr/\)/\)/;
+	my $last_openparen = 0;
+	if (($opens == 0) || ($closes >= $opens)) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	my $len = length($line);
+	for ($pos = 0; $pos < $len; $pos++) {
+		my $string = substr($line, $pos);
+		if ($string =~ /^($FuncArg|$balanced_parens)/) {
+			$pos += length($1) - 1;
+		} elsif (substr($line, $pos, 1) eq '(') {
+			$last_openparen = $pos;
+		} elsif (index($string, '(') == -1) {
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	return $last_openparen + 1;
 sub process {
 	my $filename = shift;
@@ -1330,6 +1369,11 @@ sub process {
 	my $signoff = 0;
 	my $is_patch = 0;
+	my $in_header_lines = 1;
+	my $in_commit_log = 0;		#Scanning lines before patch
+	my $non_utf8_charset = 0;
 	our @report = ();
 	our $cnt_lines = 0;
 	our $cnt_error = 0;
@@ -1352,6 +1396,9 @@ sub process {
 	my %suppress_ifbraces;
 	my %suppress_whiletrailers;
 	my %suppress_export;
+	my $suppress_statement = 0;
+	my %camelcase = ();
 	# Pre-scan the patch sanitizing the lines.
 	# Pre-scan the patch looking for any __setup documentation.
@@ -1461,6 +1508,7 @@ sub process {
 			%suppress_ifbraces = ();
 			%suppress_whiletrailers = ();
 			%suppress_export = ();
+			$suppress_statement = 0;
 # track the line number as we move through the hunk, note that
@@ -1497,10 +1545,11 @@ sub process {
 		if ($line =~ /^diff --git.*?(\S+)$/) {
 			$realfile = $1;
 			$realfile =~ s@^([^/]*)/@@;
+			$in_commit_log = 0;
 		} elsif ($line =~ /^\+\+\+\s+(\S+)/) {
 			$realfile = $1;
 			$realfile =~ s@^([^/]*)/@@;
+			$in_commit_log = 0;
 			$p1_prefix = $1;
 			if (!$file && $tree && $p1_prefix ne '' &&
@@ -1536,16 +1585,22 @@ sub process {
 # Check the patch for a signoff:
 		if ($line =~ /^\s*signed-off-by:/i) {
+			$in_commit_log = 0;
 # Check signature styles
-		if ($line =~ /^(\s*)($signature_tags)(\s*)(.*)/) {
+		if (!$in_header_lines &&
+		    $line =~ /^(\s*)([a-z0-9_-]+by:|$signature_tags)(\s*)(.*)/i) {
 			my $space_before = $1;
 			my $sign_off = $2;
 			my $space_after = $3;
 			my $email = $4;
 			my $ucfirst_sign_off = ucfirst(lc($sign_off));
+			if ($sign_off !~ /$signature_tags/) {
+				     "Non-standard signature: $sign_off\n" . $herecurr);
+			}
 			if (defined $space_before && $space_before ne "") {
 				     "Do not use whitespace before $ucfirst_sign_off\n" . $herecurr);
@@ -1613,6 +1668,28 @@ sub process {
 			    "Invalid UTF-8, patch and commit message should be encoded in UTF-8\n" . $hereptr);
+# Check if it's the start of a commit log
+# (not a header line and we haven't seen the patch filename)
+		if ($in_header_lines && $realfile =~ /^$/ &&
+		    $rawline !~ /^(commit\b|from\b|[\w-]+:).+$/i) {
+			$in_header_lines = 0;
+			$in_commit_log = 1;
+		}
+# Check if there is UTF-8 in a commit log when a mail header has explicitly
+# declined it, i.e defined some charset where it is missing.
+		if ($in_header_lines &&
+		    $rawline =~ /^Content-Type:.+charset="(.+)".*$/ &&
+		    $1 !~ /utf-8/i) {
+			$non_utf8_charset = 1;
+		}
+		if ($in_commit_log && $non_utf8_charset && $realfile =~ /^$/ &&
+		    $rawline =~ /$NON_ASCII_UTF8/) {
+			    "8-bit UTF-8 used in possible commit log\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
 # ignore non-hunk lines and lines being removed
 		next if (!$hunk_line || $line =~ /^-/);
@@ -1633,19 +1710,26 @@ sub process {
 # Only applies when adding the entry originally, after that we do not have
 # sufficient context to determine whether it is indeed long enough.
 		if ($realfile =~ /Kconfig/ &&
-		    $line =~ /\+\s*(?:---)?help(?:---)?$/) {
+		    $line =~ /.\s*config\s+/) {
 			my $length = 0;
 			my $cnt = $realcnt;
 			my $ln = $linenr + 1;
 			my $f;
+			my $is_start = 0;
 			my $is_end = 0;
-			while ($cnt > 0 && defined $lines[$ln - 1]) {
+			for (; $cnt > 0 && defined $lines[$ln - 1]; $ln++) {
 				$f = $lines[$ln - 1];
 				$cnt-- if ($lines[$ln - 1] !~ /^-/);
 				$is_end = $lines[$ln - 1] =~ /^\+/;
-				$ln++;
 				next if ($f =~ /^-/);
+				if ($lines[$ln - 1] =~ /.\s*(?:bool|tristate)\s*\"/) {
+					$is_start = 1;
+				} elsif ($lines[$ln - 1] =~ /.\s*(?:---)?help(?:---)?$/) {
+					$length = -1;
+				}
 				$f =~ s/^.//;
 				$f =~ s/#.*//;
 				$f =~ s/^\s+//;
@@ -1657,22 +1741,58 @@ sub process {
-			     "please write a paragraph that describes the config symbol fully\n" . $herecurr) if ($is_end && $length < 4);
-			#print "is_end<$is_end> length<$length>\n";
+			     "please write a paragraph that describes the config symbol fully\n" . $herecurr) if ($is_start && $is_end && $length < 4);
+			#print "is_start<$is_start> is_end<$is_end> length<$length>\n";
+		}
+# discourage the addition of CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL in Kconfig.
+		if ($realfile =~ /Kconfig/ &&
+		    $line =~ /.\s*depends on\s+.*\bEXPERIMENTAL\b/) {
+			     "Use of CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL is deprecated. For alternatives, see\n");
+		}
+		if (($realfile =~ /Makefile.*/ || $realfile =~ /Kbuild.*/) &&
+		    ($line =~ /\+(EXTRA_[A-Z]+FLAGS).*/)) {
+			my $flag = $1;
+			my $replacement = {
+				'EXTRA_AFLAGS' =>   'asflags-y',
+				'EXTRA_CFLAGS' =>   'ccflags-y',
+				'EXTRA_CPPFLAGS' => 'cppflags-y',
+				'EXTRA_LDFLAGS' =>  'ldflags-y',
+			};
+			     "Use of $flag is deprecated, please use \`$replacement->{$flag} instead.\n" . $herecurr) if ($replacement->{$flag});
 # check we are in a valid source file if not then ignore this hunk
 		next if ($realfile !~ /\.(h|c|s|S|pl|sh)$/);
-#80 column limit
+#line length limit
 		if ($line =~ /^\+/ && $prevrawline !~ /\/\*\*/ &&
 		    $rawline !~ /^.\s*\*\s*\@$Ident\s/ &&
 		    !($line =~ /^\+\s*$logFunctions\s*\(\s*(?:(KERN_\S+\s*|[^"]*))?"[X\t]*"\s*(?:|,|\)\s*;)\s*$/ ||
 		    $line =~ /^\+\s*"[^"]*"\s*(?:\s*|,|\)\s*;)\s*$/) &&
-		    $length > 80)
+		    $length > $max_line_length)
-			     "line over 80 characters\n" . $herecurr);
+			     "line over $max_line_length characters\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
+# Check for user-visible strings broken across lines, which breaks the ability
+# to grep for the string.  Limited to strings used as parameters (those
+# following an open parenthesis), which almost completely eliminates false
+# positives, as well as warning only once per parameter rather than once per
+# line of the string.  Make an exception when the previous string ends in a
+# newline (multiple lines in one string constant) or \n\t (common in inline
+# assembly to indent the instruction on the following line).
+		if ($line =~ /^\+\s*"/ &&
+		    $prevline =~ /"\s*$/ &&
+		    $prevline =~ /\(/ &&
+		    $prevrawline !~ /\\n(?:\\t)*"\s*$/) {
+			     "quoted string split across lines\n" . $hereprev);
 # check for spaces before a quoted newline
@@ -1721,6 +1841,58 @@ sub process {
 			     "please, no space before tabs\n" . $herevet);
+# check for && or || at the start of a line
+		if ($rawline =~ /^\+\s*(&&|\|\|)/) {
+			    "Logical continuations should be on the previous line\n" . $hereprev);
+		}
+# check multi-line statement indentation matches previous line
+		if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 &&
+		    $prevline =~ /^\+(\t*)(if \(|$Ident\().*(\&\&|\|\||,)\s*$/) {
+			$prevline =~ /^\+(\t*)(.*)$/;
+			my $oldindent = $1;
+			my $rest = $2;
+			my $pos = pos_last_openparen($rest);
+			if ($pos >= 0) {
+				$line =~ /^(\+| )([ \t]*)/;
+				my $newindent = $2;
+				my $goodtabindent = $oldindent .
+					"\t" x ($pos / 8) .
+					" "  x ($pos % 8);
+				my $goodspaceindent = $oldindent . " "  x $pos;
+				if ($newindent ne $goodtabindent &&
+				    $newindent ne $goodspaceindent) {
+					    "Alignment should match open parenthesis\n" . $hereprev);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ($line =~ /^\+.*\*[ \t]*\)[ \t]+/) {
+			    "No space is necessary after a cast\n" . $hereprev);
+		}
+		if ($realfile =~ m@^(drivers/net/|net/)@ &&
+		    $rawline =~ /^\+[ \t]*\/\*[ \t]*$/ &&
+		    $prevrawline =~ /^\+[ \t]*$/) {
+			     "networking block comments don't use an empty /* line, use /* Comment...\n" . $hereprev);
+		}
+		if ($realfile =~ m@^(drivers/net/|net/)@ &&
+		    $rawline !~ m@^\+[ \t]*\*/[ \t]*$@ &&	#trailing */
+		    $rawline !~ m@^\+.*/\*.*\*/[ \t]*$@ &&	#inline /*...*/
+		    $rawline !~ m@^\+.*\*{2,}/[ \t]*$@ &&	#trailing **/
+		    $rawline =~ m@^\+[ \t]*.+\*\/[ \t]*$@) {	#non blank */
+			     "networking block comments put the trailing */ on a separate line\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
 # check for spaces at the beginning of a line.
 # Exceptions:
 #  1) within comments
@@ -1735,6 +1907,12 @@ sub process {
 # check we are in a valid C source file if not then ignore this hunk
 		next if ($realfile !~ /\.(h|c)$/);
+# discourage the addition of CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL in #if(def).
+		if ($line =~ /^\+\s*\#\s*if.*\bCONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL\b/) {
+			     "Use of CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL is deprecated. For alternatives, see\n");
+		}
 # check for RCS/CVS revision markers
 		if ($rawline =~ /^\+.*\$(Revision|Log|Id)(?:\$|)/) {
@@ -1753,15 +1931,33 @@ sub process {
 			      "use the SSYNC() macro in asm/blackfin.h\n" . $herevet);
+# check for old HOTPLUG __dev<foo> section markings
+		if ($line =~ /\b(__dev(init|exit)(data|const|))\b/) {
+			     "Using $1 is unnecessary\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
 # Check for potential 'bare' types
 		my ($stat, $cond, $line_nr_next, $remain_next, $off_next,
-		if ($realcnt && $line =~ /.\s*\S/) {
+#print "LINE<$line>\n";
+		if ($linenr >= $suppress_statement &&
+		    $realcnt && $line =~ /.\s*\S/) {
 			($stat, $cond, $line_nr_next, $remain_next, $off_next) =
 				ctx_statement_block($linenr, $realcnt, 0);
 			$stat =~ s/\n./\n /g;
 			$cond =~ s/\n./\n /g;
+#print "linenr<$linenr> <$stat>\n";
+			# If this statement has no statement boundaries within
+			# it there is no point in retrying a statement scan
+			# until we hit end of it.
+			my $frag = $stat; $frag =~ s/;+\s*$//;
+			if ($frag !~ /(?:{|;)/) {
+#print "skip<$line_nr_next>\n";
+				$suppress_statement = $line_nr_next;
+			}
 			# Find the real next line.
 			$realline_next = $line_nr_next;
 			if (defined $realline_next &&
@@ -1850,6 +2046,12 @@ sub process {
 			my $pre_ctx = "$1$2";
 			my ($level, @ctx) = ctx_statement_level($linenr, $realcnt, 0);
+			if ($line =~ /^\+\t{6,}/) {
+				     "Too many leading tabs - consider code refactoring\n" . $herecurr);
+			}
 			my $ctx_cnt = $realcnt - $#ctx - 1;
 			my $ctx = join("\n", @ctx);
@@ -1887,6 +2089,9 @@ sub process {
 # Check relative indent for conditionals and blocks.
 		if ($line =~ /\b(?:(?:if|while|for)\s*\(|do\b)/ && $line !~ /^.\s*#/ && $line !~ /\}\s*while\s*/) {
+			($stat, $cond, $line_nr_next, $remain_next, $off_next) =
+				ctx_statement_block($linenr, $realcnt, 0)
+					if (!defined $stat);
 			my ($s, $c) = ($stat, $cond);
 			substr($s, 0, length($c), '');
@@ -2027,8 +2232,11 @@ sub process {
 			my $path = $1;
 			if ($path =~ m{//}) {
-				      "malformed #include filename\n" .
-					$herecurr);
+				      "malformed #include filename\n" . $herecurr);
+			}
+			if ($path =~ "^uapi/" && $realfile =~ m@\binclude/uapi/@) {
+				      "No #include in ...include/uapi/... should use a uapi/ path prefix\n" . $herecurr);
@@ -2054,7 +2262,7 @@ sub process {
 			#   XXX(foo);
 			#   EXPORT_SYMBOL(something_foo);
 			my $name = $1;
-			if ($stat =~ /^.([A-Z_]+)\s*\(\s*($Ident)/ &&
+			if ($stat =~ /^(?:.\s*}\s*\n)?.([A-Z_]+)\s*\(\s*($Ident)/ &&
 			    $name =~ /^${Ident}_$2/) {
 #print "FOO C name<$name>\n";
 				$suppress_export{$realline_next} = 1;
@@ -2132,8 +2340,9 @@ sub process {
 # * goes on variable not on type
 		# (char*[ const])
-		if ($line =~ m{\($NonptrType(\s*(?:$Modifier\b\s*|\*\s*)+)\)}) {
-			my ($from, $to) = ($1, $1);
+		while ($line =~ m{(\($NonptrType(\s*(?:$Modifier\b\s*|\*\s*)+)\))}g) {
+			#print "AA<$1>\n";
+			my ($from, $to) = ($2, $2);
 			# Should start with a space.
 			$to =~ s/^(\S)/ $1/;
@@ -2148,8 +2357,10 @@ sub process {
 				      "\"(foo$from)\" should be \"(foo$to)\"\n" .  $herecurr);
-		} elsif ($line =~ m{\b$NonptrType(\s*(?:$Modifier\b\s*|\*\s*)+)($Ident)}) {
-			my ($from, $to, $ident) = ($1, $1, $2);
+		}
+		while ($line =~ m{(\b$NonptrType(\s*(?:$Modifier\b\s*|\*\s*)+)($Ident))}g) {
+			#print "BB<$1>\n";
+			my ($from, $to, $ident) = ($2, $2, $3);
 			# Should start with a space.
 			$to =~ s/^(\S)/ $1/;
@@ -2210,6 +2421,30 @@ sub process {
+		if ($line =~ /\bprintk\s*\(\s*KERN_([A-Z]+)/) {
+			my $orig = $1;
+			my $level = lc($orig);
+			$level = "warn" if ($level eq "warning");
+			my $level2 = $level;
+			$level2 = "dbg" if ($level eq "debug");
+			     "Prefer netdev_$level2(netdev, ... then dev_$level2(dev, ... then pr_$level(...  to printk(KERN_$orig ...\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
+		if ($line =~ /\bpr_warning\s*\(/) {
+			     "Prefer pr_warn(... to pr_warning(...\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
+		if ($line =~ /\bdev_printk\s*\(\s*KERN_([A-Z]+)/) {
+			my $orig = $1;
+			my $level = lc($orig);
+			$level = "warn" if ($level eq "warning");
+			$level = "dbg" if ($level eq "debug");
+			     "Prefer dev_$level(... to dev_printk(KERN_$orig, ...\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
 # function brace can't be on same line, except for #defines of do while,
 # or if closed on same line
 		if (($line=~/$Type\s*$Ident\(.*\).*\s{/) and
@@ -2239,7 +2474,7 @@ sub process {
 			my ($where, $prefix) = ($-[1], $1);
 			if ($prefix !~ /$Type\s+$/ &&
 			    ($where != 0 || $prefix !~ /^.\s+$/) &&
-			    $prefix !~ /{\s+$/) {
+			    $prefix !~ /[{,]\s+$/) {
 				      "space prohibited before open square bracket '['\n" . $herecurr);
@@ -2276,6 +2511,13 @@ sub process {
 				     "space prohibited between function name and open parenthesis '('\n" . $herecurr);
+# check for whitespace before a non-naked semicolon
+		if ($line =~ /^\+.*\S\s+;/) {
+			    "space prohibited before semicolon\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
 # Check operator spacing.
 		if (!($line=~/\#\s*include/)) {
 			my $ops = qr{
@@ -2532,7 +2774,7 @@ sub process {
 			# Flatten any parentheses
 			$value =~ s/\(/ \(/g;
 			$value =~ s/\)/\) /g;
-			while ($value =~ s/\[[^\{\}]*\]/1/ ||
+			while ($value =~ s/\[[^\[\]]*\]/1/ ||
 			       $value !~ /(?:$Ident|-?$Constant)\s*
 					     (?:$Ident|-?$Constant)/x &&
@@ -2557,28 +2799,6 @@ sub process {
-# typecasts on min/max could be min_t/max_t
-		if ($line =~ /^\+(?:.*?)\b(min|max)\s*\($Typecast{0,1}($LvalOrFunc)\s*,\s*$Typecast{0,1}($LvalOrFunc)\s*\)/) {
-			if (defined $2 || defined $8) {
-				my $call = $1;
-				my $cast1 = deparenthesize($2);
-				my $arg1 = $3;
-				my $cast2 = deparenthesize($8);
-				my $arg2 = $9;
-				my $cast;
-				if ($cast1 ne "" && $cast2 ne "") {
-					$cast = "$cast1 or $cast2";
-				} elsif ($cast1 ne "") {
-					$cast = $cast1;
-				} else {
-					$cast = $cast2;
-				}
-				     "$call() should probably be ${call}_t($cast, $arg1, $arg2)\n" . $herecurr);
-			}
-		}
 # Need a space before open parenthesis after if, while etc
 		if ($line=~/\b(if|while|for|switch)\(/) {
 			ERROR("SPACING", "space required before the open parenthesis '('\n" . $herecurr);
@@ -2587,6 +2807,9 @@ sub process {
 # Check for illegal assignment in if conditional -- and check for trailing
 # statements after the conditional.
 		if ($line =~ /do\s*(?!{)/) {
+			($stat, $cond, $line_nr_next, $remain_next, $off_next) =
+				ctx_statement_block($linenr, $realcnt, 0)
+					if (!defined $stat);
 			my ($stat_next) = ctx_statement_block($line_nr_next,
 						$remain_next, $off_next);
 			$stat_next =~ s/\n./\n /g;
@@ -2702,12 +2925,18 @@ sub process {
-#studly caps, commented out until figure out how to distinguish between use of existing and adding new
-#		if (($line=~/[\w_][a-z\d]+[A-Z]/) and !($line=~/print/)) {
-#		    print "No studly caps, use _\n";
-#		    print "$herecurr";
-#		    $clean = 0;
-#		}
+		while ($line =~ m{($Constant|$Lval)}g) {
+			my $var = $1;
+			if ($var !~ /$Constant/ &&
+			    $var =~ /[A-Z]\w*[a-z]|[a-z]\w*[A-Z]/ &&
+			    $var !~ /"^(?:Clear|Set|TestClear|TestSet|)Page[A-Z]/ &&
+			    !defined $camelcase{$var}) {
+				$camelcase{$var} = 1;
+				     "Avoid CamelCase: <$var>\n" . $herecurr);
+			}
+		}
 #no spaces allowed after \ in define
 		if ($line=~/\#\s*define.*\\\s$/) {
@@ -2742,47 +2971,13 @@ sub process {
 			my $cnt = $realcnt;
 			my ($off, $dstat, $dcond, $rest);
 			my $ctx = '';
-			my $args = defined($1);
-			# Find the end of the macro and limit our statement
-			# search to that.
-			while ($cnt > 0 && defined $lines[$ln - 1] &&
-				$lines[$ln - 1] =~ /^(?:-|..*\\$)/)
-			{
-				$ctx .= $rawlines[$ln - 1] . "\n";
-				$cnt-- if ($lines[$ln - 1] !~ /^-/);
-				$ln++;
-			}
-			$ctx .= $rawlines[$ln - 1];
 			($dstat, $dcond, $ln, $cnt, $off) =
-				ctx_statement_block($linenr, $ln - $linenr + 1, 0);
+				ctx_statement_block($linenr, $realcnt, 0);
+			$ctx = $dstat;
 			#print "dstat<$dstat> dcond<$dcond> cnt<$cnt> off<$off>\n";
 			#print "LINE<$lines[$ln-1]> len<" . length($lines[$ln-1]) . "\n";
-			# Extract the remainder of the define (if any) and
-			# rip off surrounding spaces, and trailing \'s.
-			$rest = '';
-			while ($off != 0 || ($cnt > 0 && $rest =~ /\\\s*$/)) {
-				#print "ADDING cnt<$cnt> $off <" . substr($lines[$ln - 1], $off) . "> rest<$rest>\n";
-				if ($off != 0 || $lines[$ln - 1] !~ /^-/) {
-					$rest .= substr($lines[$ln - 1], $off) . "\n";
-					$cnt--;
-				}
-				$ln++;
-				$off = 0;
-			}
-			$rest =~ s/\\\n.//g;
-			$rest =~ s/^\s*//s;
-			$rest =~ s/\s*$//s;
-			# Clean up the original statement.
-			if ($args) {
-				substr($dstat, 0, length($dcond), '');
-			} else {
-				$dstat =~ s/^.\s*\#\s*define\s+$Ident\s*//;
-			}
+			$dstat =~ s/^.\s*\#\s*define\s+$Ident(?:\([^\)]*\))?\s*//;
 			$dstat =~ s/$;//g;
 			$dstat =~ s/\\\n.//g;
 			$dstat =~ s/^\s*//s;
@@ -2791,14 +2986,20 @@ sub process {
 			# Flatten any parentheses and braces
 			while ($dstat =~ s/\([^\(\)]*\)/1/ ||
 			       $dstat =~ s/\{[^\{\}]*\}/1/ ||
-			       $dstat =~ s/\[[^\{\}]*\]/1/)
+			       $dstat =~ s/\[[^\[\]]*\]/1/)
+			{
+			}
+			# Flatten any obvious string concatentation.
+			while ($dstat =~ s/("X*")\s*$Ident/$1/ ||
+			       $dstat =~ s/$Ident\s*("X*")/$1/)
 			my $exceptions = qr{
@@ -2808,23 +3009,84 @@ sub process {
 			#print "REST<$rest> dstat<$dstat> ctx<$ctx>\n";
-			if ($rest ne '' && $rest ne ',') {
-				if ($rest !~ /while\s*\(/ &&
-				    $dstat !~ /$exceptions/)
-				{
-					      "Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while loop\n" . "$here\n$ctx\n");
+			if ($dstat ne '' &&
+			    $dstat !~ /^(?:$Ident|-?$Constant),$/ &&			# 10, // foo(),
+			    $dstat !~ /^(?:$Ident|-?$Constant);$/ &&			# foo();
+			    $dstat !~ /^[!~-]?(?:$Ident|$Constant)$/ &&		# 10 // foo() // !foo // ~foo // -foo
+			    $dstat !~ /^'X'$/ &&					# character constants
+			    $dstat !~ /$exceptions/ &&
+			    $dstat !~ /^\.$Ident\s*=/ &&				# .foo =
+			    $dstat !~ /^do\s*$Constant\s*while\s*$Constant;?$/ &&	# do {...} while (...); // do {...} while (...)
+			    $dstat !~ /^for\s*$Constant$/ &&				# for (...)
+			    $dstat !~ /^for\s*$Constant\s+(?:$Ident|-?$Constant)$/ &&	# for (...) bar()
+			    $dstat !~ /^do\s*{/ &&					# do {...
+			    $dstat !~ /^\({/)						# ({...
+			{
+				$ctx =~ s/\n*$//;
+				my $herectx = $here . "\n";
+				my $cnt = statement_rawlines($ctx);
+				for (my $n = 0; $n < $cnt; $n++) {
+					$herectx .= raw_line($linenr, $n) . "\n";
-			} elsif ($ctx !~ /;/) {
-				if ($dstat ne '' &&
-				    $dstat !~ /^(?:$Ident|-?$Constant)$/ &&
-				    $dstat !~ /$exceptions/ &&
-				    $dstat !~ /^\.$Ident\s*=/ &&
-				    $dstat =~ /$Operators/)
-				{
+				if ($dstat =~ /;/) {
+					      "Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while loop\n" . "$herectx");
+				} else {
-					      "Macros with complex values should be enclosed in parenthesis\n" . "$here\n$ctx\n");
+					      "Macros with complex values should be enclosed in parenthesis\n" . "$herectx");
+				}
+			}
+# check for line continuations outside of #defines, preprocessor #, and asm
+		} else {
+			if ($prevline !~ /^..*\\$/ &&
+			    $line !~ /^\+\s*\#.*\\$/ &&		# preprocessor
+			    $line !~ /^\+.*\b(__asm__|asm)\b.*\\$/ &&	# asm
+			    $line =~ /^\+.*\\$/) {
+				     "Avoid unnecessary line continuations\n" . $herecurr);
+			}
+		}
+# do {} while (0) macro tests:
+# single-statement macros do not need to be enclosed in do while (0) loop,
+# macro should not end with a semicolon
+		if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 &&
+		    $realfile !~ m@/$@ &&
+		    $line =~ /^.\s*\#\s*define\s+$Ident(\()?/) {
+			my $ln = $linenr;
+			my $cnt = $realcnt;
+			my ($off, $dstat, $dcond, $rest);
+			my $ctx = '';
+			($dstat, $dcond, $ln, $cnt, $off) =
+				ctx_statement_block($linenr, $realcnt, 0);
+			$ctx = $dstat;
+			$dstat =~ s/\\\n.//g;
+			if ($dstat =~ /^\+\s*#\s*define\s+$Ident\s*${balanced_parens}\s*do\s*{(.*)\s*}\s*while\s*\(\s*0\s*\)\s*([;\s]*)\s*$/) {
+				my $stmts = $2;
+				my $semis = $3;
+				$ctx =~ s/\n*$//;
+				my $cnt = statement_rawlines($ctx);
+				my $herectx = $here . "\n";
+				for (my $n = 0; $n < $cnt; $n++) {
+					$herectx .= raw_line($linenr, $n) . "\n";
+				}
+				if (($stmts =~ tr/;/;/) == 1 &&
+				    $stmts !~ /^\s*(if|while|for|switch)\b/) {
+					     "Single statement macros should not use a do {} while (0) loop\n" . "$herectx");
+				}
+				if (defined $semis && $semis ne "") {
+					     "do {} while (0) macros should not be semicolon terminated\n" . "$herectx");
@@ -2846,7 +3108,8 @@ sub process {
 			#print "chunks<$#chunks> linenr<$linenr> endln<$endln> level<$level>\n";
 			#print "APW: <<$chunks[1][0]>><<$chunks[1][1]>>\n";
 			if ($#chunks > 0 && $level == 0) {
-				my $allowed = 0;
+				my @allowed = ();
+				my $allow = 0;
 				my $seen = 0;
 				my $herectx = $here . "\n";
 				my $ln = $linenr - 1;
@@ -2857,6 +3120,7 @@ sub process {
 					my ($whitespace) = ($cond =~ /^((?:\s*\n[+-])*\s*)/s);
 					my $offset = statement_rawlines($whitespace) - 1;
+					$allowed[$allow] = 0;
 					#print "COND<$cond> whitespace<$whitespace> offset<$offset>\n";
 					# We have looked at and allowed this specific line.
@@ -2869,23 +3133,34 @@ sub process {
 					$seen++ if ($block =~ /^\s*{/);
-					#print "cond<$cond> block<$block> allowed<$allowed>\n";
+					#print "cond<$cond> block<$block> allowed<$allowed[$allow]>\n";
 					if (statement_lines($cond) > 1) {
 						#print "APW: ALLOWED: cond<$cond>\n";
-						$allowed = 1;
+						$allowed[$allow] = 1;
 					if ($block =~/\b(?:if|for|while)\b/) {
 						#print "APW: ALLOWED: block<$block>\n";
-						$allowed = 1;
+						$allowed[$allow] = 1;
 					if (statement_block_size($block) > 1) {
 						#print "APW: ALLOWED: lines block<$block>\n";
-						$allowed = 1;
+						$allowed[$allow] = 1;
+					$allow++;
-				if ($seen && !$allowed) {
-					WARN("BRACES",
-					     "braces {} are not necessary for any arm of this statement\n" . $herectx);
+				if ($seen) {
+					my $sum_allowed = 0;
+					foreach (@allowed) {
+						$sum_allowed += $_;
+					}
+					if ($sum_allowed == 0) {
+						WARN("BRACES",
+						     "braces {} are not necessary for any arm of this statement\n" . $herectx);
+					} elsif ($sum_allowed != $allow &&
+						 $seen != $allow) {
+						CHK("BRACES",
+						    "braces {} should be used on all arms of this statement\n" . $herectx);
+					}
@@ -2932,11 +3207,11 @@ sub process {
 			if ($level == 0 && $block =~ /^\s*\{/ && !$allowed) {
-				my $herectx = $here . "\n";;
+				my $herectx = $here . "\n";
 				my $cnt = statement_rawlines($block);
 				for (my $n = 0; $n < $cnt; $n++) {
-					$herectx .= raw_line($linenr, $n) . "\n";;
+					$herectx .= raw_line($linenr, $n) . "\n";
@@ -2944,20 +3219,14 @@ sub process {
-# don't include deprecated include files (uses RAW line)
-		for my $inc (@dep_includes) {
-			if ($rawline =~ m@^.\s*\#\s*include\s*\<$inc>@) {
-				      "Don't use <$inc>: see Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt\n" . $herecurr);
-			}
+# check for unnecessary blank lines around braces
+		if (($line =~ /^..*}\s*$/ && $prevline =~ /^.\s*$/)) {
+			    "Blank lines aren't necessary before a close brace '}'\n" . $hereprev);
-# don't use deprecated functions
-		for my $func (@dep_functions) {
-			if ($line =~ /\b$func\b/) {
-				      "Don't use $func(): see Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt\n" . $herecurr);
-			}
+		if (($line =~ /^.\s*$/ && $prevline =~ /^..*{\s*$/)) {
+			    "Blank lines aren't necessary after an open brace '{'\n" . $hereprev);
 # no volatiles please
@@ -2974,27 +3243,19 @@ sub process {
-# check for needless kfree() checks
-		if ($prevline =~ /\bif\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/) {
-			my $expr = $1;
-			if ($line =~ /\bkfree\(\Q$expr\E\);/) {
-				     "kfree(NULL) is safe this check is probably not required\n" . $hereprev);
-			}
-		}
-# check for needless usb_free_urb() checks
-		if ($prevline =~ /\bif\s*\(([^\)]*)\)/) {
-			my $expr = $1;
-			if ($line =~ /\busb_free_urb\(\Q$expr\E\);/) {
-				     "usb_free_urb(NULL) is safe this check is probably not required\n" . $hereprev);
+# check for needless "if (<foo>) fn(<foo>)" uses
+		if ($prevline =~ /\bif\s*\(\s*($Lval)\s*\)/) {
+			my $expr = '\s*\(\s*' . quotemeta($1) . '\s*\)\s*;';
+			if ($line =~ /\b(kfree|usb_free_urb|debugfs_remove(?:_recursive)?)$expr/) {
+				     "$1(NULL) is safe this check is probably not required\n" . $hereprev);
 # prefer usleep_range over udelay
-		if ($line =~ /\budelay\s*\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)/) {
+		if ($line =~ /\budelay\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*\)/) {
 			# ignore udelay's < 10, however
-			if (! (($1 =~ /(\d+)/) && ($1 < 10)) ) {
+			if (! ($1 < 10) ) {
 				    "usleep_range is preferred over udelay; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt\n" . $line);
@@ -3075,18 +3336,100 @@ sub process {
 			     "__aligned(size) is preferred over __attribute__((aligned(size)))\n" . $herecurr);
+# Check for __attribute__ format(printf, prefer __printf
+		if ($line =~ /\b__attribute__\s*\(\s*\(\s*format\s*\(\s*printf/) {
+			     "__printf(string-index, first-to-check) is preferred over __attribute__((format(printf, string-index, first-to-check)))\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
+# Check for __attribute__ format(scanf, prefer __scanf
+		if ($line =~ /\b__attribute__\s*\(\s*\(\s*format\s*\(\s*scanf\b/) {
+			     "__scanf(string-index, first-to-check) is preferred over __attribute__((format(scanf, string-index, first-to-check)))\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
 # check for sizeof(&)
 		if ($line =~ /\bsizeof\s*\(\s*\&/) {
 			     "sizeof(& should be avoided\n" . $herecurr);
+# check for sizeof without parenthesis
+		if ($line =~ /\bsizeof\s+((?:\*\s*|)$Lval|$Type(?:\s+$Lval|))/) {
+			     "sizeof $1 should be sizeof($1)\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
 # check for line continuations in quoted strings with odd counts of "
 		if ($rawline =~ /\\$/ && $rawline =~ tr/"/"/ % 2) {
 			     "Avoid line continuations in quoted strings\n" . $herecurr);
+# check for struct spinlock declarations
+		if ($line =~ /^.\s*\bstruct\s+spinlock\s+\w+\s*;/) {
+			     "struct spinlock should be spinlock_t\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
+# Check for misused memsets
+		if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 &&
+		    defined $stat &&
+		    $stat =~ /^\+(?:.*?)\bmemset\s*\(\s*$FuncArg\s*,\s*$FuncArg\s*\,\s*$FuncArg\s*\)/s) {
+			my $ms_addr = $2;
+			my $ms_val = $7;
+			my $ms_size = $12;
+			if ($ms_size =~ /^(0x|)0$/i) {
+				      "memset to 0's uses 0 as the 2nd argument, not the 3rd\n" . "$here\n$stat\n");
+			} elsif ($ms_size =~ /^(0x|)1$/i) {
+				     "single byte memset is suspicious. Swapped 2nd/3rd argument?\n" . "$here\n$stat\n");
+			}
+		}
+# typecasts on min/max could be min_t/max_t
+		if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 &&
+		    defined $stat &&
+		    $stat =~ /^\+(?:.*?)\b(min|max)\s*\(\s*$FuncArg\s*,\s*$FuncArg\s*\)/) {
+			if (defined $2 || defined $7) {
+				my $call = $1;
+				my $cast1 = deparenthesize($2);
+				my $arg1 = $3;
+				my $cast2 = deparenthesize($7);
+				my $arg2 = $8;
+				my $cast;
+				if ($cast1 ne "" && $cast2 ne "" && $cast1 ne $cast2) {
+					$cast = "$cast1 or $cast2";
+				} elsif ($cast1 ne "") {
+					$cast = $cast1;
+				} else {
+					$cast = $cast2;
+				}
+				     "$call() should probably be ${call}_t($cast, $arg1, $arg2)\n" . "$here\n$stat\n");
+			}
+		}
+# check usleep_range arguments
+		if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 &&
+		    defined $stat &&
+		    $stat =~ /^\+(?:.*?)\busleep_range\s*\(\s*($FuncArg)\s*,\s*($FuncArg)\s*\)/) {
+			my $min = $1;
+			my $max = $7;
+			if ($min eq $max) {
+				     "usleep_range should not use min == max args; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt\n" . "$here\n$stat\n");
+			} elsif ($min =~ /^\d+$/ && $max =~ /^\d+$/ &&
+				 $min > $max) {
+				     "usleep_range args reversed, use min then max; see Documentation/timers/timers-howto.txt\n" . "$here\n$stat\n");
+			}
+		}
 # check for new externs in .c files.
 		if ($realfile =~ /\.c$/ && defined $stat &&
 		    $stat =~ /^.\s*(?:extern\s+)?$Type\s+($Ident)(\s*)\(/s)
@@ -3133,16 +3476,30 @@ sub process {
 			     "unnecessary cast may hide bugs, see\n" . $herecurr);
+# check for alloc argument mismatch
+		if ($line =~ /\b(kcalloc|kmalloc_array)\s*\(\s*sizeof\b/) {
+			     "$1 uses number as first arg, sizeof is generally wrong\n" . $herecurr);
+		}
 # check for multiple semicolons
 		if ($line =~ /;\s*;\s*$/) {
-			 "Statements terminations use 1 semicolon\n" . $herecurr);
+			     "Statements terminations use 1 semicolon\n" . $herecurr);
-# check for whitespace before semicolon - not allowed at end-of-line
-		if ($line =~ /\s+;$/) {
-			 "Whitespace before semicolon\n" . $herecurr);
+# check for switch/default statements without a break;
+		if ($^V && $^V ge 5.10.0 &&
+		    defined $stat &&
+		    $stat =~ /^\+[$;\s]*(?:case[$;\s]+\w+[$;\s]*:[$;\s]*|)*[$;\s]*\bdefault[$;\s]*:[$;\s]*;/g) {
+			my $ctx = '';
+			my $herectx = $here . "\n";
+			my $cnt = statement_rawlines($stat);
+			for (my $n = 0; $n < $cnt; $n++) {
+				$herectx .= raw_line($linenr, $n) . "\n";
+			}
+			     "switch default: should use break\n" . $herectx);
 # check for gcc specific __FUNCTION__
@@ -3151,22 +3508,30 @@ sub process {
 			     "__func__ should be used instead of gcc specific __FUNCTION__\n"  . $herecurr);
+# check for use of yield()
+		if ($line =~ /\byield\s*\(\s*\)/) {
+			     "Using yield() is generally wrong. See yield() kernel-doc (sched/core.c)\n"  . $herecurr);
+		}
 # check for semaphores initialized locked
 		if ($line =~ /^.\s*sema_init.+,\W?0\W?\)/) {
 			     "consider using a completion\n" . $herecurr);
-# recommend kstrto* over simple_strto*
-		if ($line =~ /\bsimple_(strto.*?)\s*\(/) {
+# recommend kstrto* over simple_strto* and strict_strto*
+		if ($line =~ /\b((simple|strict)_(strto(l|ll|ul|ull)))\s*\(/) {
-			     "consider using kstrto* in preference to simple_$1\n" . $herecurr);
+			     "$1 is obsolete, use k$3 instead\n" . $herecurr);
 # check for __initcall(), use device_initcall() explicitly please
 		if ($line =~ /^.\s*__initcall\s*\(/) {
 			     "please use device_initcall() instead of __initcall()\n" . $herecurr);
 # check for various ops structs, ensure they are const.
 		my $struct_ops = qr{acpi_dock_ops|
@@ -3264,12 +3629,6 @@ sub process {
 			     "Exporting world writable files is usually an error. Consider more restrictive permissions.\n" . $herecurr);
-		# Check for memset with swapped arguments
-		if ($line =~ /memset.*\,(\ |)(0x|)0(\ |0|)\);/) {
-			      "memset size is 3rd argument, not the second.\n" . $herecurr);
-		}
 	# If we have no input at all, then there is nothing to report on
@@ -3309,6 +3668,12 @@ sub process {
 	if ($quiet == 0) {
+		if ($^V lt 5.10.0) {
+			print("NOTE: perl $^V is not modern enough to detect all possible issues.\n");
+			print("An upgrade to at least perl v5.10.0 is suggested.\n\n");
+		}
 		# If there were whitespace errors which cleanpatch can fix
 		# then suggest that.
 		if ($rpt_cleaners) {
@@ -3318,13 +3683,12 @@ sub process {
-	if (keys %ignore_type) {
+	if ($quiet == 0 && keys %ignore_type) {
 	    print "NOTE: Ignored message types:";
 	    foreach my $ignore (sort keys %ignore_type) {
 		print " $ignore";
-	    print "\n";
-	    print "\n" if ($quiet == 0);
+	    print "\n\n";
 	if ($clean == 1 && $quiet == 0) {