From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:37:31 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: dm: rtc: Add tests for real-time clocks
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~13038^2~22

dm: rtc: Add tests for real-time clocks

Add some simple tests to verify that the RTC uclass works correctly in

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

diff --git a/test/dm/Makefile b/test/dm/Makefile
index fd9e29f201..a0cc2c6de5 100644
--- a/test/dm/Makefile
+++ b/test/dm/Makefile
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_DM_ETH) += eth.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_GPIO) += gpio.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_I2C) += i2c.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_PCI) += pci.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_DM_RTC) += rtc.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_SPI_FLASH) += sf.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_SPI) += spi.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DM_USB) += usb.o
diff --git a/test/dm/rtc.c b/test/dm/rtc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9397cf72a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/dm/rtc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Google, Inc
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
+ * Written by Simon Glass <>
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <dm.h>
+#include <rtc.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <dm/test.h>
+#include <dm/ut.h>
+#include <asm/test.h>
+/* Simple RTC sanity check */
+static int dm_test_rtc_base(struct dm_test_state *dms)
+	struct udevice *dev;
+	ut_asserteq(-ENODEV, uclass_get_device_by_seq(UCLASS_RTC, 2, &dev));
+	ut_assertok(uclass_get_device(UCLASS_RTC, 0, &dev));
+	ut_assertok(uclass_get_device(UCLASS_RTC, 1, &dev));
+	return 0;
+static void show_time(const char *msg, struct rtc_time *time)
+	printf("%s: %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", msg,
+	       time->tm_mday, time->tm_mon, time->tm_year,
+	       time->tm_hour, time->tm_min, time->tm_sec);
+static int cmp_times(struct rtc_time *expect, struct rtc_time *time, bool show)
+	bool same;
+	same = expect->tm_sec == time->tm_sec;
+	same &= expect->tm_min == time->tm_min;
+	same &= expect->tm_hour == time->tm_hour;
+	same &= expect->tm_mday == time->tm_mday;
+	same &= expect->tm_mon == time->tm_mon;
+	same &= expect->tm_year == time->tm_year;
+	if (!same && show) {
+		show_time("expected", expect);
+		show_time("actual", time);
+	}
+	return same ? 0 : -EINVAL;
+/* Set and get the time */
+static int dm_test_rtc_set_get(struct dm_test_state *dms)
+	struct rtc_time now, time, cmp;
+	struct udevice *dev, *emul;
+	long offset, old_offset, old_base_time;
+	ut_assertok(uclass_get_device(UCLASS_RTC, 0, &dev));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev, &now));
+	ut_assertok(device_find_first_child(dev, &emul));
+	ut_assert(emul != NULL);
+	/* Tell the RTC to go into manual mode */
+	old_offset = sandbox_i2c_rtc_set_offset(emul, false, 0);
+	old_base_time = sandbox_i2c_rtc_get_set_base_time(emul, -1);
+	memset(&time, '\0', sizeof(time));
+	time.tm_mday = 25;
+	time.tm_mon = 8;
+	time.tm_year = 2004;
+	time.tm_sec = 0;
+	time.tm_min = 18;
+	time.tm_hour = 18;
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_set(dev, &time));
+	memset(&cmp, '\0', sizeof(cmp));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev, &cmp));
+	ut_assertok(cmp_times(&time, &cmp, true));
+	/* Increment by 1 second */
+	offset = sandbox_i2c_rtc_set_offset(emul, false, 0);
+	sandbox_i2c_rtc_set_offset(emul, false, offset + 1);
+	memset(&cmp, '\0', sizeof(cmp));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev, &cmp));
+	ut_asserteq(1, cmp.tm_sec);
+	/* Check against original offset */
+	sandbox_i2c_rtc_set_offset(emul, false, old_offset);
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev, &cmp));
+	ut_assertok(cmp_times(&now, &cmp, true));
+	/* Back to the original offset */
+	sandbox_i2c_rtc_set_offset(emul, false, 0);
+	memset(&cmp, '\0', sizeof(cmp));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev, &cmp));
+	ut_assertok(cmp_times(&now, &cmp, true));
+	/* Increment the base time by 1 emul */
+	sandbox_i2c_rtc_get_set_base_time(emul, old_base_time + 1);
+	memset(&cmp, '\0', sizeof(cmp));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev, &cmp));
+	if (now.tm_sec == 59) {
+		ut_asserteq(0, cmp.tm_sec);
+	} else {
+		ut_asserteq(now.tm_sec + 1, cmp.tm_sec);
+	}
+	old_offset = sandbox_i2c_rtc_set_offset(emul, true, 0);
+	return 0;
+/* Reset the time */
+static int dm_test_rtc_reset(struct dm_test_state *dms)
+	struct rtc_time now;
+	struct udevice *dev, *emul;
+	long old_base_time, base_time;
+	ut_assertok(uclass_get_device(UCLASS_RTC, 0, &dev));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev, &now));
+	ut_assertok(device_find_first_child(dev, &emul));
+	ut_assert(emul != NULL);
+	old_base_time = sandbox_i2c_rtc_get_set_base_time(emul, 0);
+	ut_asserteq(0, sandbox_i2c_rtc_get_set_base_time(emul, -1));
+	/* Resetting the RTC should put he base time back to normal */
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_reset(dev));
+	base_time = sandbox_i2c_rtc_get_set_base_time(emul, -1);
+	ut_asserteq(old_base_time, base_time);
+	return 0;
+/* Check that two RTC devices can be used independently */
+static int dm_test_rtc_dual(struct dm_test_state *dms)
+	struct rtc_time now1, now2, cmp;
+	struct udevice *dev1, *dev2;
+	struct udevice *emul1, *emul2;
+	long offset;
+	ut_assertok(uclass_get_device(UCLASS_RTC, 0, &dev1));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev1, &now1));
+	ut_assertok(uclass_get_device(UCLASS_RTC, 1, &dev2));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev2, &now2));
+	ut_assertok(device_find_first_child(dev1, &emul1));
+	ut_assert(emul1 != NULL);
+	ut_assertok(device_find_first_child(dev2, &emul2));
+	ut_assert(emul2 != NULL);
+	offset = sandbox_i2c_rtc_set_offset(emul1, false, -1);
+	sandbox_i2c_rtc_set_offset(emul2, false, offset + 1);
+	memset(&cmp, '\0', sizeof(cmp));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev2, &cmp));
+	ut_asserteq(-EINVAL, cmp_times(&now1, &cmp, false));
+	memset(&cmp, '\0', sizeof(cmp));
+	ut_assertok(dm_rtc_get(dev1, &cmp));
+	ut_assertok(cmp_times(&now1, &cmp, true));
+	return 0;
diff --git a/test/dm/test.dts b/test/dm/test.dts
index dd6d0acc27..008584865c 100644
--- a/test/dm/test.dts
+++ b/test/dm/test.dts
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 		testfdt5 = "/some-bus/c-test@5";
 		testfdt6 = "/e-test";
 		testfdt8 = "/a-test";
+		rtc0 = &rtc_0;
+		rtc1 = &rtc_1;
 		usb0 = &usb_0;
 		usb1 = &usb_1;
 		usb2 = &usb_2;
@@ -139,6 +141,22 @@
 				sandbox,size = <256>;
+		rtc_0: rtc@43 {
+			reg = <0x43>;
+			compatible = "sandbox-rtc";
+			emul {
+				compatible = "sandbox,i2c-rtc";
+			};
+		};
+		rtc_1: rtc@61 {
+			reg = <0x61>;
+			compatible = "sandbox-rtc";
+			emul {
+				compatible = "sandbox,i2c-rtc";
+			};
+		};
 	pci: pci-controller {