From c1311ad4e0d1759788601513fac0f65620d40472 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Graf <>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 01:10:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] efi_loader: Add console interface

One of the basic EFI interfaces is the console interface. Using it an EFI
application can interface with the user. This patch implements an EFI console
interface using getc() and putc().

Today, we only implement text based consoles. We also convert the EFI Unicode
characters to UTF-8 on the fly, hoping that everyone managed to jump on the
train by now.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>
Tested-by: Simon Glass <>
 include/efi_loader.h         |   5 +
 lib/efi_loader/efi_console.c | 360 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 365 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 lib/efi_loader/efi_console.c

diff --git a/include/efi_loader.h b/include/efi_loader.h
index adb3315cd8..d9e9d8fa7b 100644
--- a/include/efi_loader.h
+++ b/include/efi_loader.h
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
 extern struct efi_system_table systab;
+extern const struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol efi_con_out;
+extern const struct efi_simple_input_interface efi_con_in;
+extern const struct efi_console_control_protocol efi_console_control;
+extern const efi_guid_t efi_guid_console_control;
 extern const efi_guid_t efi_guid_device_path;
 extern const efi_guid_t efi_guid_loaded_image;
diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_console.c b/lib/efi_loader/efi_console.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e0228c3e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_console.c
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ *  EFI application console interface
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Graf
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier:     GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <efi_loader.h>
+/* If we can't determine the console size, default to 80x24 */
+static int console_columns = 80;
+static int console_rows = 24;
+static bool console_size_queried;
+const efi_guid_t efi_guid_console_control = CONSOLE_CONTROL_GUID;
+#define cESC '\x1b'
+#define ESC "\x1b"
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cin_get_mode(
+			struct efi_console_control_protocol *this,
+			int *mode, char *uga_exists, char *std_in_locked)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %p, %p, %p", this, mode, uga_exists, std_in_locked);
+	if (mode)
+	if (uga_exists)
+		*uga_exists = 0;
+	if (std_in_locked)
+		*std_in_locked = 0;
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cin_set_mode(
+			struct efi_console_control_protocol *this, int mode)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %d", this, mode);
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cin_lock_std_in(
+			struct efi_console_control_protocol *this,
+			uint16_t *password)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %p", this, password);
+const struct efi_console_control_protocol efi_console_control = {
+	.get_mode = efi_cin_get_mode,
+	.set_mode = efi_cin_set_mode,
+	.lock_std_in = efi_cin_lock_std_in,
+static struct simple_text_output_mode efi_con_mode = {
+	.max_mode = 0,
+	.mode = 0,
+	.attribute = 0,
+	.cursor_column = 0,
+	.cursor_row = 0,
+	.cursor_visible = 1,
+static int term_read_reply(int *n, int maxnum, char end_char)
+	char c;
+	int i = 0;
+	c = getc();
+	if (c != cESC)
+		return -1;
+	c = getc();
+	if (c != '[')
+		return -1;
+	n[0] = 0;
+	while (1) {
+		c = getc();
+		if (c == ';') {
+			i++;
+			if (i >= maxnum)
+				return -1;
+			n[i] = 0;
+			continue;
+		} else if (c == end_char) {
+			break;
+		} else if (c > '9' || c < '0') {
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* Read one more decimal position */
+		n[i] *= 10;
+		n[i] += c - '0';
+	}
+	return 0;
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_reset(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this,
+			char extended_verification)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %d", this, extended_verification);
+static void print_unicode_in_utf8(u16 c)
+	char utf8[4] = { 0 };
+	char *b = utf8;
+	if (c < 0x80) {
+		*(b++) = c;
+	} else if (c < 0x800) {
+		*(b++) = 192 + c / 64;
+		*(b++) = 128 + c % 64;
+	} else {
+		*(b++) = 224 + c / 4096;
+		*(b++) = 128 + c / 64 % 64;
+		*(b++) = 128 + c % 64;
+	}
+	puts(utf8);
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_output_string(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this,
+			const unsigned short *string)
+	u16 ch;
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %p", this, string);
+	for (;(ch = *string); string++) {
+		print_unicode_in_utf8(ch);
+		efi_con_mode.cursor_column++;
+		if (ch == '\n') {
+			efi_con_mode.cursor_column = 1;
+			efi_con_mode.cursor_row++;
+		} else if (efi_con_mode.cursor_column > console_columns) {
+			efi_con_mode.cursor_column = 1;
+			efi_con_mode.cursor_row++;
+		}
+		if (efi_con_mode.cursor_row > console_rows) {
+			efi_con_mode.cursor_row = console_rows;
+		}
+	}
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_test_string(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this,
+			const unsigned short *string)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %p", this, string);
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_query_mode(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this,
+			unsigned long mode_number, unsigned long *columns,
+			unsigned long *rows)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %ld, %p, %p", this, mode_number, columns, rows);
+	if (!console_size_queried) {
+		/* Ask the terminal about its size */
+		int n[3];
+		u64 timeout;
+		console_size_queried = true;
+		/* Empty input buffer */
+		while (tstc())
+			getc();
+		printf(ESC"[18t");
+		/* Check if we have a terminal that understands */
+		timeout = timer_get_us() + 1000000;
+		while (!tstc())
+			if (timer_get_us() > timeout)
+				goto out;
+		/* Read {depth,rows,cols} */
+		if (term_read_reply(n, 3, 't')) {
+			goto out;
+		}
+		console_columns = n[2];
+		console_rows = n[1];
+	}
+	if (columns)
+		*columns = console_columns;
+	if (rows)
+		*rows = console_rows;
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_set_mode(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this,
+			unsigned long mode_number)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %ld", this, mode_number);
+	/* We only support text output for now */
+	if (mode_number == EFI_CONSOLE_MODE_TEXT)
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_set_attribute(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this,
+			unsigned long attribute)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %lx", this, attribute);
+	/* Just ignore attributes (colors) for now */
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_clear_screen(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p", this);
+	printf(ESC"[2J");
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_set_cursor_position(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this,
+			unsigned long column, unsigned long row)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %ld, %ld", this, column, row);
+	printf(ESC"[%d;%df", (int)row, (int)column);
+	efi_con_mode.cursor_column = column;
+	efi_con_mode.cursor_row = row;
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cout_enable_cursor(
+			struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol *this,
+			bool enable)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %d", this, enable);
+	printf(ESC"[?25%c", enable ? 'h' : 'l');
+const struct efi_simple_text_output_protocol efi_con_out = {
+	.reset = efi_cout_reset,
+	.output_string = efi_cout_output_string,
+	.test_string = efi_cout_test_string,
+	.query_mode = efi_cout_query_mode,
+	.set_mode = efi_cout_set_mode,
+	.set_attribute = efi_cout_set_attribute,
+	.clear_screen = efi_cout_clear_screen,
+	.set_cursor_position = efi_cout_set_cursor_position,
+	.enable_cursor = efi_cout_enable_cursor,
+	.mode = (void*)&efi_con_mode,
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cin_reset(
+			struct efi_simple_input_interface *this,
+			bool extended_verification)
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %d", this, extended_verification);
+static efi_status_t EFIAPI efi_cin_read_key_stroke(
+			struct efi_simple_input_interface *this,
+			struct efi_input_key *key)
+	struct efi_input_key pressed_key = {
+		.scan_code = 0,
+		.unicode_char = 0,
+	};
+	char ch;
+	EFI_ENTRY("%p, %p", this, key);
+	/* We don't do interrupts, so check for timers cooperatively */
+	efi_timer_check();
+	if (!tstc()) {
+		/* No key pressed */
+	}
+	ch = getc();
+	if (ch == cESC) {
+		/* Escape Sequence */
+		ch = getc();
+		switch (ch) {
+		case cESC: /* ESC */
+			pressed_key.scan_code = 23;
+			break;
+		case 'O': /* F1 - F4 */
+			pressed_key.scan_code = getc() - 'P' + 11;
+			break;
+		case 'a'...'z':
+			ch = ch - 'a';
+			break;
+		case '[':
+			ch = getc();
+			switch (ch) {
+			case 'A'...'D': /* up, down right, left */
+				pressed_key.scan_code = ch - 'A' + 1;
+				break;
+			case 'F': /* End */
+				pressed_key.scan_code = 6;
+				break;
+			case 'H': /* Home */
+				pressed_key.scan_code = 5;
+				break;
+			case '1': /* F5 - F8 */
+				pressed_key.scan_code = getc() - '0' + 11;
+				getc();
+				break;
+			case '2': /* F9 - F12 */
+				pressed_key.scan_code = getc() - '0' + 19;
+				getc();
+				break;
+			case '3': /* DEL */
+				pressed_key.scan_code = 8;
+				getc();
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	} else if (ch == 0x7f) {
+		/* Backspace */
+		ch = 0x08;
+	}
+	pressed_key.unicode_char = ch;
+	*key = pressed_key;
+const struct efi_simple_input_interface efi_con_in = {
+	.reset = efi_cin_reset,
+	.read_key_stroke = efi_cin_read_key_stroke,
+	.wait_for_key = NULL,