From: Enric Balletbò i Serra <>
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2013 20:30:21 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: TI: armv7: Do not define the number DRAM banks if is already defined.
X-Git-Tag: v2025.01-rc5-pxa1908~15479^2^2~8

TI: armv7: Do not define the number DRAM banks if is already defined.

If CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS is not defined, we say (for simplicity) that we have
1 bank, but for some boards should be interesting that we can define
CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS. To handle this possibility just define the number of
DRAM banks if is not already defined. This is useful for some OMAP3 boards
where the DRAM initialitzation is only at u-boot level.

Signed-off-by: Enric Balletbo i Serra <>

diff --git a/include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h b/include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h
index f4e42eff13..69d69a5421 100644
--- a/include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h
+++ b/include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h
@@ -45,11 +45,15 @@
- * DDR information.  We say (for simplicity) that we have 1 bank,
- * always, even when we have more.  We always start at 0x80000000,
- * and we place the initial stack pointer in our SRAM.
+ * DDR information.  If the CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS is not defined,
+ * we say (for simplicity) that we have 1 bank, always, even when
+ * we have more.  We always start at 0x80000000, and we place the
+ * initial stack pointer in our SRAM. Otherwise, we can define
+ * CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS before including this file.
 #define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE		0x80000000