This option adds the feature to only stop the autobooting,
and therefore boot into the U-Boot prompt, when the input
string / password matches a values that is encypted via
- a SHA256 hash and saved in the environment.
+ a SHA256 hash and saved in the environment variable
+ "bootstopkeysha256". If the value in that variable
+ includes a ":", the portion prior to the ":" will be treated
+ as a salt value.
bool "Allow a specify key to run a menu from the environment"
-#define MAX_DELAY_STOP_STR 32
+#define MAX_DELAY_STOP_STR 64
u8 sha_env[SHA256_SUM_LEN];
u8 *sha;
char *presskey;
+ char *c;
const char *algo_name = "sha256";
u_int presskey_len = 0;
int abort = 0;
if (sha_env_str == NULL)
sha_env_str = AUTOBOOT_STOP_STR_SHA256;
+ presskey = malloc_cache_aligned(MAX_DELAY_STOP_STR);
+ c = strstr(sha_env_str, ":");
+ if (c && (c - sha_env_str < MAX_DELAY_STOP_STR)) {
+ /* preload presskey with salt */
+ memcpy(presskey, sha_env_str, c - sha_env_str);
+ presskey_len = c - sha_env_str;
+ sha_env_str = c + 1;
+ }
* Generate the binary value from the environment hash value
* so that we can compare this value with the computed hash
return 0;
- presskey = malloc_cache_aligned(MAX_DELAY_STOP_STR);
sha = malloc_cache_aligned(SHA256_SUM_LEN);
size = SHA256_SUM_LEN;