From bf1060ea4f9eaa7e7d164a70a7d6f28939882053 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wolfgang Denk <>
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 16:02:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix missing brace error in fs/fat/fat.c [pointed out by
 Roderik Wildenburg]

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Denk <>
 fs/fat/fat.c | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fs/fat/fat.c b/fs/fat/fat.c
index c068a842e8..e98e50ae77 100644
--- a/fs/fat/fat.c
+++ b/fs/fat/fat.c
@@ -89,41 +89,42 @@ fat_register_device(block_dev_desc_t *dev_desc, int part_no)
 		/* ok, we assume we are on a PBR only */
 		cur_part = 1;
-	}
-	else {
+	} else {
 #if (defined(CONFIG_CMD_IDE) || \
      defined(CONFIG_CMD_SCSI) || \
      defined(CONFIG_CMD_USB) || \
      (defined(CONFIG_MMC) && defined(CONFIG_LPC2292)) || \
      defined(CONFIG_SYSTEMACE)          )
-	/* First we assume, there is a MBR */
-	if (!get_partition_info (dev_desc, part_no, &info)) {
-		part_offset = info.start;
-		cur_part = part_no;
-	} else if (!strncmp((char *)&buffer[DOS_FS_TYPE_OFFSET], "FAT", 3)) {
-		/* ok, we assume we are on a PBR only */
-		cur_part = 1;
-		part_offset = 0;
-	} else {
-		printf ("** Partition %d not valid on device %d **\n", part_no, dev_desc->dev);
-		return -1;
-	}
+		/* First we assume, there is a MBR */
+		if (!get_partition_info (dev_desc, part_no, &info)) {
+			part_offset = info.start;
+			cur_part = part_no;
+		} else if (!strncmp((char *)&buffer[DOS_FS_TYPE_OFFSET], "FAT", 3)) {
+			/* ok, we assume we are on a PBR only */
+			cur_part = 1;
+			part_offset = 0;
+		} else {
+			printf ("** Partition %d not valid on device %d **\n",
+				part_no, dev_desc->dev);
+			return -1;
+		}
-	if(!strncmp((char *)&buffer[DOS_FS_TYPE_OFFSET],"FAT",3)) {
- 		/* ok, we assume we are on a PBR only */
- 		cur_part = 1;
-		part_offset = 0;
-		info.start = part_offset;
-	} else {
-		/* FIXME we need to determine the start block of the
-		 * partition where the DOS FS resides. This can be done
-		 * by using the get_partition_info routine. For this
-		 * purpose the libpart must be included.
-		 */
-		part_offset = 32;
-		cur_part = 1;
-	}
+		if(!strncmp((char *)&buffer[DOS_FS_TYPE_OFFSET],"FAT",3)) {
+			/* ok, we assume we are on a PBR only */
+			cur_part = 1;
+			part_offset = 0;
+			info.start = part_offset;
+		} else {
+			/* FIXME we need to determine the start block of the
+			 * partition where the DOS FS resides. This can be done
+			 * by using the get_partition_info routine. For this
+			 * purpose the libpart must be included.
+			 */
+			part_offset = 32;
+			cur_part = 1;
+		}
+	}
 	return 0;