; above call should not return in normal circumstances, but if it does hang forever
jmp $
- pusha ; save registers to stack
- mov edx, video_memory ; initialize dx with location of VRAM
- mov al, [ebx] ; read next char and put it in al
- mov ah, 00000111b ; puts the VGA text mode color white on black into ah
- cmp al, 0 ; if the next character is null, we reached end of string
- je .done ; so return the instruction
- mov [edx], al ; otherwise put the next character in the video memory
- mov [edx+1], ah ; do the same for its color
- inc ebx ; point to next character in string
- add edx, 2 ; point to next character in VRAM
- jmp .loop ; go back to the loop
- popa ; restore registers from stack
- ret ; return
video_memory equ 0B8000h
; the actual Global Descriptor Table