From 466b74108f5344da0b9afb9b857a8f9e4cf4e656 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wdenk <wdenk>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 22:35:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * Rename SBC8560 into sbc8560 for consistency

* Patch by Daniel Poirot, 24 Jun 2004:
  Add support for Wind River's sbc8240 board

* Patches by Yasushi Shoji, 26 Jun 2004:
  - drivers/serial_xuartlite.c: fix "return 0" in void function
  - add microblaze support to mkimage tool
 CHANGELOG                  |   11 +-
 CREDITS                    |    5 +
 MAKEALL                    |    4 +-
 Makefile                   |   10 +-
 README                     |    4 +-
 board/sbc8240/Makefile     |   40 ++
 board/sbc8240/README       |  140 ++++
 board/sbc8240/    |   30 +
 board/sbc8240/flash.c      |  638 ++++++++++++++++++
 board/sbc8240/sbc8240.c    |  105 +++
 board/sbc8240/   |  133 ++++
 drivers/serial_xuartlite.c |    1 -
 include/configs/SBC8560.h  |  398 -----------
 include/configs/sbc8240.h  |  365 ++++++++++
 include/configs/sbc8260.h  | 1281 +++++++++---------------------------
 include/status_led.h       |    3 +
 tools/mkimage.c            |   63 +-
 17 files changed, 1808 insertions(+), 1423 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 board/sbc8240/Makefile
 create mode 100644 board/sbc8240/README
 create mode 100644 board/sbc8240/
 create mode 100644 board/sbc8240/flash.c
 create mode 100644 board/sbc8240/sbc8240.c
 create mode 100644 board/sbc8240/
 delete mode 100644 include/configs/SBC8560.h
 create mode 100644 include/configs/sbc8240.h

index 5e6468eef1..f6d6c918b3 100644
@@ -2,8 +2,17 @@
 Changes since U-Boot 1.1.1:
+* Rename SBC8560 into sbc8560 for consistency
+* Patch by Daniel Poirot, 24 Jun 2004:
+  Add support for Wind River's sbc8240 board
+* Patches by Yasushi Shoji, 26 Jun 2004:
+  - drivers/serial_xuartlite.c: fix "return 0" in void function
+  - add microblaze support to mkimage tool
 * Patch by Fred Klatt, 25 Jun 2004:
-  Add support for WindRiver's SBC8560 board
+  Add support for WindRiver's sbc8560 board
 * Patch by Nicolas Lacressonniere, 24 Jun 2004
   Small Bugs fixes for "at91rm9200dk" board:
diff --git a/CREDITS b/CREDITS
index 9b1f6a0d75..354b9ead91 100644
@@ -311,6 +311,11 @@ N: Bill Pitts
 D: BedBug embedded debugger code
+N: Daniel Poirot
+D: Support for the sbc8240 board
 N: Stefan Roese
 D: IBM PPC401/403/405GP Support; Windows environment support
diff --git a/MAKEALL b/MAKEALL
index a0ae7856d9..a526fb0793 100644
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ LIST_824x="	\
 	A3000		BMW		CPC45		CU824		\
 	debris		eXalion		MOUSSE		MUSENKI		\
 	MVBLUE		OXC		PN62		Sandpoint8240	\
-	Sandpoint8245	SL8245		utx8245				\
+	Sandpoint8245	SL8245		utx8245		sbc8240	\
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ LIST_8260="	\
 LIST_85xx="	\
-	MPC8540ADS	MPC8560ADS	SBC8560		stxgp3		\
+	MPC8540ADS	MPC8560ADS	sbc8560		stxgp3		\
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 516ae69a7c..9e2f2c8e15 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -799,6 +799,9 @@ Sandpoint8240_config: unconfig
 Sandpoint8245_config: unconfig
 	@./mkconfig $(@:_config=) ppc mpc824x sandpoint
+sbc8240_config: unconfig
+	@./mkconfig $(@:_config=) ppc mpc824x sbc8240
 SL8245_config: unconfig
 	@./mkconfig $(@:_config=) ppc mpc824x sl8245
@@ -1010,8 +1013,9 @@ MPC8560ADS_config:	unconfig
 stxgp3_config:		unconfig
 	@./mkconfig $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx stxgp3
-SBC8560_33_config \
-SBC8560_66_config:      unconfig
+sbc8560_config \
+sbc8560_33_config \
+sbc8560_66_config:      unconfig
 	@if [ "$(findstring _66_,$@)" ] ; then \
 		echo "#define CONFIG_PCI_66"  >>include/config.h ; \
 		echo "... 66 MHz PCI" ; \
@@ -1019,7 +1023,7 @@ SBC8560_66_config:      unconfig
 		>include/config.h ; \
 		echo "... 33 MHz PCI" ; \
-	@./mkconfig -a SBC8560 ppc mpc85xx sbc8560
+	@./mkconfig -a sbc8560 ppc mpc85xx sbc8560
 ## 74xx/7xx Systems
diff --git a/README b/README
index 8b545f822a..2c1c06be2e 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -2091,8 +2091,8 @@ configurations; the following names are supported:
 	CPCI405_config		JSE_config		rsdproto_config
 	CPCIISER4_config	LANTEC_config		Sandpoint8240_config
 	csb272_config		lwmon_config		sbc8260_config
-	CU824_config		MBX860T_config		SBC8560_33_config
-	DUET_ADS_config		MBX_config		SBC8560_66_config
+	CU824_config		MBX860T_config		sbc8560_33_config
+	DUET_ADS_config		MBX_config		sbc8560_66_config
 	EBONY_config		MPC8260ADS_config	SM850_config
 	ELPT860_config		MPC8540ADS_config	SPD823TS_config
 	ESTEEM192E_config	MPC8560ADS_config	stxgp3_config
diff --git a/board/sbc8240/Makefile b/board/sbc8240/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a2014d466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/sbc8240/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2001
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+LIB	= lib$(BOARD).a
+OBJS	= $(BOARD).o flash.o
+$(LIB):	.depend $(OBJS)
+	$(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS)
+.depend:	Makefile $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c)
+		$(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(OBJS:.o=.c) > $@
+sinclude .depend
diff --git a/board/sbc8240/README b/board/sbc8240/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..703565d86c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/sbc8240/README
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+The supported features of the SBC8240/8245 board are:
+    8240 or 8245 processor
+    66MHz & 100MHz bus speed
+    Decrementer timer
+    1 UART channel (Console channel)
+    8240 Interrupt Controller
+    8240 PCI bridge
+    8240 Memory Controller
+    SDRAM (16, 64 MB Memory DIMM)
+    FLASH 512K On board
+    FLASH 4MB On board
+Memory Map from CPU point of view:
+    Start        Size   Access to
+    -----------------------------------------------------
+    0x00000000   64MB   SDRAM DIMM
+    0xFF000000    4MB   On Board FLASH
+    0xFFF00000  512K    On Board FLASH or SRAM (Configured by jumper)
+    0xFFE00000    8K    EEPROM
+    0xFFE80000    8Bit  LED
+    0xFFF80000    8Bit  UART
+Setting the board Jumpers & Switches:
+   In order to get the board running with the default configuration the
+   jumpers need to be set as follows:
+  General Jumpers:
+    ____________________________________________
+   |   Jumpers   |   Jumpers    |    Jumpers    |
+   |-------------|--------------|---------------|
+   |JP1     1-2  | JP14    1-2  | JP27    1-2   |
+   |JP5     Open | JP15    1-2  | JP28    2-3   |
+   |JP8     1-2  | JP16    1-2  | JP33    Open  |
+   |JP9     1-2  | JP17    1-2  | JP37    Close |
+   |JP10    1-2  | JP18    1-2  |               |
+   |JP11    2-3  | JP19    1-2  |               |
+   |JP12    1-2  | JP20    1-2  |               |
+   |JP13    1-2  | JP25    Open |               |
+   |_____________|______________|_______________|
+  Bus speed Jumpers:
+    _________________________
+   | 100MHz Bus | 66 MHz Bus |
+   |------------|------------|
+   | JP2    1-2 | JP2    1-2 |
+   | JP3    1-2 | JP3    2-3 |
+   | JP4    1-2 | JP4    2-3 |
+   | JP6    1-2 | JP6    2-3 |
+   | JP7    1-2 | JP7    1-2 |
+   |____________|____________|
+U-Boot 1.1.2 (Jun 24 2004 - 17:01:04)
+CPU:   MPC8240 Revision 1.1 at 247.500 MHz: 16 kB I-Cache 16 kB D-Cache
+Board: sbc8240 Revision 255 Local Bus at 99 MHz
+DRAM:  64 MB
+FLASH: 512 kB
+        00  11  8086  1229  0200  00
+In:    serial
+Out:   serial
+Err:   serial
+Net:   i82559#0
+Welcome to U-Boot for the sbc8240
+Type ? or help to get on-line help
+Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
+=> printenv
+bootcmd=version;echo;tftpboot $loadaddr $loadfile;bootvx
+preboot=echo;echo Welcome to U-Boot for the sbc8240;echo;echo Type "? or help" to get on-line help;echo
+bootargs=$fei(0,0)host:/T221ppc/target/config/sbc8240/ e= h= u=target pw=hello f=0x08 tn=sbc8240 o=fei
+net_load=tftpboot $loadaddr $loadfile
+Environment size: 631/16380 bytes
+=> boot
+U-Boot 1.1.2 (Jun 24 2004 - 17:01:04)
+Using i82559#0 device
+TFTP from server; our IP address is
+Filename ''.
+Load address: 0x1000000
+Loading: #################################################################
+         #################################################################
+         ##############################################################
+Bytes transferred = 979927 (ef3d7 hex)
+## Ethernet MAC address not copied to NV RAM
+Loading .text @ 0x00100000 (758848 bytes)
+Loading .data @ 0x001b9440 (79904 bytes)
+Clearing .bss @ 0x001ccc60 (20288 bytes)
+## Using bootline (@ 0x4200): $fei(0,0)host:/T221ppc/target/config/sbc8240/ e= h= u=target pw=hello f=0x08 tn=sbc8240 o=fei
+## Starting vxWorks at 0x00100000 ...
+Adding 2845 symbols for standalone.
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
+      ]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]     ]]]]]]]]]]       ]]              ]]]]         (R)
+ ]     ]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]     ]]]]]]]]       ]]               ]]]]
+ ]]     ]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]]]     ]]]]]] ]     ]]                ]]]]
+ ]]]     ]]]]] ]    ]]]  ]     ]]]] ]]]   ]]]]]]]]]  ]]]] ]] ]]]]  ]]   ]]]]]
+ ]]]]     ]]]  ]]    ]  ]]]     ]] ]]]]] ]]]]]]   ]] ]]]]]]] ]]]] ]]   ]]]]
+ ]]]]]     ]  ]]]]     ]]]]]      ]]]]]]]] ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]]]]]    ]]]]
+ ]]]]]]      ]]]]]     ]]]]]]    ]  ]]]]]  ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]]]]]]    ]]]]
+ ]]]]]]]    ]]]]]  ]    ]]]]]]  ]    ]]]   ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]] ]]]]    ]]]]
+ ]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]  ]]]    ]]]]]]]      ]     ]]]]]]]  ]]]]    ]]]]  ]]]] ]]]]]
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       Development System
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       VxWorks version 5.5.1
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       KERNEL: WIND version 2.6
+ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       Copyright Wind River Systems, Inc., 1984-2003
+                               CPU: MPC8240 -- Wind River BSP. SBC8240 Board.  Processor #0.
+                              Memory Size: 0x2000000.  BSP version 1.2/28.
diff --git a/board/sbc8240/ b/board/sbc8240/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e97960520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/sbc8240/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2001
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# sbc8240 board
+TEXT_BASE = 0xFFF00000
diff --git a/board/sbc8240/flash.c b/board/sbc8240/flash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dec615683e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/sbc8240/flash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2000-2004
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+ * Modified 4/5/2001
+ * Wait for completion of each sector erase command issued
+ * 4/5/2001
+ * Chris Hallinan - DS4.COM, Inc. -
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <mpc824x.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#error "CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS must be 1"
+flash_info_t flash_info[CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS];	/* info for FLASH chips        */
+ * Functions
+ */
+static ulong flash_get_size (vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info);
+static int write_word (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data);
+static void flash_get_offsets (ulong base, flash_info_t * info);
+#define ADDR0           0x5555
+#define ADDR1           0x2aaa
+#define FLASH_WORD_SIZE unsigned char
+ */
+unsigned long flash_init (void)
+	unsigned long size_b0;
+	/* Init: no FLASHes known */
+	flash_info[0].flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+	/* Static FLASH Bank configuration here - FIXME XXX */
+	size_b0 = flash_get_size ((vu_long *) FLASH_BASE0_PRELIM, &flash_info[0]);
+	if (flash_info[0].flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		printf ("## Unknown FLASH on Bank 0 - Size = 0x%08lx = %ld MB\n",
+			size_b0, size_b0 << 20);
+	}
+	/* Only one bank */
+	/* Setup offsets */
+	flash_get_offsets (FLASH_BASE0_PRELIM, &flash_info[0]);
+	/* Monitor protection ON by default */
+	(void) flash_protect (FLAG_PROTECT_SET,
+			      FLASH_BASE0_PRELIM + monitor_flash_len - 1,
+			      &flash_info[0]);
+	flash_info[0].size = size_b0;
+	return size_b0;
+ */
+static void flash_get_offsets (ulong base, flash_info_t * info)
+	int i;
+	/* set up sector start address table */
+	if (((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST) ||
+	    (info->flash_id == FLASH_AM040)) {
+		for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+			info->start[i] = base + (i * 0x00010000);
+	} else {
+		if (info->flash_id & FLASH_BTYPE) {
+			/* set sector offsets for bottom boot block type        */
+			info->start[0] = base + 0x00000000;
+			info->start[1] = base + 0x00004000;
+			info->start[2] = base + 0x00006000;
+			info->start[3] = base + 0x00008000;
+			for (i = 4; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+				info->start[i] =
+					base + (i * 0x00010000) - 0x00030000;
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* set sector offsets for top boot block type           */
+			i = info->sector_count - 1;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00004000;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00006000;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00008000;
+			for (; i >= 0; i--) {
+				info->start[i] = base + i * 0x00010000;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ */
+void flash_print_info (flash_info_t * info)
+	int i;
+	int k;
+	int size;
+	int erased;
+	volatile unsigned long *flash;
+	if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		printf ("missing or unknown FLASH type\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) {
+		printf ("AMD ");
+		break;
+		printf ("FUJITSU ");
+		break;
+		printf ("SST ");
+		break;
+	default:
+		printf ("Unknown Vendor ");
+		break;
+	}
+	switch (info->flash_id & FLASH_TYPEMASK) {
+	case FLASH_AM040:
+		printf ("AM29F040 (512 Kbit, uniform sector size)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_AM400B:
+		printf ("AM29LV400B (4 Mbit, bottom boot sect)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_AM400T:
+		printf ("AM29LV400T (4 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_AM800B:
+		printf ("AM29LV800B (8 Mbit, bottom boot sect)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_AM800T:
+		printf ("AM29LV800T (8 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_AM160B:
+		printf ("AM29LV160B (16 Mbit, bottom boot sect)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_AM160T:
+		printf ("AM29LV160T (16 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_AM320B:
+		printf ("AM29LV320B (32 Mbit, bottom boot sect)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_AM320T:
+		printf ("AM29LV320T (32 Mbit, top boot sector)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_SST800A:
+		printf ("SST39LF/VF800 (8 Mbit, uniform sector size)\n");
+		break;
+	case FLASH_SST160A:
+		printf ("SST39LF/VF160 (16 Mbit, uniform sector size)\n");
+		break;
+	default:
+		printf ("Unknown Chip Type\n");
+		break;
+	}
+	printf ("  Size: %ld KB in %d Sectors\n",
+		info->size >> 10, info->sector_count);
+	printf ("  Sector Start Addresses:");
+	for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; ++i) {
+		/*
+		 * Check if whole sector is erased
+		 */
+		if (i != (info->sector_count - 1))
+			size = info->start[i + 1] - info->start[i];
+		else
+			size = info->start[0] + info->size - info->start[i];
+		erased = 1;
+		flash = (volatile unsigned long *) info->start[i];
+		size = size >> 2;	/* divide by 4 for longword access */
+		for (k = 0; k < size; k++) {
+			if (*flash++ != 0xffffffff) {
+				erased = 0;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if ((i % 5) == 0)
+			printf ("\n   ");
+		printf (" %08lX%s%s",
+			info->start[i],
+			erased ? " E" : "  ", info->protect[i] ? "RO " : "   "
+		);
+	}
+	printf ("\n");
+	return;
+ */
+ */
+ * The following code cannot be run from FLASH!
+ */
+static ulong flash_get_size (vu_long * addr, flash_info_t * info)
+	short i;
+	ulong base = (ulong) addr;
+	volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2 = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) addr;
+	/* Write auto select command: read Manufacturer ID */
+	addr2[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00AA00AA;
+	addr2[ADDR1] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+	addr2[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00900090;
+	value = addr2[0];
+	switch (value) {
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_AMD;
+		break;
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_FUJ;
+		break;
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_MAN_SST;
+		break;
+	default:
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+		info->sector_count = 0;
+		info->size = 0;
+		return (0);	/* no or unknown flash  */
+	}
+	value = addr2[1];	/* device ID            */
+	switch (value) {
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM040;
+		info->sector_count = 8;
+		info->size = 0x0080000;	/* => 512 ko */
+		break;
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM040;
+		info->sector_count = 8;
+		info->size = 0x0080000;	/* => 512 ko */
+		break;
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM400T;
+		info->sector_count = 11;
+		info->size = 0x00080000;
+		break;		/* => 0.5 MB            */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM400B;
+		info->sector_count = 11;
+		info->size = 0x00080000;
+		break;		/* => 0.5 MB            */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM800T;
+		info->sector_count = 19;
+		info->size = 0x00100000;
+		break;		/* => 1 MB              */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM800B;
+		info->sector_count = 19;
+		info->size = 0x00100000;
+		break;		/* => 1 MB              */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM160T;
+		info->sector_count = 35;
+		info->size = 0x00200000;
+		break;		/* => 2 MB              */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM160B;
+		info->sector_count = 35;
+		info->size = 0x00200000;
+		break;		/* => 2 MB              */
+#if 0				/* enable when device IDs are available */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM320T;
+		info->sector_count = 67;
+		info->size = 0x00400000;
+		break;		/* => 4 MB              */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_AM320B;
+		info->sector_count = 67;
+		info->size = 0x00400000;
+		break;		/* => 4 MB              */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_SST800A;
+		info->sector_count = 16;
+		info->size = 0x00100000;
+		break;		/* => 1 MB              */
+		info->flash_id += FLASH_SST160A;
+		info->sector_count = 32;
+		info->size = 0x00200000;
+		break;		/* => 2 MB              */
+	default:
+		info->flash_id = FLASH_UNKNOWN;
+		return (0);	/* => no or unknown flash */
+	}
+	/* set up sector start address table */
+	if (((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST) ||
+	    (info->flash_id == FLASH_AM040)) {
+		for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++)
+			info->start[i] = base + (i * 0x00010000);
+	} else {
+		if (info->flash_id & FLASH_BTYPE) {
+			/* set sector offsets for bottom boot block type        */
+			info->start[0] = base + 0x00000000;
+			info->start[1] = base + 0x00004000;
+			info->start[2] = base + 0x00006000;
+			info->start[3] = base + 0x00008000;
+			for (i = 4; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+				info->start[i] =
+					base + (i * 0x00010000) - 0x00030000;
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* set sector offsets for top boot block type           */
+			i = info->sector_count - 1;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00004000;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00006000;
+			info->start[i--] = base + info->size - 0x00008000;
+			for (; i >= 0; i--) {
+				info->start[i] = base + i * 0x00010000;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* check for protected sectors */
+	for (i = 0; i < info->sector_count; i++) {
+		/* read sector protection at sector address, (A7 .. A0) = 0x02 */
+		/* D0 = 1 if protected */
+		addr2 = (volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[i]);
+		if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) == FLASH_MAN_SST)
+			info->protect[i] = 0;
+		else
+			info->protect[i] = addr2[2] & 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Prevent writes to uninitialized FLASH.
+	 */
+	if (info->flash_id != FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		addr2 = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) info->start[0];
+		*addr2 = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00F000F0;	/* reset bank */
+	}
+	return (info->size);
+int wait_for_DQ7 (flash_info_t * info, int sect)
+	ulong start, now, last;
+	volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr =
+		(FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[sect]);
+	start = get_timer (0);
+	last = start;
+	while ((addr[0] & (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) !=
+	       (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) {
+		if ((now = get_timer (start)) > CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT) {
+			printf ("Timeout\n");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* show that we're waiting */
+		if ((now - last) > 1000) {	/* every second */
+			putc ('.');
+			last = now;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+ */
+int flash_erase (flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
+	volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[0]);
+	volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2;
+	int flag, prot, sect, l_sect;
+	int i;
+	if ((s_first < 0) || (s_first > s_last)) {
+		if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+			printf ("- missing\n");
+		} else {
+			printf ("- no sectors to erase\n");
+		}
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (info->flash_id == FLASH_UNKNOWN) {
+		printf ("Can't erase unknown flash type - aborted\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	prot = 0;
+	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; ++sect) {
+		if (info->protect[sect]) {
+			prot++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (prot) {
+		printf ("- Warning: %d protected sectors will not be erased!\n", prot);
+	} else {
+		printf ("\n");
+	}
+	l_sect = -1;
+	/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+	flag = disable_interrupts ();
+	/* Start erase on unprotected sectors */
+	for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; sect++) {
+		if (info->protect[sect] == 0) {	/* not protected */
+			addr2 = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[sect]);
+			printf ("Erasing sector %p\n", addr2);	/* CLH */
+			if ((info->flash_id & FLASH_VENDMASK) ==
+			    FLASH_MAN_SST) {
+				addr[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00AA00AA;
+				addr[ADDR1] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080;
+				addr[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00AA00AA;
+				addr[ADDR1] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr2[0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00500050;	/* block erase */
+				for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
+					udelay (1000);	/* wait 1 ms */
+			} else {
+				addr[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00AA00AA;
+				addr[ADDR1] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080;
+				addr[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00AA00AA;
+				addr[ADDR1] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+				addr2[0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00300030;	/* sector erase */
+			}
+			l_sect = sect;
+			/*
+			 * Wait for each sector to complete, it's more
+			 * reliable.  According to AMD Spec, you must
+			 * issue all erase commands within a specified
+			 * timeout.  This has been seen to fail, especially
+			 * if printf()s are included (for debug)!!
+			 */
+			wait_for_DQ7 (info, sect);
+		}
+	}
+	/* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+	if (flag)
+		enable_interrupts ();
+	/* wait at least 80us - let's wait 1 ms */
+	udelay (1000);
+#if 0
+	/*
+	 * We wait for the last triggered sector
+	 */
+	if (l_sect < 0)
+		goto DONE;
+	wait_for_DQ7 (info, l_sect);
+      DONE:
+	/* reset to read mode */
+	addr = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) info->start[0];
+	addr[0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00F000F0;	/* reset bank */
+	printf (" done\n");
+	return 0;
+ * Copy memory to flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ */
+int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+	ulong cp, wp, data;
+	int i, l, rc;
+	wp = (addr & ~3);	/* get lower word aligned address */
+	/*
+	 * handle unaligned start bytes
+	 */
+	if ((l = addr - wp) != 0) {
+		data = 0;
+		for (i = 0, cp = wp; i < l; ++i, ++cp) {
+			data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *) cp);
+		}
+		for (; i < 4 && cnt > 0; ++i) {
+			data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+			--cnt;
+			++cp;
+		}
+		for (; cnt == 0 && i < 4; ++i, ++cp) {
+			data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *) cp);
+		}
+		if ((rc = write_word (info, wp, data)) != 0) {
+			return (rc);
+		}
+		wp += 4;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * handle word aligned part
+	 */
+	while (cnt >= 4) {
+		data = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+			data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+		}
+		if ((rc = write_word (info, wp, data)) != 0) {
+			return (rc);
+		}
+		wp += 4;
+		cnt -= 4;
+	}
+	if (cnt == 0) {
+		return (0);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * handle unaligned tail bytes
+	 */
+	data = 0;
+	for (i = 0, cp = wp; i < 4 && cnt > 0; ++i, ++cp) {
+		data = (data << 8) | *src++;
+		--cnt;
+	}
+	for (; i < 4; ++i, ++cp) {
+		data = (data << 8) | (*(uchar *) cp);
+	}
+	return (write_word (info, wp, data));
+ * Write a word to Flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ */
+static int write_word (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, ulong data)
+	volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *addr2 =
+		(FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) (info->start[0]);
+	volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *dest2 = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) dest;
+	volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *data2 = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) & data;
+	ulong start;
+	int i;
+	/* Check if Flash is (sufficiently) erased */
+	if ((*((volatile FLASH_WORD_SIZE *) dest) &
+	     (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) data) != (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) data) {
+		return (2);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < 4 / sizeof (FLASH_WORD_SIZE); i++) {
+		int flag;
+		/* Disable interrupts which might cause a timeout here */
+		flag = disable_interrupts ();
+		addr2[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00AA00AA;
+		addr2[ADDR1] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00550055;
+		addr2[ADDR0] = (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00A000A0;
+		dest2[i] = data2[i];
+		/* re-enable interrupts if necessary */
+		if (flag)
+			enable_interrupts ();
+		/* data polling for D7 */
+		start = get_timer (0);
+		while ((dest2[i] & (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080) !=
+		       (data2[i] & (FLASH_WORD_SIZE) 0x00800080)) {
+			if (get_timer (start) > CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT) {
+				return (1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return (0);
diff --git a/board/sbc8240/sbc8240.c b/board/sbc8240/sbc8240.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6d3babe92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/sbc8240/sbc8240.c
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Rob Taylor, Flying Pig Systems.
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2001, 2002
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, <>
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <mpc824x.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <pci.h>
+#define BOARD_REV_REG 0xFE80002B
+int checkboard (void)
+	char  revision = *(volatile char *)(BOARD_REV_REG);
+	char  buf[32];
+	puts ("Board: sbc8240 ");
+	printf("Revision %d ", revision);
+	printf("Local Bus at %s MHz\n", strmhz(buf, gd->bus_clk));
+	return 0;
+long int initdram(int board_type)
+	long size;
+	long new_bank0_end;
+	long mear1;
+	long emear1;
+	size = get_ram_size(CFG_SDRAM_BASE, CFG_MAX_RAM_SIZE);
+	new_bank0_end = size - 1;
+	mear1 = mpc824x_mpc107_getreg(MEAR1);
+	emear1 = mpc824x_mpc107_getreg(EMEAR1);
+	mear1 = (mear1  & 0xFFFFFF00) |
+		((new_bank0_end & MICR_ADDR_MASK) >> MICR_ADDR_SHIFT);
+	emear1 = (emear1 & 0xFFFFFF00) |
+		((new_bank0_end & MICR_ADDR_MASK) >> MICR_EADDR_SHIFT);
+	mpc824x_mpc107_setreg(MEAR1,  mear1);
+	mpc824x_mpc107_setreg(EMEAR1, emear1);
+	return (size);
+ * Initialize PCI Devices, report devices found.
+ */
+static struct pci_config_table pci_sandpoint_config_table[] = {
+	  pci_cfgfunc_config_device, { PCI_ENET0_IOADDR,
+				       PCI_ENET0_MEMADDR,
+	{ }
+struct pci_controller hose = {
+	config_table: pci_sandpoint_config_table,
+void pci_init_board(void)
+	pci_mpc824x_init(&hose);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int misc_init_r (void)
+#ifdef CFG_LED_BASE
+	*((unsigned char *) (CFG_LED_BASE)) = 0xFF;
+#endif /* CFG_LED_BASE */
+	return (0);
+#endif /* CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R */
diff --git a/board/sbc8240/ b/board/sbc8240/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e6053aaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/sbc8240/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+SEARCH_DIR(/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/lib); SEARCH_DIR(/usr/local/powerpc-any-elf/lib);
+/* Do we need any of these for elf?
+   __DYNAMIC = 0;    */
+  /* Read-only sections, merged into text segment: */
+  .interp : { *(.interp) }
+  .hash          : { *(.hash)		}
+  .dynsym        : { *(.dynsym)		}
+  .dynstr        : { *(.dynstr)		}
+  .rel.text      : { *(.rel.text)		}
+  .rela.text     : { *(.rela.text) 	}
+      : { *(		}
+     : { *( 	}
+  .rel.rodata    : { *(.rel.rodata) 	}
+  .rela.rodata   : { *(.rela.rodata) 	}
+       : { *(		}
+      : { *(		}
+  .rel.ctors     : { *(.rel.ctors)	}
+  .rela.ctors    : { *(.rela.ctors)	}
+  .rel.dtors     : { *(.rel.dtors)	}
+  .rela.dtors    : { *(.rela.dtors)	}
+  .rel.bss       : { *(.rel.bss)		}
+  .rela.bss      : { *(.rela.bss)		}
+  .rel.plt       : { *(.rel.plt)		}
+  .rela.plt      : { *(.rela.plt)		}
+  .init          : { *(.init)	}
+  .plt : { *(.plt) }
+  .text      :
+  {
+    cpu/mpc824x/start.o	(.text)
+    lib_ppc/board.o (.text)
+    lib_ppc/ppcstring.o	(.text)
+    lib_generic/vsprintf.o	(.text)
+    lib_generic/crc32.o		(.text)
+    lib_generic/zlib.o		(.text)
+		. = DEFINED(env_offset) ? env_offset : .;
+    common/environment.o (.text)
+		*(.text)
+    *(.fixup)
+    *(.got1)
+    . = ALIGN(16);
+    *(.rodata)
+    *(.rodata1)
+    *(.rodata.str1.4)
+  }
+  .fini      : { *(.fini)    } =0
+  .ctors     : { *(.ctors)   }
+  .dtors     : { *(.dtors)   }
+  /* Read-write section, merged into data segment: */
+  . = (. + 0x0FFF) & 0xFFFFF000;
+  _erotext = .;
+  PROVIDE (erotext = .);
+  .reloc   :
+  {
+    *(.got)
+    _GOT2_TABLE_ = .;
+    *(.got2)
+    _FIXUP_TABLE_ = .;
+    *(.fixup)
+  }
+  __got2_entries = (_FIXUP_TABLE_ - _GOT2_TABLE_) >> 2;
+  __fixup_entries = (. - _FIXUP_TABLE_) >> 2;
+  .data    :
+  {
+    *(.data)
+    *(.data1)
+    *(.sdata)
+    *(.sdata2)
+    *(.dynamic)
+  }
+  _edata  =  .;
+  PROVIDE (edata = .);
+  __u_boot_cmd_start = .;
+  .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
+  __u_boot_cmd_end = .;
+  __start___ex_table = .;
+  __ex_table : { *(__ex_table) }
+  __stop___ex_table = .;
+  . = ALIGN(4096);
+  __init_begin = .;
+  .text.init : { *(.text.init) }
+  .data.init : { *(.data.init) }
+  . = ALIGN(4096);
+  __init_end = .;
+  __bss_start = .;
+  .bss       :
+  {
+   *(.sbss) *(.scommon)
+   *(.dynbss)
+   *(.bss)
+   *(COMMON)
+  }
+  _end = . ;
+  PROVIDE (end = .);
diff --git a/drivers/serial_xuartlite.c b/drivers/serial_xuartlite.c
index fcd1593cb8..da2e746087 100644
--- a/drivers/serial_xuartlite.c
+++ b/drivers/serial_xuartlite.c
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ void serial_putc(const char c)
 	if (c == '\n') serial_putc('\r');
 	IO_SERIAL_TX_FIFO = (unsigned char) (c & 0xff);
-	return 0;
 void serial_puts(const char * s)
diff --git a/include/configs/SBC8560.h b/include/configs/SBC8560.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cf5ef63d1a..0000000000
--- a/include/configs/SBC8560.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2002,2003 Motorola,Inc.
- * Xianghua Xiao <>
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2004 Wind River Systems Inc <>.
- * Added support for Wind River SBC8560 board
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-/* mpc8560ads board configuration file */
-/* please refer to doc/README.mpc85xx for more info */
-/* make sure you change the MAC address and other network params first,
- * search for CONFIG_ETHADDR,CONFIG_SERVERIP,etc in this file
- */
-#ifndef __CONFIG_H
-#define __CONFIG_H
-/* High Level Configuration Options */
-#define CONFIG_BOOKE		1	/* BOOKE			*/
-#define CONFIG_E500		1	/* BOOKE e500 family		*/
-#define CONFIG_MPC85xx		1	/* MPC8540/MPC8560		*/
-#define CONFIG_MPC85xx_REV1	1	/* MPC85xx Rev 1.0 chip		*/
-#define CONFIG_MPC8560		1	/* MPC8560 specific		*/
-#define CONFIG_SBC8560		1	/* configuration for SBC8560 board */
-/* XXX flagging this as something I might want to delete */
-#define CONFIG_MPC8560ADS	1	/* MPC8560ADS board specific	*/
-#define CONFIG_TSEC_ENET		/* tsec ethernet support	*/
-#undef	CONFIG_PCI			/* pci ethernet support		*/
-#undef  CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC		/* cpm FCC ethernet support	*/
-/* Using Localbus SDRAM to emulate flash before we can program the flash,
- * normally you need a flash-boot image(u-boot.bin), if so undef this.
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_PCI_66)		/* some PCI card is 33Mhz only	*/
-  #define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ	66000000/* sysclk for MPC85xx		*/
-  #define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ	33000000/* most pci cards are 33Mhz	*/
-/* below can be toggled for performance analysis. otherwise use default */
-#define CONFIG_L2_CACHE			    /* toggle L2 cache		*/
-#undef	CONFIG_BTB			    /* toggle branch predition	*/
-#undef	CONFIG_ADDR_STREAMING		    /* toggle addr streaming	*/
-#define CONFIG_BOARD_EARLY_INIT_F 1	    /* Call board_early_init_f	*/
-#undef	CFG_DRAM_TEST			    /* memory test, takes time	*/
-#define CFG_MEMTEST_START	0x00200000  /* memtest region */
-#define CFG_MEMTEST_END		0x00400000
-#if (defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) || \
-     defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC) || \
-     defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) && defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC))
-#error "You can only use ONE of PCI Ethernet Card or TSEC Ethernet or CPM FCC."
- * Base addresses -- Note these are effective addresses where the
- * actual resources get mapped (not physical addresses)
- */
-#define CFG_CCSRBAR_DEFAULT	0xff700000	/* CCSRBAR Default	*/
-#if XXX
-  #define CFG_CCSRBAR		0xfdf00000	/* relocated CCSRBAR	*/
-  #define CFG_CCSRBAR		0xff700000	/* default CCSRBAR	*/
-#define CFG_DDR_SDRAM_BASE	0x00000000	/* DDR is system memory	 */
-#define CFG_SDRAM_SIZE		512		/* DDR is 512MB */
-#define SPD_EEPROM_ADDRESS	0x55		/*  DDR DIMM */
-#undef  CONFIG_DDR_ECC				/* only for ECC DDR module	*/
-#undef  CONFIG_SPD_EEPROM			/* Use SPD EEPROM for DDR setup */
-#if defined(CONFIG_MPC85xx_REV1)
-  #define CONFIG_DDR_DLL			/* possible DLL fix needed	*/
-#if defined(CONFIG_RAM_AS_FLASH)
-  #define CFG_LBC_SDRAM_BASE	0xfc000000	/* Localbus SDRAM */
-  #define CFG_FLASH_BASE	0xf8000000      /* start of FLASH 8M  */
-  #define CFG_BR0_PRELIM	0xf8000801      /* port size 8bit */
-  #define CFG_OR0_PRELIM	0xf8000ff7	/* 8MB Flash		*/
-#else /* Boot from real Flash */
-  #define CFG_LBC_SDRAM_BASE	0xf8000000	/* Localbus SDRAM */
-  #define CFG_FLASH_BASE	0xff800000      /* start of FLASH 8M    */
-  #define CFG_BR0_PRELIM	0xff800801      /* port size 8bit      */
-  #define CFG_OR0_PRELIM	0xff800ff7	/* 8MB Flash		*/
-#define CFG_LBC_SDRAM_SIZE	64		/* LBC SDRAM is 64MB	*/
-/* local bus definitions */
-#define CFG_BR1_PRELIM		0xe4001801	/* 64M, 32-bit flash */
-#define CFG_OR1_PRELIM		0xfc000ff7
-#define CFG_BR2_PRELIM		0x00000000	/* CS2 not used */
-#define CFG_OR2_PRELIM		0x00000000
-#define CFG_BR3_PRELIM		0xf0001861	/* 64MB localbus SDRAM	*/
-#define CFG_OR3_PRELIM		0xfc000cc1
-#if defined(CONFIG_RAM_AS_FLASH)
-  #define CFG_BR4_PRELIM	0xf4001861	/* 64M localbus SDRAM */
-  #define CFG_BR4_PRELIM	0xf8001861	/* 64M localbus SDRAM */
-#define CFG_OR4_PRELIM		0xfc000cc1
-#define CFG_BR5_PRELIM		0xfc000801	/* 16M CS5 misc devices */
-#if 1
-  #define CFG_OR5_PRELIM	0xff000ff7
-  #define CFG_OR5_PRELIM	0xff0000f0
-#define CFG_BR6_PRELIM		0xe0001801	/* 64M, 32-bit flash */
-#define CFG_OR6_PRELIM		0xfc000ff7
-#define CFG_LBC_LCRR		0x00030002	/* local bus freq	*/
-#define CFG_LBC_LBCR		0x00000000
-#define CFG_LBC_LSRT		0x20000000
-#define CFG_LBC_MRTPR		0x20000000
-#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_1		0x2861b723
-#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_2		0x0861b723
-#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_3		0x0861b723
-#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_4		0x1861b723
-#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_5		0x4061b723
-/* just hijack the MOT BCSR def for SBC8560 misc devices */
-#define CFG_BCSR		((CFG_BR5_PRELIM & 0xff000000)|0x00400000)
-/* the size of CS5 needs to be >= 16M for TLB and LAW setups */
-#define CFG_INIT_RAM_LOCK	1
-#define CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR	0x70000000	/* Initial RAM address	*/
-#define CFG_INIT_RAM_END	0x4000		/* End of used area in RAM */
-#define CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE	128		/* num bytes initial data */
-#define CFG_MONITOR_LEN		(256 * 1024)	/* Reserve 256 kB for Mon */
-#define CFG_MALLOC_LEN		(128 * 1024)	/* Reserved for malloc */
-/* Serial Port */
-#undef  CONFIG_CONS_ON_SCC			/* define if console on SCC */
-#undef	CONFIG_CONS_NONE			/* define if console on something else */
-#define CFG_NS16550
-#define CFG_NS16550_SERIAL
-#define CFG_NS16550_REG_SIZE	1
-#define CFG_NS16550_CLK		1843200 /* get_bus_freq(0) */
-#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE		9600
-	{300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,115200}
-#define CFG_NS16550_COM1	((CFG_BR5_PRELIM & 0xff000000)+0x00700000)
-#define CFG_NS16550_COM2	((CFG_BR5_PRELIM & 0xff000000)+0x00800000)
-/* Use the HUSH parser */
-#define CFG_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2 "> "
-/* I2C */
-#define	 CONFIG_HARD_I2C		/* I2C with hardware support*/
-#undef	CONFIG_SOFT_I2C			/* I2C bit-banged */
-#define CFG_I2C_SPEED		400000	/* I2C speed and slave address	*/
-#define CFG_I2C_SLAVE		0x7F
-#define CFG_I2C_NOPROBES	{0x69}	/* Don't probe these addrs */
-#define CFG_PCI_MEM_BASE	0xC0000000
-#define CFG_PCI_MEM_PHYS	0xC0000000
-#define CFG_PCI_MEM_SIZE	0x10000000
-#if defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET)		/* TSEC Ethernet port */
-  #define CONFIG_NET_MULTI	1
-  #define CONFIG_PHY_BCM5421S	1	/* GigaBit Ether PHY	     */
-  #define CONFIG_MII		1	/* MII PHY management		*/
-  #define CONFIG_PHY_ADDR	25	/* PHY address			*/
-#elif defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC)	/* CPM FCC Ethernet */
-  #undef  CONFIG_ETHER_NONE		/* define if ether on something else */
-  #define CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC2		/* cpm FCC ethernet support	*/
-  #define CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX	2	/* which channel for ether  */
-  #if (CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX == 2)
-    /*
-     * - Rx-CLK is CLK13
-     * - Tx-CLK is CLK14
-     * - Select bus for bd/buffers
-     * - Full duplex
-     */
-    #define CFG_CPMFCR_RAMTYPE	0
-    #define CFG_FCC_PSMR	(FCC_PSMR_FDE)
-  #elif (CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX == 3)
-    /* need more definitions here for FE3 */
-  #endif				/* CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX */
-  #define CONFIG_MII			/* MII PHY management */
-  #define CONFIG_BITBANGMII		/* bit-bang MII PHY management	*/
-  /*
-   * GPIO pins used for bit-banged MII communications
-   */
-  #define MDIO_PORT	2		/* Port C */
-  #define MDIO_ACTIVE	(iop->pdir |=  0x00400000)
-  #define MDIO_TRISTATE	(iop->pdir &= ~0x00400000)
-  #define MDIO_READ	((iop->pdat &  0x00400000) != 0)
-  #define MDIO(bit)	if(bit) iop->pdat |=  0x00400000; \
-			else	iop->pdat &= ~0x00400000
-  #define MDC(bit)	if(bit) iop->pdat |=  0x00200000; \
-			else	iop->pdat &= ~0x00200000
-  #define MIIDELAY	udelay(1)
- * FLASH and environment organization
- */
-#define CFG_FLASH_CFI		1	/* Flash is CFI conformant		*/
-#define CFG_FLASH_CFI_DRIVER	1	/* Use the common driver		*/
-#if 0
-#define CFG_FLASH_USE_BUFFER_WRITE 1    /* use buffered writes (20x faster)     */
-#define CFG_FLASH_PROTECTION		/* use hardware protection		*/
-#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT	64	/* max number of sectors on one chip	*/
-#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS	1	/* max number of memory banks		*/
-#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT	200000		/* Timeout for Flash Erase (in ms)	*/
-#define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT	50000		/* Timeout for Flash Write (in ms)	*/
-#define CFG_MONITOR_BASE	TEXT_BASE	/* start of monitor	*/
-#if 0
-/* XXX This doesn't work and I don't want to fix it */
-  #define CFG_RAMBOOT
-  #undef  CFG_RAMBOOT
-/* Environment */
-#if !defined(CFG_RAMBOOT)
-  #if defined(CONFIG_RAM_AS_FLASH)
-    #define CFG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE
-    #define CFG_ENV_ADDR	(CFG_FLASH_BASE + 0x100000)
-    #define CFG_ENV_SIZE	0x2000
-  #else
-    #define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH	1
-    #define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE	0x20000 /* 128K(one sector) for env */
-    #define CFG_ENV_SIZE	0x2000 /* CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE */
-  #endif
-  #define CFG_NO_FLASH		1	/* Flash is not usable now	*/
-  #define CFG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE	1	/* Store ENV in memory only	*/
-  #define CFG_ENV_ADDR		(CFG_MONITOR_BASE - 0x1000)
-  #define CFG_ENV_SIZE		0x2000
-#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS "root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot= ip= console=ttyS0,9600"
-/*#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS      "root=/dev/ram rw console=ttyS0,115200"*/
-#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND	"bootm 0xff800000 0xffa00000"
-#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY	5	/* -1 disable autoboot */
-#define CONFIG_LOADS_ECHO	1	/* echo on for serial download	*/
-#define CFG_LOADS_BAUD_CHANGE	1	/* allow baudrate change	*/
-#if defined(CFG_RAMBOOT) || defined(CONFIG_RAM_AS_FLASH)
-  #if defined(CONFIG_PCI)
-				CFG_CMD_PING | CFG_CMD_I2C) & \
-				 ~(CFG_CMD_ENV | \
-				  CFG_CMD_LOADS ))
-  #elif (defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) || defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC))
-				CFG_CMD_PING | CFG_CMD_I2C) & \
-				~(CFG_CMD_ENV))
-  #endif
-  #if defined(CONFIG_PCI)
-  #elif (defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) || defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC))
-  #endif
-#include <cmd_confdefs.h>
-#undef CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
- * Miscellaneous configurable options
- */
-#define CFG_LONGHELP			/* undef to save memory		*/
-#define CFG_PROMPT	"SBC8560=> " /* Monitor Command Prompt	*/
-  #define CFG_CBSIZE	1024		/* Console I/O Buffer Size	*/
-  #define CFG_CBSIZE	256		/* Console I/O Buffer Size	*/
-#define CFG_PBSIZE (CFG_CBSIZE+sizeof(CFG_PROMPT)+16) /* Print Buffer Size */
-#define CFG_MAXARGS	16		/* max number of command args	*/
-#define CFG_BARGSIZE	CFG_CBSIZE	/* Boot Argument Buffer Size	*/
-#define CFG_LOAD_ADDR	0x1000000	/* default load address */
-#define CFG_HZ		1000		/* decrementer freq: 1 ms ticks */
- * For booting Linux, the board info and command line data
- * have to be in the first 8 MB of memory, since this is
- * the maximum mapped by the Linux kernel during initialization.
- */
-#define CFG_BOOTMAPSZ		(8 << 20) /* Initial Memory map for Linux */
-/* Cache Configuration */
-#define CFG_DCACHE_SIZE		32768
-  #define CFG_CACHELINE_SHIFT	5	/* log base 2 of the above value */
- * Internal Definitions
- *
- * Boot Flags
- */
-#define BOOTFLAG_COLD	0x01		/* Normal Power-On: Boot from FLASH */
-#define BOOTFLAG_WARM	0x02		/* Software reboot		*/
-  #define CONFIG_KGDB_BAUDRATE	230400	/* speed to run kgdb serial port */
-  #define CONFIG_KGDB_SER_INDEX	2	/* which serial port to use */
-/*Note: change below for your network setting!!! */
-#if defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) || defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC)
-  #define CONFIG_ETHADDR	00:01:af:07:9b:8a
-  #define CONFIG_ETH1ADDR	00:01:af:07:9b:8b
-  #define CONFIG_ETH2ADDR	00:01:af:07:9b:8c
-#define CONFIG_ROOTPATH		/home/ppc
-#define CONFIG_BOOTFILE		pImage
-#endif	/* __CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/include/configs/sbc8240.h b/include/configs/sbc8240.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d891e07b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/configs/sbc8240.h
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+ * Configuration settings for the sbc8240 board.
+ */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * board/config.h - configuration options, board specific
+ */
+#ifndef __CONFIG_H
+#define __CONFIG_H
+ * High Level Configuration Options
+ * (easy to change)
+ */
+#define CONFIG_MPC824X		1
+#define CONFIG_MPC8240		1
+#define CONFIG_WRSBC8240	1
+#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE		9600
+#define CFG_BAUDRATE_TABLE	{ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
+#define CONFIG_PREBOOT  "echo;echo Welcome to U-Boot for the sbc8240;echo;echo Type \"? or help\" to get on-line help;echo"
+#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND	"version;echo;tftpboot $loadaddr $loadfile;bootvx"	/* autoboot command	*/
+	"bootargs=$fei(0,0)host:/T221ppc/target/config/sbc8240/ " \
+	       "e= h= u=target pw=hello f=0x08 " \
+	       "tn=sbc8240 o=fei \0" \
+	"env_startaddr=FFF70000\0" \
+	"env_endaddr=FFF7FFFF\0" \
+	"\0" \
+	"loadaddr=0x01000000\0" \
+	"net_load=tftpboot $loadaddr $loadfile\0" \
+	"uboot_startaddr=FFF00000\0" \
+	"uboot_endaddr=FFF3FFFF\0" \
+	"update=tftp $loadaddr /u-boot.bin;" \
+		"protect off $uboot_startaddr $uboot_endaddr;" \
+		"era $uboot_startaddr $uboot_endaddr;" \
+		"cp.b $loadaddr $uboot_startaddr $filesize;" \
+		"protect on $uboot_startaddr $uboot_endaddr\0" \
+	"zapenv=protect off $env_startaddr $env_endaddr;" \
+		"era $env_startaddr $env_endaddr;" \
+		"protect on $env_startaddr $env_endaddr\0"
+				  CFG_CMD_BSP    | \
+				  CFG_CMD_DIAG   | \
+				  CFG_CMD_ELF    | \
+				  CFG_CMD_ENV    | \
+				  CFG_CMD_FLASH  | \
+				  CFG_CMD_PCI    | \
+				  CFG_CMD_PING   | \
+				  CFG_CMD_SDRAM  | \
+				  0 )
+/* This must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any)
+ */
+#include <cmd_confdefs.h>
+ * Miscellaneous configurable options
+ */
+#define CFG_LONGHELP			/* undef to save memory		*/
+#define CFG_PROMPT	"=> "		/* Monitor Command Prompt	*/
+#define CFG_CBSIZE	256		/* Console I/O Buffer Size	*/
+#if 1
+#define CFG_HUSH_PARSER		1	/* use "hush" command parser	*/
+#define CFG_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2	"> "
+#define CONFIG_ETHADDR          DE:AD:BE:EF:01:01    /* Ethernet address */
+#define CONFIG_STATUS_LED               /* Status LED enabled           */
+#define CONFIG_BOARD_SPECIFIC_LED       /* version has board specific leds */
+#define STATUS_LED_BIT          0x00000001
+#define STATUS_LED_PERIOD       (CFG_HZ / 2)
+#define STATUS_LED_ACTIVE       0       /* LED on for bit == 0  */
+#define STATUS_LED_BOOT         0       /* LED 0 used for boot status */
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+/* LEDs */
+typedef unsigned int led_id_t;
+#define __led_toggle(_msk) \
+	do { \
+		*((volatile char *) (CFG_LED_BASE)) ^= (_msk); \
+	} while(0)
+#define __led_set(_msk, _st) \
+	do { \
+		if ((_st)) \
+			*((volatile char *) (CFG_LED_BASE)) |= (_msk); \
+		else \
+			*((volatile char *) (CFG_LED_BASE)) &= ~(_msk); \
+	} while(0)
+#define __led_init(msk, st) __led_set(msk, st)
+#define CFG_LED_BASE	0xFFE80000
+/* Print Buffer Size
+ */
+#define CFG_PBSIZE	(CFG_CBSIZE + sizeof(CFG_PROMPT) + 16)
+#define CFG_MAXARGS	16		/* max number of command args	*/
+#define CFG_BARGSIZE	CFG_CBSIZE	/* Boot Argument Buffer Size	*/
+#define CFG_LOAD_ADDR	0x00100000	/* Default load address		*/
+ * Start addresses for the final memory configuration
+ * (Set up by the startup code)
+ * Please note that CFG_SDRAM_BASE _must_ start at 0
+ */
+#define CFG_SDRAM_BASE	    0x00000000
+#define CFG_FLASH_BASE	    0xFFF00000
+#define CFG_RESET_ADDRESS   0xFFF00100
+#define CFG_EUMB_ADDR	    0xFCE00000
+#define CFG_MONITOR_LEN	    (256 << 10) /* Reserve 256 kB for Monitor	*/
+#define CFG_MALLOC_LEN	    (128 << 10) /* Reserve 128 kB for malloc()	*/
+#define CFG_MEMTEST_START   0x00004000	/* memtest works on		*/
+#define CFG_MEMTEST_END	    0x02000000	/* 0 ... 32 MB in DRAM		*/
+	/* Maximum amount of RAM.
+	 */
+#define CFG_MAX_RAM_SIZE    0x10000000
+#define CFG_RAMBOOT
+ * Definitions for initial stack pointer and data area
+ */
+	/* Size in bytes reserved for initial data
+	 */
+#define CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE    128
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR     0x40000000
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_END      0x1000
+ * NS16550 Configuration
+ */
+#define CFG_NS16550
+#define CFG_NS16550_SERIAL
+#define CFG_NS16550_REG_SIZE	1
+#define CFG_NS16550_CLK		3686400
+#define CFG_NS16550_COM1	0xFFF80000
+ * Low Level Configuration Settings
+ * (address mappings, register initial values, etc.)
+ * You should know what you are doing if you make changes here.
+ * For the detail description refer to the MPC8240 user's manual.
+ */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ  33000000
+#define CFG_HZ		     1000
+	/* Bit-field values for MCCR1.
+	 */
+#define CFG_ROMNAL	    0
+#define CFG_ROMFAL	    7
+	/* Bit-field values for MCCR2.
+	 */
+#define CFG_REFINT	    430	    /* Refresh interval			*/
+	/* Burst To Precharge. Bits of this value go to MCCR3 and MCCR4.
+	 */
+#define CFG_BSTOPRE	    192
+	/* Bit-field values for MCCR3.
+	 */
+#define CFG_REFREC	    2	    /* Refresh to activate interval	*/
+#define CFG_RDLAT	    3	    /* Data latancy from read command	*/
+	/* Bit-field values for MCCR4.
+	 */
+#define CFG_PRETOACT	    2	    /* Precharge to activate interval	*/
+#define CFG_ACTTOPRE	    5	    /* Activate to Precharge interval	*/
+#define CFG_SDMODE_CAS_LAT  2	    /* SDMODE CAS latancy		*/
+#define CFG_SDMODE_WRAP	    0	    /* SDMODE wrap type			*/
+#define CFG_SDMODE_BURSTLEN 2	    /* SDMODE Burst length		*/
+#define CFG_ACTORW	    2
+/* Memory bank settings.
+ * Only bits 20-29 are actually used from these vales to set the
+ * start/end addresses. The upper two bits will always be 0, and the lower
+ * 20 bits will be 0x00000 for a start address, or 0xfffff for an end
+ * address. Refer to the MPC8240 book.
+ */
+#define CFG_BANK0_START	    0x00000000
+#define CFG_BANK0_END	    (CFG_MAX_RAM_SIZE - 1)
+#define CFG_BANK0_ENABLE    1
+#define CFG_BANK1_START	    0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK1_END	    0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK1_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK2_START	    0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK2_END	    0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK2_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK3_START	    0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK3_END	    0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK3_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK4_START	    0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK4_END	    0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK4_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK5_START	    0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK5_END	    0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK5_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK6_START	    0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK6_END	    0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK6_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_BANK7_START	    0x3ff00000
+#define CFG_BANK7_END	    0x3fffffff
+#define CFG_BANK7_ENABLE    0
+#define CFG_ODCR	    0xff
+#define CFG_IBAT2L  (0x80000000 | BATL_PP_10 | BATL_CACHEINHIBIT)
+#define CFG_IBAT2U  (0x80000000 | BATU_BL_256M | BATU_VS | BATU_VP)
+#define CFG_IBAT3L  (0xFC000000 | BATL_PP_10 | BATL_CACHEINHIBIT)
+#define CFG_IBAT3U  (0xFC000000 | BATU_BL_64M | BATU_VS | BATU_VP)
+ * For booting Linux, the board info and command line data
+ * have to be in the first 8 MB of memory, since this is
+ * the maximum mapped by the Linux kernel during initialization.
+ */
+#define CFG_BOOTMAPSZ	    (8 << 20)	/* Initial Memory map for Linux */
+ * FLASH organization
+ */
+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS	1	/* Max number of flash banks		*/
+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT	256	/* Max number of sectors in one bank	*/
+#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT	120000	/* Timeout for Flash Erase (in ms)	*/
+#define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT	500	/* Timeout for Flash Write (in ms)	*/
+ * Init Memory Controller:
+ *
+ * BR0/1 and OR0/1 (FLASH)
+ */
+#define FLASH_BASE0_PRELIM      CFG_FLASH_BASE  /* FLASH bank #0        */
+#define FLASH_BASE1_PRELIM      0               /* FLASH bank #1        */
+	/* Warining: environment is not EMBEDDED in the U-Boot code.
+	 * It's stored in flash separately.
+	 */
+#define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH	1
+#define CFG_ENV_ADDR		0xFFF70000
+#define CFG_ENV_SIZE		0x4000	/* Size of the Environment		*/
+#define CFG_ENV_OFFSET		0	/* starting right at the beginning	*/
+#define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE	0x40000 /* Size of the Environment Sector	*/
+ * Cache Configuration
+ */
+#  define CFG_CACHELINE_SHIFT	5	/* log base 2 of the above value	*/
+ * Internal Definitions
+ *
+ * Boot Flags
+ */
+#define BOOTFLAG_COLD		0x01	/* Normal Power-On: Boot from FLASH	*/
+#define BOOTFLAG_WARM		0x02	/* Software reboot			*/
+ * PCI stuff
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#define CONFIG_PCI			/* include pci support			*/
+#define CONFIG_PCI_PNP                  /* we need Plug 'n Play */
+#define CONFIG_NET_MULTI		/* Multi ethernet cards support */
+#define CONFIG_EEPRO100
+#define CFG_RX_ETH_BUFFER	8       /* use 8 rx buffer on eepro100  */
+#endif /* __CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/include/configs/sbc8260.h b/include/configs/sbc8260.h
index 251d62a70b..cf5ef63d1a 100644
--- a/include/configs/sbc8260.h
+++ b/include/configs/sbc8260.h
@@ -1,17 +1,9 @@
- * (C) Copyright 2000
- * Murray Jensen <>
+ * (C) Copyright 2002,2003 Motorola,Inc.
+ * Xianghua Xiao <>
- * (C) Copyright 2000
- * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <>
- * Marius Groeger <>
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2001
- * Advent Networks, Inc. <>
- * Jay Monkman <>
- *
- * Configuration settings for the WindRiver SBC8260 board.
- *	See
+ * (C) Copyright 2004 Wind River Systems Inc <>.
+ * Added support for Wind River SBC8560 board
  * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
  * project.
@@ -32,1056 +24,375 @@
  * MA 02111-1307 USA
+/* mpc8560ads board configuration file */
+/* please refer to doc/README.mpc85xx for more info */
+/* make sure you change the MAC address and other network params first,
+ * search for CONFIG_ETHADDR,CONFIG_SERVERIP,etc in this file
+ */
 #ifndef __CONFIG_H
 #define __CONFIG_H
-/* Enable debug prints */
-#undef DEBUG		      /* General debug */
-#undef DEBUG_BOOTP_EXT	      /* Debug received vendor fields */
+/* High Level Configuration Options */
+#define CONFIG_BOOKE		1	/* BOOKE			*/
+#define CONFIG_E500		1	/* BOOKE e500 family		*/
+#define CONFIG_MPC85xx		1	/* MPC8540/MPC8560		*/
+#define CONFIG_MPC85xx_REV1	1	/* MPC85xx Rev 1.0 chip		*/
- *
- * These settings must match the way _your_ board is set up
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* What is the oscillator's (UX2) frequency in Hz? */
-#define CONFIG_8260_CLKIN  (66 * 1000 * 1000)
- * MODCK_H & MODCLK[1-3] - Ref: Section 9.2 in MPC8206 User Manual
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * What should MODCK_H be? It is dependent on the oscillator
- * frequency, MODCK[1-3], and desired CPM and core frequencies.
- * Here are some example values (all frequencies are in MHz):
- *
- * MODCK_H   MODCK[1-3]	 Osc	CPM    Core  S2-6   S2-7   S2-8
- * -------   ----------	 ---	---    ----  -----  -----  -----
- * 0x1	     0x5	 33	100    133   Open   Close  Open
- * 0x1	     0x6	 33	100    166   Open   Open   Close
- * 0x1	     0x7	 33	100    200   Open   Open   Open
- *
- * 0x2	     0x2	 33	133    133   Close  Open   Close
- * 0x2	     0x3	 33	133    166   Close  Open   Open
- * 0x2	     0x4	 33	133    200   Open   Close  Close
- * 0x2	     0x5	 33	133    233   Open   Close  Open
- * 0x2	     0x6	 33	133    266   Open   Open   Close
- *
- * 0x5	     0x5	 66	133    133   Open   Close  Open
- * 0x5	     0x6	 66	133    166   Open   Open   Close
- * 0x5	     0x7	 66	133    200   Open   Open   Open
- * 0x6	     0x0	 66	133    233   Close  Close  Close
- * 0x6	     0x1	 66	133    266   Close  Close  Open
- * 0x6	     0x2	 66	133    300   Close  Open   Close
- */
-#define CFG_SBC_MODCK_H 0x05
+#define CONFIG_MPC8560		1	/* MPC8560 specific		*/
+#define CONFIG_SBC8560		1	/* configuration for SBC8560 board */
-/* Define this if you want to boot from 0x00000100. If you don't define
- * this, you will need to program the bootloader to 0xfff00000, and
- * get the hardware reset config words at 0xfe000000. The simplest
- * way to do that is to program the bootloader at both addresses.
- * It is suggested that you just let U-Boot live at 0x00000000.
- */
-#define CFG_SBC_BOOT_LOW 1
+/* XXX flagging this as something I might want to delete */
+#define CONFIG_MPC8560ADS	1	/* MPC8560ADS board specific	*/
-/* What should the base address of the main FLASH be and how big is
- * it (in MBytes)? This must contain TEXT_BASE from board/sbc8260/
- * The main FLASH is whichever is connected to *CS0. U-Boot expects
- * this to be the SIMM.
- */
-#define CFG_FLASH0_BASE 0x40000000
-#define CFG_FLASH0_SIZE 4
+#define CONFIG_TSEC_ENET		/* tsec ethernet support	*/
+#undef	CONFIG_PCI			/* pci ethernet support		*/
+#undef  CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC		/* cpm FCC ethernet support	*/
-/* What should the base address of the secondary FLASH be and how big
- * is it (in Mbytes)? The secondary FLASH is whichever is connected
- * to *CS6. U-Boot expects this to be the on board FLASH. If you don't
- * want it enabled, don't define these constants.
- */
-#define CFG_FLASH1_BASE 0x60000000
-#define CFG_FLASH1_SIZE 2
-/* What should be the base address of SDRAM DIMM and how big is
- * it (in Mbytes)?
-#define CFG_SDRAM0_BASE 0x00000000
-#define CFG_SDRAM0_SIZE 64
-/* What should be the base address of the LEDs and switch S0?
- * If you don't want them enabled, don't define this.
+/* Using Localbus SDRAM to emulate flash before we can program the flash,
+ * normally you need a flash-boot image(u-boot.bin), if so undef this.
-#define CFG_LED_BASE 0xa0000000
+#if defined(CONFIG_PCI_66)		/* some PCI card is 33Mhz only	*/
+  #define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ	66000000/* sysclk for MPC85xx		*/
+  #define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ	33000000/* most pci cards are 33Mhz	*/
- * SBC8260 with 16 MB DIMM:
- *
- *     0x0000 0000     Exception Vector code, 8k
- *	     :
- *     0x0000 1FFF
- *     0x0000 2000     Free for Application Use
- *	     :
- *	     :
- *
- *	     :
- *	     :
- *     0x00F5 FF30     Monitor Stack (Growing downward)
- *		       Monitor Stack Buffer (0x80)
- *     0x00F5 FFB0     Board Info Data
- *     0x00F6 0000     Malloc Arena
- *	     :		    CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE, 256k
- *	     :		    CFG_MALLOC_LEN,    128k
- *     0x00FC 0000     RAM Copy of Monitor Code
- *	     :		    CFG_MONITOR_LEN,   256k
- *     0x00FF FFFF     [End of RAM], CFG_SDRAM_SIZE - 1
- */
+/* below can be toggled for performance analysis. otherwise use default */
+#define CONFIG_L2_CACHE			    /* toggle L2 cache		*/
+#undef	CONFIG_BTB			    /* toggle branch predition	*/
+#undef	CONFIG_ADDR_STREAMING		    /* toggle addr streaming	*/
- * SBC8260 with 64 MB DIMM:
- *
- *     0x0000 0000     Exception Vector code, 8k
- *	     :
- *     0x0000 1FFF
- *     0x0000 2000     Free for Application Use
- *	     :
- *	     :
- *
- *	     :
- *	     :
- *     0x03F5 FF30     Monitor Stack (Growing downward)
- *		       Monitor Stack Buffer (0x80)
- *     0x03F5 FFB0     Board Info Data
- *     0x03F6 0000     Malloc Arena
- *	     :		    CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE, 256k
- *	     :		    CFG_MALLOC_LEN,    128k
- *     0x03FC 0000     RAM Copy of Monitor Code
- *	     :		    CFG_MONITOR_LEN,   256k
- *     0x03FF FFFF     [End of RAM], CFG_SDRAM_SIZE - 1
- */
+#define CONFIG_BOARD_EARLY_INIT_F 1	    /* Call board_early_init_f	*/
+#undef	CFG_DRAM_TEST			    /* memory test, takes time	*/
+#define CFG_MEMTEST_START	0x00200000  /* memtest region */
+#define CFG_MEMTEST_END		0x00400000
- * select serial console configuration
- *
- * if either CONFIG_CONS_ON_SMC or CONFIG_CONS_ON_SCC is selected, then
- * CONFIG_CONS_INDEX must be set to the channel number (1-2 for SMC, 1-4
- * for SCC).
- *
- * if CONFIG_CONS_NONE is defined, then the serial console routines must
- * defined elsewhere.
- */
-#define CONFIG_CONS_ON_SMC	1	/* define if console on SMC */
-#undef	CONFIG_CONS_ON_SCC		/* define if console on SCC */
-#undef	CONFIG_CONS_NONE		/* define if console on neither */
-#define CONFIG_CONS_INDEX	1	/* which SMC/SCC channel for console */
+#if (defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) || \
+     defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC) || \
+     defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) && defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC))
+#error "You can only use ONE of PCI Ethernet Card or TSEC Ethernet or CPM FCC."
- * select ethernet configuration
- *
- * if either CONFIG_ETHER_ON_SCC or CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC is selected, then
- * CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX must be set to the channel number (1-4 for SCC, 1-3
- * for FCC)
- *
- * if CONFIG_ETHER_NONE is defined, then either the ethernet routines must be
- * defined elsewhere (as for the console), or CFG_CMD_NET must be removed
- * from CONFIG_COMMANDS to remove support for networking.
+ * Base addresses -- Note these are effective addresses where the
+ * actual resources get mapped (not physical addresses)
+#define CFG_CCSRBAR_DEFAULT	0xff700000	/* CCSRBAR Default	*/
-#undef	CONFIG_ETHER_NONE		/* define if ethernet on neither */
-#define CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX	1	/* which SCC/FCC channel for ethernet */
-#endif	/* CONFIG_ETHER_ON_SCC */
-#define CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX	2	/* which SCC/FCC channel for ethernet */
-#undef	CONFIG_ETHER_LOOPBACK_TEST	/* Ethernet external loopback test */
-#define CONFIG_MII			/* MII PHY management		*/
-#define CONFIG_BITBANGMII		/* bit-bang MII PHY management	*/
- * Port pins used for bit-banged MII communictions (if applicable).
- */
-#define MDIO_PORT	2	/* Port C */
-#define MDIO_ACTIVE	(iop->pdir |=  0x00400000)
-#define MDIO_TRISTATE	(iop->pdir &= ~0x00400000)
-#define MDIO_READ	((iop->pdat &  0x00400000) != 0)
+#if XXX
+  #define CFG_CCSRBAR		0xfdf00000	/* relocated CCSRBAR	*/
+  #define CFG_CCSRBAR		0xff700000	/* default CCSRBAR	*/
-#define MDIO(bit)	if(bit) iop->pdat |=  0x00400000; \
-			else	iop->pdat &= ~0x00400000
+#define CFG_DDR_SDRAM_BASE	0x00000000	/* DDR is system memory	 */
+#define CFG_SDRAM_SIZE		512		/* DDR is 512MB */
+#define SPD_EEPROM_ADDRESS	0x55		/*  DDR DIMM */
-#define MDC(bit)	if(bit) iop->pdat |=  0x00200000; \
-			else	iop->pdat &= ~0x00200000
+#undef  CONFIG_DDR_ECC				/* only for ECC DDR module	*/
+#undef  CONFIG_SPD_EEPROM			/* Use SPD EEPROM for DDR setup */
-#define MIIDELAY	udelay(1)
-#endif	/* CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC */
+#if defined(CONFIG_MPC85xx_REV1)
+  #define CONFIG_DDR_DLL			/* possible DLL fix needed	*/
+#if defined(CONFIG_RAM_AS_FLASH)
+  #define CFG_LBC_SDRAM_BASE	0xfc000000	/* Localbus SDRAM */
+  #define CFG_FLASH_BASE	0xf8000000      /* start of FLASH 8M  */
+  #define CFG_BR0_PRELIM	0xf8000801      /* port size 8bit */
+  #define CFG_OR0_PRELIM	0xf8000ff7	/* 8MB Flash		*/
+#else /* Boot from real Flash */
+  #define CFG_LBC_SDRAM_BASE	0xf8000000	/* Localbus SDRAM */
+  #define CFG_FLASH_BASE	0xff800000      /* start of FLASH 8M    */
+  #define CFG_BR0_PRELIM	0xff800801      /* port size 8bit      */
+  #define CFG_OR0_PRELIM	0xff800ff7	/* 8MB Flash		*/
+#define CFG_LBC_SDRAM_SIZE	64		/* LBC SDRAM is 64MB	*/
- *  - RX clk is CLK11
- *  - TX clk is CLK12
- */
+/* local bus definitions */
+#define CFG_BR1_PRELIM		0xe4001801	/* 64M, 32-bit flash */
+#define CFG_OR1_PRELIM		0xfc000ff7
-#elif defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC) && (CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX == 2)
+#define CFG_BR2_PRELIM		0x00000000	/* CS2 not used */
+#define CFG_OR2_PRELIM		0x00000000
- * - Rx-CLK is CLK13
- * - Tx-CLK is CLK14
- * - Select bus for bd/buffers (see 28-13)
- * - Enable Full Duplex in FSMR
- */
+#define CFG_BR3_PRELIM		0xf0001861	/* 64MB localbus SDRAM	*/
+#define CFG_OR3_PRELIM		0xfc000cc1
+#if defined(CONFIG_RAM_AS_FLASH)
+  #define CFG_BR4_PRELIM	0xf4001861	/* 64M localbus SDRAM */
+  #define CFG_BR4_PRELIM	0xf8001861	/* 64M localbus SDRAM */
+#define CFG_OR4_PRELIM		0xfc000cc1
- * Select SPI support configuration
- */
-#undef  CONFIG_SPI			/* Disable SPI driver */
+#define CFG_BR5_PRELIM		0xfc000801	/* 16M CS5 misc devices */
+#if 1
+  #define CFG_OR5_PRELIM	0xff000ff7
+  #define CFG_OR5_PRELIM	0xff0000f0
- * Select i2c support configuration
- *
- * Supported configurations are {none, software, hardware} drivers.
- * If the software driver is chosen, there are some additional
- * configuration items that the driver uses to drive the port pins.
- */
-#undef  CONFIG_HARD_I2C			/* I2C with hardware support	*/
-#define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C		1	/* I2C bit-banged		*/
-#define CFG_I2C_SPEED		400000	/* I2C speed and slave address	*/
-#define CFG_I2C_SLAVE		0x7F
+#define CFG_BR6_PRELIM		0xe0001801	/* 64M, 32-bit flash */
+#define CFG_OR6_PRELIM		0xfc000ff7
+#define CFG_LBC_LCRR		0x00030002	/* local bus freq	*/
+#define CFG_LBC_LBCR		0x00000000
+#define CFG_LBC_LSRT		0x20000000
+#define CFG_LBC_MRTPR		0x20000000
+#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_1		0x2861b723
+#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_2		0x0861b723
+#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_3		0x0861b723
+#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_4		0x1861b723
+#define CFG_LBC_LSDMR_5		0x4061b723
+/* just hijack the MOT BCSR def for SBC8560 misc devices */
+#define CFG_BCSR		((CFG_BR5_PRELIM & 0xff000000)|0x00400000)
+/* the size of CS5 needs to be >= 16M for TLB and LAW setups */
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_LOCK	1
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_ADDR	0x70000000	/* Initial RAM address	*/
+#define CFG_INIT_RAM_END	0x4000		/* End of used area in RAM */
+#define CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE	128		/* num bytes initial data */
- * Software (bit-bang) I2C driver configuration
- */
-#define I2C_PORT	3		/* Port A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3 */
-#define I2C_ACTIVE	(iop->pdir |=  0x00010000)
-#define I2C_TRISTATE	(iop->pdir &= ~0x00010000)
-#define I2C_READ	((iop->pdat & 0x00010000) != 0)
-#define I2C_SDA(bit)	if(bit) iop->pdat |=  0x00010000; \
-			else    iop->pdat &= ~0x00010000
-#define I2C_SCL(bit)	if(bit) iop->pdat |=  0x00020000; \
-			else    iop->pdat &= ~0x00020000
-#define I2C_DELAY	udelay(5)	/* 1/4 I2C clock duration */
-#endif /* CONFIG_SOFT_I2C */
-/* Define this to reserve an entire FLASH sector (256 KB) for
- * environment variables. Otherwise, the environment will be
- * put in the same sector as U-Boot, and changing variables
- * will erase U-Boot temporarily
- */
-#define CFG_ENV_IN_OWN_SECT	1
+#define CFG_MONITOR_LEN		(256 * 1024)	/* Reserve 256 kB for Mon */
+#define CFG_MALLOC_LEN		(128 * 1024)	/* Reserved for malloc */
-/* Define to allow the user to overwrite serial and ethaddr */
+/* Serial Port */
+#undef  CONFIG_CONS_ON_SCC			/* define if console on SCC */
+#undef	CONFIG_CONS_NONE			/* define if console on something else */
-/* What should the console's baud rate be? */
+#define CFG_NS16550
+#define CFG_NS16550_SERIAL
+#define CFG_NS16550_REG_SIZE	1
+#define CFG_NS16550_CLK		1843200 /* get_bus_freq(0) */
 #define CONFIG_BAUDRATE		9600
-/* Ethernet MAC address
- *     Note: We are using the EST Corporation OUI (00:a0:1e:xx:xx:xx)
- * 
- */
-#define CONFIG_ETHADDR		00:a0:1e:a8:7b:cb
- * Define this to set the last octet of the ethernet address from the
- * DS0-DS7 switch and light the LEDs with the result. The DS0-DS7
- * switch and the LEDs are backwards with respect to each other. DS7
- * is on the board edge side of both the LED strip and the DS0-DS7
- * switch.
- */
+	{300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,115200}
-/* Set to a positive value to delay for running BOOTCOMMAND */
-#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY	5	/* autoboot after 5 seconds */
+#define CFG_NS16550_COM1	((CFG_BR5_PRELIM & 0xff000000)+0x00700000)
+#define CFG_NS16550_COM2	((CFG_BR5_PRELIM & 0xff000000)+0x00800000)
-/* Be selective on what keys can delay or stop the autoboot process
- *     To stop	use: " "
- */
-#   define CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_PROMPT	"Autobooting in %d seconds, press \" \" to stop\n"
-#   define DEBUG_BOOTKEYS		0
+/* Use the HUSH parser */
+#define CFG_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2 "> "
-/* Define this to contain any number of null terminated strings that
- * will be part of the default enviroment compiled into the boot image.
- *
- * Variable		Usage
- * --------------       -------------------------------------------------------
- * serverip		server IP address
- * ipaddr		my IP address
- * reprog		Reload flash with a new copy of U-Boot
- * zapenv		Erase the environment area in flash
- * root-on-initrd       Set the bootcmd variable to allow booting of an initial
- *                      ram disk.
- * root-on-nfs          Set the bootcmd variable to allow booting of a NFS
- *                      mounted root filesystem.
- * boot-hook            Convenient stub to do something useful before the
- *                      bootm command is executed.
- *
- * Example usage of root-on-initrd and root-on-nfs :
- *
- * Note: The lines have been wrapped to improved its readability.
- *
- * => printenv bootcmd
- * bootcmd=version;echo;bootp;setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw
- * nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath)
- * ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname)::off;run boot-hook;bootm
- *
- * => run root-on-initrd
- * => printenv bootcmd
- * bootcmd=version;echo;bootp;setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 rw
- * ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname)::off;run boot-hook;bootm
- *
- * => run root-on-nfs
- * => printenv bootcmd
- * bootcmd=version;echo;bootp;setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw
- * nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath)
- * ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname)::off;run boot-hook;bootm
- *
- */
-	"serverip=\0\0" \
-	"ipaddr=\0" \
-	"reprog="\
-		"bootp;" \
-		"tftpboot 0x140000 /bdi2000/u-boot.bin;" \
-		"protect off 1:0;" \
-		"erase 1:0;" \
-		"cp.b 140000 40000000 $(filesize);" \
-		"protect on 1:0\0" \
-	"zapenv="\
-		"protect off 1:1;" \
-		"erase 1:1;" \
-		"protect on 1:1\0" \
-	"root-on-initrd="\
-		"setenv bootcmd "\
-		"version;" \
-		"echo;" \
-		"bootp;" \
-		"setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 rw " \
-		"ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname)::off;" \
-		"run boot-hook;" \
-		"bootm\0" \
-	"root-on-nfs="\
-		"setenv bootcmd "\
-		"version;" \
-		"echo;" \
-		"bootp;" \
-		"setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw " \
-		"nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) " \
-		"ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname)::off;" \
-		"run boot-hook;" \
-		"bootm\0" \
-	"boot-hook=echo\0"
-/* Define a command string that is automatically executed when no character
- * is read on the console interface withing "Boot Delay" after reset.
- */
-#undef	CONFIG_BOOT_ROOT_INITRD 	/* Use ram disk for the root file system */
-#define	CONFIG_BOOT_ROOT_NFS		/* Use a NFS mounted root file system */
-	"version;" \
-	"echo;" \
-	"bootp;" \
-	"setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 rw " \
-	"ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname)::off;" \
-	"bootm"
-	"version;" \
-	"echo;" \
-	"bootp;" \
-	"setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) " \
-	"ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname)::off;" \
-	"bootm"
-#endif /* CONFIG_BOOT_ROOT_NFS */
-/* Add support for a few extra bootp options like:
- *	- File size
- *	- DNS (up to 2 servers)
- *	- Send hostname to DHCP server
- */
+/* I2C */
+#define	 CONFIG_HARD_I2C		/* I2C with hardware support*/
+#undef	CONFIG_SOFT_I2C			/* I2C bit-banged */
+#define CFG_I2C_SPEED		400000	/* I2C speed and slave address	*/
+#define CFG_I2C_SLAVE		0x7F
+#define CFG_I2C_NOPROBES	{0x69}	/* Don't probe these addrs */
+#define CFG_PCI_MEM_BASE	0xC0000000
+#define CFG_PCI_MEM_PHYS	0xC0000000
+#define CFG_PCI_MEM_SIZE	0x10000000
+#if defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET)		/* TSEC Ethernet port */
+  #define CONFIG_NET_MULTI	1
+  #define CONFIG_PHY_BCM5421S	1	/* GigaBit Ether PHY	     */
+  #define CONFIG_MII		1	/* MII PHY management		*/
+  #define CONFIG_PHY_ADDR	25	/* PHY address			*/
+#elif defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC)	/* CPM FCC Ethernet */
+  #undef  CONFIG_ETHER_NONE		/* define if ether on something else */
+  #define CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC2		/* cpm FCC ethernet support	*/
+  #define CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX	2	/* which channel for ether  */
+  #if (CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX == 2)
+    /*
+     * - Rx-CLK is CLK13
+     * - Tx-CLK is CLK14
+     * - Select bus for bd/buffers
+     * - Full duplex
+     */
+    #define CFG_CPMFCR_RAMTYPE	0
+    #define CFG_FCC_PSMR	(FCC_PSMR_FDE)
+  #elif (CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX == 3)
+    /* need more definitions here for FE3 */
+  #endif				/* CONFIG_ETHER_INDEX */
+  #define CONFIG_MII			/* MII PHY management */
+  #define CONFIG_BITBANGMII		/* bit-bang MII PHY management	*/
+  /*
+   * GPIO pins used for bit-banged MII communications
+   */
+  #define MDIO_PORT	2		/* Port C */
+  #define MDIO_ACTIVE	(iop->pdir |=  0x00400000)
+  #define MDIO_TRISTATE	(iop->pdir &= ~0x00400000)
+  #define MDIO_READ	((iop->pdat &  0x00400000) != 0)
+  #define MDIO(bit)	if(bit) iop->pdat |=  0x00400000; \
+			else	iop->pdat &= ~0x00400000
-/* undef this to save memory */
+  #define MDC(bit)	if(bit) iop->pdat |=  0x00200000; \
+			else	iop->pdat &= ~0x00200000
-/* Monitor Command Prompt */
-#define CFG_PROMPT		"=> "
+  #define MIIDELAY	udelay(1)
-#define CFG_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2	"> "
-/* When CONFIG_TIMESTAMP is selected, the timestamp (date and time)
- * of an image is printed by image commands like bootm or iminfo.
+ * FLASH and environment organization
-/* If this variable is defined, an environment variable named "ver"
- * is created by U-Boot showing the U-Boot version.
- */
-/* What U-Boot subsytems do you want enabled? */
-				CFG_CMD_ECHO	| \
-				CFG_CMD_ELF	| \
-				CFG_CMD_I2C	| \
-				CFG_CMD_IMMAP	| \
-				CFG_CMD_MII	| \
-				CFG_CMD_PING	| \
-				CFG_CMD_SDRAM   )
-				CFG_CMD_ECHO	| \
-				CFG_CMD_ELF	| \
-				CFG_CMD_I2C	| \
-				CFG_CMD_IMMAP	| \
-				CFG_CMD_PING	| \
-				CFG_CMD_SDRAM   )
-#endif /* CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC */
-#undef CONFIG_WATCHDOG				/* disable the watchdog */
-/* Where do the internal registers live? */
-#define CFG_IMMR		0xF0000000
- *
- * You should not have to modify any of the following settings
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
+#define CFG_FLASH_CFI		1	/* Flash is CFI conformant		*/
+#define CFG_FLASH_CFI_DRIVER	1	/* Use the common driver		*/
+#if 0
+#define CFG_FLASH_USE_BUFFER_WRITE 1    /* use buffered writes (20x faster)     */
+#define CFG_FLASH_PROTECTION		/* use hardware protection		*/
+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT	64	/* max number of sectors on one chip	*/
+#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS	1	/* max number of memory banks		*/
-#define CONFIG_MPC8260		1	/* This is an MPC8260 CPU   */
-#define CONFIG_SBC8260		1	/* on an EST SBC8260 Board  */
+#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT	200000		/* Timeout for Flash Erase (in ms)	*/
+#define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT	50000		/* Timeout for Flash Write (in ms)	*/
-/* this must be included AFTER the definition of CONFIG_COMMANDS (if any) */
-#include <cmd_confdefs.h>
+#define CFG_MONITOR_BASE	TEXT_BASE	/* start of monitor	*/
- * Miscellaneous configurable options
- */
-#  define CFG_CBSIZE		1024	/* Console I/O Buffer Size	     */
+#if 0
+/* XXX This doesn't work and I don't want to fix it */
+  #define CFG_RAMBOOT
-#  define CFG_CBSIZE		256	/* Console I/O Buffer Size	     */
+  #undef  CFG_RAMBOOT
-/* Print Buffer Size */
-#define CFG_PBSIZE	  (CFG_CBSIZE + sizeof(CFG_PROMPT)+16)
-#define CFG_MAXARGS		32	/* max number of command args	*/
-#define CFG_BARGSIZE		CFG_CBSIZE /* Boot Argument Buffer Size	   */
-#define CFG_LOAD_ADDR		0x400000   /* default load address */
-#define CFG_HZ			1000	/* decrementer freq: 1 ms ticks */
+/* Environment */
+#if !defined(CFG_RAMBOOT)
+  #if defined(CONFIG_RAM_AS_FLASH)
+    #define CFG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE
+    #define CFG_ENV_ADDR	(CFG_FLASH_BASE + 0x100000)
+    #define CFG_ENV_SIZE	0x2000
+  #else
+    #define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH	1
+    #define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE	0x20000 /* 128K(one sector) for env */
+    #define CFG_ENV_SIZE	0x2000 /* CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE */
+  #endif
+  #define CFG_NO_FLASH		1	/* Flash is not usable now	*/
+  #define CFG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE	1	/* Store ENV in memory only	*/
+  #define CFG_ENV_ADDR		(CFG_MONITOR_BASE - 0x1000)
+  #define CFG_ENV_SIZE		0x2000
-#define CFG_ALT_MEMTEST			/* Select full-featured memory test */
-#define CFG_MEMTEST_START	0x2000	/* memtest works from the end of */
-					/* the exception vector table */
-					/* to the end of the DRAM  */
-					/* less monitor and malloc area */
-#define CFG_STACK_USAGE		0x10000 /* Reserve 64k for the stack usage */
+#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS "root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot= ip= console=ttyS0,9600"
+/*#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS      "root=/dev/ram rw console=ttyS0,115200"*/
+#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND	"bootm 0xff800000 0xffa00000"
+#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY	5	/* -1 disable autoboot */
+#define CONFIG_LOADS_ECHO	1	/* echo on for serial download	*/
+#define CFG_LOADS_BAUD_CHANGE	1	/* allow baudrate change	*/
+#if defined(CFG_RAMBOOT) || defined(CONFIG_RAM_AS_FLASH)
+  #if defined(CONFIG_PCI)
+				CFG_CMD_PING | CFG_CMD_I2C) & \
+				 ~(CFG_CMD_ENV | \
+				  CFG_CMD_LOADS ))
+  #elif (defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) || defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC))
+				CFG_CMD_PING | CFG_CMD_I2C) & \
+				~(CFG_CMD_ENV))
+  #endif
+  #if defined(CONFIG_PCI)
+  #elif (defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) || defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC))
+  #endif
-#define CFG_MEMTEST_END		( CFG_SDRAM_SIZE * 1024 * 1024 \
+#include <cmd_confdefs.h>
-/* valid baudrates */
-#define CFG_BAUDRATE_TABLE	{ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
+#undef CONFIG_WATCHDOG			/* watchdog disabled		*/
- * Low Level Configuration Settings
- * (address mappings, register initial values, etc.)
- * You should know what you are doing if you make changes here.
- */
- * Hard Reset Configuration Words
+ * Miscellaneous configurable options
-#if defined(CFG_SBC_BOOT_LOW)
+#define CFG_LONGHELP			/* undef to save memory		*/
+#define CFG_PROMPT	"SBC8560=> " /* Monitor Command Prompt	*/
+  #define CFG_CBSIZE	1024		/* Console I/O Buffer Size	*/
-#  define  CFG_SBC_HRCW_BOOT_FLAGS  (0)
-#endif /* defined(CFG_SBC_BOOT_LOW) */
-/* get the HRCW ISB field from CFG_IMMR */
-#define CFG_SBC_HRCW_IMMR	( ((CFG_IMMR & 0x10000000) >> 10) | \
-				  ((CFG_IMMR & 0x01000000) >>  7) | \
-				  ((CFG_IMMR & 0x00100000) >>  4) )
-#define CFG_HRCW_MASTER		( HRCW_BPS11				| \
-				  HRCW_DPPC11				| \
-				  CFG_SBC_HRCW_IMMR			| \
-				  HRCW_MMR00				| \
-				  HRCW_LBPC11				| \
-				  HRCW_APPC10				| \
-				  HRCW_CS10PC00				| \
-				  (CFG_SBC_MODCK_H & HRCW_MODCK_H1111)	| \
-/* no slaves */
-#define CFG_HRCW_SLAVE1		0
-#define CFG_HRCW_SLAVE2		0
-#define CFG_HRCW_SLAVE3		0
-#define CFG_HRCW_SLAVE4		0
-#define CFG_HRCW_SLAVE5		0
-#define CFG_HRCW_SLAVE6		0
-#define CFG_HRCW_SLAVE7		0
- * Definitions for initial stack pointer and data area (in DPRAM)
- */
-#define CFG_INIT_RAM_END	0x4000	/* End of used area in DPRAM	*/
-#define CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE	128	/* bytes reserved for initial data */
- * Start addresses for the final memory configuration
- * (Set up by the startup code)
- * Please note that CFG_SDRAM_BASE _must_ start at 0
- * Note also that the logic that sets CFG_RAMBOOT is platform dependent.
- */
-#  define CFG_RAMBOOT
+  #define CFG_CBSIZE	256		/* Console I/O Buffer Size	*/
-#define CFG_MONITOR_LEN		(256 << 10)	/* Reserve 256 kB for Monitor	*/
-#define CFG_MALLOC_LEN		(128 << 10)	/* Reserve 128 kB for malloc()	*/
+#define CFG_PBSIZE (CFG_CBSIZE+sizeof(CFG_PROMPT)+16) /* Print Buffer Size */
+#define CFG_MAXARGS	16		/* max number of command args	*/
+#define CFG_BARGSIZE	CFG_CBSIZE	/* Boot Argument Buffer Size	*/
+#define CFG_LOAD_ADDR	0x1000000	/* default load address */
+#define CFG_HZ		1000		/* decrementer freq: 1 ms ticks */
  * For booting Linux, the board info and command line data
  * have to be in the first 8 MB of memory, since this is
  * the maximum mapped by the Linux kernel during initialization.
-#define CFG_BOOTMAPSZ		(8 << 20)	/* Initial Memory map for Linux */
- * FLASH and environment organization
- */
-#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_BANKS	1	/* max number of memory banks		*/
-#define CFG_MAX_FLASH_SECT	16	/* max number of sectors on one chip	*/
-#define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT	8000	/* Timeout for Flash Erase (in ms)	*/
-#define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT	1	/* Timeout for Flash Write (in ms)	*/
-#ifndef CFG_RAMBOOT
-#  define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH	1
-#    define CFG_ENV_ADDR	(CFG_MONITOR_BASE + 0x40000)
-#    define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE	0x40000
-#  else
-#    define CFG_ENV_SIZE	0x1000	/* Total Size of Environment Sector	*/
-#    define CFG_ENV_SECT_SIZE	0x10000 /* see README - env sect real size	*/
-#  endif /* CFG_ENV_IN_OWN_SECT */
-#  define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_NVRAM	1
-#  define CFG_ENV_ADDR		(CFG_MONITOR_BASE - 0x1000)
-#  define CFG_ENV_SIZE		0x200
-#endif /* CFG_RAMBOOT */
- * Cache Configuration
- */
-#define CFG_CACHELINE_SIZE	32	/* For MPC8260 CPU */
+#define CFG_BOOTMAPSZ		(8 << 20) /* Initial Memory map for Linux */
+/* Cache Configuration */
+#define CFG_DCACHE_SIZE		32768
-# define CFG_CACHELINE_SHIFT	5	/* log base 2 of the above value */
+  #define CFG_CACHELINE_SHIFT	5	/* log base 2 of the above value */
- * HIDx - Hardware Implementation-dependent Registers			 2-11
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * HID0 also contains cache control - initially enable both caches and
- * invalidate contents, then the final state leaves only the instruction
- * cache enabled. Note that Power-On and Hard reset invalidate the caches,
- * but Soft reset does not.
- *
- * HID1 has only read-only information - nothing to set.
- */
-#define CFG_HID0_INIT	(HID0_ICE  |\
-			 HID0_DCE  |\
-			 HID0_ICFI |\
-			 HID0_DCI  |\
-			 HID0_IFEM |\
-			 HID0_ABE)
-#define CFG_HID0_FINAL	(HID0_ICE  |\
-			 HID0_IFEM |\
-			 HID0_ABE  |\
-			 HID0_EMCP)
-#define CFG_HID2	0
- * RMR - Reset Mode Register
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#define CFG_RMR		0
- * BCR - Bus Configuration					 4-25
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#define CFG_BCR		(BCR_ETM)
- * SIUMCR - SIU Module Configuration				 4-31
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-			 SIUMCR_L2CPC00 |\
-			 SIUMCR_APPC10	|\
-			 SIUMCR_MMR00)
- * SYPCR - System Protection Control				11-9
- * SYPCR can only be written once after reset!
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Watchdog & Bus Monitor Timer max, 60x Bus Monitor enable
- */
-#if defined(CONFIG_WATCHDOG)
-			 SYPCR_BMT  |\
-			 SYPCR_PBME |\
-			 SYPCR_LBME |\
-			 SYPCR_SWRI |\
-			 SYPCR_SWP  |\
-			 SYPCR_BMT  |\
-			 SYPCR_PBME |\
-			 SYPCR_LBME |\
-			 SYPCR_SWRI |\
-#endif	/* CONFIG_WATCHDOG */
- * TMCNTSC - Time Counter Status and Control			 4-40
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Clear once per Second and Alarm Interrupt Status, Set 32KHz timersclk,
- * and enable Time Counter
- */
- * PISCR - Periodic Interrupt Status and Control		 4-42
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Clear Periodic Interrupt Status, Set 32KHz timersclk, and enable
- * Periodic timer
- */
-#define CFG_PISCR	(PISCR_PS  |\
-			 PISCR_PTF |\
- * SCCR - System Clock Control					 9-8
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#define CFG_SCCR	0
- * RCCR - RISC Controller Configuration				13-7
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#define CFG_RCCR	0
- * Initialize Memory Controller:
- *
- * Bank Bus	Machine PortSz	Device
- * ---- ---	------- ------	------
- *  0	60x	GPCM	32 bit	FLASH (SIMM - 4MB) *
- *  1	60x	GPCM	32 bit	FLASH (SIMM - Unused)
- *  2	60x	SDRAM	64 bit	SDRAM (DIMM - 16MB or 64MB)
- *  3	60x	SDRAM	64 bit	SDRAM (DIMM - Unused)
- *  4	Local	SDRAM	32 bit	SDRAM (on board - 4MB)
- *  5	60x	GPCM	 8 bit	EEPROM (8KB)
- *  6	60x	GPCM	 8 bit	FLASH  (on board - 2MB) *
- *  7	60x	GPCM	 8 bit	LEDs, switches
- *
- *  (*) This configuration requires the SBC8260 be configured
- *	so that *CS0 goes to the FLASH SIMM, and *CS6 goes to
- *	the on board FLASH. In other words, JP24 should have
- *	pins 1 and 2 jumpered and pins 3 and 4 jumpered.
- *
- */
- * BR0,BR1 - Base Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.1 on page 10-14
- * OR0,OR1 - Option Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.2 on page 10-18
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* Bank 0,1 - FLASH SIMM
- *
- * This expects the FLASH SIMM to be connected to *CS0
- * It consists of 4 AM29F080B parts.
- *
- * Note: For the 4 MB SIMM, *CS1 is unused.
- */
-/* BR0 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - Base address of 0x40000000
- *     - 32 bit port size
- *     - Data errors checking is disabled
- *     - Read and write access
- *     - GPCM 60x bus
- *     - Access are handled by the memory controller according to MSEL
- *     - Not used for atomic operations
- *     - No data pipelining is done
- *     - Valid
- */
-			 BRx_PS_32			|\
-			 BRx_MS_GPCM_P			|\
-			 BRx_V)
-/* OR0 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - 4 MB
- *     - *BCTL0 is asserted upon access to the current memory bank
- *     - *CW / *WE are negated a quarter of a clock earlier
- *     - *CS is output at the same time as the address lines
- *     - Uses a clock cycle length of 5
- *     - *PSDVAL is generated internally by the memory controller
- *	 unless *GTA is asserted earlier externally.
- *     - Relaxed timing is generated by the GPCM for accesses
- *	 initiated to this memory region.
- *     - One idle clock is inserted between a read access from the
- *	 current bank and the next access.
- */
-			 ORxG_CSNT			|\
-			 ORxG_ACS_DIV1			|\
-			 ORxG_SCY_5_CLK			|\
-			 ORxG_TRLX			|\
-			 ORxG_EHTR)
- * BR2,BR3 - Base Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.1 on page 10-14
- * OR2,OR3 - Option Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.2 on page 10-16
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* Bank 2,3 - SDRAM DIMM
- *
- *     16MB DIMM: P/N
- *     64MB DIMM: P/N  1W-8864X8-4-P1-EST
- *
- * Note: *CS3 is unused for this DIMM
- */
-/* With a 16 MB or 64 MB DIMM, the BR2 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - Base address of 0x00000000
- *     - 64 bit port size (60x bus only)
- *     - Data errors checking is disabled
- *     - Read and write access
- *     - SDRAM 60x bus
- *     - Access are handled by the memory controller according to MSEL
- *     - Not used for atomic operations
- *     - No data pipelining is done
- *     - Valid
- */
-			 BRx_PS_64			|\
-			 BRx_MS_SDRAM_P			|\
-			 BRx_V)
-			 BRx_PS_64			|\
-			 BRx_MS_SDRAM_P			|\
-			 BRx_V)
-/* With a 16 MB DIMM, the OR2 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - 16 MB
- *     - 2 internal banks per device
- *     - Row start address bit is A9 with PSDMR[PBI] = 0
- *     - 11 row address lines
- *     - Back-to-back page mode
- *     - Internal bank interleaving within save device enabled
- */
-#if (CFG_SDRAM0_SIZE == 16)
-			 ORxS_BPD_2			|\
-			 ORxS_ROWST_PBI0_A9		|\
-			 ORxS_NUMR_11)
-/* With a 64 MB DIMM, the OR2 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - 64 MB
- *     - 4 internal banks per device
- *     - Row start address bit is A8 with PSDMR[PBI] = 0
- *     - 12 row address lines
- *     - Back-to-back page mode
- *     - Internal bank interleaving within save device enabled
- */
-#if (CFG_SDRAM0_SIZE == 64)
-			 ORxS_BPD_4			|\
-			 ORxS_ROWST_PBI0_A8		|\
-			 ORxS_NUMR_12)
- * PSDMR - 60x Bus SDRAM Mode Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.3 on page 10-21
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* Address that the DIMM SPD memory lives at.
- */
-#define SDRAM_SPD_ADDR 0x54
-#if (CFG_SDRAM0_SIZE == 16)
-/* With a 16 MB DIMM, the PSDMR is configured as follows:
+ * Internal Definitions
- *     - Bank Based Interleaving,
- *     - Refresh Enable,
- *     - Address Multiplexing where A5 is output on A14 pin
- *	 (A6 on A15, and so on),
- *     - use address pins A16-A18 as bank select,
- *     - A9 is output on SDA10 during an ACTIVATE command,
- *     - earliest timing for ACTIVATE command after REFRESH command is 7 clocks,
- *     - earliest timing for ACTIVATE or REFRESH command after PRECHARGE command
- *	 is 3 clocks,
- *     - earliest timing for READ/WRITE command after ACTIVATE command is
- *	 2 clocks,
- *     - earliest timing for PRECHARGE after last data was read is 1 clock,
- *     - earliest timing for PRECHARGE after last data was written is 1 clock,
- *     - CAS Latency is 2.
+ * Boot Flags
-#define CFG_PSDMR	(PSDMR_RFEN	      |\
-			 PSDMR_SDAM_A14_IS_A5 |\
-			 PSDMR_BSMA_A16_A18   |\
-			 PSDMR_SDA10_PBI0_A9  |\
-			 PSDMR_RFRC_7_CLK     |\
-			 PSDMR_PRETOACT_3W    |\
-			 PSDMR_ACTTORW_2W     |\
-			 PSDMR_LDOTOPRE_1C    |\
-			 PSDMR_WRC_1C	      |\
-			 PSDMR_CL_2)
+#define BOOTFLAG_COLD	0x01		/* Normal Power-On: Boot from FLASH */
+#define BOOTFLAG_WARM	0x02		/* Software reboot		*/
-#if (CFG_SDRAM0_SIZE == 64)
-/* With a 64 MB DIMM, the PSDMR is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - Bank Based Interleaving,
- *     - Refresh Enable,
- *     - Address Multiplexing where A5 is output on A14 pin
- *	 (A6 on A15, and so on),
- *     - use address pins A14-A16 as bank select,
- *     - A9 is output on SDA10 during an ACTIVATE command,
- *     - earliest timing for ACTIVATE command after REFRESH command is 7 clocks,
- *     - earliest timing for ACTIVATE or REFRESH command after PRECHARGE command
- *	 is 3 clocks,
- *     - earliest timing for READ/WRITE command after ACTIVATE command is
- *	 2 clocks,
- *     - earliest timing for PRECHARGE after last data was read is 1 clock,
- *     - earliest timing for PRECHARGE after last data was written is 1 clock,
- *     - CAS Latency is 2.
- */
-#define CFG_PSDMR	(PSDMR_RFEN	      |\
-			 PSDMR_SDAM_A14_IS_A5 |\
-			 PSDMR_BSMA_A14_A16   |\
-			 PSDMR_SDA10_PBI0_A9  |\
-			 PSDMR_RFRC_7_CLK     |\
-			 PSDMR_PRETOACT_3W    |\
-			 PSDMR_ACTTORW_2W     |\
-			 PSDMR_LDOTOPRE_1C    |\
-			 PSDMR_WRC_1C	      |\
-			 PSDMR_CL_2)
+  #define CONFIG_KGDB_BAUDRATE	230400	/* speed to run kgdb serial port */
+  #define CONFIG_KGDB_SER_INDEX	2	/* which serial port to use */
- * Shoot for approximately 1MHz on the prescaler.
- */
-#if (CONFIG_8260_CLKIN == (66 * 1000 * 1000))
-#elif (CONFIG_8260_CLKIN == (33 * 1000 * 1000))
-#warning "Unconfigured bus clock freq: check CFG_MPTPR and CFG_PSRT are OK"
+/*Note: change below for your network setting!!! */
+#if defined(CONFIG_TSEC_ENET) || defined(CONFIG_ETHER_ON_FCC)
+  #define CONFIG_ETHADDR	00:01:af:07:9b:8a
+  #define CONFIG_ETH1ADDR	00:01:af:07:9b:8b
+  #define CONFIG_ETH2ADDR	00:01:af:07:9b:8c
-#define CFG_PSRT	14
-/* Bank 4 - On board SDRAM
- *
- * This is not implemented yet.
- */
- * BR6 - Base Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.1 on page 10-14
- * OR6 - Option Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.2 on page 10-18
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* Bank 6 - On board FLASH
- *
- * This expects the on board FLASH SIMM to be connected to *CS6
- * It consists of 1 AM29F016A part.
- */
-#if (defined(CFG_FLASH1_BASE) && defined(CFG_FLASH1_SIZE))
-/* BR6 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - Base address of 0x60000000
- *     - 8 bit port size
- *     - Data errors checking is disabled
- *     - Read and write access
- *     - GPCM 60x bus
- *     - Access are handled by the memory controller according to MSEL
- *     - Not used for atomic operations
- *     - No data pipelining is done
- *     - Valid
- */
-#  define CFG_BR6_PRELIM  ((CFG_FLASH1_BASE & BRx_BA_MSK) |\
-			   BRx_PS_8			  |\
-			   BRx_MS_GPCM_P		  |\
-			   BRx_V)
-/* OR6 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - 2 MB
- *     - *BCTL0 is asserted upon access to the current memory bank
- *     - *CW / *WE are negated a quarter of a clock earlier
- *     - *CS is output at the same time as the address lines
- *     - Uses a clock cycle length of 5
- *     - *PSDVAL is generated internally by the memory controller
- *	 unless *GTA is asserted earlier externally.
- *     - Relaxed timing is generated by the GPCM for accesses
- *	 initiated to this memory region.
- *     - One idle clock is inserted between a read access from the
- *	 current bank and the next access.
- */
-			   ORxG_CSNT		       |\
-			   ORxG_ACS_DIV1	       |\
-			   ORxG_SCY_5_CLK	       |\
-			   ORxG_TRLX		       |\
-			   ORxG_EHTR)
-#endif /* (defined(CFG_FLASH1_BASE) && defined(CFG_FLASH1_SIZE)) */
- * BR7 - Base Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.1 on page 10-14
- * OR7 - Option Register
- *     Ref: Section 10.3.2 on page 10-18
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* Bank 7 - LEDs and switches
- *
- *  LEDs     are at 0x00001 (write only)
- *  switches are at 0x00001 (read only)
- */
-#ifdef CFG_LED_BASE
-/* BR7 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - Base address of 0xA0000000
- *     - 8 bit port size
- *     - Data errors checking is disabled
- *     - Read and write access
- *     - GPCM 60x bus
- *     - Access are handled by the memory controller according to MSEL
- *     - Not used for atomic operations
- *     - No data pipelining is done
- *     - Valid
- */
-#  define CFG_BR7_PRELIM  ((CFG_LED_BASE & BRx_BA_MSK)	 |\
-			   BRx_PS_8			 |\
-			   BRx_MS_GPCM_P		 |\
-			   BRx_V)
-/* OR7 is configured as follows:
- *
- *     - 1 byte
- *     - *BCTL0 is asserted upon access to the current memory bank
- *     - *CW / *WE are negated a quarter of a clock earlier
- *     - *CS is output at the same time as the address lines
- *     - Uses a clock cycle length of 15
- *     - *PSDVAL is generated internally by the memory controller
- *	 unless *GTA is asserted earlier externally.
- *     - Relaxed timing is generated by the GPCM for accesses
- *	 initiated to this memory region.
- *     - One idle clock is inserted between a read access from the
- *	 current bank and the next access.
- */
-#  define CFG_OR7_PRELIM  (ORxG_AM_MSK		       |\
-			   ORxG_CSNT		       |\
-			   ORxG_ACS_DIV1	       |\
-			   ORxG_SCY_15_CLK	       |\
-			   ORxG_TRLX		       |\
-			   ORxG_EHTR)
-#endif /* CFG_LED_BASE */
- * Internal Definitions
- *
- * Boot Flags
- */
-#define BOOTFLAG_COLD	0x01	/* Normal Power-On: Boot from FLASH  */
-#define BOOTFLAG_WARM	0x02	/* Software reboot		     */
+#define CONFIG_ROOTPATH		/home/ppc
+#define CONFIG_BOOTFILE		pImage
 #endif	/* __CONFIG_H */
diff --git a/include/status_led.h b/include/status_led.h
index dc4b898c0e..76a0dfdf33 100644
--- a/include/status_led.h
+++ b/include/status_led.h
@@ -336,6 +336,9 @@ void status_led_set  (int led, int state);
 /*****  NetPhone   ********************************************************/
 #elif defined(CONFIG_NETPHONE) || defined(CONFIG_NETTA2)
 /* XXX empty just to avoid the error */
+/*****  sbc8240   ********************************************************/
+#elif defined(CONFIG_WRSBC8240)
+/* XXX empty just to avoid the error */
 # error Status LED configuration missing
diff --git a/tools/mkimage.c b/tools/mkimage.c
index c32085dd1c..b6e030e28e 100644
--- a/tools/mkimage.c
+++ b/tools/mkimage.c
@@ -77,62 +77,63 @@ typedef struct table_entry {
 } table_entry_t;
 table_entry_t arch_name[] = {
-    {	IH_CPU_INVALID,	NULL,		"Invalid CPU",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_ALPHA,	"alpha",	"Alpha",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_ARM,	"arm",		"ARM",			},
-    {	IH_CPU_I386,	"x86",		"Intel x86",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_IA64,	"ia64",		"IA64",			},
-    {	IH_CPU_MIPS,	"mips",		"MIPS",			},
-    {	IH_CPU_MIPS64,	"mips64",	"MIPS 64 Bit",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_PPC,	"ppc",		"PowerPC",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_S390,	"s390",		"IBM S390",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_SH,	"sh",		"SuperH",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_SPARC,	"sparc",	"SPARC",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_SPARC64,	"sparc64",	"SPARC 64 Bit",		},
-    {	IH_CPU_M68K,	"m68k",		"MC68000",		},
-    {	-1,		"",		"",			},
+    {	IH_CPU_INVALID,		NULL,		"Invalid CPU",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_ALPHA,		"alpha",	"Alpha",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_ARM,		"arm",		"ARM",		},
+    {	IH_CPU_I386,		"x86",		"Intel x86",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_IA64,		"ia64",		"IA64",		},
+    {	IH_CPU_M68K,		"m68k",		"MC68000",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_MICROBLAZE,	"microblaze",	"MicroBlaze",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_MIPS,		"mips",		"MIPS",		},
+    {	IH_CPU_MIPS64,		"mips64",	"MIPS 64 Bit",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_PPC,		"ppc",		"PowerPC",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_S390,		"s390",		"IBM S390",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_SH,		"sh",		"SuperH",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_SPARC,		"sparc",	"SPARC",	},
+    {	IH_CPU_SPARC64,		"sparc64",	"SPARC 64 Bit",	},
+    {	-1,			"",		"",		},
 table_entry_t os_name[] = {
     {	IH_OS_INVALID,	NULL,		"Invalid OS",		},
-    {	IH_OS_OPENBSD,	"openbsd",	"OpenBSD",		},
-    {	IH_OS_NETBSD,	"netbsd",	"NetBSD",		},
-    {	IH_OS_FREEBSD,	"freebsd",	"FreeBSD",		},
     {	IH_OS_4_4BSD,	"4_4bsd",	"4_4BSD",		},
-    {	IH_OS_LINUX,	"linux",	"Linux",		},
-    {	IH_OS_SVR4,	"svr4",		"SVR4",			},
+    {	IH_OS_ARTOS,	"artos",	"ARTOS",		},
+    {	IH_OS_DELL,	"dell",		"Dell",			},
     {	IH_OS_ESIX,	"esix",		"Esix",			},
-    {	IH_OS_SOLARIS,	"solaris",	"Solaris",		},
+    {	IH_OS_FREEBSD,	"freebsd",	"FreeBSD",		},
     {	IH_OS_IRIX,	"irix",		"Irix",			},
-    {	IH_OS_SCO,	"sco",		"SCO",			},
-    {	IH_OS_DELL,	"dell",		"Dell",			},
-    {	IH_OS_NCR,	"ncr",		"NCR",			},
+    {	IH_OS_LINUX,	"linux",	"Linux",		},
     {	IH_OS_LYNXOS,	"lynxos",	"LynxOS",		},
-    {	IH_OS_VXWORKS,	"vxworks",	"VxWorks",		},
+    {	IH_OS_NCR,	"ncr",		"NCR",			},
+    {	IH_OS_NETBSD,	"netbsd",	"NetBSD",		},
+    {	IH_OS_OPENBSD,	"openbsd",	"OpenBSD",		},
     {	IH_OS_PSOS,	"psos",		"pSOS",			},
     {	IH_OS_QNX,	"qnx",		"QNX",			},
-    {	IH_OS_U_BOOT,	"u-boot",	"U-Boot",		},
     {	IH_OS_RTEMS,	"rtems",	"RTEMS",		},
-    {	IH_OS_ARTOS,	"artos",	"ARTOS",		},
+    {	IH_OS_SCO,	"sco",		"SCO",			},
+    {	IH_OS_SOLARIS,	"solaris",	"Solaris",		},
+    {	IH_OS_SVR4,	"svr4",		"SVR4",			},
+    {	IH_OS_U_BOOT,	"u-boot",	"U-Boot",		},
+    {	IH_OS_VXWORKS,	"vxworks",	"VxWorks",		},
     {	-1,		"",		"",			},
 table_entry_t type_name[] = {
     {	IH_TYPE_INVALID,    NULL,	  "Invalid Image",	},
-    {	IH_TYPE_STANDALONE, "standalone", "Standalone Program", },
+    {	IH_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, "filesystem", "Filesystem Image",	},
+    {	IH_TYPE_FIRMWARE,   "firmware",	  "Firmware",		},
     {	IH_TYPE_KERNEL,	    "kernel",	  "Kernel Image",	},
-    {	IH_TYPE_RAMDISK,    "ramdisk",	  "RAMDisk Image",	},
     {	IH_TYPE_MULTI,	    "multi",	  "Multi-File Image",	},
-    {	IH_TYPE_FIRMWARE,   "firmware",	  "Firmware",		},
+    {	IH_TYPE_RAMDISK,    "ramdisk",	  "RAMDisk Image",	},
     {	IH_TYPE_SCRIPT,     "script",	  "Script",		},
-    {	IH_TYPE_FILESYSTEM, "filesystem", "Filesystem Image",	},
+    {	IH_TYPE_STANDALONE, "standalone", "Standalone Program", },
     {	-1,		    "",		  "",			},
 table_entry_t comp_name[] = {
     {	IH_COMP_NONE,	"none",		"uncompressed",		},
-    {	IH_COMP_GZIP,	"gzip",		"gzip compressed",	},
     {	IH_COMP_BZIP2,	"bzip2",	"bzip2 compressed",	},
+    {	IH_COMP_GZIP,	"gzip",		"gzip compressed",	},
     {	-1,		"",		"",			},