--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# (C) Copyright 2023, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+import pytest
+import random
+import re
+import u_boot_utils
+Note: This test doesn't rely on boardenv_* configuration values but it can
+change the test behavior. To test USB file system cases (fat32, ext2, ext4),
+USB device should be formatted and valid partitions should be created for
+different file system, otherwise it may leads to failure. This test will be
+skipped if the USB device is not detected.
+For example:
+# Setup env__usb_device_test_skip to not skipping the test. By default, its
+# value is set to True. Set it to False to run all tests for USB device.
+env__usb_device_test_skip = False
+def setup_usb(u_boot_console):
+ if u_boot_console.config.env.get('env__usb_device_test_skip', True):
+ pytest.skip('USB device test is not enabled')
+def test_usb_start(u_boot_console):
+ setup_usb(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb start')
+ # if output is empty, usb start may already run as part of preboot command
+ # re-start the usb, in that case
+ if not output:
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb stop')
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb start')
+ if 'No USB device found' in output:
+ pytest.skip('No USB controller available')
+ if 'Card did not respond to voltage select' in output:
+ pytest.skip('No USB device present')
+ controllers = 0
+ storage_device = 0
+ obj = re.search(r'\d USB Device\(s\) found', output)
+ controllers = int(obj.group()[0])
+ if not controllers:
+ pytest.skip('No USB device present')
+ obj = re.search(r'\d Storage Device\(s\) found', output)
+ storage_device = int(obj.group()[0])
+ if not storage_device:
+ pytest.skip('No USB storage device present')
+ assert 'USB init failed' not in output
+ assert 'starting USB...' in output
+ if 'Starting the controller' in output:
+ assert 'USB XHCI' in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+ return controllers, storage_device
+def test_usb_stop(u_boot_console):
+ setup_usb(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb stop')
+ assert 'stopping USB..' in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev')
+ assert "USB is stopped. Please issue 'usb start' first." in output
+def test_usb_reset(u_boot_console):
+ setup_usb(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb reset')
+ if 'No USB device found' in output:
+ pytest.skip('No USB controller available')
+ if 'Card did not respond to voltage select' in output:
+ pytest.skip('No USB device present')
+ obj = re.search(r'\d USB Device\(s\) found', output)
+ usb_dev_num = int(obj.group()[0])
+ if not usb_dev_num:
+ pytest.skip('No USB device present')
+ obj = re.search(r'\d Storage Device\(s\) found', output)
+ usb_stor_num = int(obj.group()[0])
+ if not usb_stor_num:
+ pytest.skip('No USB storage device present')
+ assert 'BUG' not in output
+ assert 'USB init failed' not in output
+ assert 'resetting USB...' in output
+ if 'Starting the controller' in output:
+ assert 'USB XHCI' in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+def test_usb_info(u_boot_console):
+ controllers, storage_device = test_usb_start(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb info')
+ num_controller = len(re.findall(': Hub,', output))
+ num_mass_storage = len(re.findall(': Mass Storage,', output))
+ assert num_controller == controllers - 1
+ assert num_mass_storage == storage_device
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+ for i in range(0, storage_device + controllers - 1):
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb info %d' % i)
+ num_controller = len(re.findall(': Hub,', output))
+ num_mass_storage = len(re.findall(': Mass Storage,', output))
+ assert num_controller + num_mass_storage == 1
+ assert 'No device available' not in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+def test_usb_tree(u_boot_console):
+ controllers, storage_device = test_usb_start(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb tree')
+ num_controller = len(re.findall('Hub', output))
+ num_mass_storage = len(re.findall('Mass Storage', output))
+ assert num_controller == controllers - 1
+ assert num_mass_storage == storage_device
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+def test_usb_storage(u_boot_console):
+ controllers, storage_device = test_usb_start(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb storage')
+ obj = re.findall(r'Capacity: (\d+|\d+[\.]?\d)', output)
+ devices = {}
+ for key in range(int(storage_device)):
+ devices[key] = {}
+ for x in range(int(storage_device)):
+ try:
+ capacity = float(obj[x].split()[0])
+ devices[x]['capacity'] = capacity
+ print('USB storage device %d capacity is: %g MB' % (x, capacity))
+ except ValueError:
+ pytest.fail('USB storage device capacity not recognized')
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+def test_usb_dev(u_boot_console):
+ controllers, storage_device = test_usb_start(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev')
+ assert 'no usb devices available' not in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+ devices = {}
+ for key in range(int(storage_device)):
+ devices[key] = {}
+ fail = 0
+ for x in range(0, storage_device):
+ devices[x]['detected'] = 'yes'
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ if 'Card did not respond to voltage select' in output:
+ fail = 1
+ devices[x]['detected'] = 'no'
+ if 'No USB device found' in output:
+ devices[x]['detected'] = 'no'
+ if 'unknown device' in output:
+ devices[x]['detected'] = 'no'
+ assert 'is now current device' in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+ if fail:
+ pytest.fail('USB device not present')
+ return devices, controllers, storage_device
+def test_usb_part(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_dev(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb part')
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('echo $?')
+ assert output.endswith('0')
+ for i in range(0, storage_device):
+ if devices[i]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % i)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('usb part')
+ lines = output.split('\n')
+ part_fat = []
+ part_ext = []
+ for line in lines:
+ obj = re.search(r'(\d)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\w+\d+\w+-\d+\s+(\d+\w+)', line)
+ if obj:
+ part_id = int(obj.groups()[0])
+ part_type = obj.groups()[1]
+ print('part_id:%d, part_type:%s' % (part_id, part_type))
+ if part_type == '0c' or part_type == '0b' or part_type == '0e':
+ print('Fat detected')
+ part_fat.append(part_id)
+ elif part_type == '83':
+ print('ext detected')
+ part_ext.append(part_id)
+ else:
+ pytest.fail('Unsupported Filesystem on device %d' % i)
+ devices[i]['ext4'] = part_ext
+ devices[i]['ext2'] = part_ext
+ devices[i]['fat'] = part_fat
+ if not part_ext and not part_fat:
+ pytest.fail('No partition detected on device %d' % i)
+ return devices, controllers, storage_device
+def test_usb_fatls_fatinfo(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ fs = 'fat'
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ for part in partitions:
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('fatls usb %d:%s' % (x, part))
+ if 'Unrecognized filesystem type' in output:
+ partitions.remove(part)
+ pytest.fail('Unrecognized filesystem')
+ if not re.search(r'\d file\(s\), \d dir\(s\)', output):
+ pytest.fail('%s read failed on device %d' % (fs.upper, x))
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('fatinfo usb %d:%s' % (x, part))
+ string = 'Filesystem: %s' % fs.upper
+ if re.search(string, output):
+ pytest.fail('%s FS failed on device %d' % (fs.upper(), x))
+ part_detect = 1
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No %s partition detected' % fs.upper())
+def test_usb_fatload_fatwrite(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ fs = 'fat'
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ for part in partitions:
+ part_detect = 1
+ addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+ size = random.randint(4, 1 * 1024 * 1024)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('crc32 %x %x' % (addr, size))
+ m = re.search('==> (.+?)', output)
+ if not m:
+ pytest.fail('CRC32 failed')
+ expected_crc32 = m.group(1)
+ file = '%s_%d' % ('uboot_test', size)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ '%swrite usb %d:%s %x %s %x' % (fs, x, part, addr, file, size)
+ )
+ assert 'Unable to write' not in output
+ assert 'Error' not in output
+ assert 'overflow' not in output
+ expected_text = '%d bytes written' % size
+ assert expected_text in output
+ alignment = int(
+ u_boot_console.config.buildconfig.get(
+ 'config_sys_cacheline_size', 128
+ )
+ )
+ offset = random.randrange(alignment, 1024, alignment)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ '%sload usb %d:%s %x %s' % (fs, x, part, addr + offset, file)
+ )
+ assert 'Invalid FAT entry' not in output
+ assert 'Unable to read file' not in output
+ assert 'Misaligned buffer address' not in output
+ expected_text = '%d bytes read' % size
+ assert expected_text in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ 'crc32 %x $filesize' % (addr + offset)
+ )
+ assert expected_crc32 in output
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No %s partition detected' % fs.upper())
+ return file, size
+def test_usb_ext4ls(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ fs = 'ext4'
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ for part in partitions:
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('%sls usb %d:%s' % (fs, x, part))
+ if 'Unrecognized filesystem type' in output:
+ partitions.remove(part)
+ pytest.fail('Unrecognized filesystem')
+ part_detect = 1
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No %s partition detected' % fs.upper())
+def test_usb_ext4load_ext4write(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ fs = 'ext4'
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ for part in partitions:
+ part_detect = 1
+ addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+ size = random.randint(4, 1 * 1024 * 1024)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('crc32 %x %x' % (addr, size))
+ m = re.search('==> (.+?)', output)
+ if not m:
+ pytest.fail('CRC32 failed')
+ expected_crc32 = m.group(1)
+ file = '%s_%d' % ('uboot_test', size)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ '%swrite usb %d:%s %x /%s %x' % (fs, x, part, addr, file, size)
+ )
+ assert 'Unable to write' not in output
+ assert 'Error' not in output
+ assert 'overflow' not in output
+ expected_text = '%d bytes written' % size
+ assert expected_text in output
+ offset = random.randrange(128, 1024, 128)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ '%sload usb %d:%s %x /%s' % (fs, x, part, addr + offset, file)
+ )
+ expected_text = '%d bytes read' % size
+ assert expected_text in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ 'crc32 %x $filesize' % (addr + offset)
+ )
+ assert expected_crc32 in output
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No %s partition detected' % fs.upper())
+ return file, size
+def test_usb_ext2ls(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ fs = 'ext2'
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ for part in partitions:
+ part_detect = 1
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('%sls usb %d:%s' % (fs, x, part))
+ if 'Unrecognized filesystem type' in output:
+ partitions.remove(part)
+ pytest.fail('Unrecognized filesystem')
+ part_detect = 1
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No %s partition detected' % fs.upper())
+def test_usb_ext2load(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ file, size = test_usb_ext4load_ext4write(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ fs = 'ext2'
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ for part in partitions:
+ part_detect = 1
+ addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('crc32 %x %x' % (addr, size))
+ m = re.search('==> (.+?)', output)
+ if not m:
+ pytest.fail('CRC32 failed')
+ expected_crc32 = m.group(1)
+ offset = random.randrange(128, 1024, 128)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ '%sload usb %d:%s %x /%s' % (fs, x, part, addr + offset, file)
+ )
+ expected_text = '%d bytes read' % size
+ assert expected_text in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ 'crc32 %x $filesize' % (addr + offset)
+ )
+ assert expected_crc32 in output
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No %s partition detected' % fs.upper())
+def test_usb_ls(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ for fs in ['fat', 'ext4']:
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ for part in partitions:
+ part_detect = 1
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('ls usb %d:%s' % (x, part))
+ if re.search(r'No \w+ table on this device', output):
+ pytest.fail(
+ '%s: Partition table not found %d' % (fs.upper(), x)
+ )
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No partition detected')
+def test_usb_load(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ for fs in ['fat', 'ext4']:
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ for part in partitions:
+ part_detect = 1
+ addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+ if fs == 'fat':
+ file, size = test_usb_fatload_fatwrite(u_boot_console)
+ elif fs == 'ext4':
+ file, size = test_usb_ext4load_ext4write(u_boot_console)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command('crc32 %x %x' % (addr, size))
+ m = re.search('==> (.+?)', output)
+ if not m:
+ pytest.fail('CRC32 failed')
+ expected_crc32 = m.group(1)
+ offset = random.randrange(128, 1024, 128)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ 'load usb %d:%s %x /%s' % (x, part, addr + offset, file)
+ )
+ expected_text = '%d bytes read' % size
+ assert expected_text in output
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ 'crc32 %x $filesize' % (addr + offset)
+ )
+ assert expected_crc32 in output
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No partition detected')
+def test_usb_save(u_boot_console):
+ devices, controllers, storage_device = test_usb_part(u_boot_console)
+ if not devices:
+ pytest.skip('No devices detected')
+ part_detect = 0
+ for x in range(0, int(storage_device)):
+ if devices[x]['detected'] == 'yes':
+ u_boot_console.run_command('usb dev %d' % x)
+ for fs in ['fat', 'ext4']:
+ try:
+ partitions = devices[x][fs]
+ except:
+ print('No %s table on this device' % fs.upper())
+ continue
+ for part in partitions:
+ part_detect = 1
+ addr = u_boot_utils.find_ram_base(u_boot_console)
+ size = random.randint(4, 1 * 1024 * 1024)
+ file = '%s_%d' % ('uboot_test', size)
+ offset = random.randrange(128, 1024, 128)
+ output = u_boot_console.run_command(
+ 'save usb %d:%s %x /%s %x'
+ % (x, part, addr + offset, file, size)
+ )
+ expected_text = '%d bytes written' % size
+ assert expected_text in output
+ if not part_detect:
+ pytest.skip('No partition detected')