From ad4f54ea86bd8a1836bd270566374927fe9c5b08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Glass <>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 19:19:36 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] arm: Remove palmtreo680 board

This board has not been converted to generic board by the deadline.
Remove it.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
 arch/arm/Kconfig                |   6 -
 board/palmtreo680/Kconfig       |   9 -
 board/palmtreo680/MAINTAINERS   |   6 -
 board/palmtreo680/Makefile      |   9 -
 board/palmtreo680/README        | 563 --------------------------------
 board/palmtreo680/palmtreo680.c | 148 ---------
 configs/palmtreo680_defconfig   |  12 -
 include/configs/palmtreo680.h   | 270 ---------------
 8 files changed, 1023 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 board/palmtreo680/Kconfig
 delete mode 100644 board/palmtreo680/MAINTAINERS
 delete mode 100644 board/palmtreo680/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 board/palmtreo680/README
 delete mode 100644 board/palmtreo680/palmtreo680.c
 delete mode 100644 configs/palmtreo680_defconfig
 delete mode 100644 include/configs/palmtreo680.h

diff --git a/arch/arm/Kconfig b/arch/arm/Kconfig
index 89fe420c4d..e9cd91a5c8 100644
--- a/arch/arm/Kconfig
+++ b/arch/arm/Kconfig
@@ -614,11 +614,6 @@ config TARGET_H2200
 	bool "Support h2200"
 	select CPU_PXA
-	bool "Support palmtreo680"
-	select CPU_PXA
-	select SUPPORT_SPL
 	bool "Support colibri_pxa270"
 	select CPU_PXA
@@ -748,7 +743,6 @@ source "board/karo/tx25/Kconfig"
 source "board/maxbcm/Kconfig"
 source "board/mpl/vcma9/Kconfig"
 source "board/olimex/mx23_olinuxino/Kconfig"
-source "board/palmtreo680/Kconfig"
 source "board/phytec/pcm051/Kconfig"
 source "board/ppcag/bg0900/Kconfig"
 source "board/samsung/smdk2410/Kconfig"
diff --git a/board/palmtreo680/Kconfig b/board/palmtreo680/Kconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index b5fdb9a361..0000000000
--- a/board/palmtreo680/Kconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-config SYS_BOARD
-	default "palmtreo680"
-	default "palmtreo680"
diff --git a/board/palmtreo680/MAINTAINERS b/board/palmtreo680/MAINTAINERS
deleted file mode 100644
index b0ff9d0283..0000000000
--- a/board/palmtreo680/MAINTAINERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#M:	Mike Dunn <>
-S:	Orphan (since 2014-06)
-F:	board/palmtreo680/
-F:	include/configs/palmtreo680.h
-F:	configs/palmtreo680_defconfig
diff --git a/board/palmtreo680/Makefile b/board/palmtreo680/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f79e4bf11..0000000000
--- a/board/palmtreo680/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Palm Treo680 Support
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Dunn <>
-# This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version.
-# See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details.
-obj-y	:= palmtreo680.o
diff --git a/board/palmtreo680/README b/board/palmtreo680/README
deleted file mode 100644
index c8799c6ab1..0000000000
--- a/board/palmtreo680/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-README for the Palm Treo 680.
-Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Dunn <>
-You may reproduce the contents of this file entirely or in part, but please
-credit me by name if you do.  Thanks.
-Yes, you can program u-boot onto the flash of your Palm Treo 680 so that u-boot
-(then Linux, Android, ...) runs at power-up.  This document describes how, and
-gives some implementation details on this port of u-boot and describes how the
-Treo 680 boots from reset.
-But first, I probably don't need to tell you that after doing this, your phone
-will no longer run PalmOS.  You *may* be able to later restore your phone to its
-original state by creating a backup image of the flash before writing u-boot
-(details below), but this is not heavily tested and should not be relied upon.
-There is also the possibility that something may go wrong during the process of
-programming u-boot, leaving you with a bricked phone.  If you follow these
-instructions carefully this chance will be minimized, but I do not recommend
-that you program u-boot onto a phone that you can not afford to lose, and
-certainly not one that contains important data that is not backed up elsewhere.
-Having said that, feel free to send me a note cursing me out if something does
-go wrong, but please tell me what happened exactly.  For that matter, I'd love
-to hear from you if you succeed.
-Details on the SPL
-The docg4 features a 2k region at the start of its address space that interfaces
-to the system bus like a NOR flash.  This allows the docg4 to function as a boot
-ROM.  The Treo 680 uses this feature.  The contents of this 2k region are
-write-protected and can not be reprogrammed.  Fortunately, the code it contains
-does what we need to do, at least partially.  After some essential hardware
-initialization (like the SDRAM controller), it runs an IPL (initial program
-loader) that copies 128K (no more, no less) from flash to a fixed address in
-SDRAM (0xa1700000) and jumps to it.  128K is too small for u-boot, so we use it
-to load a u-boot secondary program loader (SPL).  But since our SPL only
-occupies a little over 1k, we can economize on flash usage by having the IPL
-load a portion of u-boot proper as well.  We let the IPL load the first 128k of
-a concatenated spl + u-boot image, and because the SPL is placed before u-boot
-proper, the IPL jumps to the SPL, which copies the portion of u-boot that the
-IPL has already loaded to its correct SDRAM address, and then loads the
-remainder of u-boot and jumps to it.
-The docg4's "reliable mode"
-This is a special mode of operation of the docg4's integrated controller whereby
-consecutive pairs of 2k regions are used in parallel (in some fashion) to store
-2k of data.  In other words, the normal capacity is halved, but the data
-integrity is improved.  In this mode, the data is read or written from pages in
-even-numbered 2k regions (regions starting at 0x000, 0x1000, 0x2000, ...).  The
-odd-numbered 2k regions (regions starting at 0x800, 0x1800, 0x2800, ...) are
-transparently used in parallel.  In reliable mode, the odd-numbered 2k regions
-are not meant to be read or written directly.
-Reliable mode is used by the IPL because there is not enough space in its 2k
-footprint to implement the BCH ecc algorithm.  Data that is read while reliable
-mode is enabled must have been written in reliable mode, or the read fails.
-However, data written in reliable mode can also be read in normal mode (just not
-as reliably), but only from the even-numbered 2k regions; the odd-numbered 2k
-regions appear to contain junk, and will generate ecc errors.  When the IPL and
-SPL read from flash, the odd-numbered 2k regions are explicitly skipped.  The
-same is true for the flash_u-boot utility when it writes the u-boot image in
-reliable mode.
-The docg4 Linux driver supports writing in reliable mode (it is enabled by the
-module parameter), but not reading.  However, the u-boot docg4_spl driver does
-read in reliable mode, in the same fashion as the IPL.
-Details on the IPL and its data format
-Starting from block 5 and counting upward, the IPL will search for and load the
-first two blocks it finds that contain a magic number in the oob of the first
-page of the block.  The contents are loaded to SDRAM starting at address
-0xa1700000.  After two blocks have been loaded, it jumps to 0xa1700000.  The
-number of blocks loaded and the load address in SDRAM are hard-coded; only the
-flash offset of the blocks can vary at run-time (based on the presence of the
-magic number).
-In addition to using the docg4's reliable mode, the IPL expects each 512 byte
-page to be written redundantly in the subsequent page.  The hardware is capable
-of detecting bit errors (but not correcting them), and if a bit error is
-detected when a page is read, the page contents are discarded and the subsequent
-page is read.
-Reliable mode reduces the capacity of a block by half, and the redundant pages
-reduce it by half again.  As a result, the normal 256k capacity of a block is
-reduced to 64k for the purposes of the IPL/SPL.
-For the sake of simplicity and uniformity, the u-boot SPL mimics the operation
-of the IPL, and expects the image to be stored in the same format.
-Instructions on Programming u-boot to flash
-To program u-boot to your flash, you will need to boot the Linux kernel on your
-phone using a PalmOS bootloader such as cocoboot.  The details of building and
-running Linux on your Treo (cross-compiling, creating a root filesystem,
-configuring the kernel, etc) are beyond the scope of this document.  The
-remainder of this document describes in detail how to program u-boot to the
-flash using Linux running on the Treo.
-Hardware Prerequisites
-A Palm Treo 680:
-  (dugh)
-A Palm usb cable:
-  You'll need this to establish a usbtty console connection to u-boot from a
-  desktop PC.  Currently there is no support in u-boot for the pxa27x keypad
-  (coming soon), so a serial link must be used for the console.
-  These cables are still widely available if you don't already have one.
-A Linux desktop PC.
-  You may be able to use Windows for the u-boot console if you have a usb driver
-  that is compatible with the Linux usbserial driver, but for programming u-boot
-  to flash, you'll really want to use a Linux PC.
-Treo-side Software Prerequisites
-Linux bootloader for PalmOS:
-  Cocoboot is the only one I'm aware of.  If you don't already have this, you
-  can download it from
-  which is a compressed tar archive of the contents of an sd card containing
-  cocoboot.  Use mkdosfs to create a fat16 filesystem on the first primary
-  partition of the card, mount the partition, and extract the tar file to it.
-  You will probably need to edit the cocoboot.conf file to customize the
-  parameters passed to the kernel.
-Linux kernel:
-  The kernel on the Treo 680 is still a little rough around the edges, and the
-  official kernel frequently breaks on the Treo :(  A development kernel
-  specifically for the Treo 680 can be found on github:
-  The master branch of this tree has been tested on the Treo, and I recommend
-  using this kernel for programming u-boot.  As of this writing, there may be a
-  bug in the docg4 nand flash driver that sometimes causes block erasures to
-  fail.  This has been fixed in the above tree.
-  If you choose to use the official kernel, it must contain the docg4 driver that
-  includes the reliable_mode module parameter.  This was a later enhancement to
-  the driver, and was merged to the kernel as of v3.8.  Do not try to use an
-  earlier kernel that contains the docg4 driver without support for writing in
-  reliable mode.  If you try to program u-boot to flash with the docg4 driver
-  loaded without the reliable_mode parameter enabled, you *will* brick your
-  phone!
-  For the purpose of programming u-boot to flash, the following options must be
-  enabled in the Treo kernel's .config:
-     CONFIG_MTD=y
-  Note that the docg4 nand driver is configured as a module, because we will
-  want to load and unload it with reliable_mode enabled or disabled as needed.
-  You will also need to specify mtd partitions on the kernel command line.  In
-  the instructions that follow, we will assume that the flash blocks to which
-  u-boot will be programmed are defined by the second partition on the device.
-  The u-boot config file (include/configs/palmtreo680.h) places the u-boot image
-  at the start of block 6 (offset 0x180000), which is the first writable
-  (non-protected) block on the flash (this is also where the PalmOS SPL starts).
-  The u-boot image occupies four blocks, so to create the u-boot partition, pass
-  this command line to the kernel:
-    mtdparts=Msys_Diskonchip_G4:1536k(protected_part)ro,1024k(bootloader_part),-(filesys_part)
-  This will create three partitions:
-    protected_part: the first six blocks, which are read-only
-    bootloader_part: the next four blocks, for the u-boot image
-    filesys_part: the remainder of the device
-  The mtdchar kernel device driver will use device nodes /dev/mtd0, /dev/mtd1,
-  and /dev/mtd2 for these partitions, respectively.  Ensure that your root file
-  system at least has /dev/mtd1 if you are not running udev or mdev.
-Userspace Utilities:
-  In addition to everything necessary to provide a useful userspace environment
-  (busybox is indispensable, of course), you will need the mtd-utils package on
-  your root filesystem.  I use version 1.5.0 of mtd-utils, and I suggest you use
-  this version as well, or at leat a version very close to this one, as
-  mtd-utils has tended to be fluid.
-  Note that busybox includes a version of mtd-utils.  These are deficient and
-  should not be used.  When you run one of these utilities (nanddump, etc),
-  ensure you are invoking the separate executable from mtd-utils, and not the
-  one built into busybox.  I recommend that you configure busybox with its
-  mtd-utils disabled to avoid any possibility of confusion.
-  You will also need to cross-compile the userspace Linux utility in
-  tools/palmtreo680/flash_u-boot.c, which we will run on the Treo to perform the
-  actual write of the u-boot image to flash.  This utility links against libmtd
-  from the mtd-utils package.
-Desktop PC-side Software Prerequisites
-Terminal emulator application:
-  minicom, kermit, etc.
-Linux kernel:
-  Compiled with CONFIG_USB_SERIAL enabled.  Build this as a module.
-Recommended (Not directly related to u-boot)
-Working directly on the Treo's tiny screen and keypad is difficult and
-error-prone.  I recommend that you log into the Linux kernel running on your
-Treo from your desktop PC using ethernet over usb.  The desktop's kernel must be
-CONFIG_USB_NET_CDC_SUBSET.  The Treo's kernel will need CONFIG_USB_ETH, and its
-init script will need to start an ssh daemon like dropbear.  Note that the usb0
-network interface will not appear on the desktop PC until the Treo kernel's usb
-ethernet gadget driver has initialized.  You must wait for this to occur (watch
-the PC's kernel log) before you can assign usb0 an ip address and log in to the
-Treo.  If you also build the Treo's kernel with CONFIG_IP_PNP enabled, you can
-pass its ip address on the kernel command line, and obviate the need to
-initialize the network interface in your init script.
-Having the Palm usb cable connected to the host has the added benefit of keeping
-power supplied to your Treo, reducing the drain on the battery.  If something
-goes wrong while you're programming u-boot to the flash, you will have lots of
-time to correct it before the battery dies.
-I have encountered a situation where the kernel is sometimes unable to mount a
-root filesystem on the mmc card due to the mmc controller not initializing in
-time, (and CONFIG_MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME doesn't seem to help) so I recommend that
-you build a minimal root filesystem into the kernel using the kernel's initramfs
-feature (CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD).  If you want your root filesystem on the mmc
-card, your init script can mount and switch_root to the mmc card after a short
-sleep.  But keep in mind that in this case you won't be able to use an mmc card
-to transfer files between your desktop and the Treo once Linux is running.
-Another option for transfering files is to mount an nfs filesystem exported by
-the desktop PC.  For greatest convenience, you can export the root filesystem
-itself from your desktop PC and switch_root to it in your init script.  This
-will work if your initramfs init script contains a loop that waits for you to
-initialize the usb0 network interface on the desktop PC; e.g., loop while a ping
-to the desktop PC returns an error.  After the loop exits, do the nfs mount and
-call switch_root.  (You can not use the kernel nfsroot feature because the
-network will not be up when the kernel expects it to be; i.e., not until you
-configure the usb0 interface on the desktop.)  Use the nfs 'nolock' option when
-mounting to avoid the need to run a portmapper like rpcbind.
-Once Linux is running on your Treo, you may want to perform a few sanity checks
-before programming u-boot.  These checks will verify my assumptions regarding
-all the Treo 680s out there, and also ensure that the flash and mtd-utils are
-working correctly.  If you are impatient and reckless, you may skip this
-section, but see disclaimer at the top of this file!
-Load the docg4 driver:
-  $ modprobe docg4 ignore_badblocks=1 reliable_mode=1
-We tell the driver to use the docg4's "reliable mode" when writing because this
-is the format required by the IPL, which runs from power-up and loads the first
-portion of u-boot.  We must ignore bad blocks because linux mtd uses out-of-band
-(oob) bytes to mark bad blocks, which will cause the blocks written by PalmOS to
-be misidentified as "bad" by libmtd.
-Check the kernel log to ensure that all's well:
-  $ dmesg | tail
-   	      <... snip ...>
-  docg4 docg4: NAND device: 128MiB Diskonchip G4 detected
-  3 cmdlinepart partitions found on MTD device Msys_Diskonchip_G4
-  Creating 3 MTD partitions on "Msys_Diskonchip_G4":
-  0x000000000000-0x000000180000 : "protected_part"
-  0x000000180000-0x000000280000 : "bootloader_part"
-  0x000000280000-0x000008000000 : "filesys_part"
-Ensure that the partition boundaries are as shown.  (If no partitions are shown,
-did you remember to pass them to the kernel on the command line?)  We will write
-u-boot to bootloader_part, which starts at offset 0x180000 (block 6) and spans 4
-256k blocks.  This partition is accessed through the device node /dev/mtd1.
-The docg4 contains a read-only table that identifies blocks that were marked as
-bad at the factory.  This table is in the page at offset 0x2000, which is within
-the partition protected_part (/dev/mtd0).  There is a slight chance that one or
-more of the four blocks that we will use for u-boot is listed in the table, so
-use nanddump to inspect the table to see if this is the case:
-  $ nanddump -p -l 512 -s 0x2000 -o /dev/mtd0
-  ECC failed: 0
-  ECC corrected: 0
-  Number of bad blocks: 0
-  Number of bbt blocks: 0
-  Block size 262144, page size 512, OOB size 16
-  Dumping data starting at 0x00002000 and ending at 0x00002200...
-  0x00002000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
-   	      <... snip ...>
-The format of the table is simple: one bit per block, with block numbers
-increasing from left to right, starting with block 0 as the most significant bit
-of the first byte.  A bit will be clear if the corresponding block is bad.  We
-want to use blocks 6 throgh 9, so both of the two least significant bits of the
-first byte must be set, as must the two most significant bits of the second
-byte.  If this is not true in your case (you are very unlucky), you should use
-the first contiguous set of four good blocks after block 6, and adjust the
-partition boundaries accordingly.  You will also have to change the value of
-CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_OFFS in include/configs/palmtreo680.h and recompile
-u-boot.  Because the two blocks loaded by the IPL do not have to be contiguous,
-but our SPL expects them to be, you will need to erase any good blocks that are
-at an offset prior to CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_OFFS, so that the IPL does not find
-the magic number in oob and load it.  Once you have done all this, the
-instructions in this file still apply, except that the instructions below for
-restoring the original PalmOS block contents may need to be modified.
-Next, use nanddump to verify that the PalmOS SPL is where we expect it to be.
-The SPL can be identified by a magic number in the oob bytes of the first page
-of each of the two blocks containing the SPL image.  Pages are 512 bytes in
-size, so to dump the first page, plus the oob:
-  $ nanddump -p -l 512 -s 0 -o /dev/mtd1
-  ECC failed: 0
-  ECC corrected: 0
-  Number of bad blocks: 0
-  Number of bbt blocks: 0
-  Block size 262144, page size 512, OOB size 16
-  Dumping data starting at 0x00000000 and ending at 0x00000200...
-  0x00000000: 0a 00 00 ea 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
-   	      <... snip ...>
-  0x000001f0: 13 4c 21 60 13 4d 2a 69 13 4b 29 69 89 1a 99 42
-    OOB Data: 42 49 50 4f 30 30 30 10 3a e2 00 92 be a0 11 ff
-Verify that the first seven bytes of oob data match those in the above line.
-(This is ASCII "BIPO000".)
-Do the same for the next block:
-  $ nanddump -p -l 512 -s 0x40000 -o /dev/mtd1
-The first seven oob bytes in last line should read:
-    OOB Data: 42 49 50 4f 30 30 31 81 db 8e 8f 46 07 9b 59 ff
-(This is ASCII "BIPO001".)
-For additional assurance, verify that the next block does *not* contain SPL
-  $ nanddump -p -l 512 -s 0x80000 -o /dev/mtd1
-It doesn't matter what the oob contains, as long as the first four bytes are
-*not* ASCII "BIPO".  PalmOS should only be using two blocks for the SPL
-(although we will need four for u-boot).
-If you want, you can back up the contents of bootloader_part to a file.  You may
-be able to restore it later, if desired (see "Restoring PalmOS" below).
-  $ nanddump -l 0x100000 -s 0 -o -f bootloader_part.orig /dev/mtd1
-nanddump will spew voluminous warnings about uncorrectable ecc errors.  This is
-a consequence of reading pages that were written in reliable mode, and is
-expected (these should all occur on pages in odd-numbered 2k regions; i.e.,
-0x800, 0xa00, 0xc00, 0xe00, 0x1800, 0x1a00, ...).  The size of the file
-bootloader_part.orig should be 1081344, which is 2048 pages, each of size 512
-plus 16 oob bytes.  If you are using initramfs for the root filesystem, don't
-forget to copy the file to permanent storage, such as an mmc card.
-If all of the above went well, you can now program u-boot.
-Programming u-boot
-Our u-boot includes a small SPL that must be prepended to u-boot proper.  From
-the base u-boot source directory on your desktop PC:
-  $ cat spl/u-boot-spl.bin u-boot.bin > u-boot-concat.bin
-cd to the tools/palmtreo680/ directory, and cross-compile flash_u-boot.c for the
-  $(CC) -o flash_u-boot $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDEPATH) $(LIBPATH) flash_u-boot.c -lmtd
-Substitute variable values from your cross-compilation environment as
-appropriate.  Note that it links to libmtd from mtd-utils, and this must be
-included in $(LIBPATH) and $(INCLUDEPATH).
-Transfer u-boot-concat.bin and the compiled flash_u-boot utility to the Treo's
-root filesystem.  On the Treo, cd to the directory where these files were
-Load the docg4 driver if you have not already done so.
-  $ modprobe docg4 ignore_badblocks=1 reliable_mode=1
-Erase the blocks to which we will write u-boot:
-  $ flash_erase /dev/mtd1 0x00 4
-If no errors are reported, write u-boot to the flash:
-  $ ./flash_u-boot u-boot-concat.bin /dev/mtd1
-You can use nanddump (see above) to verify that the data was written.  This
-time, "BIPO" should be seen in the first four oob bytes of the first page of all
-four blocks in /dev/mtd1; i.e., at offsets 0x00000, 0x40000, 0x80000, 0xc0000.
-Shutdown linux, remove and re-insert the battery, hold your breath...
-Enjoying u-boot
-After you insert the battery, the u-boot splash screen should appear on the lcd
-after a few seconds.  With the usb cable connecting the Treo to your PC, in the
-kernel log of your PC you should see
-  <6>usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a6
-  <6>usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
-  <6>usb 3-1: Product: U-Boot 2013.01-00167-gd62ef56-dirty
-  <6>usb 3-1: Manufacturer: Das U-Boot
-Load the usbserial module on your desktop PC:
-  $ modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0525 product=0xa4a6
-and run your favorite terminal emulation utility (minicom, kermit, etc) with the
-serial device set to /dev/ttyUSB0 (assuming this is your only usb serial
-device).  You should be at the u-boot console (type 'help').
-There is not much that is unique about using u-boot on the palm treo 680.
-Kernels can be loaded from mmc, flash, and from the desktop PC via kermit.  You
-can expand the size of the second partition on the flash to contain a kernel, or
-else put the kernel(s) in their own partition.
-Nand commands work as expected, with the excepton that blocks not written by the
-linux mtd subsystem may be misidentified by the u-boot docg4 driver as "bad" if
-they contain data in the oob bytes.  This will be the case for the blocks
-containing the u-boot image, for example.  To work around this, use 'nand scrub'
-instead of 'nand erase' to erase these blocks, and 'nand read.raw' to read them
-to memory.  (It would be useful if u-boot's nand commands provided a way to
-explicitly ignore "bad" blocks, because read.raw does not perform ecc.)  The
-'nand dump' command will read these "bad" blocks, however.
-Currently u-boot itself can only be programmed to flash from Linux; there is no
-support for reliable mode in u-boot's docg4 flash driver.  This should be
-corrected soon.
-If you change u-boot's configuration significantly (adding or removing
-features), you may have to adjust the value of CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_SIZE.
-This is the size of the concatenated spl + u-boot image, and tells the SPL how
-many flash blocks it needs to load.  It will be rounded up to the next 64k
-boundary (the spl flash block capacity), so it does not have to be exact, but
-you must ensure that it is not less than the actual image size.  If it is larger
-than the image, blocks may be needlessly loaded, but if too small, u-boot may
-only be partially loaded, resulting in a boot failure (bricked phone), so better
-to be too large.  The flash_u-boot utility will work with any size image and
-write the required number of blocks, provided that the partition is large
-As the first writable block on the device, block 6 seems to make the most sense
-as the flash offset for writing u-boot (and this is where PalmOS places its
-SPL).  But you can place it elsewhere if you like.  If you do, you need to
-adjust CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_OFFS accordingly, and you must ensure that blocks
-preceeding the ones containing u-boot do *not* have the magic number in oob (the
-IPL looks for this).  In other words, make sure that any blocks that previously
-contained the u-boot image or PalmOS SPL are erased (and optionally written with
-something else) so that the IPL does not load it.  Also make sure that the new
-u-boot starting offset is at the start of a flash partition (check the kernel
-log after loading the docg4 driver), and pass the corresponding mtd device file
-to the flash_u-boot utility.
-The u-boot built-in default environment is used because a writable environment
-in flash did not seem worth the cost of a 256k flash block.  But adding this
-should be straightforward.
-Restoring PalmOS
-If you backed up the contents of bootloader_part flash partition earlier, you
-should be able to restore it with the shell script shown below.  The first two
-blocks of data contain the PalmOS SPL and were written in reliable mode, whereas
-the next two blocks were written in normal mode, so the script has to load and
-unload the docg4 driver.  Make sure that the mtd-utils nandwrite and flash_erase
-are in your path (and are not those from busybox).  Also double-check that the
-backup image file bootloader_part.orig is exactly 1081344 bytes in length.  If
-not, it was not backed up correctly.  Run the script as:
-  ./restore_bootpart bootloader_part.orig /dev/mtd1
-The script will take a minute or so to run.  When it finishes, you may want to
-verify with nanddump that the data looks correct before you cycle power, because
-if the backup or restore failed, your phone will be bricked.  Note that as a
-consequence of reliable mode, the odd-numbered 2k regions in the first two
-blocks will not exactly match the contents of the backup file, (so unfortunately
-we can't simply dump the flash contents to a file and do a binary diff with the
-original back-up image to verify that it was restored correctly).  Also,
-nanddump will report uncorrectable ecc errors when it reads those regions.
-if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
-    echo "usage: $0: <image file> <mtd device node>"
-    exit 1
-# reliable mode used for the first two blocks
-modprobe -r docg4
-modprobe docg4 ignore_badblocks=1 reliable_mode=1 || exit 1
-# erase all four blocks
-flash_erase $2 0 4
-# Program the first two blocks in reliable mode.
-# 2k (4 pages) is written at a time, skipping alternate 2k regions
-# Note that "2k" is 2112 bytes, including 64 oob bytes
-while [ $page -ne 1024 ]; do
-    dd if=$1 bs=2112 skip=$file_ofs count=1 | nandwrite -o -n -s $flash_ofs $2 - || exit 1
-    file_ofs=$((file_ofs+2))
-    flash_ofs=$((flash_ofs+0x1000))
-    page=$((page+8))
-# normal mode used for the next two blocks
-modprobe -r docg4
-modprobe docg4 ignore_badblocks=1 || exit 1
-dd if=$1 bs=1 skip=$file_ofs count=540672 | nandwrite -o -n -s 0x80000 $2 - || exit 1
-modprobe -r docg4
-  - Keypad support.
-  - Interactive boot menu using keypad and lcd.
-  - Add reliable mode support to the u-boot docg4 driver.
-  - U-boot command that will write a new image to the bootloader partition in
-    flash.
-  - Linux FTD support.
diff --git a/board/palmtreo680/palmtreo680.c b/board/palmtreo680/palmtreo680.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f4f6e1f5b9..0000000000
--- a/board/palmtreo680/palmtreo680.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
- * Palm Treo 680 Support
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Dunn <>
- *
- * This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version.
- * See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details.
- *
- */
-#include <common.h>
-#include <command.h>
-#include <serial.h>
-#include <nand.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <asm/arch/pxa-regs.h>
-#include <asm/arch-pxa/pxa.h>
-#include <asm/arch-pxa/regs-mmc.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/global_data.h>
-#include <u-boot/crc.h>
-#include <linux/mtd/docg4.h>
-static struct nand_chip docg4_nand_chip;
-int board_init(void)
-	/* We have RAM, disable cache */
-	dcache_disable();
-	icache_disable();
-	gd->bd->bi_arch_number = CONFIG_MACH_TYPE;
-	gd->bd->bi_boot_params = CONFIG_SYS_DRAM_BASE + 0x100;
-	return 0;
-int dram_init(void)
-	/* IPL initializes SDRAM (we're already running from it) */
-	gd->ram_size = PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE;
-	return 0;
-#ifdef CONFIG_LCD
-void lcd_enable(void)
-	/*
-	 * Undo the L_BIAS / gpio77 pin configuration performed by the pxa lcd
-	 * driver code.  We need it as an output gpio.
-	 */
-	writel((readl(GAFR2_L) & ~(0xc << 24)), GAFR2_L);
-	/* power-up and enable the lcd */
-	writel(0x00400000, GPSR(86)); /* enable; drive high */
-	writel(0x00002000, GPSR(77)); /* power; drive high */
-	writel(0x02000000, GPCR(25)); /* enable_n; drive low */
-	/* turn on LCD backlight and configure PWM for reasonable brightness */
-	writel(0x00, PWM_CTRL0);
-	writel(0x1b1, PWM_PERVAL0);
-	writel(0xfd, PWM_PWDUTY0);
-	writel(0x00000040, GPSR(38)); /*  backlight power on */
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMC
-int board_mmc_init(bd_t *bis)
-	writel(1 << 10, GPSR(42)); /* power on */
-	return pxa_mmc_register(0);
-void board_nand_init(void)
-	/* we have one 128M diskonchip G4  */
-	struct mtd_info *mtd = &nand_info[0];
-	struct nand_chip *nand = &docg4_nand_chip;
-	if (docg4_nand_init(mtd, nand, 0))
-		hang();
-void nand_boot(void)
-	__attribute__((noreturn)) void (*uboot)(void);
-	extern const void *_start, *_end;   /* boundaries of spl in memory */
-	/* size of spl; ipl loads this, and then a portion of u-boot */
-	const size_t spl_image_size = ((size_t)&_end - (size_t)&_start);
-	/* the flash offset of the blocks that are loaded by the spl */
-	const uint32_t spl_load_offset = CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_OFFS +
-	/* total number of bytes loaded by IPL */
-	const size_t ipl_load_size =
-	/* number of bytes of u-boot proper that was loaded by the IPL */
-	const size_t ipl_uboot_load_size = ipl_load_size - spl_image_size;
-	/* number of remaining bytes of u-boot that the SPL must load */
-	const size_t spl_load_size =
-		CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_SIZE - ipl_load_size;
-	/* memory address where we resume loading u-boot */
-	void *const load_addr =
-		(void *)(CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_DST + ipl_uboot_load_size);
-	/*
-	 * Copy the portion of u-boot already read from flash by the IPL to its
-	 * correct load address.
-	 */
-	memcpy((void *)CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_DST, &_end, ipl_uboot_load_size);
-	/*
-	 * Resume loading u-boot where the IPL left off.
-	 */
-	nand_spl_load_image(spl_load_offset, spl_load_size, load_addr);
-	nand_spl_load_image(CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET, CONFIG_ENV_SIZE,
-			    (void *)CONFIG_NAND_ENV_DST);
-	/*
-	 * Jump to U-Boot image
-	 */
-	uboot = (void *)CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_START;
-	(*uboot)();
-void board_init_f(ulong bootflag)
-	nand_boot();
-#endif  /* CONFIG_SPL_BUILD */
diff --git a/configs/palmtreo680_defconfig b/configs/palmtreo680_defconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index b56191d876..0000000000
--- a/configs/palmtreo680_defconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# CONFIG_CMD_IMLS is not set
-# CONFIG_CMD_XIMG is not set
-# CONFIG_CMD_LOADS is not set
-# CONFIG_CMD_FLASH is not set
-# CONFIG_CMD_FPGA is not set
-# CONFIG_CMD_SOURCE is not set
-# CONFIG_CMD_SETEXPR is not set
-# CONFIG_CMD_NET is not set
-# CONFIG_CMD_NFS is not set
diff --git a/include/configs/palmtreo680.h b/include/configs/palmtreo680.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ffed82955..0000000000
--- a/include/configs/palmtreo680.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
- * Palm Treo 680 configuration file
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Dunn <>
- *
- * This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version.
- * See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details.
- *
- */
-#ifndef	__CONFIG_H
-#define	__CONFIG_H
- * High Level Board Configuration Options
- */
-#define CONFIG_CPU_PXA27X
-#define CONFIG_MACH_TYPE                MACH_TYPE_TREO680
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN           (4096*1024)
-#define CONFIG_LZMA
- * Serial Console Configuration
- */
-#define CONFIG_FFUART                   1
-#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE                 9600
-#define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE       { 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
-#define CONFIG_CONS_INDEX               3
-/* we have nand (although technically nand *is* flash...) */
-#define CONFIG_LCD
-/* #define CONFIG_KEYBOARD */  /* TODO */
- * Bootloader Components Configuration
- */
- * MMC Card Configuration
- */
-#define CONFIG_MMC
-#define CONFIG_CMD_EXT2
- * LCD
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_LCD
-#define CONFIG_ACX544AKN
-#define LCD_BPP LCD_COLOR16
-#define CONFIG_FB_ADDR 0x5c000000    /* internal SRAM */
-#define CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN         /* requires "splashimage" env var */
-#define CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN_ALIGN   /* requires "splashpos" env var */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_VIDEO_LOGO_MAX_SIZE  (2 << 20)
- * KGDB
- */
-#define CONFIG_KGDB_BAUDRATE            230400  /* kgdb serial port speed */
- * HUSH Shell Configuration
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_HUSH_PARSER          1
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2      "> "
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT               "$ "
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE               256
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE               \
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS              16
- * Clock Configuration
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CPUSPEED             0x210           /* 416MHz ; N=2,L=16 */
- * Stack sizes
- */
-#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE                (128*1024)      /* regular stack */
-#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE_IRQ            (4*1024)        /* IRQ stack */
-#define CONFIG_STACKSIZE_FIQ            (4*1024)        /* FIQ stack */
- * DRAM Map
- */
-#define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS            1               /* 1 bank of DRAM */
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_1                    0xa0000000      /* SDRAM Bank #1 */
-#define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE               0x04000000      /* 64 MB */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_DRAM_BASE            0xa0000000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_DRAM_SIZE            0x04000000      /* 64 MB DRAM */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START        0xa0400000      /* memtest works on */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END          0xa0800000      /* 4 ... 8 MB in DRAM */
- * GPIO settings
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GAFR0_L_VAL  0x0E000000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GAFR0_U_VAL  0xA500001A
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GAFR1_L_VAL  0x60000002
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GAFR1_U_VAL  0xAAA07959
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GAFR2_U_VAL  0x41440F08
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GAFR3_L_VAL  0x56AA95FF
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GAFR3_U_VAL  0x00001401
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPCR0_VAL    0x1FF80400
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPCR1_VAL    0x03003FC1
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPCR2_VAL    0x01C1E000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPCR3_VAL    0x01C1E000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPDR0_VAL    0xCFF90400
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPDR1_VAL    0xFB22BFC1
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPDR3_VAL    0x0069FF81
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPSR0_VAL    0x02000018
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPSR1_VAL    0x00000000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPSR2_VAL    0x000C0000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_GPSR3_VAL    0x00080000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_PSSR_VAL     0x30
- * Clock settings
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CKEN         0x01ffffff
-#define CONFIG_SYS_CCCR         0x02000210
- * Memory settings
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MSC0_VAL     0x7ff844c8
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MSC1_VAL     0x7ff86ab4
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MSC2_VAL     0x7ff87ff8
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MDCNFG_VAL   0x0B880acd
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MDREFR_VAL   0x201fa031
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MDMRS_VAL    0x00320032
-#define CONFIG_SYS_FLYCNFG_VAL  0x00000000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_SXCNFG_VAL   0x40044004
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MECR_VAL     0x00000003
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MCMEM0_VAL   0x0001c391
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MCMEM1_VAL   0x0001c391
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MCATT0_VAL   0x0001c391
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MCATT1_VAL   0x0001c391
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MCIO0_VAL    0x00014611
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MCIO1_VAL    0x0001c391
- * USB
- */
- * SPL
- */
-#define CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE    0xa1700000 /* IPL loads SPL here */
-#define CONFIG_SPL_STACK        0x5c040000 /* end of internal SRAM */
-#define CONFIG_SPL_NAND_SUPPORT /* build libnand for spl */
-#define CONFIG_SPL_NAND_DOCG4   /* use lean docg4 nand spl driver */
-#define CONFIG_SPL_LIBGENERIC_SUPPORT  /* spl uses memcpy */
- * NAND
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_NAND_DEVICE 1 /* only one device */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BASE 0x00000000 /* mapped to reset vector */
-#define CONFIG_BITREVERSE       /* needed by docg4 driver */
-#define CONFIG_BCH              /* needed by docg4 driver */
- * IMPORTANT NOTE: this is the size of the concatenated spl + u-boot image.  It
- * will be rounded up to the next 64k boundary (the spl flash block size), so it
- * does not have to be exact, but you must ensure that it is not less than the
- * actual image size, or it may fail to boot (bricked phone)!
- * (Tip: reduces to three blocks with lcd and mmc support removed from u-boot.)
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_SIZE 0x40000 /* four 64k flash blocks */
- * This is the byte offset into the flash at which the concatenated spl + u-boot
- * image is placed.  It must be at the start of a block (256k boundary).  Blocks
- * 0 - 5 are write-protected, so we start at block 6.
- */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_OFFS 0x180000  /* block 6 */
-/* DRAM address to which u-boot proper is loaded (before it relocates itself) */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_DST  0xa0000000
-/* passed to linker by Makefile as arg to -Ttext option */
-#define CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE 0xa0000000
-#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_ADDR         0x5c040000 /* end of internal SRAM */
- * environment
- */
-#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x200
-	"stdin=usbtty\0"           \
-	"stdout=usbtty\0"          \
-	"stderr=usbtty"
-#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS "mtdparts=Msys_Diskonchip_G4:1536k(protected_part)ro,1024k(bootloader_part),-(filesys_part) \
-#if 0 /* example: try 2nd mmc partition, then nand */
-#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND                                              \
-	"mmc rescan; "                                                  \
-	"if mmcinfo && ext2load mmc 0:2 0xa1000000 uImage; then "       \
-	    "bootm 0xa1000000; "					\
-	"elif nand read 0xa1000000 0x280000 0x240000; then "            \
-	    "bootm 0xa1000000; "					\
-	"fi; "
-/* u-boot lives at end of SDRAM, so use start of SDRAM for stand alone apps */
-#endif  /* __CONFIG_H */